2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
import { parse, SFCScriptCompileOptions, compileScript } from '../src'
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
import { parse as babelParse } from '@babel/parser'
2020-08-19 21:53:09 +08:00
import { babelParserDefaultPlugins } from '@vue/shared'
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
function compile(src: string, options?: SFCScriptCompileOptions) {
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
const { descriptor } = parse(src)
return compileScript(descriptor, options)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
function assertCode(code: string) {
// parse the generated code to make sure it is valid
try {
babelParse(code, {
sourceType: 'module',
2020-08-19 21:53:09 +08:00
plugins: [...babelParserDefaultPlugins, 'typescript']
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
} catch (e) {
throw e
describe('SFC compile <script setup>', () => {
test('explicit setup signature', () => {
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
compile(`<script setup="props, { emit }">emit('foo')</script>`).content
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('should expose top level declarations', () => {
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
const { content } = compile(`
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
<script setup>
import { x } from './x'
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
let a = 1
const b = 2
function c() {}
class d {}
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
expect(content).toMatch('return { x, a, b, c, d }')
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
describe('imports', () => {
test('should hoist and expose imports', () => {
compile(`<script setup>import { ref } from 'vue'</script>`).content
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('should extract comment for import or type declarations', () => {
compile(`<script setup>
import a from 'a' // comment
import b from 'b'
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('dedupe between user & helper', () => {
const { content } = compile(`<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
ref: foo = 1
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
expect(content).toMatch(`import { ref } from 'vue'`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('import dedupe between <script> and <script setup>', () => {
const { content } = compile(`
import { x } from './x'
<script setup>
import { x } from './x'
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
expect(content.indexOf(`import { x }`)).toEqual(
content.lastIndexOf(`import { x }`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
describe('<script setup lang="ts">', () => {
test('hoist type declarations', () => {
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
const { content } = compile(`
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
<script setup lang="ts">
export interface Foo {}
type Bar = {}
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
test('extract props', () => {
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
const { content } = compile(`
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
<script setup="myProps" lang="ts">
interface Test {}
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
type Alias = number[]
declare const myProps: {
string: string
number: number
boolean: boolean
object: object
objectLiteral: { a: number }
fn: (n: number) => void
functionRef: Function
objectRef: Object
array: string[]
arrayRef: Array<any>
tuple: [number, number]
set: Set<string>
literal: 'foo'
optional?: any
recordRef: Record<string, null>
interface: Test
alias: Alias
union: string | number
literalUnion: 'foo' | 'bar'
literalUnionMixed: 'foo' | 1 | boolean
intersection: Test & {}
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
expect(content).toMatch(`string: { type: String, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`number: { type: Number, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`boolean: { type: Boolean, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`object: { type: Object, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`objectLiteral: { type: Object, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`fn: { type: Function, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`functionRef: { type: Function, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`objectRef: { type: Object, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`array: { type: Array, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`arrayRef: { type: Array, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`tuple: { type: Array, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`set: { type: Set, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`literal: { type: String, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`optional: { type: null, required: false }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`recordRef: { type: Object, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`interface: { type: Object, required: true }`)
expect(content).toMatch(`alias: { type: Array, required: true }`)
`union: { type: [String, Number], required: true }`
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
`literalUnion: { type: [String, String], required: true }`
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
`literalUnionMixed: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], required: true }`
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
expect(content).toMatch(`intersection: { type: Object, required: true }`)
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
test('extract emits', () => {
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
const { content } = compile(`
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
<script setup="_, { emit: myEmit }" lang="ts">
declare function myEmit(e: 'foo' | 'bar'): void
declare function myEmit(e: 'baz', id: number): void
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
`declare function __emit__(e: 'foo' | 'bar'): void`
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
`declare function __emit__(e: 'baz', id: number): void`
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-07-09 12:16:08 -04:00
`emits: ["foo", "bar", "baz"] as unknown as undefined`
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-07-10 16:30:58 -04:00
describe('CSS vars injection', () => {
test('<script> w/ no default export', () => {
`<script>const a = 1</script>\n` +
`<style vars="{ color }">div{ color: var(--color); }</style>`
test('<script> w/ default export', () => {
`<script>export default { setup() {} }</script>\n` +
`<style vars="{ color }">div{ color: var(--color); }</style>`
test('<script> w/ default export in strings/comments', () => {
// export default {}
export default {}
</script>\n` +
`<style vars="{ color }">div{ color: var(--color); }</style>`
test('w/ <script setup>', () => {
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
`<script setup>const color = 'red'</script>\n` +
2020-07-10 16:30:58 -04:00
`<style vars="{ color }">div{ color: var(--color); }</style>`
2020-07-10 18:00:13 -04:00
describe('async/await detection', () => {
function assertAwaitDetection(code: string, shouldAsync = true) {
const { content } = compile(`<script setup>${code}</script>`)
`export ${shouldAsync ? `async ` : ``}function setup`
test('expression statement', () => {
assertAwaitDetection(`await foo`)
test('variable', () => {
assertAwaitDetection(`const a = 1 + (await foo)`)
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('ref', () => {
assertAwaitDetection(`ref: a = 1 + (await foo)`)
2020-07-10 18:00:13 -04:00
test('nested statements', () => {
assertAwaitDetection(`if (ok) { await foo } else { await bar }`)
test('should ignore await inside functions', () => {
// function declaration
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
assertAwaitDetection(`async function foo() { await bar }`, false)
2020-07-10 18:00:13 -04:00
// function expression
assertAwaitDetection(`const foo = async () => { await bar }`, false)
// object method
assertAwaitDetection(`const obj = { async method() { await bar }}`, false)
// class method
`const cls = class Foo { async method() { await bar }}`,
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
describe('ref: syntax sugar', () => {
test('convert ref declarations', () => {
const { content, bindings } = compile(`<script setup>
2020-10-30 15:29:38 -04:00
ref: foo
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
ref: a = 1
ref: b = {
count: 0
let c = () => {}
let d
expect(content).toMatch(`import { ref } from 'vue'`)
2020-10-30 15:29:38 -04:00
expect(content).not.toMatch(`ref: foo`)
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
expect(content).not.toMatch(`ref: a`)
2020-10-30 15:29:38 -04:00
expect(content).not.toMatch(`ref: b`)
expect(content).toMatch(`const foo = ref()`)
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
expect(content).toMatch(`const a = ref(1)`)
const b = ref({
count: 0
// normal declarations left untouched
expect(content).toMatch(`let c = () => {}`)
expect(content).toMatch(`let d`)
2020-10-30 15:29:38 -04:00
foo: 'setup',
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
a: 'setup',
b: 'setup',
c: 'setup',
d: 'setup'
test('multi ref declarations', () => {
const { content, bindings } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: a = 1, b = 2, c = {
count: 0
const a = ref(1), b = ref(2), c = ref({
count: 0
expect(content).toMatch(`return { a, b, c }`)
a: 'setup',
b: 'setup',
c: 'setup'
test('should not convert non ref labels', () => {
const { content } = compile(`<script setup>
foo: a = 1, b = 2, c = {
count: 0
expect(content).toMatch(`foo: a = 1, b = 2`)
test('accessing ref binding', () => {
const { content } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: a = 1
function get() {
return a + 1
expect(content).toMatch(`return a.value + 1`)
test('cases that should not append .value', () => {
const { content } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: a = 1
function get(a) {
return a + 1
test('mutating ref binding', () => {
const { content } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: a = 1
ref: b = { count: 0 }
function inc() {
a = a + 1
b.count = b.count + 1
expect(content).toMatch(`a.value = a.value + 1`)
expect(content).toMatch(`b.value.count = b.value.count + 1`)
test('using ref binding in property shorthand', () => {
const { content } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: a = 1
const b = { a }
function test() {
const { a } = b
expect(content).toMatch(`const b = { a: a.value }`)
// should not convert destructure
expect(content).toMatch(`const { a } = b`)
test('object destructure', () => {
const { content, bindings } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: n = 1, ({ a, b: c, d = 1, e: f = 2, ...g } = useFoo())
console.log(n, a, c, d, f, g)
`const n = ref(1), { a: __a, b: __c, d: __d = 1, e: __f = 2, ...__g } = useFoo()`
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst a = ref(__a);`)
expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst b = ref(__b);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst c = ref(__c);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst d = ref(__d);`)
expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst e = ref(__e);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst f = ref(__f);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst g = ref(__g);`)
`console.log(n.value, a.value, c.value, d.value, f.value, g.value)`
expect(content).toMatch(`return { n, a, c, d, f, g }`)
n: 'setup',
a: 'setup',
c: 'setup',
d: 'setup',
f: 'setup',
g: 'setup'
test('array destructure', () => {
const { content, bindings } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: n = 1, [a, b = 1, ...c] = useFoo()
console.log(n, a, b, c)
`const n = ref(1), [__a, __b = 1, ...__c] = useFoo()`
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst a = ref(__a);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst b = ref(__b);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst c = ref(__c);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`console.log(n.value, a.value, b.value, c.value)`)
expect(content).toMatch(`return { n, a, b, c }`)
n: 'setup',
a: 'setup',
b: 'setup',
c: 'setup'
test('nested destructure', () => {
const { content, bindings } = compile(`<script setup>
ref: [{ a: { b }}] = useFoo()
ref: ({ c: [d, e] } = useBar())
console.log(b, d, e)
expect(content).toMatch(`const [{ a: { b: __b }}] = useFoo()`)
expect(content).toMatch(`const { c: [__d, __e] } = useBar()`)
expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst a = ref(__a);`)
expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst c = ref(__c);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst b = ref(__b);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst d = ref(__d);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst e = ref(__e);`)
expect(content).toMatch(`return { b, d, e }`)
b: 'setup',
d: 'setup',
e: 'setup'
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
describe('errors', () => {
test('<script> and <script setup> must have same lang', () => {
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
expect(() =>
compile(`<script>foo()</script><script setup lang="ts">bar()</script>`)
).toThrow(`<script> and <script setup> must have the same language type`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('non-type named exports', () => {
expect(() =>
compile(`<script setup>
export const a = 1
2020-11-10 16:28:34 -05:00
).toThrow(`cannot contain non-type named or * exports`)
expect(() =>
compile(`<script setup>
export * from './foo'
).toThrow(`cannot contain non-type named or * exports`)
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
expect(() =>
compile(`<script setup>
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
const bar = 1
export { bar as default }
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
2020-11-10 16:28:34 -05:00
).toThrow(`cannot contain non-type named or * exports`)
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('ref: non-assignment expressions', () => {
expect(() =>
compile(`<script setup>
ref: a = 1, foo()
).toThrow(`ref: statements can only contain assignment expressions`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
test('export default referencing local var', () => {
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
expect(() =>
compile(`<script setup>
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
const bar = 1
export default {
props: {
foo: {
default: () => bar
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
).toThrow(`cannot reference locally declared variables`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
test('export default referencing ref declarations', () => {
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
expect(() =>
compile(`<script setup>
2020-10-29 15:03:39 -04:00
ref: bar = 1
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
export default {
props: bar
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
).toThrow(`cannot reference locally declared variables`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
test('should allow export default referencing scope var', () => {
compile(`<script setup>
const bar = 1
export default {
props: {
foo: {
default: bar => bar + 1
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
test('should allow export default referencing imported binding', () => {
compile(`<script setup>
import { bar } from './bar'
export default {
props: {
foo: {
default: () => bar
2020-07-09 18:18:46 -04:00
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-07-15 17:09:33 +02:00
test('error on duplicated default export', () => {
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
expect(() =>
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
export default {}
<script setup>
export default {}
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
).toThrow(`Default export is already declared`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
expect(() =>
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
export { x as default } from './y'
<script setup>
export default {}
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
).toThrow(`Default export is already declared`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
expect(() =>
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
const x = {}
export { x as default }
<script setup>
export default {}
2020-07-15 16:27:21 -04:00
).toThrow(`Default export is already declared`)
2020-07-08 21:11:57 -04:00
2020-08-28 23:21:03 +03:00
describe('SFC analyze <script> bindings', () => {
2020-09-15 09:51:15 +08:00
it('can parse decorators syntax in typescript block', () => {
const { scriptAst } = compile(`
<script lang="ts">
import { Options, Vue } from 'vue-class-component';
components: {
props: ['foo', 'bar']
export default class Home extends Vue {}
2020-08-28 23:21:03 +03:00
it('recognizes props array declaration', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
export default {
props: ['foo', 'bar']
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'props', bar: 'props' })
it('recognizes props object declaration', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
export default {
props: {
foo: String,
bar: {
type: String,
baz: null,
qux: [String, Number]
foo: 'props',
bar: 'props',
baz: 'props',
qux: 'props'
it('recognizes setup return', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
const bar = 2
export default {
setup() {
return {
foo: 1,
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'setup', bar: 'setup' })
it('recognizes async setup return', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
const bar = 2
export default {
async setup() {
return {
foo: 1,
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'setup', bar: 'setup' })
it('recognizes data return', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
const bar = 2
export default {
data() {
return {
foo: null,
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'data', bar: 'data' })
it('recognizes methods', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
export default {
methods: {
foo() {}
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'options' })
it('recognizes computeds', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
export default {
computed: {
foo() {},
bar: {
get() {},
set() {},
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'options', bar: 'options' })
it('recognizes injections array declaration', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
export default {
inject: ['foo', 'bar']
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'options', bar: 'options' })
it('recognizes injections object declaration', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
export default {
inject: {
foo: {},
bar: {},
expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'options', bar: 'options' })
it('works for mixed bindings', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
export default {
inject: ['foo'],
props: {
bar: String,
setup() {
return {
baz: null,
data() {
return {
qux: null
methods: {
quux() {}
computed: {
quuz() {}
foo: 'options',
bar: 'props',
baz: 'setup',
qux: 'data',
quux: 'options',
quuz: 'options'
it('works for script setup', () => {
const { bindings } = compile(`
<script setup>
export default {
props: {
foo: String,
foo: 'props'