2021-03-05 11:10:06 -05:00
import {
} from '@vue/runtime-test'
import { setScopeId, withCtx } from '../src/componentRenderContext'
describe('scopeId runtime support', () => {
test('should attach scopeId', () => {
const App = {
__scopeId: 'parent',
render: () => h('div', [h('div')])
const root = nodeOps.createElement('div')
render(h(App), root)
expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`<div parent><div parent></div></div>`)
test('should attach scopeId to components in parent component', () => {
const Child = {
__scopeId: 'child',
render: () => h('div')
const App = {
__scopeId: 'parent',
render: () => h('div', [h(Child)])
const root = nodeOps.createElement('div')
render(h(App), root)
`<div parent><div child parent></div></div>`
// :slotted basic
test('should work on slots', () => {
const Child = {
__scopeId: 'child',
render(this: any) {
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return h('div', renderSlot(this.$slots, 'default', {}, undefined, true))
2021-03-05 11:10:06 -05:00
const Child2 = {
__scopeId: 'child2',
render: () => h('span')
const App = {
__scopeId: 'parent',
render: () => {
return h(
withCtx(() => {
return [h('div'), h(Child2)]
const root = nodeOps.createElement('div')
render(h(App), root)
// slot content should have:
// - scopeId from parent
// - slotted scopeId (with `-s` postfix) from child (the tree owner)
`<div child parent>` +
`<div parent child-s></div>` +
// component inside slot should have:
// - scopeId from template context
// - slotted scopeId from slot owner
// - its own scopeId
`<span child2 parent child-s></span>` +
// #2892
test(':slotted on forwarded slots', async () => {
const Wrapper = {
__scopeId: 'wrapper',
render(this: any) {
// <div class="wrapper"><slot/></div>
return h('div', { class: 'wrapper' }, [
renderSlot(this.$slots, 'default')
const Slotted = {
__scopeId: 'slotted',
render(this: any) {
// <Wrapper><slot/></Wrapper>
return h(Wrapper, null, {
2021-03-05 12:12:49 -05:00
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(this.$slots, 'default', {}, undefined, true)
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// simulate hoisted node
const hoisted = h('div', 'hoisted')
const Root = {
__scopeId: 'root',
render(this: any) {
// <Slotted><div>hoisted</div><div>{{ dynamic }}</div></Slotted>
return h(Slotted, null, {
default: withCtx(() => {
return [hoisted, h('div', 'dynamic')]
const root = nodeOps.createElement('div')
render(h(Root), root)
`<div class="wrapper" wrapper slotted root>` +
2021-03-05 12:12:49 -05:00
`<div root slotted-s>hoisted</div>` +
`<div root slotted-s>dynamic</div>` +
2021-03-05 11:10:06 -05:00
const Root2 = {
__scopeId: 'root',
render(this: any) {
// <Slotted>
// <Wrapper>
// <div>hoisted</div><div>{{ dynamic }}</div>
// </Wrapper>
// </Slotted>
return h(Slotted, null, {
default: withCtx(() => [
h(Wrapper, null, {
default: withCtx(() => [hoisted, h('div', 'dynamic')])
const root2 = nodeOps.createElement('div')
render(h(Root2), root2)
`<div class="wrapper" wrapper slotted root>` +
2021-03-05 12:12:49 -05:00
`<div class="wrapper" wrapper root slotted-s>` +
`<div root>hoisted</div>` +
`<div root>dynamic</div>` +
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`</div>` +
// #1988
test('should inherit scopeId through nested HOCs with inheritAttrs: false', () => {
const App = {
__scopeId: 'parent',
render: () => {
return h(Child)
function Child() {
return h(Child2, { class: 'foo' })
function Child2() {
return h('div')
Child2.inheritAttrs = false
const root = nodeOps.createElement('div')
render(h(App), root)
expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`<div parent></div>`)