{ "name": "Shynet", "description":"Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics that works without cookies or JS.", "keywords":[ "app.json", "shynet", "heroku", "analytics", "privacy", "friendly" ], "website": "https://github.com/milesmcc/shynet", "repository": "https://github.com/milesmcc/shynet", "logo": "https://github.com/milesmcc/shynet/raw/master/images/slogo.png", "success_url": "/", "stack": "container", "addons": [ "heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev" ], "formation": { "web": { "quantity": 1, "size": "free" } }, "env": { "DB_NAME": { "description": "Postgres database name (not required if using Postgres addon)", "value": "shynet", "required": false }, "DB_USER": { "description": "Postgres database username (not required if using Postgres addon)", "value": "", "required": false }, "DB_PASSWORD": { "description": "Postgres database password (not required if using Postgres addon)", "value": "", "required": false }, "DB_HOST": { "description": "Postgres database hostname (not required if using Postgres addon)", "value": "", "required": false }, "DB_PORT": { "description": "Postgres database port (not required if using Postgres addon)", "value": "5432", "required": false }, "EMAIL_HOST": { "description": "SMTP server hostname (for sending emails)", "value": "smtp.gmail.com", "required": false }, "EMAIL_PORT": { "description": "SMTP server port (for sending emails)", "value": "465", "required": false }, "EMAIL_HOST_USER": { "description": "SMTP server username (for sending emails)", "value": "", "required": false }, "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD": { "description": "SMTP server password (for sending emails)", "value": "", "required": false }, "SERVER_EMAIL": { "description": "Email address (for sending emails)", "value": " noreply@shynet.example.com", "required": false }, "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY": { "description": "Django secret key", "generator": "secret" }, "ALLOWED_HOSTS": { "description": "For better security, set this to your deployment's domain. (Where you will actually host, not embed, Shynet.) Set to '*' to allow serving all domains.", "value": "*", "required": false }, "ACCOUNT_SIGNUPS_ENABLED": { "description": "Set to True (capitalized) if you want people to be able to sign up for your Shynet instance (not recommended).", "value": "False", "required": false }, "TIME_ZONE": { "description": "The timezone of the admin panel. Affects how dates are displayed.", "value": "America/New_York", "required": false }, "SCRIPT_USE_HTTPS": { "description": "Set to 'False' if you will not be serving Shynet over HTTPS.", "value": "True", "required": false }, "SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY": { "description": "How frequently should the monitoring script 'phone home' (in ms)?", "value": "5000", "required": false }, "SESSION_MEMORY_TIMEOUT": { "description": "How much time can elapse between requests from the same user before a new session is created, in seconds?", "value": "1800", "required": false }, "ONLY_SUPERUSERS_CREATE": { "description": "Should only superusers (admins) be able to create tracked services?", "value": "True", "required": false }, "PERFORM_CHECKS_AND_SETUP": { "description": "Whether to perform checks and setup at startup. Recommended value is 'True' for Heroku users.", "value": "True", "required": false } } }