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* @copyright (C)2016-2099 Hnaoyun Inc.
* @author XingMeng
* @email
* @date 2016年11月6日
* 分页控制类
namespace core\view;
use core\basic\Config;
class Paging
// 每页数量
public $pageSize;
// 当前页码
public $page;
// 数字条数量
public $num = 5;
// 调整数量
public $start = 1;
// 总记录
private $rowTotal = 0;
// 页面数量
private $pageCount;
// 存储前置URL
private $preUrl;
// 分页实例
private static $paging;
private function __construct()
// 禁用类new实例化
// 获取单一实例
public static function getInstance()
if (! self::$paging) {
self::$paging = new self();
return self::$paging;
// 限制语句
public function limit($total = null, $morePageStr = false)
// 起始数据调整
if (! is_numeric($this->start) || $this->start < 1) {
$this->start = 1;
if ($this->start > $total) {
$this->start = $total + 1;
// 设置总数
if ($total) {
$this->rowTotal = $total - ($this->start - 1);
// 设置分页大小
if (! isset($this->pageSize)) {
$this->pageSize = get('pagesize') ?: Config::get('pagesize') ?: 15;
// 分页数字条数量
$this->num = Config::get('pagenum') ?: 5;
// 计算页数
$this->pageCount = @ceil($this->rowTotal / $this->pageSize);
// 获取当前页面
$this->page = $this->page();
// 定义相关常量,用于方便模板引擎解析序号等计算和调用
define('ROWTOTAL', $this->rowTotal);
define('PAGECOUNT', $this->pageCount);
define('PAGE', $this->page);
define('PAGESIZE', $this->pageSize);
// 注入分页模板变量
// 返回限制语句
return ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize + ($this->start - 1) . ",$this->pageSize";
// 快速分页字符代码
public function quikLimit()
$page = get('page', 'int') ?: 1;
if ($page < 1) {
$page = 0;
$pagesize = config::get('pagesize') ?: 15;
return ($page - 1) * $pagesize . ",$pagesize";
// 注入页面相关信息,用于模板调用,如:{$pagebar}调用分页条
private function assign($morePageStr = false)
assign('pagebar', $this->pageBar());
if ($morePageStr) {
assign('pagecurrent', $this->page()); // 注入当前页
assign('pagecount', $this->pageCount); // 注入总页数
assign('pagerows', $this->rowTotal); // 注入总数据
assign('pageindex', $this->pageIndex()); // 注入首页链接
assign('pagepre', $this->pagePre()); // 注入前一页链接
assign('pagenext', $this->pageNext()); // 注入后一页链接
assign('pagelast', $this->pageLast()); // 注入最后一页链接
assign('pagestatus', $this->pageStatus()); // 注入分页状态
assign('pagenumbar', $this->pageNumBar()); // 注入数字
assign('pageselectbar', $this->pageSelectBar()); // 注入选择栏
// 当前页码容错处理
private function page()
$page = get('page', 'int') ?: $this->page;
if (is_numeric($page) && $page > 1) {
if ($page > $this->pageCount && $this->pageCount) {
return $this->pageCount;
} else {
return $page;
} else {
return 1;
// 过滤pathinfo中分页参数
private function getPreUrl()
if (! isset($this->preUrl) && URL) {
$url = parse_url(URL);
$path = preg_replace('/\/page\/[0-9]+/i', '', $url['path']);
if (defined('CMS_PAGE') && CMS_PAGE == true) { // 使用CMS分页时去除扩展
$url_rule_suffix = Config::get('url_rule_suffix');
if (! ! $pos = strripos($path, $url_rule_suffix)) {
$path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
$this->preUrl = $path;
return $this->preUrl;
// 构建链接地址
private function buildPath($page)
if ($page) {
if (defined('CMS_PAGE') && CMS_PAGE == true) {
$url_rule_type = Config::get('url_rule_type') ?: 3;
$url_rule_suffix = Config::get('url_rule_suffix') ?: '.html';
$url_break_char = Config::get('url_break_char') ?: '_';
$url_rule_sort_suffix = '/';
if ($url_rule_type == 1 || $url_rule_type == 2) {
if (defined('CMS_PAGE_CUSTOM')) { // 去分页参数
$prepath = preg_replace('/(.*)' . $url_break_char . '[0-9]+$/', '$1', rtrim($this->getPreUrl(), '/'));
} else {
$prepath = preg_replace('/(.*)(' . $url_break_char . '[0-9]+)' . $url_break_char . '[0-9]+$/', '$1$2', rtrim($this->getPreUrl(), '/'));
if ($prepath) { // 非首页分页
if ($page == 1) { // 第一页处理
$path = $prepath . $url_rule_sort_suffix . query_string('p,s');
} else {
$path = $prepath . $url_break_char . $page . $url_rule_sort_suffix . query_string('p,s');
} else { // 首页分页
$path = ($page == 1) ? SITE_INDEX_DIR . '/' : '?page=' . $page;
} else {
if ($url_rule_type == 3 && isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && $qs = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) {
parse_str($qs, $output);
if ($output && ! current($output)) {
$path_qs = key($output); // 第一个参数为路径信息注意PHP数组会自动将点转换下划线
unset($output[$path_qs]); // 去除路径参数
// 去后缀扩展
$temp_suffix = substr($url_rule_suffix, 1);
if (! ! $pos = strripos($path_qs, '_' . $temp_suffix)) {
$path = substr($path_qs, 0, $pos); // 去扩展
} else {
$path = $path_qs;
// 去除原分页参数
if (defined('CMS_PAGE_CUSTOM')) {
$path = preg_replace('/(.*)' . $url_break_char . '[0-9]+$/', "$1", rtrim($path, '/'));
} else {
$path = preg_replace('/(.*)(' . $url_break_char . '[0-9]+)' . $url_break_char . '[0-9]+$/', "$1$2", rtrim($path, '/'));
// 第一页链接处理
if ($page == 1) {
$path = SITE_INDEX_DIR . '/?' . $path . $url_rule_sort_suffix;
} else {
$path = SITE_INDEX_DIR . '/?' . $path . $url_break_char . $page . $url_rule_sort_suffix;
// 附加参数
if (! ! $qs = http_build_query($output)) {
$path = rtrim($path, '/') . '&' . $qs;
if (! $path) { // 转基本分页模式
return $this->buildBasicPage($page);
return $path;
} else {
return $this->buildBasicPage($page);
} else {
return 'javascript:;';
// 构建基本分页
private function buildBasicPage($page)
// 对于路径保留变量给予去除
if ((M == 'home' && Config::get('url_rule_type') == 2) || (M != 'home' && Config::get('app_url_type') == 2)) {
$qs = preg_replace('/[&\?]?p=([\w\/\.]+)?&?/i', '', $qs);
$qs = preg_replace('/[&\?]?s=([\w\/\.]+)?&?/i', '', $qs);
$qs = preg_replace('/[&\?]?page=([0-9]+)?/i', '', $qs);
if ($page == 1) {
if ($qs) {
return $this->getPreUrl() . '?' . $qs;
} else {
return $this->getPreUrl();
} else {
if ($qs) {
return $this->getPreUrl() . '?' . $qs . '&page=' . $page;
} else {
return $this->getPreUrl() . '?page=' . $page;
// 分页条
private function pageBar()
if (! $this->pageCount)
return "<span class='page-none' style='color:#999'>未查询到任何数据!</span>";
$string = "<span class='page-status'>{$this->pageStatus()}</span>";
$string .= "<span class='page-index'><a href='" . $this->pageIndex() . "'>首页</a></span>";
$string .= "<span class='page-pre'><a href='" . $this->pagePre() . "'>前一页</a></span>";
$string .= "<span class='page-numbar'>{$this->pageNumBar()}</span>";
$string .= "<span class='page-next'><a href='" . $this->pageNext() . "'>后一页</a></span>";
$string .= "<span class='page-last'><a href='" . $this->pageLast() . "'>尾页</a></span>";
// $string .= "<span class='page-select'>{$this->pageSelectBar()}</span>";
return $string;
// 当前页面情况
private function pageStatus()
if (! $this->pageCount)
return "" . $this->rowTotal . "条 当前" . $this->page . "/" . $this->pageCount . "";
// 首页链接
private function pageIndex()
if (! $this->pageCount)
return $this->buildPath('');
return $this->buildPath(1);
// 上一页链接
private function pagePre()
if (! $this->pageCount)
return $this->buildPath('');
if ($this->page > 1) {
$pre_page = $this->buildPath($this->page - 1);
} else {
$pre_page = $this->buildPath('');
return $pre_page;
// 下一页链接
private function pageNext()
if (! $this->pageCount)
return $this->buildPath('');
if ($this->page < $this->pageCount) {
$next_page = $this->buildPath($this->page + 1);
} else {
$next_page = $this->buildPath('');
return $next_page;
// 尾页
private function pageLast()
if (! $this->pageCount)
return $this->buildPath('');
return $this->buildPath($this->pageCount);
// 数字分页,要修改数字显示的条数请修改类头部num属性值
private function pageNumBar()
if (! $this->pageCount)
if (M == 'admin') {
$total = 5;
} else {
$total = $this->num;
$halfl = intval($total / 2);
$halfu = ceil($total / 2);
$num_html = '';
if ($this->page > $halfu) {
$num_html .= '<span class="page-num">···</span>';
if ($this->page <= $halfl || $this->pageCount < $total) { // 当前页小于一半或页数小于总数
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i ++) {
if ($i > $this->pageCount)
if ($this->page == $i) {
$num_html .= '<a href="' . $this->buildPath($i) . '" class="page-num page-num-current">' . $i . '</a>';
} else {
$num_html .= '<a href="' . $this->buildPath($i) . '" class="page-num">' . $i . '</a>';
} elseif ($this->page + $halfl >= $this->pageCount) { // 当前页为倒数页以内
for ($i = $this->pageCount - $total + 1; $i <= $this->pageCount; $i ++) {
if ($this->page == $i) {
$num_html .= '<a href="' . $this->buildPath($i) . '" class="page-num page-num-current">' . $i . '</a>';
} else {
$num_html .= '<a href="' . $this->buildPath($i) . '" class="page-num">' . $i . '</a>';
} else { // 正常的前后各5页
for ($i = $this->page - $halfl; $i <= $this->page + $halfl; $i ++) {
if ($this->page == $i) {
$num_html .= '<a href="' . $this->buildPath($i) . '" class="page-num page-num-current">' . $i . '</a>';
} else {
$num_html .= '<a href="' . $this->buildPath($i) . '" class="page-num">' . $i . '</a>';
if ($this->pageCount > $total && $this->page < $this->pageCount - $halfl) {
$num_html .= '<span class="page-num">···</span>';
return $num_html;
// 跳转分页
private function pageSelectBar()
if (! $this->pageCount)
$select_html = '<select onchange="changepage(this)" lay-ignore>';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->pageCount; $i ++) {
if ($i == $this->page) {
$select_html .= '<option value="' . $i . '" selected="selected">跳到' . $i . '页</option>';
} else {
$select_html .= '<option value="' . $i . '">跳到' . $i . '页</option>';
$select_html .= '</select><script>function changepage(tag){window.location.href="' . $this->buildPath('"+tag.value+"') . '";}</script>';
return $select_html;