🐛[优化] 表单监听子项值监听改为深层次监听,避免值为对象无法监听的问题,修改表单demo加入多选下拉框和 validate-message 描述

This commit is contained in:
xumi 2021-12-20 23:01:10 +08:00
parent f5586dec46
commit 7ff38feec5
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ export default {
<lay-input v-model="validateModel.password" type="password">></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="爱好" prop="hobby">
<lay-select v-model="validateModel.hobby">
<lay-select v-model="validateModel.hobby" multiple>
<lay-select-option value="1" label="学习"></lay-select-option>
<lay-select-option value="2" label="编码"></lay-select-option>
<lay-select-option value="3" label="运动"></lay-select-option>
@ -410,14 +410,14 @@ export default {
| 属性 | 描述 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------------- | ------- |
| model | 表单绑定值 | `object` | - | {} |
| v-model | 表单绑定值 | `object` | - | {} |
| required | 是否必填 | `boolean` | `true` `false` | `false` |
| rules | 表单校验规则; <br>可查看[async-validator](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator) | `object` | - | - |
| initValidate | 是否一开始就校验表单 | `boolean` | `true` `false` | `false` |
| useCN | 是否使用中文错误提示 | `boolean` | `true` `false` | `false` |
| requiredIcons | 必填前缀图标`class` | `string` | - | `*` |
| required-erroer-message | 必填错误提示信息 | `string` | - | `%s不能为空`|
| validate-message | 自定义校验错误提示信息; <br>由于内置了中文错误提示,可按需求增量增加<br>可参考 [layui-vue 内置中文错误提示](https://gitee.com/layui-vue/layui-vue/tree/master/src/module/formItem/cnValidateMessage.ts) | `string` | - | `%s不能为空`|
| validate-message | 自定义校验错误提示信息; <br>由于内置了中文错误提示,可按需求增量增加<br>查看 [async-validator 内置错误提示](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator/blob/master/src/messages.ts)<br>也可参考 [layui-vue 内置中文错误提示](https://gitee.com/layui-vue/layui-vue/tree/develop/src/module/formItem/cnValidateMessage.ts) | `string` | - | `%s不能为空`|

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ const ruleItems = computed(()=>{
const filedValue = computed(()=> props.prop ? layForm.model[props.prop] : undefined);
watch(()=>filedValue.value, (val)=> validate());
watch(()=>filedValue.value, (val)=> validate(), {deep: true});
const errorStatus = ref(false);