2019-08-26 16:08:23 -04:00
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R> {
toHaveBeenWarned(): R
toHaveBeenWarnedLast(): R
toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(n: number): R
export function mockWarn() {
toHaveBeenWarned(received: string) {
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const passed = warn.mock.calls.some(
args => args[0].indexOf(received) > -1
if (passed) {
return {
pass: true,
message: () => `expected "${received}" not to have been warned.`
} else {
const msgs = warn.mock.calls.map(args => args[0]).join('\n - ')
return {
pass: false,
message: () =>
`expected "${received}" to have been warned.\n\nActual messages:\n\n - ${msgs}`
toHaveBeenWarnedLast(received: string) {
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const passed =
warn.mock.calls[warn.mock.calls.length - 1][0].indexOf(received) > -1
if (passed) {
return {
pass: true,
message: () => `expected "${received}" not to have been warned last.`
} else {
const msgs = warn.mock.calls.map(args => args[0]).join('\n - ')
return {
pass: false,
message: () =>
`expected "${received}" to have been warned last.\n\nActual messages:\n\n - ${msgs}`
toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(received: string, n: number) {
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let found = 0
warn.mock.calls.forEach(args => {
if (args[0].indexOf(received) > -1) {
if (found > 0) {
return {
pass: true,
message: () =>
`expected "${received}" not to have been warned ${n} times.`
} else {
return {
pass: false,
message: () =>
`expected "${received}" to have been warned ${n} times but got ${found}.`
let warn: jest.SpyInstance
2019-09-03 16:17:26 -04:00
const asserted: Set<string> = new Set()
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beforeEach(() => {
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warn = jest.spyOn(console, 'warn')
warn.mockImplementation(() => {})
afterEach(() => {
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const assertedArray = Array.from(asserted)
const nonAssertedWarnings = warn.mock.calls
.map(args => args[0])
.filter(received => {
return !assertedArray.some(assertedMsg => {
return received.indexOf(assertedMsg) > -1
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2019-09-03 16:17:26 -04:00
if (nonAssertedWarnings.length) {
nonAssertedWarnings.forEach(warning => {
throw new Error(`test case threw unexpected warnings.`)
2019-08-26 16:08:23 -04:00