#!/usr/bin/env bash ################### 使用单引号拼接字符串 ################### name1='white' str1='hello, '${name1}'' str2='hello, ${name1}' echo ${str1}_${str2} # Output: # hello, white_hello, ${name1} ################### 使用双引号拼接字符串 ################### name2="black" str3="hello, "${name2}"" str4="hello, ${name2}" echo ${str3}_${str4} # Output: # hello, black_hello, black ################### 获取字符串长度 ################### text="12345" echo "${text} length is: ${#text}" # Output: # 12345 length is: 5 # 获取子字符串 text="12345" echo ${text:2:2} # Output: # 34 ################### 查找子字符串 ################### text="hello" echo `expr index "${text}" ll` # Output: # 3 ################### 判断字符串中是否包含子字符串 ################### result=$(echo "${str}" | grep "feature/") if [[ "$result" != "" ]]; then echo "feature/ 是 ${str} 的子字符串" else echo "feature/ 不是 ${str} 的子字符串" fi ################### 截取关键字左边内容 ################### full_branch="feature/1.0.0" branch=`echo ${full_branch#feature/}` echo "branch is ${branch}" ################### 截取关键字右边内容 ################### full_version="0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" version=`echo ${full_version%-SNAPSHOT}` echo "version is ${version}" ################### 字符串分割成数组 ################### str="" OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS="." array=( ${str} ) IFS="$OLD_IFS" size=${#array[*]} lastIndex=`expr ${size} - 1` echo "数组长度:${size}" echo "最后一个数组元素:${array[${lastIndex}]}" for item in ${array[@]} do echo "$item" done ################### 判断字符串是否为空 ################### #-n 判断长度是否非零 #-z 判断长度是否为零 str=testing str2='' if [[ -n "$str" ]] then echo "The string $str is not empty" else echo "The string $str is empty" fi if [[ -n "$str2" ]] then echo "The string $str2 is not empty" else echo "The string $str2 is empty" fi # Output: # The string testing is not empty # The string is empty ################### 字符串比较 ################### str=hello str2=world if [[ $str = "hello" ]]; then echo "str equals hello" else echo "str not equals hello" fi if [[ $str2 = "hello" ]]; then echo "str2 equals hello" else echo "str2 not equals hello" fi