Also note: Vue 3 does not support IE11 ([RFC]( | [Discussion](
All of our official libraries and tools now support Vue 3, but most of them are still in beta status and distributed under the `next` dist tag on NPM. **We are planning to stabilize and switch all projects to use the `latest` dist tag in early 2021.**
As of v4.5.0, `vue-cli` now provides built-in option to choose Vue 3 preset when creating a new project. You can upgrade `vue-cli` and run `vue create` to create a Vue 3 project today.
Vue Router 4.0 provides Vue 3 support and has a number of breaking changes of its own. Check out its [Migration Guide]( for full details.
Vuex 4.0 provides Vue 3 support with largely the same API as 3.x. The only breaking change is [how the plugin is installed](
We are working on a new version of the Devtools with a new UI and refactored internals to support multiple Vue versions. The new version is currently in beta and only supports Vue 3 (for now). Vuex and Router integration is also work in progress.
- Note: the beta channel may conflict with the stable version of devtools so you may need to temporarily disable the stable version for the beta channel to work properly.
It is recommended to use [VSCode]( There are currently two viable extensions for Single-File Components (SFCs) support:
- [Vetur]( (recommended if you are used to Vetur features)
- [Volar]( (recommended if using TypeScript with SFCs, or `<script setup>` syntax)
- [vue-tsc]( perform TypeScript type checks / diagnostics on Vue SFCs via the command line, generate TypeScript definitions from Vue SFCs.