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2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
import { defineComponent, computed as computed$1, openBlock, createElementBlock, normalizeStyle, unref, createCommentVNode, toDisplayString as toDisplayString$1, normalizeClass, ref, watch, onMounted, nextTick, createElementVNode, Fragment, renderList, shallowRef, createTextVNode, createVNode, useSlots, inject, Transition, withCtx, createBlock, renderSlot, h, render as render$1, isVNode, getCurrentInstance, onUnmounted, isRef, Text, onBeforeUnmount, withDirectives, withModifiers, vShow, provide, reactive, toRefs, getCurrentScope, onScopeDispose, customRef, onUpdated, Teleport, useAttrs, mergeProps, cloneVNode, resolveComponent, useCssVars, toRef, normalizeProps, withKeys, createSlots, vModelSelect, vModelText, watchEffect, toHandlers, toHandlerKey, Comment } from "vue";
var index$13 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--global-primary-color: #009688;--global-normal-color: #1e9fff;--global-warm-color: #ffb800;--global-danger-color: #ff5722;--global-checked-color: #5fb878;--global-info-color: #31BDEC;--global-border-radius: 2px;--global-neutral-color-1: #FAFAFA;--global-neutral-color-2: #F6F6F6;--global-neutral-color-3: #eeeeee;--global-neutral-color-4: #e2e2e2;--global-neutral-color-5: #dddddd;--global-neutral-color-6: #d2d2d2;--global-neutral-color-7: #cccccc;--global-neutral-color-8: #c2c2c2;--darkreader-border--global-primary-color: #0d796f}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-weight:400}a,body{color:#333}li{list-style:none}.layui-inline{position:relative;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.layui-btn,.layui-edge,.layui-inline{vertical-align:middle}.layui-elip,.layui-form-checkbox span,.layui-form-pane .layui-form-label{text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}p,dd,dl,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,ul,li,ol,td,th,pre,div,form,body,input,button,textarea{margin:0;padding:0}img{border:none;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}h4,h5,h6{font-size:100%}button,input,optgroup,option,select,textarea{font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;outline:0}body{line-height:1.6;color:#000000d9;font:14px Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,PingFang SC,Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif}hr{padding:0;line-height:0;margin:10px 0;border:none!important;border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE!important;clear:both;background:0 0}a{text-decoration:none}a:hover{color:#777}a cite{font-style:normal}.layui-border-box,.layui-border-box *{box-sizing:border-box}.layui-btn,.layui-btn-group,.layui-edge{display:inline-block}.layui-disabled,.layui-disabled:hover{color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)!important;cursor:not-allowed!important}.layui-btn,.layui-input,.layui-select,.layui-textarea,.layui-upload-button{outline:0;-webkit-appearance:none;transition:all .3s;-webkit-transition:all .3s;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-form-label,.layui-form-mid,.layui-input-block,.layui-input-inline,.layui-input-wrap,.layui-textarea{position:relative}.layui-border,.layui-colla-content,.layui-colla-item,.layui-collapse,.layui-form-pane .layui-form-item[pane],.layui-form-pane .layui-form-label,.layui-iconpicker,.layui-iconpicker-main,.layui-input-split,.layui-layedit,.layui-layedit-tool,.layui-quote-nm,.layui-tab-bar,.layui-tab-card,.layui-tab-title,.layui-tab-title .layui-this:after{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-form-checkbox,.layui-form-checkbox *,.layui-form-switch{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.layui-iconpicker-list li,.layui-keyboard-list li,.layui-menu li,.layui-menu-body-title a:hover,.layui-menu-body-title>.layui-icon:hover{transition:all .3s}.layui-colorpicker-alpha-slider,.layui-colorpicker-side-slider,.layui-menu *,.layui-menu,.layui-nav{box-sizing:border-box}.layui-edge{width:0;border-width:6px;position:relative;border-style:dashed;border-color:transparent}.layui-edge-top{top:-4px;border-bottom-color:#999;border-bottom-style:solid}.layui-edge-right{border-left-color:#999;border-left-style:solid}.layui-edge-bottom{top:2px;border-top-color:#999;border-top-style:solid}.layui-edge-left{border-right-color:#999;border-right-style:solid}.layui-show{display:block!important}.layui-hide{display:none!important}.layui-border,.layui-border-black,.layui-border-blue,.layui-border-cyan,.layui-border-green,.layui-border-orange,.layui-border-red{border-width:1px;border-style:solid}.layui-border-red{border-color:#ff5722!important;color:#ff5722!important}.layui-border-orange{border-color:#ffb800!important;color:#ffb800!important}.layui-border-green{border-color:#009688!important;color:#009688!important}.layui-border-cyan{border-color:#2f4056!important;color:#2f4056!important}.layui-border-blue{border-color:#1e9fff!important;color:#1e9fff!important}.layui-border-black{border-color:#393d49!important;color:#393d49!important}.layui-bg-black,.layui-bg-blue,.layui-bg-cyan,.layui-bg-green,.layui-bg-orange,.layui-bg-red{color:#fff!important}.layui-bg-red{background-color:#ff5722!impor
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
var index$12 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-layer-imgbar,.layui-layer-imgtit a,.layui-layer-tab .layui-layer-title span,.layui-layer-title{text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;user-select:none}.layui-layer,.layui-layer-shade{position:fixed;pointer-events:auto}.layui-layer-shade{top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#000}.layui-layer{top:0;left:0;box-shadow:1px 1px 50px #0000004d;background-color:#fff;border-radius:2px;padding:0;margin:0}.layui-layer-close{position:absolute}.layui-layer-content{position:relative}.layui-layer-border{border:1px solid #eeeeee;box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #0003}.layui-layer-load{background:url() center center no-repeat #eee}.layui-layer-ico{background:url(
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
var index$11 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '@font-face{font-family:layui-icon;src:url(data:font/woff2;base64,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
function _defineProperty$2(obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {
var info = gen[key](arg);
var value = info.value;
} catch (error) {
if (info.done) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
return function() {
var self2 = this, args = arguments;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self2, args);
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
_next(void 0);
function _typeof$1(obj) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return _typeof$1 = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj2) {
return typeof obj2;
} : function(obj2) {
return obj2 && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2;
}, _typeof$1(obj);
var runtime = { exports: {} };
(function(module) {
var runtime2 = function(exports) {
var Op = Object.prototype;
var hasOwn2 = Op.hasOwnProperty;
var undefined$1;
var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol : {};
var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator";
var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator";
var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function define(obj, key, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
return obj[key];
try {
define({}, "");
} catch (err) {
define = function define2(obj, key, value) {
return obj[key] = value;
function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self2, tryLocsList) {
var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;
var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);
var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []);
generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self2, context);
return generator;
exports.wrap = wrap;
function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {
try {
return {
type: "normal",
arg:, arg)
} catch (err) {
return {
type: "throw",
arg: err
var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart";
var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield";
var GenStateExecuting = "executing";
var GenStateCompleted = "completed";
var ContinueSentinel = {};
function Generator() {
function GeneratorFunction() {
function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {
var IteratorPrototype = {};
define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function() {
return this;
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));
if (NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol)) {
IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;
var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
define(Gp, "constructor", GeneratorFunctionPrototype);
define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", GeneratorFunction);
GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction");
function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {
["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method4) {
define(prototype, method4, function(arg) {
return this._invoke(method4, arg);
exports.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) {
var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor;
return ctor ? ctor === GeneratorFunction || (ctor.displayName || === "GeneratorFunction" : false;
exports.mark = function(genFun) {
if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);
} else {
genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction");
genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);
return genFun;
exports.awrap = function(arg) {
return {
__await: arg
function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {
function invoke(method4, arg, resolve, reject) {
var record = tryCatch(generator[method4], generator, arg);
if (record.type === "throw") {
} else {
var result = record.arg;
var value = result.value;
if (value && _typeof$1(value) === "object" &&, "__await")) {
return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value2) {
invoke("next", value2, resolve, reject);
}, function(err) {
invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject);
return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) {
result.value = unwrapped;
}, function(error) {
return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject);
var previousPromise;
function enqueue(method4, arg) {
function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
return new PromiseImpl(function(resolve, reject) {
invoke(method4, arg, resolve, reject);
return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
this._invoke = enqueue;
define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function() {
return this;
exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator;
exports.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self2, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {
if (PromiseImpl === void 0)
PromiseImpl = Promise;
var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self2, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl);
return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : {
return result.done ? result.value :;
function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self2, context) {
var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;
return function invoke(method4, arg) {
if (state === GenStateExecuting) {
throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if (state === GenStateCompleted) {
if (method4 === "throw") {
throw arg;
return doneResult();
context.method = method4;
context.arg = arg;
while (true) {
var delegate = context.delegate;
if (delegate) {
var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
if (delegateResult) {
if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel)
return delegateResult;
if (context.method === "next") {
context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;
} else if (context.method === "throw") {
if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {
state = GenStateCompleted;
throw context.arg;
} else if (context.method === "return") {
context.abrupt("return", context.arg);
state = GenStateExecuting;
var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self2, context);
if (record.type === "normal") {
state = context.done ? GenStateCompleted : GenStateSuspendedYield;
if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {
return {
value: record.arg,
done: context.done
} else if (record.type === "throw") {
state = GenStateCompleted;
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = record.arg;
function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {
var method4 = delegate.iterator[context.method];
if (method4 === undefined$1) {
context.delegate = null;
if (context.method === "throw") {
if (delegate.iterator["return"]) {
context.method = "return";
context.arg = undefined$1;
maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
if (context.method === "throw") {
return ContinueSentinel;
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method");
return ContinueSentinel;
var record = tryCatch(method4, delegate.iterator, context.arg);
if (record.type === "throw") {
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = record.arg;
context.delegate = null;
return ContinueSentinel;
var info = record.arg;
if (!info) {
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object");
context.delegate = null;
return ContinueSentinel;
if (info.done) {
context[delegate.resultName] = info.value; = delegate.nextLoc;
if (context.method !== "return") {
context.method = "next";
context.arg = undefined$1;
} else {
return info;
context.delegate = null;
return ContinueSentinel;
define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, "Generator");
define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function() {
return this;
define(Gp, "toString", function() {
return "[object Generator]";
function pushTryEntry(locs) {
var entry = {
tryLoc: locs[0]
if (1 in locs) {
entry.catchLoc = locs[1];
if (2 in locs) {
entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];
entry.afterLoc = locs[3];
function resetTryEntry(entry) {
var record = entry.completion || {};
record.type = "normal";
delete record.arg;
entry.completion = record;
function Context(tryLocsList) {
this.tryEntries = [{
tryLoc: "root"
tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);
exports.keys = function(object4) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in object4) {
return function next() {
while (keys.length) {
var key2 = keys.pop();
if (key2 in object4) {
next.value = key2;
next.done = false;
return next;
next.done = true;
return next;
function values(iterable) {
if (iterable) {
var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];
if (iteratorMethod) {
if (typeof === "function") {
return iterable;
if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {
var i = -1, next = function next2() {
while (++i < iterable.length) {
if (, i)) {
next2.value = iterable[i];
next2.done = false;
return next2;
next2.value = undefined$1;
next2.done = true;
return next2;
return = next;
return {
next: doneResult
exports.values = values;
function doneResult() {
return {
value: undefined$1,
done: true
Context.prototype = {
constructor: Context,
reset: function reset22(skipTempReset) {
this.prev = 0; = 0;
this.sent = this._sent = undefined$1;
this.done = false;
this.delegate = null;
this.method = "next";
this.arg = undefined$1;
if (!skipTempReset) {
for (var name in this) {
if (name.charAt(0) === "t" &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {
this[name] = undefined$1;
stop: function stop() {
this.done = true;
var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];
var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;
if (rootRecord.type === "throw") {
throw rootRecord.arg;
return this.rval;
dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) {
if (this.done) {
throw exception;
var context = this;
function handle(loc, caught) {
record.type = "throw";
record.arg = exception; = loc;
if (caught) {
context.method = "next";
context.arg = undefined$1;
return !!caught;
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
var record = entry.completion;
if (entry.tryLoc === "root") {
return handle("end");
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var hasCatch =, "catchLoc");
var hasFinally =, "finallyLoc");
if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
} else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
} else if (hasCatch) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
} else if (hasFinally) {
if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
} else {
throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
abrupt: function abrupt(type4, arg) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
var finallyEntry = entry;
if (finallyEntry && (type4 === "break" || type4 === "continue") && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {
finallyEntry = null;
var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};
record.type = type4;
record.arg = arg;
if (finallyEntry) {
this.method = "next"; = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;
return ContinueSentinel;
return this.complete(record);
complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) {
if (record.type === "throw") {
throw record.arg;
if (record.type === "break" || record.type === "continue") { = record.arg;
} else if (record.type === "return") {
this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;
this.method = "return"; = "end";
} else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) { = afterLoc;
return ContinueSentinel;
finish: function finish(finallyLoc) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {
this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);
return ContinueSentinel;
"catch": function _catch(tryLoc) {
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i];
if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {
var record = entry.completion;
if (record.type === "throw") {
var thrown = record.arg;
return thrown;
throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {
this.delegate = {
iterator: values(iterable),
if (this.method === "next") {
this.arg = undefined$1;
return ContinueSentinel;
return exports;
try {
regeneratorRuntime = runtime2;
} catch (accidentalStrictMode) {
if ((typeof globalThis === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof$1(globalThis)) === "object") {
globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = runtime2;
} else {
Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(runtime2);
var regenerator = runtime.exports;
function ownKeys$7(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread$7(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$7(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$7(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
var __default__$6$2 = {
name: "Shade"
var _sfc_main$7$1 = defineComponent(_objectSpread$7(_objectSpread$7({}, __default__$6$2), {}, {
props: {
opacity: null,
index: null,
visible: {
type: [Boolean, String]
emits: ["shadeClick"],
setup: function setup(__props, _ref) {
var emit = _ref.emit;
var props = __props;
var styles = computed$1(function() {
return {
opacity: props.opacity,
zIndex: props.index
var shadeClick = function shadeClick2() {
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return __props.visible ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
class: "layui-layer-shade",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles)),
onClick: shadeClick
}, null, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true);
function ownKeys$6(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread$6(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$6(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$6(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
var _hoisted_1$5$1 = ["src"];
var __default__$5$2 = {
name: "Iframe"
var _sfc_main$6$1 = defineComponent(_objectSpread$6(_objectSpread$6({}, __default__$5$2), {}, {
props: {
src: null
setup: function setup2(__props) {
var props = __props;
var src = computed$1(function() {
return props.src;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("iframe", {
scrolling: "auto",
class: "layui-layer-iframe",
allowtransparency: "true",
frameborder: "0",
src: unref(src)
}, null, 8, _hoisted_1$5$1);
function ownKeys$5(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread$5(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$5(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$5(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
var _hoisted_1$4$1 = {
class: "layui-layer-title",
style: {
"cursor": "move"
var __default__$4$2 = {
name: "Title"
var _sfc_main$5$1 = defineComponent(_objectSpread$5(_objectSpread$5({}, __default__$4$2), {}, {
props: {
title: {
type: [String, Boolean, Function]
setup: function setup3(__props) {
var renderContent = function renderContent2(content) {
if (typeof content === "function") {
return content();
return content;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$4$1, toDisplayString$1(renderContent(__props.title)), 1);
function ownKeys$4(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread$4(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$4(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$4(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
var __default__$3$2 = {
name: "CloseBtn"
var _sfc_main$4$1 = defineComponent(_objectSpread$4(_objectSpread$4({}, __default__$3$2), {}, {
props: {
closeBtn: {
type: [Number, String, Boolean]
emits: ["closeHandle"],
setup: function setup4(__props, _ref) {
var emit = _ref.emit;
var closeHandle = function closeHandle2() {
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-layer-ico layui-layer-close layui-layer-close" + __props.closeBtn]),
href: "javascript:;",
onClick: closeHandle
}, null, 2);
var _export_sfc$1 = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
target[key] = val;
return target;
var _sfc_main$3$1 = {
name: "Resize"
var _hoisted_1$3$1 = {
class: "layui-layer-resize"
function _sfc_render$5(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$3$1);
var Resize = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$3$1, [["render", _sfc_render$5]]);
function ownKeys$3(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread$3(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$3(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$3(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
var _hoisted_1$2$1 = {
class: "layui-layer-phimg"
var _hoisted_2$2$1 = ["src"];
var _hoisted_3$2$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-layer-imgsee"
var _hoisted_4$1$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-layer-imguide"
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
var _hoisted_5$1$1 = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 0,
class: "thumb-row"
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
var _hoisted_6$1$1 = ["onClick"];
var _hoisted_7$1$1 = ["src"];
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
var _hoisted_8$d = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-layer-imgtit"
var _hoisted_9$a = {
key: 0
var _hoisted_10$a = {
key: 1
var __default__$2$2 = {
name: "Photos"
var _sfc_main$2$1 = defineComponent(_objectSpread$3(_objectSpread$3({}, __default__$2$2), {}, {
props: {
imgList: null,
startIndex: {
default: 0
emits: ["resetCalculationPohtosArea"],
setup: function setup5(__props, _ref) {
var emit = _ref.emit;
var props = __props;
var index2 = ref(props.startIndex);
watch(index2, function() {
emit("resetCalculationPohtosArea", index2.value);
var changeIndex = function changeIndex2(step) {
var nowIndex = index2.value;
var next = nowIndex + step;
if (next < 0) {
next = props.imgList.length - 1;
if (next >= props.imgList.length) {
next = 0;
index2.value = next;
var showLayerImgBar = ref(false);
onMounted(function() {
nextTick(function() {
showLayerImgBar.value = true;
var ifSetThumb = computed$1(function() {
var res = false;
props.imgList.forEach(function(e) {
if (e.thumb) {
res = true;
return res;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$2$1, [createElementVNode("img", {
src: __props.imgList[index2.value].src
}, null, 8, _hoisted_2$2$1), __props.imgList.length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$2$1, [__props.imgList.length > 1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_4$1$1, [createElementVNode("a", {
href: "javascript:;",
class: "layui-layer-iconext layui-layer-imgprev",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function($event) {
return changeIndex(-1);
}), createElementVNode("a", {
href: "javascript:;",
class: "layui-layer-iconext layui-layer-imgnext",
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = function($event) {
return changeIndex(1);
})])) : createCommentVNode("", true), __props.imgList.length > 1 || __props.imgList[index2.value].alt ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 1,
class: "layui-layer-imgbar",
style: normalizeStyle({
opacity: showLayerImgBar.value ? 1 : 0
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
}, [unref(ifSetThumb) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$1$1, [(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.imgList, function(item, i) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "thumb-box",
key: "thumb-box" + i,
onClick: function onClick($event) {
return index2.value = i;
}, [createElementVNode("img", {
src: item.thumb
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
}, null, 8, _hoisted_7$1$1)], 8, _hoisted_6$1$1);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}), 128)), createElementVNode("div", {
class: "thumb-box-border",
style: normalizeStyle({
left: "calc(calc( calc(100% - ".concat(100 * __props.imgList.length, "px) / 2) + ").concat(index2.value * 100, "px)")
}, null, 4)])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_8$d, [__props.imgList[index2.value].alt ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_9$a, toDisplayString$1(__props.imgList[index2.value].alt), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true), __props.imgList.length > 1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("em", _hoisted_10$a, toDisplayString$1(index2.value + 1) + " / " + toDisplayString$1(__props.imgList.length), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)]))], 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true)])) : createCommentVNode("", true)]);
function ownKeys$2(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread$2(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$2(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$2(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
var _hoisted_1$1$1 = {
class: "title"
var _hoisted_2$1$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "content"
var _hoisted_3$1$1 = ["innerHTML"];
var __default__$1$2 = {
name: "Notifiy"
var _sfc_main$1$1 = defineComponent(_objectSpread$2(_objectSpread$2({}, __default__$1$2), {}, {
props: {
title: null,
content: null,
isHtmlFragment: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
icon: null,
iconClass: null
emits: ["close"],
setup: function setup6(__props, _ref) {
var emit = _ref.emit;
var notifyRef = shallowRef(null);
var close2 = function close3() {
function addClass2(obj, cls) {
var obj_class = obj.className, blank = obj_class != "" ? " " : "";
var added = obj_class + blank + cls;
obj.className = added;
onMounted(function() {
nextTick(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
var _notifyRef$value, _notifyRef$value$pare, _notifyRef$value2, _notifyRef$value2$par;
if (!((_notifyRef$value = notifyRef.value) !== null && _notifyRef$value !== void 0 && (_notifyRef$value$pare = _notifyRef$value.parentElement) !== null && _notifyRef$value$pare !== void 0 && _notifyRef$value$pare.parentElement))
addClass2((_notifyRef$value2 = notifyRef.value) === null || _notifyRef$value2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_notifyRef$value2$par = _notifyRef$value2.parentElement) === null || _notifyRef$value2$par === void 0 ? void 0 : _notifyRef$value2$par.parentElement, "layui-layer-notifiy-transition");
}, 300);
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "layui-layer-notifiy-wrapper",
ref_key: "notifyRef",
ref: notifyRef
}, [createElementVNode("h2", _hoisted_1$1$1, [__props.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(__props.iconClass)
}, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)]), !__props.isHtmlFragment ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$1$1, [createElementVNode("p", null, toDisplayString$1(__props.content), 1)])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 1,
class: "content",
innerHTML: __props.content
}, null, 8, _hoisted_3$1$1)), createVNode(_sfc_main$4$1, {
onClick: close2
})], 512);
function _arrayLikeToArray$1(arr, len) {
if (len == null || len > arr.length)
len = arr.length;
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {
arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
function _arrayWithoutHoles$1(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr))
return _arrayLikeToArray$1(arr);
function _iterableToArray$1(iter) {
if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null)
return Array.from(iter);
function _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(o, minLen) {
if (!o)
if (typeof o === "string")
return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen);
var n =, -1);
if (n === "Object" && o.constructor)
n =;
if (n === "Map" || n === "Set")
return Array.from(o);
if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n))
return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen);
function _nonIterableSpread$1() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles$1(arr) || _iterableToArray$1(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(arr) || _nonIterableSpread$1();
function nextId() {
var s = [];
var hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef";
for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 16), 1);
s[14] = "4";
s[19] = hexDigits.substr(s[19] & 3 | 8, 1);
s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = "-";
var uuid = s.join("");
return uuid;
function calculateArea(type4, area, offset) {
return type4 != "drawer" ? calculateBaseArea(area) : calculateDrawerArea(offset, area);
function calculateBaseArea(area) {
if (area === "auto") {
return [];
if (typeof area == "string") {
return [area];
return _toConsumableArray$1(area);
function calculateDrawerArea(offset) {
var drawerArea = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "30%";
if (drawerArea instanceof Array) {
return drawerArea;
if (drawerArea === "auto") {
drawerArea = "30%";
if (offset === "l" || offset === "r") {
return [drawerArea, "100%"];
} else if (offset === "t" || offset === "b") {
return ["100%", drawerArea];
return [drawerArea, "100%"];
function calculateOffset(offset, area, type4) {
var arr = ["t", "r", "b", "l", "lt", "lb", "rt", "rb"];
var t = offset[0];
var l = offset[1];
if (offset instanceof Array && type4 === "drawer") {
offset = "r";
if (arr.indexOf(offset) > -1) {
t = "50%";
l = "50%";
if (arr.indexOf(offset) != -1 || t.indexOf("%") > -1)
t = "calc(" + t + " - (" + (area === "auto" ? "100px" : area[1]) + "/2 ))";
if (arr.indexOf(offset) != -1 || l.indexOf("%") > -1)
l = "calc(" + l + " - (" + (area === "auto" ? "100px" : area[0]) + "/2 ))";
if (offset === "t")
t = "0px";
else if (offset === "r")
l = "calc(100% - " + area[0] + ")";
else if (offset === "b")
t = "calc(100% - " + area[1] + ")";
else if (offset === "l")
l = "0px";
else if (offset === "lt") {
t = "0px";
l = "0px";
} else if (offset === "lb") {
t = "calc(100% - " + area[1] + ")";
l = "0px";
} else if (offset === "rt") {
t = "0px";
l = "calc(100% - " + area[0] + ")";
} else if (offset === "rb") {
t = "calc(100% - " + area[1] + ")";
l = "calc(100% - " + area[0] + ")";
return [t, l];
function calculateType(modalType) {
if (modalType === "dialog" || modalType == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (modalType === "page" || modalType == 1) {
return 1;
} else if (modalType === "iframe" || modalType == 2) {
return 2;
} else if (modalType === "loading" || modalType == 3) {
return 3;
} else if (modalType === "drawer" || modalType == 4) {
return 4;
} else if (modalType === "photos" || modalType == 5) {
return 5;
} else if (modalType === "notifiy" || modalType == 6) {
return 6;
return 0;
function calculateContent(title2, height, btn, type4, isMessage) {
if (height && height.indexOf("%") != -1) {
height = "100%";
if (btn && btn.length > 0) {
if (type4 == 0) {
if (title2) {
return "calc(" + height + " - 137px)";
} else {
return "calc(" + height + " - 86px)";
if (type4 == 1 || type4 == 4) {
if (title2) {
return "calc(" + height + " - 102px)";
} else {
return "calc(" + height + " - 51px)";
if (type4 == 2) {
if (title2) {
return "calc(" + height + " - 102px)";
} else {
return "calc(" + height + " - 51px)";
} else {
if (type4 == 0) {
if (title2) {
return isMessage ? "" : "calc(" + height + " - 137px)";
} else {
return isMessage ? "" : "calc(" + height + " - 86px)";
if (type4 == 1 || type4 == 4) {
if (title2) {
return "calc(" + height + " - 51px)";
} else {
return "calc(" + height + " - 0px)";
if (type4 == 2) {
if (title2) {
return "calc(" + height + " - 51px)";
} else {
return "calc(" + height + " - 0px)";
function maxArea() {
return {
w: "100%",
h: "100%"
function maxOffset() {
return {
t: "0px",
l: "0px"
function minArea() {
return {
w: "180px",
h: "51px"
function minOffset(left) {
return {
t: "calc(100% - 51px)",
l: left + "px"
function getArea(dom) {
var width = getComputedStyle(dom, null).width;
var height = getComputedStyle(dom, null).height;
return [width, height];
var minArrays = [];
function updateMinArrays(id, state) {
var i = 0;
if (state) {
var index2 = minArrays.findIndex(function(v) {
return v === void 0;
if (index2 === -1) {
i = minArrays.length - 1;
} else {
minArrays[index2] = id;
i = index2;
} else {
delete minArrays[minArrays.findIndex(function(v) {
return v == id;
i = -1;
return i;
function getDrawerAnimationClass(offset) {
var isClose = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : false;
var prefix = "layer-drawer-anim layer-anim";
var suffix = "rl";
if (offset === "l") {
suffix = "lr";
} else if (offset === "r") {
suffix = "rl";
} else if (offset === "t") {
suffix = "tb";
} else if (offset === "b") {
suffix = "bt";
return isClose ? "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(suffix, "-close") : "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(suffix);
function calculatePhotosArea(_x, _x2) {
return _calculatePhotosArea.apply(this, arguments);
function _calculatePhotosArea() {
_calculatePhotosArea = _asyncToGenerator(/* @__PURE__ */ regenerator.mark(function _callee(url2, options) {
var img, area;
return regenerator.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) {
switch (_context.prev = {
case 0:
area = function _area(img2) {
var imgarea = [img2.width, img2.height];
var winarea = [window.innerWidth - 250, window.innerHeight - 250];
if (imgarea[0] > winarea[0] || imgarea[1] > winarea[1]) {
var wh = [imgarea[0] / winarea[0], imgarea[1] / winarea[1]];
if (wh[0] > wh[1]) {
imgarea[0] = imgarea[0] / wh[0];
imgarea[1] = imgarea[1] / wh[0];
} else if (wh[0] < wh[1]) {
imgarea[0] = imgarea[0] / wh[1];
imgarea[1] = imgarea[1] / wh[1];
return [imgarea[0] + "px", imgarea[1] + "px"];
img = new Image();
img.src = url2;
return _context.abrupt("return", new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (img.complete) {
var layerId = layer.load(2);
img.onload = function() {
img.onerror = function() {
case 4:
case "end":
return _context.stop();
}, _callee);
return _calculatePhotosArea.apply(this, arguments);
function calculateNotifOffset(offset, area, layerId) {
var arr = ["lt", "lb", "rt", "rb"];
var t = "0", l = "0";
var transOffsetLeft = 15;
var transOffsetTop = 15;
window.NotifiyQueen = window.NotifiyQueen || [];
var notifiyQueen = window.NotifiyQueen;
if (typeof offset != "string" || arr.indexOf(offset) === -1) {
offset = "rt";
var nodeList = notifiyQueen.filter(function(e) {
if (e.offset === offset) {
return e;
var prevNode = nodeList.length > 0 ? nodeList[nodeList.length - 1] : null;
if (prevNode) {
var _document$getElementB, _document$getElementB2;
prevNode = (_document$getElementB = document.getElementById(prevNode["id"])) === null || _document$getElementB === void 0 ? void 0 : (_document$getElementB2 = _document$getElementB.firstElementChild) === null || _document$getElementB2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _document$getElementB2.firstElementChild;
if (offset === "rt" || offset === "lt") {
transOffsetTop += prevNode.offsetHeight + parseFloat(["top"]);
} else {
var bottom = parseFloat(["top"].split(" - ")[1]);
transOffsetTop += prevNode.offsetHeight + bottom;
} else {
if (offset === "rb" || offset === "lb") {
transOffsetTop += parseFloat(area[1]);
if (offset === "rt") {
t = transOffsetTop + "px";
l = "calc(100% - " + (parseFloat(area[0]) + transOffsetLeft) + "px)";
} else if (offset === "rb") {
t = "calc(100vh - " + transOffsetTop + "px)";
l = "calc(100% - " + (parseFloat(area[0]) + transOffsetLeft) + "px)";
} else if (offset === "lt") {
t = transOffsetTop + "px";
l = transOffsetLeft + "px";
} else if (offset === "lb") {
t = "calc(100vh - " + transOffsetTop + "px)";
l = transOffsetLeft + "px";
id: layerId,
return [t, l];
function removeNotifiyFromQueen(layerId) {
var _document$getElementB3, _document$getElementB4;
var transOffsetTop = 15;
var notifiyDom = (_document$getElementB3 = document.getElementById(layerId)) === null || _document$getElementB3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_document$getElementB4 = _document$getElementB3.firstElementChild) === null || _document$getElementB4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _document$getElementB4.firstElementChild;
var offsetHeight = notifiyDom.offsetHeight;
window.NotifiyQueen = window.NotifiyQueen || [];
var notifiyQueen = window.NotifiyQueen;
var index2 = notifiyQueen.findIndex(function(e) {
return === layerId;
var offsetType = notifiyQueen[index2].offset;
var list = notifiyQueen.filter(function(e) {
if (e.offset === offsetType) {
return e;
var findIndex = list.findIndex(function(e) {
return === layerId;
var needCalculatelist = list.slice(findIndex + 1);
needCalculatelist.forEach(function(e) {
var _document$getElementB5, _document$getElementB6;
var dom = (_document$getElementB5 = document.getElementById( === null || _document$getElementB5 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_document$getElementB6 = _document$getElementB5.firstElementChild) === null || _document$getElementB6 === void 0 ? void 0 : _document$getElementB6.firstElementChild;
if (offsetType === "rt" || offsetType === "lt") {["top"] = parseFloat(["top"]) - transOffsetTop - offsetHeight + "px";
} else {
var bottom = parseFloat(["top"].split(" - ")[1]) - transOffsetTop - offsetHeight;["top"] = "calc(100vh - " + bottom + "px)";
notifiyQueen.splice(index2, 1);
function getNotifyAnimationClass(offset) {
var prefix = "layer-drawer-anim layer-anim";
var suffix = "";
if (offset === "lt" || offset === "lb") {
suffix = "lr";
} else {
suffix = "rl";
return "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(suffix);
var useMove$1 = function useMove(el, callback) {
if (el != null) {
el.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
var path = event.composedPath && event.composedPath() || event.path;
if (path[0].className === "layui-layer-resize") {
if (event.button == 0 && el != null) {
var x = el.offsetLeft;
var y = el.offsetTop;
var move2 = function move22(moveEvent) {
if (el != null) {
var offsetX = moveEvent.clientX;
var offsetY = moveEvent.clientY;
var w = offsetX - x;
var h2 = offsetY - y;
w < 260 && (w = 260);
h2 < 115 && (h2 = 115); = "".concat(w, "px"); = "".concat(h2, "px");
return false;
document.addEventListener("mousemove", move2);
var stop = function stop2() {
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", move2);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", stop2);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", stop);
return false;
var useMove2 = function useMove3(el, callback) { = "fixed";
var offsetX;
var offsetY;
if (el != null) {
el.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
var path = event.composedPath && event.composedPath() || event.path;
if (path[0].className === "layui-layer-title") {
if (event.button == 0 && el != null) {
var lexObj = getComputedStyle(el);
offsetX = event.pageX - el.offsetLeft + parseInt(lexObj["margin-left"]);
offsetY = event.pageY - el.offsetTop + parseInt(lexObj["margin-right"]);
var move2 = function move22(event2) {
if (el != null) {
var x = event2.pageX - offsetX;
var y = event2.pageY - offsetY;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
} else if (x > document.documentElement.clientWidth - el.offsetWidth) {
x = document.documentElement.clientWidth - el.offsetWidth;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
} else if (y > document.documentElement.clientHeight - el.offsetHeight) {
y = document.documentElement.clientHeight - el.offsetHeight;
} = "".concat(x, "px"); = "".concat(y, "px");
return false;
document.addEventListener("mousemove", move2);
var stop = function stop2() {
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", move2);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", stop2);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", stop);
return false;
var zIndexKey = Symbol("zIndex");
function ownKeys$1$1(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread$1(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$1$1(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$1$1(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
var _hoisted_1$19 = {
key: 0,
style: {
"scale": "0.5"
var _hoisted_2$S = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", {
class: "loading"
}, null, -1);
var _hoisted_3$L = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("svg", {
xmlns: "",
version: "1.1"
}, [/* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("defs", null, [/* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("filter", {
id: "goo"
}, [/* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("feGaussianBlur", {
in: "SourceGraphic",
stdDeviation: "6.3",
result: "blur"
}), /* @__PURE__ */ createTextVNode(), /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("feColorMatrix", {
in: "blur",
mode: "matrix",
values: "1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 -4",
result: "goo"
}), /* @__PURE__ */ createTextVNode(), /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("feBlend", {
in: "SourceGraphic",
in2: "goo"
})])])], -1);
var _hoisted_4$A = ["innerHTML"];
var _hoisted_5$r = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: "layui-layer-setwin"
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
var _hoisted_6$k = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 0
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
var _hoisted_7$h = ["onClick"];
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
var __default__$2G = {
name: "LayLayer"
var _sfc_main$1I = defineComponent(_objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, __default__$2G), {}, {
props: {
id: null,
title: {
type: [String, Boolean, Function],
default: "\u6807\u9898"
icon: null,
skin: null,
zIndex: null,
setTop: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
offset: {
default: function _default() {
return ["50%", "50%"];
area: {
default: "auto"
modelValue: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
maxmin: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: false
btn: {
type: [Array, Boolean]
move: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: true
resize: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: false
type: {
default: 1
content: null,
isHtmlFragment: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
shade: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: true
shadeClose: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: true
shadeOpacity: {
default: "0.1"
closeBtn: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: "1"
btnAlign: {
default: "r"
time: {
default: 0
load: {
default: 0
anim: {
default: 0
isOutAnim: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
destroy: {
type: Function,
default: function _default2() {
success: {
type: Function,
default: function _default3() {
end: {
type: Function,
default: function _default4() {
yes: null,
yesText: {
default: "\u786E\u5B9A"
isFunction: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
isMessage: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
appContext: null,
startIndex: {
default: 0
imgList: {
default: function _default5() {
return [];
min: {
type: Function,
default: function _default6() {
full: {
type: Function,
default: function _default7() {
restore: {
type: Function,
default: function _default8() {
emits: ["close", "update:modelValue"],
setup: function setup7(__props, _ref) {
var _props$zIndex;
var expose = _ref.expose, emit = _ref.emit;
var props = __props;
var slots = useSlots();
var max = ref(false);
var min = ref(false);
var id = ref( || nextId());
var layero = ref(null);
var type4 = calculateType(props.type);
var area = ref(calculateArea(props.type, props.area, props.offset));
var offset = ref(calculateOffset(props.offset, area.value, props.type));
var contentHeight = ref(calculateContent(props.title, area.value[1], props.btn, type4, props.isMessage));
var index2 = ref((_props$zIndex = props.zIndex) !== null && _props$zIndex !== void 0 ? _props$zIndex : inject(zIndexKey, 99999));
var visible = ref(false);
var first = ref(true);
var w = ref(area.value[0]);
var h2 = ref(area.value[1]);
var t = ref(offset.value[0]);
var l = ref(offset.value[1]);
var _w = ref(area.value[0]);
var _h = ref(area.value[0]);
var _t = ref(offset.value[0]);
var _l = ref(offset.value[1]);
var firstOpenDelayCalculation = function firstOpenDelayCalculation2() {
nextTick(/* @__PURE__ */ _asyncToGenerator(/* @__PURE__ */ regenerator.mark(function _callee() {
return regenerator.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) {
switch (_context.prev = {
case 0:
area.value = getArea(layero.value);
if (type4 == 4) {
area.value = calculateDrawerArea(props.offset, props.area);
if (!(type4 == 5)) { = 6;
} = 5;
return calculatePhotosArea(props.imgList[props.startIndex].src, props);
case 5:
area.value = _context.sent;
case 6:
offset.value = calculateOffset(props.offset, area.value, props.type);
if (type4 == 6) {
offset.value = calculateNotifOffset(props.offset, area.value, id.value);
w.value = area.value[0];
h2.value = area.value[1];
_w.value = area.value[0];
_l.value = area.value[1];
t.value = offset.value[0];
l.value = offset.value[1];
_t.value = offset.value[0];
_l.value = offset.value[1];
case 17:
case "end":
return _context.stop();
}, _callee);
var notFirstOpenLayerInit = function notFirstOpenLayerInit2() {
w.value = _w.value;
h2.value = _h.value;
t.value = _t.value;
l.value = _l.value;
var beforeCloseSaveData = function beforeCloseSaveData2() {
if (min.value)
if (max.value)
_w.value = w.value;
_h.value = h2.value;
_t.value = t.value;
_l.value = l.value;
var maxHandle = function maxHandle2() {
if (max.value) {
w.value = _w.value;
h2.value = _h.value;
t.value = _t.value;
l.value = _l.value;
} else {
_t.value = t.value;
_l.value = l.value;
_w.value = w.value;
_h.value = h2.value;
w.value = maxArea().w;
h2.value = maxArea().h;
t.value = maxOffset().t;
l.value = maxOffset().l;
max.value = !max.value;
var minHandle = function minHandle2() {
var left = 180 * updateMinArrays(id.value, !min.value);
if (left > document.documentElement.clientWidth - 180) {
left = document.documentElement.clientWidth - 180;
if (min.value) {
w.value = _w.value;
h2.value = _h.value;
t.value = _t.value;
l.value = _l.value;
} else {
_w.value = w.value;
_h.value = h2.value;
_t.value = t.value;
_l.value = l.value;
h2.value = minArea().h;
w.value = minArea().w;
t.value = minOffset(left).t;
l.value = minOffset(left).l;
min.value = !min.value;
var reset22 = function reset3() {
if (!first.value) {
min.value = false;
max.value = false;
w.value = area.value[0];
h2.value = area.value[1];
t.value = offset.value[0];
l.value = offset.value[1];
_w.value = area.value[0];
_h.value = area.value[1];
_t.value = offset.value[0];
_l.value = offset.value[1];
if (!props.modelValue) {
emit("update:modelValue", true);
watch(function() {
return props.modelValue;
}, function() {
visible.value = props.modelValue;
if (visible.value) {
if (first.value) {
first.value = false;
} else {
} else {
}, {
deep: true,
immediate: true
watch(function() {
return visible.value;
}, function() {
if (visible.value) {
if (props.isFunction) {
}, {
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
immediate: true,
flush: "post"
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
watch(function() {
return visible.value;
}, function() {
if (!visible.value) {
watch(function() {
return h2.value;
}, function() {
contentHeight.value = calculateContent(props.title, h2.value, props.btn, type4, props.isMessage);
var boxClasses = computed$1(function() {
return [{
"layui-layer-dialog": type4 === 0,
"layui-layer-page": type4 === 1,
"layui-layer-iframe": type4 === 2,
"layui-layer-loading": type4 === 3,
"layui-layer-drawer": type4 === 4,
"layui-layer-photos": type4 === 5,
"layui-layer-notifiy": type4 === 6,
"layui-layer-msg": props.isMessage,
"layui-layer-hui": props.isMessage && !props.icon
var supportMove = function supportMove2() {
if (props.move && type4 != 4) {
nextTick(function() {
if (!layero.value)
useMove2(layero.value, function(left, top) {
l.value = left;
t.value = top;
useMove$1(layero.value, function(width, height) {
h2.value = height;
w.value = width;
var styles = computed$1(function() {
var style = {
top: t.value,
left: l.value,
width: w.value,
height: h2.value,
zIndex: index2.value
return style;
var contentClasses = computed$1(function() {
return [type4 === 3 ? "layui-layer-loading".concat(props.load) : "", props.icon ? "layui-layer-padding" : ""];
var closeHandle = function closeHandle2() {
emit("update:modelValue", false);
if (type4 === 6) {
var yesHandle = function yesHandle2() {
if (props.yes != void 0)
var shadeHandle = function shadeHandle2() {
if (props.shadeClose)
var renderContent = function renderContent2(content) {
if (content instanceof Function) {
return content();
return content;
var iconClass = computed$1(function() {
return ["layui-layer-ico", "layui-layer-ico".concat(props.icon)];
var enterActiveClass = computed$1(function() {
if (type4 === 4) {
return getDrawerAnimationClass(props.offset);
if (type4 === 6) {
return getNotifyAnimationClass(props.offset);
return "layer-anim layer-anim-0".concat(props.anim);
var leaveActiveClass = computed$1(function() {
if (type4 === 4) {
return getDrawerAnimationClass(props.offset, true);
return props.isOutAnim ? "layer-anim-close" : "";
var open2 = function open3() {
visible.value = true;
var close2 = function close3() {
visible.value = false;
var shadeVisible = computed$1(function() {
return visible.value && props.shade && !min.value;
var showResize = computed$1(function() {
return props.resize && !max.value && !min.value;
var showTitle = computed$1(function() {
return props.title && props.type != 3 && props.type != 5 && props.type != 6;
var resetCalculationPohtosArea = function resetCalculationPohtosArea2(index22) {
nextTick(/* @__PURE__ */ _asyncToGenerator(/* @__PURE__ */ regenerator.mark(function _callee2() {
return regenerator.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {
while (1) {
switch (_context2.prev = {
case 0: = 2;
return calculatePhotosArea(props.imgList[index22].src, props);
case 2:
area.value = _context2.sent;
offset.value = calculateOffset(props.offset, area.value, props.type);
w.value = area.value[0];
h2.value = area.value[1];
t.value = offset.value[0];
l.value = offset.value[1];
_w.value = area.value[0];
_l.value = area.value[1];
_t.value = offset.value[0];
_l.value = offset.value[1];
case 12:
case "end":
return _context2.stop();
}, _callee2);
reset: reset22,
open: open2,
close: close2
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", null, [createVNode(_sfc_main$7$1, {
index: index2.value,
visible: unref(shadeVisible),
opacity: __props.shadeOpacity,
onShadeClick: shadeHandle
}, null, 8, ["index", "visible", "opacity"]), createVNode(Transition, {
"enter-active-class": unref(enterActiveClass),
"leave-active-class": unref(leaveActiveClass)
}, {
default: withCtx(function() {
return [visible.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
ref_key: "layero",
ref: layero,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-layer layui-layer-border", unref(boxClasses)]),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles))
}, [unref(showTitle) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$5$1, {
key: 0,
title: __props.title
}, null, 8, ["title"])) : createCommentVNode("", true), createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-layer-content", unref(contentClasses)]),
style: normalizeStyle({
height: contentHeight.value
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
}, [unref(type4) === 3 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$19, [_hoisted_2$S, createTextVNode(), _hoisted_3$L])) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(type4) === 0 || unref(type4) === 1 || unref(type4) === 4 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, {
key: 1
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}, [__props.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(unref(iconClass))
}, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(slots).default ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {
key: 1
}) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, {
key: 2
}, [__props.isHtmlFragment ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
innerHTML: renderContent(props.content)
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
}, null, 8, _hoisted_4$A)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1
}, [createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(renderContent(props.content)), 1)], 64))], 64))], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(type4) === 2 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$6$1, {
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
key: 2,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
src: props.content
}, null, 8, ["src"])) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(type4) === 5 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$2$1, {
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
key: 3,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
imgList: props.imgList,
startIndex: props.startIndex,
onResetCalculationPohtosArea: resetCalculationPohtosArea
}, null, 8, ["imgList", "startIndex"])) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(type4) === 6 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1$1, {
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
key: 4,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onClose: closeHandle,
title: props.title,
content: props.content,
isHtmlFragment: props.isHtmlFragment,
icon: props.icon,
iconClass: unref(iconClass)
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
}, null, 8, ["title", "content", "isHtmlFragment", "icon", "iconClass"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)], 6), unref(type4) != 3 && unref(type4) != 5 && unref(type4) != 6 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_5$r, [__props.maxmin && !max.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-layer-min", [min.value ? "layui-layer-ico layui-layer-maxmin" : ""]]),
href: "javascript:;",
onClick: minHandle
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
}, [!min.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("cite", _hoisted_6$k)) : createCommentVNode("", true)], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), __props.maxmin && !min.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-layer-ico layui-layer-max", [max.value ? "layui-layer-maxmin" : ""]]),
href: "javascript:;",
onClick: maxHandle
}, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), __props.closeBtn != false ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$4$1, {
key: 2,
"close-btn": __props.closeBtn,
onCloseHandle: closeHandle
}, null, 8, ["close-btn"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)])) : createCommentVNode("", true), (__props.btn && __props.btn.length > 0 || unref(type4) === 0) && !__props.isMessage ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 2,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-layer-btn", ["layui-layer-btn-".concat(__props.btnAlign)]])
}, [__props.btn && __props.btn.length > 0 ? (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, {
key: 0
}, renderList(__props.btn, function(b, index22) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
key: index22,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-layer-btn".concat(index22)]),
onClick: function onClick($event) {
return b.callback(id.value);
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
}, toDisplayString$1(b.text), 11, _hoisted_7$h);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}), 128)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, {
key: 1
}, [unref(type4) === 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
key: 0,
class: "layui-layer-btn0",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function($event) {
return yesHandle();
}, toDisplayString$1(__props.yesText), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)], 64))], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), unref(showResize) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(Resize, {
key: 3
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)], 6)) : createCommentVNode("", true)];
_: 3
}, 8, ["enter-active-class", "leave-active-class"])]);
function ownKeys$8(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$8(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$2(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$8(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
var layerInstance = [];
var addInstance = function addInstance2(instance) {
var delInstance = function delInstance2(id) {
layerInstance.forEach(function(item, index2) {
if ( === id) {
layerInstance.splice(index2, 1);
var cleanInstance = function cleanInstance2() {
layerInstance.splice(0, layerInstance.length);
var isExist = function isExist2(id) {
var b = false;
layerInstance.forEach(function(item, index2) {
if ( == id) {
b = true;
return b;
var findById = function findById2(id) {
var instance = null;
layerInstance.forEach(function(item, index2) {
if ( === id) {
instance = item;
return instance;
var mergeOption = function mergeOption2(option, defaultOption) {
if (option)
defaultOption = Object.assign(defaultOption, option);
return defaultOption;
var createContainer = function createContainer2(options) {
var modalContainer = document.createElement("div"); =;
return modalContainer;
var modalChildrenVNode = function modalChildrenVNode2(content) {
if (typeof content === "function") {
return isVNode(content()) ? {
default: function _default9() {
return content();
} : void 0;
return isVNode(content) ? {
default: function _default9() {
return content;
} : void 0;
var layer = {
_context: null,
open: function open(option, callback) {
var defaultOption = {};
return layer.create(option, defaultOption, callback);
drawer: function drawer(option, callback) {
var defaultOption = {
type: "drawer"
return layer.create(option, defaultOption, callback);
msg: function msg(message, option, callback) {
var defaultOption = {
type: 0,
title: false,
content: message,
closeBtn: false,
shadeClose: false,
isMessage: true,
shade: false,
time: 1e3,
btn: false
return layer.create(option, defaultOption, callback);
load: function load(_load, option, callback) {
var defaultOption = {
type: 3,
load: _load,
anim: 5,
isOutAnim: false,
shadeClose: false
return layer.create(option, defaultOption, callback);
confirm: function confirm(msg2, option, callback) {
var defaultOption = {
type: 0,
content: msg2,
shadeClose: false
return layer.create(option, defaultOption, callback);
photos: function photos(option, callback) {
if (typeof option === "string") {
option = {
imgList: [{
src: option
var defaultOption = {
type: 5,
anim: 2,
startIndex: 0,
isOutAnim: true,
shadeClose: true,
shadeOpacity: "0.7"
return layer.create(option, defaultOption, callback);
notifiy: function notifiy() {
var option = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
var callback = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
option.type = 6;
var defaultOption = {
offset: "rt",
time: 2e3,
area: "auto",
shade: false
return layer.create(option, defaultOption, callback);
create: function create(option, defaultOption, callback) {
var _modalInstance$compon3, _modalInstance$compon4;
var timer;
var options = mergeOption(option, defaultOption);
if (options.hasOwnProperty("id")) {
} else { = nextId();
var modalContainer = createContainer(options);
var modalInstance = h(_sfc_main$1I, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, options), {}, {
isFunction: true,
destroy: function destroy2() {
var _modalInstance$compon, _modalInstance$compon2;
(_modalInstance$compon = modalInstance.component) === null || _modalInstance$compon === void 0 ? void 0 : (_modalInstance$compon2 = _modalInstance$ === null || _modalInstance$compon2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _modalInstance$compon2.close();
setTimeout(function() {
render$1(null, modalContainer);
if (document.body.contains(modalContainer)) {
}, 2e3);
}), modalChildrenVNode(options.content));
modalInstance.appContext = options.appContext || layer._context;
render$1(modalInstance, modalContainer);
(_modalInstance$compon3 = modalInstance.component) === null || _modalInstance$compon3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_modalInstance$compon4 = _modalInstance$ === null || _modalInstance$compon4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _modalInstance$;
if (defaultOption && defaultOption.time != void 0 && defaultOption.time != 0) {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
var _modalInstance$compon5, _modalInstance$compon6;
(_modalInstance$compon5 = modalInstance.component) === null || _modalInstance$compon5 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_modalInstance$compon6 = _modalInstance$ === null || _modalInstance$compon6 === void 0 ? void 0 : _modalInstance$compon6.close();
if (callback)
setTimeout(function() {
render$1(null, modalContainer);
if (document.body.contains(modalContainer)) {
}, 2e3);
if (options.type === 6) {
}, defaultOption.time);
close: function close(id) {
if (id != null && isExist(id)) {
var _instance$modalInstan, _instance$modalInstan2;
var instance = findById(id);
(_instance$modalInstan = instance.modalInstance.component) === null || _instance$modalInstan === void 0 ? void 0 : (_instance$modalInstan2 = _instance$ === null || _instance$modalInstan2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _instance$modalInstan2.close();
setTimeout(function() {
render$1(null, instance.modalContainer);
if (document.body.contains(instance.modalContainer))
}, 2e3);
closeAll: function closeAll() {
layerInstance.forEach(function(item) {
var _item$modalInstance$c, _item$modalInstance$c2;
(_item$modalInstance$c = item.modalInstance.component) === null || _item$modalInstance$c === void 0 ? void 0 : (_item$modalInstance$c2 = _item$modalInstance$ === null || _item$modalInstance$c2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _item$modalInstance$c2.close();
setTimeout(function() {
render$1(null, item.modalContainer);
if (document.body.contains(item.modalContainer))
}, 2e3);
reset: function reset(instance) {
var _instance$modalInstan3, _instance$modalInstan4;
(_instance$modalInstan3 = instance.modalInstance.component) === null || _instance$modalInstan3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_instance$modalInstan4 = _instance$ === null || _instance$modalInstan4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _instance$modalInstan4.reset();
var install$1 = function install2(app, options) {
layer._context = app._context;
app.component(_sfc_main$, _sfc_main$1I);
app.config.globalProperties.$layer = layer;
if (options) {
app.provide(zIndexKey, options.zIndex);
var index$10 = {
install: install$1
* @intlify/shared v9.1.10
* (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
* Released under the MIT License.
const hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === "symbol";
const makeSymbol = (name) => hasSymbol ? Symbol(name) : name;
const generateFormatCacheKey = (locale, key, source) => friendlyJSONstringify({ l: locale, k: key, s: source });
const friendlyJSONstringify = (json) => JSON.stringify(json).replace(/\u2028/g, "\\u2028").replace(/\u2029/g, "\\u2029").replace(/\u0027/g, "\\u0027");
const isNumber$2 = (val) => typeof val === "number" && isFinite(val);
const isDate = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object Date]";
const isRegExp = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object RegExp]";
const isEmptyObject = (val) => isPlainObject$1(val) && Object.keys(val).length === 0;
function warn(msg2, err) {
if (typeof console !== "undefined") {
console.warn(`[intlify] ` + msg2);
if (err) {
const assign$1 = Object.assign;
let _globalThis;
const getGlobalThis = () => {
return _globalThis || (_globalThis = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : {});
function escapeHtml(rawText) {
return rawText.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&apos;");
const hasOwnProperty$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function hasOwn$1(obj, key) {
return hasOwnProperty$, key);
const isArray$1 = Array.isArray;
const isFunction$3 = (val) => typeof val === "function";
const isString$1 = (val) => typeof val === "string";
const isBoolean = (val) => typeof val === "boolean";
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const isObject$4 = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object";
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
const toTypeString = (value) =>;
const isPlainObject$1 = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object Object]";
const toDisplayString = (val) => {
return val == null ? "" : isArray$1(val) || isPlainObject$1(val) && val.toString === objectToString ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2) : String(val);
* @intlify/message-resolver v9.1.10
* (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
* Released under the MIT License.
const hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function hasOwn(obj, key) {
return hasOwnProperty$, key);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const isObject$3 = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object";
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const pathStateMachine = [];
pathStateMachine[0] = {
["w"]: [0],
["i"]: [3, 0],
["["]: [4],
["o"]: [7]
pathStateMachine[1] = {
["w"]: [1],
["."]: [2],
["["]: [4],
["o"]: [7]
pathStateMachine[2] = {
["w"]: [2],
["i"]: [3, 0],
["0"]: [3, 0]
pathStateMachine[3] = {
["i"]: [3, 0],
["0"]: [3, 0],
["w"]: [1, 1],
["."]: [2, 1],
["["]: [4, 1],
["o"]: [7, 1]
pathStateMachine[4] = {
["'"]: [5, 0],
['"']: [6, 0],
["["]: [
["]"]: [1, 3],
["o"]: 8,
["l"]: [4, 0]
pathStateMachine[5] = {
["'"]: [4, 0],
["o"]: 8,
["l"]: [5, 0]
pathStateMachine[6] = {
['"']: [4, 0],
["o"]: 8,
["l"]: [6, 0]
const literalValueRE = /^\s?(?:true|false|-?[\d.]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")\s?$/;
function isLiteral(exp) {
return literalValueRE.test(exp);
function stripQuotes(str) {
const a = str.charCodeAt(0);
const b = str.charCodeAt(str.length - 1);
return a === b && (a === 34 || a === 39) ? str.slice(1, -1) : str;
function getPathCharType(ch) {
if (ch === void 0 || ch === null) {
return "o";
const code = ch.charCodeAt(0);
switch (code) {
case 91:
case 93:
case 46:
case 34:
case 39:
return ch;
case 95:
case 36:
case 45:
return "i";
case 9:
case 10:
case 13:
case 160:
case 65279:
case 8232:
case 8233:
return "w";
return "i";
function formatSubPath(path) {
const trimmed = path.trim();
if (path.charAt(0) === "0" && isNaN(parseInt(path))) {
return false;
return isLiteral(trimmed) ? stripQuotes(trimmed) : "*" + trimmed;
function parse(path) {
const keys = [];
let index2 = -1;
let mode = 0;
let subPathDepth = 0;
let c;
let key;
let newChar;
let type4;
let transition;
let action;
let typeMap;
const actions = [];
actions[0] = () => {
if (key === void 0) {
key = newChar;
} else {
key += newChar;
actions[1] = () => {
if (key !== void 0) {
key = void 0;
actions[2] = () => {
actions[3] = () => {
if (subPathDepth > 0) {
mode = 4;
} else {
subPathDepth = 0;
if (key === void 0) {
return false;
key = formatSubPath(key);
if (key === false) {
return false;
} else {
function maybeUnescapeQuote() {
const nextChar = path[index2 + 1];
if (mode === 5 && nextChar === "'" || mode === 6 && nextChar === '"') {
newChar = "\\" + nextChar;
return true;
while (mode !== null) {
c = path[index2];
if (c === "\\" && maybeUnescapeQuote()) {
type4 = getPathCharType(c);
typeMap = pathStateMachine[mode];
transition = typeMap[type4] || typeMap["l"] || 8;
if (transition === 8) {
mode = transition[0];
if (transition[1] !== void 0) {
action = actions[transition[1]];
if (action) {
newChar = c;
if (action() === false) {
if (mode === 7) {
return keys;
const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function resolveValue(obj, path) {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (!isObject$3(obj)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return null;
let hit = cache.get(path);
if (!hit) {
hit = parse(path);
if (hit) {
cache.set(path, hit);
if (!hit) {
return null;
const len = hit.length;
let last = obj;
let i = 0;
while (i < len) {
const val = last[hit[i]];
if (val === void 0) {
return null;
last = val;
return last;
function handleFlatJson(obj) {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (!isObject$3(obj)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return obj;
for (const key in obj) {
if (!hasOwn(obj, key)) {
if (!key.includes(".")) {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isObject$3(obj[key])) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
} else {
const subKeys = key.split(".");
const lastIndex = subKeys.length - 1;
let currentObj = obj;
for (let i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
if (!(subKeys[i] in currentObj)) {
currentObj[subKeys[i]] = {};
currentObj = currentObj[subKeys[i]];
currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]] = obj[key];
delete obj[key];
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isObject$3(currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]])) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return obj;
* @intlify/runtime v9.1.10
* (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
* Released under the MIT License.
const DEFAULT_MODIFIER = (str) => str;
const DEFAULT_MESSAGE = (ctx) => "";
const DEFAULT_NORMALIZE = (values) => values.length === 0 ? "" : values.join("");
const DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE = toDisplayString;
function pluralDefault(choice, choicesLength) {
choice = Math.abs(choice);
if (choicesLength === 2) {
return choice ? choice > 1 ? 1 : 0 : 1;
return choice ? Math.min(choice, 2) : 0;
function getPluralIndex(options) {
const index2 = isNumber$2(options.pluralIndex) ? options.pluralIndex : -1;
return options.named && (isNumber$2(options.named.count) || isNumber$2(options.named.n)) ? isNumber$2(options.named.count) ? options.named.count : isNumber$2(options.named.n) ? options.named.n : index2 : index2;
function normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, props) {
if (!props.count) {
props.count = pluralIndex;
if (!props.n) {
props.n = pluralIndex;
function createMessageContext(options = {}) {
const locale = options.locale;
const pluralIndex = getPluralIndex(options);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const pluralRule = isObject$4(options.pluralRules) && isString$1(locale) && isFunction$3(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? options.pluralRules[locale] : pluralDefault;
const orgPluralRule = isObject$4(options.pluralRules) && isString$1(locale) && isFunction$3(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? pluralDefault : void 0;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const plural = (messages2) => messages2[pluralRule(pluralIndex, messages2.length, orgPluralRule)];
const _list = options.list || [];
const list = (index2) => _list[index2];
const _named = options.named || {};
isNumber$2(options.pluralIndex) && normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, _named);
const named = (key) => _named[key];
function message(key) {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const msg2 = isFunction$3(options.messages) ? options.messages(key) : isObject$4(options.messages) ? options.messages[key] : false;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return !msg2 ? options.parent ? options.parent.message(key) : DEFAULT_MESSAGE : msg2;
const _modifier = (name) => options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : DEFAULT_MODIFIER;
const normalize = isPlainObject$1(options.processor) && isFunction$3(options.processor.normalize) ? options.processor.normalize : DEFAULT_NORMALIZE;
const interpolate = isPlainObject$1(options.processor) && isFunction$3(options.processor.interpolate) ? options.processor.interpolate : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE;
const type4 = isPlainObject$1(options.processor) && isString$1(options.processor.type) ? options.processor.type : DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE;
const ctx = {
["list"]: list,
["named"]: named,
["plural"]: plural,
["linked"]: (key, modifier) => {
const msg2 = message(key)(ctx);
return isString$1(modifier) ? _modifier(modifier)(msg2) : msg2;
["message"]: message,
["type"]: type4,
["interpolate"]: interpolate,
["normalize"]: normalize
return ctx;
* @intlify/message-compiler v9.1.10
* (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
* Released under the MIT License.
function createCompileError(code, loc, options = {}) {
const { domain, messages: messages2, args } = options;
const msg2 = code;
const error = new SyntaxError(String(msg2));
error.code = code;
if (loc) {
error.location = loc;
error.domain = domain;
return error;
function defaultOnError(error) {
throw error;
function createPosition(line, column, offset) {
return { line, column, offset };
function createLocation(start, end, source) {
const loc = { start, end };
if (source != null) {
loc.source = source;
return loc;
const CHAR_SP = " ";
const CHAR_CR = "\r";
const CHAR_LF = "\n";
const CHAR_LS = String.fromCharCode(8232);
const CHAR_PS = String.fromCharCode(8233);
function createScanner(str) {
const _buf = str;
let _index = 0;
let _line = 1;
let _column = 1;
let _peekOffset = 0;
const isCRLF = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_CR && _buf[index3 + 1] === CHAR_LF;
const isLF = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_LF;
const isPS = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_PS;
const isLS = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_LS;
const isLineEnd = (index3) => isCRLF(index3) || isLF(index3) || isPS(index3) || isLS(index3);
const index2 = () => _index;
const line = () => _line;
const column = () => _column;
const peekOffset = () => _peekOffset;
const charAt = (offset) => isCRLF(offset) || isPS(offset) || isLS(offset) ? CHAR_LF : _buf[offset];
const currentChar = () => charAt(_index);
const currentPeek = () => charAt(_index + _peekOffset);
function next() {
_peekOffset = 0;
if (isLineEnd(_index)) {
_column = 0;
if (isCRLF(_index)) {
return _buf[_index];
function peek() {
if (isCRLF(_index + _peekOffset)) {
return _buf[_index + _peekOffset];
function reset3() {
_index = 0;
_line = 1;
_column = 1;
_peekOffset = 0;
function resetPeek(offset = 0) {
_peekOffset = offset;
function skipToPeek() {
const target = _index + _peekOffset;
while (target !== _index) {
_peekOffset = 0;
return {
index: index2,
reset: reset3,
const EOF = void 0;
const ERROR_DOMAIN$1 = "tokenizer";
function createTokenizer(source, options = {}) {
const location2 = options.location !== false;
const _scnr = createScanner(source);
const currentOffset = () => _scnr.index();
const currentPosition = () => createPosition(_scnr.line(), _scnr.column(), _scnr.index());
const _initLoc = currentPosition();
const _initOffset = currentOffset();
const _context = {
currentType: 14,
offset: _initOffset,
startLoc: _initLoc,
endLoc: _initLoc,
lastType: 14,
lastOffset: _initOffset,
lastStartLoc: _initLoc,
lastEndLoc: _initLoc,
braceNest: 0,
inLinked: false,
text: ""
const context = () => _context;
const { onError } = options;
function emitError(code, pos, offset, ...args) {
const ctx = context();
pos.column += offset;
pos.offset += offset;
if (onError) {
const loc = createLocation(ctx.startLoc, pos);
const err = createCompileError(code, loc, {
domain: ERROR_DOMAIN$1,
function getToken(context2, type4, value) {
context2.endLoc = currentPosition();
context2.currentType = type4;
const token = { type: type4 };
if (location2) {
token.loc = createLocation(context2.startLoc, context2.endLoc);
if (value != null) {
token.value = value;
return token;
const getEndToken = (context2) => getToken(context2, 14);
function eat(scnr, ch) {
if (scnr.currentChar() === ch) {;
return ch;
} else {
emitError(0, currentPosition(), 0, ch);
return "";
function peekSpaces(scnr) {
let buf = "";
while (scnr.currentPeek() === CHAR_SP || scnr.currentPeek() === CHAR_LF) {
buf += scnr.currentPeek();
return buf;
function skipSpaces(scnr) {
const buf = peekSpaces(scnr);
return buf;
function isIdentifierStart(ch) {
if (ch === EOF) {
return false;
const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
return cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || cc === 95;
function isNumberStart(ch) {
if (ch === EOF) {
return false;
const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57;
function isNamedIdentifierStart(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
if (currentType !== 2) {
return false;
const ret = isIdentifierStart(scnr.currentPeek());
return ret;
function isListIdentifierStart(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
if (currentType !== 2) {
return false;
const ch = scnr.currentPeek() === "-" ? scnr.peek() : scnr.currentPeek();
const ret = isNumberStart(ch);
return ret;
function isLiteralStart(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
if (currentType !== 2) {
return false;
const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === LITERAL_DELIMITER;
return ret;
function isLinkedDotStart(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
if (currentType !== 8) {
return false;
const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === ".";
return ret;
function isLinkedModifierStart(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
if (currentType !== 9) {
return false;
const ret = isIdentifierStart(scnr.currentPeek());
return ret;
function isLinkedDelimiterStart(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
if (!(currentType === 8 || currentType === 12)) {
return false;
const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === ":";
return ret;
function isLinkedReferStart(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
if (currentType !== 10) {
return false;
const fn = () => {
const ch = scnr.currentPeek();
if (ch === "{") {
return isIdentifierStart(scnr.peek());
} else if (ch === "@" || ch === "%" || ch === "|" || ch === ":" || ch === "." || ch === CHAR_SP || !ch) {
return false;
} else if (ch === CHAR_LF) {
return fn();
} else {
return isIdentifierStart(ch);
const ret = fn();
return ret;
function isPluralStart(scnr) {
const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === "|";
return ret;
function isTextStart(scnr, reset3 = true) {
const fn = (hasSpace = false, prev = "", detectModulo = false) => {
const ch = scnr.currentPeek();
if (ch === "{") {
return prev === "%" ? false : hasSpace;
} else if (ch === "@" || !ch) {
return prev === "%" ? true : hasSpace;
} else if (ch === "%") {
return fn(hasSpace, "%", true);
} else if (ch === "|") {
return prev === "%" || detectModulo ? true : !(prev === CHAR_SP || prev === CHAR_LF);
} else if (ch === CHAR_SP) {
return fn(true, CHAR_SP, detectModulo);
} else if (ch === CHAR_LF) {
return fn(true, CHAR_LF, detectModulo);
} else {
return true;
const ret = fn();
reset3 && scnr.resetPeek();
return ret;
function takeChar(scnr, fn) {
const ch = scnr.currentChar();
if (ch === EOF) {
return EOF;
if (fn(ch)) {;
return ch;
return null;
function takeIdentifierChar(scnr) {
const closure = (ch) => {
const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
return cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || cc === 95 || cc === 36;
return takeChar(scnr, closure);
function takeDigit(scnr) {
const closure = (ch) => {
const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57;
return takeChar(scnr, closure);
function takeHexDigit(scnr) {
const closure = (ch) => {
const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 70 || cc >= 97 && cc <= 102;
return takeChar(scnr, closure);
function getDigits(scnr) {
let ch = "";
let num = "";
while (ch = takeDigit(scnr)) {
num += ch;
return num;
function readText(scnr) {
let buf = "";
while (true) {
const ch = scnr.currentChar();
if (ch === "{" || ch === "}" || ch === "@" || ch === "|" || !ch) {
} else if (ch === "%") {
if (isTextStart(scnr)) {
buf += ch;;
} else {
} else if (ch === CHAR_SP || ch === CHAR_LF) {
if (isTextStart(scnr)) {
buf += ch;;
} else if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
} else {
buf += ch;;
} else {
buf += ch;;
return buf;
function readNamedIdentifier(scnr) {
let ch = "";
let name = "";
while (ch = takeIdentifierChar(scnr)) {
name += ch;
if (scnr.currentChar() === EOF) {
emitError(6, currentPosition(), 0);
return name;
function readListIdentifier(scnr) {
let value = "";
if (scnr.currentChar() === "-") {;
value += `-${getDigits(scnr)}`;
} else {
value += getDigits(scnr);
if (scnr.currentChar() === EOF) {
emitError(6, currentPosition(), 0);
return value;
function readLiteral(scnr) {
eat(scnr, `'`);
let ch = "";
let literal = "";
const fn = (x) => x !== LITERAL_DELIMITER && x !== CHAR_LF;
while (ch = takeChar(scnr, fn)) {
if (ch === "\\") {
literal += readEscapeSequence(scnr);
} else {
literal += ch;
const current = scnr.currentChar();
if (current === CHAR_LF || current === EOF) {
emitError(2, currentPosition(), 0);
if (current === CHAR_LF) {;
eat(scnr, `'`);
return literal;
eat(scnr, `'`);
return literal;
function readEscapeSequence(scnr) {
const ch = scnr.currentChar();
switch (ch) {
case "\\":
case `'`:;
return `\\${ch}`;
case "u":
return readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, ch, 4);
case "U":
return readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, ch, 6);
emitError(3, currentPosition(), 0, ch);
return "";
function readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, unicode, digits) {
eat(scnr, unicode);
let sequence = "";
for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
const ch = takeHexDigit(scnr);
if (!ch) {
emitError(4, currentPosition(), 0, `\\${unicode}${sequence}${scnr.currentChar()}`);
sequence += ch;
return `\\${unicode}${sequence}`;
function readInvalidIdentifier(scnr) {
let ch = "";
let identifiers = "";
const closure = (ch2) => ch2 !== "{" && ch2 !== "}" && ch2 !== CHAR_SP && ch2 !== CHAR_LF;
while (ch = takeChar(scnr, closure)) {
identifiers += ch;
return identifiers;
function readLinkedModifier(scnr) {
let ch = "";
let name = "";
while (ch = takeIdentifierChar(scnr)) {
name += ch;
return name;
function readLinkedRefer(scnr) {
const fn = (detect = false, buf) => {
const ch = scnr.currentChar();
if (ch === "{" || ch === "%" || ch === "@" || ch === "|" || !ch) {
return buf;
} else if (ch === CHAR_SP) {
return buf;
} else if (ch === CHAR_LF) {
buf += ch;;
return fn(detect, buf);
} else {
buf += ch;;
return fn(true, buf);
return fn(false, "");
function readPlural(scnr) {
const plural = eat(scnr, "|");
return plural;
function readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) {
let token = null;
const ch = scnr.currentChar();
switch (ch) {
case "{":
if (context2.braceNest >= 1) {
emitError(8, currentPosition(), 0);
token = getToken(context2, 2, "{");
return token;
case "}":
if (context2.braceNest > 0 && context2.currentType === 2) {
emitError(7, currentPosition(), 0);
token = getToken(context2, 3, "}");
context2.braceNest > 0 && skipSpaces(scnr);
if (context2.inLinked && context2.braceNest === 0) {
context2.inLinked = false;
return token;
case "@":
if (context2.braceNest > 0) {
emitError(6, currentPosition(), 0);
token = readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
context2.braceNest = 0;
return token;
let validNamedIdentifier = true;
let validListIdentifier = true;
let validLiteral = true;
if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
if (context2.braceNest > 0) {
emitError(6, currentPosition(), 0);
token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr));
context2.braceNest = 0;
context2.inLinked = false;
return token;
if (context2.braceNest > 0 && (context2.currentType === 5 || context2.currentType === 6 || context2.currentType === 7)) {
emitError(6, currentPosition(), 0);
context2.braceNest = 0;
return readToken(scnr, context2);
if (validNamedIdentifier = isNamedIdentifierStart(scnr, context2)) {
token = getToken(context2, 5, readNamedIdentifier(scnr));
return token;
if (validListIdentifier = isListIdentifierStart(scnr, context2)) {
token = getToken(context2, 6, readListIdentifier(scnr));
return token;
if (validLiteral = isLiteralStart(scnr, context2)) {
token = getToken(context2, 7, readLiteral(scnr));
return token;
if (!validNamedIdentifier && !validListIdentifier && !validLiteral) {
token = getToken(context2, 13, readInvalidIdentifier(scnr));
emitError(1, currentPosition(), 0, token.value);
return token;
return token;
function readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) {
const { currentType } = context2;
let token = null;
const ch = scnr.currentChar();
if ((currentType === 8 || currentType === 9 || currentType === 12 || currentType === 10) && (ch === CHAR_LF || ch === CHAR_SP)) {
emitError(9, currentPosition(), 0);
switch (ch) {
case "@":;
token = getToken(context2, 8, "@");
context2.inLinked = true;
return token;
case ".":
return getToken(context2, 9, ".");
case ":":
return getToken(context2, 10, ":");
if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr));
context2.braceNest = 0;
context2.inLinked = false;
return token;
if (isLinkedDotStart(scnr, context2) || isLinkedDelimiterStart(scnr, context2)) {
return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2);
if (isLinkedModifierStart(scnr, context2)) {
return getToken(context2, 12, readLinkedModifier(scnr));
if (isLinkedReferStart(scnr, context2)) {
if (ch === "{") {
return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || token;
} else {
return getToken(context2, 11, readLinkedRefer(scnr));
if (currentType === 8) {
emitError(9, currentPosition(), 0);
context2.braceNest = 0;
context2.inLinked = false;
return readToken(scnr, context2);
function readToken(scnr, context2) {
let token = { type: 14 };
if (context2.braceNest > 0) {
return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
if (context2.inLinked) {
return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
const ch = scnr.currentChar();
switch (ch) {
case "{":
return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
case "}":
emitError(5, currentPosition(), 0);;
return getToken(context2, 3, "}");
case "@":
return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr));
context2.braceNest = 0;
context2.inLinked = false;
return token;
if (isTextStart(scnr)) {
return getToken(context2, 0, readText(scnr));
if (ch === "%") {;
return getToken(context2, 4, "%");
return token;
function nextToken() {
const { currentType, offset, startLoc, endLoc } = _context;
_context.lastType = currentType;
_context.lastOffset = offset;
_context.lastStartLoc = startLoc;
_context.lastEndLoc = endLoc;
_context.offset = currentOffset();
_context.startLoc = currentPosition();
if (_scnr.currentChar() === EOF) {
return getToken(_context, 14);
return readToken(_scnr, _context);
return {
const ERROR_DOMAIN = "parser";
const KNOWN_ESCAPES = /(?:\\\\|\\'|\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})|\\U([0-9a-fA-F]{6}))/g;
function fromEscapeSequence(match, codePoint4, codePoint6) {
switch (match) {
case `\\\\`:
return `\\`;
case `\\'`:
return `'`;
default: {
const codePoint = parseInt(codePoint4 || codePoint6, 16);
if (codePoint <= 55295 || codePoint >= 57344) {
return String.fromCodePoint(codePoint);
return "\uFFFD";
function createParser(options = {}) {
const location2 = options.location !== false;
const { onError } = options;
function emitError(tokenzer, code, start, offset, ...args) {
const end = tokenzer.currentPosition();
end.offset += offset;
end.column += offset;
if (onError) {
const loc = createLocation(start, end);
const err = createCompileError(code, loc, {
function startNode(type4, offset, loc) {
const node = {
type: type4,
start: offset,
end: offset
if (location2) {
node.loc = { start: loc, end: loc };
return node;
function endNode(node, offset, pos, type4) {
node.end = offset;
if (type4) {
node.type = type4;
if (location2 && node.loc) {
node.loc.end = pos;
function parseText(tokenizer, value) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const node = startNode(3, context.offset, context.startLoc);
node.value = value;
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return node;
function parseList(tokenizer, index2) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
const node = startNode(5, offset, loc);
node.index = parseInt(index2, 10);
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return node;
function parseNamed(tokenizer, key) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
const node = startNode(4, offset, loc);
node.key = key;
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return node;
function parseLiteral(tokenizer, value) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
const node = startNode(9, offset, loc);
node.value = value.replace(KNOWN_ESCAPES, fromEscapeSequence);
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return node;
function parseLinkedModifier(tokenizer) {
const token = tokenizer.nextToken();
const context = tokenizer.context();
const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
const node = startNode(8, offset, loc);
if (token.type !== 12) {
emitError(tokenizer, 11, context.lastStartLoc, 0);
node.value = "";
endNode(node, offset, loc);
return {
nextConsumeToken: token,
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
node.value = token.value || "";
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return {
function parseLinkedKey(tokenizer, value) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const node = startNode(7, context.offset, context.startLoc);
node.value = value;
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return node;
function parseLinked(tokenizer) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const linkedNode = startNode(6, context.offset, context.startLoc);
let token = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (token.type === 9) {
const parsed = parseLinkedModifier(tokenizer);
linkedNode.modifier = parsed.node;
token = parsed.nextConsumeToken || tokenizer.nextToken();
if (token.type !== 10) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
token = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (token.type === 2) {
token = tokenizer.nextToken();
switch (token.type) {
case 11:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
linkedNode.key = parseLinkedKey(tokenizer, token.value || "");
case 5:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
linkedNode.key = parseNamed(tokenizer, token.value || "");
case 6:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
linkedNode.key = parseList(tokenizer, token.value || "");
case 7:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
linkedNode.key = parseLiteral(tokenizer, token.value || "");
emitError(tokenizer, 12, context.lastStartLoc, 0);
const nextContext = tokenizer.context();
const emptyLinkedKeyNode = startNode(7, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc);
emptyLinkedKeyNode.value = "";
endNode(emptyLinkedKeyNode, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc);
linkedNode.key = emptyLinkedKeyNode;
endNode(linkedNode, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc);
return {
nextConsumeToken: token,
node: linkedNode
endNode(linkedNode, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return {
node: linkedNode
function parseMessage(tokenizer) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const startOffset = context.currentType === 1 ? tokenizer.currentOffset() : context.offset;
const startLoc = context.currentType === 1 ? context.endLoc : context.startLoc;
const node = startNode(2, startOffset, startLoc);
node.items = [];
let nextToken = null;
do {
const token = nextToken || tokenizer.nextToken();
nextToken = null;
switch (token.type) {
case 0:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
node.items.push(parseText(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
case 6:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
node.items.push(parseList(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
case 5:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
node.items.push(parseNamed(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
case 7:
if (token.value == null) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
node.items.push(parseLiteral(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
case 8:
const parsed = parseLinked(tokenizer);
nextToken = parsed.nextConsumeToken || null;
} while (context.currentType !== 14 && context.currentType !== 1);
const endOffset = context.currentType === 1 ? context.lastOffset : tokenizer.currentOffset();
const endLoc = context.currentType === 1 ? context.lastEndLoc : tokenizer.currentPosition();
endNode(node, endOffset, endLoc);
return node;
function parsePlural(tokenizer, offset, loc, msgNode) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
let hasEmptyMessage = msgNode.items.length === 0;
const node = startNode(1, offset, loc);
node.cases = [];
do {
const msg2 = parseMessage(tokenizer);
if (!hasEmptyMessage) {
hasEmptyMessage = msg2.items.length === 0;
} while (context.currentType !== 14);
if (hasEmptyMessage) {
emitError(tokenizer, 10, loc, 0);
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return node;
function parseResource(tokenizer) {
const context = tokenizer.context();
const { offset, startLoc } = context;
const msgNode = parseMessage(tokenizer);
if (context.currentType === 14) {
return msgNode;
} else {
return parsePlural(tokenizer, offset, startLoc, msgNode);
function parse2(source) {
const tokenizer = createTokenizer(source, assign$1({}, options));
const context = tokenizer.context();
const node = startNode(0, context.offset, context.startLoc);
if (location2 && node.loc) {
node.loc.source = source;
node.body = parseResource(tokenizer);
if (context.currentType !== 14) {
emitError(tokenizer, 13, context.lastStartLoc, 0, source[context.offset] || "");
endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
return node;
return { parse: parse2 };
function getTokenCaption(token) {
if (token.type === 14) {
return "EOF";
const name = (token.value || "").replace(/\r?\n/gu, "\\n");
return name.length > 10 ? name.slice(0, 9) + "\u2026" : name;
function createTransformer(ast, options = {}) {
const _context = {
helpers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()
const context = () => _context;
const helper = (name) => {
return name;
return { context, helper };
function traverseNodes(nodes, transformer) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
traverseNode(nodes[i], transformer);
function traverseNode(node, transformer) {
switch (node.type) {
case 1:
traverseNodes(node.cases, transformer);
case 2:
traverseNodes(node.items, transformer);
case 6:
const linked = node;
traverseNode(linked.key, transformer);
case 5:
case 4:
function transform(ast, options = {}) {
const transformer = createTransformer(ast);
ast.body && traverseNode(ast.body, transformer);
const context = transformer.context();
ast.helpers = Array.from(context.helpers);
function createCodeGenerator(ast, options) {
const { sourceMap, filename, breakLineCode, needIndent: _needIndent } = options;
const _context = {
source: ast.loc.source,
code: "",
column: 1,
line: 1,
offset: 0,
map: void 0,
needIndent: _needIndent,
indentLevel: 0
const context = () => _context;
function push(code, node) {
_context.code += code;
function _newline(n, withBreakLine = true) {
const _breakLineCode = withBreakLine ? breakLineCode : "";
push(_needIndent ? _breakLineCode + ` `.repeat(n) : _breakLineCode);
function indent(withNewLine = true) {
const level = ++_context.indentLevel;
withNewLine && _newline(level);
function deindent(withNewLine = true) {
const level = --_context.indentLevel;
withNewLine && _newline(level);
function newline() {
const helper = (key) => `_${key}`;
const needIndent = () => _context.needIndent;
return {
function generateLinkedNode(generator, node) {
const { helper } = generator;
generateNode(generator, node.key);
if (node.modifier) {
generator.push(`, `);
generateNode(generator, node.modifier);
function generateMessageNode(generator, node) {
const { helper, needIndent } = generator;
const length = node.items.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
generateNode(generator, node.items[i]);
if (i === length - 1) {
generator.push(", ");
function generatePluralNode(generator, node) {
const { helper, needIndent } = generator;
if (node.cases.length > 1) {
const length = node.cases.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
generateNode(generator, node.cases[i]);
if (i === length - 1) {
generator.push(", ");
function generateResource(generator, node) {
if (node.body) {
generateNode(generator, node.body);
} else {
function generateNode(generator, node) {
const { helper } = generator;
switch (node.type) {
case 0:
generateResource(generator, node);
case 1:
generatePluralNode(generator, node);
case 2:
generateMessageNode(generator, node);
case 6:
generateLinkedNode(generator, node);
case 8:
generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
case 7:
generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
case 5:
generator.push(`${helper("interpolate")}(${helper("list")}(${node.index}))`, node);
case 4:
generator.push(`${helper("interpolate")}(${helper("named")}(${JSON.stringify(node.key)}))`, node);
case 9:
generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
case 3:
generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
const generate = (ast, options = {}) => {
const mode = isString$1(options.mode) ? options.mode : "normal";
const filename = isString$1(options.filename) ? options.filename : "message.intl";
const sourceMap = !!options.sourceMap;
const breakLineCode = options.breakLineCode != null ? options.breakLineCode : mode === "arrow" ? ";" : "\n";
const needIndent = options.needIndent ? options.needIndent : mode !== "arrow";
const helpers = ast.helpers || [];
const generator = createCodeGenerator(ast, {
generator.push(mode === "normal" ? `function __msg__ (ctx) {` : `(ctx) => {`);
if (helpers.length > 0) {
generator.push(`const { ${ => `${s}: _${s}`).join(", ")} } = ctx`);
generator.push(`return `);
generateNode(generator, ast);
const { code, map } = generator.context();
return {
map: map ? map.toJSON() : void 0
function baseCompile(source, options = {}) {
const assignedOptions = assign$1({}, options);
const parser = createParser(assignedOptions);
const ast = parser.parse(source);
transform(ast, assignedOptions);
return generate(ast, assignedOptions);
* @intlify/devtools-if v9.1.10
* (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
* Released under the MIT License.
const IntlifyDevToolsHooks = {
I18nInit: "i18n:init",
FunctionTranslate: "function:translate"
* @intlify/core-base v9.1.10
* (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
* Released under the MIT License.
let devtools = null;
function setDevToolsHook(hook) {
devtools = hook;
function initI18nDevTools(i18n2, version, meta) {
devtools && devtools.emit(IntlifyDevToolsHooks.I18nInit, {
i18n: i18n2,
const translateDevTools = /* @__PURE__ */ createDevToolsHook(IntlifyDevToolsHooks.FunctionTranslate);
function createDevToolsHook(hook) {
return (payloads) => devtools && devtools.emit(hook, payloads);
const VERSION$1 = "9.1.10";
const NOT_REOSLVED = -1;
function getDefaultLinkedModifiers() {
return {
upper: (val) => isString$1(val) ? val.toUpperCase() : val,
lower: (val) => isString$1(val) ? val.toLowerCase() : val,
capitalize: (val) => isString$1(val) ? `${val.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase()}${val.substr(1)}` : val
let _compiler;
function registerMessageCompiler(compiler) {
_compiler = compiler;
let _additionalMeta = null;
const setAdditionalMeta = (meta) => {
_additionalMeta = meta;
const getAdditionalMeta = () => _additionalMeta;
let _cid = 0;
function createCoreContext(options = {}) {
const version = isString$1(options.version) ? options.version : VERSION$1;
const locale = isString$1(options.locale) ? options.locale : "en-US";
const fallbackLocale = isArray$1(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject$1(options.fallbackLocale) || isString$1(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : locale;
const messages2 = isPlainObject$1(options.messages) ? options.messages : { [locale]: {} };
const datetimeFormats = isPlainObject$1(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [locale]: {} };
const numberFormats = isPlainObject$1(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [locale]: {} };
const modifiers = assign$1({}, options.modifiers || {}, getDefaultLinkedModifiers());
const pluralRules = options.pluralRules || {};
const missing = isFunction$3(options.missing) ? options.missing : null;
const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true;
const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true;
const fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat;
const unresolving = !!options.unresolving;
const postTranslation = isFunction$3(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null;
const processor = isPlainObject$1(options.processor) ? options.processor : null;
const warnHtmlMessage = isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true;
const escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter;
const messageCompiler = isFunction$3(options.messageCompiler) ? options.messageCompiler : _compiler;
const onWarn = isFunction$3(options.onWarn) ? options.onWarn : warn;
const internalOptions = options;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const __datetimeFormatters = isObject$4(internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters) ? internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const __numberFormatters = isObject$4(internalOptions.__numberFormatters) ? internalOptions.__numberFormatters : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const __meta = isObject$4(internalOptions.__meta) ? internalOptions.__meta : {};
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const context = {
cid: _cid,
messages: messages2,
initI18nDevTools(context, version, __meta);
return context;
function handleMissing(context, key, locale, missingWarn, type4) {
const { missing, onWarn } = context;
if (missing !== null) {
const ret = missing(context, locale, key, type4);
return isString$1(ret) ? ret : key;
} else {
return key;
function getLocaleChain(ctx, fallback, start) {
const context = ctx;
if (!context.__localeChainCache) {
context.__localeChainCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let chain = context.__localeChainCache.get(start);
if (!chain) {
chain = [];
let block = [start];
while (isArray$1(block)) {
block = appendBlockToChain(chain, block, fallback);
const defaults = isArray$1(fallback) ? fallback : isPlainObject$1(fallback) ? fallback["default"] ? fallback["default"] : null : fallback;
block = isString$1(defaults) ? [defaults] : defaults;
if (isArray$1(block)) {
appendBlockToChain(chain, block, false);
context.__localeChainCache.set(start, chain);
return chain;
function appendBlockToChain(chain, block, blocks) {
let follow = true;
for (let i = 0; i < block.length && isBoolean(follow); i++) {
const locale = block[i];
if (isString$1(locale)) {
follow = appendLocaleToChain(chain, block[i], blocks);
return follow;
function appendLocaleToChain(chain, locale, blocks) {
let follow;
const tokens = locale.split("-");
do {
const target = tokens.join("-");
follow = appendItemToChain(chain, target, blocks);
tokens.splice(-1, 1);
} while (tokens.length && follow === true);
return follow;
function appendItemToChain(chain, target, blocks) {
let follow = false;
if (!chain.includes(target)) {
follow = true;
if (target) {
follow = target[target.length - 1] !== "!";
const locale = target.replace(/!/g, "");
if ((isArray$1(blocks) || isPlainObject$1(blocks)) && blocks[locale]) {
follow = blocks[locale];
return follow;
function updateFallbackLocale(ctx, locale, fallback) {
const context = ctx;
context.__localeChainCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
getLocaleChain(ctx, fallback, locale);
const defaultOnCacheKey = (source) => source;
let compileCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function compileToFunction(source, options = {}) {
const onCacheKey = options.onCacheKey || defaultOnCacheKey;
const key = onCacheKey(source);
const cached = compileCache[key];
if (cached) {
return cached;
let occurred = false;
const onError = options.onError || defaultOnError;
options.onError = (err) => {
occurred = true;
const { code } = baseCompile(source, options);
const msg2 = new Function(`return ${code}`)();
return !occurred ? compileCache[key] = msg2 : msg2;
function createCoreError(code) {
return createCompileError(code, null, void 0);
const NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION = () => "";
const isMessageFunction = (val) => isFunction$3(val);
function translate(context, ...args) {
const { fallbackFormat, postTranslation, unresolving, fallbackLocale, messages: messages2 } = context;
const [key, options] = parseTranslateArgs(...args);
const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn;
const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn;
const escapeParameter = isBoolean(options.escapeParameter) ? options.escapeParameter : context.escapeParameter;
const resolvedMessage = !!options.resolvedMessage;
const defaultMsgOrKey = isString$1(options.default) || isBoolean(options.default) ? !isBoolean(options.default) ? options.default : key : fallbackFormat ? key : "";
const enableDefaultMsg = fallbackFormat || defaultMsgOrKey !== "";
const locale = isString$1(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale;
escapeParameter && escapeParams(options);
let [format2, targetLocale, message] = !resolvedMessage ? resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn) : [
messages2[locale] || {}
let cacheBaseKey = key;
if (!resolvedMessage && !(isString$1(format2) || isMessageFunction(format2))) {
if (enableDefaultMsg) {
format2 = defaultMsgOrKey;
cacheBaseKey = format2;
if (!resolvedMessage && (!(isString$1(format2) || isMessageFunction(format2)) || !isString$1(targetLocale))) {
return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key;
let occurred = false;
const errorDetector = () => {
occurred = true;
const msg2 = !isMessageFunction(format2) ? compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format2, cacheBaseKey, errorDetector) : format2;
if (occurred) {
return format2;
const ctxOptions = getMessageContextOptions(context, targetLocale, message, options);
const msgContext = createMessageContext(ctxOptions);
const messaged = evaluateMessage(context, msg2, msgContext);
const ret = postTranslation ? postTranslation(messaged) : messaged;
const payloads = {
key: isString$1(key) ? key : isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.key : "",
locale: targetLocale || (isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.locale : ""),
format: isString$1(format2) ? format2 : isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.source : "",
message: ret
payloads.meta = assign$1({}, context.__meta, getAdditionalMeta() || {});
return ret;
function escapeParams(options) {
if (isArray$1(options.list)) {
options.list = => isString$1(item) ? escapeHtml(item) : item);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
} else if (isObject$4(options.named)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
Object.keys(options.named).forEach((key) => {
if (isString$1(options.named[key])) {
options.named[key] = escapeHtml(options.named[key]);
function resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn) {
const { messages: messages2, onWarn } = context;
const locales = getLocaleChain(context, fallbackLocale, locale);
let message = {};
let targetLocale;
let format2 = null;
const type4 = "translate";
for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
targetLocale = locales[i];
message = messages2[targetLocale] || {};
if ((format2 = resolveValue(message, key)) === null) {
format2 = message[key];
if (isString$1(format2) || isFunction$3(format2))
const missingRet = handleMissing(context, key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type4);
if (missingRet !== key) {
format2 = missingRet;
return [format2, targetLocale, message];
function compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format2, cacheBaseKey, errorDetector) {
const { messageCompiler, warnHtmlMessage } = context;
if (isMessageFunction(format2)) {
const msg3 = format2;
msg3.locale = msg3.locale || targetLocale;
msg3.key = msg3.key || key;
return msg3;
const msg2 = messageCompiler(format2, getCompileOptions(context, targetLocale, cacheBaseKey, format2, warnHtmlMessage, errorDetector));
msg2.locale = targetLocale;
msg2.key = key;
msg2.source = format2;
return msg2;
function evaluateMessage(context, msg2, msgCtx) {
const messaged = msg2(msgCtx);
return messaged;
function parseTranslateArgs(...args) {
const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
const options = {};
if (!isString$1(arg1) && !isNumber$2(arg1) && !isMessageFunction(arg1)) {
throw createCoreError(14);
const key = isNumber$2(arg1) ? String(arg1) : isMessageFunction(arg1) ? arg1 : arg1;
if (isNumber$2(arg2)) {
options.plural = arg2;
} else if (isString$1(arg2)) {
options.default = arg2;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg2) && !isEmptyObject(arg2)) {
options.named = arg2;
} else if (isArray$1(arg2)) {
options.list = arg2;
if (isNumber$2(arg3)) {
options.plural = arg3;
} else if (isString$1(arg3)) {
options.default = arg3;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg3)) {
assign$1(options, arg3);
return [key, options];
function getCompileOptions(context, locale, key, source, warnHtmlMessage, errorDetector) {
return {
onError: (err) => {
errorDetector && errorDetector(err);
throw err;
onCacheKey: (source2) => generateFormatCacheKey(locale, key, source2)
function getMessageContextOptions(context, locale, message, options) {
const { modifiers, pluralRules } = context;
const resolveMessage = (key) => {
const val = resolveValue(message, key);
if (isString$1(val)) {
let occurred = false;
const errorDetector = () => {
occurred = true;
const msg2 = compileMessageFormat(context, key, locale, val, key, errorDetector);
return !occurred ? msg2 : NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION;
} else if (isMessageFunction(val)) {
return val;
} else {
const ctxOptions = {
messages: resolveMessage
if (context.processor) {
ctxOptions.processor = context.processor;
if (options.list) {
ctxOptions.list = options.list;
if (options.named) {
ctxOptions.named = options.named;
if (isNumber$2(options.plural)) {
ctxOptions.pluralIndex = options.plural;
return ctxOptions;
function datetime(context, ...args) {
const { datetimeFormats, unresolving, fallbackLocale, onWarn } = context;
const { __datetimeFormatters } = context;
const [key, value, options, overrides] = parseDateTimeArgs(...args);
const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn;
isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn;
const part = !!options.part;
const locale = isString$1(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale;
const locales = getLocaleChain(context, fallbackLocale, locale);
if (!isString$1(key) || key === "") {
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale).format(value);
let datetimeFormat = {};
let targetLocale;
let format2 = null;
const type4 = "datetime format";
for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
targetLocale = locales[i];
datetimeFormat = datetimeFormats[targetLocale] || {};
format2 = datetimeFormat[key];
if (isPlainObject$1(format2))
handleMissing(context, key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type4);
if (!isPlainObject$1(format2) || !isString$1(targetLocale)) {
return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key;
let id = `${targetLocale}__${key}`;
if (!isEmptyObject(overrides)) {
id = `${id}__${JSON.stringify(overrides)}`;
let formatter = __datetimeFormatters.get(id);
if (!formatter) {
formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(targetLocale, assign$1({}, format2, overrides));
__datetimeFormatters.set(id, formatter);
return !part ? formatter.format(value) : formatter.formatToParts(value);
function parseDateTimeArgs(...args) {
const [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = args;
let options = {};
let overrides = {};
let value;
if (isString$1(arg1)) {
if (!/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(T.*)?/.test(arg1)) {
throw createCoreError(16);
value = new Date(arg1);
try {
} catch (e) {
throw createCoreError(16);
} else if (isDate(arg1)) {
if (isNaN(arg1.getTime())) {
throw createCoreError(15);
value = arg1;
} else if (isNumber$2(arg1)) {
value = arg1;
} else {
throw createCoreError(14);
if (isString$1(arg2)) {
options.key = arg2;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg2)) {
options = arg2;
if (isString$1(arg3)) {
options.locale = arg3;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg3)) {
overrides = arg3;
if (isPlainObject$1(arg4)) {
overrides = arg4;
return [options.key || "", value, options, overrides];
function clearDateTimeFormat(ctx, locale, format2) {
const context = ctx;
for (const key in format2) {
const id = `${locale}__${key}`;
if (!context.__datetimeFormatters.has(id)) {
function number$1(context, ...args) {
const { numberFormats, unresolving, fallbackLocale, onWarn } = context;
const { __numberFormatters } = context;
const [key, value, options, overrides] = parseNumberArgs(...args);
const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn;
isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn;
const part = !!options.part;
const locale = isString$1(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale;
const locales = getLocaleChain(context, fallbackLocale, locale);
if (!isString$1(key) || key === "") {
return new Intl.NumberFormat(locale).format(value);
let numberFormat = {};
let targetLocale;
let format2 = null;
const type4 = "number format";
for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
targetLocale = locales[i];
numberFormat = numberFormats[targetLocale] || {};
format2 = numberFormat[key];
if (isPlainObject$1(format2))
handleMissing(context, key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type4);
if (!isPlainObject$1(format2) || !isString$1(targetLocale)) {
return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key;
let id = `${targetLocale}__${key}`;
if (!isEmptyObject(overrides)) {
id = `${id}__${JSON.stringify(overrides)}`;
let formatter = __numberFormatters.get(id);
if (!formatter) {
formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(targetLocale, assign$1({}, format2, overrides));
__numberFormatters.set(id, formatter);
return !part ? formatter.format(value) : formatter.formatToParts(value);
function parseNumberArgs(...args) {
const [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = args;
let options = {};
let overrides = {};
if (!isNumber$2(arg1)) {
throw createCoreError(14);
const value = arg1;
if (isString$1(arg2)) {
options.key = arg2;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg2)) {
options = arg2;
if (isString$1(arg3)) {
options.locale = arg3;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg3)) {
overrides = arg3;
if (isPlainObject$1(arg4)) {
overrides = arg4;
return [options.key || "", value, options, overrides];
function clearNumberFormat(ctx, locale, format2) {
const context = ctx;
for (const key in format2) {
const id = `${locale}__${key}`;
if (!context.__numberFormatters.has(id)) {
if (typeof __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ !== "boolean") {
getGlobalThis().__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = false;
* vue-i18n v9.1.10
* (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
* Released under the MIT License.
const VERSION = "9.1.10";
function initFeatureFlags() {
if (typeof __VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__ !== "boolean") {
getGlobalThis().__VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__ = true;
if (typeof __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ !== "boolean") {
getGlobalThis().__VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ = true;
if (typeof __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ !== "boolean") {
getGlobalThis().__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = false;
function createI18nError(code, ...args) {
return createCompileError(code, null, void 0);
const TransrateVNodeSymbol = makeSymbol("__transrateVNode");
const DatetimePartsSymbol = makeSymbol("__datetimeParts");
const NumberPartsSymbol = makeSymbol("__numberParts");
const SetPluralRulesSymbol = makeSymbol("__setPluralRules");
const InejctWithOption = makeSymbol("__injectWithOption");
let composerID = 0;
function defineCoreMissingHandler(missing) {
return (ctx, locale, key, type4) => {
return missing(locale, key, getCurrentInstance() || void 0, type4);
function getLocaleMessages(locale, options) {
const { messages: messages2, __i18n } = options;
const ret = isPlainObject$1(messages2) ? messages2 : isArray$1(__i18n) ? {} : { [locale]: {} };
if (isArray$1(__i18n)) {
__i18n.forEach(({ locale: locale2, resource }) => {
if (locale2) {
ret[locale2] = ret[locale2] || {};
deepCopy(resource, ret[locale2]);
} else {
deepCopy(resource, ret);
if (options.flatJson) {
for (const key in ret) {
if (hasOwn$1(ret, key)) {
return ret;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const isNotObjectOrIsArray = (val) => !isObject$4(val) || isArray$1(val);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function deepCopy(src, des) {
if (isNotObjectOrIsArray(src) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(des)) {
throw createI18nError(20);
for (const key in src) {
if (hasOwn$1(src, key)) {
if (isNotObjectOrIsArray(src[key]) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(des[key])) {
des[key] = src[key];
} else {
deepCopy(src[key], des[key]);
const getMetaInfo = () => {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
return instance && instance.type[DEVTOOLS_META] ? { [DEVTOOLS_META]: instance.type[DEVTOOLS_META] } : null;
function createComposer(options = {}) {
const { __root } = options;
const _isGlobal = __root === void 0;
let _inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.inheritLocale) ? options.inheritLocale : true;
const _locale = ref(__root && _inheritLocale ? __root.locale.value : isString$1(options.locale) ? options.locale : "en-US");
const _fallbackLocale = ref(__root && _inheritLocale ? __root.fallbackLocale.value : isString$1(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray$1(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject$1(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : _locale.value);
const _messages = ref(getLocaleMessages(_locale.value, options));
const _datetimeFormats = ref(isPlainObject$1(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} });
const _numberFormats = ref(isPlainObject$1(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} });
let _missingWarn = __root ? __root.missingWarn : isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true;
let _fallbackWarn = __root ? __root.fallbackWarn : isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true;
let _fallbackRoot = __root ? __root.fallbackRoot : isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true;
let _fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat;
let _missing = isFunction$3(options.missing) ? options.missing : null;
let _runtimeMissing = isFunction$3(options.missing) ? defineCoreMissingHandler(options.missing) : null;
let _postTranslation = isFunction$3(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null;
let _warnHtmlMessage = isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true;
let _escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter;
const _modifiers = __root ? __root.modifiers : isPlainObject$1(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {};
let _pluralRules = options.pluralRules || __root && __root.pluralRules;
let _context;
function getCoreContext() {
return createCoreContext({
version: VERSION,
locale: _locale.value,
fallbackLocale: _fallbackLocale.value,
messages: _messages.value,
datetimeFormats: _datetimeFormats.value,
numberFormats: _numberFormats.value,
modifiers: _modifiers,
pluralRules: _pluralRules,
missing: _runtimeMissing === null ? void 0 : _runtimeMissing,
missingWarn: _missingWarn,
fallbackWarn: _fallbackWarn,
fallbackFormat: _fallbackFormat,
unresolving: true,
postTranslation: _postTranslation === null ? void 0 : _postTranslation,
warnHtmlMessage: _warnHtmlMessage,
escapeParameter: _escapeParameter,
__datetimeFormatters: isPlainObject$1(_context) ? _context.__datetimeFormatters : void 0,
__numberFormatters: isPlainObject$1(_context) ? _context.__numberFormatters : void 0,
__v_emitter: isPlainObject$1(_context) ? _context.__v_emitter : void 0,
__meta: { framework: "vue" }
_context = getCoreContext();
updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
function trackReactivityValues() {
return [
const locale = computed$1({
get: () => _locale.value,
set: (val) => {
_locale.value = val;
_context.locale = _locale.value;
const fallbackLocale = computed$1({
get: () => _fallbackLocale.value,
set: (val) => {
_fallbackLocale.value = val;
_context.fallbackLocale = _fallbackLocale.value;
updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, val);
const messages2 = computed$1(() => _messages.value);
const datetimeFormats = computed$1(() => _datetimeFormats.value);
const numberFormats = computed$1(() => _numberFormats.value);
function getPostTranslationHandler() {
return isFunction$3(_postTranslation) ? _postTranslation : null;
function setPostTranslationHandler(handler) {
_postTranslation = handler;
_context.postTranslation = handler;
function getMissingHandler() {
return _missing;
function setMissingHandler(handler) {
if (handler !== null) {
_runtimeMissing = defineCoreMissingHandler(handler);
_missing = handler;
_context.missing = _runtimeMissing;
function wrapWithDeps(fn, argumentParser, warnType, fallbackSuccess, fallbackFail, successCondition) {
let ret;
try {
ret = fn(_context);
} finally {
} else {
ret = fn(_context);
if (isNumber$2(ret) && ret === NOT_REOSLVED) {
const [key, arg2] = argumentParser();
return __root && _fallbackRoot ? fallbackSuccess(__root) : fallbackFail(key);
} else if (successCondition(ret)) {
return ret;
} else {
throw createI18nError(14);
function t(...args) {
return wrapWithDeps((context) => translate(context, ...args), () => parseTranslateArgs(...args), "translate", (root) => root.t(...args), (key) => key, (val) => isString$1(val));
function rt(...args) {
const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (arg3 && !isObject$4(arg3)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
throw createI18nError(15);
return t(...[arg1, arg2, assign$1({ resolvedMessage: true }, arg3 || {})]);
function d(...args) {
return wrapWithDeps((context) => datetime(context, ...args), () => parseDateTimeArgs(...args), "datetime format", (root) => root.d(...args), () => MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE, (val) => isString$1(val));
function n(...args) {
return wrapWithDeps((context) => number$1(context, ...args), () => parseNumberArgs(...args), "number format", (root) => root.n(...args), () => MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE, (val) => isString$1(val));
function normalize(values) {
return => isString$1(val) ? createVNode(Text, null, val, 0) : val);
const interpolate = (val) => val;
const processor = {
type: "vnode"
function transrateVNode(...args) {
return wrapWithDeps((context) => {
let ret;
const _context2 = context;
try {
_context2.processor = processor;
ret = translate(_context2, ...args);
} finally {
_context2.processor = null;
return ret;
}, () => parseTranslateArgs(...args), "translate", (root) => root[TransrateVNodeSymbol](...args), (key) => [createVNode(Text, null, key, 0)], (val) => isArray$1(val));
function numberParts(...args) {
return wrapWithDeps((context) => number$1(context, ...args), () => parseNumberArgs(...args), "number format", (root) => root[NumberPartsSymbol](...args), () => [], (val) => isString$1(val) || isArray$1(val));
function datetimeParts(...args) {
return wrapWithDeps((context) => datetime(context, ...args), () => parseDateTimeArgs(...args), "datetime format", (root) => root[DatetimePartsSymbol](...args), () => [], (val) => isString$1(val) || isArray$1(val));
function setPluralRules(rules2) {
_pluralRules = rules2;
_context.pluralRules = _pluralRules;
function te(key, locale2) {
const targetLocale = isString$1(locale2) ? locale2 : _locale.value;
const message = getLocaleMessage(targetLocale);
return resolveValue(message, key) !== null;
function resolveMessages(key) {
let messages3 = null;
const locales = getLocaleChain(_context, _fallbackLocale.value, _locale.value);
for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
const targetLocaleMessages = _messages.value[locales[i]] || {};
const messageValue = resolveValue(targetLocaleMessages, key);
if (messageValue != null) {
messages3 = messageValue;
return messages3;
function tm(key) {
const messages3 = resolveMessages(key);
return messages3 != null ? messages3 : __root ? || {} : {};
function getLocaleMessage(locale2) {
return _messages.value[locale2] || {};
function setLocaleMessage(locale2, message) {
_messages.value[locale2] = message;
_context.messages = _messages.value;
function mergeLocaleMessage(locale2, message) {
_messages.value[locale2] = _messages.value[locale2] || {};
deepCopy(message, _messages.value[locale2]);
_context.messages = _messages.value;
function getDateTimeFormat(locale2) {
return _datetimeFormats.value[locale2] || {};
function setDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2) {
_datetimeFormats.value[locale2] = format2;
_context.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value;
clearDateTimeFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
function mergeDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2) {
_datetimeFormats.value[locale2] = assign$1(_datetimeFormats.value[locale2] || {}, format2);
_context.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value;
clearDateTimeFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
function getNumberFormat(locale2) {
return _numberFormats.value[locale2] || {};
function setNumberFormat(locale2, format2) {
_numberFormats.value[locale2] = format2;
_context.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value;
clearNumberFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
function mergeNumberFormat(locale2, format2) {
_numberFormats.value[locale2] = assign$1(_numberFormats.value[locale2] || {}, format2);
_context.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value;
clearNumberFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
if (__root) {
watch(__root.locale, (val) => {
if (_inheritLocale) {
_locale.value = val;
_context.locale = val;
updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
watch(__root.fallbackLocale, (val) => {
if (_inheritLocale) {
_fallbackLocale.value = val;
_context.fallbackLocale = val;
updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
const composer = {
id: composerID,
get inheritLocale() {
return _inheritLocale;
set inheritLocale(val) {
_inheritLocale = val;
if (val && __root) {
_locale.value = __root.locale.value;
_fallbackLocale.value = __root.fallbackLocale.value;
updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
get availableLocales() {
return Object.keys(_messages.value).sort();
messages: messages2,
get modifiers() {
return _modifiers;
get pluralRules() {
return _pluralRules || {};
get isGlobal() {
return _isGlobal;
get missingWarn() {
return _missingWarn;
set missingWarn(val) {
_missingWarn = val;
_context.missingWarn = _missingWarn;
get fallbackWarn() {
return _fallbackWarn;
set fallbackWarn(val) {
_fallbackWarn = val;
_context.fallbackWarn = _fallbackWarn;
get fallbackRoot() {
return _fallbackRoot;
set fallbackRoot(val) {
_fallbackRoot = val;
get fallbackFormat() {
return _fallbackFormat;
set fallbackFormat(val) {
_fallbackFormat = val;
_context.fallbackFormat = _fallbackFormat;
get warnHtmlMessage() {
return _warnHtmlMessage;
set warnHtmlMessage(val) {
_warnHtmlMessage = val;
_context.warnHtmlMessage = val;
get escapeParameter() {
return _escapeParameter;
set escapeParameter(val) {
_escapeParameter = val;
_context.escapeParameter = val;
[TransrateVNodeSymbol]: transrateVNode,
[NumberPartsSymbol]: numberParts,
[DatetimePartsSymbol]: datetimeParts,
[SetPluralRulesSymbol]: setPluralRules,
[InejctWithOption]: options.__injectWithOption
return composer;
function convertComposerOptions(options) {
const locale = isString$1(options.locale) ? options.locale : "en-US";
const fallbackLocale = isString$1(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray$1(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject$1(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : locale;
const missing = isFunction$3(options.missing) ? options.missing : void 0;
const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.silentTranslationWarn) || isRegExp(options.silentTranslationWarn) ? !options.silentTranslationWarn : true;
const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.silentFallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.silentFallbackWarn) ? !options.silentFallbackWarn : true;
const fallbackRoot = isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true;
const fallbackFormat = !!options.formatFallbackMessages;
const modifiers = isPlainObject$1(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {};
const pluralizationRules = options.pluralizationRules;
const postTranslation = isFunction$3(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : void 0;
const warnHtmlMessage = isString$1(options.warnHtmlInMessage) ? options.warnHtmlInMessage !== "off" : true;
const escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameterHtml;
const inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.sync) ? options.sync : true;
let messages2 = options.messages;
if (isPlainObject$1(options.sharedMessages)) {
const sharedMessages = options.sharedMessages;
const locales = Object.keys(sharedMessages);
messages2 = locales.reduce((messages3, locale2) => {
const message = messages3[locale2] || (messages3[locale2] = {});
assign$1(message, sharedMessages[locale2]);
return messages3;
}, messages2 || {});
const { __i18n, __root, __injectWithOption } = options;
const datetimeFormats = options.datetimeFormats;
const numberFormats = options.numberFormats;
const flatJson = options.flatJson;
return {
messages: messages2,
pluralRules: pluralizationRules,
function createVueI18n(options = {}) {
const composer = createComposer(convertComposerOptions(options));
const vueI18n = {
get locale() {
return composer.locale.value;
set locale(val) {
composer.locale.value = val;
get fallbackLocale() {
return composer.fallbackLocale.value;
set fallbackLocale(val) {
composer.fallbackLocale.value = val;
get messages() {
return composer.messages.value;
get datetimeFormats() {
return composer.datetimeFormats.value;
get numberFormats() {
return composer.numberFormats.value;
get availableLocales() {
return composer.availableLocales;
get formatter() {
return {
interpolate() {
return [];
set formatter(val) {
get missing() {
return composer.getMissingHandler();
set missing(handler) {
get silentTranslationWarn() {
return isBoolean(composer.missingWarn) ? !composer.missingWarn : composer.missingWarn;
set silentTranslationWarn(val) {
composer.missingWarn = isBoolean(val) ? !val : val;
get silentFallbackWarn() {
return isBoolean(composer.fallbackWarn) ? !composer.fallbackWarn : composer.fallbackWarn;
set silentFallbackWarn(val) {
composer.fallbackWarn = isBoolean(val) ? !val : val;
get modifiers() {
return composer.modifiers;
get formatFallbackMessages() {
return composer.fallbackFormat;
set formatFallbackMessages(val) {
composer.fallbackFormat = val;
get postTranslation() {
return composer.getPostTranslationHandler();
set postTranslation(handler) {
get sync() {
return composer.inheritLocale;
set sync(val) {
composer.inheritLocale = val;
get warnHtmlInMessage() {
return composer.warnHtmlMessage ? "warn" : "off";
set warnHtmlInMessage(val) {
composer.warnHtmlMessage = val !== "off";
get escapeParameterHtml() {
return composer.escapeParameter;
set escapeParameterHtml(val) {
composer.escapeParameter = val;
get preserveDirectiveContent() {
return true;
set preserveDirectiveContent(val) {
get pluralizationRules() {
return composer.pluralRules || {};
__composer: composer,
t(...args) {
const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
const options2 = {};
let list = null;
let named = null;
if (!isString$1(arg1)) {
throw createI18nError(15);
const key = arg1;
if (isString$1(arg2)) {
options2.locale = arg2;
} else if (isArray$1(arg2)) {
list = arg2;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg2)) {
named = arg2;
if (isArray$1(arg3)) {
list = arg3;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg3)) {
named = arg3;
return composer.t(key, list || named || {}, options2);
rt(...args) {
return composer.rt(...args);
tc(...args) {
const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
const options2 = { plural: 1 };
let list = null;
let named = null;
if (!isString$1(arg1)) {
throw createI18nError(15);
const key = arg1;
if (isString$1(arg2)) {
options2.locale = arg2;
} else if (isNumber$2(arg2)) {
options2.plural = arg2;
} else if (isArray$1(arg2)) {
list = arg2;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg2)) {
named = arg2;
if (isString$1(arg3)) {
options2.locale = arg3;
} else if (isArray$1(arg3)) {
list = arg3;
} else if (isPlainObject$1(arg3)) {
named = arg3;
return composer.t(key, list || named || {}, options2);
te(key, locale) {
return composer.te(key, locale);
tm(key) {
getLocaleMessage(locale) {
return composer.getLocaleMessage(locale);
setLocaleMessage(locale, message) {
composer.setLocaleMessage(locale, message);
mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message) {
composer.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message);
d(...args) {
return composer.d(...args);
getDateTimeFormat(locale) {
return composer.getDateTimeFormat(locale);
setDateTimeFormat(locale, format2) {
composer.setDateTimeFormat(locale, format2);
mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format2) {
composer.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format2);
n(...args) {
return composer.n(...args);
getNumberFormat(locale) {
return composer.getNumberFormat(locale);
setNumberFormat(locale, format2) {
composer.setNumberFormat(locale, format2);
mergeNumberFormat(locale, format2) {
composer.mergeNumberFormat(locale, format2);
getChoiceIndex(choice, choicesLength) {
return -1;
__onComponentInstanceCreated(target) {
const { componentInstanceCreatedListener } = options;
if (componentInstanceCreatedListener) {
componentInstanceCreatedListener(target, vueI18n);
return vueI18n;
const baseFormatProps = {
tag: {
type: [String, Object]
locale: {
type: String
scope: {
type: String,
validator: (val) => val === "parent" || val === "global",
default: "parent"
i18n: {
type: Object
const Translation = {
name: "i18n-t",
props: assign$1({
keypath: {
type: String,
required: true
plural: {
type: [Number, String],
validator: (val) => isNumber$2(val) || !isNaN(val)
}, baseFormatProps),
setup(props, context) {
const { slots, attrs } = context;
const i18n2 = props.i18n || useI18n$1({
useScope: props.scope,
__useComponent: true
const keys = Object.keys(slots).filter((key) => key !== "_");
return () => {
const options = {};
if (props.locale) {
options.locale = props.locale;
if (props.plural !== void 0) {
options.plural = isString$1(props.plural) ? +props.plural : props.plural;
const arg = getInterpolateArg(context, keys);
const children = i18n2[TransrateVNodeSymbol](props.keypath, arg, options);
const assignedAttrs = assign$1({}, attrs);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
return isString$1(props.tag) ? h(props.tag, assignedAttrs, children) : isObject$4(props.tag) ? h(props.tag, assignedAttrs, children) : h(Fragment, assignedAttrs, children);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function getInterpolateArg({ slots }, keys) {
if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "default") {
return slots.default ? slots.default() : [];
} else {
return keys.reduce((arg, key) => {
const slot = slots[key];
if (slot) {
arg[key] = slot();
return arg;
}, {});
function renderFormatter(props, context, slotKeys, partFormatter) {
const { slots, attrs } = context;
return () => {
const options = { part: true };
let overrides = {};
if (props.locale) {
options.locale = props.locale;
if (isString$1(props.format)) {
options.key = props.format;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
} else if (isObject$4(props.format)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
if (isString$1(props.format.key)) {
options.key = props.format.key;
overrides = Object.keys(props.format).reduce((options2, prop) => {
return slotKeys.includes(prop) ? assign$1({}, options2, { [prop]: props.format[prop] }) : options2;
}, {});
const parts = partFormatter(...[props.value, options, overrides]);
let children = [options.key];
if (isArray$1(parts)) {
children =, index2) => {
const slot = slots[part.type];
return slot ? slot({ [part.type]: part.value, index: index2, parts }) : [part.value];
} else if (isString$1(parts)) {
children = [parts];
const assignedAttrs = assign$1({}, attrs);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
return isString$1(props.tag) ? h(props.tag, assignedAttrs, children) : isObject$4(props.tag) ? h(props.tag, assignedAttrs, children) : h(Fragment, assignedAttrs, children);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const NumberFormat = {
name: "i18n-n",
props: assign$1({
value: {
type: Number,
required: true
format: {
type: [String, Object]
}, baseFormatProps),
setup(props, context) {
const i18n2 = props.i18n || useI18n$1({ useScope: "parent", __useComponent: true });
return renderFormatter(props, context, NUMBER_FORMAT_KEYS, (...args) => i18n2[NumberPartsSymbol](...args));
const DatetimeFormat = {
name: "i18n-d",
props: assign$1({
value: {
type: [Number, Date],
required: true
format: {
type: [String, Object]
}, baseFormatProps),
setup(props, context) {
const i18n2 = props.i18n || useI18n$1({ useScope: "parent", __useComponent: true });
return renderFormatter(props, context, DATETIME_FORMAT_KEYS, (...args) => i18n2[DatetimePartsSymbol](...args));
function getComposer$2(i18n2, instance) {
const i18nInternal = i18n2;
if (i18n2.mode === "composition") {
return i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance) ||;
} else {
const vueI18n = i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance);
return vueI18n != null ? vueI18n.__composer :;
function vTDirective(i18n2) {
const bind2 = (el, { instance, value, modifiers }) => {
if (!instance || !instance.$) {
throw createI18nError(22);
const composer = getComposer$2(i18n2, instance.$);
const parsedValue = parseValue(value);
el.textContent = composer.t(...makeParams(parsedValue));
return {
beforeMount: bind2,
beforeUpdate: bind2
function parseValue(value) {
if (isString$1(value)) {
return { path: value };
} else if (isPlainObject$1(value)) {
if (!("path" in value)) {
throw createI18nError(19, "path");
return value;
} else {
throw createI18nError(20);
function makeParams(value) {
const { path, locale, args, choice, plural } = value;
const options = {};
const named = args || {};
if (isString$1(locale)) {
options.locale = locale;
if (isNumber$2(choice)) {
options.plural = choice;
if (isNumber$2(plural)) {
options.plural = plural;
return [path, named, options];
function apply(app, i18n2, ...options) {
const pluginOptions = isPlainObject$1(options[0]) ? options[0] : {};
const useI18nComponentName = !!pluginOptions.useI18nComponentName;
const globalInstall = isBoolean(pluginOptions.globalInstall) ? pluginOptions.globalInstall : true;
if (globalInstall) {
app.component(!useI18nComponentName ? : "i18n", Translation);
app.component(, NumberFormat);
app.component(, DatetimeFormat);
app.directive("t", vTDirective(i18n2));
function defineMixin(vuei18n, composer, i18n2) {
return {
beforeCreate() {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
if (!instance) {
throw createI18nError(22);
const options = this.$options;
if (options.i18n) {
const optionsI18n = options.i18n;
if (options.__i18n) {
optionsI18n.__i18n = options.__i18n;
optionsI18n.__root = composer;
if (this === this.$root) {
this.$i18n = mergeToRoot(vuei18n, optionsI18n);
} else {
optionsI18n.__injectWithOption = true;
this.$i18n = createVueI18n(optionsI18n);
} else if (options.__i18n) {
if (this === this.$root) {
this.$i18n = mergeToRoot(vuei18n, options);
} else {
this.$i18n = createVueI18n({
__i18n: options.__i18n,
__injectWithOption: true,
__root: composer
} else {
this.$i18n = vuei18n;
i18n2.__setInstance(instance, this.$i18n);
this.$t = (...args) => this.$i18n.t(...args);
this.$rt = (...args) => this.$i18n.rt(...args);
this.$tc = (...args) => this.$;
this.$te = (key, locale) => this.$i18n.te(key, locale);
this.$d = (...args) => this.$i18n.d(...args);
this.$n = (...args) => this.$i18n.n(...args);
this.$tm = (key) => this.$;
mounted() {
beforeUnmount() {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
if (!instance) {
throw createI18nError(22);
delete this.$t;
delete this.$rt;
delete this.$tc;
delete this.$te;
delete this.$d;
delete this.$n;
delete this.$tm;
delete this.$i18n;
function mergeToRoot(root, options) {
root.locale = options.locale || root.locale;
root.fallbackLocale = options.fallbackLocale || root.fallbackLocale;
root.missing = options.missing || root.missing;
root.silentTranslationWarn = options.silentTranslationWarn || root.silentFallbackWarn;
root.silentFallbackWarn = options.silentFallbackWarn || root.silentFallbackWarn;
root.formatFallbackMessages = options.formatFallbackMessages || root.formatFallbackMessages;
root.postTranslation = options.postTranslation || root.postTranslation;
root.warnHtmlInMessage = options.warnHtmlInMessage || root.warnHtmlInMessage;
root.escapeParameterHtml = options.escapeParameterHtml || root.escapeParameterHtml;
root.sync = options.sync || root.sync;
root.__composer[SetPluralRulesSymbol](options.pluralizationRules || root.pluralizationRules);
const messages2 = getLocaleMessages(root.locale, {
messages: options.messages,
__i18n: options.__i18n
Object.keys(messages2).forEach((locale) => root.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, messages2[locale]));
if (options.datetimeFormats) {
Object.keys(options.datetimeFormats).forEach((locale) => root.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, options.datetimeFormats[locale]));
if (options.numberFormats) {
Object.keys(options.numberFormats).forEach((locale) => root.mergeNumberFormat(locale, options.numberFormats[locale]));
return root;
function createI18n(options = {}) {
const __legacyMode = __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && isBoolean(options.legacy) ? options.legacy : __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__;
const __globalInjection = !!options.globalInjection;
const __instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const __global = __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && __legacyMode ? createVueI18n(options) : createComposer(options);
const symbol = makeSymbol("");
const i18n2 = {
get mode() {
return __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ ? __legacyMode ? "legacy" : "composition" : "composition";
async install(app, ...options2) {
app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__ = symbol;
app.provide(app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__, i18n2);
if (!__legacyMode && __globalInjection) {
if (__VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__) {
apply(app, i18n2, ...options2);
if (__VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && __legacyMode) {
app.mixin(defineMixin(__global, __global.__composer, i18n2));
get global() {
return __global;
__getInstance(component2) {
return __instances.get(component2) || null;
__setInstance(component2, instance) {
__instances.set(component2, instance);
__deleteInstance(component2) {
return i18n2;
function useI18n$1(options = {}) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
if (instance == null) {
throw createI18nError(16);
if (! {
throw createI18nError(17);
const i18n2 = inject(;
if (!i18n2) {
throw createI18nError(22);
const global2 = i18n2.mode === "composition" ? :;
const scope = isEmptyObject(options) ? "__i18n" in instance.type ? "local" : "global" : !options.useScope ? "local" : options.useScope;
if (scope === "global") {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
let messages2 = isObject$4(options.messages) ? options.messages : {};
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
if ("__i18nGlobal" in instance.type) {
messages2 = getLocaleMessages(global2.locale.value, {
messages: messages2,
__i18n: instance.type.__i18nGlobal
const locales = Object.keys(messages2);
if (locales.length) {
locales.forEach((locale) => {
global2.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, messages2[locale]);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isObject$4(options.datetimeFormats)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const locales2 = Object.keys(options.datetimeFormats);
if (locales2.length) {
locales2.forEach((locale) => {
global2.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, options.datetimeFormats[locale]);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isObject$4(options.numberFormats)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const locales2 = Object.keys(options.numberFormats);
if (locales2.length) {
locales2.forEach((locale) => {
global2.mergeNumberFormat(locale, options.numberFormats[locale]);
return global2;
if (scope === "parent") {
let composer2 = getComposer(i18n2, instance, options.__useComponent);
if (composer2 == null) {
composer2 = global2;
return composer2;
if (i18n2.mode === "legacy") {
throw createI18nError(18);
const i18nInternal = i18n2;
let composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance);
if (composer == null) {
const type4 = instance.type;
const composerOptions = assign$1({}, options);
if (type4.__i18n) {
composerOptions.__i18n = type4.__i18n;
if (global2) {
composerOptions.__root = global2;
composer = createComposer(composerOptions);
setupLifeCycle(i18nInternal, instance);
i18nInternal.__setInstance(instance, composer);
return composer;
function getComposer(i18n2, target, useComponent = false) {
let composer = null;
const root = target.root;
let current = target.parent;
while (current != null) {
const i18nInternal = i18n2;
if (i18n2.mode === "composition") {
composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(current);
} else {
const vueI18n = i18nInternal.__getInstance(current);
if (vueI18n != null) {
composer = vueI18n.__composer;
if (useComponent && composer && !composer[InejctWithOption]) {
composer = null;
if (composer != null) {
if (root === current) {
current = current.parent;
return composer;
function setupLifeCycle(i18n2, target, composer) {
onMounted(() => {
}, target);
onUnmounted(() => {
}, target);
const globalExportProps = [
const globalExportMethods = ["t", "rt", "d", "n", "tm"];
function injectGlobalFields(app, composer) {
const i18n2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
globalExportProps.forEach((prop) => {
const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, prop);
if (!desc) {
throw createI18nError(22);
const wrap = isRef(desc.value) ? {
get() {
return desc.value.value;
set(val) {
desc.value.value = val;
} : {
get() {
return desc.get && desc.get();
Object.defineProperty(i18n2, prop, wrap);
app.config.globalProperties.$i18n = i18n2;
globalExportMethods.forEach((method4) => {
const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, method4);
if (!desc || !desc.value) {
throw createI18nError(22);
Object.defineProperty(app.config.globalProperties, `$${method4}`, desc);
const target = getGlobalThis();
target.__INTLIFY__ = true;
var zh_CN = {
input: {
placeholder: "\u8BF7\u8F93\u5165"
page: {
previous: "\u4E0A\u4E00\u9875",
next: "\u4E0B\u4E00\u9875",
goTo: "\u5230\u7B2C",
confirm: "\u786E\u8BA4",
page: "\u9875",
item: "\u6761",
total: "\u5171"
datePicker: {
year: "\u5E74",
month: "\u6708",
sunday: "\u65E5",
monday: "\u4E00",
tuesday: "\u4E8C",
wednesday: "\u4E09",
thursday: "\u56DB",
friday: "\u4E94",
saturday: "\u516D",
january: "1\u6708",
february: "2\u6708",
march: "3\u6708",
april: "4\u6708",
may: "5\u6708",
june: "6\u6708",
july: "7\u6708",
august: "8\u6708",
september: "9\u6708",
october: "10\u6708",
november: "11\u6708",
december: "12\u6708",
selectDate: "\u9009\u62E9\u65E5\u671F",
selectTime: "\u9009\u62E9\u65F6\u95F4",
selectYear: "\u9009\u62E9\u5E74\u4EFD",
selectMonth: "\u9009\u62E9\u6708\u4EFD",
clear: "\u6E05\u7A7A",
confirm: "\u786E\u8BA4",
cancel: "\u53D6\u6D88",
now: "\u73B0\u5728"
empty: {
description: "\u65E0\u6570\u636E"
upload: {
text: "\u4E0A\u4F20\u6587\u4EF6",
dragText: "\u70B9\u51FB\u4E0A\u4F20\uFF0C\u6216\u5C06\u6587\u4EF6\u62D6\u62FD\u5230\u6B64\u5904",
defaultErrorMsg: "\u4E0A\u4F20\u5931\u8D25",
urlErrorMsg: "\u4E0A\u4F20\u5730\u5740\u683C\u5F0F\u4E0D\u5408\u6CD5",
numberErrorMsg: "\u6587\u4EF6\u4E0A\u4F20\u8D85\u8FC7\u89C4\u5B9A\u7684\u4E2A\u6570",
cutInitErrorMsg: "\u526A\u88C1\u63D2\u4EF6\u521D\u59CB\u5316\u5931\u8D25",
uploadSuccess: "\u4E0A\u4F20\u6210\u529F",
cannotSupportCutMsg: "\u5F53\u524D\u7248\u672C\u6682\u4E0D\u652F\u6301\u5355\u6B21\u591A\u6587\u4EF6\u526A\u88C1,\u5C1D\u8BD5\u8BBE\u7F6E multiple \u4E3A false, \u901A\u8FC7 @done \u83B7\u53D6\u8FD4\u56DE\u6587\u4EF6\u5BF9\u8C61",
occurFileSizeErrorMsg: "\u6587\u4EF6\u5927\u5C0F\u8D85\u8FC7\u9650\u5236,\u6587\u4EF6\u6700\u5927\u4E0D\u53EF\u8D85\u8FC7\u4F20\u5165\u7684\u6307\u5B9Asize\u5C5E\u6027\u7684KB\u6570",
startUploadMsg: "\u5F00\u59CB\u4E0A\u4F20",
confirmBtn: "\u786E\u8BA4",
cancelBtn: "\u53D6\u6D88",
title: "\u6807\u9898"
var en_US = {
input: {
placeholder: "please input"
page: {
previous: "previous",
next: "next",
goTo: "Go to",
confirm: "confirm",
page: "page",
item: "item",
total: "total"
datePicker: {
year: "",
month: "month",
sunday: "SU",
monday: "MO",
tuesday: "TU",
wednesday: "WE",
thursday: "TH",
friday: "FR",
saturday: "SA",
january: "January",
february: "February",
march: "March",
april: "April",
may: "May",
june: "June",
july: "July",
august: "August",
september: "September",
october: "October",
november: "November",
december: "December",
selectDate: "select date",
selectTime: "select time",
selectYear: "select year",
selectMonth: "select month",
clear: "clear",
confirm: "confirm",
cancel: "cancel",
now: "now"
empty: {
description: "No data"
upload: {
text: "Upload files",
dragText: "Click Upload or drag the file here",
defaultErrorMsg: "Upload failed",
urlErrorMsg: "The upload address format is illegal",
numberErrorMsg: "The number of files uploaded exceeds the specified number",
cutInitErrorMsg: "Clipping plug-in initialization failed",
uploadSuccess: "Upload succeeded",
cannotSupportCutMsg: "The current version does not support single multiple file clipping. Try to set multiple to false, and get the returned file object through @ done",
occurFileSizeErrorMsg: "File size warning,The maximum file size cannot exceed target KB",
startUploadMsg: "Upload Start",
confirmBtn: "confirm",
cancelBtn: "cancel",
title: "title"
const i18n = createI18n({
legacy: false,
locale: "zh_CN",
messages: {
function useI18n() {
var _a2;
let i18nInstance;
const app = (_a2 = getCurrentInstance()) == null ? void 0 :;
try {
i18nInstance = useI18n$1();
} catch (e) {
app == null ? void 0 : app.use(i18n);
i18nInstance = useI18n$1();
return i18nInstance;
const withInstall = (comp) => {
const component2 = comp;
component2.install = (app) => {
app.component(, comp);
return component2;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const isElement = (vn) => {
return Boolean(vn && vn.shapeFlag & 1);
const isComponent = (vn, type4) => {
return Boolean(vn && vn.shapeFlag & 6);
const isArrayChildren = (vn, children) => {
return Boolean(vn && vn.shapeFlag & 16);
function convertSlotName(vm, name) {
const camelCaseName = camelCase(name);
const kebabCaseName = kebabCase(name);
return vm.slots[camelCaseName] ? camelCaseName : vm.slots[kebabCaseName] ? kebabCaseName : name;
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/-(\w)/g, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : "");
function kebabCase(key) {
const result = key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1").trim();
return result.split(" ").join("-").toLowerCase();
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
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name: "\u63D0\u793A\u8BF4\u660E",
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name: "\u4FBF\u7B7E",
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name: "\u4E3B\u9875",
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name: "\u6811",
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name: "\u8868\u683C",
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name: "\u56FE\u6807 \u62A5\u8868 \u5C4F\u5E55",
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name: "\u8BBE\u7F6E-\u5C0F\u578B",
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name: "\u51CF\u5C11-\u5706\u5708",
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name: "\u6DFB\u52A0-\u5706\u5708",
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name: "404",
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name: "\u5173\u4E8E",
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name: "\u7BAD\u5934 \u5411\u4E0A",
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name: "\u7BAD\u5934 \u5411\u4E0B",
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name: "\u7BAD\u5934 \u5411\u5DE6",
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name: "\u7BAD\u5934 \u5411\u53F3",
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name: "\u56DE\u590D \u8BC4\u8BBA \u5B9E\u5FC3",
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name: "\u8868\u60C5-\u7B11-\u7EC6\u4F53",
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name: "\u53D1\u5E03 \u7EB8\u98DE\u673A",
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name: "\u5BF9 OK",
class: "layui-icon-ok"
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name: "\u5E2E\u52A9",
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name: "\u5BA2\u670D",
class: "layui-icon-chat"
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name: "top \u7F6E\u9876",
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name: "\u6536\u85CF-\u7A7A\u5FC3",
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name: "\u6536\u85CF-\u5B9E\u5FC3",
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class: "layui-icon-close-fill"
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name: "\u5173\u95ED-\u7A7A\u5FC3",
class: "layui-icon-close"
}, {
name: "\u6B63\u786E",
class: "layui-icon-ok-circle"
}, {
name: "\u6DFB\u52A0-\u5706\u5708-\u7EC6\u4F53",
class: "layui-icon-add-circle-fine"
function ownKeys$1(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
})), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread2$1(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {};
i % 2 ? ownKeys$1(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty$1(target, key, source[key]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$1(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
function _defineProperty$1(obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
var __default__$2E = {
name: "LayIcon"
var _sfc_main$2E = defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2E), {}, {
props: {
size: null,
type: null,
color: null,
prefix: {
default: "layui-icon"
setup: function setup8(__props) {
var props = __props;
var styles = computed$1(function() {
return {
color: props.color,
fontSize: props.size
computed$1(function() {
return {
type: props.type,
prefix: props.prefix
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
class: normalizeClass([__props.prefix, __props.type]),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles))
}, null, 6);
var __default__$2D = {
name: "HeartFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2D), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup22(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-heart-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2C = {
name: "HeartIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2C), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup32(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-heart"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2B = {
name: "LightIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2B), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup42(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-light"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2A = {
name: "TimeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2A), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup52(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-time"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2z = {
name: "BluetoothIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2z), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup62(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-bluetooth"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2y = {
name: "AtIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2y), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup72(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-at"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2x = {
name: "MuteIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2x), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup82(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-mute"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2w = {
name: "MikeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2w), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup9(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-mike"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2v = {
name: "KeyIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2v), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup10(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-key"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2u = {
name: "GiftIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2u), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup11(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-gift"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2t = {
name: "EmailIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2t), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup12(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-email"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2s = {
name: "RssIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2s), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup13(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-rss"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2r = {
name: "WifiIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2r), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup14(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-wifi"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2q = {
name: "LogoutIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2q), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup15(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-logout"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2p = {
name: "AndroidIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2p), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup16(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-android"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2o = {
name: "IosIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2o), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup17(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-ios"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2n = {
name: "WindowsIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2n), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup18(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-windows"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2m = {
name: "TransferIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2m), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup19(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-transfer"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2l = {
name: "ServiceIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2l), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup20(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-service"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2k = {
name: "SubtractionIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2k), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup21(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-subtraction"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2j = {
name: "AdditionIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2j), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup222(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-addition"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2i = {
name: "SliderIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2i), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup23(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-slider"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2h = {
name: "PrintIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2h), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup24(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-print"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2g = {
name: "ExportIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2g), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup25(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-export"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2f = {
name: "ColsIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2f), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup26(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-cols"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2e = {
name: "ScreenRestoreIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2e), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup27(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-screen-restore"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2d = {
name: "ScreenFullIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2d), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup28(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-screen-full"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2c = {
name: "RateHalfIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2c), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup29(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-rate-half"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2b = {
name: "RateIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2b), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup30(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-rate"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2a = {
name: "RateSolidIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2a), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup31(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-rate-solid"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$29 = {
name: "CellphoneIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$29), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup322(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-cellphone"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$28 = {
name: "VercodeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$28), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup33(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-vercode"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$27 = {
name: "LoginWechatIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$27), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup34(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-login-wechat"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$26 = {
name: "LoginQqIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$26), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup35(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-login-qq"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$25 = {
name: "LoginWeiboIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$25), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup36(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-login-weibo"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$24 = {
name: "PasswordIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$24), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup37(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-password"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$23 = {
name: "UsernameIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$23), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup38(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-username"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$22 = {
name: "RefreshThreeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$22), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup39(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-refresh-three"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$21 = {
name: "AuzIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$21), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup40(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-auz"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$20 = {
name: "SpreadLeftIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$20), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup41(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-spread-left"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1$ = {
name: "ShrinkRightIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1$), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup422(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-shrink-right"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1_ = {
name: "SnowflakeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1_), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup43(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-snowflake"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1Z = {
name: "TipsIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1Z), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup44(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-tips"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1Y = {
name: "NoteIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1Y), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup45(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-note"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1X = {
name: "HomeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1X), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup46(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-home"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1W = {
name: "SeniorIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1W), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup47(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-senior"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1V = {
name: "RefreshIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1V), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup48(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-refresh"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1U = {
name: "RefreshOneIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1U), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup49(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-refresh-one"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1T = {
name: "FlagIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1T), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup50(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-flag"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1S = {
name: "ThemeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1S), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup51(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-theme"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1R = {
name: "NoticeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1R), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup522(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-notice"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1Q = {
name: "WebsiteIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1Q), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup53(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-website"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1P = {
name: "ConsoleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1P), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup54(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-console"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1O = {
name: "FaceSurprisedIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1O), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup55(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-face-surprised"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1N = {
name: "SetIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1N), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup56(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-set"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1M = {
name: "TemplateOneIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1M), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup57(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-template-one"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1L = {
name: "AppIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1L), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup58(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-app"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1K = {
name: "TemplateIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1K), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup59(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-template"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1J = {
name: "PraiseIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1J), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup60(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-praise"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1I = {
name: "TreadIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1I), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup61(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-tread"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1H = {
name: "MaleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1H), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup622(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-male"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1G = {
name: "FemaleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1G), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup63(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-female"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1F = {
name: "CameraIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1F), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup64(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-camera"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1E = {
name: "CameraFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1E), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup65(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-camera-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1D = {
name: "MoreIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1D), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup66(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-more"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1C = {
name: "MoreVerticalIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1C), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup67(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-more-vertical"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1B = {
name: "RmbIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1B), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup68(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-rmb"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1A$1 = {
name: "DollarIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1A$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup69(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-dollar"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1z$1 = {
name: "DiamondIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1z$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup70(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-diamond"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1y$1 = {
name: "FireIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1y$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup71(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fire"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1x$1 = {
name: "ReturnIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1x$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup722(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-return"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1w$1 = {
name: "LocationIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1w$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup73(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-location"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1v$1 = {
name: "ReadIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1v$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup74(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-read"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1u$1 = {
name: "SurveyIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1u$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup75(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-survey"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1t$1 = {
name: "FaceSmileIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1t$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup76(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-face-smile"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1s$1 = {
name: "FaceCryIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1s$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup77(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-face-cry"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1r$1 = {
name: "CartSimpleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1r$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup78(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-cart-simple"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1q$1 = {
name: "CartIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1q$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup79(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-cart"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1p$1 = {
name: "NextIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1p$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup80(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-next"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1o$1 = {
name: "PrevIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1o$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup81(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-prev"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1n$1 = {
name: "UploadDragIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1n$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup822(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-upload-drag"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1m$1 = {
name: "UploadIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1m$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup83(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-upload"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1l$1 = {
name: "DownloadCircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1l$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup84(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-download-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1k$1 = {
name: "ComponentIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1k$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup85(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-component"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1j$1 = {
name: "FileBIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1j$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup86(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-file-b"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1i$1 = {
name: "UserIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1i$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup87(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-user"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1h$1 = {
name: "FindFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1h$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup88(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-find-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1g$1 = {
name: "LoadingIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1g$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup89(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-loading"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1f$1 = {
name: "LoadingOneIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1f$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup90(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-loading-one"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1e$1 = {
name: "AddOneIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1e$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup91(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-add-one"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1d$1 = {
name: "PlayIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1d$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup92(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-play"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1c$1 = {
name: "PauseIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1c$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup93(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-pause"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1b$1 = {
name: "HeadsetIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1b$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup94(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-headset"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1a$1 = {
name: "VideoIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1a$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup95(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-video"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$19$1 = {
name: "VoiceIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$19$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup96(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-voice"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$18$1 = {
name: "SpeakerIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$18$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup97(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-speaker"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$17$1 = {
name: "FontsDelIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$17$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup98(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fonts-del"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$16$1 = {
name: "FontsCodeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$16$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup99(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fonts-code"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$15$1 = {
name: "FontsHtmlIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$15$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup100(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fonts-html"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$14$1 = {
name: "FontsStrongIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$14$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup101(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fonts-strong"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$13$1 = {
name: "UnlinkIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$13$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup102(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-unlink"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$12$1 = {
name: "PictureIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$12$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup103(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-picture"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$11$1 = {
name: "LinkIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$11$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup104(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-link"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$10$1 = {
name: "FaceSmileBIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$10$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup105(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-face-smile-b"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$$$1 = {
name: "AlignLeftIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$$$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup106(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-align-left"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$_$1 = {
name: "AlignRightIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$_$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup107(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-align-right"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$Z$1 = {
name: "AlignCenterIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$Z$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup108(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-align-center"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$Y$1 = {
name: "FontsUIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$Y$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup109(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fonts-u"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$X$1 = {
name: "FontsIIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$X$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup110(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fonts-i"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$W$1 = {
name: "TabsIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$W$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup111(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-tabs"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$V$1 = {
name: "RadioIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$V$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup112(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-radio"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$U$1 = {
name: "CircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$U$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup113(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$T$1 = {
name: "EditIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$T$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup114(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-edit"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$S$1 = {
name: "ShareIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$S$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup115(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-share"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$R$1 = {
name: "DeleteIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$R$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup116(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-delete"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$Q$1 = {
name: "FormIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$Q$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup117(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-form"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$P$1 = {
name: "CellphoneFineIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$P$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup118(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-cellphone-fine"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$O$1 = {
name: "DialogueIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$O$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup119(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-dialogue"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$N$1 = {
name: "FontsClearIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$N$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup120(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-fonts-clear"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$M$1 = {
name: "LayerIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$M$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup121(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-layer"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$L$1 = {
name: "DateIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$L$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup122(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-date"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$K$1 = {
name: "WaterIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$K$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup123(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-water"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$J$1 = {
name: "CodeCircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$J$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup124(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-code-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$I$1 = {
name: "CarouselIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$I$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup125(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-carousel"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$H$1 = {
name: "PrevCircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$H$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup126(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-prev-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$G$1 = {
name: "LayoutsIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$G$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup127(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-layouts"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$F$1 = {
name: "UtilIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$F$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup128(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-util"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$E$1 = {
name: "TempleateOneIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$E$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup129(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-templeate-one"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$D$1 = {
name: "UploadCircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$D$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup130(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-upload-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$C$1 = {
name: "TreeIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$C$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup131(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-tree"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$B$1 = {
name: "TableIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$B$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup132(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-table"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$A$1 = {
name: "ChartIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$A$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup133(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-chart"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$z$1 = {
name: "ChartScreenIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$z$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup134(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-chart-screen"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$y$1 = {
name: "EngineIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$y$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup135(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-engine"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$x$1 = {
name: "TriangleDIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$x$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup136(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-triangle-d"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$w$1 = {
name: "TriangleRIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$w$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup137(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-triangle-r"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$v$1 = {
name: "FileIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$v$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup138(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-file"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$u$1 = {
name: "SetSmIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$u$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup139(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-set-sm"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$t$1 = {
name: "ReduceCircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$t$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup140(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-reduce-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$s$1 = {
name: "AddCircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$s$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup141(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-add-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$r$1 = {
name: "NotFoundIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$r$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup142(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-not-found"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$q$1 = {
name: "AboutIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$q$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup143(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-about"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$p$1 = {
name: "UpIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$p$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup144(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-up"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$o$1 = {
name: "DownIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$o$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup145(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-down"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$n$1 = {
name: "LeftIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$n$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup146(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-left"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$m$1 = {
name: "RightIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$m$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup147(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-right"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$l$1 = {
name: "CircleDotIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$l$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup148(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-circle-dot"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$k$1 = {
name: "SearchIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$k$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup149(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-search"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$j$1 = {
name: "SetFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$j$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup150(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-set-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$i$1 = {
name: "GroupIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$i$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup151(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-group"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$h$1 = {
name: "FriendsIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$h$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup152(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-friends"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$g$1 = {
name: "ReplyFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$g$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup153(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-reply-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$f$1 = {
name: "MenuFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$f$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup154(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-menu-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$e$1 = {
name: "LogIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$e$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup155(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-log"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$d$1 = {
name: "PictureFineIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$d$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup156(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-picture-fine"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$c$1 = {
name: "FaceSmileFineIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$c$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup157(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-face-smile-fine"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$b$1 = {
name: "ListIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$b$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup158(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-list"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$a$1 = {
name: "ReleaseIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$a$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup159(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-release"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$9$1 = {
name: "OkIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$9$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup160(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-ok"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$8$1 = {
name: "HelpIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$8$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup161(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-help"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$7$1 = {
name: "ChatIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$7$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup162(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-chat"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$6$1 = {
name: "TopIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$6$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup163(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-top"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$5$1 = {
name: "StarIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$5$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup164(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-star"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$4$1 = {
name: "StarFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$4$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup165(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-star-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$3$1 = {
name: "CloseFillIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$3$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup166(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-close-fill"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2$1 = {
name: "CloseIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup167(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-close"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$1$1 = {
name: "OkCircleIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$1$1), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup168(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-ok-circle"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var __default__$2F = {
name: "AddCircleFineIcon"
/* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(_objectSpread2$1(_objectSpread2$1({}, __default__$2F), {}, {
props: {
color: null,
size: null
setup: function setup169(__props) {
var props = __props;
return function(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
color: props.color,
size: props.size,
type: "layui-icon-add-circle-fine"
}, null, 8, ["color", "size"]);
var index$$ = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-backtop{position:fixed;right:30px;bottom:40px;width:50px;height:50px;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer;font-size:40px;background-color:#9f9f9f;color:#fff;border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);opacity:.95;z-index:999999}.layui-backtop :hover{opacity:.85}.layui-backtop-medium{width:40px;height:40px;font-size:30px}.layui-backtop-small{width:30px;height:30px;font-size:20px}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$18 = ["onClick"];
const __default__$1A = {
name: "LayBacktop"
const _sfc_main$1H = defineComponent({
props: {
target: { default: "window" },
showHeight: { default: 200 },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
position: null,
right: null,
bottom: null,
size: null,
bgcolor: null,
opacity: null,
color: null,
borderRadius: null,
circle: { type: Boolean, default: false },
icon: { default: "layui-icon-top" },
iconSize: { default: 30 },
iconColor: null
emits: ["click"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const backtopRef = ref(null);
const scrollTarget = shallowRef(void 0);
let visible = ref(props.showHeight === 0);
const classBacktop = computed$1(() => {
return {
"layui-backtop-medium": props.size === "medium",
"layui-backtop-small": props.size === "small"
const borderRadius = computed$1(() => {
if ( {
return "50%";
return typeof props.borderRadius === "number" ? `${props.borderRadius}px` : props.borderRadius;
const styleBacktop = computed$1(() => {
return {
position: props.position,
right: `${props.right}px`,
bottom: `${props.bottom}px`,
backgroundColor: props.bgcolor,
opacity: props.opacity,
color: props.color,
borderRadius: borderRadius.value
const easeInOut = (value) => {
return value < 0.5 ? 2 * value * value : 1 - 2 * (value - 1) * (value - 1);
const scrollToTop = () => {
if (!scrollTarget.value)
if (scrollTarget.value instanceof Window) {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
} else {
const previous =;
const scrollHeight = scrollTarget.value.scrollTop;
const animationFunc = () => {
if (!scrollTarget.value || scrollTarget.value instanceof Window)
const elapsed = ( - previous) / 450;
if (elapsed < 1) {
scrollTarget.value.scrollTop = scrollHeight * (1 - easeInOut(elapsed));
} else {
scrollTarget.value.scrollTop = 0;
const handleScroll = () => {
if (!scrollTarget.value)
const scrollTop = scrollTarget.value instanceof Window ? window.pageYOffset : scrollTarget.value.scrollTop;
visible.value = scrollTop >= props.showHeight;
const handleClick = (event) => {
if (!props.disabled) {
emit("click", event);
const handlerMousedown = () => { = "1";
const handlerMouseup = () => { = "0.95";
const getScrollTarget = () => {
if ( === "window") {
return getScrollParent(backtopRef.value, false);
} else {
const targetElement = document.querySelector(;
if (!targetElement) {
throw new Error(`target is not existed: ${}`);
if (props.position === "absolute") {
if (!targetElement.parentElement) {
throw new Error(`target parent element is not existed: ${}`);
} = "relative";
return targetElement;
const getScrollParent = (element, includeHidden) => {
let style = getComputedStyle(element);
let excludeStaticParent = style.position === "absolute";
let overflowRegex = includeHidden ? /(auto|scroll|hidden)/ : /(auto|scroll)/;
for (let parent = element; parent = parent.parentElement; ) {
style = getComputedStyle(parent);
if (excludeStaticParent && style.position === "static") {
if (overflowRegex.test(style.overflow + style.overflowY + style.overflowX)) {
return parent;
return window;
const throttle2 = (func, wait) => {
var timer = null;
return (...args) => {
if (!timer) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
func.apply(this, args);
}, wait);
const callback = throttle2(handleScroll, 300);
onMounted(() => {
if (!
scrollTarget.value = getScrollTarget();
scrollTarget.value.addEventListener("scroll", callback);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = scrollTarget.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.removeEventListener("scroll", callback);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "backtopRef",
ref: backtopRef,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-backtop", unref(classBacktop)]),
style: normalizeStyle({ ...unref(styleBacktop) }),
onClick: withModifiers(handleClick, ["stop"]),
onMousedown: handlerMousedown,
onMouseup: handlerMouseup
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: props.icon,
size: `${props.iconSize}px`,
color: props.iconColor
}, null, 8, ["type", "size", "color"])
], 46, _hoisted_1$18)), [
[vShow, unref(visible)]
const component$1l = withInstall(_sfc_main$1H);
var index$_ = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-avatar{font-size:14px;font-variant:tabular-nums;border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);box-sizing:border-box;color:#fff;list-style:none;position:relative;display:inline-block;background:#eeeeee;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;width:32px;height:32px;line-height:32px;vertical-align:middle}.layui-avatar.layui-avatar-radius{border-radius:50%}.layui-avatar.layui-avatar-sm{height:30px;width:30px}.layui-avatar.layui-avatar-lg{height:36px;width:36px}.layui-avatar.layui-avatar-xs{height:28px;width:28px}.layui-avatar-list .layui-avatar{margin-left:-10px;display:inline-block}.layui-avatar>img{width:100%;height:100%;display:block;object-fit:cover}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$17 = ["src", "alt"];
const __default__$1z = {
name: "LayAvatar"
const _sfc_main$1G = defineComponent({
props: {
src: null,
size: { default: "md" },
radius: { type: Boolean, default: false },
icon: { default: "layui-icon-username" },
alt: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const slot = useSlots();
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return [
props.radius ? "layui-avatar-radius" : "",
props.size ? `layui-avatar-${props.size}` : ""
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return unref(slot).default ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(unref(classes))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 1,
class: normalizeClass(unref(classes))
}, [
__props.src ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("img", {
key: 0,
src: __props.src,
alt: __props.alt
}, null, 8, _hoisted_1$17)) : (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 1,
type: __props.icon
}, null, 8, ["type"]))
], 2));
const component$1k = withInstall(_sfc_main$1G);
var _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
target[key] = val;
return target;
const _sfc_main$1F = {
name: "LayAvatarList"
const _hoisted_1$16 = { class: "layui-avatar-list" };
function _sfc_render$4(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$16, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
var Component = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1F, [["render", _sfc_render$4]]);
const component$1j = withInstall(Component);
var index$Z = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-radio[size=lg] .layui-form-radio>i{font-size:24px}.layui-radio[size=md] .layui-form-radio>i{font-size:22px}.layui-radio[size=sm] .layui-form-radio>i{font-size:20px}.layui-radio[size=xs] .layui-form-radio>i{font-size:18px}.layui-radio input[type=radio]{display:none}.layui-form-radio,.layui-form-radio *{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.layui-form-radio{line-height:28px;margin:6px 10px 0 0;padding-right:10px;cursor:pointer;font-size:0}.layui-form-radio *{font-size:14px}.layui-form-radio>i{margin-right:8px;font-size:22px;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-radio:hover *,.layui-form-radioed,.layui-form-radioed>i{color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-radio-disabled>i{color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-radio-disabled *{color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)!important}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$15 = ["size"];
const _hoisted_2$R = ["value", "name"];
const _hoisted_3$K = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_4$z = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-anim layui-icon layui-anim-scaleSpring"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$q = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: "layui-icon layui-form-radioed"
const __default__$1y = {
name: "LayRadio"
const _sfc_main$1E = defineComponent({
props: {
name: null,
size: { default: "md" },
disabled: { type: Boolean },
modelValue: { type: [String, Boolean, Number] },
value: { type: [String, Boolean, Number] },
label: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const radioGroup = inject("radioGroup", {});
const isGroup = computed$1(() => {
return radioGroup != void 0 && (radioGroup == null ? void 0 : === "LayRadioGroup";
const naiveName = computed$1(() => {
if (radioGroup.naiveName) {
return radioGroup.naiveName;
} else {
const isChecked = computed$1({
get() {
if (isGroup.value) {
return radioGroup.modelValue.value === props.value;
} else {
return props.modelValue === props.value;
set(val) {
if (isGroup.value) {
radioGroup.modelValue.value = props.value;
} else {
if (val) {
emit("change", props.value);
emit("update:modelValue", props.value);
const handleClick = function() {
if (!ifDisabled.value) {
isChecked.value = !isChecked.value;
const ifDisabled = computed$1(() => {
if (props.disabled) {
return true;
if (radioGroup.hasOwnProperty("disabled") && radioGroup.disabled.value) {
return true;
return false;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
class: "layui-radio",
size: __props.size
}, [
createElementVNode("input", {
type: "radio",
value: __props.value,
name: unref(naiveName)
}, null, 8, _hoisted_2$R),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-unselect layui-form-radio", {
"layui-form-radioed": unref(isChecked),
"layui-radio-disabled layui-disabled": unref(ifDisabled)
onClick: withModifiers(handleClick, ["stop"])
}, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
unref(isChecked) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_4$z, "\uE643")) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_5$q, "\uE63F")),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("span", null, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.label), 1)
], 10, _hoisted_3$K)
], 8, _hoisted_1$15);
const component$1i = withInstall(_sfc_main$1E);
const _hoisted_1$14 = { class: "layui-radio-group" };
const __default__$1x = {
name: "LayRadioGroup"
const _sfc_main$1D = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: { type: [String, Boolean, Number] },
name: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const modelValue = ref(props.modelValue);
const disabled = ref(props.disabled);
provide("radioGroup", {
name: "LayRadioGroup",
watch(() => modelValue, (val) => {
emit("change", modelValue.value);
emit("update:modelValue", modelValue.value);
}, { deep: true });
watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => modelValue.value = val);
watch(() => props.disabled, (val) => disabled.value = val);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$14, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$1h = withInstall(_sfc_main$1D);
var index$Y = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--button-primary-text-color: #fff;--button-primary-background-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-primary-border-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-normal-text-color: #fff;--button-normal-background-color: var(--global-normal-color);--button-normal-border-color: var(--global-normal-color);--button-warm-text-color: #fff;--button-warm-background-color: var(--global-warm-color);--button-warm-border-color: var(--global-warm-color);--button-danger-text-color: #fff;--button-danger-background-color: var(--global-danger-color);--button-danger-border-color: var(--global-danger-color);--button-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--button-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-6);--button-background-color: 0 0;--button-text-color: #666}.layui-btn{height:38px;line-height:36px;padding:0 18px;font-size:14px;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;color:var(--button-text-color);background:var(--button-background-color);border-radius:var(--button-border-radius);border-color:var(--button-border-color);border-width:1px;border-style:solid;cursor:pointer}.layui-btn-primary{color:var(--button-primary-text-color);background-color:var(--button-primary-background-color);border-color:var(--button-primary-border-color)}.layui-btn-normal{color:var(--button-normal-text-color);background-color:var(--button-normal-background-color);border-color:var(--button-normal-border-color)}.layui-btn-warm{color:var(--button-warm-text-color);background-color:var(--button-warm-background-color);border-color:var(--button-warm-border-color)}.layui-btn-danger{color:var(--button-danger-text-color);background-color:var(--button-danger-background-color);border-color:var(--button-danger-border-color)}.layui-btn:hover{opacity:.8;filter:alpha(opacity=80)}.layui-btn:active{opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100)}.layui-btn-lg{height:44px;line-height:44px;padding:0 25px;font-size:16px}.layui-btn-sm{height:30px;line-height:30px;padding:0 10px;font-size:12px}.layui-btn-xs{height:22px;line-height:22px;padding:0 5px;font-size:12px}.layui-btn-xs i{font-size:12px!important}.layui-btn-fluid{width:100%}.layui-btn-radius{border-radius:100px}.layui-btn-disabled,.layui-btn-disabled:active,.layui-btn-disabled:hover{border-color:#eee!important;background-color:#fbfbfb!important;color:#d2d2d2!important;cursor:not-allowed!important;opacity:1}.layui-btn+.layui-btn{margin-left:10px}.layui-btn .layui-icon{padding:0 2px;vertical-align:middle\\ ;vertical-align:bottom}\n")();
const ButtonEmits = {
click: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent
const _hoisted_1$13 = ["type"];
const __default__$1w = {
name: "LayButton"
const _sfc_main$1C = defineComponent({
props: {
type: null,
size: null,
prefixIcon: null,
suffixIcon: null,
loadingIcon: { default: "layui-icon-loading-one" },
borderStyle: { default: "soild" },
border: null,
fluid: { type: Boolean, default: false },
radius: { type: Boolean, default: false },
loading: { type: Boolean, default: false },
disabled: { type: Boolean },
nativeType: { default: "button" }
emits: ButtonEmits,
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const onClick = (event) => {
if (!props.disabled) {
emits("click", event);
const styles = computed$1(() => {
return {
border: `1px ${props.borderStyle}`
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return [
"layui-btn-fluid": props.fluid,
"layui-btn-radius": props.radius,
"layui-btn-disabled": props.disabled
props.type ? `layui-btn-${props.type}` : "",
props.size ? `layui-btn-${props.size}` : "",
props.border ? `layui-border-${props.border}` : ""
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-btn", unref(classes)]),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles)),
type: __props.nativeType,
}, [
__props.prefixIcon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(`layui-icon ${__props.prefixIcon}`)
}, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.loading ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 1,
class: normalizeClass([__props.loadingIcon, "layui-icon layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop"])
}, null, 2)) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 2 }),
__props.suffixIcon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 3,
class: normalizeClass(`layui-icon ${__props.suffixIcon}`)
}, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 14, _hoisted_1$13);
const component$1g = withInstall(_sfc_main$1C);
var index$X = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-btn-container{font-size:0}.layui-btn-container .layui-btn{margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:10px}.layui-btn-container .layui-btn+.layui-btn{margin-left:0}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$12 = { class: "layui-btn-container" };
const __default__$1v = {
name: "LayButtonContainer"
const _sfc_main$1B = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$12, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$1f = withInstall(_sfc_main$1B);
var index$W = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--button-primary-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-btn-group{vertical-align:middle;font-size:0}.layui-btn-group .layui-btn{margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;border-radius:0}.layui-btn-group .layui-btn:not(:last-child){border-right:none!important}.layui-btn-group .layui-btn.layui-btn-primary:not(:first-child),.layui-btn-group .layui-btn.layui-btn-normal:not(:first-child),.layui-btn-group .layui-btn.layui-btn-warm:not(:first-child),.layui-btn-group .layui-btn.layui-btn-danger:not(:first-child){border-left:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.5)}.layui-btn-group .layui-btn:first-child{border-radius:var(--button-border-radius) 0 0 var(--button-border-radius)}.layui-btn-group .layui-btn:last-child{border-radius:0 var(--button-border-radius) var(--button-border-radius) 0}.layui-btn-group .layui-btn+.layui-btn{margin-left:0}.layui-btn-group+.layui-btn-group{margin-left:10px}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$11 = { class: "layui-btn-group" };
const __default__$1u = {
name: "LayButtonGroup"
const _sfc_main$1A = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$11, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$1e = withInstall(_sfc_main$1A);
const component$1d = withInstall(_sfc_main$2E);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var index$V = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-dropdown{position:relative;display:inline-block}.layui-dropdown-content{position:absolute;z-index:99999;background-color:#fff;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #e4e7ed;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #0000001a}.layui-dropdown-content>.layui-dropdown-menu{border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);margin:5px 0}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu{position:relative;background-color:#fff}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li,.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title a{padding:5px 15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li{position:relative;display:flex;margin:1px 0;line-height:26px;color:#000c;font-size:14px;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li:hover{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-2)}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.layui-dropdown-menu-prefix{margin-right:8px}.layui-dropdown-menu-suffix{margin-left:15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li.layui-disabled:hover{background-color:inherit}:root{--icon-picker-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--icon-picker-checked-color: var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-iconpicker{position:relative;height:38px;line-height:38px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-radius:var(--icon-picker-border-radius);cursor:pointer}.layui-iconpicker .layui-inline{height:36px;line-height:36px;vertical-align:top}.layui-iconpicker-title{padding-left:5px}.layui-iconpicker-main{padding:0 10px}.layui-iconpicker-main .layui-icon{font-size:20px}.layui-iconpicker-main .layui-inline{vertical-align:top}.layui-iconpicker-split .layui-iconpicker-main{padding:0 15px;border-right-width:1px;border-right-style:solid}.layui-iconpicker-suffix{position:relative;width:35px;text-align:center}.layui-iconpicker-suffix .layui-icon{font-size:14px;color:#00000080;transition:all .3s;display:inline-block}.layui-iconpicker-down .layui-iconpicker-suffix .layui-icon-down{transform:rotate(180deg)}.layui-iconpicker-search{padding:10px;box-shadow:0 2px 8px #f0f1f2;border-bottom:1px solid whitesmoke}.layui-iconpicker-list{width:321px}.layui-iconpicker-list ul{margin:6px}.layui-iconpicker-list li{vertical-align:top;display:inline-block;width:60px;margin:2.5px;padding:5px;overflow:hidden;border:1px solid #eee;border-radius:2px;cursor:pointer;text-align:center}.layui-iconpicker-list li:hover{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-1);color:#00000080}.layui-iconpicker-list li.layui-this{border-color:var(--icon-picker-checked-color);color:var(--icon-picker-checked-color)}.layui-iconpicker-list li .layui-icon{font-size:20px}.layui-iconpicker-list li .layui-elip{margin-top:2px;line-height:20px;font-size:12px}.layui-iconpicker-list .layui-none{margin:30px 0 35px}.layui-iconpicker-scroll .layui-iconpicker-list{max-height:200px}.layui-iconpicker-page{position:relative;padding:10px 10px 5px;border-top:1px solid #eee;text-align:right}.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage{margin:0}.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage a,.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage span{padding:0 10px;color:#666}.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage-count{position:absolute;left:10px}.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage-curr .layui-laypage-em{background:0 0}.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage-curr em{color:#666;color:#0009}.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage-first,.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage-last,.layui-iconpicker-page .layui-laypage-spr{display:none}.layui-icon-picker-clear{color:#00000073;padding:0 0 0 10px}.layui-icon-picker-clear:hover,.layui-colorpicker-disabled{opacity:.6}.layui-colorpicker-disabled,.layui-colorpicker-disabled *{cursor:not-allowed!important}.transform{transform:rotate(180deg)}\n")();
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
var index$U = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-dropdown{position:relative;display:inline-block}.layui-dropdown-content{position:absolute;z-index:99999;background-color:#fff;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #e4e7ed;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #0000001a}.layui-dropdown-content>.layui-dropdown-menu{border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);margin:5px 0}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu{position:relative;background-color:#fff}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li,.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title a{padding:5px 15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li{position:relative;display:flex;margin:1px 0;line-height:26px;color:#000c;font-size:14px;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li:hover{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-2)}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.layui-dropdown-menu-prefix{margin-right:8px}.layui-dropdown-menu-suffix{margin-left:15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li.layui-disabled:hover{background-color:inherit}\n")();
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var _a$1;
const isClient$1 = typeof window !== "undefined";
const toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const isFunction$2 = (val) => typeof val === "function";
const isNumber$1 = (val) => typeof val === "number";
const isString = (val) => typeof val === "string";
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const isObject$2 = (val) => toString$ === "[object Object]";
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const clamp = (n, min, max) => Math.min(max, Math.max(min, n));
const noop = () => {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
isClient$1 && ((_a$1 = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : _a$1.userAgent) && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function resolveUnref(r) {
return typeof r === "function" ? r() : unref(r);
function createFilterWrapper(filter, fn) {
function wrapper(...args) {
filter(() => fn.apply(this, args), { fn, thisArg: this, args });
return wrapper;
function throttleFilter(ms, trailing = true, leading = true) {
let lastExec = 0;
let timer;
let isLeading = true;
const clear2 = () => {
if (timer) {
timer = void 0;
const filter = (invoke) => {
const duration = resolveUnref(ms);
const elapsed = - lastExec;
if (duration <= 0) {
lastExec =;
return invoke();
if (elapsed > duration && (leading || !isLeading)) {
lastExec =;
} else if (trailing) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
lastExec =;
isLeading = true;
}, duration);
if (!leading && !timer)
timer = setTimeout(() => isLeading = true, duration);
isLeading = false;
return filter;
function identity(arg) {
return arg;
function tryOnScopeDispose(fn) {
if (getCurrentScope()) {
return true;
return false;
function toReactive(objectRef) {
if (!isRef(objectRef))
return reactive(objectRef);
const proxy = new Proxy({}, {
get(_, p, receiver) {
return unref(Reflect.get(objectRef.value, p, receiver));
set(_, p, value) {
if (isRef(objectRef.value[p]) && !isRef(value))
objectRef.value[p].value = value;
objectRef.value[p] = value;
return true;
deleteProperty(_, p) {
return Reflect.deleteProperty(objectRef.value, p);
has(_, p) {
return Reflect.has(objectRef.value, p);
ownKeys() {
return Object.keys(objectRef.value);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor() {
return {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return reactive(proxy);
function reactiveComputed(fn) {
return toReactive(computed$1(fn));
function reactiveOmit(obj, ...keys) {
const flatKeys = keys.flat();
return reactiveComputed(() => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(toRefs(obj)).filter((e) => !flatKeys.includes(e[0]))));
function useThrottleFn(fn, ms = 200, trailing = false, leading = true) {
return createFilterWrapper(throttleFilter(ms, trailing, leading), fn);
function tryOnMounted(fn, sync = true) {
if (getCurrentInstance())
else if (sync)
function useTimeoutFn(cb, interval, options = {}) {
const {
immediate = true
} = options;
const isPending = ref(false);
let timer = null;
function clear2() {
if (timer) {
timer = null;
function stop() {
isPending.value = false;
function start(...args) {
isPending.value = true;
timer = setTimeout(() => {
isPending.value = false;
timer = null;
}, resolveUnref(interval));
if (immediate) {
isPending.value = true;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isClient$1)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return {
function unrefElement(elRef) {
var _a2;
const plain = resolveUnref(elRef);
return (_a2 = plain == null ? void 0 : plain.$el) != null ? _a2 : plain;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const defaultWindow = isClient$1 ? window : void 0;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function useEventListener(...args) {
let target;
let event;
let listener;
let options;
if (isString(args[0])) {
[event, listener, options] = args;
target = defaultWindow;
} else {
[target, event, listener, options] = args;
if (!target)
return noop;
let cleanup = noop;
const stopWatch = watch(() => unrefElement(target), (el) => {
if (!el)
el.addEventListener(event, listener, options);
cleanup = () => {
el.removeEventListener(event, listener, options);
cleanup = noop;
}, { immediate: true, flush: "post" });
const stop = () => {
return stop;
function onClickOutside(target, handler, options = {}) {
const { window: window2 = defaultWindow, ignore, capture = true, detectIframe = false } = options;
if (!window2)
const shouldListen = ref(true);
let fallback;
const listener = (event) => {
const el = unrefElement(target);
const composedPath = event.composedPath();
if (!el || el === || composedPath.includes(el) || !shouldListen.value)
if (ignore && ignore.length > 0) {
if (ignore.some((target2) => {
const el2 = unrefElement(target2);
return el2 && ( === el2 || composedPath.includes(el2));
const cleanup = [
useEventListener(window2, "click", listener, { passive: true, capture }),
useEventListener(window2, "pointerdown", (e) => {
const el = unrefElement(target);
shouldListen.value = !!el && !e.composedPath().includes(el);
}, { passive: true }),
useEventListener(window2, "pointerup", (e) => {
if (e.button === 0) {
const path = e.composedPath();
e.composedPath = () => path;
fallback = window2.setTimeout(() => listener(e), 50);
}, { passive: true }),
detectIframe && useEventListener(window2, "blur", (event) => {
var _a2;
const el = unrefElement(target);
if (((_a2 = document.activeElement) == null ? void 0 : _a2.tagName) === "IFRAME" && !(el == null ? void 0 : el.contains(document.activeElement)))
const stop = () => cleanup.forEach((fn) => fn());
return stop;
function templateRef(key, initialValue = null) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
let _trigger = () => {
const element = customRef((track, trigger) => {
_trigger = trigger;
return {
get() {
var _a2, _b;
return (_b = (_a2 = instance == null ? void 0 : instance.proxy) == null ? void 0 : _a2.$refs[key]) != null ? _b : initialValue;
set() {
return element;
function useSupported(callback, sync = false) {
const isSupported = ref();
const update = () => isSupported.value = Boolean(callback());
tryOnMounted(update, sync);
return isSupported;
const _global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
const globalKey = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__";
_global[globalKey] = _global[globalKey] || {};
var __getOwnPropSymbols$f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __hasOwnProp$f = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum$f = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __objRest$2 = (source, exclude) => {
var target = {};
for (var prop in source)
if (__hasOwnProp$, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0)
target[prop] = source[prop];
if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols$f)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols$f(source)) {
if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 && __propIsEnum$, prop))
target[prop] = source[prop];
return target;
function useResizeObserver(target, callback, options = {}) {
const _a2 = options, { window: window2 = defaultWindow } = _a2, observerOptions = __objRest$2(_a2, ["window"]);
let observer;
const isSupported = useSupported(() => window2 && "ResizeObserver" in window2);
const cleanup = () => {
if (observer) {
observer = void 0;
const stopWatch = watch(() => unrefElement(target), (el) => {
if (isSupported.value && window2 && el) {
observer = new ResizeObserver(callback);
observer.observe(el, observerOptions);
}, { immediate: true, flush: "post" });
const stop = () => {
return {
function useRafFn(fn, options = {}) {
const {
immediate = true,
window: window2 = defaultWindow
} = options;
const isActive = ref(false);
let rafId = null;
function loop() {
if (!isActive.value || !window2)
rafId = window2.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
function resume() {
if (!isActive.value && window2) {
isActive.value = true;
function pause() {
isActive.value = false;
if (rafId != null && window2) {
rafId = null;
if (immediate)
return {
function useEyeDropper(options = {}) {
const { initialValue = "" } = options;
const isSupported = useSupported(() => typeof window !== "undefined" && "EyeDropper" in window);
const sRGBHex = ref(initialValue);
async function open2(openOptions) {
if (!isSupported.value)
const eyeDropper = new window.EyeDropper();
const result = await;
sRGBHex.value = result.sRGBHex;
return result;
return { isSupported, sRGBHex, open: open2 };
function useMousePressed(options = {}) {
const {
touch = true,
drag = true,
initialValue = false,
window: window2 = defaultWindow
} = options;
const pressed = ref(initialValue);
const sourceType = ref(null);
if (!window2) {
return {
const onPressed = (srcType) => () => {
pressed.value = true;
sourceType.value = srcType;
const onReleased = () => {
pressed.value = false;
sourceType.value = null;
const target = computed$1(() => unrefElement( || window2);
useEventListener(target, "mousedown", onPressed("mouse"), { passive: true });
useEventListener(window2, "mouseleave", onReleased, { passive: true });
useEventListener(window2, "mouseup", onReleased, { passive: true });
if (drag) {
useEventListener(target, "dragstart", onPressed("mouse"), { passive: true });
useEventListener(window2, "drop", onReleased, { passive: true });
useEventListener(window2, "dragend", onReleased, { passive: true });
if (touch) {
useEventListener(target, "touchstart", onPressed("touch"), { passive: true });
useEventListener(window2, "touchend", onReleased, { passive: true });
useEventListener(window2, "touchcancel", onReleased, { passive: true });
return {
var SwipeDirection;
(function(SwipeDirection2) {
SwipeDirection2["UP"] = "UP";
SwipeDirection2["RIGHT"] = "RIGHT";
SwipeDirection2["DOWN"] = "DOWN";
SwipeDirection2["LEFT"] = "LEFT";
SwipeDirection2["NONE"] = "NONE";
})(SwipeDirection || (SwipeDirection = {}));
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
if (, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
if (, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
return a;
const _TransitionPresets = {
easeInSine: [0.12, 0, 0.39, 0],
easeOutSine: [0.61, 1, 0.88, 1],
easeInOutSine: [0.37, 0, 0.63, 1],
easeInQuad: [0.11, 0, 0.5, 0],
easeOutQuad: [0.5, 1, 0.89, 1],
easeInOutQuad: [0.45, 0, 0.55, 1],
easeInCubic: [0.32, 0, 0.67, 0],
easeOutCubic: [0.33, 1, 0.68, 1],
easeInOutCubic: [0.65, 0, 0.35, 1],
easeInQuart: [0.5, 0, 0.75, 0],
easeOutQuart: [0.25, 1, 0.5, 1],
easeInOutQuart: [0.76, 0, 0.24, 1],
easeInQuint: [0.64, 0, 0.78, 0],
easeOutQuint: [0.22, 1, 0.36, 1],
easeInOutQuint: [0.83, 0, 0.17, 1],
easeInExpo: [0.7, 0, 0.84, 0],
easeOutExpo: [0.16, 1, 0.3, 1],
easeInOutExpo: [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1],
easeInCirc: [0.55, 0, 1, 0.45],
easeOutCirc: [0, 0.55, 0.45, 1],
easeInOutCirc: [0.85, 0, 0.15, 1],
easeInBack: [0.36, 0, 0.66, -0.56],
easeOutBack: [0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1],
easeInOutBack: [0.68, -0.6, 0.32, 1.6]
const TransitionPresets = __spreadValues({
linear: identity
}, _TransitionPresets);
function createEasingFunction([p0, p1, p2, p3]) {
const a = (a1, a2) => 1 - 3 * a2 + 3 * a1;
const b = (a1, a2) => 3 * a2 - 6 * a1;
const c = (a1) => 3 * a1;
const calcBezier = (t, a1, a2) => ((a(a1, a2) * t + b(a1, a2)) * t + c(a1)) * t;
const getSlope = (t, a1, a2) => 3 * a(a1, a2) * t * t + 2 * b(a1, a2) * t + c(a1);
const getTforX = (x) => {
let aGuessT = x;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
const currentSlope = getSlope(aGuessT, p0, p2);
if (currentSlope === 0)
return aGuessT;
const currentX = calcBezier(aGuessT, p0, p2) - x;
aGuessT -= currentX / currentSlope;
return aGuessT;
return (x) => p0 === p1 && p2 === p3 ? x : calcBezier(getTforX(x), p1, p3);
function useTransition(source, options = {}) {
const {
delay = 0,
disabled = false,
duration = 1e3,
onFinished = noop,
onStarted = noop,
transition = identity
} = options;
const currentTransition = computed$1(() => {
const t = unref(transition);
return isFunction$2(t) ? t : createEasingFunction(t);
const sourceValue = computed$1(() => {
const s = unref(source);
return isNumber$1(s) ? s :;
const sourceVector = computed$1(() => isNumber$1(sourceValue.value) ? [sourceValue.value] : sourceValue.value);
const outputVector = ref(sourceVector.value.slice(0));
let currentDuration;
let diffVector;
let endAt;
let startAt;
let startVector;
const { resume, pause } = useRafFn(() => {
const now =;
const progress = clamp(1 - (endAt - now) / currentDuration, 0, 1);
outputVector.value =, i) => {
var _a2;
return val + ((_a2 = diffVector[i]) != null ? _a2 : 0) * currentTransition.value(progress);
if (progress >= 1) {
}, { immediate: false });
const start = () => {
currentDuration = unref(duration);
diffVector =, i) => {
var _a2, _b;
return ((_a2 = sourceVector.value[i]) != null ? _a2 : 0) - ((_b = outputVector.value[i]) != null ? _b : 0);
startVector = outputVector.value.slice(0);
startAt =;
endAt = startAt + currentDuration;
const timeout = useTimeoutFn(start, delay, { immediate: false });
watch(sourceVector, () => {
if (unref(disabled)) {
outputVector.value = sourceVector.value.slice(0);
} else {
if (unref(delay) <= 0)
}, { deep: true });
return computed$1(() => {
const targetVector = unref(disabled) ? sourceVector : outputVector;
return isNumber$1(sourceValue.value) ? targetVector.value[0] : targetVector.value;
function useWindowSize(options = {}) {
const {
window: window2 = defaultWindow,
initialWidth = Infinity,
initialHeight = Infinity,
listenOrientation = true,
includeScrollbar = true
} = options;
const width = ref(initialWidth);
const height = ref(initialHeight);
const update = () => {
if (window2) {
if (includeScrollbar) {
width.value = window2.innerWidth;
height.value = window2.innerHeight;
} else {
width.value = window2.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
height.value = window2.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
useEventListener("resize", update, { passive: true });
if (listenOrientation)
useEventListener("orientationchange", update, { passive: true });
return { width, height };
const dropdownInjectionKey = Symbol("dropdownInjectKey");
const __default__$1t = {
name: "TeleportWrapper"
const _sfc_main$1z = defineComponent({
props: {
to: { default: "" },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const target = ref(null);
onMounted(() => {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer2) => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
if (mutation.type !== "childList")
const el = document.querySelector(;
if (!el)
target.value = el;
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
return () => observer.disconnect();
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(Teleport, {
to: target.value,
disabled: !target.value || __props.disabled
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 8, ["to", "disabled"]);
const isScrollElement = (element) => {
return element.scrollHeight > element.offsetHeight || element.scrollWidth > element.offsetWidth;
const getScrollElements = (container) => {
var _a2;
const scrollElements = [];
let element = container;
while (element && element !== document.documentElement) {
if (isScrollElement(element)) {
element = (_a2 = element.parentElement) != null ? _a2 : void 0;
return scrollElements;
const getChildrenArray = (vn) => {
if (isArrayChildren(vn, vn.children)) {
return vn.children;
if (Array.isArray(vn)) {
return vn;
return void 0;
const getFirstElementFromVNode = (vn) => {
var _a2, _b;
if (isElement(vn)) {
return vn.el;
if (isComponent(vn)) {
if (((_a2 = vn.el) == null ? void 0 : _a2.nodeType) === 1) {
return vn.el;
if ((_b = vn.component) == null ? void 0 : _b.subTree) {
const ele = getFirstElementFromVNode(vn.component.subTree);
if (ele)
return ele;
} else {
const children = getChildrenArray(vn);
return getFirstElementFromChildren(children);
return void 0;
const getFirstElementFromChildren = (children) => {
if (children && children.length > 0) {
for (const child of children) {
const element = getFirstElementFromVNode(child);
if (element)
return element;
return void 0;
const useFirstElement = () => {
const children = {};
const firstElement = ref();
const getFirstElement = () => {
const element = getFirstElementFromChildren(children.value);
if (element !== firstElement.value) {
firstElement.value = element;
onMounted(() => getFirstElement());
onUpdated(() => getFirstElement());
return {
const transformPlacement = (placement) => {
const shouldTransform = placement.includes("-");
const placementMap = {
top: "start",
left: "start",
bottom: "end",
right: "end"
if (shouldTransform) {
const separated = placement.split("-");
return `${separated[0]}-${placementMap[separated[1]] || separated[1]}`;
return placement;
var RenderFunction = defineComponent({
name: "RenderFunction",
props: {
renderFunc: {
type: Function,
default: null
setup(props, ctx) {
return () => {
if (typeof props.renderFunc !== "function") {
return null;
return props.renderFunc(ctx.attrs);
const __default__$1s = {
name: "LayDropdown",
inheritAttrs: false
const _sfc_main$1y = defineComponent({
props: {
visible: { type: Boolean, default: false },
trigger: { default: "click" },
placement: { default: "bottom-start" },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
autoFitPosition: { type: Boolean, default: true },
autoFitWidth: { type: Boolean, default: false },
autoFitMinWidth: { type: Boolean, default: true },
updateAtScroll: { type: Boolean, default: false },
autoFixPosition: { type: Boolean, default: true },
clickToClose: { type: Boolean, default: true },
blurToClose: { type: Boolean, default: true },
clickOutsideToClose: { type: Boolean, default: true },
contentOffset: { default: 2 },
mouseEnterDelay: { default: 150 },
mouseLeaveDelay: { default: 150 },
focusDelay: { default: 150 },
alignPoint: { type: Boolean, default: false },
contentClass: null,
contentStyle: null,
popupContainer: { default: "body" }
emits: ["show", "hide"],
setup(__props, { expose, emit }) {
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const attrs = useAttrs();
const childrenRefs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
const dropdownCtx = inject(dropdownInjectionKey, void 0);
const { children, firstElement: dropdownRef } = useFirstElement();
const contentRef = shallowRef();
const contentStyle = ref({});
const { width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight } = useWindowSize();
const mousePosition = reactive({
x: 0,
y: 0
const { x: mouseLeft, y: mouseTop } = toRefs(mousePosition);
const openState = ref(false);
let scrollElements;
const containerRef = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return props.popupContainer ? (_a2 = document.querySelector(props.popupContainer)) != null ? _a2 : document.body : dropdownRef.value;
const triggerMethods = computed$1(() => [].concat(props.trigger));
const computedPlacement = computed$1(() => {
return transformPlacement(props.placement);
let delayTimer = 0;
const cleanDelayTimer = () => {
if (delayTimer) {
delayTimer = 0;
const show = (delay) => {
if (props.disabled == false) {
changeVisible(true, delay);
const hide = (delay) => {
changeVisible(false, delay);
const toggle = () => {
if (props.disabled == false)
if (openState.value) {
} else {
const changeVisible = (visible, delay) => {
if (visible === openState.value && delayTimer === 0) {
const update = () => {
openState.value = visible;
nextTick(() => {
if (delay) {
if (visible !== openState.value) {
delayTimer = window.setTimeout(update, delay);
} else {
const getElementScrollRect = (element, containerRect) => {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
bottom: rect.bottom,
left: rect.left,
right: rect.right,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height,
scrollTop: -,
scrollBottom: rect.bottom -,
scrollLeft: rect.left - containerRect.left,
scrollRight: rect.right - containerRect.left
const getTriggerRect = () => {
return {
top: mouseTop.value,
bottom: mouseTop.value,
left: mouseLeft.value,
right: mouseLeft.value,
scrollTop: mouseTop.value,
scrollBottom: mouseTop.value,
scrollLeft: mouseLeft.value,
scrollRight: mouseLeft.value,
width: 0,
height: 0
const updateContentStyle = () => {
if (!containerRef.value || !dropdownRef.value || !contentRef.value) {
const containerRect = containerRef.value.getBoundingClientRect();
const triggerRect = props.alignPoint ? getTriggerRect() : getElementScrollRect(dropdownRef.value, containerRect);
const contentRect = getElementScrollRect(contentRef.value, containerRect);
const { style } = getContentStyle(computedPlacement.value, triggerRect, contentRect);
if (props.autoFitMinWidth) {
style.minWidth = `${triggerRect.width}px`;
if (props.autoFitWidth) {
style.width = `${triggerRect.width}px`;
contentStyle.value = style;
if (props.autoFitPosition) {
nextTick(() => {
const triggerRect2 = props.alignPoint ? getTriggerRect() : getElementScrollRect(dropdownRef.value, containerRect);
const contentRect2 = getElementScrollRect(contentRef.value, containerRect);
let { top, left } = style;
top = Number(top.toString().replace("px", ""));
left = Number(left.toString().replace("px", ""));
const { top: fitTop, left: fitLeft } = getFitPlacement(top, left, computedPlacement.value, triggerRect2, contentRect2); = `${fitTop}px`;
style.left = `${fitLeft}px`;
contentStyle.value = {
const updateMousePosition = (e) => {
if (props.alignPoint) {
const { pageX, pageY } = e;
mousePosition.x = pageX;
mousePosition.y = pageY;
const getContentStyle = (placement, triggerRect, contentRect, {
customStyle = {}
} = {}) => {
let { top, left } = getContentOffset(placement, triggerRect, contentRect);
const style = {
top: `${top}px`,
left: `${left}px`,
return {
const getPosition = (placement) => {
if (["top", "top-start", "top-end"].includes(placement)) {
return "top";
if (["bottom", "bottom-start", "bottom-end"].includes(placement)) {
return "bottom";
if (["left", "left-start", "left-end"].includes(placement)) {
return "left";
if (["right", "right-start", "right-end"].includes(placement)) {
return "right";
return "bottom";
const getFitPlacement = (top, left, placement, triggerRect, contentRect) => {
const position = getPosition(placement);
if (["top", "bottom"].includes(position)) {
if (contentRect.bottom > windowHeight.value) {
top = triggerRect.scrollTop - contentRect.height - props.contentOffset;
if ( < 0) {
top = triggerRect.scrollBottom + props.contentOffset;
if (contentRect.left < 0) {
left = left + (0 - contentRect.left);
if (contentRect.right > windowWidth.value) {
left = left - (contentRect.right - windowWidth.value);
if (["left", "right"].includes(position)) {
if (contentRect.bottom > windowHeight.value) {
top = top - (contentRect.bottom - windowHeight.value);
if ( < 0) {
top = top + (0 -;
if (contentRect.left < 0) {
left = triggerRect.scrollRight + props.contentOffset;
if (contentRect.right > windowWidth.value) {
left = triggerRect.scrollLeft - contentRect.width - props.contentOffset;
return {
const getContentOffset = (placement, triggerRect, contentRect) => {
switch (placement) {
case "top":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollTop - contentRect.height - props.contentOffset,
left: triggerRect.scrollLeft + Math.round((triggerRect.width - contentRect.width) / 2)
case "top-start":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollTop - contentRect.height - props.contentOffset,
left: triggerRect.scrollLeft
case "top-end":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollTop - contentRect.height - props.contentOffset,
left: triggerRect.scrollRight - contentRect.width
case "bottom":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollBottom + props.contentOffset,
left: triggerRect.scrollLeft + Math.round((triggerRect.width - contentRect.width) / 2)
case "bottom-start":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollBottom + props.contentOffset,
left: triggerRect.scrollLeft
case "bottom-end":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollBottom + props.contentOffset,
left: triggerRect.scrollRight - contentRect.width
case "right":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollTop + Math.round((triggerRect.height - contentRect.height) / 2),
left: triggerRect.scrollRight + props.contentOffset
case "right-start":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollTop,
left: triggerRect.scrollRight + props.contentOffset
case "right-end":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollBottom - contentRect.height,
left: triggerRect.scrollRight + props.contentOffset
case "left":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollTop + Math.round((triggerRect.height - contentRect.height) / 2),
left: triggerRect.scrollLeft - contentRect.width - props.contentOffset
case "left-start":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollTop,
left: triggerRect.scrollLeft - contentRect.width - props.contentOffset
case "left-end":
return {
top: triggerRect.scrollBottom - contentRect.height,
left: triggerRect.scrollLeft - contentRect.width - props.contentOffset
return {
left: 0,
top: 0
const handleScroll = useThrottleFn(() => {
if (openState.value) {
}, 10);
const handleClick = (e) => {
if (props.disabled || openState.value && !props.clickToClose) {
if (triggerMethods.value.includes("click")) {
const handleContextMenuClick = (e) => {
if (props.disabled || openState.value && !props.clickToClose) {
if (triggerMethods.value.includes("contextMenu")) {
if (props.alignPoint) {
const handleMouseEnter = (e) => {
if (props.disabled || !triggerMethods.value.includes("hover")) {
const handleMouseEnterWithContext = (e) => {
if (!props.popupContainer) {
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.onMouseenter(e);
const handleMouseLeave = (e) => {
if (props.disabled || !triggerMethods.value.includes("hover")) {
const handleMouseLeaveWithContext = (e) => {
if (!props.popupContainer) {
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.onMouseleave(e);
const handleFocusin = () => {
if (props.disabled || !triggerMethods.value.includes("focus")) {
const handleFocusout = () => {
if (props.disabled || !triggerMethods.value.includes("focus")) {
if (!props.blurToClose) {
const handleContextHide = () => {
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.hide();
const addChildRef = (ref2) => {
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.addChildRef(ref2);
const removeChildRef = (ref2) => {
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.removeChildRef(ref2);
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.addChildRef(contentRef);
const { stop: removeContentResizeObserver } = useResizeObserver(contentRef, () => {
if (openState.value && props.autoFixPosition) {
const { stop: removeTriggerResizeObserver } = useResizeObserver(dropdownRef, () => {
if (openState.value && props.autoFixPosition) {
onClickOutside(dropdownRef, (e) => {
var _a2, _b, _c;
if (!props.clickOutsideToClose || !openState.value || ((_a2 = dropdownRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.contains( || ((_b = contentRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _b.contains( {
for (const item of childrenRefs) {
if ((_c = item.value) == null ? void 0 : _c.contains( {
const onlyChildRenderFunc = () => {
const slotContent = slots.default ? slots.default() : [];
const transformedSlotContent = => cloneVNode(vnode, {
onClick: handleClick,
onContextmenu: handleContextMenuClick,
onMouseenter: handleMouseEnter,
onMouseleave: handleMouseLeave,
onFocusin: handleFocusin,
onFocusout: handleFocusout,
}, true));
children.value = transformedSlotContent;
return h(Fragment, children.value);
onMounted(() => {
if (props.updateAtScroll) {
scrollElements = getScrollElements(dropdownRef.value);
for (const item of scrollElements) {
item.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
window.addEventListener("resize", handleScroll);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.removeChildRef(contentRef);
if (scrollElements) {
for (const item of scrollElements) {
item.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
scrollElements = void 0;
window.removeEventListener("resize", handleScroll);
watch(() => props.visible, (newVal, oldVal) => {
openState.value = newVal;
}, { immediate: true });
provide(dropdownInjectionKey, reactive({
onMouseenter: handleMouseEnterWithContext,
onMouseleave: handleMouseLeaveWithContext,
hide: handleContextHide
provide("openState", openState);
expose({ show, hide, toggle });
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [
createVNode(unref(RenderFunction), mergeProps({ renderFunc: onlyChildRenderFunc }, _ctx.$attrs), null, 16),
createVNode(_sfc_main$1z, {
to: __props.popupContainer,
disabled: __props.disabled
}, {
default: withCtx(() => {
var _a2;
return [
openState.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
ref_key: "contentRef",
ref: contentRef,
class: normalizeClass([
style: normalizeStyle([contentStyle.value, (_a2 = props.contentStyle) != null ? _a2 : ""]),
onMouseenter: handleMouseEnterWithContext,
onMouseleave: handleMouseLeaveWithContext
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")
], 38)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 3
}, 8, ["to", "disabled"])
], 64);
var index$T = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--input-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--input-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-input{width:100%;height:38px;line-height:38px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--input-border-color);border-radius:var(--input-border-radius);display:inline-flex}.layui-input input{height:38px;line-height:38px;background-color:#fff;color:#000000d9;padding-left:10px;display:inline-block;border:none;height:100%;width:100%}.layui-input-append{background-color:#fafafa;border-left:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-prepend{background-color:#fafafa;border-right:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-wrapper{width:100%;display:inline-flex;border:none}.layui-input:hover,.layui-input:focus-within{border-color:#d2d2d2}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix,.layui-input-password{background-color:#fff}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix{display:flex;flex:none;align-items:center;padding:0 10px}.layui-input-has-prefix input{padding:0}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password{color:#00000073}.layui-input-clear:hover{opacity:.6}.layui-input input::-webkit-input-placeholder{line-height:1.3}.layui-input input::-ms-reveal{display:none}.layui-input-disabled{border-color:var(--input-border-color)!important}.layui-input-disabled{opacity:.6}.layui-input-disabled,.layui-input-disabled *{cursor:not-allowed!important}.layui-input[size=lg]{height:44px}.layui-input[size=lg] .layui-input{height:44px;line-height:44px}.layui-input[size=md]{height:38px}.layui-input[size=md] .layui-input{height:38px;line-height:38px}.layui-input[size=sm]{height:32px}.layui-input[size=sm] .layui-input{height:32px;line-height:32px}.layui-input[size=xs]{height:26px}.layui-input[size=xs] .layui-input{height:26px;line-height:26px}\n")();
const _sfc_main$1x = {};
const _hoisted_1$10 = {
focusable: "false",
class: "",
"data-icon": "eye-invisible",
width: "1em",
height: "1em",
fill: "currentColor",
"aria-hidden": "true",
viewBox: "64 64 896 896"
const _hoisted_2$Q = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", { d: "M942.2 486.2Q889.47 375.11 816.7 305l-50.88 50.88C807.31 395.53 843.45 447.4 874.7 512 791.5 684.2 673.4 766 512 766q-72.67 0-133.87-22.38L323 798.75Q408 838 512 838q288.3 0 430.2-300.3a60.29 60.29 0 000-51.5zm-63.57-320.64L836 122.88a8 8 0 00-11.32 0L715.31 232.2Q624.86 186 512 186q-288.3 0-430.2 300.3a60.3 60.3 0 000 51.5q56.69 119.4 136.5 191.41L112.48 835a8 8 0 000 11.31L155.17 889a8 8 0 0011.31 0l712.15-712.12a8 8 0 000-11.32zM149.3 512C232.6 339.8 350.7 258 512 258c54.54 0 104.13 9.36 149.12 28.39l-70.3 70.3a176 176 0 00-238.13 238.13l-83.42 83.42C223.1 637.49 183.3 582.28 149.3 512zm246.7 0a112.11 112.11 0 01146.2-106.69L401.31 546.2A112 112 0 01396 512z" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_3$J = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", { d: "M508 624c-3.46 0-6.87-.16-10.25-.47l-52.82 52.82a176.09 176.09 0 00227.42-227.42l-52.82 52.82c.31 3.38.47 6.79.47 10.25a111.94 111.94 0 01-112 112z" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_4$y = [
function _sfc_render$3(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1$10, _hoisted_4$y);
var PasswordIcon = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1x, [["render", _sfc_render$3]]);
const _sfc_main$1w = {};
const _hoisted_1$$ = {
focusable: "false",
class: "",
"data-icon": "eye",
width: "1em",
height: "1em",
fill: "currentColor",
"aria-hidden": "true",
viewBox: "64 64 896 896"
const _hoisted_2$P = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", { d: "M942.2 486.2C847.4 286.5 704.1 186 512 186c-192.2 0-335.4 100.5-430.2 300.3a60.3 60.3 0 000 51.5C176.6 737.5 319.9 838 512 838c192.2 0 335.4-100.5 430.2-300.3 7.7-16.2 7.7-35 0-51.5zM512 766c-161.3 0-279.4-81.8-362.7-254C232.6 339.8 350.7 258 512 258c161.3 0 279.4 81.8 362.7 254C791.5 684.2 673.4 766 512 766zm-4-430c-97.2 0-176 78.8-176 176s78.8 176 176 176 176-78.8 176-176-78.8-176-176-176zm0 288c-61.9 0-112-50.1-112-112s50.1-112 112-112 112 50.1 112 112-50.1 112-112 112z" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_3$I = [
function _sfc_render$2(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1$$, _hoisted_3$I);
var UnPasswordIcon = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1w, [["render", _sfc_render$2]]);
const _hoisted_1$_ = ["size"];
const _hoisted_2$O = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-input-prepend"
const _hoisted_3$H = { class: "layui-input-wrapper" };
const _hoisted_4$x = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-input-prefix"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$p = ["type", "name", "disabled", "placeholder", "autofocus", "autocomplete", "maxlength", "max", "min", "readonly", "value"];
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$j = {
key: 2,
class: "layui-input-clear"
const _hoisted_7$g = {
key: 3,
class: "layui-input-suffix"
const _hoisted_8$c = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-input-append"
const __default__$1r = {
name: "LayInput"
const _sfc_main$1v = defineComponent({
props: {
name: null,
type: null,
prefixIcon: null,
suffixIcon: null,
modelValue: { default: "" },
allowClear: { type: Boolean, default: false },
autocomplete: null,
placeholder: null,
autofocus: { type: Boolean, default: false },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
readonly: { type: Boolean, default: false },
password: { type: Boolean, default: false },
size: { default: "md" },
maxlength: null,
max: null,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
min: null,
qfw: { type: Boolean, default: false }
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emits: ["blur", "input", "update:modelValue", "change", "focus", "clear"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const type4 = ref(props.type);
const currentValue = ref(String(props.modelValue == null ? "" : props.modelValue));
const hasContent = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = props.modelValue) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) > 0;
const isPassword = computed$1(() => type4.value == "password");
const composing = ref(false);
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
const formatMoney = function(s) {
2023-01-11 07:58:59 +00:00
if (s == "") {
return "";
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
var noNegative = true;
s = parseFloat((s + "").replace(/[^\d\.-]/g, "")) + "";
if (parseFloat(s) < 0) {
s = Math.abs(s) + "";
noNegative = false;
var l = s.split(".")[0].split("").reverse(), r = s.split(".")[1];
var t = "";
for (let i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
if (i % 3 == 2 && i != l.length - 1) {
t += l[i] + ",";
} else {
t += l[i] + "";
let z = (noNegative ? "" : "-") + t.split("").reverse().join("");
if (r) {
return z + "." + r;
} else {
return isNaN(parseInt(z)) ? 0 : z;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
watch(() => props.type, () => {
type4.value = props.type;
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
const input = ref();
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
if (!(input.value == document.activeElement) && props.qfw) {
currentValue.value = formatMoney(props.modelValue.toString());
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
currentValue.value = String(props.modelValue == null ? "" : props.modelValue);
const onInput = function(event) {
const inputElement =;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
let value = inputElement.value;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emit("input", value);
if (composing.value)
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (props.qfw) {
value = value.replace(/,/g, "");
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emit("update:modelValue", value);
const onClear = () => {
emit("update:modelValue", "");
const onFocus = (event) => {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
currentValue.value = new String(props.modelValue).replace(/,/g, "");
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emit("focus", event);
const onChange = (event) => {
const inputElement =;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
let value = inputElement.value;
if (props.qfw) {
value = value.replace(/,/g, "");
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emit("change", value);
const onBlur = (event) => {
if (props.type === "number") {
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
if (props.qfw) {
try {
let reg = /\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+$)/g;
console.log("\u6DFB\u52A0\uFF0C", formatMoney(props.modelValue.toString()));
currentValue.value = formatMoney(props.modelValue.toString());
} catch {
currentValue.value = "\u8F93\u5165\u9519\u8BEF";
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emit("blur", event);
const onNumberBlur = (event) => {
let value =;
if (value === "") {
value = props.min ? String(props.min) : "0";
} else {
if (props.max && props.max < Number(value))
value = props.max.toString();
if (props.min && props.min > Number(value))
value = props.min.toString();
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (props.qfw) {
value = value.replace(/,/g, "");
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emit("update:modelValue", value);
const onCompositionstart = () => {
composing.value = true;
const onCompositionend = (event) => {
composing.value = false;
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return {
"layui-input-disabled": props.disabled,
"layui-input-has-prefix": slots.prefix || props.prefixIcon
const showPassword = () => {
if (isPassword.value) {
type4.value = "text";
} else {
type4.value = "password";
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-input", unref(classes)]),
size: __props.size
}, [
unref(slots).prepend ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$O, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prepend")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$H, [
unref(slots).prefix || props.prefixIcon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_4$x, [
unref(slots).prefix ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 1,
type: props.prefixIcon,
class: "layui-input-prefix-icon"
}, null, 8, ["type"]))
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("input", {
type: type4.value,
disabled: __props.disabled,
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
autofocus: __props.autofocus,
autocomplete: __props.autocomplete,
maxlength: __props.maxlength,
max: __props.max,
min: __props.min,
readonly: __props.readonly,
value: currentValue.value,
2022-12-30 08:14:41 +00:00
ref_key: "input",
ref: input
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, null, 40, _hoisted_5$p),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
__props.password && unref(hasContent) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 1,
class: "layui-input-password",
onClick: showPassword
}, [
unref(isPassword) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(PasswordIcon, { key: 0 })) : (openBlock(), createBlock(UnPasswordIcon, { key: 1 }))
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.allowClear && unref(hasContent) && !__props.disabled ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_6$j, [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: "layui-icon-close-fill",
onClick: withModifiers(onClear, ["stop"])
}, null, 8, ["onClick"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
unref(slots).suffix || props.suffixIcon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_7$g, [
unref(slots).suffix ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "suffix", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 1,
type: props.suffixIcon,
class: "layui-input-suffix-icon"
}, null, 8, ["type"]))
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
unref(slots).append ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_8$c, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "append")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 10, _hoisted_1$_);
var index$S = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-scroll{height:100%;overflow:hidden!important}.layui-scroll-y{position:relative;height:100%}.layui-scroll-y .layui-scroll-wrap{height:100%;overflow-y:scroll;scrollbar-width:none;-ms-overflow-style:none}.layui-scroll-y .layui-scroll-track{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;border-radius:8px;z-index:20}.layui-scroll-y .layui-scroll-track .layui-scroll-thumb{margin:0 auto;border-radius:6px;cursor:default}.layui-scroll-y ::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$Z = { class: "layui-scroll-y" };
const _hoisted_2$N = ["onMousedown"];
const __default__$1q = {
name: "LayScroll"
const _sfc_main$1u = defineComponent({
props: {
height: { default: "100%" },
trackColor: { default: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" },
thumbColor: { default: "#eeeeee" },
thumbWidth: { default: 6 }
emits: ["arrive"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const scrollRef = ref();
const barRef = ref();
const data = reactive({
translateY: 0,
heightPre: 0,
barHeight: 0,
winWidth: document.body.clientWidth
let time;
let isMove = false;
let moveClientY = 0;
let trackHeight = 0;
let wrapHeight = 0;
let wrapContentHeight = 0;
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
onUnmounted(() => {
const monitorWindow = function() {
let time2;
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
data.winWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
time2 = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
const monitorScrollBar = function() {
let MutationObserver2 = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
const observer = new MutationObserver2((mutations) => {
observer.observe(scrollRef.value, {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true
const calculationLength = function() {
time = setInterval(() => {
}, 50);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2e3);
const initScrollListner = function() {
let scroll = scrollRef.value;
let bar = barRef.value;
if (scroll && bar) {
wrapContentHeight = scroll.scrollHeight;
wrapHeight = scroll.clientHeight;
trackHeight = bar.clientHeight;
data.heightPre = wrapHeight / wrapContentHeight;
data.barHeight = data.heightPre * trackHeight;
const onMosewheel = (e) => {
data.translateY = * data.heightPre;
if (data.translateY == 0) {
} else if ( + == {
const arrive = (tb) => {
emit("arrive", tb);
const moveStart = (e) => {
isMove = true;
moveClientY = e.clientY - data.translateY;
const moveTo2 = () => {
document.onmousemove = (e) => {
if (isMove) {
if (e.clientY - moveClientY > trackHeight - data.barHeight) {
data.translateY = trackHeight - data.barHeight;
} else if (e.clientY - moveClientY < 0) {
data.translateY = 0;
} else {
data.translateY = e.clientY - moveClientY;
if (scrollRef.value) {
scrollRef.value.scrollTop = data.translateY / data.heightPre;
const moveEnd = function() {
document.onmouseup = (e) => {
if (isMove) {
isMove = false;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-scroll", { hide: data.winWidth < 500 }]),
style: normalizeStyle({ height: __props.height })
}, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$Z, [
createElementVNode("div", {
ref_key: "scrollRef",
ref: scrollRef,
class: "layui-scroll-wrap",
onScroll: onMosewheel
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 544),
createElementVNode("div", {
ref_key: "barRef",
ref: barRef,
class: "layui-scroll-track",
style: normalizeStyle({
backgroundColor: data.heightPre == 1 ? "transparent" : __props.trackColor
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({
height: data.barHeight + "px",
width: __props.thumbWidth + "px",
transform: "translateY(" + data.translateY + "px)",
backgroundColor: data.heightPre == 1 ? "transparent" : __props.thumbColor
class: "layui-scroll-thumb",
onMousedown: withModifiers(moveStart, ["stop", "prevent"])
}, null, 44, _hoisted_2$N)
], 4)
], 6);
const _hoisted_1$Y = { class: "layui-inline layui-iconpicker-main" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_2$M = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-icon-picker-clear"
const _hoisted_3$G = { class: "layui-inline layui-iconpicker-suffix" };
const _hoisted_4$w = { class: "layui-iconpicker-view layui-iconpicker-scroll" };
const _hoisted_5$o = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 0,
class: "layui-iconpicker-search"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$i = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-search" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_7$f = { class: "layui-iconpicker-list" };
const _hoisted_8$b = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_9$9 = { class: "layui-elip" };
const _hoisted_10$9 = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: "layui-iconpicker-page"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_11$9 = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
id: "layui-laypage-1",
class: "layui-laypage layui-laypage-default"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_12$7 = { class: "layui-laypage-count" };
const _hoisted_13$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-left" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_14$4 = [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_15$3 = { class: "layui-laypage-curr" };
const _hoisted_16$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("em", { class: "layui-laypage-em" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_17$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("span", { class: "layui-laypage-spr" }, "\u2026", -1);
const _hoisted_18$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("a", {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
href: "javascript:;",
class: "layui-laypage-last",
title: "\u5C3E\u9875"
}, "14", -1);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_19$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-right" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_20$2 = [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$1p = {
name: "LayIconPicker"
const _sfc_main$1t = defineComponent({
props: {
page: { type: Boolean, default: false },
modelValue: { default: "layui-icon-face-smile" },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
showSearch: { type: Boolean },
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
allowClear: { type: Boolean },
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
contentClass: null,
contentStyle: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const selectedIcon = computed$1(() => props.modelValue);
const dropdownRef = ref(null);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const openState = ref(false);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const selectIcon = function(icon) {
var _a2;
emit("update:modelValue", icon);
emit("change", icon);
(_a2 = dropdownRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.hide();
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const onClear = function() {
emit("update:modelValue", "");
const hasContent = computed$1(() => {
return props.modelValue != null && props.modelValue != "";
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const icones = ref([]);
const total = ref(iconfont.length);
const totalPage = ref(total.value / 12);
const currentPage = ref(1);
if ( {
icones.value = iconfont.slice(0, 12);
} else {
icones.value = iconfont;
const next = () => {
if (currentPage.value === totalPage.value) {
currentPage.value = currentPage.value + 1;
const start = (currentPage.value - 1) * 12;
const end = start + 12;
icones.value = iconfont.slice(start, end);
const prev = () => {
if (currentPage.value === 1) {
currentPage.value = currentPage.value - 1;
const start = (currentPage.value - 1) * 12;
const end = start + 12;
icones.value = iconfont.slice(start, end);
const clear2 = () => {
const start = (currentPage.value - 1) * 12;
const end = start + 12;
if ( {
icones.value = iconfont.slice(start, end);
total.value = iconfont.length;
totalPage.value = Math.ceil(iconfont.length / 12);
} else {
icones.value = iconfont;
const search = (e) => {
currentPage.value = 1;
const start = (currentPage.value - 1) * 12;
const end = start + 12;
const text = e;
if (text) {
if ( {
icones.value = searchList(text, iconfont).slice(start, end);
total.value = searchList(text, iconfont).length;
totalPage.value = Math.ceil(searchList(text, iconfont).length / 12);
} else {
icones.value = searchList(text, iconfont);
} else {
if ( {
icones.value = iconfont.slice(start, end);
total.value = iconfont.length;
totalPage.value = Math.ceil(iconfont.length / 12);
} else {
icones.value = iconfont;
const searchList = (str, container) => {
var newList = [];
var startChar = str.charAt(0);
var strLen = str.length;
for (var i = 0; i < container.length; i++) {
var obj = container[i];
var isMatch = false;
for (var p in obj) {
if (typeof obj[p] == "function") {
} else {
var curItem = "";
if (obj[p] != null) {
curItem = obj[p];
for (var j = 0; j < curItem.length; j++) {
if (curItem.charAt(j) == startChar) {
if (curItem.substring(j).substring(0, strLen) == str) {
isMatch = true;
if (isMatch) {
return newList;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _component_lay_icon = resolveComponent("lay-icon");
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownRef",
ref: dropdownRef,
disabled: __props.disabled,
contentClass: __props.contentClass,
contentStyle: __props.contentStyle,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
onHide: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => openState.value = false),
onShow: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => openState.value = true),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
updateAtScroll: ""
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$w, [
__props.showSearch ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$o, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createVNode(_sfc_main$1v, {
onInput: search,
onClear: clear2,
autocomplete: "true",
"allow-clear": true
}, {
prefix: withCtx(() => [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
_: 1
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$f, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createVNode(_sfc_main$1u, {
style: { "height": "200px" },
thumbColor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("ul", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(icones.value, (icon) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: icon,
class: normalizeClass([unref(selectedIcon) === icon.class ? "layui-this" : ""]),
onClick: ($event) => selectIcon(icon.class)
}, [
createElementVNode("i", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-icon", [icon.class]])
}, null, 2),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_9$9, toDisplayString$1(, 1)
], 10, _hoisted_8$b);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}), 128))
_: 1
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10$9, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11$9, [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_12$7, "\u5171 " + toDisplayString$1(total.value) + " \u4E2A", 1),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("a", {
href: "javascript:;",
class: normalizeClass(["layui-laypage-prev", [currentPage.value === 1 ? "layui-disabled" : ""]]),
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => prev())
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, _hoisted_14$4, 2),
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_15$3, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("em", null, toDisplayString$1(currentPage.value) + " / " + toDisplayString$1(totalPage.value), 1)
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("a", {
href: "javascript:;",
class: normalizeClass([[currentPage.value === totalPage.value ? "layui-disabled" : ""], "layui-laypage-next"]),
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => next())
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, _hoisted_20$2, 2)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-inline layui-border-box layui-iconpicker layui-iconpicker-split", [{ "layui-colorpicker-disabled": __props.disabled }]])
}, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$Y, [
createElementVNode("i", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-inline layui-icon", [unref(selectedIcon)]])
}, null, 2)
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.allowClear && unref(hasContent) && !__props.disabled ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$M, [
createVNode(_component_lay_icon, {
type: "layui-icon-close-fill",
onClick: withModifiers(onClear, ["stop"])
}, null, 8, ["onClick"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_3$G, [
createElementVNode("i", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-icon layui-icon-down", [openState.value ? "transform" : ""]])
}, null, 2)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
], 2)
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled", "contentClass", "contentStyle"]);
const component$1c = withInstall(_sfc_main$1t);
var index$R = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--card-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-card{margin-bottom:15px;background-color:#fff;border-radius:var(--card-border-radius)}.layui-card .layui-card-header{height:42px;line-height:42px;padding:0 15px;border-bottom:1px solid #f6f6f6;font-size:14px}.layui-card .layui-card-footer{height:42px;line-height:42px;padding:0 15px;border-top:1px solid #f6f6f6;font-size:14px}.layui-card .layui-card-header .layui-card-header-extra{float:right}.layui-card .layui-card-body{padding:10px 15px;line-height:24px}.layui-card:last-child{margin-bottom:0},.layui-card.shadow{box-shadow:0 1px 2px #0000000d}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$X = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-card-header"
const _hoisted_2$L = { class: "layui-card-header-title" };
const _hoisted_3$F = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-card-header-extra"
const _hoisted_4$v = { class: "layui-card-body" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$n = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: "layui-card-footer"
const __default__$1o = {
name: "LayCard"
const _sfc_main$1s = defineComponent({
props: {
title: null,
shadow: { default: "always" }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return {
shadow: props.shadow === "always",
"is-hover-shadow": props.shadow === "hover"
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-card", unref(classes)])
}, [
unref(slots).title || __props.title || unref(slots).extra ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$X, [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2$L, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)
unref(slots).extra ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$F, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "extra")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$v, [
unref(slots).body ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "body", { key: 0 }) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 1 })
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
unref(slots).footer ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$n, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "footer")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 2);
const component$1b = withInstall(_sfc_main$1s);
var index$Q = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-header{box-sizing:border-box;height:60px}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$W = { class: "layui-header" };
const __default__$1n = {
name: "LayHeader"
const _sfc_main$1r = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$W, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
var index$P = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-footer{box-sizing:border-box}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$V = { class: "layui-footer" };
const __default__$1m = {
name: "LayFooter"
const _sfc_main$1q = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$V, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
var index$O = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-header{box-sizing:border-box;height:60px}.layui-layout{flex:1;display:flex;flex-basis:auto;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-layout-vertical{flex-direction:column}.layui-layout-left{position:absolute!important;left:200px;top:0}.layui-layout-right{position:absolute!important;right:0;top:0}\n")();
const __default__$1l = {
name: "LayLayout"
const _sfc_main$1p = defineComponent({
props: {
isVertical: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
const slots = useSlots();
const isVertical = computed$1(() => {
if (!slots.default)
return false;
const vNodes = slots.default();
return vNodes.some((vNode) => {
const componentName =;
if (!componentName)
return false;
return [_sfc_main$].includes(componentName) || [_sfc_main$].includes(componentName);
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return ["layui-layout", { "layui-layout-vertical": isVertical.value }];
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("section", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(classes))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$1a = withInstall(_sfc_main$1p);
var index$N = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-side{overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;box-sizing:border-box;min-height:300px}\n")();
const __default__$1k = {
name: "LaySide"
const _sfc_main$1o = defineComponent({
props: {
width: { default: "200px" }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const styles = computed$1(() => {
return {
flex: `0 0 ${props.width}`,
width: `${props.width}`
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "layui-side",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 4);
const component$19 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1o);
var index$M = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-body{display:block;flex:1;overflow:auto;height:100%;box-sizing:border-box;min-height:300px}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$U = { class: "layui-body" };
const __default__$1j = {
name: "LayBody"
const _sfc_main$1n = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$U, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$18 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1n);
const component$17 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1r);
const component$16 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1q);
var index$L = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-logo{left:0;top:0;width:200px;height:60px;line-height:60px;text-align:center;color:var(--global-primary-color);font-size:16px}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$T = { class: "layui-logo" };
const __default__$1i = {
name: "LayLogo"
const _sfc_main$1m = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$T, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$15 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1m);
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
var index$K = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--panel-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-3);--panel-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-panel{border-width:1px;border-style:solid;margin-bottom:15px;border-radius:var(--panel-border-radius);border-color:var(--panel-border-color);background-color:#fff;padding:12px},.layui-panel.shadow{box-shadow:1px 1px 4px #00000014}\n")();
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$1h = {
name: "LayPanel"
const _sfc_main$1l = defineComponent({
props: {
shadow: { default: "always" }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return {
shadow: props.shadow === "always",
"is-hover-shadow": props.shadow === "hover"
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-panel", unref(classes)])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$14 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1l);
var index$J = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-progress{position:relative;height:6px;border-radius:20px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-progress-bar{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:0;max-width:100%;height:6px;border-radius:20px;text-align:right;background-color:var(--global-checked-color);transition:all .3s;-webkit-transition:all .3s}.layui-progress-big,.layui-progress-big .layui-progress-bar{height:18px;line-height:18px}.layui-progress-text{position:relative;top:-20px;line-height:18px;font-size:12px;color:#666}.layui-progress-big .layui-progress-text{position:static;padding:0 10px;color:#fff}.lay-progress-circle-container{position:relative;display:inline-block}.lay-progress-circle{position:relative;border-radius:50%;display:inline-block}.lay-progress-circle__text{position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%)}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$S = {
key: 0,
class: "lay-progress-circle"
const _hoisted_2$K = ["viewBox", "width", "height"];
const _hoisted_3$E = ["d"];
const _hoisted_4$u = ["d"];
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$m = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 0,
class: "layui-progress-text lay-progress-circle__text"
const _hoisted_6$h = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-progress-text"
const __default__$1g = {
name: "LayProgress"
const _sfc_main$1k = defineComponent({
props: {
percent: null,
theme: null,
color: null,
size: null,
showText: { type: Boolean },
text: null,
circle: { type: Boolean, default: false },
circleSize: { default: 150 },
circleWidth: { default: 6 }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const styles = computed$1(() => {
return [
props.color ? "background-color: " + props.color : "",
width: props.percent + "%"
const getCircleColor = computed$1(() => {
let color;
switch (props.theme) {
case "red":
color = "#ff5722";
case "orange":
color = "#ffb800";
case "green":
color = "#009688";
case "cyan":
color = "#2f4056";
case "blue":
color = "#1e9fff";
case "black":
color = "#393d49";
case "gray":
color = "#fafafa";
color = "#5FB878";
color = props.color ? props.color : color;
return color;
computed$1(() => {
let percent;
if (typeof props.percent == "string") {
percent = parseInt(props.percent);
} else {
percent = props.percent;
return percent / 100 * 360;
const getStrokeDasharray = computed$1(() => {
let percent;
if (typeof props.percent == "string") {
percent = parseInt(props.percent);
} else {
percent = props.percent;
let radii = props.circleSize / 2 - props.circleWidth / 2;
let perimeter = Math.PI * 2 * radii;
return `${percent / 100 * perimeter}px ${perimeter}px`;
const getPathD = computed$1(() => {
let circleSize = props.circleSize;
let circleWidth = props.circleWidth;
return `M ${circleSize / 2} ${circleSize / 2} m 0, -${(circleSize - circleWidth) / 2} a ${(circleSize - circleWidth) / 2}, ${(circleSize - circleWidth) / 2} 0 1, 1 0, ${circleSize - circleWidth} a ${(circleSize - circleWidth) / 2}, ${(circleSize - circleWidth) / 2} 0 1, 1 0, -${circleSize - circleWidth}`;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$S, [
(openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", {
viewBox: `0 0 ${__props.circleSize} ${__props.circleSize}`,
width: __props.circleSize,
height: __props.circleSize
}, [
createElementVNode("path", {
d: unref(getPathD),
style: normalizeStyle([{ "fill": "none", "stroke": "var(--global-neutral-color-3)" }, { strokeWidth: `${__props.circleWidth}px` }])
}, null, 12, _hoisted_3$E),
createElementVNode("path", {
d: unref(getPathD),
style: normalizeStyle([{ "fill": "none", "stroke-linecap": "round" }, {
strokeDasharray: unref(getStrokeDasharray),
stroke: unref(getCircleColor),
strokeWidth: `${__props.circleWidth}px`
}, null, 12, _hoisted_4$u)
], 8, _hoisted_2$K)),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.showText ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$m, toDisplayString$1(__props.text ? __props.text : __props.percent + "%"), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 1,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-progress", "layui-progress-" + __props.size])
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-progress-bar", "layui-bg-" + __props.theme]),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles))
}, [
__props.showText ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_6$h, toDisplayString$1(__props.text ? __props.text : __props.percent + "%"), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 6)
], 2));
const component$13 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1k);
const __default__$1f = {
name: "LayCol"
const _sfc_main$1j = defineComponent({
props: {
md: null,
xs: null,
sm: null,
lg: null,
mdOffset: null,
xsOffset: null,
smOffset: null,
lgOffset: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return [ ? `layui-col-md${}` : "",
props.xs ? `layui-col-xs${props.xs}` : "", ? `layui-col-sm${}` : "",
props.lg ? `layui-col-lg${props.lg}` : "",
props.mdOffset ? `layui-col-md-offset${props.mdOffset}` : "",
props.xsOffset ? `layui-col-xs-offset${props.xsOffset}` : "",
props.smOffset ? `layui-col-sm-offset${props.smOffset}` : "",
props.lgOffset ? `layui-col-lg-offset${props.lgOffset}` : ""
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-col", unref(classes)])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$12 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1j);
var index$I = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-row:after,.layui-row:before{content:"";display:block;clear:both}.layui-col-space1{margin:-.5px}.layui-col-space1>*{padding:.5px}.layui-col-space2{margin:-1px}.layui-col-space2>*{padding:1px}.layui-col-space3{margin:-1.5px}.layui-col-space3>*{padding:1.5px}.layui-col-space4{margin:-2px}.layui-col-space4>*{padding:2px}.layui-col-space5{margin:-2.5px}.layui-col-space5>*{padding:2.5px}.layui-col-space6{margin:-3px}.layui-col-space6>*{padding:3px}.layui-col-space7{margin:-3.5px}.layui-col-space7>*{padding:3.5px}.layui-col-space8{margin:-4px}.layui-col-space8>*{padding:4px}.layui-col-space9{margin:-4.5px}.layui-col-space9>*{padding:4.5px}.layui-col-space10{margin:-5px}.layui-col-space10>*{padding:5px}.layui-col-space11{margin:-5.5px}.layui-col-space11>*{padding:5.5px}.layui-col-space12{margin:-6px}.layui-col-space12>*{padding:6px}.layui-col-space13{margin:-6.5px}.layui-col-space13>*{padding:6.5px}.layui-col-space14{margin:-7px}.layui-col-space14>*{padding:7px}.layui-col-space15{margin:-7.5px}.layui-col-space15>*{padding:7.5px}.layui-col-space16{margin:-8px}.layui-col-space16>*{padding:8px}.layui-col-space17{margin:-8.5px}.layui-col-space17>*{padding:8.5px}.layui-col-space18{margin:-9px}.layui-col-space18>*{padding:9px}.layui-col-space19{margin:-9.5px}.layui-col-space19>*{padding:9.5px}.layui-col-space20{margin:-10px}.layui-col-space20>*{padding:10px}.layui-col-space21{margin:-10.5px}.layui-col-space21>*{padding:10.5px}.layui-col-space22{margin:-11px}.layui-col-space22>*{padding:11px}.layui-col-space23{margin:-11.5px}.layui-col-space23>*{padding:11.5px}.layui-col-space24{margin:-12px}.layui-col-space24>*{padding:12px}.layui-col-space25{margin:-12.5px}.layui-col-space25>*{padding:12.5px}.layui-col-space26{margin:-13px}.layui-col-space26>*{padding:13px}.layui-col-space27{margin:-13.5px}.layui-col-space27>*{padding:13.5px}.layui-col-space28{margin:-14px}.layui-col-space28>*{padding:14px}.layui-col-space29{margin:-14.5px}.layui-col-space29>*{padding:14.5px}.layui-col-space30{margin:-15px}.layui-col-space30>*{padding:15px}@media screen and (max-width: 768px){.layui-col-xs1{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:4.16666667%}.layui-col-xs-offset1{margin-left:4.16666667%}.layui-col-xs2{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:8.33333333%}.layui-col-xs-offset2{margin-left:8.33333333%}.layui-col-xs3{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:12.5%}.layui-col-xs-offset3{margin-left:12.5%}.layui-col-xs4{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:16.66666667%}.layui-col-xs-offset4{margin-left:16.66666667%}.layui-col-xs5{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:20.83333333%}.layui-col-xs-offset5{margin-left:20.83333333%}.layui-col-xs6{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:25%}.layui-col-xs-offset6{margin-left:25%}.layui-col-xs7{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:29.16666667%}.layui-col-xs-offset7{margin-left:29.16666667%}.layui-col-xs8{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:33.33333333%}.layui-col-xs-offset8{margin-left:33.33333333%}.layui-col-xs9{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:37.5%}.layui-col-xs-offset9{margin-left:37.5%}.layui-col-xs10{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:41.66666667%}.layui-col-xs-offset10{margin-left:41.66666667%}.layui-col-xs11{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:45.83333333%}.layui-col-xs-offset11{margin-left:45.83333333%}.layui-col-xs12{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:50%}.layui-col-xs-offset12{margin-left:50%}.layui-col-xs13{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:54.16666667%}.layui-col-xs-offset13{margin-left:54.16666667%}.layui-col-xs14{float:left;display:block;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;width:58.33333333%}.layui-col-xs-offset14{margin
const __default__$1e = {
name: "LayRow"
const _sfc_main$1i = defineComponent({
props: {
space: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return [ ? `layui-col-space${}` : ""];
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-row", unref(classes)])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$11 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1i);
const component$10 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1v);
var index$H = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-badge,.layui-badge-dot,.layui-badge-rim{position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:0 6px;font-size:12px;text-align:center;background-color:#ff5722;color:#fff;border-radius:var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-badge{height:18px;line-height:18px}.layui-badge-dot{width:8px;height:8px;padding:0;border-radius:50%}.layui-badge-rim{height:18px;line-height:18px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;background-color:#fff;border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3);color:#666}.layui-badge-dot-ripple>span{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;display:block;border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;animation:layui-badge-dot-anim-ripple 1.2s ease-in-out infinite}@keyframes layui-badge-dot-anim-ripple{0%{transform:scale(.8);opacity:.6}to{transform:scale(2.4);opacity:0}}.layui-btn .layui-badge,.layui-btn .layui-badge-dot{margin-left:5px}.layui-nav .layui-badge,.layui-nav .layui-badge-dot{position:absolute;top:50%;margin:-5px 6px 0}.layui-nav .layui-badge{margin-top:-10px}.layui-tab-title .layui-badge,.layui-tab-title .layui-badge-dot{left:5px;top:-2px}\n")();
const __default__$1d = {
name: "LayBadge"
const _sfc_main$1h = defineComponent({
props: {
type: null,
theme: null,
color: null,
ripple: { type: Boolean }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return [
"layui-badge": !props.type,
"layui-badge-dot": props.type == "dot",
"layui-badge-rim": props.type == "rim",
"layui-badge-dot-ripple": props.ripple
const styles = computed$1(() => {
return [props.color ? `background-color: ${props.color}` : ""];
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _a2;
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(classes)),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles))
}, [
__props.type === "dot" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(props.theme ? `layui-bg-${props.theme}` : ``),
style: normalizeStyle((_a2 = unref(styles)) != null ? _a2 : `background-color: #ff5722;`)
}, null, 6)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.type != "dot" ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 1 }) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 6);
const component$$ = withInstall(_sfc_main$1h);
var index$G = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--block-default-color: var(--global-checked-color);--block-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-quote{padding:15px;line-height:1.6;margin-bottom:10px;border-left:5px solid var(--block-default-color);border-radius:var(--block-border-radius);background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-1)}.layui-quote-nm{border-left:5px solid #eee}\n")();
const __default__$1c = {
name: "LayQuote"
const _sfc_main$1g = defineComponent({
props: {
type: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-quote", [__props.type ? `layui-quote-${props.type}` : ""]])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$_ = withInstall(_sfc_main$1g);
var index$F = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-line-horizontal{position:relative;clear:both;width:100%;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;margin:var(--layui-line-margin) 0;border-bottom:var(--layui-line-border-width) var(--layui-line-border-style) var(--global-neutral-color-5);border-top-style:none;border-left-style:none;border-right-style:none}.layui-line-horizontal.layui-line-with-text{margin:14px 0}.layui-line-vertical{display:inline-block;min-width:1px;max-width:1px;height:1em;margin:0 var(--layui-line-margin);vertical-align:middle;border-left:var(--layui-line-border-width) var(--layui-line-border-style) var(--global-neutral-color-5);border-top-style:none;border-bottom-style:none;border-right-style:none}.layui-line-text{position:absolute;top:50%;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0 10px;color:currentColor;line-height:2;background-color:#fff;transform:translateY(-50%)}.layui-line-text-center{left:var(--layui-line-text-offset);transform:translate(-50%,-50%)}.layui-line-text-left{left:var(--layui-line-text-offset)}.layui-line-text-right{right:var(--layui-line-text-offset)}\n")();
const __default__$1b = {
name: "LayLine"
const _sfc_main$1f = defineComponent({
props: {
direction: { default: "horizontal" },
contentPosition: { default: "center" },
borderWidth: { default: "1px" },
borderStyle: { default: "solid" },
offset: { default: "25px" },
theme: null,
margin: { default: "8px" }
setup(__props) {
var _a2;
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const lineTheme = [
const isBuiltInColor = lineTheme.includes((_a2 = props.theme) != null ? _a2 : "");
const lineClass = computed$1(() => [
[`layui-border-${props.theme}`]: isBuiltInColor,
[`layui-line-with-text`]: Boolean(slots.default)
const lineStyle = computed$1(() => ({
"border-color": !isBuiltInColor ? props.theme : void 0,
"--layui-line-border-width": props.borderWidth,
"--layui-line-border-style": props.borderStyle,
"--layui-line-margin": props.margin
const lineTextStyle = computed$1(() => ({
"--layui-line-text-offset": props.contentPosition != "center" ? props.offset : "50%",
transform: calcTranslate()
function calcTranslate() {
if (props.offset.includes("%")) {
return props.contentPosition === "right" ? "translate(50%, -50%)" : "translate(-50%, -50%)";
return void 0;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(lineClass)),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(lineStyle))
}, [
_ctx.$slots.default && __props.direction === "horizontal" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass([`layui-line-text layui-line-text-${__props.contentPosition}`]),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(lineTextStyle))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 6)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 6);
const component$Z = withInstall(_sfc_main$1f);
var index$E = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-timeline{padding-left:5px}.layui-timeline-item{position:relative;padding-bottom:20px}.layui-timeline-axis{position:absolute;left:-5px;top:0;z-index:10;width:20px;height:20px;line-height:20px;background-color:#fff;color:var(--global-checked-color);border-radius:50%;text-align:center;cursor:pointer}.layui-timeline-axis:hover{color:#ff5722}.layui-timeline-item:before{content:"";position:absolute;left:5px;top:0;z-index:0;width:1px;height:100%}.layui-timeline-item:first-child:before{display:block}.layui-timeline-item:last-child:before{display:none}.layui-timeline-content{padding-left:25px}.layui-timeline-title{position:relative;margin-bottom:10px;line-height:22px}.layui-timeline-item:before{background-color:#eee}.layui-timeline-horizontal .layui-timeline-item{display:inline-block;width:25%;text-align:center;padding-top:10px;vertical-align:top}.layui-timeline-horizontal .layui-timeline-axis{left:47%;top:-4px}.layui-timeline-horizontal .layui-timeline-item:before{left:0px;top:5px;width:100%;height:1px}.layui-timeline-horizontal .layui-timeline-item:first-child:before{display:block}.layui-timeline-horizontal .layui-timeline-item:last-child:before{display:block}.layui-timeline-horizontal .layui-timeline-content{padding:15px}.layui-timeline-horizontal .layui-timeline-title{text-align:center;position:relative;margin-bottom:10px;line-height:22px}\n')();
const __default__$1a = {
name: "LayTimeline"
const _sfc_main$1e = defineComponent({
props: {
direction: { default: "vertical" }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const timeLineClass = computed$1(() => [
props.direction === "horizontal" ? "layui-timeline-horizontal" : ""
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("ul", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(timeLineClass))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$Y = withInstall(_sfc_main$1e);
const _hoisted_1$R = { class: "layui-timeline-item" };
const _hoisted_2$J = { class: "layui-icon layui-timeline-axis" };
const _hoisted_3$D = { class: "layui-timeline-content layui-text" };
const _hoisted_4$t = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-timeline-title"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$l = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: "layui-timeline-title"
const __default__$19 = {
name: "LayTimelineItem"
const _sfc_main$1d = defineComponent({
props: {
title: null,
simple: { type: Boolean }
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", _hoisted_1$R, [
createElementVNode("i", _hoisted_2$J, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "dot", {}, () => [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$D, [
__props.simple ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$t, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("h3", _hoisted_5$l, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$X = withInstall(_sfc_main$1d);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var _a;
const isClient = typeof window !== "undefined";
const toString = Object.prototype.toString;
const isObject$1 = (val) => === "[object Object]";
isClient && ((_a = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : _a.userAgent) && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
var index$D = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--textarea-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--textarea-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-textarea{border-width:1px;border-style:solid;background-color:#fff;color:#000000d9;border-radius:var(--textarea-border-radius);border-color:var(--textarea-border-color);display:block;width:100%;height:auto;line-height:20px;min-height:100px;padding:6px 10px;resize:vertical;position:relative;transition:none;-webkit-transition:none}.layui-textarea-wrapper{position:relative}.layui-textarea:hover,.layui-textarea:focus{border-color:#d2d2d2!important}.layui-textarea-clear{position:absolute;color:#00000073;right:10px;top:10px}.layui-textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder{line-height:1.3}.layui-texterea-count{color:inherit;white-space:nowrap;pointer-events:none;text-align:right;margin-top:4px}.layui-textarea-disabled{cursor:not-allowed!important;opacity:.6}\n")();
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_1$Q = { class: "layui-textarea-wrapper" };
const _hoisted_2$I = ["value", "placeholder", "name", "disabled", "maxlength"];
const _hoisted_3$C = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-textarea-clear"
const _hoisted_4$s = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-texterea-count"
const __default__$18 = {
name: "LayTextarea"
const _sfc_main$1c = defineComponent({
props: {
name: null,
modelValue: null,
placeholder: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean },
showCount: { type: Boolean },
allowClear: { type: Boolean },
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
maxlength: null,
autosize: { type: [Boolean, Object] }
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emits: ["blur", "input", "update:modelValue", "change", "focus", "clear"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const textareaRef = ref(null);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const composing = ref(false);
const onInput = function(event) {
const inputElement =;
emit("input", inputElement.value);
if (composing.value) {
emit("update:modelValue", inputElement.value);
const onFocus = function(event) {
emit("focus", event);
const onBlur = function(event) {
emit("blur", event);
const onChange = (event) => {
const inputElement =;
emit("change", inputElement.value);
const onClear = function() {
emit("update:modelValue", "");
const onCompositionstart = () => {
composing.value = true;
const onCompositionend = (event) => {
composing.value = false;
const hasContent = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = props.modelValue) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) > 0;
const wordCount = computed$1(() => {
var _a2, _b;
let count = String((_b = (_a2 = props.modelValue) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) != null ? _b : 0);
if (props.maxlength) {
count += "/" + props.maxlength;
return count;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
watch([() => props.modelValue, textareaRef], () => {
var _a2, _b;
if (!textareaRef.value || !props.autosize)
const height = ((_a2 = textareaRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.scrollHeight) + 2;
if (isObject$1(props.autosize)) {
const { minHeight, maxHeight } = props.autosize;
if (height < minHeight || height > maxHeight)
} = "1px"; = `${((_b = textareaRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _b.scrollHeight) + 2}px`;
}, {
immediate: true
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$Q, [
createElementVNode("textarea", {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
ref_key: "textareaRef",
ref: textareaRef,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: normalizeClass(["layui-textarea", { "layui-textarea-disabled": __props.disabled }]),
value: __props.modelValue,
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
disabled: __props.disabled,
maxlength: __props.maxlength,
}, null, 42, _hoisted_2$I),
__props.allowClear && unref(hasContent) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$C, [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: "layui-icon-close-fill",
onClick: onClear
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.showCount ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$s, toDisplayString$1(unref(wordCount)), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
const component$W = withInstall(_sfc_main$1c);
var index$C = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-switch-container[size=lg] .layui-form-switch{height:24px;min-width:42px}.layui-switch-container[size=lg] .layui-form-switch span{width:20px;height:20px;transition:all .1s linear}.layui-switch-container[size=lg] .layui-form-switch em{margin-left:21px}.layui-switch-container[size=lg] .layui-form-onswitch span{left:calc(100% - 23px)}.layui-switch-container[size=lg] .layui-form-onswitch em{margin-right:21px;margin-left:0}.layui-switch-container[size=md] .layui-form-switch{height:22px;min-width:37px}.layui-switch-container[size=md] .layui-form-switch span{width:18px;height:18px;transition:all .1s linear}.layui-switch-container[size=md] .layui-form-switch em{margin-left:19px}.layui-switch-container[size=md] .layui-form-onswitch span{left:calc(100% - 21px)}.layui-switch-container[size=md] .layui-form-onswitch em{margin-right:19px;margin-left:0}.layui-switch-container[size=sm] .layui-form-switch{height:20px;min-width:32px}.layui-switch-container[size=sm] .layui-form-switch span{width:16px;height:16px;transition:all .1s linear}.layui-switch-container[size=sm] .layui-form-switch em{margin-left:17px}.layui-switch-container[size=sm] .layui-form-onswitch span{left:calc(100% - 19px)}.layui-switch-container[size=sm] .layui-form-onswitch em{margin-right:17px;margin-left:0}.layui-switch-container[size=xs] .layui-form-switch{height:18px;min-width:27px}.layui-switch-container[size=xs] .layui-form-switch span{width:14px;height:14px;transition:all .1s linear}.layui-switch-container[size=xs] .layui-form-switch em{margin-left:15px}.layui-switch-container[size=xs] .layui-form-onswitch span{left:calc(100% - 17px)}.layui-switch-container[size=xs] .layui-form-onswitch em{margin-right:15px;margin-left:0}.layui-switch-container .layui-switch-input{display:none}.layui-form-switch{position:relative;height:22px;line-height:22px;min-width:35px;padding:0 4px;border-radius:20px;cursor:pointer;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6);-webkit-transition:all .1s linear;transition:all .1s linear}.layui-form-switch span{position:absolute;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;left:3px;top:2px;width:18px;height:18px;line-height:18px;border-radius:20px;background-color:#fff;box-shadow:0 2px 4px #00230b33;-webkit-transition:all .1s linear;transition:all .1s linear}.layui-form-switch em{position:relative;padding:0 2px;text-align:center!important;color:#999!important;font-style:normal!important;font-size:12px;width:25px;top:0}.layui-form-onswitch{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);background-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-onswitch span{background-color:#fff}.layui-form-onswitch em{color:#fff!important}.layui-switch-disabled{opacity:.6}.layui-switch-disabled,.layui-switch-disabled *{cursor:not-allowed!important}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$P = ["onClick", "size"];
const _hoisted_2$H = ["name", "value"];
const _hoisted_3$B = { key: 0 };
const __default__$17 = {
name: "LaySwitch"
const _sfc_main$1b = defineComponent({
props: {
name: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
modelValue: { type: [String, Number, Boolean] },
onswitchText: null,
unswitchText: null,
onswitchColor: null,
unswitchColor: null,
onswitchValue: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: true },
unswitchValue: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: false },
size: { default: "md" },
loadingIcon: { default: "layui-icon-loading-one" },
loading: { type: Boolean }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const isActive = computed$1({
get() {
return props.modelValue === props.onswitchValue;
set(val) {
if (val) {
emit("change", props.onswitchValue);
emit("update:modelValue", props.onswitchValue);
} else {
emit("change", props.unswitchValue);
emit("update:modelValue", props.unswitchValue);
const handleClick = () => {
if (!props.disabled) {
isActive.value = !isActive.value;
const styles = computed$1(() => {
return {
"background-color": isActive.value ? props.onswitchColor : props.unswitchColor
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
onClick: withModifiers(handleClick, ["stop"]),
class: "layui-switch-container",
size: __props.size
}, [
createElementVNode("input", {
class: "layui-switch-input",
value: __props.modelValue
}, null, 8, _hoisted_2$H),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-unselect layui-form-switch", {
"layui-form-onswitch": unref(isActive),
"layui-switch-disabled": __props.disabled
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles))
}, [
__props.onswitchText || __props.unswitchText ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("em", _hoisted_3$B, toDisplayString$1(unref(isActive) == true ? __props.onswitchText : __props.unswitchText), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("span", null, [
createElementVNode("div", null, [
__props.loading ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-icon layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop", __props.loadingIcon])
}, null, 2)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
unref(isActive) ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "onswitch-icon", { key: 0 }) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "unswitch-icon", { key: 1 })
], 64))
], 6)
], 8, _hoisted_1$P);
const component$V = withInstall(_sfc_main$1b);
var index$B = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-collapse{border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-radius:2px}.layui-colla-content,.layui-colla-item{border-top-width:1px;border-top-style:solid}.layui-colla-item:first-child{border-top:none}.layui-colla-title{position:relative;height:42px;line-height:42px;padding:0 15px 0 35px;color:#333;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-1);cursor:pointer;font-size:14px;overflow:hidden}.layui-colla-content{padding:10px 15px;line-height:1.6;color:#666}.layui-colla-icon{left:15px;top:0;font-size:14px;position:absolute}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$O = { class: "layui-collapse" };
const __default__$16 = {
name: "LayCollapse"
const _sfc_main$1a = defineComponent({
props: {
accordion: { type: Boolean, default: false },
modelValue: { default: () => [] },
collapseTransition: { type: Boolean, default: true }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => {
activeValues.value = [].concat(val);
const activeValues = ref([].concat(props.modelValue));
provide("layCollapse", {
accordion: props.accordion,
collapseTransition: props.collapseTransition,
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$O, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$U = withInstall(_sfc_main$1a);
const __default__$15 = {
name: "LayCollapseTransition"
const _sfc_main$19 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
setup(__props) {
const time = inject("time");
const elTransition = `${time}s height ease-in-out, ${time}s padding-top ease-in-out, ${time}s padding-bottom ease-in-out`;
const beforeEnter = (el) => { = elTransition;
if (!el.dataset)
el.dataset = {};
el.dataset.oldPaddingTop =;
el.dataset.oldPaddingBottom =; = 0; = 0; = 0;
const enter = (el) => {
el.dataset.oldOverflow =;
if (el.scrollHeight !== 0) { = el.scrollHeight + "px"; = el.dataset.oldPaddingTop; = el.dataset.oldPaddingBottom;
} else { = ""; = el.dataset.oldPaddingTop; = el.dataset.oldPaddingBottom;
} = "hidden";
const afterEnter = (el) => { = ""; = ""; = el.dataset.oldOverflow;
const beforeLeave = (el) => {
if (!el.dataset)
el.dataset = {};
el.dataset.oldPaddingTop =;
el.dataset.oldPaddingBottom =;
el.dataset.oldOverflow =;
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(el, null); = el.scrollHeight - parseInt(computedStyle.paddingTop) - parseInt(computedStyle.paddingBottom) + "px"; = "hidden";
const leave = (el) => {
if (el.scrollHeight !== 0) { = elTransition; = 0; = 0; = 0;
const afterLeave = (el) => { = ""; = ""; = el.dataset.oldOverflow; = el.dataset.oldPaddingTop; = el.dataset.oldPaddingBottom;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {
onBeforeEnter: beforeEnter,
onEnter: enter,
onAfterEnter: afterEnter,
onBeforeLeave: beforeLeave,
onLeave: leave,
onAfterLeave: afterLeave
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_: 3
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
var fadeTransition_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_lang = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".fade-enter-from,.fade-leave-to{opacity:0}.fade-enter-to,.fade-leave-from{opacity:1}.fade-enter-active,.fade-leave-active{transition:var(--ee595422)}\n")();
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _sfc_main$18 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "fadeTransition",
setup(__props) {
useCssVars((_ctx) => ({
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
"ee595422": transition.value
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const time = inject("time");
const transition = ref(`opacity ${time}s ease`);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, { name: "fade" }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_: 3
const __default__$14 = {
name: "LayTransition"
const _sfc_main$17 = defineComponent({
props: {
type: { default: "collapse" },
enable: { type: Boolean, default: true },
time: { default: 0.3 }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
provide("time", props.time);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return __props.enable ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
__props.type === "collapse" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$19, { key: 0 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_: 3
})) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.type === "fade" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$18, { key: 1 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_: 3
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64)) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 1 });
const _hoisted_1$N = { class: "layui-colla-item" };
const _hoisted_2$G = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_3$A = { class: "layui-colla-content" };
const __default__$13 = {
name: "LayCollapseItem"
const _sfc_main$16 = defineComponent({
props: {
id: null,
title: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const { accordion, activeValues, emit, collapseTransition } = inject("layCollapse");
let isShow = computed$1(() => {
return activeValues.value.includes(;
const showHandle = function() {
if (props.disabled) {
const _isShow = isShow.value;
if (accordion) {
activeValues.value = !_isShow ? [] : [];
} else if (_isShow) {
activeValues.value.splice(activeValues.value.indexOf(, 1);
} else {
emit("update:modelValue", accordion ? activeValues.value[0] || null : activeValues.value);
emit("change",, !_isShow, activeValues.value);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$N, [
createElementVNode("h2", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-colla-title", { "layui-disabled": __props.disabled }]),
onClick: showHandle
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", { props }, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon layui-colla-icon layui-icon-right",
style: normalizeStyle({
transform: unref(isShow) ? "rotate(90deg)" : "none",
transition: unref(collapseTransition) ? "all 0.2s ease 0s" : ""
}, null, 4)
], 2),
createVNode(_sfc_main$17, { enable: unref(collapseTransition) }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(isShow) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$G, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$A, [
createElementVNode("p", null, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { props })
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 3
}, 8, ["enable"])
const component$T = withInstall(_sfc_main$16);
var index$A = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-container{position:relative;margin:0 auto;padding:0 15px;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-fluid{position:relative;margin:0 auto;padding:0 15px}\n")();
const __default__$12 = {
name: "LayContainer"
const _sfc_main$15 = defineComponent({
props: {
fluid: { default: false }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const classes = computed$1(() => props.fluid ? "layui-fluid" : "layui-container");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(classes))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$S = withInstall(_sfc_main$15);
const __default__$11 = {
name: "LayCountUp"
const _sfc_main$14 = defineComponent({
props: {
startVal: { default: 0 },
endVal: { default: 0 },
decimal: { default: "." },
decimalPlaces: { default: 0 },
useGrouping: { type: Boolean, default: true },
separator: { default: "," },
autoplay: { type: Boolean, default: true },
useEasing: { type: Boolean, default: true },
easingFn: { default: TransitionPresets.easeInOutCubic },
duration: { default: 2e3 },
prefix: { default: "" },
suffix: { default: "" }
setup(__props, { expose }) {
const props = __props;
let localStartVal = ref(props.startVal);
const isNumber2 = (val) => !isNaN(parseFloat(val));
const formatNumber = (num) => {
if (typeof num != "number")
return "0";
num = num.toFixed(props.decimalPlaces);
num += "";
const x = num.split(".");
let x1 = x[0];
const x2 = x.length > 1 ? props.decimal + x[1] : "";
const rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
if (props.useGrouping && props.separator && !isNumber2(props.separator)) {
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, "$1" + props.separator + "$2");
return props.prefix + x1 + x2 + props.suffix;
const printVal = useTransition(localStartVal, {
delay: 0,
duration: props.duration,
disabled: !props.useEasing,
transition: typeof props.easingFn === "string" ? TransitionPresets[props.easingFn] : props.easingFn
const displayValue = computed$1(() => formatNumber(printVal.value));
const start = function() {
localStartVal.value = props.endVal;
watch(() => props.endVal, () => {
if (props.autoplay) {
localStartVal.value = props.endVal;
onMounted(() => {
if (props.autoplay) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix"),
createElementVNode("span", null, toDisplayString$1(unref(displayValue)), 1),
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "suffix")
], 64);
const component$R = withInstall(_sfc_main$14);
const LevelInjectionKey = Symbol("menuLevelKey");
function provideLevel(level) {
const computedLevel = computed$1(() => isRef(level) ? level.value : level);
provide(LevelInjectionKey, reactive({
level: computedLevel
function useLevel(props) {
const { provideNextLevel } = props || {};
const levelContext = inject(LevelInjectionKey);
const level = computed$1(() => levelContext.level || 1);
if (provideNextLevel) {
const nextLevel = computed$1(() => level.value + 1);
return {
var index$z = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-dropdown{position:relative;display:inline-block}.layui-dropdown-content{position:absolute;z-index:99999;background-color:#fff;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #e4e7ed;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #0000001a}.layui-dropdown-content>.layui-dropdown-menu{border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);margin:5px 0}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu{position:relative;background-color:#fff}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li,.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title a{padding:5px 15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li{position:relative;display:flex;margin:1px 0;line-height:26px;color:#000c;font-size:14px;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li:hover{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-2)}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.layui-dropdown-menu-prefix{margin-right:8px}.layui-dropdown-menu-suffix{margin-left:15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li.layui-disabled:hover{background-color:inherit}.layui-popper{position:fixed;padding:10px;border-radius:3px;word-wrap:break-word;min-width:12px;min-height:12px;font-size:14px;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #00000026;background-color:#fff;color:#3a3a3a;border:1px solid #cecece;max-width:300px;z-index:99999}.layui-popper[position=top]{margin-bottom:6px}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow{bottom:-6px;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow:after{bottom:1px;border-bottom-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-top-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=bottom]{margin-top:6px}.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-6px;border-top-width:0;border-bottom-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow:after{top:1px;border-top-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-bottom-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=right]{margin-left:6px}.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-6px;border-left-width:0;border-right-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow:after{left:1px;border-left-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-right-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=left]{margin-right:6px}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow{right:-6px;border-right-width:0;border-left-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow:after{right:1px;border-right-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-left-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-moz-calc(44%);left:-webkit-calc(44%);left:calc(50% - 6px)}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-moz-calc(44%);top:-webkit-calc(44%);top:calc(50% - 6px)}.layui-popper:after{content:" ";position:absolute;display:block}.layui-popper[position=top]:after{bottom:-7px;left:0;width:100%;height:7px}.layui-popper[position=bottom]:after{top:-7px;left:0;width:100%;height:7px}.layui-popper[position=left]:after{right:-7px;bottom:0;height:100%;width:7px}.layui-popper[position=right]:after{left:-7px;bottom:0;height:100%;width:7px}.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow:after{position:absolute;display:block;width:0;height:0;border-width:6px;border-style:solid;border-color:transparent}.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow:after{content:" "}.layui-popper.layui-dark{background-color:#353535;color:#fff;border:1px solid #353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top]{margin-bottom:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow{bottom:-6px;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow:after{bottom:1px;border-bottom-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-top-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom]{margin-top:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-6px;border-top-width:0;border-bottom-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow:after{top:1px;border-top-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-botto
const __default__$10 = {
name: "LayMenu"
const _sfc_main$13 = defineComponent({
props: {
selectedKey: { default: "" },
openKeys: { default: () => [] },
tree: { type: Boolean, default: false },
theme: { default: "dark" },
inverted: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
level: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true },
collapse: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
collapseTransition: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true },
indent: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }
emits: [
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const isTree = computed$1(() => props.tree);
const isCollapse = computed$1(() => props.collapse);
const isCollapseTransition = computed$1(() => props.collapseTransition);
const oldOpenKeys = ref(props.openKeys);
const menuTheme = computed$1(() => props.theme);
const openKeys = computed$1({
get() {
return props.collapse ? [] : props.openKeys;
set(val) {
emit("update:openKeys", val);
emit("changeOpenKeys", val);
const selectedKey = computed$1({
get() {
return props.selectedKey;
set(val) {
emit("update:selectedKey", val);
emit("changeSelectedKey", val);
const indent = computed$1(() => {
return props.indent;
watch(() => props.collapse, () => {
if (props.collapse) {
oldOpenKeys.value = props.openKeys;
openKeys.value = [];
} else {
openKeys.value = oldOpenKeys.value;
provide("isTree", isTree);
provide("selectedKey", selectedKey);
provide("openKeys", openKeys);
provide("isCollapse", isCollapse);
provide("isCollapseTransition", isCollapseTransition);
provide("menuTheme", menuTheme);
provide("indent", indent);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("ul", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-nav", [
__props.level ? "" : "not-level",
__props.inverted ? "inverted" : "",
__props.tree ? "layui-nav-tree" : "",
__props.theme === "dark" ? "layui-nav-dark" : "layui-nav-light",
__props.collapse ? "layui-nav-collapse" : ""
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$Q = withInstall(_sfc_main$13);
function indentHandle(obj) {
const { indent, level, basePadding = 0, isTree } = obj;
const least = level - 1;
if (isTree && indent && least > 0) {
const px = typeof indent === "boolean" ? `${basePadding + 10 * least}px` : indent.replace(/\d+/g, (s) => (basePadding + least * +s).toString());
return `padding-left: ${px}`;
return "";
var index$y = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".lay-tooltip-content{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer}\n")();
var index$x = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-popper{position:fixed;padding:10px;border-radius:3px;word-wrap:break-word;min-width:12px;min-height:12px;font-size:14px;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #00000026;background-color:#fff;color:#3a3a3a;border:1px solid #cecece;max-width:300px;z-index:99999}.layui-popper[position=top]{margin-bottom:6px}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow{bottom:-6px;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow:after{bottom:1px;border-bottom-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-top-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=bottom]{margin-top:6px}.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-6px;border-top-width:0;border-bottom-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow:after{top:1px;border-top-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-bottom-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=right]{margin-left:6px}.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-6px;border-left-width:0;border-right-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow:after{left:1px;border-left-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-right-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=left]{margin-right:6px}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow{right:-6px;border-right-width:0;border-left-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow:after{right:1px;border-right-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-left-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-moz-calc(44%);left:-webkit-calc(44%);left:calc(50% - 6px)}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-moz-calc(44%);top:-webkit-calc(44%);top:calc(50% - 6px)}.layui-popper:after{content:" ";position:absolute;display:block}.layui-popper[position=top]:after{bottom:-7px;left:0;width:100%;height:7px}.layui-popper[position=bottom]:after{top:-7px;left:0;width:100%;height:7px}.layui-popper[position=left]:after{right:-7px;bottom:0;height:100%;width:7px}.layui-popper[position=right]:after{left:-7px;bottom:0;height:100%;width:7px}.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow:after{position:absolute;display:block;width:0;height:0;border-width:6px;border-style:solid;border-color:transparent}.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow:after{content:" "}.layui-popper.layui-dark{background-color:#353535;color:#fff;border:1px solid #353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top]{margin-bottom:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow{bottom:-6px;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow:after{bottom:1px;border-bottom-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-top-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom]{margin-top:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-6px;border-top-width:0;border-bottom-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow:after{top:1px;border-top-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-bottom-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=right]{margin-left:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-6px;border-left-width:0;border-right-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow:after{left:1px;border-left-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-right-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=left]{margin-right:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow{right:-6px;border-right-width:0;border-left-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow:after{right:1px;border-right-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-left-color:#353535}\n')();
const postionFns = {
top(el, popper, innnerPosition, called) {
let { top, left, bottom } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
if ((top = top - popper.offsetHeight - 6) < 0 && bottom > popper.offsetHeight) {
innnerPosition.value = "bottom";
top = bottom;
} else {
innnerPosition.value = "top";
return {
top: `${top}px`,
left: `${left - (popper.offsetWidth - el.offsetWidth) / 2}px`
bottom(el, popper, innnerPosition, called) {
let { top, left, bottom } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
if (window.innerHeight - bottom < popper.offsetHeight + 6) {
innnerPosition.value = "top";
bottom = top - popper.offsetHeight - 6;
} else {
innnerPosition.value = "bottom";
return {
top: `${bottom}px`,
left: `${left - (popper.offsetWidth - el.offsetWidth) / 2}px`
left(el, popper, innnerPosition, called) {
let { top, left, right } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
left = left - popper.offsetWidth - 6;
if (left < 0) {
innnerPosition.value = "right";
left = right;
} else {
innnerPosition.value = "left";
return {
top: `${top - (popper.offsetHeight - el.offsetHeight) / 2}px`,
left: `${left}px`
right(el, popper, innnerPosition, called) {
let { top, left, right } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
if (window.innerWidth < right + popper.offsetWidth + 6) {
innnerPosition.value = "left";
right = left - popper.offsetWidth - 6;
} else {
innnerPosition.value = "right";
return {
top: `${top - (popper.offsetHeight - el.offsetHeight) / 2}px`,
left: `${right}px`
const _hoisted_1$M = ["position"];
const _hoisted_2$F = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "layui-popper-arrow" }, null, -1);
const NAME = "LayPopper";
const __default__$$ = {
name: NAME
const _sfc_main$12 = defineComponent({
props: {
el: null,
position: { default: "top" },
enterable: { type: Boolean, default: true },
isDark: { type: Boolean, default: true },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
isCanHide: { type: Boolean, default: true },
isAutoShow: { type: Boolean, default: false },
visible: { type: Boolean, default: false },
content: null,
trigger: { default: "hover" },
popperClass: null,
popperStyle: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const style = ref({ top: -window.innerHeight + "px", left: 0 });
const triggerRefEl = toRef(props, "el");
const popperRefEl = shallowRef({});
const innnerPosition = ref(props.position);
const innerVisible = ref(props.visible);
const isExist3 = ref(props.visible);
let scrollElements;
const triggerMethods = computed$1(() => [].concat(props.trigger));
const doShow = function() {
if (!props.disabled) {
if (!isExist3.value) {
isExist3.value = true;
nextTick(() => {
innerVisible.value = true;
} else {
innerVisible.value = true;
const doHidden = function(e) {
if (props.isCanHide === false) {
innerVisible.value = false;
innnerPosition.value = props.position;
style.value = { top: -window.innerHeight + "px", left: 0 };
const calcPosistion = function() {
postionFns[props.position] && (style.value = postionFns[props.position](triggerRefEl.value, popperRefEl.value, innnerPosition));
const updatePosistion = function() {
if (innerVisible.value) {
popperRefEl.value.offsetWidth === 0 ? nextTick(() => calcPosistion()) : calcPosistion();
nextTick(() => {
const handlerPopperMouseEnter = function() {
if (triggerMethods.value.includes("hover") && props.enterable) {
const handlerPopperMouseLeave = function() {
if (triggerMethods.value.includes("hover") && props.enterable) {
const handlerTriggerClick = function() {
if (!triggerMethods.value.includes("click"))
if (innerVisible.value) {
} else {
const handleTriggerContextMenu = function(e) {
if (!triggerMethods.value.includes("contextMenu"))
if (innerVisible.value) {
} else {
const handlerTriggerMouseEnter = function() {
if (!triggerMethods.value.includes("hover"))
const handlerTriggerMouseLeave = function() {
if (!triggerMethods.value.includes("hover"))
const handleTriggerFocusin = function() {
if (triggerMethods.value.includes("focus") && props.enterable) {
const handleTriggerFocusout = function() {
if (triggerMethods.value.includes("focus") && props.enterable) {
const handlerTriggerEventRegist = function() {
useEventListener(triggerRefEl.value, "click", handlerTriggerClick);
useEventListener(triggerRefEl.value, "contextmenu", handleTriggerContextMenu);
useEventListener(triggerRefEl.value, "mouseenter", handlerTriggerMouseEnter);
useEventListener(triggerRefEl.value, "mouseleave", handlerTriggerMouseLeave);
useEventListener(triggerRefEl.value, "focusin", handleTriggerFocusin);
useEventListener(triggerRefEl.value, "focusout", handleTriggerFocusout);
const handleScroll = useThrottleFn(() => {
if (innerVisible.value) {
}, 15);
onClickOutside(triggerRefEl.value, (e) => {
if (!innerVisible.value || triggerRefEl.value.contains( || popperRefEl.value.contains( {
}, {
ignore: [popperRefEl.value]
useResizeObserver(triggerRefEl, () => {
let popperObserver = void 0;
watch(innerVisible, (isShow) => {
if (isShow) {
popperObserver = useResizeObserver(popperRefEl, () => {
} else {
popperObserver && popperObserver.stop();
watch(() => props.visible, (isShow) => isShow ? doShow() : doHidden());
watch(() => props.content, () => {
const isScrollElement2 = function(element) {
return element.scrollHeight > element.offsetHeight || element.scrollWidth > element.offsetWidth;
const getScrollElements2 = function(container) {
var _a2;
const scrollElements2 = [];
let element = container;
while (element && element !== document.documentElement) {
if (isScrollElement2(element)) {
element = (_a2 = element.parentElement) != null ? _a2 : void 0;
return scrollElements2;
onMounted(() => {
scrollElements = getScrollElements2(triggerRefEl.value);
for (const item of scrollElements) {
useEventListener(item, "scroll", handleScroll);
useEventListener("resize", handleScroll);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return isExist3.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(Teleport, {
key: 0,
to: "body"
}, [
withDirectives(createVNode(Transition, null, {
default: withCtx(() => {
var _a2;
return [
createElementVNode("div", {
ref_key: "popperRefEl",
ref: popperRefEl,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-popper", { "layui-dark": __props.isDark }, props.popperClass]),
style: normalizeStyle([style.value, (_a2 = props.popperStyle) != null ? _a2 : ""]),
position: innnerPosition.value,
onMouseenter: handlerPopperMouseEnter,
onMouseleave: handlerPopperMouseLeave
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.content), 1)
], 46, _hoisted_1$M)
_: 3
}, 512), [
[vShow, innerVisible.value]
])) : createCommentVNode("", true);
const __default__$_ = {
name: "LayTooltip",
inheritAttrs: false
const _sfc_main$11 = defineComponent({
props: {
content: {
type: [Number, String],
required: false
position: {
type: String,
default: "top"
isDark: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
isCanHide: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
isAutoShow: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
visible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
trigger: {
type: String,
default: "hover"
enterable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
popperClass: {
type: [String, Array, Object]
popperStyle: {
type: [String, Object]
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const vm = getCurrentInstance();
const isMounted = ref(false);
const tooltipRefEl = shallowRef(void 0);
const innerProps = computed$1(() => {
return { el: vm.proxy.$el.nextElementSibling, ...vm.proxy.$props };
const setEllipsis = function() {
var _a2;
if (tooltipRefEl.value) {
let tooltipHtml = tooltipRefEl.value;
if (tooltipHtml.offsetWidth >= ((_a2 = tooltipHtml.firstChild) == null ? void 0 : _a2.offsetWidth)) {
isMounted.value = false;
} else {
isMounted.value = true;
} else {
isMounted.value = true;
onMounted(() => {
if (props.isAutoShow) {
useEventListener("resize", () => {
nextTick(() => {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [
__props.isAutoShow ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
ref_key: "tooltipRefEl",
ref: tooltipRefEl,
class: "lay-tooltip-content"
}, [
createElementVNode("span", null, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 512)) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 1 }),
isMounted.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$12, normalizeProps(mergeProps({ key: 2 }, unref(innerProps))), {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")
_: 3
}, 16)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
const _hoisted_1$L = { href: "javascript:void(0)" };
const _hoisted_2$E = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_3$z = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_4$r = {
key: 1,
href: "javascript:void(0)"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$k = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 0,
class: "layui-sub-menu-icon"
const _hoisted_6$g = { key: 1 };
const _hoisted_7$e = { key: 2 };
const __default__$Z = {
name: "LayMenuItem"
const _sfc_main$10 = defineComponent({
props: {
id: null,
title: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const { level } = useLevel();
const selectedKey = inject("selectedKey");
const isTree = inject("isTree");
const isCollapse = inject("isCollapse");
const theme = inject("menuTheme");
const indent = inject("indent");
const dropdownCtx = inject(dropdownInjectionKey, void 0);
const selectHandle = function() {
selectedKey.value =;
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.hide();
const needTooltip = computed$1(() => isTree.value && (isCollapse.value === true || isCollapse.value === "true") && level.value === 1);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-nav-item", { "layui-this": unref(selectedKey) === }]),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(indentHandle)({ indent: unref(indent), level: unref(level), isTree: unref(isTree) })),
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => selectHandle())
}, [
unref(needTooltip) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$11, {
key: 0,
position: "right",
isDark: unref(theme) !== "light"
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
unref(slots).title ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$z, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("a", _hoisted_1$L, [
unref(slots).icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_2$E, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 3
}, 8, ["isDark"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", _hoisted_4$r, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
unref(slots).icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_5$k, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
unref(slots).title ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_6$g, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title")
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_7$e, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 6);
const component$P = withInstall(_sfc_main$10);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var index$w = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-checkbox[size=lg]{height:18px;line-height:18px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:18px;height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:18px;line-height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md]{height:16px;line-height:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:16px;height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:16px;line-height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm]{height:14px;line-height:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:14px;height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:14px;line-height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs]{height:12px;line-height:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:12px;height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:12px;line-height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]{display:none}.layui-form-checkbox{position:relative;height:30px;line-height:30px;margin-right:10px;padding-right:30px;cursor:pointer;font-size:0;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-form-checkbox span{padding:0 10px;height:100%;font-size:14px;border-radius:2px 0 0 2px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6);color:#fff;overflow:hidden}.layui-form-checkbox:hover span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox i{top:0;right:0;width:29px;height:28px;position:absolute;border-top:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-bottom:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-right:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-radius:0 2px 2px 0;color:#fff;font-size:20px;text-align:center}.layui-form-checkbox:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8);color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]{height:auto!important;line-height:normal!important;min-width:18px;min-height:18px;border:none!important;margin-right:0;padding-left:28px;padding-right:0;background:0 0}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] span{padding-left:0;padding-right:15px;line-height:18px;background:0 0;color:#666}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] i{right:auto;left:0;width:16px;height:16px;line-height:16px;border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);font-size:12px;border-radius:2px;background-color:#fff;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked,.layui-form-checked:hover{border-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked i,.layui-form-checked:hover i{color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked span,.layui-form-checked:hover span{background-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);background-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)}.layui-checkbox-disabled,.layui-checkbox-disabled i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled em{color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled:hover i{color:#fff!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-ok,.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-subtraction{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important;border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}\n")();
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_1$K = ["onClick", "size"];
const _hoisted_2$D = ["name", "value"];
const _hoisted_3$y = ["lay-skin"];
const _hoisted_4$q = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-checkbox-label"
const __default__$Y = {
name: "LayCheckbox"
const _sfc_main$$ = defineComponent({
props: {
name: null,
skin: null,
label: { default: "" },
value: null,
modelValue: { type: [Boolean, Array], default: false },
isIndeterminate: { type: Boolean, default: false },
size: { default: "md" },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { expose, emit }) {
const props = __props;
const checkboxGroup = inject("checkboxGroup", {});
const isGroup = computed$1(() => {
return checkboxGroup != void 0 && (checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : === "LayCheckboxGroup";
const slots = useSlots();
const isChecked = computed$1({
get() {
if (isGroup.value) {
return checkboxGroup.modelValue.value.includes(props.value);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(props.modelValue)) {
return props.modelValue.includes(props.value);
} else {
return props.modelValue;
set(val) {
if (isGroup.value) {
} else {
if (Array.isArray(props.modelValue)) {
} else {
emit("change", val);
emit("update:modelValue", val);
const arrayModelValue = computed$1(() => {
if (Array.isArray(props.modelValue)) {
return [...props.modelValue];
} else {
return [];
const setGroupModelValue = function(checked) {
let groupModelValue = [...checkboxGroup.modelValue.value];
if (!checked) {
groupModelValue.splice(groupModelValue.indexOf(props.value), 1);
} else {
checkboxGroup.modelValue.value = groupModelValue;
const setArrayModelValue = function(checked) {
let arr = [...arrayModelValue.value];
if (!checked) {
arr.splice(arr.indexOf(props.value), 1);
} else {
emit("change", arr);
emit("update:modelValue", arr);
const handleClick = function() {
if (!isDisabled.value) {
isChecked.value = !isChecked.value;
const isDisabled = computed$1(() => {
if (props.disabled) {
return true;
if (checkboxGroup.hasOwnProperty("disabled") && checkboxGroup.disabled.value) {
return true;
return false;
expose({ toggle: handleClick });
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
onClick: withModifiers(handleClick, ["stop"]),
class: "layui-checkbox",
size: __props.size
}, [
createElementVNode("input", {
type: "checkbox",
value: __props.value
}, null, 8, _hoisted_2$D),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-form-checkbox", {
"layui-form-checked": unref(isChecked),
"layui-checkbox-disabled layui-disabled": unref(isDisabled)
}, [
unref(slots).default || __props.label ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_4$q, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.label), 1)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: props.isIndeterminate && unref(isChecked) ? "layui-icon-subtraction" : unref(isChecked) ? "layui-icon-ok" : ""
}, null, 8, ["type"])
], 10, _hoisted_3$y)
], 8, _hoisted_1$K);
const component$O = withInstall(_sfc_main$$);
const __default__$X = {
name: "LayCheckboxGroup"
const _sfc_main$_ = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: { default: () => [] },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const modelValue = ref(props.modelValue);
const disabled = ref(props.disabled);
provide("checkboxGroup", {
name: "LayCheckboxGroup",
watch(() => modelValue, (val) => {
emit("change", modelValue.value);
emit("update:modelValue", modelValue.value);
}, { deep: true });
watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => modelValue.value = val);
watch(() => props.disabled, (val) => disabled.value = val);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-checkbox-group", { "layui-checkbox-group-disabled": disabled.value }])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$N = withInstall(_sfc_main$_);
var index$v = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-form-item{margin-bottom:20px;clear:both}.layui-form-item-right .layui-form-label{text-align:right}.layui-form-item-left .layui-form-label{text-align:left}.layui-form-item-top .layui-form-label{text-align:left;float:none}.layui-form-item-top>div{margin-left:0}.layui-form-item:after{content:" ";clear:both;display:block;height:0}.layui-form-label{float:left;display:block;width:95px;padding-right:15px;line-height:38px;font-weight:400}.layui-form-label-col{display:block;float:none;padding:9px 0;line-height:20px;text-align:left}.layui-form-item .layui-inline{margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:10px}.layui-input-block{margin-left:110px;min-height:36px}.layui-input-inline{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.layui-form-item .layui-input-inline{float:left;width:190px;margin-right:10px}.layui-form-text .layui-input-inline{width:auto}.layui-form-mid{float:left;display:block;padding:9px 0!important;line-height:20px;margin-right:10px}.layui-form-danger+.layui-form-select .layui-input,.layui-form-danger:focus{border-color:#ff5722!important}.layui-form-item .layui-form-checkbox{margin-top:4px}.layui-form-item .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]{margin-top:10px}.layui-required{color:#ff5722;font-size:12px;line-height:1}.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-block .layui-form-danger,.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-inline .layui-form-danger,.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-block .layui-form-danger .layui-textarea,.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-inline .layui-form-danger .layui-textarea,.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-block .layui-form-danger .layui-tag-input,.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-inline .layui-form-danger .layui-tag-input,.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-block .layui-form-danger .layui-input,.layui-form .layui-form-item .layui-input-inline .layui-form-danger .layui-input{border-color:#ff5722!important}.layui-error-message{color:#ff5722;font-size:12px;line-height:1;padding-top:5px;position:absolute;top:100%;left:0}.layui-error-message-anim{-ms-transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-animation:layui-top-show-anim .3s ease 1;animation:layui-top-show-anim .3s ease 1}@keyframes layui-top-show-anim{0%{opacity:.3;transform:rotateX(45deg)}to{opacity:1;transform:rotateX(0)}}\n')();
const __default__$W = {
name: "LayForm"
const _sfc_main$Z = defineComponent({
props: {
model: { default: function() {
return {};
} },
required: { type: Boolean },
rules: null,
initValidate: { type: Boolean, default: false },
requiredIcons: { default: "" },
requiredErrorMessage: null,
validateMessage: null,
useCN: { type: Boolean, default: true }
emits: ["submit"],
setup(__props, { expose, emit }) {
const props = __props;
const formItems = [];
const formItemMap = {};
onMounted(() => {
var _a2;
props.initValidate && ((_a2 = validate()) == null ? void 0 : _a2.catch((err) => {
const submit = function() {
let _isValidate = false;
validate((isValidate, model, errors) => {
_isValidate = isValidate;
emit("submit", isValidate, model, errors);
return _isValidate;
const validate = function(fields, callback) {
let validateItems = formItems;
if (typeof fields === "function") {
callback = fields;
} else if (typeof fields === "string" || Array.isArray(fields) && fields.length > 0) {
validateItems = [];
const validateFields = !fields ? [] : [].concat(fields);
validateFields.forEach((field) => formItemMap[field] && validateItems.push(formItemMap[field]));
let errorsArrs = [];
validateItems.forEach((filed) => {
filed.validate((errors, _fields) => {
errorsArrs = errorsArrs.concat(errors);
const isValidate = errorsArrs.length === 0;
if (typeof callback === "function") {
isValidate ? callback(true, props.model, null) : callback(false, props.model, errorsArrs);
return null;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callbackParams = {
model: props.model,
errors: isValidate ? null : errorsArrs
callbackParams.isValidate ? resolve(callbackParams) : reject(callbackParams);
const clearValidate = function(fields) {
const clearFields = !fields ? [] : [].concat(fields);
if (clearFields.length === 0) {
formItems.forEach((filed) => filed.clearValidate());
} else {
clearFields.forEach((field) => formItemMap[field] && formItemMap[field].clearValidate());
const reset3 = function() {
for (const key in props.model) {
props.model[key] = null;
setTimeout(() => {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = validate()) == null ? void 0 : _a2.catch((err) => {
}, 0);
const addField = function(item) {
formItemMap[item.prop] = item;
expose({ validate, clearValidate, reset: reset3 });
provide("LayForm", reactive({
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("form", {
class: "layui-form",
onsubmit: submit
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$M = withInstall(_sfc_main$Z);
var index$u = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-breadcrumb{font-size:0}.layui-breadcrumb>*{font-size:14px}.layui-breadcrumb a{color:#999}.layui-breadcrumb a:hover{color:var(--global-checked-color)!important}.layui-breadcrumb a:nth-last-child(2){color:#666;font-style:normal}.layui-breadcrumb span:last-child{display:none}.layui-breadcrumb span[lay-separator]{margin:0 10px;color:var(--global-neutral-color-7)}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$J = { class: "layui-breadcrumb" };
const __default__$V = {
name: "LayBreadcrumb"
const _sfc_main$Y = defineComponent({
props: {
separator: { default: "/" }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
provide("separator", props.separator);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$J, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const component$L = withInstall(_sfc_main$Y);
const _hoisted_1$I = { "lay-separator": "" };
const __default__$U = {
name: "LayBreadcrumbItem"
const _sfc_main$X = defineComponent({
props: {
title: null
setup(__props) {
const separator = inject("separator");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [
createElementVNode("a", mergeProps({ href: "javascript:void(0);" }, _ctx.$attrs), [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)
], 16),
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_1$I, toDisplayString$1(unref(separator)), 1)
], 64);
const component$K = withInstall(_sfc_main$X);
var index$t = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--field-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-3);--field-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-field{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0;border-width:1px;border-color:var(--field-border-color);border-style:solid}.layui-field legend{margin-left:20px;padding:0 10px;font-size:20px;font-weight:300}.layui-field-title{margin:10px 0 20px;border-width:1px 0 0}.layui-field-box{padding:15px}.layui-field-title .layui-field-box{padding:10px 0}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$H = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-field"
const _hoisted_2$C = { class: "layui-field-box" };
const _hoisted_3$x = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-field layui-field-title"
const _hoisted_4$p = { name: "docend" };
const __default__$T = {
name: "LayField"
const _sfc_main$W = defineComponent({
props: {
title: null
setup(__props) {
const slot = useSlots();
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return unref(slot).default ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("fieldset", _hoisted_1$H, [
createElementVNode("legend", null, toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$C, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("fieldset", _hoisted_3$x, [
createElementVNode("legend", null, [
createElementVNode("a", _hoisted_4$p, toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)
const component$J = withInstall(_sfc_main$W);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var index$s = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-checkbox[size=lg]{height:18px;line-height:18px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:18px;height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:18px;line-height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md]{height:16px;line-height:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:16px;height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:16px;line-height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm]{height:14px;line-height:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:14px;height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:14px;line-height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs]{height:12px;line-height:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:12px;height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:12px;line-height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]{display:none}.layui-form-checkbox{position:relative;height:30px;line-height:30px;margin-right:10px;padding-right:30px;cursor:pointer;font-size:0;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-form-checkbox span{padding:0 10px;height:100%;font-size:14px;border-radius:2px 0 0 2px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6);color:#fff;overflow:hidden}.layui-form-checkbox:hover span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox i{top:0;right:0;width:29px;height:28px;position:absolute;border-top:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-bottom:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-right:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-radius:0 2px 2px 0;color:#fff;font-size:20px;text-align:center}.layui-form-checkbox:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8);color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]{height:auto!important;line-height:normal!important;min-width:18px;min-height:18px;border:none!important;margin-right:0;padding-left:28px;padding-right:0;background:0 0}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] span{padding-left:0;padding-right:15px;line-height:18px;background:0 0;color:#666}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] i{right:auto;left:0;width:16px;height:16px;line-height:16px;border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);font-size:12px;border-radius:2px;background-color:#fff;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked,.layui-form-checked:hover{border-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked i,.layui-form-checked:hover i{color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked span,.layui-form-checked:hover span{background-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);background-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)}.layui-checkbox-disabled,.layui-checkbox-disabled i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled em{color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled:hover i{color:#fff!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-ok,.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-subtraction{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important;border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}:root{--input-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--
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var index$q = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-tag{--layui-tag-bg-color: #fafafa;--layui-tag-border-color: #f0f0f0;--layui-tag-hover-color: #FFF;--layui-tag-text-color: currentColor;display:inline-flex;align-items:baseline;vertical-align:middle;box-sizing:border-box;height:26px;line-height:26px;padding:0 8px;font-size:14px;font-weight:500;color:var(--layui-tag-text-color);background-color:var(--layui-tag-bg-color);border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:transparent;border-radius:var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-tag-icon{margin-right:4px}.layui-tag-bordered{border-color:var(--layui-tag-border-color)}.layui-tag-disabled{opacity:.4;cursor:not-allowed}.layui-tag-disabled .layui-tag-close-icon .layui-icon:hover{cursor:not-allowed!important;opacity:1}.layui-tag-shap-square{border-radius:var(--global-border-radius)}.layui-tag-shap-round{border-radius:12px}.layui-tag .layui-tag-text{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}.layui-tag .layui-tag-close-icon{margin-left:4px;font-size:14px}.layui-tag .layui-tag-close-icon .layui-icon:hover{cursor:pointer;opacity:.5}.layui-tag-size-lg{height:30px;font-size:14px;line-height:30px}.layui-tag .layui-icon{font-size:14px}.layui-tag-size-md{height:26px;font-size:14px;line-height:26px}.layui-tag .layui-icon{font-size:14px}.layui-tag-size-sm{height:22px;font-size:12px;line-height:22px}.layui-tag-size-xs{height:18px;font-size:12px;line-height:18px}.layui-tag .layui-icon{font-size:12px}.layui-tag-primary{--layui-tag-bg-color: #009688;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #009688;--layui-tag-text-color: #FFF}.layui-tag-primary-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #009688}.layui-tag-primary.layui-tag-variant-light{--layui-tag-bg-color: #e6f5f3;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #e6f5f3;--layui-tag-text-color: #009688}.layui-tag-primary.layui-tag-variant-light-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #80cbc4}.layui-tag-primary.layui-tag-variant-plain{--layui-tag-bg-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: transparent;--layui-tag-text-color: #009688;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent}.layui-tag-primary.layui-tag-variant-plain-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #009688}.layui-tag-normal{--layui-tag-bg-color: #1e9fff;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #1e9fff;--layui-tag-text-color: #FFF}.layui-tag-normal-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #1e9fff}.layui-tag-normal.layui-tag-variant-light{--layui-tag-bg-color: #e9f5ff;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #e9f5ff;--layui-tag-text-color: #1e9fff}.layui-tag-normal.layui-tag-variant-light-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #8fcfff}.layui-tag-normal.layui-tag-variant-plain{--layui-tag-bg-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: transparent;--layui-tag-text-color: #1e9fff;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent}.layui-tag-normal.layui-tag-variant-plain-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #1e9fff}.layui-tag-warm{--layui-tag-bg-color: #ffb800;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #ffb800;--layui-tag-text-color: #FFF}.layui-tag-warm-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #ffb800}.layui-tag-warm.layui-tag-variant-light{--layui-tag-bg-color: #fff8e6;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #fff8e6;--layui-tag-text-color: #ffb800}.layui-tag-warm.layui-tag-variant-light-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #ffdc80}.layui-tag-warm.layui-tag-variant-plain{--layui-tag-bg-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: transparent;--layui-tag-text-color: #ffb800;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent}.layui-tag-warm.layui-tag-variant-plain-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #ffb800}.layui-tag-danger{--layui-tag-bg-color: #ff5722;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #ff5722;--layui-tag-text-color: #FFF}.layui-tag-danger-bordered{--layui-tag-border-color: #ff5722}.layui-tag-danger.layui-tag-variant-light{--layui-tag-bg-color: #ffeee9;--layui-tag-border-color: transparent;--layui-tag-hover-color: #ffeee9;--layui-tag-text-color: #ff5722}.layui-tag-danger.layui-tag-variant-light-bo
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function bound01(n, max) {
if (isOnePointZero(n)) {
n = "100%";
var isPercent = isPercentage(n);
n = max === 360 ? n : Math.min(max, Math.max(0, parseFloat(n)));
if (isPercent) {
n = parseInt(String(n * max), 10) / 100;
if (Math.abs(n - max) < 1e-6) {
return 1;
if (max === 360) {
n = (n < 0 ? n % max + max : n % max) / parseFloat(String(max));
} else {
n = n % max / parseFloat(String(max));
return n;
function clamp01(val) {
return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, val));
function isOnePointZero(n) {
return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf(".") !== -1 && parseFloat(n) === 1;
function isPercentage(n) {
return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf("%") !== -1;
function boundAlpha(a) {
a = parseFloat(a);
if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1) {
a = 1;
return a;
function convertToPercentage(n) {
if (n <= 1) {
return "".concat(Number(n) * 100, "%");
return n;
function pad2(c) {
return c.length === 1 ? "0" + c : String(c);
function rgbToRgb(r, g, b) {
return {
r: bound01(r, 255) * 255,
g: bound01(g, 255) * 255,
b: bound01(b, 255) * 255
function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h2 = 0;
var s = 0;
var l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max === min) {
s = 0;
h2 = 0;
} else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch (max) {
case r:
h2 = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h2 = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h2 = (r - g) / d + 4;
h2 /= 6;
return { h: h2, s, l };
function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if (t < 0) {
t += 1;
if (t > 1) {
t -= 1;
if (t < 1 / 6) {
return p + (q - p) * (6 * t);
if (t < 1 / 2) {
return q;
if (t < 2 / 3) {
return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
return p;
function hslToRgb(h2, s, l) {
var r;
var g;
var b;
h2 = bound01(h2, 360);
s = bound01(s, 100);
l = bound01(l, 100);
if (s === 0) {
g = l;
b = l;
r = l;
} else {
var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
var p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h2 + 1 / 3);
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h2);
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h2 - 1 / 3);
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
function rgbToHsv(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h2 = 0;
var v = max;
var d = max - min;
var s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
if (max === min) {
h2 = 0;
} else {
switch (max) {
case r:
h2 = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h2 = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h2 = (r - g) / d + 4;
h2 /= 6;
return { h: h2, s, v };
function hsvToRgb(h2, s, v) {
h2 = bound01(h2, 360) * 6;
s = bound01(s, 100);
v = bound01(v, 100);
var i = Math.floor(h2);
var f = h2 - i;
var p = v * (1 - s);
var q = v * (1 - f * s);
var t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
var mod = i % 6;
var r = [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod];
var g = [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod];
var b = [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod];
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
function rgbToHex(r, g, b, allow3Char) {
var hex2 = [
if (allow3Char && hex2[0].startsWith(hex2[0].charAt(1)) && hex2[1].startsWith(hex2[1].charAt(1)) && hex2[2].startsWith(hex2[2].charAt(1))) {
return hex2[0].charAt(0) + hex2[1].charAt(0) + hex2[2].charAt(0);
return hex2.join("");
function rgbaToHex(r, g, b, a, allow4Char) {
var hex2 = [
if (allow4Char && hex2[0].startsWith(hex2[0].charAt(1)) && hex2[1].startsWith(hex2[1].charAt(1)) && hex2[2].startsWith(hex2[2].charAt(1)) && hex2[3].startsWith(hex2[3].charAt(1))) {
return hex2[0].charAt(0) + hex2[1].charAt(0) + hex2[2].charAt(0) + hex2[3].charAt(0);
return hex2.join("");
function convertDecimalToHex(d) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(d) * 255).toString(16);
function convertHexToDecimal(h2) {
return parseIntFromHex(h2) / 255;
function parseIntFromHex(val) {
return parseInt(val, 16);
function numberInputToObject(color) {
return {
r: color >> 16,
g: (color & 65280) >> 8,
b: color & 255
var names = {
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bisque: "#ffe4c4",
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blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
blue: "#0000ff",
blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
brown: "#a52a2a",
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cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
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chocolate: "#d2691e",
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cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
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cyan: "#00ffff",
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darkcyan: "#008b8b",
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darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
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darkorange: "#ff8c00",
darkorchid: "#9932cc",
darkred: "#8b0000",
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darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f",
darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
darkviolet: "#9400d3",
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dimgrey: "#696969",
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firebrick: "#b22222",
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ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
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gold: "#ffd700",
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green: "#008000",
greenyellow: "#adff2f",
grey: "#808080",
honeydew: "#f0fff0",
hotpink: "#ff69b4",
indianred: "#cd5c5c",
indigo: "#4b0082",
ivory: "#fffff0",
khaki: "#f0e68c",
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lavender: "#e6e6fa",
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lightblue: "#add8e6",
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lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
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lightgreen: "#90ee90",
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lightslategray: "#778899",
lightslategrey: "#778899",
lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
lime: "#00ff00",
limegreen: "#32cd32",
linen: "#faf0e6",
magenta: "#ff00ff",
maroon: "#800000",
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navy: "#000080",
oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
olive: "#808000",
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orange: "#ffa500",
orangered: "#ff4500",
orchid: "#da70d6",
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palegreen: "#98fb98",
paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
palevioletred: "#db7093",
papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
peru: "#cd853f",
pink: "#ffc0cb",
plum: "#dda0dd",
powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
purple: "#800080",
rebeccapurple: "#663399",
red: "#ff0000",
rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
royalblue: "#4169e1",
saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
salmon: "#fa8072",
sandybrown: "#f4a460",
seagreen: "#2e8b57",
seashell: "#fff5ee",
sienna: "#a0522d",
silver: "#c0c0c0",
skyblue: "#87ceeb",
slateblue: "#6a5acd",
slategray: "#708090",
slategrey: "#708090",
snow: "#fffafa",
springgreen: "#00ff7f",
steelblue: "#4682b4",
tan: "#d2b48c",
teal: "#008080",
thistle: "#d8bfd8",
tomato: "#ff6347",
turquoise: "#40e0d0",
violet: "#ee82ee",
wheat: "#f5deb3",
white: "#ffffff",
whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
yellow: "#ffff00",
yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
function inputToRGB(color) {
var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
var a = 1;
var s = null;
var v = null;
var l = null;
var ok = false;
var format2 = false;
if (typeof color === "string") {
color = stringInputToObject(color);
if (typeof color === "object") {
if (isValidCSSUnit(color.r) && isValidCSSUnit(color.g) && isValidCSSUnit(color.b)) {
rgb = rgbToRgb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
ok = true;
format2 = String(color.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb";
} else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.v)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
v = convertToPercentage(color.v);
rgb = hsvToRgb(color.h, s, v);
ok = true;
format2 = "hsv";
} else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.l)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
l = convertToPercentage(color.l);
rgb = hslToRgb(color.h, s, l);
ok = true;
format2 = "hsl";
if (, "a")) {
a = color.a;
a = boundAlpha(a);
return {
format: color.format || format2,
r: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.r, 0)),
g: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.g, 0)),
b: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.b, 0)),
var CSS_INTEGER = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?";
var CSS_NUMBER = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?";
var CSS_UNIT = "(?:".concat(CSS_NUMBER, ")|(?:").concat(CSS_INTEGER, ")");
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH3 = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")\\s*\\)?");
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH4 = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")\\s*\\)?");
var matchers = {
rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/,
hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/
function stringInputToObject(color) {
color = color.trim().toLowerCase();
if (color.length === 0) {
return false;
var named = false;
if (names[color]) {
color = names[color];
named = true;
} else if (color === "transparent") {
return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, format: "name" };
var match = matchers.rgb.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3] };
match = matchers.rgba.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3], a: match[4] };
match = matchers.hsl.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3] };
match = matchers.hsla.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3], a: match[4] };
match = matchers.hsv.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3] };
match = matchers.hsva.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3], a: match[4] };
match = matchers.hex8.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
match = matchers.hex6.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
match = matchers.hex4.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4] + match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
match = matchers.hex3.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
return false;
function isValidCSSUnit(color) {
return Boolean(matchers.CSS_UNIT.exec(String(color)));
var TinyColor = function() {
function TinyColor2(color, opts) {
if (color === void 0) {
color = "";
if (opts === void 0) {
opts = {};
var _a2;
if (color instanceof TinyColor2) {
return color;
if (typeof color === "number") {
color = numberInputToObject(color);
this.originalInput = color;
var rgb = inputToRGB(color);
this.originalInput = color;
this.r = rgb.r;
this.g = rgb.g;
this.b = rgb.b;
this.a = rgb.a;
this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100;
this.format = (_a2 = opts.format) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : rgb.format;
this.gradientType = opts.gradientType;
if (this.r < 1) {
this.r = Math.round(this.r);
if (this.g < 1) {
this.g = Math.round(this.g);
if (this.b < 1) {
this.b = Math.round(this.b);
this.isValid = rgb.ok;
TinyColor2.prototype.isDark = function() {
return this.getBrightness() < 128;
TinyColor2.prototype.isLight = function() {
return !this.isDark();
TinyColor2.prototype.getBrightness = function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1e3;
TinyColor2.prototype.getLuminance = function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
var R;
var G;
var B;
var RsRGB = rgb.r / 255;
var GsRGB = rgb.g / 255;
var BsRGB = rgb.b / 255;
if (RsRGB <= 0.03928) {
R = RsRGB / 12.92;
} else {
R = Math.pow((RsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
if (GsRGB <= 0.03928) {
G = GsRGB / 12.92;
} else {
G = Math.pow((GsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
if (BsRGB <= 0.03928) {
B = BsRGB / 12.92;
} else {
B = Math.pow((BsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B;
TinyColor2.prototype.getAlpha = function() {
return this.a;
TinyColor2.prototype.setAlpha = function(alpha) {
this.a = boundAlpha(alpha);
this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100;
return this;
TinyColor2.prototype.toHsv = function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this.r, this.g, this.b);
return { h: hsv.h * 360, s: hsv.s, v: hsv.v, a: this.a };
TinyColor2.prototype.toHsvString = function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this.r, this.g, this.b);
var h2 = Math.round(hsv.h * 360);
var s = Math.round(hsv.s * 100);
var v = Math.round(hsv.v * 100);
return this.a === 1 ? "hsv(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(v, "%)") : "hsva(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(v, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toHsl = function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
return { h: hsl.h * 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l, a: this.a };
TinyColor2.prototype.toHslString = function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
var h2 = Math.round(hsl.h * 360);
var s = Math.round(hsl.s * 100);
var l = Math.round(hsl.l * 100);
return this.a === 1 ? "hsl(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(l, "%)") : "hsla(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(l, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toHex = function(allow3Char) {
if (allow3Char === void 0) {
allow3Char = false;
return rgbToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, allow3Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toHexString = function(allow3Char) {
if (allow3Char === void 0) {
allow3Char = false;
return "#" + this.toHex(allow3Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toHex8 = function(allow4Char) {
if (allow4Char === void 0) {
allow4Char = false;
return rgbaToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a, allow4Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toHex8String = function(allow4Char) {
if (allow4Char === void 0) {
allow4Char = false;
return "#" + this.toHex8(allow4Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toRgb = function() {
return {
r: Math.round(this.r),
g: Math.round(this.g),
b: Math.round(this.b),
a: this.a
TinyColor2.prototype.toRgbString = function() {
var r = Math.round(this.r);
var g = Math.round(this.g);
var b = Math.round(this.b);
return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(r, ", ").concat(g, ", ").concat(b, ")") : "rgba(".concat(r, ", ").concat(g, ", ").concat(b, ", ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toPercentageRgb = function() {
var fmt = function(x) {
return "".concat(Math.round(bound01(x, 255) * 100), "%");
return {
r: fmt(this.r),
g: fmt(this.g),
b: fmt(this.b),
a: this.a
TinyColor2.prototype.toPercentageRgbString = function() {
var rnd = function(x) {
return Math.round(bound01(x, 255) * 100);
return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(rnd(this.r), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.g), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.b), "%)") : "rgba(".concat(rnd(this.r), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.g), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.b), "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toName = function() {
if (this.a === 0) {
return "transparent";
if (this.a < 1) {
return false;
var hex2 = "#" + rgbToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, false);
for (var _i = 0, _a2 = Object.entries(names); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {
var _b = _a2[_i], key = _b[0], value = _b[1];
if (hex2 === value) {
return key;
return false;
TinyColor2.prototype.toString = function(format2) {
var formatSet = Boolean(format2);
format2 = format2 !== null && format2 !== void 0 ? format2 : this.format;
var formattedString = false;
var hasAlpha = this.a < 1 && this.a >= 0;
var needsAlphaFormat = !formatSet && hasAlpha && (format2.startsWith("hex") || format2 === "name");
if (needsAlphaFormat) {
if (format2 === "name" && this.a === 0) {
return this.toName();
return this.toRgbString();
if (format2 === "rgb") {
formattedString = this.toRgbString();
if (format2 === "prgb") {
formattedString = this.toPercentageRgbString();
if (format2 === "hex" || format2 === "hex6") {
formattedString = this.toHexString();
if (format2 === "hex3") {
formattedString = this.toHexString(true);
if (format2 === "hex4") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String(true);
if (format2 === "hex8") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String();
if (format2 === "name") {
formattedString = this.toName();
if (format2 === "hsl") {
formattedString = this.toHslString();
if (format2 === "hsv") {
formattedString = this.toHsvString();
return formattedString || this.toHexString();
TinyColor2.prototype.toNumber = function() {
return (Math.round(this.r) << 16) + (Math.round(this.g) << 8) + Math.round(this.b);
TinyColor2.prototype.clone = function() {
return new TinyColor2(this.toString());
TinyColor2.prototype.lighten = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.l += amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.brighten = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var rgb = this.toRgb();
rgb.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.r - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
rgb.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.g - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
rgb.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.b - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
return new TinyColor2(rgb);
TinyColor2.prototype.darken = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.l -= amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.tint = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
return this.mix("white", amount);
TinyColor2.prototype.shade = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
return this.mix("black", amount);
TinyColor2.prototype.desaturate = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.s -= amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.saturate = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.s += amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.greyscale = function() {
return this.desaturate(100);
TinyColor2.prototype.spin = function(amount) {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var hue = (hsl.h + amount) % 360;
hsl.h = hue < 0 ? 360 + hue : hue;
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.mix = function(color, amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 50;
var rgb1 = this.toRgb();
var rgb2 = new TinyColor2(color).toRgb();
var p = amount / 100;
var rgba = {
r: (rgb2.r - rgb1.r) * p + rgb1.r,
g: (rgb2.g - rgb1.g) * p + rgb1.g,
b: (rgb2.b - rgb1.b) * p + rgb1.b,
a: (rgb2.a - rgb1.a) * p + rgb1.a
return new TinyColor2(rgba);
TinyColor2.prototype.analogous = function(results, slices) {
if (results === void 0) {
results = 6;
if (slices === void 0) {
slices = 30;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var part = 360 / slices;
var ret = [this];
for (hsl.h = (hsl.h - (part * results >> 1) + 720) % 360; --results; ) {
hsl.h = (hsl.h + part) % 360;
ret.push(new TinyColor2(hsl));
return ret;
TinyColor2.prototype.complement = function() {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.h = (hsl.h + 180) % 360;
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.monochromatic = function(results) {
if (results === void 0) {
results = 6;
var hsv = this.toHsv();
var h2 = hsv.h;
var s = hsv.s;
var v = hsv.v;
var res = [];
var modification = 1 / results;
while (results--) {
res.push(new TinyColor2({ h: h2, s, v }));
v = (v + modification) % 1;
return res;
TinyColor2.prototype.splitcomplement = function() {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var h2 = hsl.h;
return [
new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + 72) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + 216) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l })
TinyColor2.prototype.onBackground = function(background) {
var fg = this.toRgb();
var bg = new TinyColor2(background).toRgb();
return new TinyColor2({
r: bg.r + (fg.r - bg.r) * fg.a,
g: bg.g + (fg.g - bg.g) * fg.a,
b: bg.b + (fg.b - bg.b) * fg.a
TinyColor2.prototype.triad = function() {
return this.polyad(3);
TinyColor2.prototype.tetrad = function() {
return this.polyad(4);
TinyColor2.prototype.polyad = function(n) {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var h2 = hsl.h;
var result = [this];
var increment = 360 / n;
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
result.push(new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + i * increment) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }));
return result;
TinyColor2.prototype.equals = function(color) {
return this.toRgbString() === new TinyColor2(color).toRgbString();
return TinyColor2;
const _hoisted_1$G = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-tag-icon"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_2$B = { class: "layui-tag-text" };
const _hoisted_3$w = ["onClick"];
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$S = {
name: "LayTag"
const _sfc_main$V = defineComponent({
props: {
type: null,
color: null,
closable: { type: Boolean },
size: { default: "md" },
bordered: { type: Boolean, default: true },
disabled: { type: Boolean },
shape: { default: "square" },
maxWidth: null,
variant: { default: "dark" }
emits: ["close", "check", "update:checked"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const visible = ref(true);
const handleClose = (e) => {
if (props.disabled)
emit("close", e);
const classTag = computed$1(() => [
[`layui-tag-variant-${props.variant}`]: props.variant,
[`layui-tag-variant-${props.variant}-bordered`]: props.bordered,
[`layui-tag-${props.type}-bordered`]: props.bordered,
[`layui-tag-${props.type}`]: props.type,
"layui-tag-bordered": props.bordered,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
"layui-tag-disabled": props.disabled
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const styleTag = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
"max-width": (_a2 = props.maxWidth) != null ? _a2 : "100%",
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function useTagCustomStyle(props2) {
return computed$1(() => {
let styles = {};
const tagColor = props2.color;
if (tagColor) {
const color = new TinyColor(tagColor);
if (props2.variant === "dark") {
const isDark = color.getBrightness() < 190;
const textColor = isDark ? "#FFF" : "#000000";
styles = {
"--layui-tag-bg-color": tagColor,
"--layui-tag-border-color": props2.bordered ? tagColor : "transparent",
"--layui-tag-hover-color": tagColor,
"--layui-tag-text-color": textColor
} else if (props2.variant === "light") {
styles = {
"--layui-tag-bg-color": color.tint(90).toString(),
"--layui-tag-border-color": props2.bordered ? color.tint(50).toString() : "transparent",
"--layui-tag-hover-color": color.tint(90).toString(),
"--layui-tag-text-color": tagColor
} else if (props2.variant === "plain") {
styles = {
"--layui-tag-bg-color": "transparent",
"--layui-tag-border-color": props2.bordered ? tagColor : "transparent",
"--layui-tag-hover-color": "transparent",
"--layui-tag-text-color": tagColor
return styles;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return visible.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(unref(classTag)),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(styleTag))
}, [
_ctx.$slots.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$G, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2$B, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
__props.closable ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
key: 1,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: "layui-tag-close-icon",
onClick: withModifiers(handleClose, ["stop"])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "close-icon", {}, () => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), { type: "layui-icon-close" })
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
], 8, _hoisted_3$w)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
], 6)) : createCommentVNode("", true);
const _hoisted_1$F = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_2$A = { class: "layui-tag-input-inner" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_3$v = { class: "layui-tag-input-collapsed-panel" };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_4$o = ["disabled", "placeholder", "readonly", "onKeydown"];
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$j = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: "layui-tag-input-clear"
const _hoisted_6$f = {
key: 2,
class: "layui-tag-input-suffix"
const __default__$R = {
name: "LayTagInput"
const _sfc_main$U = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: null,
inputValue: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean },
placeholder: { default: void 0 },
readonly: { type: Boolean },
allowClear: { type: Boolean },
max: null,
minCollapsedNum: { default: 0 },
collapseTagsTooltip: { type: Boolean },
size: { default: "md" },
tagProps: null,
disabledInput: { type: Boolean }
emits: [
setup(__props, { expose, emit }) {
var _a2;
const props = __props;
const mirrorRefEl = shallowRef(void 0);
const inputRefEl = shallowRef(void 0);
const oldInputValue = ref("");
const compositionValue = ref("");
const isComposing = ref(false);
const inputStyle = reactive({ width: "15px" });
const _tagProps = reactive((_a2 = props.tagProps) != null ? _a2 : {});
const tagProps = reactiveOmit(_tagProps, "closable", "size", "disabled");
const inputValue = computed$1({
get() {
return props.inputValue;
set(val) {
emit("update:inputValue", val);
emit("inputValueChange", val);
const tagData = computed$1({
get() {
return props.modelValue;
set(val) {
emit("update:modelValue", val);
emit("change", val);
const normalizedTags = computed$1(() => {
var _a3;
return normalizedTagData((_a3 = tagData.value) != null ? _a3 : []);
const computedTagData = computed$1(() => {
var _a3;
if (!normalizedTags.value)
return props.minCollapsedNum ? (_a3 = normalizedTags.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.slice(0, props.minCollapsedNum) : normalizedTags.value;
const collapsedTagData = computed$1(() => {
var _a3, _b;
if (!normalizedTags.value)
return props.minCollapsedNum && ((_a3 = normalizedTags.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.length) > props.minCollapsedNum ? (_b = normalizedTags.value) == null ? void 0 : _b.slice(props.minCollapsedNum) : [];
const handleInput = function(e) {
if (isComposing.value) {
inputValue.value =;
const handleComposition = (e) => {
var _a3;
if (e.type === "compositionend") {
isComposing.value = false;
compositionValue.value = "";
} else {
isComposing.value = true;
compositionValue.value = inputValue.value + ((_a3 = != null ? _a3 : "");
const handleEnter = (e) => {
var _a3;
const valueStr = inputValue.value ? String(inputValue.value).trim() : "";
if (!valueStr || !tagData.value)
const isLimit = props.max && ((_a3 = tagData.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.length) >= props.max;
if (!isLimit) {
tagData.value = tagData.value instanceof Array ? tagData.value.concat(String(valueStr)) : [valueStr];
inputValue.value = "";
emit("pressEnter", inputValue.value, e);
const handleBackspaceKeyUp = (e) => {
var _a3;
if (!tagData.value || !tagData.value.length)
if (!oldInputValue.value && ["Backspace", "Delete"].includes(e.code)) {
const lastIndex = normalizedTags.value.length - 1;
handleClose(normalizedTags.value[lastIndex].value, lastIndex, e);
oldInputValue.value = (_a3 = inputValue.value) != null ? _a3 : "";
const handleFocus = (e) => {
var _a3;
emit("focus", e);
(_a3 = inputRefEl.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.focus();
const handleBlur = (e) => {
var _a3;
emit("blur", e);
(_a3 = inputRefEl.value) == null ? void 0 : _a3.blur();
const handleClearClick = (e) => {
if (props.disabled || props.readonly || !props.allowClear) {
tagData.value = [];
emit("clear", e);
const handleClose = (value, index2, e) => {
if (!tagData.value)
const arr = [...tagData.value];
arr.splice(index2, 1);
tagData.value = arr;
emit("remove", value, e);
const handleMouseDown = (e) => {
if (inputRefEl.value) {
const setInputWidth = (width) => {
if (width > 15) {
inputStyle.width = `${width}px`;
} else {
inputStyle.width = "15px";
const handleResize = () => {
if (mirrorRefEl.value) {
const cls = computed$1(() => [
"layui-tag-input-disabled": props.disabled
const normalizedTagData = (value) => => {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isObject$2(item))
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return item;
return {
value: item,
label: String(item),
closable: true
useResizeObserver(mirrorRefEl, () => {
watch(() => inputValue.value, (val) => {
if (inputRefEl.value && !isComposing.value) {
nextTick(() => {
inputRefEl.value.value = val != null ? val : "";
const moreCount = computed$1(() => {
if (tagData.value && computedTagData.value) {
return tagData.value.length - computedTagData.value.length;
onMounted(() => {
focus: handleFocus,
blur: handleBlur
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _a3, _b, _c;
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(cls)),
onMousedown: handleMouseDown
}, [
createElementVNode("span", {
ref_key: "mirrorRefEl",
ref: mirrorRefEl,
class: "layui-tag-input-mirror"
}, toDisplayString$1(compositionValue.value || unref(inputValue) || __props.placeholder), 513),
_ctx.$slots.prefix ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$F, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2$A, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(computedTagData), (item, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$V, mergeProps({
key: `${item}-${index2}`
}, unref(tagProps), {
closable: !__props.readonly && !__props.disabled && item.closable,
size: __props.size,
onClose: ($event) => handleClose(item.value, index2, $event)
}), {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(item.label), 1)
_: 2
}, 1040, ["closable", "size", "onClose"]);
}), 128)),
((_a3 = unref(computedTagData)) == null ? void 0 : _a3.length) != ((_b = unref(tagData)) == null ? void 0 : _b.length) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$11, {
key: 0,
isDark: false,
trigger: "hover",
popperStyle: "padding:6px",
disabled: !__props.collapseTagsTooltip
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$v, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(collapsedTagData), (item, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$V, mergeProps({
key: `${item}-${index2}`
}, unref(tagProps), {
closable: !__props.readonly && !__props.disabled && item.closable,
size: __props.size,
onClose: ($event) => {
var _a4;
return handleClose(item.value, index2 + ((_a4 = __props.minCollapsedNum) != null ? _a4 : 0), $event);
}), {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(item.label), 1)
_: 2
}, 1040, ["closable", "size", "onClose"]);
}), 128))
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$V, mergeProps(unref(tagProps), {
key: "more",
closable: false,
size: __props.size
}), {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" +" + toDisplayString$1(unref(moreCount)) + "... ", 1)
_: 1
}, 16, ["size"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("input", {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
ref_key: "inputRefEl",
ref: inputRefEl,
class: "layui-tag-input-inner-input",
style: normalizeStyle(inputStyle),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
disabled: __props.disabled || __props.disabledInput,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
readonly: __props.readonly,
onKeydown: withKeys(handleEnter, ["enter"]),
onKeyup: handleBackspaceKeyUp,
onInput: handleInput,
onFocus: handleFocus,
onBlur: handleBlur,
onCompositionstart: handleComposition,
onCompositionupdate: handleComposition,
onCompositionend: handleComposition
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, null, 44, _hoisted_4$o)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.allowClear && ((_c = unref(tagData)) == null ? void 0 : _c.length) && !__props.disabled ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_5$j, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: "layui-icon-close-fill",
onClick: withModifiers(handleClearClick, ["stop"])
}, null, 8, ["onClick"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
_ctx.$slots.suffix ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_6$f, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "suffix")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 34);
const __default__$Q = {
name: "LaySelectOption"
const _sfc_main$T = defineComponent({
props: {
label: { default: "" },
value: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
keyword: { default: "" }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const searchValue = inject("searchValue");
const selectRef = inject("selectRef");
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const searchMethod = inject("searchMethod");
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const selectedValue = inject("selectedValue");
const multiple = inject("multiple");
const checkboxRef = ref();
const handleSelect = () => {
var _a2;
if (multiple.value) {
if (!props.disabled) {
(_a2 = checkboxRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.toggle();
} else {
if (!props.disabled) {
selectedValue.value = props.value;
const selected = computed$1(() => {
if (multiple.value) {
return selectedValue.value.indexOf(props.value) != -1;
} else {
return selectedValue.value === props.value;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const first = ref(true);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const display = computed$1(() => {
var _a2, _b;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (searchMethod && !first.value) {
return searchMethod(searchValue.value, props);
first.value = false;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return ((_a2 = props.keyword) == null ? void 0 : _a2.toString().indexOf(searchValue.value)) > -1 || ((_b = props.label) == null ? void 0 : _b.toString().indexOf(searchValue.value)) > -1;
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return [
"layui-this": selected.value,
"layui-disabled": props.disabled
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("dd", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(classes)),
onClick: handleSelect
}, [
unref(multiple) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$$, {
key: 0,
skin: "primary",
ref_key: "checkboxRef",
ref: checkboxRef,
modelValue: unref(selectedValue),
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isRef(selectedValue) ? selectedValue.value = $event : null),
disabled: __props.disabled,
value: __props.value
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "disabled", "value"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.label), 1)
], 2)), [
[vShow, unref(display)]
const _hoisted_1$E = { class: "layui-select" };
const _hoisted_2$z = { class: "layui-select-content" };
const __default__$P = {
name: "LaySelect"
const _sfc_main$S = defineComponent({
props: {
name: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
placeholder: null,
searchPlaceholder: null,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
searchMethod: null,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
modelValue: { default: null },
multiple: { type: Boolean, default: false },
items: null,
size: { default: "md" },
collapseTagsTooltip: { type: Boolean, default: true },
minCollapsedNum: { default: 3 },
allowClear: { type: Boolean, default: false },
showSearch: { type: Boolean, default: false },
contentClass: null,
contentStyle: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change", "search"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const selectRef = ref();
const searchValue = ref("");
const singleValue = ref("");
const multipleValue = ref([]);
const openState = ref(false);
const options = ref([]);
const composing = ref(false);
var timer;
const getOption = (nodes, newOptions) => {
nodes == null ? void 0 : => {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isArrayChildren(item, item.children)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
getOption(item.children, newOptions);
} else {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if ( == _sfc_main$ {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
if (item.children) {
const label = item.children.default()[0].children;
if (typeof label == "string") {
item.props.label = label;
const intOption = () => {
const newOptions = [];
if (slots.default) {
getOption(slots.default(), newOptions);
Object.assign(newOptions, props.items);
if (JSON.stringify(newOptions) != JSON.stringify(options.value)) {
options.value = newOptions;
const handleRemove = (value) => {
if (Array.isArray(selectedValue.value)) {
selectedValue.value = selectedValue.value.filter((item) => item != value);
const onCompositionstart = () => {
composing.value = true;
const onCompositionend = (event) => {
composing.value = false;
onMounted(() => {
timer = setInterval(intOption, 500);
watch([selectedValue, options], () => {
var _a2, _b;
if (multiple.value) {
multipleValue.value = (_a2 = selectedValue.value) == null ? void 0 : => {
return options.value.find((item) => {
item.disabled == "" || item.disabled == true ? item.closable = false : item.closable = true;
return item.value === value;
} else {
searchValue.value = "";
singleValue.value = (_b = options.value.find((item) => {
return item.value === selectedValue.value;
})) == null ? void 0 : _b.label;
}, { immediate: true, deep: true });
onUnmounted(() => {
const selectedValue = computed$1({
get() {
return props.modelValue;
set(value) {
emits("update:modelValue", value);
emits("change", value);
const multiple = computed$1(() => {
return props.multiple;
const handleSearch = (value) => {
if (composing.value)
emits("search", value);
searchValue.value = value;
const handleClear = () => {
if (multiple.value) {
selectedValue.value = [];
} else {
selectedValue.value = "";
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const handleHide = () => {
searchValue.value = "";
openState.value = false;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
provide("selectRef", selectRef);
provide("openState", openState);
provide("selectedValue", selectedValue);
provide("searchValue", searchValue);
provide("multiple", multiple);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
provide("searchMethod", props.searchMethod);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$E, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "selectRef",
ref: selectRef,
disabled: __props.disabled,
contentClass: __props.contentClass,
contentStyle: __props.contentStyle,
"update-at-scroll": true,
autoFitWidth: true,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
onHide: handleHide,
onShow: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => openState.value = true)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("dl", _hoisted_2$z, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.items ? (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, renderList(__props.items, (item, index2) => {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$T, mergeProps(item, { key: index2 }), null, 16);
}), 128)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(multiple) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$U, {
key: 0,
modelValue: multipleValue.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => multipleValue.value = $event),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
"input-value": searchValue.value,
"onUpdate:input-value": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => searchValue.value = $event),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
"allow-clear": __props.allowClear,
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
collapseTagsTooltip: __props.collapseTagsTooltip,
minCollapsedNum: __props.minCollapsedNum,
disabled: __props.disabled,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
disabledInput: !__props.showSearch,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
size: __props.size,
class: normalizeClass({ "layui-unselect": true }),
onRemove: handleRemove,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
onClear: handleClear,
onInputValueChange: handleSearch,
onKeyupCapture: [
_cache[2] || (_cache[2] = withKeys(withModifiers(() => {
}, ["prevent", "stop"]), ["delete"])),
_cache[3] || (_cache[3] = withKeys(withModifiers(() => {
}, ["prevent", "stop"]), ["backspace"]))
onKeydownCapture: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = withKeys(withModifiers(() => {
}, ["prevent", "stop"]), ["enter"]))
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}, {
suffix: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: "layui-icon-triangle-d",
class: normalizeClass({ triangle: openState.value })
}, null, 8, ["class"])
_: 1
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, 8, ["modelValue", "input-value", "allow-clear", "placeholder", "collapseTagsTooltip", "minCollapsedNum", "disabled", "disabledInput", "size"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1v, {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
size: __props.size,
disabled: __props.disabled,
readonly: !__props.showSearch,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
modelValue: singleValue.value,
"allow-clear": __props.allowClear,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: normalizeClass({ "layui-unselect": !__props.showSearch }),
onInput: handleSearch,
onClear: handleClear
}, {
suffix: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: "layui-icon-triangle-d",
class: normalizeClass({ triangle: openState.value })
}, null, 8, ["class"])
_: 1
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, 8, ["size", "disabled", "readonly", "modelValue", "allow-clear", "placeholder", "class"]))
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
_: 3
}, 8, ["disabled", "contentClass", "contentStyle"])
const component$I = withInstall(_sfc_main$S);
const component$H = withInstall(_sfc_main$T);
const component$G = withInstall(_sfc_main$1u);
var index$p = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-empty{margin:0 8px;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;text-align:center}.layui-empty-image{margin-bottom:8px}.layui-empty-image img{height:100px;margin:auto}.layui-empty-description{margin:0}.layui-empty-extra{margin-top:30px}\n")();
const NOOP = () => {
const isArray = Array.isArray;
const isFunction$1 = (val) => typeof val === "function";
const isSymbol = (val) => typeof val === "symbol";
let activeEffectScope;
function recordEffectScope(effect, scope = activeEffectScope) {
if (scope && {
const createDep = (effects) => {
const dep = new Set(effects);
dep.w = 0;
dep.n = 0;
return dep;
const wasTracked = (dep) => (dep.w & trackOpBit) > 0;
const newTracked = (dep) => (dep.n & trackOpBit) > 0;
const initDepMarkers = ({ deps }) => {
if (deps.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
deps[i].w |= trackOpBit;
const finalizeDepMarkers = (effect) => {
const { deps } = effect;
if (deps.length) {
let ptr = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
const dep = deps[i];
if (wasTracked(dep) && !newTracked(dep)) {
} else {
deps[ptr++] = dep;
dep.w &= ~trackOpBit;
dep.n &= ~trackOpBit;
deps.length = ptr;
let effectTrackDepth = 0;
let trackOpBit = 1;
const maxMarkerBits = 30;
let activeEffect;
class ReactiveEffect {
constructor(fn, scheduler = null, scope) {
this.fn = fn;
this.scheduler = scheduler; = true;
this.deps = [];
this.parent = void 0;
recordEffectScope(this, scope);
run() {
if (! {
return this.fn();
let parent = activeEffect;
let lastShouldTrack = shouldTrack;
while (parent) {
if (parent === this) {
parent = parent.parent;
try {
this.parent = activeEffect;
activeEffect = this;
shouldTrack = true;
trackOpBit = 1 << ++effectTrackDepth;
if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
} else {
return this.fn();
} finally {
if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
trackOpBit = 1 << --effectTrackDepth;
activeEffect = this.parent;
shouldTrack = lastShouldTrack;
this.parent = void 0;
if (this.deferStop) {
stop() {
if (activeEffect === this) {
this.deferStop = true;
} else if ( {
if (this.onStop) {
} = false;
function cleanupEffect(effect) {
const { deps } = effect;
if (deps.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
deps.length = 0;
let shouldTrack = true;
function trackEffects(dep, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
let shouldTrack2 = false;
if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
if (!newTracked(dep)) {
dep.n |= trackOpBit;
shouldTrack2 = !wasTracked(dep);
} else {
shouldTrack2 = !dep.has(activeEffect);
if (shouldTrack2) {
function triggerEffects(dep, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
const effects = isArray(dep) ? dep : [...dep];
for (const effect of effects) {
if (effect.computed) {
for (const effect of effects) {
if (!effect.computed) {
function triggerEffect(effect, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
if (effect !== activeEffect || effect.allowRecurse) {
if (effect.scheduler) {
} else {;
new Set(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).filter((key) => key !== "arguments" && key !== "caller").map((key) => Symbol[key]).filter(isSymbol));
function toRaw(observed) {
const raw = observed && observed["__v_raw"];
return raw ? toRaw(raw) : observed;
function trackRefValue(ref2) {
if (shouldTrack && activeEffect) {
ref2 = toRaw(ref2);
trackEffects(ref2.dep || (ref2.dep = createDep()));
function triggerRefValue(ref2, newVal) {
ref2 = toRaw(ref2);
if (ref2.dep) {
class ComputedRefImpl {
constructor(getter, _setter, isReadonly, isSSR) {
this._setter = _setter;
this.dep = void 0;
this.__v_isRef = true;
this._dirty = true;
this.effect = new ReactiveEffect(getter, () => {
if (!this._dirty) {
this._dirty = true;
this.effect.computed = this; = this._cacheable = !isSSR;
this["__v_isReadonly"] = isReadonly;
get value() {
const self2 = toRaw(this);
if (self2._dirty || !self2._cacheable) {
self2._dirty = false;
self2._value =;
return self2._value;
set value(newValue) {
function computed(getterOrOptions, debugOptions, isSSR = false) {
let getter;
let setter;
const onlyGetter = isFunction$1(getterOrOptions);
if (onlyGetter) {
getter = getterOrOptions;
setter = NOOP;
} else {
getter = getterOrOptions.get;
setter = getterOrOptions.set;
const cRef = new ComputedRefImpl(getter, setter, onlyGetter || !setter, isSSR);
return cRef;
const _hoisted_1$D = { class: "layui-empty" };
const _hoisted_2$y = { class: "layui-empty-image" };
const _hoisted_3$u = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-empty-image-default",
src: _imports_0
const _hoisted_4$n = { class: "layui-empty-description" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$i = { class: "layui-empty-extra" };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$O = {
name: "LayEmpty"
const _sfc_main$R = defineComponent({
props: {
description: null,
image: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const { t } = useI18n();
const slots = useSlots();
const description = computed(() => props.description ? props.description : t("empty.description"));
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$D, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$y, [
unref(slots).image ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "image", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("img", _hoisted_3$u))
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$n, toDisplayString$1(unref(description)), 1),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$i, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "extra")
const component$F = withInstall(_sfc_main$R);
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
_setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
function _getPrototypeOf(o) {
_getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf2(o2) {
return o2.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o2);
return _getPrototypeOf(o);
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
o2.__proto__ = p2;
return o2;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
function _isNativeReflectConstruct() {
if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct)
return false;
if (Reflect.construct.sham)
return false;
if (typeof Proxy === "function")
return true;
try {, [], function() {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
function _construct(Parent, args, Class) {
if (_isNativeReflectConstruct()) {
_construct = Reflect.construct;
} else {
_construct = function _construct2(Parent2, args2, Class2) {
var a = [null];
a.push.apply(a, args2);
var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent2, a);
var instance = new Constructor();
if (Class2)
_setPrototypeOf(instance, Class2.prototype);
return instance;
return _construct.apply(null, arguments);
function _isNativeFunction(fn) {
return"[native code]") !== -1;
function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) {
var _cache = typeof Map === "function" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0;
_wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper2(Class2) {
if (Class2 === null || !_isNativeFunction(Class2))
return Class2;
if (typeof Class2 !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
if (typeof _cache !== "undefined") {
if (_cache.has(Class2))
return _cache.get(Class2);
_cache.set(Class2, Wrapper);
function Wrapper() {
return _construct(Class2, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor);
Wrapper.prototype = Object.create(Class2.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: Wrapper,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
return _setPrototypeOf(Wrapper, Class2);
return _wrapNativeSuper(Class);
var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
var warning = function warning2() {
if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env && false) {
warning = function warning3(type4, errors) {
if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && typeof ASYNC_VALIDATOR_NO_WARNING === "undefined") {
if (errors.every(function(e) {
return typeof e === "string";
})) {
console.warn(type4, errors);
function convertFieldsError(errors) {
if (!errors || !errors.length)
return null;
var fields = {};
errors.forEach(function(error) {
var field = error.field;
fields[field] = fields[field] || [];
return fields;
function format(template) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var i = 0;
var len = args.length;
if (typeof template === "function") {
return template.apply(null, args);
if (typeof template === "string") {
var str = template.replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {
if (x === "%%") {
return "%";
if (i >= len) {
return x;
switch (x) {
case "%s":
return String(args[i++]);
case "%d":
return Number(args[i++]);
case "%j":
try {
return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);
} catch (_) {
return "[Circular]";
return x;
return str;
return template;
function isNativeStringType(type4) {
return type4 === "string" || type4 === "url" || type4 === "hex" || type4 === "email" || type4 === "date" || type4 === "pattern";
function isEmptyValue(value, type4) {
if (value === void 0 || value === null) {
return true;
if (type4 === "array" && Array.isArray(value) && !value.length) {
return true;
if (isNativeStringType(type4) && typeof value === "string" && !value) {
return true;
return false;
function asyncParallelArray(arr, func, callback) {
var results = [];
var total = 0;
var arrLength = arr.length;
function count(errors) {
results.push.apply(results, errors || []);
if (total === arrLength) {
arr.forEach(function(a) {
func(a, count);
function asyncSerialArray(arr, func, callback) {
var index2 = 0;
var arrLength = arr.length;
function next(errors) {
if (errors && errors.length) {
var original = index2;
index2 = index2 + 1;
if (original < arrLength) {
func(arr[original], next);
} else {
function flattenObjArr(objArr) {
var ret = [];
Object.keys(objArr).forEach(function(k) {
ret.push.apply(ret, objArr[k] || []);
return ret;
var AsyncValidationError = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Error) {
_inheritsLoose(AsyncValidationError2, _Error);
function AsyncValidationError2(errors, fields) {
var _this;
_this =, "Async Validation Error") || this;
_this.errors = errors;
_this.fields = fields;
return _this;
return AsyncValidationError2;
}(/* @__PURE__ */ _wrapNativeSuper(Error));
function asyncMap(objArr, option, func, callback, source) {
if (option.first) {
var _pending = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var next = function next2(errors) {
return errors.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(errors, convertFieldsError(errors))) : resolve(source);
var flattenArr = flattenObjArr(objArr);
asyncSerialArray(flattenArr, func, next);
_pending["catch"](function(e) {
return e;
return _pending;
var firstFields = option.firstFields === true ? Object.keys(objArr) : option.firstFields || [];
var objArrKeys = Object.keys(objArr);
var objArrLength = objArrKeys.length;
var total = 0;
var results = [];
var pending = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var next = function next2(errors) {
results.push.apply(results, errors);
if (total === objArrLength) {
return results.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(results, convertFieldsError(results))) : resolve(source);
if (!objArrKeys.length) {
objArrKeys.forEach(function(key) {
var arr = objArr[key];
if (firstFields.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
asyncSerialArray(arr, func, next);
} else {
asyncParallelArray(arr, func, next);
pending["catch"](function(e) {
return e;
return pending;
function isErrorObj(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.message !== void 0);
function getValue(value, path) {
var v = value;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (v == void 0) {
return v;
v = v[path[i]];
return v;
function complementError(rule, source) {
return function(oe) {
var fieldValue;
if (rule.fullFields) {
fieldValue = getValue(source, rule.fullFields);
} else {
fieldValue = source[oe.field || rule.fullField];
if (isErrorObj(oe)) {
oe.field = oe.field || rule.fullField;
oe.fieldValue = fieldValue;
return oe;
return {
message: typeof oe === "function" ? oe() : oe,
field: oe.field || rule.fullField
function deepMerge(target, source) {
if (source) {
for (var s in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
var value = source[s];
if (typeof value === "object" && typeof target[s] === "object") {
target[s] = _extends({}, target[s], value);
} else {
target[s] = value;
return target;
var required$1 = function required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type4) {
if (rule.required && (!source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field) || isEmptyValue(value, type4 || rule.type))) {
errors.push(format(options.messages.required, rule.fullField));
var whitespace = function whitespace2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
if (/^\s+$/.test(value) || value === "") {
errors.push(format(options.messages.whitespace, rule.fullField));
var pattern$2 = {
email: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+\.)+[a-zA-Z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]{2,}))$/,
url: new RegExp("^(?!mailto:)(?:(?:http|https|ftp)://|//)(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?(?:(?:(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))|localhost)(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:(/|\\?|#)[^\\s]*)?$", "i"),
hex: /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i
var types = {
integer: function integer(value) {
return types.number(value) && parseInt(value, 10) === value;
"float": function float(value) {
return types.number(value) && !types.integer(value);
array: function array(value) {
return Array.isArray(value);
regexp: function regexp(value) {
if (value instanceof RegExp) {
return true;
try {
return !!new RegExp(value);
} catch (e) {
return false;
date: function date(value) {
return typeof value.getTime === "function" && typeof value.getMonth === "function" && typeof value.getYear === "function" && !isNaN(value.getTime());
number: function number(value) {
if (isNaN(value)) {
return false;
return typeof value === "number";
object: function object(value) {
return typeof value === "object" && !types.array(value);
method: function method(value) {
return typeof value === "function";
email: function email(value) {
return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 320 && !!value.match(pattern$;
url: function url(value) {
return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 2048 && !!value.match(pattern$2.url);
hex: function hex(value) {
return typeof value === "string" && !!value.match(pattern$2.hex);
var type$1 = function type(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
if (rule.required && value === void 0) {
required$1(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var custom = ["integer", "float", "array", "regexp", "object", "method", "email", "number", "date", "url", "hex"];
var ruleType = rule.type;
if (custom.indexOf(ruleType) > -1) {
if (!types[ruleType](value)) {
errors.push(format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
} else if (ruleType && typeof value !== rule.type) {
errors.push(format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
var range = function range2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
var len = typeof rule.len === "number";
var min = typeof rule.min === "number";
var max = typeof rule.max === "number";
var spRegexp = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
var val = value;
var key = null;
var num = typeof value === "number";
var str = typeof value === "string";
var arr = Array.isArray(value);
if (num) {
key = "number";
} else if (str) {
key = "string";
} else if (arr) {
key = "array";
if (!key) {
return false;
if (arr) {
val = value.length;
if (str) {
val = value.replace(spRegexp, "_").length;
if (len) {
if (val !== rule.len) {
errors.push(format(options.messages[key].len, rule.fullField, rule.len));
} else if (min && !max && val < rule.min) {
errors.push(format(options.messages[key].min, rule.fullField, rule.min));
} else if (max && !min && val > rule.max) {
errors.push(format(options.messages[key].max, rule.fullField, rule.max));
} else if (min && max && (val < rule.min || val > rule.max)) {
errors.push(format(options.messages[key].range, rule.fullField, rule.min, rule.max));
var ENUM$1 = "enum";
var enumerable$1 = function enumerable(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
rule[ENUM$1] = Array.isArray(rule[ENUM$1]) ? rule[ENUM$1] : [];
if (rule[ENUM$1].indexOf(value) === -1) {
errors.push(format(options.messages[ENUM$1], rule.fullField, rule[ENUM$1].join(", ")));
var pattern$1 = function pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
if (rule.pattern) {
if (rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
rule.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
if (!rule.pattern.test(value)) {
errors.push(format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
} else if (typeof rule.pattern === "string") {
var _pattern = new RegExp(rule.pattern);
if (!_pattern.test(value)) {
errors.push(format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
var rules = {
required: required$1,
type: type$1,
"enum": enumerable$1,
pattern: pattern$1
var string = function string2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "string");
if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (rule.whitespace === true) {
rules.whitespace(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var method2 = function method3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== void 0) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var number2 = function number3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (value === "") {
value = void 0;
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== void 0) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var _boolean = function _boolean2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== void 0) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var regexp2 = function regexp3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (!isEmptyValue(value)) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var integer2 = function integer3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== void 0) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var floatFn = function floatFn2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== void 0) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var array2 = function array3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if ((value === void 0 || value === null) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "array");
if (value !== void 0 && value !== null) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var object2 = function object3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== void 0) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var ENUM = "enum";
var enumerable2 = function enumerable3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (value !== void 0) {
rules[ENUM](rule, value, source, errors, options);
var pattern2 = function pattern3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) {
rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var date2 = function date3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value, "date") && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
if (!isEmptyValue(value, "date")) {
var dateObject;
if (value instanceof Date) {
dateObject = value;
} else {
dateObject = new Date(value);
rules.type(rule, dateObject, source, errors, options);
if (dateObject) {
rules.range(rule, dateObject.getTime(), source, errors, options);
var required2 = function required3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var type4 = Array.isArray(value) ? "array" : typeof value;
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type4);
var type2 = function type3(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var ruleType = rule.type;
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value, ruleType) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, ruleType);
if (!isEmptyValue(value, ruleType)) {
rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var any = function any2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
var errors = [];
var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
if (validate) {
if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
return callback();
rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
var validators = {
method: method2,
number: number2,
"boolean": _boolean,
regexp: regexp2,
integer: integer2,
"float": floatFn,
array: array2,
object: object2,
"enum": enumerable2,
pattern: pattern2,
date: date2,
url: type2,
hex: type2,
email: type2,
required: required2,
function newMessages() {
return {
"default": "Validation error on field %s",
required: "%s is required",
"enum": "%s must be one of %s",
whitespace: "%s cannot be empty",
date: {
format: "%s date %s is invalid for format %s",
parse: "%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid ",
invalid: "%s date %s is invalid"
types: {
string: "%s is not a %s",
method: "%s is not a %s (function)",
array: "%s is not an %s",
object: "%s is not an %s",
number: "%s is not a %s",
date: "%s is not a %s",
"boolean": "%s is not a %s",
integer: "%s is not an %s",
"float": "%s is not a %s",
regexp: "%s is not a valid %s",
email: "%s is not a valid %s",
url: "%s is not a valid %s",
hex: "%s is not a valid %s"
string: {
len: "%s must be exactly %s characters",
min: "%s must be at least %s characters",
max: "%s cannot be longer than %s characters",
range: "%s must be between %s and %s characters"
number: {
len: "%s must equal %s",
min: "%s cannot be less than %s",
max: "%s cannot be greater than %s",
range: "%s must be between %s and %s"
array: {
len: "%s must be exactly %s in length",
min: "%s cannot be less than %s in length",
max: "%s cannot be greater than %s in length",
range: "%s must be between %s and %s in length"
pattern: {
mismatch: "%s value %s does not match pattern %s"
clone: function clone() {
var cloned = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));
cloned.clone = this.clone;
return cloned;
var messages = newMessages();
var Schema = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function Schema2(descriptor) {
this.rules = null;
this._messages = messages;
var _proto = Schema2.prototype;
_proto.define = function define(rules2) {
var _this = this;
if (!rules2) {
throw new Error("Cannot configure a schema with no rules");
if (typeof rules2 !== "object" || Array.isArray(rules2)) {
throw new Error("Rules must be an object");
this.rules = {};
Object.keys(rules2).forEach(function(name) {
var item = rules2[name];
_this.rules[name] = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item];
_proto.messages = function messages2(_messages) {
if (_messages) {
this._messages = deepMerge(newMessages(), _messages);
return this._messages;
_proto.validate = function validate(source_, o, oc) {
var _this2 = this;
if (o === void 0) {
o = {};
if (oc === void 0) {
oc = function oc2() {
var source = source_;
var options = o;
var callback = oc;
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
options = {};
if (!this.rules || Object.keys(this.rules).length === 0) {
if (callback) {
callback(null, source);
return Promise.resolve(source);
function complete(results) {
var errors = [];
var fields = {};
function add2(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
var _errors;
errors = (_errors = errors).concat.apply(_errors, e);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (!errors.length) {
callback(null, source);
} else {
fields = convertFieldsError(errors);
callback(errors, fields);
if (options.messages) {
var messages$1 = this.messages();
if (messages$1 === messages) {
messages$1 = newMessages();
deepMerge(messages$1, options.messages);
options.messages = messages$1;
} else {
options.messages = this.messages();
var series = {};
var keys = options.keys || Object.keys(this.rules);
keys.forEach(function(z) {
var arr = _this2.rules[z];
var value = source[z];
arr.forEach(function(r) {
var rule = r;
if (typeof rule.transform === "function") {
if (source === source_) {
source = _extends({}, source);
value = source[z] = rule.transform(value);
if (typeof rule === "function") {
rule = {
validator: rule
} else {
rule = _extends({}, rule);
rule.validator = _this2.getValidationMethod(rule);
if (!rule.validator) {
rule.field = z;
rule.fullField = rule.fullField || z;
rule.type = _this2.getType(rule);
series[z] = series[z] || [];
field: z
var errorFields = {};
return asyncMap(series, options, function(data, doIt) {
var rule = data.rule;
var deep = (rule.type === "object" || rule.type === "array") && (typeof rule.fields === "object" || typeof rule.defaultField === "object");
deep = deep && (rule.required || !rule.required && data.value);
rule.field = data.field;
function addFullField(key, schema) {
return _extends({}, schema, {
fullField: rule.fullField + "." + key,
fullFields: rule.fullFields ? [].concat(rule.fullFields, [key]) : [key]
function cb(e) {
if (e === void 0) {
e = [];
var errorList = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e];
if (!options.suppressWarning && errorList.length) {
Schema2.warning("async-validator:", errorList);
if (errorList.length && rule.message !== void 0) {
errorList = [].concat(rule.message);
var filledErrors =, source));
if (options.first && filledErrors.length) {
errorFields[rule.field] = 1;
return doIt(filledErrors);
if (!deep) {
} else {
if (rule.required && !data.value) {
if (rule.message !== void 0) {
filledErrors = [].concat(rule.message).map(complementError(rule, source));
} else if (options.error) {
filledErrors = [options.error(rule, format(options.messages.required, rule.field))];
return doIt(filledErrors);
var fieldsSchema = {};
if (rule.defaultField) {
Object.keys(data.value).map(function(key) {
fieldsSchema[key] = rule.defaultField;
fieldsSchema = _extends({}, fieldsSchema, data.rule.fields);
var paredFieldsSchema = {};
Object.keys(fieldsSchema).forEach(function(field) {
var fieldSchema = fieldsSchema[field];
var fieldSchemaList = Array.isArray(fieldSchema) ? fieldSchema : [fieldSchema];
paredFieldsSchema[field] =, field));
var schema = new Schema2(paredFieldsSchema);
if (data.rule.options) {
data.rule.options.messages = options.messages;
data.rule.options.error = options.error;
schema.validate(data.value, data.rule.options || options, function(errs) {
var finalErrors = [];
if (filledErrors && filledErrors.length) {
finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, filledErrors);
if (errs && errs.length) {
finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, errs);
doIt(finalErrors.length ? finalErrors : null);
var res;
if (rule.asyncValidator) {
res = rule.asyncValidator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
} else if (rule.validator) {
try {
res = rule.validator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
} catch (error) {
console.error == null ? void 0 : console.error(error);
setTimeout(function() {
throw error;
}, 0);
if (res === true) {
} else if (res === false) {
cb(typeof rule.message === "function" ? rule.message(rule.fullField || rule.field) : rule.message || (rule.fullField || rule.field) + " fails");
} else if (res instanceof Array) {
} else if (res instanceof Error) {
if (res && res.then) {
res.then(function() {
return cb();
}, function(e) {
return cb(e);
}, function(results) {
}, source);
_proto.getType = function getType(rule) {
if (rule.type === void 0 && rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
rule.type = "pattern";
if (typeof rule.validator !== "function" && rule.type && !validators.hasOwnProperty(rule.type)) {
throw new Error(format("Unknown rule type %s", rule.type));
return rule.type || "string";
_proto.getValidationMethod = function getValidationMethod(rule) {
if (typeof rule.validator === "function") {
return rule.validator;
var keys = Object.keys(rule);
var messageIndex = keys.indexOf("message");
if (messageIndex !== -1) {
keys.splice(messageIndex, 1);
if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "required") {
return validators.required;
return validators[this.getType(rule)] || void 0;
return Schema2;
Schema.register = function register(type4, validator) {
if (typeof validator !== "function") {
throw new Error("Cannot register a validator by type, validator is not a function");
validators[type4] = validator;
Schema.warning = warning;
Schema.messages = messages;
Schema.validators = validators;
var cnValidateMessage = {
default: "%s\u9A8C\u8BC1\u5931\u8D25",
required: "%s\u4E0D\u80FD\u4E3A\u7A7A",
enum: "%s\u4E0D\u5728\u679A\u4E3E%s\u91CC\u9762",
whitespace: "%s\u4E0D\u80FD\u4E3A\u7A7A",
date: {
format: "%s\u65E5\u671F%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u683C\u5F0F\u7684\u65E5\u671F%s",
parse: "%s\u65E0\u6CD5\u89E3\u6790\u4E3A\u65E5\u671F,%s\u662F\u65E0\u6548\u7684",
invalid: "%s\u65E5\u671F%s\u662F\u65E0\u6548\u7684"
types: {
number: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u6570\u5B57",
boolean: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u5E03\u5C14\u7C7B\u578B",
method: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u65B9\u6CD5",
regexp: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u6B63\u5219\u8868\u8FBE\u5F0F",
integer: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u6574\u578B\u6570\u5B57",
float: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u6D6E\u70B9\u5C0F\u6570",
array: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u6570\u7EC4",
object: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u5BF9\u8C61",
enum: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u679A\u4E3E",
date: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u65E5\u671F",
url: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684url",
hex: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u5341\u516D\u8FDB\u5236",
email: "%s\u4E0D\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u6709\u6548\u7684\u90AE\u7BB1"
string: {
len: "%s\u5FC5\u987B\u662F\u957F\u5EA6\u4E3A%s\u4E2A\u5B57\u7B26",
min: "%s\u6700\u5C0F\u957F\u5EA6\u4E3A%s\u4E2A\u5B57\u7B26",
max: "%s\u6700\u957F%s\u4E2A\u5B57\u7B26",
range: "%s\u5B57\u7B26\u957F\u5EA6\u9700\u8981\u5728%s\u548C%s\u4E4B\u95F4"
number: {
len: "%s\u957F\u5EA6\u5FC5\u987B\u4E3A%s",
min: "%s\u5FC5\u987B\u5C0F\u4E8E%s",
max: "%s\u5FC5\u987B\u5927\u4E8E%s",
range: "%s\u9700\u8981\u5728%s\u548C%s\u4E4B\u95F4"
array: {
len: "%s\u957F\u5EA6\u5FC5\u987B\u4E3A%s",
min: "%s\u957F\u5EA6\u5FC5\u987B\u5C0F\u4E8E%s",
max: "%s\u957F\u5EA6\u5FC5\u987B\u5927\u4E8E%s",
range: "%s\u957F\u5EA6\u9700\u8981\u5728%s\u548C%s\u4E4B\u95F4"
pattern: {
mismatch: "%s\u503C%s\u4E0D\u80FD\u5339\u914D%s"
const __default__$N = {
name: "LayFormItem"
const _sfc_main$Q = defineComponent({
props: {
prop: null,
mode: { default: "block" },
label: null,
labelPosition: { default: "right" },
labelWidth: { default: 95 },
errorMessage: null,
rules: null,
required: { type: Boolean },
requiredErrorMessage: null
setup(__props, { expose }) {
const props = __props;
const layForm = inject("LayForm", {});
const formItemRef = ref();
const slotParent = ref();
const isRequired = computed$1(() => {
return props.required || layForm.required;
const ruleItems = computed$1(() => {
const prop = props.prop;
if (!prop) {
return {};
let rulesArrs = [];
if (isRequired.value) {
rulesArrs.push({ required: true });
if (props.rules) {
rulesArrs = rulesArrs.concat(props.rules);
if (layForm.rules && layForm.rules[prop]) {
rulesArrs = rulesArrs.concat(layForm.rules[prop]);
return rulesArrs;
const filedValue = computed$1(() => props.prop ? layForm.model[props.prop] : void 0);
watch(() => filedValue.value, (val) => validate(), { deep: true });
const errorMsg = ref();
const errorStatus = ref(false);
const validate = (callback) => {
if (props.prop && ruleItems.value.length > 0) {
const descriptor = {};
descriptor[layForm.useCN ? props.label || props.prop : props.prop] = ruleItems.value;
const validator = new Schema(descriptor);
let model = {};
let validateMessage = null;
if (layForm.useCN) {
validateMessage = Object.assign({}, cnValidateMessage, layForm.validateMessage);
model[props.label || props.prop] = filedValue.value;
} else {
layForm.validateMessage && (validateMessage = layForm.validateMessage);
model[props.prop] = filedValue.value;
layForm.requiredErrorMessage && (validateMessage = Object.assign(validateMessage, {
required: layForm.requiredErrorMessage
props.requiredErrorMessage && (validateMessage = Object.assign(validateMessage, {
required: props.requiredErrorMessage
validateMessage && validator.messages(validateMessage);
validator.validate(model, (errors, fields) => {
var _a2, _b;
errorStatus.value = errors !== null && errors.length > 0;
const slotParentDiv = slotParent.value;
if (errorStatus.value) {
const _errors = errors;
layForm.useCN && _errors.forEach((error) => {
error.label = props.label;
error.field = props.prop;
errorMsg.value = (_a2 = props.errorMessage) != null ? _a2 : _errors[0].message;
(slotParentDiv == null ? void 0 : slotParentDiv.childElementCount) > 0 && ((_b = slotParentDiv == null ? void 0 : slotParentDiv.firstElementChild) == null ? void 0 : _b.classList.add("layui-form-danger"));
callback && callback(_errors, fields);
} else {
const clearValidate = () => {
var _a2;
errorStatus.value = false;
errorMsg.value = "";
const slotParentDiv = slotParent.value;
(slotParentDiv == null ? void 0 : slotParentDiv.childElementCount) > 0 && ((_a2 = slotParentDiv == null ? void 0 : slotParentDiv.firstElementChild) == null ? void 0 : _a2.classList.remove("layui-form-danger"));
expose({ validate, clearValidate });
onMounted(() => {
if (props.prop) {
$el: formItemRef,
const getMarginLeft = computed$1(() => {
if (props.mode == "block") {
if (props.labelPosition != "top") {
let labelWidth = typeof props.labelWidth === "string" ? parseFloat(props.labelWidth) : props.labelWidth;
labelWidth += 15;
return {
"margin-left": `${labelWidth}px`
} else {
return {
"margin-left": "0px"
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _a2;
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-form-item", [`layui-form-item-${__props.labelPosition}`]]),
ref_key: "formItemRef",
ref: formItemRef
}, [
createElementVNode("label", {
class: "layui-form-label",
style: normalizeStyle({ width: __props.labelWidth + "px" })
}, [
props.prop && unref(isRequired) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-required", "layui-icon"].concat((_a2 = unref(layForm).requiredIcons) != null ? _a2 : ""))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "required", {
props: { ...props, model: unref(layForm).model }
}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(layForm).requiredIcons ? "" : "*"), 1)
], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "label", {
props: { ...props, model: unref(layForm).model }
}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.label), 1)
], 4),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass([__props.mode ? "layui-input-" + __props.mode : ""]),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(getMarginLeft))
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
ref_key: "slotParent",
ref: slotParent
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {
props: { ...props, model: unref(layForm).model }
], 512),
errorStatus.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass([
{ "layui-error-message-anim": errorStatus.value }
}, toDisplayString$1(errorMsg.value), 3)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 6)
], 2);
const component$E = withInstall(_sfc_main$Q);
var index$o = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-rate,.layui-rate *{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.layui-rate{padding:10px 5px 10px 0;font-size:0}.layui-rate li i.layui-icon{font-size:20px;color:#ffb800;margin-right:5px;transition:all .3s;-webkit-transition:all .3s}.layui-rate li i:hover{cursor:pointer;transform:scale(1.12);-webkit-transform:scale(1.12)}.layui-rate[readonly] li i:hover{cursor:default;transform:scale(1)}.layui-rate-clear-icon{display:inline-block;color:#c6c6c6;padding-top:3px;font-size:18px;vertical-align:middle}.layui-rate-clear-icon:hover{cursor:pointer;color:#ff4949}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$C = ["onMousemove", "onClick"];
const _hoisted_2$x = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-inline"
const __default__$M = {
name: "LayRate"
const _sfc_main$P = defineComponent({
props: {
theme: null,
length: { default: 5 },
modelValue: { default: 0 },
readonly: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
half: { type: Boolean, default: false },
text: { type: Boolean, default: false },
isBlock: { type: Boolean, default: false },
allowClear: { type: Boolean, default: false },
clearIcon: { default: "layui-icon-close-fill" },
icons: { default: () => [
] }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "select", "clear"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const currentValue = ref(props.modelValue);
const tempValue = ref(currentValue.value);
const isHalf = computed$1(() => props.half && Math.round(currentValue.value) !== currentValue.value);
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
currentValue.value = props.modelValue;
tempValue.value = props.modelValue;
const getValue2 = function(index2, event) {
if (!props.half) {
return index2;
return index2 - (event.offsetX <= / 2 ? 0.5 : 0);
const mousemove = function(index2, event) {
if (props.readonly) {
return false;
currentValue.value = getValue2(index2, event);
const mouseleave = function() {
if (props.readonly) {
return false;
currentValue.value = tempValue.value;
const action = function(index2, event) {
if (props.readonly) {
return false;
currentValue.value = getValue2(index2, event);
tempValue.value = currentValue.value;
emit("update:modelValue", currentValue.value);
emit("select", currentValue.value);
const showClearIcon = computed$1(() => !props.readonly && props.allowClear);
const clearRate = function() {
tempValue.value = 0;
currentValue.value = 0;
emit("clear", currentValue.value);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(__props.isBlock ? "layui-block" : "layui-inline")
}, [
createElementVNode("ul", {
class: "layui-rate",
onMouseleave: mouseleave
}, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.length, (index2) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: index2,
class: "layui-inline",
onMousemove: ($event) => mousemove(index2, $event),
onClick: ($event) => action(index2, $event)
}, [
index2 <= Math.ceil(currentValue.value) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass([
`${__props.icons[__props.icons.length - (unref(isHalf) && index2 === Math.ceil(currentValue.value) ? 2 : 1)]}`
style: normalizeStyle({ color: __props.theme })
}, null, 6)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 1,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-icon"].concat(__props.icons[0])),
style: normalizeStyle({ color: __props.theme })
}, null, 6))
], 40, _hoisted_1$C);
}), 128))
], 32),
__props.text ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$x, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { value: currentValue.value }, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(currentValue.value + "\u661F"), 1)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
unref(showClearIcon) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 1,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-icon", "layui-rate-clear-icon", __props.clearIcon]),
onClick: clearRate,
title: "\u6E05\u9664\u8BC4\u5206"
}, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 2);
const component$D = withInstall(_sfc_main$P);
const component$C = withInstall(_sfc_main$1y);
const _sfc_main$O = {
name: "LayDropdownMenu"
const _hoisted_1$B = { class: "layui-menu layui-dropdown-menu" };
function _sfc_render$1(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("ul", _hoisted_1$B, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
var LayDropdownMenu = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$O, [["render", _sfc_render$1]]);
const component$B = withInstall(LayDropdownMenu);
const _hoisted_1$A = { class: "layui-menu-body-title" };
const _hoisted_2$w = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-dropdown-menu-prefix"
const _hoisted_3$t = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-dropdown-menu-suffix"
const __default__$L = {
name: "LayDropdownMenuItem"
const _sfc_main$N = defineComponent({
props: {
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const dropdownCtx = inject(dropdownInjectionKey, void 0);
const handleClick = () => {
if (props.disabled) {
dropdownCtx == null ? void 0 : dropdownCtx.hide();
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
onClick: handleClick,
class: normalizeClass({ "layui-disabled": __props.disabled }),
style: normalizeStyle(_ctx.$slots.suffix ? `justify-content: space-between;` : "")
}, [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_1$A, [
_ctx.$slots.prefix ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$w, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_ctx.$slots.suffix ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$t, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "suffix")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 6);
const component$A = withInstall(_sfc_main$N);
const __default__$K = {
name: "LayDropdownSubMenu"
const _sfc_main$M = defineComponent({
props: {
trigger: { default: "hover" },
placement: { default: "right-start" },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
contentOffset: { default: 2 }
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1y, {
trigger: __props.trigger,
placement: __props.placement,
"auto-fit-min-width": false,
contentOffset: __props.contentOffset,
disabled: __props.disabled,
updateAtScroll: ""
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(LayDropdownMenu, null, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")
_: 3
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$N, { disabled: __props.disabled }, createSlots({
suffix: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "suffix", {}, () => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: "layui-icon-right",
size: "14px"
_: 2
}, [
_ctx.$slots.prefix ? {
name: "prefix",
fn: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix")
key: "0"
} : void 0,
_ctx.$slots.default ? {
name: "default",
fn: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
key: "1"
} : void 0
]), 1032, ["disabled"])
_: 3
}, 8, ["trigger", "placement", "contentOffset", "disabled"]);
const component$z = withInstall(_sfc_main$M);
var index$n = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-tab{display:flex;margin:10px 0;text-align:left!important}.layui-tab[overflow]>.layui-tab-head>.layui-tab-title{overflow:hidden}{flex-direction:row}{flex-direction:row-reverse;justify-content:space-between}{flex-direction:column}{flex-direction:column-reverse}.layui-tab-head{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden}.layui-tab-card .layui-tab-head{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-1)}.layui-tab-title{position:relative;left:0;height:40px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:0;border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-style:solid;transition:all .2s;-webkit-transition:all .2s}.layui-tab-title li{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;font-size:14px;transition:all .2s;-webkit-transition:all .2s;position:relative;line-height:40px;min-width:65px;padding:0 15px;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;user-select:none}.layui-tab-title li a{display:block;padding:0 15px;margin:0 -15px},,,{width:100%;position:relative},{height:100%;min-width:60px;border-bottom-width:0px;border-bottom-style:none} li{display:list-item;margin-right:-1px} li{display:list-item;margin-left:-1px} li, li{border-bottom:1px solid #eeeeee}{border-left:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3)}{border-right:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-tab-title .layui-this{color:#000;background-color:#fff}.layui-tab-title .layui-this:after{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;content:"";width:100%;height:41px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-bottom-color:#fff;border-radius:2px 2px 0 0;box-sizing:border-box;pointer-events:none} .layui-this:after{border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3);border-right-color:#fff} .layui-this:after{border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3);border-left-color:#fff}.layui-tab-brief>.layui-tab-head{background-color:transparent}.layui-tab-brief>.layui-tab-head>.layui-tab-title .layui-this{color:var(--global-primary-color)}.layui-tab-brief>.layui-tab-head>.layui-tab-more li.layui-this:after,.layui-tab-brief>.layui-tab-head>.layui-tab-title .layui-this:after{border:none;border-radius:0}.layui-tab-brief>>.layui-tab-title{border-left:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-tab-brief>>.layui-tab-title{border-right:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-tab-brief[overflow]>.layui-tab-head>.layui-tab-title .layui-this:after{top:-1px}.layui-tab-brief>>.layui-tab-title li,.layui-tab-brief>>.layui-tab-title li{margin-right:0}.layui-tab-brief>>.layui-tab-title li,.layui-tab-brief>>.layui-tab-title li{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0}.layui-tab-card{border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 2px 5px #0000001a}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head>{margin-top:-1px;margin-left:-1px}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head>,.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head>{margin-right:-1px;margin-left:-1px}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head> li{margin-top:-1px}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head>.layui-tab-title .layui-this:after{border-radius:0}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head>{border-top:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3);margin-bottom:-2px;margin-left:-1px}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head> li,.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head> li{margin-top:-1px;margin-bottom:-1px}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head> .layui-this:after{border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3);border-bottom-color:#fff}.layui-tab-card>.layui-tab-head> .layui-this:after{border
const TabInjectKey = Symbol("layuiTab");
const __default__$J = {
name: "LayTabItem"
const _sfc_main$L = defineComponent({
props: {
id: null,
title: null,
icon: null,
closable: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true }
setup(__props) {
var _a2;
const props = __props;
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
const slots = useSlots();
const active = inject("active");
const tabsCtx = inject(TabInjectKey, {});
const data = reactive({
title: props.title,
icon: props.icon,
closable: props.closable,
if (instance == null ? void 0 : instance.uid) {
(_a2 = tabsCtx.addItem) == null ? void 0 :,, data);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
var _a3;
if (instance == null ? void 0 : instance.uid) {
(_a3 = tabsCtx.removeItem) == null ? void 0 :,;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-tab-item", [unref(active) === ? "layui-show" : ""]])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const _hoisted_1$z = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_2$v = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_3$s = { class: "layui-tab-content" };
const __default__$I = {
name: "LayTab"
const _sfc_main$K = defineComponent({
props: {
type: null,
modelValue: null,
allowClose: { type: Boolean },
tabPosition: { default: "top" },
beforeClose: null,
beforeLeave: null,
activeBarTransition: { type: Boolean }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change", "close"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const slot = useSlots();
const tabMap = reactive(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const childrens = ref([]);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const setItemInstanceBySlot = function(nodes) {
nodes == null ? void 0 : => {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (isArrayChildren(item, item.children)) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
} else {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if ( == _sfc_main$ {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const active = computed$1({
get() {
return props.modelValue;
set(val) {
emit("update:modelValue", val);
const tabItems = computed$1(() => {
const tabData = [];
childrens.value.forEach((item) => {
var _a2;
const tab = tabMap.get((_a2 = item.props) == null ? void 0 :;
if (tab)
return tabData;
const addItem = (id, data) => {
tabMap.set(id, data);
const removeItem = (id) => {
provide(TabInjectKey, reactive({
const change3 = function(id) {
if (props.beforeLeave && props.beforeLeave(id) === false) {
emit("update:modelValue", id);
emit("change", id);
const close2 = function(index2, id) {
if (props.beforeClose && props.beforeClose(id) === false) {
childrens.value.splice(index2, 1);
if (active.value === id) {
const nextChildren = childrens.value[index2 === childrens.value.length ? 0 : index2];
change3(nextChildren && nextChildren.props ? : "");
emit("close", id);
const activeBarRef = shallowRef(void 0);
const activeEl = shallowRef(void 0);
const tabBarStyle = ref();
const getBarStyle = () => {
let offset = 0;
let tabSize = 0;
const sizeName2 = props.tabPosition === "top" || props.tabPosition === "bottom" ? "width" : "height";
const axis = sizeName2 === "width" ? "X" : "Y";
const position = axis === "X" ? "left" : "top";
const el = activeEl.value;
const activeElParentElement = navRef.value;
if (!el || !activeElParentElement)
const rect = el == null ? void 0 : el.getBoundingClientRect();
const parentRect = activeElParentElement == null ? void 0 : activeElParentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
offset = rect[position] - parentRect[position];
tabSize = el.getBoundingClientRect()[sizeName2];
return {
[sizeName2]: `${tabSize}px`,
transform: `translate${axis}(${offset}px)`,
transition: props.activeBarTransition ? `transform .3s` : ""
const navRef = shallowRef(void 0);
const scrollable = ref(false);
const navOffset = ref(0);
const navStyle = computed$1(() => {
var _a2, _b;
const axis = props.tabPosition === "top" || props.tabPosition === "bottom" ? "X" : "Y";
const position = axis === "X" ? "left" : "top";
const scrollPrevSize = (_b = (_a2 = scrollPrevRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _b : 0;
return {
transform: `translate${axis}(-${navOffset.value}px)`,
[position]: scrollable.value ? `${scrollPrevSize}px` : 0
const sizeName = computed$1(() => {
return props.tabPosition === "top" || props.tabPosition === "bottom" ? "Width" : "Height";
const getNavSize = function() {
var _a2;
let size = 0;
const nodeList = (_a2 = navRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.querySelectorAll("li");
nodeList == null ? void 0 : nodeList.forEach((item) => {
size += item[`offset${sizeName.value}`];
return size;
const scrollPrev = function() {
if (!navRef.value)
const containerSize = navRef.value[`offset${sizeName.value}`];
const currentOffset = navOffset.value;
if (!currentOffset)
let newOffset = currentOffset > containerSize ? currentOffset - containerSize : 0;
navOffset.value = newOffset;
const scrollNextRef = shallowRef(void 0);
const scrollPrevRef = shallowRef(void 0);
const scrollNext = function() {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
if (!navRef.value)
const navSize = getNavSize();
const containerSize = navRef.value[`offset${sizeName.value}`];
const currentOffset = navOffset.value;
const scrollNextSize = (_b = (_a2 = scrollNextRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _b : 0;
const scrollPrevSize = (_d = (_c = scrollPrevRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _c[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _d : 0;
if (navSize - currentOffset <= containerSize)
let newOffset = navSize - currentOffset > containerSize * 2 ? currentOffset + containerSize : navSize - containerSize + scrollNextSize + scrollPrevSize;
navOffset.value = newOffset;
const headRef = shallowRef(void 0);
const scrollToActiveTab = function() {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
if (!scrollable.value)
const activeTab = activeEl.value;
const container = headRef.value;
if (!activeTab || !container)
const activeTabRect = activeTab == null ? void 0 : activeTab.getBoundingClientRect();
const containerRect = container == null ? void 0 : container.getBoundingClientRect();
const isHorizontal = ["top", "bottom"].includes(props.tabPosition);
const currentOffset = navOffset.value;
let newOffset = currentOffset;
const navSize = getNavSize();
const scrollNextSize = (_b = (_a2 = scrollNextRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _b : 0;
const scrollPrevSize = (_d = (_c = scrollPrevRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _c[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _d : 0;
const maxOffset2 = isHorizontal ? navSize - containerRect.width + scrollNextSize + scrollPrevSize : navSize - containerRect.height + scrollNextSize + scrollPrevSize;
if (isHorizontal) {
if (activeTabRect.left < containerRect.left) {
newOffset = currentOffset - (containerRect.left - activeTabRect.left);
newOffset -= scrollPrevSize;
if (activeTabRect.right > containerRect.right) {
newOffset = currentOffset + activeTabRect.right - containerRect.right;
newOffset += scrollNextSize;
} else {
if ( < {
newOffset = currentOffset - ( -;
if (activeTabRect.bottom > containerRect.bottom) {
newOffset = currentOffset + (activeTabRect.bottom - containerRect.bottom);
newOffset = Math.max(newOffset, 0);
navOffset.value = Math.min(newOffset, maxOffset2);
const update = () => {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e;
if (!navRef.value)
activeEl.value = (_a2 = navRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.querySelector(".layui-this");
tabBarStyle.value = getBarStyle();
if (props.tabPosition !== "top" && props.tabPosition !== "bottom")
const navSize = getNavSize();
const containerSize = navRef.value[`offset${sizeName.value}`];
const currentOffset = navOffset.value;
const scrollNextSize = (_c = (_b = scrollNextRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _b[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _c : 0;
const scrollPrevSize = (_e = (_d = scrollPrevRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _d[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _e : 0;
if (containerSize < navSize) {
const currentOffset2 = navOffset.value;
scrollable.value = true;
if (navSize - currentOffset2 < containerSize) {
navOffset.value = navSize - containerSize + scrollNextSize + scrollPrevSize;
} else {
scrollable.value = false;
if (currentOffset > 0) {
navOffset.value = 0;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const horizontalScroll = (e) => {
var _a2, _b;
const navSize = getNavSize();
const containerSize = navRef.value[`offset${sizeName.value}`];
const currentOffset = navOffset.value;
const scrollNextSize = (_b = (_a2 = scrollNextRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2[`offset${sizeName.value}`]) != null ? _b : 0;
const direction = Math.abs(e.deltaX) >= Math.abs(e.deltaY) ? e.deltaX : e.deltaY;
const distance = 50 * (direction > 0 ? 1 : -1);
const newOffset = Math.max(currentOffset + distance, 0);
if (navSize - currentOffset <= containerSize - scrollNextSize && direction > 0)
navOffset.value = newOffset;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const renderTabIcon = (attrs) => {
const tab = attrs.tabData;
if (typeof tab.icon === "function") {
return tab.icon();
} else if (typeof tab.icon === "string") {
return h(_sfc_main$2E, {
type: tab.icon,
style: "margin-right: 8px;"
const renderTabTitle = (attrs) => {
var _a2, _b;
const tab = attrs.tabData;
if ((_a2 = tab.slots) == null ? void 0 : _a2.title) {
return h(Fragment, ((_b = tab.slots) == null ? void 0 : _b.title) && tab.slots.title());
if (typeof tab.title === "function") {
return tab.title();
} else if (typeof tab.title === "string") {
return createTextVNode(tab.title);
useResizeObserver(navRef, update);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
watch(tabMap, () => {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
childrens.value = [];
setItemInstanceBySlot(slot.default && slot.default());
}, { immediate: true });
watch(() => [
], async () => {
await nextTick();
onMounted(() => {
provide("active", active);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-tab", [
__props.type ? "layui-tab-" + __props.type : "",
props.tabPosition ? `is-${__props.tabPosition}` : ""
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
ref_key: "headRef",
ref: headRef,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-tab-head", props.tabPosition ? `is-${__props.tabPosition}` : ""])
}, [
createElementVNode("ul", {
ref_key: "navRef",
ref: navRef,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
onWheel: horizontalScroll,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: normalizeClass([
props.tabPosition ? `is-${__props.tabPosition}` : ""
style: normalizeStyle(unref(navStyle))
}, [
__props.type === "brief" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
ref_key: "activeBarRef",
ref: activeBarRef,
class: "layui-tab-active-bar",
style: normalizeStyle(tabBarStyle.value)
}, null, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(tabItems), (child, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
class: normalizeClass([ === unref(active) ? "layui-this" : ""]),
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => change3(, ["stop"])
}, [
createElementVNode("span", null, [
child["icon"] ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(RenderFunction), {
key: 0,
renderFunc: renderTabIcon,
tabData: child
}, null, 8, ["tabData"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createVNode(unref(RenderFunction), {
renderFunc: renderTabTitle,
tabData: child
}, null, 8, ["tabData"])
__props.allowClose && child.closable != false ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 0,
class: "layui-icon layui-icon-close layui-unselect layui-tab-close",
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => close2(index2,, ["stop"])
}, null, 8, _hoisted_2$v)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 10, _hoisted_1$z);
}), 128))
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
], 38),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
scrollable.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
ref_key: "scrollPrevRef",
ref: scrollPrevRef,
class: "layui-unselect layui-tab-bar prev",
onClick: scrollPrev
}, [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), { type: "layui-icon-left" })
], 512)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
scrollable.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 1,
ref_key: "scrollNextRef",
ref: scrollNextRef,
class: "layui-unselect layui-tab-bar",
onClick: scrollNext
}, [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), { type: "layui-icon-right" })
], 512)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 2),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$s, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$y = withInstall(_sfc_main$K);
const component$x = withInstall(_sfc_main$L);
const _hoisted_1$y = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_2$u = { class: "layui-tree-main" };
const _hoisted_3$r = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_4$m = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-tree-pack layui-tree-showLine",
style: { "display": "block" }
const __default__$H = {
name: "TreeNode"
const _sfc_main$J = defineComponent({
props: {
tree: null,
nodeList: null,
showCheckbox: { type: Boolean },
showLine: { type: Boolean },
selectedKey: null,
checkStrictly: { type: [Boolean, String] },
collapseTransition: { type: Boolean },
onlyIconControl: { type: Boolean }
emits: ["node-click"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
function renderLineShort(node) {
return !node.hasNextSibling && node.parentNode && (!node.parentNode.hasNextSibling || node.parentNode.hasNextSibling && !node.parentNode.children);
const nodeIconType = (node) => {
if (!props.showLine) {
if (node.children.length > 0) {
return "layui-tree-iconArrow ";
return "";
if (node.children.length !== 0) {
return !node.isLeaf ? "layui-icon-addition" : "layui-icon-subtraction";
return "layui-icon-file";
function recursiveNodeClick(node) {
emit("node-click", node);
function handleChange(checked, node) {
props.tree.setCheckedKeys(checked, props.checkStrictly, node);
function handleIconClick(node) {
node.isLeaf = !node.isLeaf;
function handleTitleClick(node) {
if (!props.onlyIconControl) {
if (!node.isDisabled) {
emit("node-click", node);
function handleRowClick(node) {
if (!props.showLine) {
const isChildAllSelected = computed$1(() => {
function _isChildAllSelected(node) {
if (!props.showCheckbox) {
return false;
let childSelectNum = 0;
let res = false;
for (const item of node.children) {
if (item.isChecked)
if (childSelectNum > 0)
node.isChecked = true;
if (childSelectNum == node.children.length) {
for (const item of node.children) {
res = _isChildAllSelected(item);
if (res)
} else {
res = true;
return res;
return (node) => {
if (props.checkStrictly) {
return false;
} else {
let res = _isChildAllSelected(node);
return res;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_tree_node = resolveComponent("tree-node", true);
return openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.nodeList, (node, nodeIndex) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: nodeIndex,
class: normalizeClass({
"layui-tree-set": true,
"layui-tree-setLineShort": renderLineShort(node),
"layui-tree-setHide": node.isRoot
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-tree-entry",
onClick: ($event) => handleRowClick(node)
}, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$u, [
createElementVNode("span", {
class: normalizeClass([
__props.showLine && node.children.length > 0 ? "layui-tree-icon" : "",
{ "layui-tree-iconClick": true }
}, [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: nodeIconType(node),
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => handleIconClick(node), ["stop"])
}, null, 8, ["type", "onClick"])
], 2),
__props.showCheckbox ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$$, {
key: 0,
value: "",
skin: "primary",
modelValue: node.isChecked,
disabled: node.isDisabled,
isIndeterminate: unref(isChildAllSelected)(node),
onChange: (checked) => handleChange(checked, node)
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "disabled", "isIndeterminate", "onChange"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("span", {
class: normalizeClass({
"layui-tree-txt": true,
"layui-disabled": node.isDisabled,
"layui-this": __props.selectedKey ===
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => handleTitleClick(node), ["stop"])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", { data: node }, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(node.title), 1)
], 10, _hoisted_3$r)
], 8, _hoisted_1$y),
createVNode(_sfc_main$17, { enable: __props.collapseTransition }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
node.isLeaf ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$m, [
createVNode(_component_tree_node, {
tree: __props.tree,
"node-list": node.children,
"show-checkbox": __props.showCheckbox,
"show-line": __props.showLine,
"selected-key": __props.selectedKey,
"collapse-transition": __props.collapseTransition,
checkStrictly: __props.checkStrictly,
"only-icon-control": __props.onlyIconControl,
onNodeClick: recursiveNodeClick
}, createSlots({ _: 2 }, [
_ctx.$slots.title ? {
name: "title",
fn: withCtx((slotProp) => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", {
key: "0"
} : void 0
]), 1032, ["tree", "node-list", "show-checkbox", "show-line", "selected-key", "collapse-transition", "checkStrictly", "only-icon-control"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["enable"])
], 2);
}), 128);
class Tree {
constructor(config, origin) {
this.config = config;
this.treeData = [];
init(origin) {
const tree = this.createTree(origin);
this.treeData = tree;
createTree(origin, parentKey = "") {
let data;
if (!Array.isArray(origin)) {
data = Array.of(Object.assign({}, origin));
} else {
data = origin;
const nodeList = [];
const { children } = this.config.replaceFields;
const len = data.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const node = this.getNode(data[i], parentKey, i < len - 1);
const nodeChildren = Reflect.get(node, children);
const nodeHasChildren = !!Reflect.get(node, children);
if (nodeHasChildren) {
Reflect.set(node, children, this.createTree(nodeChildren,;
return nodeList;
getNode(origin, parentKey, hasNextSibling) {
const {
replaceFields: { children, id, title }
} = this.config;
const nodeKey = Reflect.get(origin, id);
const nodeTitle = Reflect.get(origin, title);
const nodeChildren = Reflect.get(origin, children);
const nodeDisabled = !!Reflect.get(origin, "disabled");
const nodeIsLeaf = !!Reflect.get(origin, "spread");
const parentNode = nodeMap.get(parentKey);
const node = Object.assign({}, origin, {
id: nodeKey,
title: nodeTitle,
children: nodeChildren ? nodeChildren : [],
isRoot: parentKey === "",
isDisabled: false,
isChecked: false,
isLeaf: false,
parentNode: parentNode || null
node.isDisabled = nodeDisabled;
node.isChecked = checkedKeys.includes(nodeKey);
node.isLeaf = parentNode ? parentNode.isLeaf : expandKeys.includes(nodeKey);
node.isLeaf = nodeIsLeaf;
if (!nodeMap.has(nodeKey)) {
nodeMap.set(nodeKey, node);
if (!originMap.has(nodeKey)) {
originMap.set(nodeKey, origin);
return node;
treeForeach(tree, func) {
tree.forEach((data) => {
data.children && this.treeForeach(data.children, func);
setChildrenChecked(checked, nodes) {
var ableCount = 0;
var checkCount = 0;
const len = nodes.length;
this.treeForeach(nodes, (node) => {
if (!node.isDisabled) {
ableCount = ableCount + 1;
if (node.isChecked) {
checkCount = checkCount + 1;
checkCount < ableCount ? checked = true : checked = false;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!nodes[i].isDisabled || nodes[i].isDisabled && nodes[i].children.length > 0) {
nodes[i].isChecked = checked;
nodes[i].children && nodes[i].children.length > 0 && this.setChildrenChecked(checked, nodes[i].children);
setParentChecked(checked, parent) {
if (!parent) {
parent.isChecked = checked;
const pChild = parent.children;
const pChildChecked = pChild.some((c) => c.isChecked);
if (pChildChecked) {
parent.isChecked = true;
if (parent.parentNode) {
this.setParentChecked(checked, parent.parentNode);
setCheckedKeys(checked, checkStrictly, node) {
node.isChecked = checked;
if (!checkStrictly) {
if (node.parentNode) {
this.setParentChecked(checked, node.parentNode);
if (node.children) {
this.setChildrenChecked(checked, node.children);
getData() {
return this.treeData;
getKeys() {
const checkedKeys = [];
const expandKeys = [];
const iterator = this.config.nodeMap[Symbol.iterator]();
let next =;
while (!next.done) {
const [, node] = next.value;
const id = Reflect.get(node,;
if (node.isChecked) {
if (node.isLeaf) {
next =;
return { checkedKeys, expandKeys };
getOriginData(key) {
return this.config.originMap.get(key);
const useTree = (props, emit) => {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
const tree = new Tree({
nodeMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
originMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
replaceFields: {
id: "id",
title: "title",
children: "children"
showCheckbox: (_a2 = props.showCheckbox) != null ? _a2 : false,
checkedKeys: (_b = props.checkedKeys) != null ? _b : [],
expandKeys: (_c = props.expandKeys) != null ? _c : [],
checkStrictly: (_d = props.checkStrictly) != null ? _d : false
const nodeList = computed$1(() => {
const nodes = tree.getData();
return nodes;
return {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var index$m = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-checkbox[size=lg]{height:18px;line-height:18px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:18px;height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:18px;line-height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md]{height:16px;line-height:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:16px;height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:16px;line-height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm]{height:14px;line-height:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:14px;height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:14px;line-height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs]{height:12px;line-height:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:12px;height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:12px;line-height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]{display:none}.layui-form-checkbox{position:relative;height:30px;line-height:30px;margin-right:10px;padding-right:30px;cursor:pointer;font-size:0;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-form-checkbox span{padding:0 10px;height:100%;font-size:14px;border-radius:2px 0 0 2px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6);color:#fff;overflow:hidden}.layui-form-checkbox:hover span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox i{top:0;right:0;width:29px;height:28px;position:absolute;border-top:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-bottom:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-right:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-radius:0 2px 2px 0;color:#fff;font-size:20px;text-align:center}.layui-form-checkbox:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8);color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]{height:auto!important;line-height:normal!important;min-width:18px;min-height:18px;border:none!important;margin-right:0;padding-left:28px;padding-right:0;background:0 0}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] span{padding-left:0;padding-right:15px;line-height:18px;background:0 0;color:#666}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] i{right:auto;left:0;width:16px;height:16px;line-height:16px;border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);font-size:12px;border-radius:2px;background-color:#fff;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked,.layui-form-checked:hover{border-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked i,.layui-form-checked:hover i{color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked span,.layui-form-checked:hover span{background-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);background-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)}.layui-checkbox-disabled,.layui-checkbox-disabled i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled em{color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled:hover i{color:#fff!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-ok,.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-subtraction{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important;border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-tree{line-height:22px}.layui-tree .layui-form-checkb
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$G = {
name: "LayTree"
const _sfc_main$I = defineComponent({
props: {
data: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
edit: { default: false },
checkedKeys: { default: () => {
return [];
} },
checkStrictly: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
collapseTransition: { type: Boolean, default: true },
onlyIconControl: { type: Boolean, default: false },
selectedKey: null,
showLine: { type: Boolean, default: true },
showCheckbox: { type: Boolean, default: false },
replaceFields: { default: () => {
return {
id: "id",
children: "children",
title: "title"
} }
emits: ["update:checkedKeys", "update:expandKeys", "node-click"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const className = computed$1(() => {
return {
"layui-tree": true,
"layui-form": props.showCheckbox,
"layui-tree-line": props.showLine
let tree = ref();
let nodeList = ref();
const unWatch = ref(false);
const initStatus = ref(false);
const loadNodeList = () => {
let { tree: _tree, nodeList: _nodeList } = useTree(props);
tree.value = _tree;
nodeList.value = _nodeList.value;
watch(() =>, () => {
}, { deep: true, immediate: true });
watch(() => props.checkedKeys, () => {
if (!unWatch.value) {
watch(tree, () => {
if (initStatus.value) {
const { checkedKeys } = tree.value.getKeys();
unWatch.value = true;
emit("update:checkedKeys", checkedKeys);
setTimeout(() => {
unWatch.value = false;
}, 0);
}, { deep: true });
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
initStatus.value = true;
function handleClick(node) {
const originNode = tree.value.getOriginData(;
emit("node-click", originNode);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(unref(className))
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$J, {
tree: unref(tree),
"node-list": unref(nodeList),
"show-checkbox": __props.showCheckbox,
"show-line": __props.showLine,
selectedKey: __props.selectedKey,
"check-strictly": __props.checkStrictly,
"collapse-transition": __props.collapseTransition,
"only-icon-control": __props.onlyIconControl,
onNodeClick: handleClick
}, createSlots({ _: 2 }, [
_ctx.$slots.title ? {
name: "title",
fn: withCtx(({ data }) => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", { data })
key: "0"
} : void 0
]), 1032, ["tree", "node-list", "show-checkbox", "show-line", "selectedKey", "check-strictly", "collapse-transition", "only-icon-control"])
], 2);
const component$w = withInstall(_sfc_main$I);
var index$l = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-tree-select{width:220px}.layui-tree-select-content{padding:10px}.layui-tree-select .layui-icon-triangle-d{transition:all .3s;-webkit-transition:all .3s;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-tree-select .layui-icon-triangle-d.triangle{transform:rotate(180deg)}\n")();
function getNode(root, id) {
let resultNode = null;
findNode(root, id);
function findNode(root2, id2) {
if (!!root2) {
let type4 =;
if (type4 === "[object Object]") {
if ( && === id2) {
resultNode = root2;
} else {
let node = root2.children || null;
findNode(node, id2);
} else if (type4 === "[object Array]") {
let needNode = root2.find((i) => !!i === true && === id2);
if (!!needNode) {
resultNode = needNode;
} else {
if (root2.length) {
root2.forEach((item) => {
if (item && item.children) {
let node = item.children;
if (node && node.length) {
findNode(node, id2);
return resultNode;
const _hoisted_1$x = { class: "layui-tree-select-content" };
const __default__$F = {
name: "LayTreeSelect"
const _sfc_main$H = defineComponent({
props: {
data: null,
modelValue: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
placeholder: { default: "\u8BF7\u9009\u62E9" },
multiple: { type: Boolean, default: false },
allowClear: { type: Boolean, default: false },
collapseTagsTooltip: { type: Boolean, default: true },
minCollapsedNum: { default: 3 },
size: { default: "md" },
checkStrictly: { type: Boolean, default: true }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change", "search"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const singleValue = ref();
const multipleValue = ref(["1"]);
const openState = ref(false);
const dropdownRef = ref();
const selectedValue = computed$1({
get() {
return props.modelValue;
set(value) {
emits("update:modelValue", value);
emits("change", value);
const checkedKeys = computed$1({
get() {
return props.multiple ? props.modelValue : [];
set(value) {
if (props.multiple) {
emits("update:modelValue", value);
emits("change", value);
watch(selectedValue, () => {
if (props.multiple) {
multipleValue.value = => {
const node = getNode(, value);
node.label = node.title;
node.closable = !node.disabled;
return node;
} else {
const node = getNode(, selectedValue.value);
if (node) {
singleValue.value = node.title;
}, { immediate: true, deep: true });
const handleClick = (node) => {
selectedValue.value =;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_lay_icon = resolveComponent("lay-icon");
const _component_lay_tag_input = resolveComponent("lay-tag-input");
const _component_lay_input = resolveComponent("lay-input");
const _component_lay_tree = resolveComponent("lay-tree");
const _component_lay_dropdown = resolveComponent("lay-dropdown");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-tree-select", { "layui-disabled": __props.disabled }])
}, [
createVNode(_component_lay_dropdown, {
ref_key: "dropdownRef",
ref: dropdownRef,
disabled: __props.disabled,
"update-at-scroll": true,
onShow: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => openState.value = true),
onHide: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => openState.value = false)
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$x, [
createVNode(_component_lay_tree, {
onlyIconControl: true,
"show-checkbox": __props.multiple,
"check-strictly": __props.checkStrictly,
selectedKey: unref(selectedValue),
"onUpdate:selectedKey": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => isRef(selectedValue) ? selectedValue.value = $event : null),
checkedKeys: unref(checkedKeys),
"onUpdate:checkedKeys": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => isRef(checkedKeys) ? checkedKeys.value = $event : null),
onNodeClick: handleClick
}, null, 8, ["data", "show-checkbox", "check-strictly", "selectedKey", "checkedKeys"])
default: withCtx(() => [
__props.multiple ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_lay_tag_input, {
key: 0,
size: __props.size,
"allow-clear": __props.allowClear,
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
collapseTagsTooltip: __props.collapseTagsTooltip,
minCollapsedNum: __props.minCollapsedNum,
disabledInput: true,
modelValue: multipleValue.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => multipleValue.value = $event)
}, {
suffix: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_component_lay_icon, {
type: "layui-icon-triangle-d",
class: normalizeClass({ triangle: openState.value })
}, null, 8, ["class"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["size", "allow-clear", "placeholder", "collapseTagsTooltip", "minCollapsedNum", "modelValue"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_lay_input, {
key: 1,
modelValue: singleValue.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => singleValue.value = $event),
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
disabled: __props.disabled,
readonly: true,
size: __props.size
}, {
suffix: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_component_lay_icon, {
type: "layui-icon-triangle-d",
class: normalizeClass({ triangle: openState.value })
}, null, 8, ["class"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder", "disabled", "size"]))
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"])
], 2);
const component$v = withInstall(_sfc_main$H);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var index$k = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-checkbox[size=lg]{height:18px;line-height:18px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:18px;height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:18px;line-height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md]{height:16px;line-height:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:16px;height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:16px;line-height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm]{height:14px;line-height:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:14px;height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:14px;line-height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs]{height:12px;line-height:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:12px;height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:12px;line-height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]{display:none}.layui-form-checkbox{position:relative;height:30px;line-height:30px;margin-right:10px;padding-right:30px;cursor:pointer;font-size:0;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-form-checkbox span{padding:0 10px;height:100%;font-size:14px;border-radius:2px 0 0 2px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6);color:#fff;overflow:hidden}.layui-form-checkbox:hover span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox i{top:0;right:0;width:29px;height:28px;position:absolute;border-top:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-bottom:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-right:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);border-radius:0 2px 2px 0;color:#fff;font-size:20px;text-align:center}.layui-form-checkbox:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8);color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]{height:auto!important;line-height:normal!important;min-width:18px;min-height:18px;border:none!important;margin-right:0;padding-left:28px;padding-right:0;background:0 0}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] span{padding-left:0;padding-right:15px;line-height:18px;background:0 0;color:#666}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] i{right:auto;left:0;width:16px;height:16px;line-height:16px;border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-6);font-size:12px;border-radius:2px;background-color:#fff;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear}.layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked,.layui-form-checked:hover{border-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked i,.layui-form-checked:hover i{color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked span,.layui-form-checked:hover span{background-color:var(--global-checked-color)}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] i{border-color:var(--global-checked-color);background-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-form-checked[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary] span{background:0 0!important;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled[lay-skin=primary]:hover i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)}.layui-checkbox-disabled,.layui-checkbox-disabled i{border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled span{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled em{color:var(--global-neutral-color-6)!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled:hover i{color:#fff!important}.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-ok,.layui-checkbox-disabled .layui-icon-subtraction{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important;border-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3)!important}.layui-radio[size=lg] .layui-form-radio>i{font-size:24px}.l
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_1$w = ["colspan", "rowspan"];
const _hoisted_2$t = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon-spaced"
const _hoisted_3$q = ["colspan", "rowspan"];
const _hoisted_4$l = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon-spaced"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$h = ["colspan", "rowspan"];
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$e = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon-spaced"
const _hoisted_7$d = ["colspan", "rowspan"];
const _hoisted_8$a = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon-spaced"
const _hoisted_9$8 = ["colspan", "rowspan"];
const _hoisted_10$8 = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon-spaced"
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
const _hoisted_11$8 = { key: 4 };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_12$6 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand"
const _hoisted_13$6 = ["colspan"];
const __default__$E = {
name: "TableRow"
const _sfc_main$G = defineComponent({
props: {
index: null,
indentSize: null,
currentIndentSize: null,
expandSpace: { type: Boolean },
expandIndex: null,
selectedKeys: null,
selectedKey: null,
tableColumnKeys: null,
childrenColumnName: { default: "children" },
columns: null,
checkbox: { type: Boolean, default: false },
cellClassName: { type: [String, Function], default: "" },
cellStyle: { type: [String, Function], default: "" },
rowClassName: null,
rowStyle: null,
id: null,
data: null,
spanMethod: null,
defaultExpandAll: { type: Boolean },
expandKeys: null,
getCheckboxProps: null,
getRadioProps: null
emits: [
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const slot = useSlots();
const tableExpandAll = ref(props.defaultExpandAll);
const tableExpandKeys = computed$1({
get() {
return [...props.expandKeys];
set(val) {
emit("update:expandKeys", val);
const tableSelectedKeys = computed$1({
get() {
return [...props.selectedKeys];
set(val) {
emit("update:selectedKeys", val);
const tableSelectedKey = computed$1({
get() {
return props.selectedKey;
set(val) {
emit("update:selectedKey", val);
const isExpand = computed$1({
get() {
return tableExpandAll.value ? true : tableExpandKeys.value.includes([]);
set(val) {
let newTableExpandKeys = [...tableExpandKeys.value];
if (!val) {
newTableExpandKeys.splice(newTableExpandKeys.indexOf([]), 1);
} else {
tableExpandAll.value = false;
tableExpandKeys.value = newTableExpandKeys;
const slotsData = ref([]); => {
if (value.customSlot) {
const rowClick = function(data, evt) {
emit("row", data, evt);
const rowDoubleClick = function(data, evt) {
emit("row-double", data, evt);
const rowContextmenu = function(data, evt) {
emit("row-contextmenu", data, evt);
const expandIconType = computed$1(() => {
return isExpand.value ? "layui-icon-subtraction" : "layui-icon-addition";
const handleExpand = () => {
isExpand.value = !isExpand.value;
const renderCellStyle = (row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex) => {
if (typeof props.cellStyle === "string") {
return props.cellStyle;
return props.cellStyle(row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex);
const renderCellClassName = (row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex) => {
if (typeof props.cellClassName === "string") {
return props.cellClassName;
return props.cellClassName(row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex);
const renderRowStyle = (data, index2) => {
if (typeof props.rowStyle === "string") {
return props.rowStyle;
return props.rowStyle(data, index2);
const renderRowClassName = (data, index2) => {
if (typeof props.rowClassName === "string") {
return props.rowClassName;
return props.rowClassName(data, index2);
const childrenIndentSize = computed$1(() => props.currentIndentSize + props.indentSize);
const renderFixedStyle = (column, columnIndex) => {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
if (column.fixed) {
if (column.fixed == "left") {
var left = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "left" && props.tableColumnKeys.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
left = left + Number((_b = (_a2 = props.columns[i]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.width) == null ? void 0 : _b.replace("px", ""));
return { left: `${left}px` };
} else {
var right = 0;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < props.columns.length; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "right" && props.tableColumnKeys.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
right = right + Number((_d = (_c = props.columns[i]) == null ? void 0 : _c.width) == null ? void 0 : _d.replace("px", ""));
return { right: `${right}px` };
} else {
var isLast = true;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < props.columns.length; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed == void 0 && props.tableColumnKeys.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
isLast = false;
return isLast ? { "border-right": "none" } : {};
const renderFixedClassName = (column, columnIndex) => {
if (column.fixed) {
if (column.fixed == "left") {
var left = true;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < props.columns.length; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "left" && props.tableColumnKeys.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
left = false;
return left ? `layui-table-fixed-left-last` : "";
} else {
var right = true;
for (var i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "right" && props.tableColumnKeys.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
right = false;
return right ? `layui-table-fixed-right-first` : "";
const spanMethodAttr = (row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex) => {
const attrs = props.spanMethod(row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex);
if (attrs instanceof Array) {
return { rowspan: attrs[0], colspan: attrs[1] };
} else if (attrs instanceof Object) {
return attrs;
} else {
return { rowspan: 1, colspan: 1 };
const isAutoShow = (row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex) => {
const attrs = spanMethodAttr(row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex);
if (attrs.colspan == 0 && attrs.rowspan == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
const checkboxProps = props.getCheckboxProps(, props.index);
const radioProps = props.getRadioProps(, props.index);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_table_row = resolveComponent("table-row", true);
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [
createElementVNode("tr", {
style: normalizeStyle([renderRowStyle(, __props.index)]),
class: normalizeClass([renderRowClassName(, __props.index)]),
onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = withModifiers(($event) => rowClick(, $event), ["stop"])),
onDblclick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = withModifiers(($event) => rowDoubleClick(, $event), ["stop"])),
onContextmenu: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = withModifiers(($event) => rowContextmenu(, $event), ["stop"]))
}, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.columns, (column, columnIndex) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: columnIndex }, [
__props.tableColumnKeys.includes(column.key) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
column.type ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
column.type == "radio" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
isAutoShow(, column, __props.index, columnIndex) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-table-cell layui-table-cell-radio", [
renderFixedClassName(column, columnIndex),
renderCellClassName(, column, __props.index, columnIndex),
column.fixed ? `layui-table-fixed-${column.fixed}` : ""
colspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).colspan,
rowspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).rowspan,
style: normalizeStyle([
textAlign: column.align,
whiteSpace: column.ellipsisTooltip ? "nowrap" : "normal"
renderFixedStyle(column, columnIndex),
renderCellStyle(, column, __props.index, columnIndex)
}, [
__props.expandSpace && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
style: normalizeStyle({ "margin-right": __props.currentIndentSize + "px" })
}, null, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.expandSpace && ![__props.childrenColumnName] && !unref(slot).expand && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$t)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
(unref(slot).expand ||[__props.childrenColumnName]) && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 2,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon",
type: unref(expandIconType),
onClick: handleExpand
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createVNode(_sfc_main$1E, mergeProps({
modelValue: unref(tableSelectedKey),
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isRef(tableSelectedKey) ? tableSelectedKey.value = $event : null)
}, unref(radioProps), {
}), null, 16, ["modelValue", "value"])
], 14, _hoisted_1$w)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
column.type == "checkbox" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
isAutoShow(, column, __props.index, columnIndex) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-table-cell layui-table-cell-checkbox", [
renderFixedClassName(column, columnIndex),
renderCellClassName(, column, __props.index, columnIndex),
column.fixed ? `layui-table-fixed-${column.fixed}` : ""
colspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).colspan,
rowspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).rowspan,
style: normalizeStyle([
textAlign: column.align,
whiteSpace: column.ellipsisTooltip ? "nowrap" : "normal"
renderFixedStyle(column, columnIndex),
renderCellStyle(, column, __props.index, columnIndex)
}, [
__props.expandSpace && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
style: normalizeStyle({ "margin-right": __props.currentIndentSize + "px" })
}, null, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.expandSpace && ![__props.childrenColumnName] && !unref(slot).expand && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_4$l)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
(unref(slot).expand ||[__props.childrenColumnName]) && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 2,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon",
type: unref(expandIconType),
onClick: handleExpand
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createVNode(_sfc_main$$, mergeProps({
modelValue: unref(tableSelectedKeys),
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => isRef(tableSelectedKeys) ? tableSelectedKeys.value = $event : null)
}, unref(checkboxProps), {
skin: "primary"
}), null, 16, ["modelValue", "value"])
], 14, _hoisted_3$q)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
column.type == "number" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 2 }, [
isAutoShow(, column, __props.index, columnIndex) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-table-cell layui-table-cell-number", [
renderFixedClassName(column, columnIndex),
renderCellClassName(, column, __props.index, columnIndex),
column.fixed ? `layui-table-fixed-${column.fixed}` : ""
colspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).colspan,
rowspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).rowspan,
style: normalizeStyle([
textAlign: column.align,
whiteSpace: column.ellipsisTooltip ? "nowrap" : "normal"
renderFixedStyle(column, columnIndex),
renderCellStyle(, column, __props.index, columnIndex)
}, [
__props.expandSpace && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
style: normalizeStyle({ "margin-right": __props.currentIndentSize + "px" })
}, null, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.expandSpace && ![__props.childrenColumnName] && !unref(slot).expand && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_6$e)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
(unref(slot).expand ||[__props.childrenColumnName]) && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 2,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon",
type: unref(expandIconType),
onClick: handleExpand
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString$1(__props.index + 1), 1)
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
], 14, _hoisted_5$h)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
column.customSlot ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
isAutoShow(, column, __props.index, columnIndex) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-table-cell", [
renderFixedClassName(column, columnIndex),
renderCellClassName(, column, __props.index, columnIndex),
column.fixed ? `layui-table-fixed-${column.fixed}` : ""
colspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).colspan,
rowspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).rowspan,
style: normalizeStyle([
textAlign: column.align,
whiteSpace: column.ellipsisTooltip ? "nowrap" : "normal"
renderFixedStyle(column, columnIndex),
renderCellStyle(, column, __props.index, columnIndex)
}, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle([{ "display": "flex" }, [
{ textAlign: column.align, justifyContent: column.align }
}, [
__props.expandSpace && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
style: normalizeStyle({ "margin-right": __props.currentIndentSize + "px" })
}, null, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.expandSpace && ![__props.childrenColumnName] && !unref(slot).expand && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_8$a)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
(unref(slot).expand ||[__props.childrenColumnName]) && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 2,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon",
type: unref(expandIconType),
onClick: handleExpand
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
column.ellipsisTooltip ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$11, {
key: 3,
isAutoShow: true
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, column.customSlot, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, column.customSlot, {
_: 2
}, 1024)) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, column.customSlot, {
key: 4,
], 4)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
], 14, _hoisted_7$d)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
isAutoShow(, column, __props.index, columnIndex) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-table-cell", [
renderFixedClassName(column, columnIndex),
renderCellClassName(, column, __props.index, columnIndex),
column.fixed ? `layui-table-fixed-${column.fixed}` : ""
colspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).colspan,
rowspan: spanMethodAttr(, column, __props.index, columnIndex).rowspan,
style: normalizeStyle([
textAlign: column.align,
whiteSpace: column.ellipsisTooltip ? "nowrap" : "normal"
renderFixedStyle(column, columnIndex),
renderCellStyle(, column, __props.index, columnIndex)
}, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle([{ "display": "flex" }, [
{ textAlign: column.align, justifyContent: column.align }
}, [
__props.expandSpace && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
style: normalizeStyle({ "margin-right": __props.currentIndentSize + "px" })
}, null, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.expandSpace && ![__props.childrenColumnName] && !unref(slot).expand && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_10$8)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
(unref(slot).expand ||[__props.childrenColumnName]) && columnIndex === __props.expandIndex ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 2,
class: "layui-table-cell-expand-icon",
type: unref(expandIconType),
onClick: handleExpand
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
column.ellipsisTooltip ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$11, {
key: 3,
isAutoShow: true
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1([column.key]), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["content"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_11$8, toDisplayString$1([column.key]), 1))
], 4)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
], 14, _hoisted_9$8)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64))
], 64))
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 128))
], 38),
unref(slot).expand && unref(isExpand) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("tr", _hoisted_12$6, [
createElementVNode("td", {
class: "layui-table-cell",
colspan: __props.columns.length
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "expand", { data: })
], 8, _hoisted_13$6)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),[__props.childrenColumnName] && unref(isExpand) ? (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, renderList([__props.childrenColumnName], (children, childrenIndex) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_table_row, {
key: childrenIndex,
data: children,
index: childrenIndex,
columns: __props.columns,
"indent-size": __props.indentSize,
"current-indent-size": unref(childrenIndentSize),
checkbox: __props.checkbox,
tableColumnKeys: __props.tableColumnKeys,
expandSpace: __props.expandSpace,
expandIndex: __props.expandIndex,
cellStyle: __props.cellStyle,
cellClassName: __props.cellClassName,
rowStyle: __props.rowStyle,
rowClassName: __props.rowClassName,
spanMethod: __props.spanMethod,
defaultExpandAll: __props.defaultExpandAll,
getCheckboxProps: __props.getCheckboxProps,
getRadioProps: __props.getRadioProps,
onRow: rowClick,
onRowDouble: rowDoubleClick,
onRowContextmenu: rowContextmenu,
expandKeys: unref(tableExpandKeys),
"onUpdate:expandKeys": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => isRef(tableExpandKeys) ? tableExpandKeys.value = $event : null),
selectedKeys: unref(tableSelectedKeys),
"onUpdate:selectedKeys": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => isRef(tableSelectedKeys) ? tableSelectedKeys.value = $event : null),
selectedKey: unref(tableSelectedKey),
"onUpdate:selectedKey": _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => isRef(tableSelectedKey) ? tableSelectedKey.value = $event : null)
}, createSlots({ _: 2 }, [
renderList(slotsData.value, (name) => {
return {
fn: withCtx((slotProp) => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, name, {
column: slotProp.column
unref(slot).expand ? {
name: "expand",
fn: withCtx((slotProp) => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "expand", {
column: slotProp.column
key: "0"
} : void 0
]), 1032, ["id", "data", "index", "columns", "indent-size", "current-indent-size", "checkbox", "tableColumnKeys", "expandSpace", "expandIndex", "cellStyle", "cellClassName", "rowStyle", "rowClassName", "spanMethod", "defaultExpandAll", "getCheckboxProps", "getRadioProps", "expandKeys", "selectedKeys", "selectedKey"]);
}), 128)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
var index$j = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-laypage{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin:10px 0;font-size:0}.layui-laypage>a:first-child,.layui-laypage>a:first-child em{border-radius:2px 0 0 2px}.layui-laypage>a:last-child,.layui-laypage>a:last-child em{border-radius:0 2px 2px 0}.layui-laypage>:first-child{margin-left:0!important}.layui-laypage>:last-child{margin-right:0!important}.layui-laypage a,.layui-laypage button,.layui-laypage input,.layui-laypage select,.layui-laypage span{border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-laypage a,.layui-laypage span{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;padding:0 15px;height:28px;line-height:28px;margin:0 -1px 5px 0;background-color:#fff;color:#333;font-size:12px}.layui-laypage a:hover{color:var(--global-primary-color)}.layui-laypage-a-red:hover{color:#ff5722!important}.layui-laypage-a-orange:hover{color:#ffb800!important}.layui-laypage-a-green:hover{color:#009688!important}.layui-laypage-a-cyan:hover{color:#2f4056!important}.layui-laypage-a-blue:hover{color:#01aaed!important}.layui-laypage-a-black:hover{color:#000!important}.layui-laypage-a-gray:hover{color:#c2c2c2!important}.layui-laypage em{font-style:normal}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-spr{color:#999;font-weight:700}.layui-laypage a{text-decoration:none}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-curr{position:relative}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-curr em{position:relative;color:#fff}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-curr .layui-laypage-em{position:absolute;left:-1px;top:-1px;padding:1px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:var(--global-primary-color)}.layui-laypage-em{border-radius:2px}.layui-laypage-next em,.layui-laypage-prev em{font-family:Sim sun;font-size:16px}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-count,.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-limits,.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-refresh,.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-skip{margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;padding:0;border:none}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-limits,.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-refresh{vertical-align:top}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-refresh i{font-size:18px;cursor:pointer}.layui-laypage select{height:22px;padding:3px;margin-top:4px;border-radius:2px;cursor:pointer}.layui-laypage .layui-laypage-skip{height:30px;line-height:30px;color:#999}.layui-laypage button,.layui-laypage input{height:30px;line-height:30px;border-radius:2px;vertical-align:top;background-color:#fff;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-laypage input{display:inline-block;width:40px;margin:0 10px;padding:0 3px;text-align:center}.layui-laypage input::-webkit-outer-spin-button,.layui-laypage input::-webkit-inner-spin-button{-webkit-appearance:none}.layui-laypage input:focus,.layui-laypage select:focus{border-color:var(--global-primary-color)!important}.layui-laypage button{margin-left:10px;padding:0 10px;cursor:pointer}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$v = { class: "layui-laypage layui-laypage-default" };
const _hoisted_2$s = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-laypage-count"
const _hoisted_3$p = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-laypage-curr"
const _hoisted_4$k = ["onClick"];
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$g = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 2,
class: "layui-laypage-limits"
const _hoisted_6$d = ["value"];
const _hoisted_7$c = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-refresh" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_8$9 = [
const _hoisted_9$7 = {
key: 4,
class: "layui-laypage-skip"
const _hoisted_10$7 = ["disabled"];
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
const _hoisted_11$7 = { key: 5 };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$D = {
name: "LayPage"
const _sfc_main$F = defineComponent({
props: {
total: null,
limit: { default: 10 },
theme: { default: "green" },
showPage: { type: Boolean, default: false },
showSkip: { type: Boolean, default: false },
showCount: { type: Boolean, default: false },
showLimit: { type: Boolean, default: true },
showInput: { type: Boolean, default: false },
showRefresh: { type: Boolean, default: false },
pages: { default: 10 },
limits: { default: () => [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] },
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
modelValue: { default: 1 },
count: null
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emits: ["update:modelValue", "update:limit", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const { t } = useI18n();
const slots = useSlots();
const maxPage = ref(0);
const limits = ref(props.limits);
const pages = computed$1(() => Math.floor(props.pages / 2));
const currentPage = ref(props.modelValue);
const currentPageShow = ref(currentPage.value);
const inlimit = ref(props.limit);
watch(() => props.limit, () => {
inlimit.value = props.limit;
const totalPage = computed$1(() => {
maxPage.value = Math.ceil( / inlimit.value);
let r = [];
let start = maxPage.value <= props.pages ? 1 : currentPage.value > pages.value ? maxPage.value - currentPage.value + 1 < pages.value ? currentPage.value - (pages.value + (pages.value - (maxPage.value - currentPage.value + 1))) : currentPage.value - pages.value : 1;
for (let i = start; ; i++) {
if (r.length >= props.pages || i > maxPage.value) {
return r;
const prev = () => {
if (currentPage.value === 1) {
emit("change", { current: currentPage.value, limit: inlimit.value });
const next = () => {
if (currentPage.value === maxPage.value || maxPage.value === 0) {
emit("change", { current: currentPage.value, limit: inlimit.value });
const jump = (page) => {
currentPage.value = page;
emit("change", { current: currentPage.value, limit: inlimit.value });
const jumpPage = () => {
currentPage.value = currentPageShow.value;
emit("change", { current: currentPage.value, limit: inlimit.value });
const changelimit = () => {
const maxPage2 = Math.ceil( / inlimit.value);
if (currentPage.value > maxPage2) {
currentPage.value = maxPage2;
emit("change", { current: currentPage.value, limit: inlimit.value });
const refresh = () => {
emit("change", { current: currentPage.value, limit: inlimit.value });
watch(inlimit, () => {
emit("update:limit", inlimit.value);
watch(currentPage, () => {
const min = totalPage.value[0];
const max = totalPage.value[totalPage.value.length - 1];
if (currentPage.value > max)
currentPage.value = max;
if (currentPage.value < min)
currentPage.value = min;
currentPageShow.value = currentPage.value;
emit("update:modelValue", currentPage.value);
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
currentPage.value = props.modelValue;
currentPageShow.value = currentPage.value;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$v, [
__props.showCount ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$s, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("")) + " " + toDisplayString$1( + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("page.item")) + " " + toDisplayString$1(maxPage.value) + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("")), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("a", {
href: "javascript:;",
class: normalizeClass(["layui-laypage-prev", [
currentPage.value === 1 ? "layui-disabled" : "",
__props.theme && currentPage.value !== 1 ? "layui-laypage-a-" + __props.theme : ""
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => prev())
}, [
unref(slots).prev ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prev", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("page.previous")), 1)
], 64))
], 2),
__props.showPage ? (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, renderList(unref(totalPage), (index2) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: index2 }, [
index2 === currentPage.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$p, [
createElementVNode("em", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-laypage-em", [__props.theme ? "layui-bg-" + __props.theme : ""]])
}, null, 2),
createElementVNode("em", null, toDisplayString$1(index2), 1)
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
key: 1,
href: "javascript:;",
onClick: ($event) => jump(index2),
class: normalizeClass([__props.theme ? "layui-laypage-a-" + __props.theme : ""])
}, toDisplayString$1(index2), 11, _hoisted_4$k))
], 64);
}), 128)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("a", {
href: "javascript:;",
class: normalizeClass(["layui-laypage-next", [
currentPage.value === maxPage.value || maxPage.value === 0 ? "layui-disabled" : "",
__props.theme && currentPage.value !== maxPage.value && maxPage.value !== 0 ? "layui-laypage-a-" + __props.theme : ""
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => next())
}, [
unref(slots).next ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "next", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("")), 1)
], 64))
], 2),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.showLimit ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_5$g, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
withDirectives(createElementVNode("select", {
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => inlimit.value = $event),
onChange: changelimit
}, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(limits.value, (val) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("option", {
key: val,
value: val
}, toDisplayString$1(val) + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("page.item")) + "/" + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("")), 9, _hoisted_6$d);
}), 128))
], 544), [
[vModelSelect, inlimit.value]
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.showRefresh ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
key: 3,
href: "javascript:;",
onClick: refresh,
class: "layui-laypage-refresh"
}, _hoisted_8$9)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
props.showSkip ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_9$7, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("page.goTo")) + " ", 1),
withDirectives(createElementVNode("input", {
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => currentPageShow.value = $event),
onKeypress: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = withKeys(($event) => jumpPage(), ["enter"])),
type: "number",
class: "layui-input layui-input-number"
}, null, 544), [
[vModelText, currentPageShow.value]
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("")) + " ", 1),
createElementVNode("button", {
type: "button",
class: "layui-laypage-btn",
onClick: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => jumpPage()),
disabled: currentPageShow.value > maxPage.value || currentPageShow.value == currentPage.value
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("page.confirm")), 9, _hoisted_10$7)
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.count ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_11$7, "\u5171" + toDisplayString$1(__props.count) + "\u6761", 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$C = {
name: "TablePage"
const _sfc_main$E = defineComponent({
props: {
showPage: { type: Boolean, default: true },
showSkip: { type: Boolean, default: true },
showLimit: { type: Boolean, default: true },
showCount: { type: Boolean },
showRefresh: { type: Boolean },
current: null,
limits: null,
pages: null,
total: null,
limit: null,
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
theme: null,
count: null
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emits: ["update:current", "update:limit", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const current = computed$1({
get() {
return props.current;
set(val) {
emit("update:current", val);
const limit = computed$1({
get() {
return props.limit;
set(val) {
emit("update:limit", val);
const change3 = (pageData) => {
emit("change", pageData);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$F, {
"show-page": __props.showPage,
"show-skip": __props.showSkip,
"show-limit": __props.showLimit,
"show-count": __props.showCount,
"show-refresh": __props.showRefresh,
limits: __props.limits,
theme: __props.theme,
pages: __props.pages,
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
count: __props.count,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
modelValue: unref(current),
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isRef(current) ? current.value = $event : null),
limit: unref(limit),
"onUpdate:limit": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => isRef(limit) ? limit.value = $event : null),
onChange: change3
}, {
prev: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), { type: "layui-icon-left" })
next: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), { type: "layui-icon-right" })
_: 1
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
}, 8, ["total", "show-page", "show-skip", "show-limit", "show-count", "show-refresh", "limits", "theme", "pages", "count", "modelValue", "limit"]);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_1$u = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("table", {
class: "layui-hide",
"lay-filter": "test"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_2$r = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-table-tool"
const _hoisted_3$o = { class: "layui-table-tool-temp" };
const _hoisted_4$j = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-table-tool-self"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$f = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: "layui-inline",
title: "\u7B5B\u9009",
"lay-event": ""
}, [
/* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-slider" })
], -1);
const _hoisted_6$c = { class: "layui-table-tool-checkbox" };
const _hoisted_7$b = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-export" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_8$8 = [
const _hoisted_9$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-print" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_10$6 = [
const _hoisted_11$6 = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-table-box-header"
const _hoisted_12$5 = { class: "layui-table-box" };
const _hoisted_13$5 = ["lay-size", "lay-skin"];
const _hoisted_14$3 = ["width"];
const _hoisted_15$2 = ["colspan", "rowspan"];
const _hoisted_16$2 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-table-sort layui-inline",
"lay-sort": ""
const _hoisted_17$2 = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_18$1 = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_19$1 = ["lay-size", "lay-skin"];
const _hoisted_20$1 = ["width"];
const _hoisted_21$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-table-total"
const _hoisted_22 = ["innerHTML"];
const _hoisted_23 = {
key: 2,
class: "layui-table-loading"
const _hoisted_24 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon-loading layui-icon layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_25 = [
const _hoisted_26 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-table-footer"
const _hoisted_27 = {
key: 2,
class: "layui-table-page"
const __default__$B = {
name: "LayTable"
const _sfc_main$D = defineComponent({
props: {
id: { default: "id" },
skin: null,
size: { default: "md" },
page: null,
columns: null,
dataSource: { default: () => [] },
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
defaultToolbar: { type: [Boolean, Array], default: false },
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
selectedKey: { default: "" },
selectedKeys: { default: () => [] },
indentSize: { default: 30 },
childrenColumnName: { default: "children" },
height: null,
maxHeight: { default: "auto" },
even: { type: Boolean, default: false },
expandIndex: { default: 0 },
rowClassName: { type: [String, Function], default: "" },
cellClassName: { type: [String, Function], default: "" },
rowStyle: { type: [String, Function], default: "" },
cellStyle: { type: [String, Function], default: "" },
spanMethod: { type: Function, default: () => {
} },
defaultExpandAll: { type: Boolean, default: false },
expandKeys: { default: () => [] },
loading: { type: Boolean, default: false },
getCheckboxProps: { type: Function, default: () => {
} },
getRadioProps: { type: Function, default: () => {
} }
emits: [
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const slot = useSlots();
slot.default && slot.default();
const tableRef = ref();
const s = "";
const allChecked = ref(false);
const hasChecked = ref(false);
const tableDataSource = ref([...props.dataSource]);
const tableColumns = computed$1(() => {
return [...props.columns];
const tableHeadColumns = ref([]);
const tableBodyColumns = ref([]);
const getLevel = (arr) => {
let maxLevel = 0;
(function callBack(arr2, level) {
maxLevel = Math.max(level, maxLevel);
for (let i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
let item = arr2[i];
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
callBack(item.children, level);
} else {
delete item.children;
})(arr, 0);
return maxLevel;
function getLeafCountTree(json) {
if (!json.children || json.children.length == 0) {
json.colspan = 1;
return 1;
} else {
var leafCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < json.children.length; i++) {
leafCount = leafCount + getLeafCountTree(json.children[i]);
json.colspan = leafCount;
return leafCount;
const findFindNode = (columns) => {
columns.forEach((column) => {
if (column.children) {
} else {
const tableColumnKeys = ref([]);
const findFindNodes = (columns) => {
columns.forEach((column) => {
if (column.children) {
} else {
if (!column.hide) {
const findFinalNode = (level, columns) => {
columns.forEach((column) => {
if (column.children) {
const colSpan = getLeafCountTree(column);
column.colspan = colSpan;
if (!tableHeadColumns.value[level]) {
tableHeadColumns.value[level] = [];
if (column.fixed && !column.width) {
column.type ? column.width = "50px" : column.width = "100px";
findFinalNode(level + 1, column.children);
} else {
const rowSpan = getLevel(columns);
column.rowspan = rowSpan;
if (!tableHeadColumns.value[level]) {
tableHeadColumns.value[level] = [];
if (column.fixed && !column.width) {
column.type ? column.width = "50px" : column.width = "100px";
findFinalNode(0, tableColumns.value);
const tableSelectedKeys = ref([...props.selectedKeys]);
const tableExpandKeys = ref([...props.expandKeys]);
watch(() => props.selectedKeys, () => {
tableSelectedKeys.value = props.selectedKeys;
}, { deep: true });
watch(() => props.expandKeys, () => {
tableExpandKeys.value = props.expandKeys;
}, { deep: true });
const tableSelectedKey = computed$1({
get() {
return props.selectedKey;
set(val) {
emit("update:selectedKey", val);
watch(() => props.dataSource, () => {
tableDataSource.value = [...props.dataSource];
tableSelectedKeys.value = [];
tableSelectedKey.value = s;
}, { deep: true });
const changeAll = (isChecked) => {
if (isChecked) {
const datasources = props.dataSource.filter((item, index2) => {
var _a2;
return !((_a2 = props.getCheckboxProps(item, index2)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.disabled);
const ids = => {
return item[];
tableSelectedKeys.value = [...ids];
} else {
tableSelectedKeys.value = [];
watch(tableSelectedKeys, () => {
if (tableSelectedKeys.value.length === props.dataSource.length) {
allChecked.value = true;
} else {
allChecked.value = false;
if (tableSelectedKeys.value.length > 0) {
hasChecked.value = true;
} else {
hasChecked.value = false;
emit("update:selectedKeys", tableSelectedKeys.value);
}, { deep: true, immediate: true });
watch(tableExpandKeys, () => {
emit("update:expandKeys", tableExpandKeys.value);
}, { deep: true, immediate: true });
const change3 = function(page) {
emit("change", page);
const rowClick = function(data, evt) {
emit("row", data, evt);
const rowDoubleClick = function(data, evt) {
emit("row-double", data, evt);
const rowContextmenu = (data, evt) => {
emit("row-contextmenu", data, evt);
const print = () => {
let subOutputRankPrint = tableRef.value;
let newContent = subOutputRankPrint.innerHTML;
let oldContent = document.body.innerHTML;
document.body.innerHTML = newContent;
document.body.innerHTML = oldContent;
const exportData = () => {
var tableStr = ``;
for (let tableHeadColumn of tableHeadColumns.value) {
tableStr += "<tr>";
for (let column of tableHeadColumn) {
tableStr += `<td colspan=${column.colspan} rowspan=${column.rowspan}>${column.title}</td>`;
tableStr += "</tr>";
tableDataSource.value.forEach((item, rowIndex) => {
tableStr += "<tr>";
tableBodyColumns.value.forEach((tableColumn, columnIndex) => {
Object.keys(item).forEach((name) => {
if (tableColumn.key === name) {
const rowColSpan = props.spanMethod(item, tableColumn, rowIndex, columnIndex);
const rowspan = rowColSpan ? rowColSpan[0] : 1;
const colspan = rowColSpan ? rowColSpan[1] : 1;
if (rowspan != 0 && colspan != 0) {
tableStr += `<td colspan=${colspan} rowspan=${rowspan}>${item[name]}</td>`;
tableStr += "</tr>";
var worksheet = "Sheet1";
var uri = "data:application/;base64,";
var exportTemplate = `<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"
<head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet>
<table syle="table-layout: fixed;word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all;">${tableStr}</table>
window.location.href = uri + base64(exportTemplate);
function base64(s2) {
return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s2)));
const sortTable = (e, key, sort) => {
let currentSort ="lay-sort");
if (sort === "desc") {
if (currentSort === sort) {"lay-sort", "");
tableDataSource.value = [...props.dataSource];
} else {"lay-sort", "desc");
tableDataSource.value.sort((x, y) => {
if (x[key] < y[key])
return 1;
else if (x[key] > y[key])
return -1;
return 0;
} else {
if (currentSort === sort) {"lay-sort", "");
tableDataSource.value = [...props.dataSource];
} else {"lay-sort", "asc");
tableDataSource.value.sort((x, y) => {
if (x[key] < y[key])
return -1;
else if (x[key] > y[key])
return 1;
return 0;
let tableBody = ref(null);
let tableHeader = ref(null);
let tableHeaderTable = ref(null);
const tableBodyEmptyWidth = ref();
let scrollWidthCell = ref(0);
const getScrollWidth = () => {
var _a2, _b, _c;
const clientWidth = ((_a2 = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.clientWidth) || 0;
const offsetWidth = ((_b = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _b.offsetWidth) || 0;
if (clientWidth < offsetWidth) {
scrollWidthCell.value = offsetWidth - clientWidth;
} else {
scrollWidthCell.value = 0;
tableBodyEmptyWidth.value = ((_c = tableHeaderTable.value) == null ? void 0 : _c.offsetWidth) + "px";
const hasl = ref(false);
const hasr = ref(false);
const classes = computed$1(() => {
return [
hasl.value ? "layui-table-has-fixed-left" : "",
hasr.value ? "layui-table-has-fixed-right" : ""
watch(() => [props.height, props.maxHeight, props.dataSource], () => {
nextTick(() => {
onMounted(() => {
var _a2, _b;
(_a2 = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
(_b = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _b.addEventListener("transitionend", () => {
window.onresize = () => {
const getFixedColumn = () => {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
tableHeader.value.scrollLeft = ((_a2 = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.scrollLeft) || 0;
if (((_b = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _b.scrollWidth) > ((_c = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _c.clientWidth)) {
if (((_d = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _d.scrollLeft) == 0) {
hasl.value = false;
hasr.value = true;
} else {
const t = ((_e = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _e.scrollLeft) + ((_f = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _f.offsetWidth) + 2;
const s2 = (_g = tableBody.value) == null ? void 0 : _g.scrollWidth;
if (t > s2) {
hasl.value = true;
hasr.value = false;
} else {
hasl.value = true;
hasr.value = true;
} else {
hasl.value = false;
hasr.value = false;
const slotsData = ref([]); => {
if (value.customSlot) {
const currentIndentSize = ref(0);
const childrenExpandSpace = computed$1(() => {
return props.dataSource.find((value) => {
if (value[props.childrenColumnName]) {
return true;
}) != void 0;
const renderFixedStyle = (column, columnIndex) => {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
if (column.fixed) {
if (column.fixed == "left") {
var left = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "left" && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
left = left + Number((_b = (_a2 = props.columns[i]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.width) == null ? void 0 : _b.replace("px", ""));
return { left: `${left}px` };
} else {
var right = 0;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < props.columns.length; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "right" && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
right = right + Number((_d = (_c = props.columns[i]) == null ? void 0 : _c.width) == null ? void 0 : _d.replace("px", ""));
return { right: `${right}px` };
} else {
var isLast = true;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < props.columns.length; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed == void 0 && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
isLast = false;
return isLast ? { "border-right": "none" } : {};
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const renderHeadFixedStyle = (column, columnIndex, tableHeadColumn) => {
var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
if (column.fixed) {
if (column.fixed == "left") {
var left = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "left" && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
left = left + Number((_b = (_a2 = props.columns[i]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.width) == null ? void 0 : _b.replace("px", ""));
return { left: `${left}px` };
} else {
var right = 0;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < props.columns.length; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "right" && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
right = right + Number((_d = (_c = props.columns[i]) == null ? void 0 : _c.width) == null ? void 0 : _d.replace("px", ""));
return { right: `${right}px` };
} else {
var isLast = true;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < tableHeadColumn.length; i++) {
if (tableHeadColumn[i].fixed == void 0 && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(tableHeadColumn[i].key)) {
isLast = false;
return isLast ? { "border-right": "none" } : {};
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const renderFixedClassName = (column, columnIndex) => {
if (column.fixed) {
if (column.fixed == "left") {
var left = true;
for (var i = columnIndex + 1; i < props.columns.length; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "left" && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
left = false;
return left ? `layui-table-fixed-left-last` : "";
} else {
var right = true;
for (var i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) {
if (props.columns[i].fixed && props.columns[i].fixed == "right" && tableColumnKeys.value.includes(props.columns[i].key)) {
right = false;
return right ? `layui-table-fixed-right-first` : "";
const hasTotalRow = computed$1(() => {
let b = false;
props.columns.forEach((item) => {
if (item.totalRow) {
b = true;
return b;
const renderTotalRowCell = (column) => {
if (column.totalRow) {
if (column.totalRow != true) {
return column.totalRow;
} else {
if (column.totalRowMethod) {
return column.totalRowMethod(column, tableDataSource.value);
} else {
return totalRowMethod(column, tableDataSource.value);
const totalRowMethod = (column, dataSource) => {
let total = 0;
dataSource.forEach((item) => {
total = total + Number(item[column.key]);
return total;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const showToolbar = (toolbarName) => {
if (props.defaultToolbar instanceof Array) {
return props.defaultToolbar.includes(toolbarName);
return props.defaultToolbar;
const toolbarStyle = (toolbarName) => {
if (props.defaultToolbar instanceof Array) {
return { order: props.defaultToolbar.indexOf(toolbarName) };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
window.onresize = null;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "tableRef",
ref: tableRef
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-form layui-border-box layui-table-view", unref(classes)])
}, [
__props.defaultToolbar || unref(slot).toolbar ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$r, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$o, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "toolbar")
__props.defaultToolbar ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$j, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
showToolbar("filter") ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1y, {
key: 0,
updateAtScroll: "",
style: normalizeStyle(toolbarStyle("filter"))
}, {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
content: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$c, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(tableHeadColumns.value[0], (column) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$$, {
modelValue: tableColumnKeys.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => tableColumnKeys.value = $event),
skin: "primary",
disabled: column.children,
key: column.key,
value: column.key
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(column.title), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["modelValue", "disabled", "value"]);
}), 128))
default: withCtx(() => [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
_: 1
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, 8, ["style"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
showToolbar("export") ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 1,
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: "layui-inline",
title: "\u5BFC\u51FA",
"lay-event": "",
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
style: normalizeStyle(toolbarStyle("export")),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => exportData())
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, _hoisted_8$8, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
showToolbar("print") ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 2,
style: normalizeStyle(toolbarStyle("print")),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: "layui-inline",
title: "\u6253\u5370",
"lay-event": "",
onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => print())
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, _hoisted_10$6, 4)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
unref(slot).header ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_11$6, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "header")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_12$5, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-table-header",
style: normalizeStyle([{ "padding-right": `${unref(scrollWidthCell)}px` }])
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-table-header-wrapper",
ref_key: "tableHeader",
ref: tableHeader
}, [
createElementVNode("table", {
class: "layui-table",
"lay-size": __props.size,
ref_key: "tableHeaderTable",
ref: tableHeaderTable
}, [
createElementVNode("colgroup", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(tableBodyColumns.value, (column) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: column }, [
tableColumnKeys.value.includes(column.key) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("col", {
key: 0,
width: column.width,
style: normalizeStyle({
minWidth: column.minWidth ? column.minWidth : "50px"
}, null, 12, _hoisted_14$3)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 128))
createElementVNode("thead", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(tableHeadColumns.value, (tableHeadColumn, tableHeadColumnIndex) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("tr", { key: tableHeadColumnIndex }, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(tableHeadColumn, (column, columnIndex) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: column }, [
tableColumnKeys.value.includes(column.key) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("th", {
key: 0,
colspan: column.colspan,
rowspan: column.rowspan,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-table-cell", [
renderFixedClassName(column, columnIndex),
column.fixed ? `layui-table-fixed-${column.fixed}` : "",
column.type == "checkbox" ? "layui-table-cell-checkbox" : "",
column.type == "radio" ? "layui-table-cell-radio" : "",
column.type == "number" ? "layui-table-cell-number" : ""
style: normalizeStyle([
textAlign: column.align
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
renderHeadFixedStyle(column, columnIndex, tableHeadColumn)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}, [
column.type == "checkbox" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$$, {
key: 0,
modelValue: hasChecked.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => hasChecked.value = $event),
"is-indeterminate": !allChecked.value,
skin: "primary",
value: "all",
onChange: changeAll
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "is-indeterminate"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createElementVNode("span", null, [
column.titleSlot ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, column.titleSlot, { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(column.title), 1)
], 64))
column.sort ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_16$2, [
createElementVNode("i", {
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => sortTable($event, column.key, "asc"), ["stop"]),
class: "layui-edge layui-table-sort-asc",
title: "\u5347\u5E8F"
}, null, 8, _hoisted_17$2),
createElementVNode("i", {
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => sortTable($event, column.key, "desc"), ["stop"]),
class: "layui-edge layui-table-sort-desc",
title: "\u964D\u5E8F"
}, null, 8, _hoisted_18$1)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64))
], 14, _hoisted_15$2)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 128))
}), 128))
], 8, _hoisted_13$5)
], 512)
], 4),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-table-body layui-table-main",
style: normalizeStyle({ height: __props.height, maxHeight: __props.maxHeight }),
ref_key: "tableBody",
ref: tableBody
}, [
tableDataSource.value.length > 0 && __props.loading == false ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("table", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass(["layui-table", { "layui-table-even": props.even }]),
"lay-size": __props.size,
}, [
createElementVNode("colgroup", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(tableBodyColumns.value, (column, columnIndex) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: columnIndex }, [
tableColumnKeys.value.includes(column.key) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("col", {
key: 0,
width: column.width,
style: normalizeStyle({
minWidth: column.minWidth ? column.minWidth : "50px"
}, null, 12, _hoisted_20$1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 128))
createElementVNode("tbody", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(tableDataSource.value, (children, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$G, {
key: index2,
index: index2,
data: children,
columns: tableBodyColumns.value,
"indent-size": __props.indentSize,
currentIndentSize: currentIndentSize.value,
tableColumnKeys: tableColumnKeys.value,
expandSpace: unref(childrenExpandSpace),
expandIndex: __props.expandIndex,
cellStyle: __props.cellStyle,
cellClassName: __props.cellClassName,
rowStyle: __props.rowStyle,
rowClassName: __props.rowClassName,
spanMethod: __props.spanMethod,
defaultExpandAll: __props.defaultExpandAll,
getCheckboxProps: __props.getCheckboxProps,
getRadioProps: __props.getRadioProps,
expandKeys: tableExpandKeys.value,
"onUpdate:expandKeys": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => tableExpandKeys.value = $event),
selectedKeys: tableSelectedKeys.value,
"onUpdate:selectedKeys": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => tableSelectedKeys.value = $event),
selectedKey: unref(tableSelectedKey),
"onUpdate:selectedKey": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => isRef(tableSelectedKey) ? tableSelectedKey.value = $event : null),
onRow: rowClick,
onRowDouble: rowDoubleClick,
onRowContextmenu: rowContextmenu
}, createSlots({ _: 2 }, [
renderList(slotsData.value, (name) => {
return {
fn: withCtx(({ data }) => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, name, { data })
unref(slot).expand ? {
name: "expand",
fn: withCtx(({ data }) => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "expand", { data })
key: "0"
} : void 0
]), 1032, ["id", "index", "data", "columns", "indent-size", "currentIndentSize", "tableColumnKeys", "expandSpace", "expandIndex", "cellStyle", "cellClassName", "rowStyle", "rowClassName", "spanMethod", "defaultExpandAll", "getCheckboxProps", "getRadioProps", "expandKeys", "selectedKeys", "selectedKey"]);
}), 128)),
unref(hasTotalRow) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("tr", _hoisted_21$1, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.columns, (column, columnIndex) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: columnIndex }, [
tableColumnKeys.value.includes(column.key) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {
key: 0,
style: normalizeStyle([
textAlign: column.align,
whiteSpace: column.ellipsisTooltip ? "nowrap" : "normal"
renderFixedStyle(column, columnIndex)
class: normalizeClass([
renderFixedClassName(column, columnIndex),
column.fixed ? `layui-table-fixed-${column.fixed}` : ""
innerHTML: renderTotalRowCell(column)
}, null, 14, _hoisted_22)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 128))
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 10, _hoisted_19$1)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
tableDataSource.value.length == 0 && __props.loading == false ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ width: tableBodyEmptyWidth.value })
}, null, 4)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.loading == true ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_23, _hoisted_25)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 4),
unref(slot).footer ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_26, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "footer")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
]), && > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_27, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$E, {
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
"onUpdate:current": _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => = $event),
"onUpdate:limit": _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = ($event) => = $event),
onChange: change3
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
}, null, 8, ["total", "pages", "theme", "limits", "showSkip", "show-page", "showRefresh", "showLimit", "showCount", "count", "current", "limit"])
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 2)
], 512);
const component$u = withInstall(_sfc_main$D);
const component$t = withInstall(_sfc_main$F);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
var index$i = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--button-primary-text-color: #fff;--button-primary-background-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-primary-border-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-normal-text-color: #fff;--button-normal-background-color: var(--global-normal-color);--button-normal-border-color: var(--global-normal-color);--button-warm-text-color: #fff;--button-warm-background-color: var(--global-warm-color);--button-warm-border-color: var(--global-warm-color);--button-danger-text-color: #fff;--button-danger-background-color: var(--global-danger-color);--button-danger-border-color: var(--global-danger-color);--button-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--button-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-6);--button-background-color: 0 0;--button-text-color: #666}.layui-btn{height:38px;line-height:36px;padding:0 18px;font-size:14px;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;color:var(--button-text-color);background:var(--button-background-color);border-radius:var(--button-border-radius);border-color:var(--button-border-color);border-width:1px;border-style:solid;cursor:pointer}.layui-btn-primary{color:var(--button-primary-text-color);background-color:var(--button-primary-background-color);border-color:var(--button-primary-border-color)}.layui-btn-normal{color:var(--button-normal-text-color);background-color:var(--button-normal-background-color);border-color:var(--button-normal-border-color)}.layui-btn-warm{color:var(--button-warm-text-color);background-color:var(--button-warm-background-color);border-color:var(--button-warm-border-color)}.layui-btn-danger{color:var(--button-danger-text-color);background-color:var(--button-danger-background-color);border-color:var(--button-danger-border-color)}.layui-btn:hover{opacity:.8;filter:alpha(opacity=80)}.layui-btn:active{opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100)}.layui-btn-lg{height:44px;line-height:44px;padding:0 25px;font-size:16px}.layui-btn-sm{height:30px;line-height:30px;padding:0 10px;font-size:12px}.layui-btn-xs{height:22px;line-height:22px;padding:0 5px;font-size:12px}.layui-btn-xs i{font-size:12px!important}.layui-btn-fluid{width:100%}.layui-btn-radius{border-radius:100px}.layui-btn-disabled,.layui-btn-disabled:active,.layui-btn-disabled:hover{border-color:#eee!important;background-color:#fbfbfb!important;color:#d2d2d2!important;cursor:not-allowed!important;opacity:1}.layui-btn+.layui-btn{margin-left:10px}.layui-btn .layui-icon{padding:0 2px;vertical-align:middle\\ ;vertical-align:bottom}.layui-checkbox[size=lg]{height:18px;line-height:18px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:18px;height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=lg] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:18px;line-height:18px;font-size:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md]{height:16px;line-height:16px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:16px;height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=md] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:16px;line-height:16px;font-size:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm]{height:14px;line-height:14px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:14px;height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=sm] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:14px;line-height:14px;font-size:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs]{height:12px;line-height:12px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-icon{width:12px;height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox[size=xs] .layui-form-checkbox[lay-skin=primary] .layui-checkbox-label{height:12px;line-height:12px;font-size:10px}.layui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]{display:none}.layui-form-checkbox{position:relative;height:30px;line-height:30px;margin-right:10px;padding-right:30px;cursor:pointer;font-size:0;-webkit-transition:.1s linear;transition:.1s linear;box-sizing:border-box}.layui-form-checkbox span{padding:0 10px;height:100%;font-size:14px;border-radius:2px 0 0 2px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-6);color:
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_1$t = { class: "layui-transfer layui-form layui-border-box" };
const _hoisted_2$q = { class: "layui-transfer-header" };
const _hoisted_3$n = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-transfer-search"
const _hoisted_4$i = { class: "layui-transfer-data" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$e = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 1,
class: "layui-transfer-footer"
const _hoisted_6$b = { class: "layui-transfer-active" };
const _hoisted_7$a = { class: "layui-transfer-button-group" };
const _hoisted_8$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-next" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_9$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-icon-prev" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_10$5 = { class: "layui-transfer-header" };
const _hoisted_11$5 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-transfer-search"
const _hoisted_12$4 = { class: "layui-transfer-data" };
const _hoisted_13$4 = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-transfer-footer"
const __default__$A = {
name: "LayTransfer"
const _sfc_main$C = defineComponent({
props: {
id: { default: "id" },
title: { default: () => ["\u4E3B\u5217\u8868", "\u526F\u5217\u8868"] },
width: { default: "200px" },
height: { default: "360px" },
showSearch: { default: false },
dataSource: { default: () => [] },
modelValue: { default: () => [] }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const leftDataSource = ref([]);
const rightDataSource = ref([]);
const _leftDataSource = ref([]);
const _rightDataSource = ref([]);
const leftSelectedKeys = ref([]);
const rightSelectedKeys = ref([]);
const allLeftChecked = ref(false);
const allRightChecked = ref(false);
const hasLeftChecked = ref(false);
const hasRightChecked = ref(false);
const allLeftChange = (isChecked) => {
if (isChecked) {
const datasources = leftDataSource.value.filter((item) => {
return !item.disabled;
const ids = => {
return item[];
leftSelectedKeys.value = [...ids];
} else {
leftSelectedKeys.value = [];
watch(() => [props.modelValue, props.dataSource], () => {
let targetDataSource = [];
props.dataSource.forEach((ds) => {
if (props.modelValue.includes(ds[])) {
leftDataSource.value = props.dataSource.filter((item) => !props.modelValue.includes(item[]));
_leftDataSource.value = props.dataSource.filter((item) => !props.modelValue.includes(item[]));
rightDataSource.value = [...targetDataSource];
_rightDataSource.value = [...targetDataSource];
}, { immediate: true });
watch(leftSelectedKeys, () => {
if (leftDataSource.value.length === leftSelectedKeys.value.length && leftDataSource.value.length != 0) {
allLeftChecked.value = true;
} else {
allLeftChecked.value = false;
if (leftSelectedKeys.value.length > 0 && leftDataSource.value.length != 0) {
hasLeftChecked.value = true;
} else {
hasLeftChecked.value = false;
}, { deep: true });
const allRightChange = (checked) => {
if (checked) {
const datasources = rightDataSource.value.filter((item) => {
return !item.disabled;
const ids = => {
return item[];
rightSelectedKeys.value = [...ids];
} else {
rightSelectedKeys.value = [];
watch(rightSelectedKeys, () => {
if (rightDataSource.value.length === rightSelectedKeys.value.length && rightDataSource.value.length > 0) {
allRightChecked.value = true;
} else {
allRightChecked.value = false;
if (rightSelectedKeys.value.length > 0 && rightDataSource.value.length != 0) {
hasRightChecked.value = true;
} else {
hasRightChecked.value = false;
}, { deep: true });
const add2 = () => {
if (leftSelectedKeys.value.length === 0) {
let targetKeys = [];
leftDataSource.value.forEach((item) => {
if (leftSelectedKeys.value.indexOf(item[]) != -1) {
rightDataSource.value.forEach((item) => {
emits("change", targetKeys);
emits("update:modelValue", targetKeys);
leftSelectedKeys.value = [];
const remove = () => {
if (rightSelectedKeys.value.length === 0) {
let targetKeys = [];
rightDataSource.value.forEach((item) => {
if (rightSelectedKeys.value.indexOf(item[]) == -1) {
emits("change", targetKeys);
emits("update:modelValue", targetKeys);
rightSelectedKeys.value = [];
const searchLeft = (e) => {
if (e === "") {
leftDataSource.value = _leftDataSource.value;
leftDataSource.value = _leftDataSource.value.filter((item) => {
if (item.title.indexOf(e) != -1) {
return item;
const searchRight = (e) => {
if (e === "") {
rightDataSource.value = _rightDataSource.value;
rightDataSource.value = _rightDataSource.value.filter((item) => {
if (item.title.indexOf(e) != -1) {
return item;
const boxStyle = computed$1(() => {
return {
width: props.width,
height: props.height
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", null, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$t, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-transfer-box",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(boxStyle))
}, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$q, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$$, {
modelValue: hasLeftChecked.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => hasLeftChecked.value = $event),
"is-indeterminate": !allLeftChecked.value,
skin: "primary",
value: "all",
onChange: allLeftChange
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.title[0]), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue", "is-indeterminate"])
__props.showSearch ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$n, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1v, {
"prefix-icon": "layui-icon-search",
onInput: searchLeft,
placeholder: "\u5173\u952E\u8BCD\u641C\u7D22"
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_4$i, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(leftDataSource.value, (dataSource) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", { key: dataSource }, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$$, {
modelValue: leftSelectedKeys.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => leftSelectedKeys.value = $event),
skin: "primary",
disabled: dataSource.disabled,
value: dataSource[]
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(slots).item ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "item", {
key: 0,
data: dataSource
}) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(dataSource.title), 1)
], 64))
_: 2
}, 1032, ["modelValue", "disabled", "value"])
}), 128))
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
unref(slots).leftFooter ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$e, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "leftFooter")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 4),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$b, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$a, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1C, {
type: "primary",
disabled: leftSelectedKeys.value.length == 0,
onClick: add2
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"]),
createVNode(_sfc_main$1C, {
type: "primary",
disabled: rightSelectedKeys.value.length == 0,
onClick: remove
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"])
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-transfer-box",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(boxStyle))
}, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$5, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$$, {
modelValue: hasRightChecked.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => hasRightChecked.value = $event),
"is-indeterminate": !allRightChecked.value,
skin: "primary",
value: "all",
onChange: allRightChange
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.title[1]), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue", "is-indeterminate"])
__props.showSearch ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_11$5, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1v, {
"prefix-icon": "layui-icon-search",
onInput: searchRight,
placeholder: "\u5173\u952E\u8BCD\u641C\u7D22"
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_12$4, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(rightDataSource.value, (dataSource) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", { key: dataSource }, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$$, {
skin: "primary",
modelValue: rightSelectedKeys.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => rightSelectedKeys.value = $event),
disabled: dataSource.disabled,
value: dataSource[]
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(slots).item ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "item", {
key: 0,
data: dataSource
}) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(dataSource.title), 1)
], 64))
_: 2
}, 1032, ["modelValue", "disabled", "value"])
}), 128))
unref(slots).rightFooter ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_13$4, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "rightFooter")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 4)
const component$s = withInstall(_sfc_main$C);
var index$h = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-popper{position:fixed;padding:10px;border-radius:3px;word-wrap:break-word;min-width:12px;min-height:12px;font-size:14px;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #00000026;background-color:#fff;color:#3a3a3a;border:1px solid #cecece;max-width:300px;z-index:99999}.layui-popper[position=top]{margin-bottom:6px}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow{bottom:-6px;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow:after{bottom:1px;border-bottom-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-top-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=bottom]{margin-top:6px}.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-6px;border-top-width:0;border-bottom-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow:after{top:1px;border-top-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-bottom-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=right]{margin-left:6px}.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-6px;border-left-width:0;border-right-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow:after{left:1px;border-left-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-right-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=left]{margin-right:6px}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow{right:-6px;border-right-width:0;border-left-color:#cecece}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow:after{right:1px;border-right-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-left-color:#fff}.layui-popper[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-moz-calc(44%);left:-webkit-calc(44%);left:calc(50% - 6px)}.layui-popper[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-moz-calc(44%);top:-webkit-calc(44%);top:calc(50% - 6px)}.layui-popper:after{content:" ";position:absolute;display:block}.layui-popper[position=top]:after{bottom:-7px;left:0;width:100%;height:7px}.layui-popper[position=bottom]:after{top:-7px;left:0;width:100%;height:7px}.layui-popper[position=left]:after{right:-7px;bottom:0;height:100%;width:7px}.layui-popper[position=right]:after{left:-7px;bottom:0;height:100%;width:7px}.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow,.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow:after{position:absolute;display:block;width:0;height:0;border-width:6px;border-style:solid;border-color:transparent}.layui-popper .layui-popper-arrow:after{content:" "}.layui-popper.layui-dark{background-color:#353535;color:#fff;border:1px solid #353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top]{margin-bottom:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow{bottom:-6px;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=top] .layui-popper-arrow:after{bottom:1px;border-bottom-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-top-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom]{margin-top:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow{top:-6px;border-top-width:0;border-bottom-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=bottom] .layui-popper-arrow:after{top:1px;border-top-width:0;margin-left:-6px;border-bottom-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=right]{margin-left:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow{left:-6px;border-left-width:0;border-right-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=right] .layui-popper-arrow:after{left:1px;border-left-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-right-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=left]{margin-right:6px}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow{right:-6px;border-right-width:0;border-left-color:#353535}.layui-popper.layui-dark[position=left] .layui-popper-arrow:after{right:1px;border-right-width:0;margin-top:-6px;border-left-color:#353535}.layui-slider-v{width:100%;height:18px;margin-bottom:8px}.layui-slider-track-v{width:100%;height:16px;position:relative;cursor:pointer;z-index:30}.layui-slider-btn-v{width:12px;height:12px;background-color:#fff;position:absolute;border:2px solid var(--global-primary-color);border-radius:50%;cursor:pointer;left:0%;z-index:2}.layui-slider-rate-v{width:0%;height:4px;position:absolute;top:6px;left:0;b
const traps = {
mousemoveoutside: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(),
clickoutside: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()
function createTrapHandler(name, el, originalHandler) {
if (name === "mousemoveoutside") {
const moveHandler = (e) => {
if (el.contains(
return {
mousemove: moveHandler,
touchstart: moveHandler
} else if (name === "clickoutside") {
let mouseDownOutside = false;
const downHandler = (e) => {
mouseDownOutside = !el.contains(;
const upHanlder = (e) => {
if (!mouseDownOutside)
if (el.contains(
return {
mousedown: downHandler,
mouseup: upHanlder,
touchstart: downHandler,
touchend: upHanlder
console.error(`[evtd/create-trap-handler]: name \`${name}\` is invalid. This could be a bug of evtd.`);
return {};
function ensureTrapHandlers(name, el, handler) {
const handlers2 = traps[name];
let elHandlers = handlers2.get(el);
if (elHandlers === void 0) {
handlers2.set(el, elHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap());
let trapHandler = elHandlers.get(handler);
if (trapHandler === void 0) {
elHandlers.set(handler, trapHandler = createTrapHandler(name, el, handler));
return trapHandler;
function trapOn(name, el, handler, options) {
if (name === "mousemoveoutside" || name === "clickoutside") {
const trapHandlers = ensureTrapHandlers(name, el, handler);
Object.keys(trapHandlers).forEach((key) => {
on(key, document, trapHandlers[key], options);
return true;
return false;
function trapOff(name, el, handler, options) {
if (name === "mousemoveoutside" || name === "clickoutside") {
const trapHandlers = ensureTrapHandlers(name, el, handler);
Object.keys(trapHandlers).forEach((key) => {
off(key, document, trapHandlers[key], options);
return true;
return false;
function createDelegate() {
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
return {
on: () => {
off: () => {
const propagationStopped = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
const immediatePropagationStopped = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function trackPropagation() {
propagationStopped.set(this, true);
function trackImmediate() {
propagationStopped.set(this, true);
immediatePropagationStopped.set(this, true);
function spy(event, propName, fn) {
const source = event[propName];
event[propName] = function() {
fn.apply(event, arguments);
return source.apply(event, arguments);
return event;
function unspy(event, propName) {
event[propName] = Event.prototype[propName];
const currentTargets = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
const currentTargetDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Event.prototype, "currentTarget");
function getCurrentTarget() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = currentTargets.get(this)) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : null;
function defineCurrentTarget(event, getter) {
if (currentTargetDescriptor === void 0)
Object.defineProperty(event, "currentTarget", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: getter !== null && getter !== void 0 ? getter : currentTargetDescriptor.get
const phaseToTypeToElToHandlers = {
bubble: {},
capture: {}
const typeToWindowEventHandlers = {};
function createUnifiedHandler() {
const delegeteHandler = function(e) {
const { type: type4, eventPhase, target, bubbles } = e;
if (eventPhase === 2)
const phase = eventPhase === 1 ? "capture" : "bubble";
let cursor = target;
const path = [];
while (true) {
if (cursor === null)
cursor = window;
if (cursor === window) {
cursor = cursor.parentNode || null;
const captureElToHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers.capture[type4];
const bubbleElToHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers.bubble[type4];
spy(e, "stopPropagation", trackPropagation);
spy(e, "stopImmediatePropagation", trackImmediate);
defineCurrentTarget(e, getCurrentTarget);
if (phase === "capture") {
if (captureElToHandlers === void 0)
for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (propagationStopped.has(e))
const target2 = path[i];
const handlers2 = captureElToHandlers.get(target2);
if (handlers2 !== void 0) {
currentTargets.set(e, target2);
for (const handler of handlers2) {
if (immediatePropagationStopped.has(e))
if (i === 0 && !bubbles && bubbleElToHandlers !== void 0) {
const bubbleHandlers = bubbleElToHandlers.get(target2);
if (bubbleHandlers !== void 0) {
for (const handler of bubbleHandlers) {
if (immediatePropagationStopped.has(e))
} else if (phase === "bubble") {
if (bubbleElToHandlers === void 0)
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) {
if (propagationStopped.has(e))
const target2 = path[i];
const handlers2 = bubbleElToHandlers.get(target2);
if (handlers2 !== void 0) {
currentTargets.set(e, target2);
for (const handler of handlers2) {
if (immediatePropagationStopped.has(e))
unspy(e, "stopPropagation");
unspy(e, "stopImmediatePropagation");
delegeteHandler.displayName = "evtdUnifiedHandler";
return delegeteHandler;
function createUnifiedWindowEventHandler() {
const delegateHandler = function(e) {
const { type: type4, eventPhase } = e;
if (eventPhase !== 2)
const handlers2 = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type4];
if (handlers2 === void 0)
handlers2.forEach((handler) => handler(e));
delegateHandler.displayName = "evtdUnifiedWindowEventHandler";
return delegateHandler;
const unifiedHandler = createUnifiedHandler();
const unfiendWindowEventHandler = createUnifiedWindowEventHandler();
function ensureElToHandlers(phase, type4) {
const phaseHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers[phase];
if (phaseHandlers[type4] === void 0) {
phaseHandlers[type4] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
window.addEventListener(type4, unifiedHandler, phase === "capture");
return phaseHandlers[type4];
function ensureWindowEventHandlers(type4) {
const windowEventHandlers = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type4];
if (windowEventHandlers === void 0) {
typeToWindowEventHandlers[type4] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
window.addEventListener(type4, unfiendWindowEventHandler);
return typeToWindowEventHandlers[type4];
function ensureHandlers(elToHandlers, el) {
let elHandlers = elToHandlers.get(el);
if (elHandlers === void 0) {
elToHandlers.set(el, elHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
return elHandlers;
function handlerExist(el, phase, type4, handler) {
const elToHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers[phase][type4];
if (elToHandlers !== void 0) {
const handlers2 = elToHandlers.get(el);
if (handlers2 !== void 0) {
if (handlers2.has(handler))
return true;
return false;
function windowEventHandlerExist(type4, handler) {
const handlers2 = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type4];
if (handlers2 !== void 0) {
if (handlers2.has(handler)) {
return true;
return false;
function on2(type4, el, handler, options) {
let mergedHandler;
if (typeof options === "object" && options.once === true) {
mergedHandler = (e) => {
off2(type4, el, mergedHandler, options);
} else {
mergedHandler = handler;
const trapped = trapOn(type4, el, mergedHandler, options);
if (trapped)
const phase = options === true || typeof options === "object" && options.capture === true ? "capture" : "bubble";
const elToHandlers = ensureElToHandlers(phase, type4);
const handlers2 = ensureHandlers(elToHandlers, el);
if (!handlers2.has(mergedHandler))
if (el === window) {
const windowEventHandlers = ensureWindowEventHandlers(type4);
if (!windowEventHandlers.has(mergedHandler)) {
function off2(type4, el, handler, options) {
const trapped = trapOff(type4, el, handler, options);
if (trapped)
const capture = options === true || typeof options === "object" && options.capture === true;
const phase = capture ? "capture" : "bubble";
const elToHandlers = ensureElToHandlers(phase, type4);
const handlers2 = ensureHandlers(elToHandlers, el);
if (el === window) {
const mirrorPhase = capture ? "bubble" : "capture";
if (!handlerExist(el, mirrorPhase, type4, handler) && windowEventHandlerExist(type4, handler)) {
const windowEventHandlers = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type4];
if (windowEventHandlers.size === 0) {
window.removeEventListener(type4, unfiendWindowEventHandler);
typeToWindowEventHandlers[type4] = void 0;
if (handlers2.has(handler))
if (handlers2.size === 0) {
if (elToHandlers.size === 0) {
window.removeEventListener(type4, unifiedHandler, phase === "capture");
phaseToTypeToElToHandlers[phase][type4] = void 0;
return {
on: on2,
off: off2
const { on, off } = createDelegate();
function throttle(func) {
let timer = null;
return function(args) {
if (!timer) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
}, 30);
function handle_select(e) {
function makeDots(props) {
if (props.step === 0)
return [];
let val = 0;
let dots = [0];
let count = Math.floor(100 / props.step) - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
val += props.step;
return dots;
const _hoisted_1$s = ["onMousedown"];
const _hoisted_2$p = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "layui-slider-line-v" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_3$m = ["onClick"];
const __default__$z = {
name: "StandardVue"
const _sfc_main$B = defineComponent({
props: {
val: { default: 0 },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
step: { default: 0 },
min: { default: 0 },
max: { default: 100 },
showDots: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["link-val-hook"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const moveAction = throttle(standardMove);
function handle_mouseup() {
off("selectstart", document, handle_select);
off("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
off("mousemove", window, moveAction);
tooptipHide.value = true;
function handle_mousedown() {
on("selectstart", window, handle_select, { once: true });
on("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
on("mousemove", window, moveAction);
const tracker = ref(null);
let standard_style = ref(props.val);
const tooptipHide = ref(true);
function standardMove(e) {
tooptipHide.value = false;
if (!tracker.value) {
let tracker_rect = tracker.value.getBoundingClientRect();
let origin_left = tracker_rect.left;
let point_left = e.clientX;
let distance = point_left - origin_left;
if (distance < props.min) {
standard_style.value = props.min;
} else {
let rate = distance / tracker_rect.width * 100;
calcWithStep(rate, standard_style);
if (standard_style.value > props.max) {
standard_style.value = props.max;
emit("link-val-hook", standard_style.value);
function calcWithStep(rate, val) {
if (typeof rate === "undefined")
return false;
if (typeof val.value === "number") {
let r = rate - val.value;
if (Math.abs(r) < props.step) {
return false;
if (props.step === 0)
val.value = Math.floor(rate);
if (r < 0 && props.step !== 0) {
val.value -= props.step;
} else {
val.value += props.step;
const dots = makeDots(props);
const focusDot = (val) => {
emit("link-val-hook", val);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "tracker",
ref: tracker,
onMousedown: withModifiers(handle_mousedown, ["stop"]),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-track-v", [__props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled" : ""]])
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$11, {
content: "" + __props.val,
"is-can-hide": tooptipHide.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ left: __props.val + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-btn-v", [__props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-btn" : ""]])
}, null, 6)
_: 1
}, 8, ["content", "is-can-hide"]),
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ width: __props.val + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-rate-v", [__props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-line" : ""]])
}, null, 6),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(dots), (item, index2) => {
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
onClick: ($event) => focusDot(item),
class: "layui-slider-dots",
key: index2,
style: normalizeStyle({ left: item + "%" })
}, null, 12, _hoisted_3$m)), [
[vShow, __props.showDots]
}), 128))
], 42, _hoisted_1$s);
const _hoisted_1$r = ["onMousedown"];
const _hoisted_2$o = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "layui-slider-line-v" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_3$l = ["onClick"];
const __default__$y = {
name: "StandardRange"
const _sfc_main$A = defineComponent({
props: {
rangeValue: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
step: { default: 0 },
min: { default: 0 },
max: { default: 100 },
showDots: { type: Boolean, default: true }
emits: ["link-val-hook"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
let rv = toRef(props, "rangeValue");
const moveAction = throttle(rangeMove);
let currbtn = -1;
function handle_mousedown() {
currbtn = -1;
tooptipHide.value = false;
on("selectstart", window, handle_select2, { once: true });
on("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
on("mousemove", window, moveAction);
function handle_mouseup() {
tooptipHide.value = true;
off("selectstart", document, handle_select2);
off("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
off("mousemove", window, moveAction);
function handle_select2(e) {
const tracker = ref(null);
const tooptipHide = ref(true);
function rangeMove(e) {
if (!tracker.value) {
let tracker_rect = tracker.value.getBoundingClientRect();
let origin_left = tracker_rect.left;
let point_left = e.clientX;
let distance = point_left - origin_left;
if (distance < props.min) {
rv.value[0] = props.min;
} else {
let rate = distance / tracker_rect.width * 100;
let idx = -1;
if (currbtn === -1) {
currbtn = moveNeighbors(Math.floor(rate), rv);
idx = currbtn;
} else {
idx = currbtn;
calcWithStep(rate, rv, idx);
if (rv.value[1] > props.max) {
rv.value[1] = props.max;
if (rv.value[0] < props.min) {
rv.value[0] = props.min;
emit("link-val-hook", rv.value);
function moveNeighbors(rate, rangeValues) {
let d1 = Math.abs(rate - rangeValues.value[0]);
let d2 = Math.abs(rate - rangeValues.value[1]);
if (d1 > d2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function calcWithStep(rate, val, idx = -1) {
if (typeof rate === "undefined")
return false;
if (typeof val.value === "object") {
let r = rate - val.value[idx];
if (Math.abs(r) < props.step) {
return false;
if (props.step === 0)
val.value[idx] = Math.floor(rate);
if (Array.isArray(val.value)) {
if (r < 0 && props.step !== 0) {
val.value[idx] -= props.step;
} else {
val.value[idx] += props.step;
function cross(val) {
if (val.value[0] > val.value[1]) {
let tmp = val.value[0];
val.value[0] = val.value[1];
val.value[1] = tmp;
currbtn = currbtn === 0 ? 1 : 0;
const dots = makeDots(props);
const focusDot = (item) => {
let currbtn2 = moveNeighbors(item, rv);
rv.value[currbtn2] = item;
emit("link-val-hook", rv.value);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "tracker",
ref: tracker,
onMousedown: withModifiers(handle_mousedown, ["stop"]),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-srange", [__props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled" : ""]])
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$11, {
content: "" + unref(rv)[0],
"is-can-hide": tooptipHide.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ left: unref(rv)[0] + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-btn-v", [props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-btn" : ""]])
}, null, 6)
_: 1
}, 8, ["content", "is-can-hide"]),
createVNode(_sfc_main$11, {
content: "" + unref(rv)[1],
"is-can-hide": tooptipHide.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ left: unref(rv)[1] + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-btn-v", [props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-btn" : ""]])
}, null, 6)
_: 1
}, 8, ["content", "is-can-hide"]),
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({
width: unref(rv)[1] - unref(rv)[0] + "%",
left: unref(rv)[0] + "%"
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-rate-v", [props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-line" : ""]])
}, null, 6),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(dots), (item, index2) => {
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
onClick: ($event) => focusDot(item),
class: "layui-slider-dots",
key: index2,
style: normalizeStyle({ left: item + "%" })
}, null, 12, _hoisted_3$l)), [
[vShow, __props.showDots]
}), 128))
], 42, _hoisted_1$r);
const _hoisted_1$q = { class: "layui-slider-vertical" };
const _hoisted_2$n = ["onMousedown"];
const _hoisted_3$k = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "layui-slider-vertical-line" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_4$h = ["onClick"];
const __default__$x = {
name: "Vertical"
const _sfc_main$z = defineComponent({
props: {
val: { default: 0 },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: true },
step: { default: 0 },
min: { default: 0 },
max: { default: 100 },
showDots: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["link-val-hook"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const moveAction = throttle(verticalMove);
function handle_mouseup() {
off("selectstart", document, handle_select2);
off("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
off("mousemove", window, moveAction);
tooptipHide.value = true;
function handle_select2(e) {
function handle_mousedown() {
on("selectstart", window, handle_select2, { once: true });
on("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
on("mousemove", window, moveAction);
const tracker = ref(null);
let vertical_style = ref(props.val);
const tooptipHide = ref(true);
function verticalMove(e) {
tooptipHide.value = false;
if (!tracker.value) {
let tracker_rect = tracker.value.getBoundingClientRect();
let origin_bottom = tracker_rect.bottom;
let point_bottom = e.clientY;
let distance = (point_bottom - origin_bottom) * -1;
if (distance < props.min) {
vertical_style.value = props.min;
} else {
let rate = distance / tracker_rect.height * 100;
calcWithStep(rate, vertical_style);
if (vertical_style.value > props.max) {
vertical_style.value = props.max;
emit("link-val-hook", vertical_style.value);
function calcWithStep(rate, val) {
if (typeof rate === "undefined")
return false;
if (typeof val.value === "number") {
let r = rate - val.value;
if (Math.abs(r) < props.step) {
return false;
if (props.step === 0)
val.value = Math.floor(rate);
if (r < 0 && props.step !== 0) {
val.value -= props.step;
} else {
val.value += props.step;
const makeDots2 = () => {
if (props.step === 0)
return [];
let val = 0;
let dots2 = [];
let count = Math.floor(100 / props.step) - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
val += props.step;
return dots2;
const dots = makeDots2();
const focusDot = (val) => {
emit("link-val-hook", val);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$q, [
createElementVNode("div", {
onMousedown: withModifiers(handle_mousedown, ["stop"]),
ref_key: "tracker",
ref: tracker,
class: normalizeClass([[__props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled" : ""], "layui-slider-vertical-track"])
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$11, {
content: "" + __props.val,
"is-can-hide": tooptipHide.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ bottom: __props.val + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass([[props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-btn" : ""], "layui-slider-vertical-btn"])
}, null, 6)
_: 1
}, 8, ["content", "is-can-hide"]),
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ height: __props.val + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass([[props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-line" : ""], "layui-slider-vertical-rate"])
}, null, 6),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(dots), (item, index2) => {
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
onClick: ($event) => focusDot(item),
class: "layui-slider-vertical-dots",
key: index2,
style: normalizeStyle({ bottom: item + "%" })
}, null, 12, _hoisted_4$h)), [
[vShow, __props.showDots]
}), 128))
], 42, _hoisted_2$n)
const _hoisted_1$p = { class: "layui-slider-vertical" };
const _hoisted_2$m = ["onMousedown"];
const _hoisted_3$j = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "layui-slider-vertical-line" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_4$g = ["onClick"];
const __default__$w = {
name: "VerticalRange"
const _sfc_main$y = defineComponent({
props: {
rangeValue: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
step: { default: 0 },
min: { default: 0 },
max: { default: 100 },
showDots: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["link-val-hook"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
let rv = toRef(props, "rangeValue");
const moveAction = throttle(rangeMove);
let currbtn = -1;
function handle_mousedown() {
currbtn = -1;
tooptipHide.value = false;
on("selectstart", window, handle_select2, { once: true });
on("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
on("mousemove", window, moveAction);
function handle_mouseup() {
tooptipHide.value = true;
off("selectstart", document, handle_select2);
off("mouseup", window, handle_mouseup);
off("mousemove", window, moveAction);
function handle_select2(e) {
const tracker = ref(null);
const tooptipHide = ref(true);
function rangeMove(e) {
if (!tracker.value) {
let tracker_rect = tracker.value.getBoundingClientRect();
let origin_bottom = tracker_rect.bottom;
let point_bottom = e.clientY;
let distance = (point_bottom - origin_bottom) * -1;
if (distance < props.min) {
rv.value[0] = props.min;
} else {
let rate = distance / tracker_rect.height * 100;
let idx = -1;
if (currbtn === -1) {
currbtn = moveNeighbors(Math.floor(rate), rv);
idx = currbtn;
} else {
idx = currbtn;
calcWithStep(rate, rv, idx);
if (rv.value[1] > props.max) {
rv.value[1] = props.max;
if (rv.value[0] < props.min) {
rv.value[0] = props.min;
emit("link-val-hook", rv.value);
function moveNeighbors(rate, rangeValues) {
let d1 = Math.abs(rate - rangeValues.value[0]);
let d2 = Math.abs(rate - rangeValues.value[1]);
if (d1 > d2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function calcWithStep(rate, val, idx = -1) {
if (typeof rate === "undefined")
return false;
if (typeof val.value === "object") {
let r = rate - val.value[idx];
if (Math.abs(r) < props.step) {
return false;
if (props.step === 0)
val.value[idx] = Math.floor(rate);
if (Array.isArray(val.value)) {
if (r < 0 && props.step !== 0) {
val.value[idx] -= props.step;
} else {
val.value[idx] += props.step;
function cross(val) {
if (val.value[0] > val.value[1]) {
let tmp = val.value[0];
val.value[0] = val.value[1];
val.value[1] = tmp;
currbtn = currbtn === 0 ? 1 : 0;
const dots = makeDots(props);
const focusDot = (item) => {
let currbtn2 = moveNeighbors(item, rv);
rv.value[currbtn2] = item;
emit("link-val-hook", rv.value);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$p, [
createElementVNode("div", {
ref_key: "tracker",
ref: tracker,
onMousedown: withModifiers(handle_mousedown, ["stop"]),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-vrange", [__props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled" : ""]])
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$11, {
content: "" + unref(rv)[1],
"is-can-hide": tooptipHide.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ bottom: unref(rv)[1] + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-vertical-btn", [props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-btn" : ""]])
}, null, 6)
_: 1
}, 8, ["content", "is-can-hide"]),
createVNode(_sfc_main$11, {
content: "" + unref(rv)[0],
"is-can-hide": tooptipHide.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({ bottom: unref(rv)[0] + "%" }),
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-vertical-btn", [props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-btn" : ""]])
}, null, 6)
_: 1
}, 8, ["content", "is-can-hide"]),
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle({
height: unref(rv)[1] - unref(rv)[0] + "%",
bottom: unref(rv)[0] + "%"
class: normalizeClass(["layui-slider-vertical-rate", [props.disabled ? "layui-slider-disabled disable-line" : ""]])
}, null, 6),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(dots), (item, index2) => {
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
onClick: ($event) => focusDot(item),
class: "layui-slider-vertical-dots",
key: index2,
style: normalizeStyle({ bottom: item + "%" })
}, null, 12, _hoisted_4$g)), [
[vShow, __props.showDots]
}), 128))
], 42, _hoisted_2$m)
const _hoisted_1$o = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_2$l = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_3$i = { key: 1 };
const _hoisted_4$f = { key: 1 };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$d = { key: 0 };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$a = { key: 1 };
const __default__$v = {
name: "LaySlider"
const _sfc_main$x = defineComponent({
props: {
vertical: { type: Boolean, default: false },
modelValue: { default: 0 },
min: { default: 0 },
max: { default: 100 },
step: { default: 0 },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
range: { type: Boolean },
rangeValue: null,
showDots: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
let rangeValues = toRef(props, "rangeValue");
function valHook(val) {
emit("update:modelValue", val);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", null, [
__props.vertical ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$o, [
__props.range ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$l, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$y, {
step: __props.step,
onLinkValHook: valHook,
disabled: __props.disabled,
rangeValue: unref(rangeValues),
min: __props.min,
max: __props.max,
showDots: __props.showDots
}, null, 8, ["step", "disabled", "rangeValue", "min", "max", "showDots"])
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$i, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$z, {
step: __props.step,
onLinkValHook: valHook,
disabled: __props.disabled,
val: __props.modelValue,
min: __props.min,
max: __props.max,
showDots: __props.showDots
}, null, 8, ["step", "disabled", "val", "min", "max", "showDots"])
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$f, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.range ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$d, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createVNode(_sfc_main$A, {
step: __props.step,
onLinkValHook: valHook,
disabled: __props.disabled,
rangeValue: unref(rangeValues),
min: __props.min,
max: __props.max,
showDots: __props.showDots
}, null, 8, ["step", "disabled", "rangeValue", "min", "max", "showDots"])
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6$a, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$B, {
val: __props.modelValue,
onLinkValHook: valHook,
disabled: __props.disabled,
step: __props.step,
min: __props.min,
max: __props.max,
showDots: __props.showDots
}, null, 8, ["val", "disabled", "step", "min", "max", "showDots"])
const component$r = withInstall(_sfc_main$x);
var index$g = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-carousel{position:relative;left:0;top:0;background-color:#f8f8f8}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]{position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]:before{position:absolute;content:"\\e63d";left:50%;top:50%;width:100px;line-height:20px;margin:-10px 0 0 -50px;text-align:center;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8);font-family:layui-icon!important;font-size:30px;font-style:normal;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>*{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#f8f8f8;transition-duration:.3s;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden}.layui-carousel-updown>*{-webkit-transition:.3s ease-in-out up;transition:.3s ease-in-out up}.layui-carousel-arrow{display:none\\ ;opacity:0;position:absolute;left:10px;top:50%;margin-top:-18px;width:36px;height:36px;line-height:36px;text-align:center;font-size:20px;border:0;border-radius:50%;background-color:#0003;color:#fff;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;transition-duration:.3s;cursor:pointer}.layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add]{left:auto!important;right:10px}.layui-carousel:hover .layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add],.layui-carousel[lay-arrow=always] .layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add]{right:20px}.layui-carousel[lay-arrow=always] .layui-carousel-arrow{opacity:1;left:20px}.layui-carousel[lay-arrow=none] .layui-carousel-arrow{display:none}.layui-carousel-arrow:hover,.layui-carousel-ind ul:hover{background-color:#00000059}.layui-carousel:hover .layui-carousel-arrow{display:block\\ ;opacity:1;left:20px}.layui-carousel-ind{position:relative;top:-35px;width:100%;line-height:0!important;text-align:center;font-size:0}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=outside]{margin-bottom:30px}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=outside] .layui-carousel-ind{top:10px}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=outside] .layui-carousel-ind ul{background-color:#00000080}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=none] .layui-carousel-ind{display:none}.layui-carousel-ind ul{display:inline-block;padding:5px;background-color:#0003;border-radius:10px;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;transition-duration:.3s}.layui-carousel-ind li{display:inline-block;width:10px;height:10px;margin:0 3px;font-size:14px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3);background-color:#ffffff80;border-radius:50%;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;transition-duration:.3s}.layui-carousel-ind li:hover{background-color:#ffffffb3}.layui-carousel-ind li.layui-this{background-color:#fff}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next,.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev,.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this{display:block}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this{left:0}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev{left:-100%}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next{left:100%}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next.layui-carousel-left,.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev.layui-carousel-right{left:0}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this.layui-carousel-left{left:-100%}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this.layui-carousel-right{left:100%}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-arrow{left:50%!important;top:20px;margin:0 0 0 -18px}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>*,.layui-carousel[lay-anim=fade]>[carousel-item]>*{left:0!important}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add]{top:auto!important;bottom:20px}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-ind{position:absolute;top:50%;right:20px;width:auto;height:auto;transform:translateY(-50%)}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-ind ul{padding:3px 5px}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-ind li{display:block;margin:6px 0}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>.layui-this{top:0}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev{top:-100%}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next{top:100%}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carouse
const _hoisted_1$n = ["data-id"];
const __default__$u = {
name: "LayCarouselItem"
const _sfc_main$w = defineComponent({
props: {
id: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const active = inject("active");
const slotsChange = inject("slotsChange");
slotsChange.value = !slotsChange.value;
const anim = inject("anim");
const item = ref();
const getStyle = computed$1(() => {
if (item.value) {
let allChild = item.value.parentNode.children;
let allChildNum = allChild.length;
let activeIndex = 0;
let currentIndex = 0;
for (let index2 = 0; index2 < allChild.length; index2++) {
const element = allChild[index2];
if (element.getAttribute("data-id") === active.value) {
activeIndex = index2;
if (element.getAttribute("data-id") === {
currentIndex = index2;
let prevIndex = activeIndex > 0 ? activeIndex - 1 : allChildNum - 1;
let nextIndex = activeIndex + 1 < allChildNum ? activeIndex + 1 : 0;
let animation = anim.value;
if (activeIndex === currentIndex) {
if (animation === "updown") {
return {
transform: "translateY(0)",
visibility: "inherit"
} else if (animation.includes("fade")) {
return {
opacity: 1,
visibility: "inherit"
} else {
return {
transform: "translateX(0)",
visibility: "inherit"
if (prevIndex === currentIndex) {
if (animation === "updown") {
return {
transform: "translateY(-100%)"
} else if (animation.includes("fade")) {
return {
opacity: 0
} else {
return {
transform: "translateX(-100%)"
if (nextIndex === currentIndex) {
if (animation === "updown") {
return {
transform: "translateY(100%)"
} else if (animation.includes("fade")) {
return {
opacity: 0
} else {
return {
transform: "translateX(100%)"
return {
display: "none"
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
ref_key: "item",
ref: item,
style: normalizeStyle(unref(getStyle)),
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 12, _hoisted_1$n);
const _hoisted_1$m = ["lay-anim", "lay-indicator", "lay-arrow"];
const _hoisted_2$k = { "carousel-item": "" };
const _hoisted_3$h = { class: "layui-carousel-ind" };
const _hoisted_4$e = ["onClick"];
const __default__$t = {
name: "LayCarousel"
const _sfc_main$v = defineComponent({
props: {
width: { default: "100%" },
height: { default: "280px" },
modelValue: null,
autoplay: { type: Boolean, default: true },
arrow: { default: "hover" },
anim: { default: "default" },
indicator: { default: "inside" },
pauseOnHover: { type: Boolean, default: true },
interval: { default: 3e3 }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const slot = useSlots();
const slots = slot.default && slot.default();
const active = computed$1({
get() {
return props.modelValue;
set(val) {
emit("update:modelValue", val);
const anim = computed$1(() => props.anim);
const change3 = function(id) {
emit("change", id);
active.value = id;
const childrens = ref([]);
const slotsChange = ref(true);
const setItemInstanceBySlot = function(nodes) {
const showNodes = nodes == null ? void 0 : nodes.filter((item) => {
return item.children != "v-if";
showNodes == null ? void 0 : => {
let component2 = item.type;
if ( != _sfc_main$ {
} else {
watch(slotsChange, () => {
childrens.value = [];
setItemInstanceBySlot(slot.default && slot.default());
}, { immediate: true, deep: true });
const sub2 = () => {
var _a2, _b, _c;
for (var i = 0; i < childrens.value.length; i++) {
if (((_a2 = childrens.value[i].props) == null ? void 0 : === active.value) {
if (i === 0) {
active.value = (_b = childrens.value[slots.length - 1].props) == null ? void 0 :;
} else {
active.value = (_c = childrens.value[i - 1].props) == null ? void 0 :;
const add2 = () => {
var _a2, _b, _c;
for (var i = 0; i < childrens.value.length; i++) {
if (((_a2 = childrens.value[i].props) == null ? void 0 : === active.value) {
if (i === childrens.value.length - 1) {
active.value = (_b = childrens.value[0].props) == null ? void 0 :;
} else {
active.value = (_c = childrens.value[i + 1].props) == null ? void 0 :;
const autoplay = () => {
var _a2, _b, _c;
for (var i = 0; i < childrens.value.length; i++) {
if (((_a2 = childrens.value[i].props) == null ? void 0 : === active.value) {
if (i === childrens.value.length - 1) {
active.value = (_b = childrens.value[0].props) == null ? void 0 :;
} else {
active.value = (_c = childrens.value[i + 1].props) == null ? void 0 :;
let intervalTimer = 0;
const cleanIntervalTimer = () => {
if (intervalTimer) {
intervalTimer = 0;
const handleMouseEnter = () => {
if (props.autoplay && props.pauseOnHover) {
const handleMouseLeave = () => {
if (props.autoplay && props.pauseOnHover) {
intervalTimer = window.setInterval(autoplay, props.interval);
watch(() => props.autoplay, () => {
if (props.autoplay) {
intervalTimer = window.setInterval(autoplay, props.interval);
}, { immediate: true });
provide("active", active);
provide("slotsChange", slotsChange);
provide("anim", anim);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "layui-carousel",
"lay-anim": unref(anim),
"lay-indicator": __props.indicator,
"lay-arrow": __props.arrow,
style: normalizeStyle({ width: __props.width, height: __props.height }),
onMouseenter: handleMouseEnter,
onMouseleave: handleMouseLeave
}, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$k, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$h, [
createElementVNode("ul", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(childrens.value, (ss, index2) => {
var _a2;
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: index2,
class: normalizeClass([((_a2 = ss.props) == null ? void 0 : === unref(active) ? "layui-this" : ""]),
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => {
var _a3;
return change3((_a3 = ss.props) == null ? void 0 :;
}, ["stop"])
}, null, 10, _hoisted_4$e);
}), 128))
createElementVNode("button", {
class: "layui-icon layui-carousel-arrow",
"lay-type": "sub",
onClick: sub2
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(anim) === "updown" ? "\uE619" : "\uE603"), 1),
createElementVNode("button", {
class: "layui-icon layui-carousel-arrow",
"lay-type": "add",
onClick: add2
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(anim) === "updown" ? "\uE61A" : "\uE602"), 1)
], 44, _hoisted_1$m);
const component$q = withInstall(_sfc_main$v);
const component$p = withInstall(_sfc_main$w);
var index$f = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-dropdown{position:relative;display:inline-block}.layui-dropdown-content{position:absolute;z-index:99999;background-color:#fff;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #e4e7ed;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #0000001a}.layui-dropdown-content>.layui-dropdown-menu{border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);margin:5px 0}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu{position:relative;background-color:#fff}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li,.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title a{padding:5px 15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li{position:relative;display:flex;margin:1px 0;line-height:26px;color:#000c;font-size:14px;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li:hover{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-2)}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.layui-dropdown-menu-prefix{margin-right:8px}.layui-dropdown-menu-suffix{margin-left:15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li.layui-disabled:hover{background-color:inherit}.layui-color-picker{position:relative;user-select:none;width:320px;background:#fff;padding:8px}.saturation-value{cursor:pointer;width:100%;height:200px;position:relative;margin-bottom:10px;box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #0000001a}.saturation-value>div{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%}.point{box-sizing:border-box;width:6px;height:6px;background-color:transparent;border:2px solid #ccc;border-radius:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);position:absolute;z-index:9}.saturation-value-2{background:linear-gradient(to right,white,#ffffff00)}.saturation-value-3{background:linear-gradient(to top,black,#ffffff00)}.layui-color-picker-middle{width:100%;display:flex;margin-bottom:10px}.hue-slider{position:relative;margin-bottom:6px;height:10px;background:linear-gradient(90deg,red 0,#ff0 17%,#0f0 33%,#0ff 50%,#00f 67%,#f0f 83%,red);box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #0000001a}.alpha-slider{position:relative;height:10px;box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #0000001a;background:#fff url();background-size:10px 10px}.slider{position:absolute;box-shadow:0 0 2px #0009;box-sizing:border-box;width:6px;height:100%;background-color:#fff}.color-diamond{position:relative;margin-left:5px;width:26px;height:26px;border-radius:2px;overflow:hidden;background-image:url();background-size:10px 10px}.layui-colorpicker>span{width:26px;height:26px;display:block;border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);background-image:url();background-size:10px 10px}.color-value{width:100%;display:flex;justify-content:space-between}.color-value div{padding:0 3px;text-align:center}.color-value input{font-size:12px;box-sizing:border-box;width:34px;height:24px;padding:0;margin:0;outline:none;text-align:center;border-radius:2px;border:1px solid #eee}.color-value p{font-size:12px;margin:3px 0 0}.color-value .rgba-a{padding-right:0}.color-value .hex{flex:1;padding-left:0}.color-value .hex input{width:100%;height:24px}.preset{width:100%;padding:0;margin:10px 0 0;list-style:none;display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:flex-start}.preset li{width:20px;height:20px;padding:0;margin-right:6px;margin-bottom:6px;border:1px solid #eee;border-radius:2px}.layui-colorpicker{border:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3);padding:5px;border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);line-height:24px;display:inline-block;cursor:
const _sfc_main$u = {};
const _hoisted_1$l = {
t: "1651169382813",
class: "icon",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024",
version: "1.1",
xmlns: "",
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height: "27"
const _hoisted_2$j = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", {
d: "M769.3 409.1c-4.3-16.2-14.7-29.7-29.2-38l-51.3-29.6-10 17.3c-3.7 6.4-10.4 10-17.3 10-3.4 0-6.8-0.9-10-2.7l68.6 39.6c5.2 3 9 7.9 10.5 13.7 1.6 5.8 0.8 11.9-2.3 17.2l-6.6 11.5c-6.2 10.8-20.1 14.5-30.9 8.3L441 312.2c-5.2-3-9-7.9-10.5-13.7-1.6-5.8-0.8-11.9 2.3-17.2l6.6-11.5c3-5.2 7.9-9 13.7-10.5 1.9-0.5 3.9-0.8 5.9-0.8 3.9 0 7.8 1 11.3 3l69.3 40c-9.6-5.5-12.8-17.8-7.3-27.3l10-17.3-52-30c-14.5-8.4-31.4-10.6-47.5-6.3-16.2 4.3-29.7 14.7-38 29.2l-6.6 11.5c-8.4 14.5-10.6 31.4-6.3 47.5 4.3 16.2 14.7 29.7 29.2 38l52 30 10-17.3c5.5-9.6 17.8-12.8 27.3-7.3 9.6 5.5 12.8 17.8 7.3 27.3l-10 17.3 77.2 44.6 10-17.3c5.5-9.6 17.8-12.8 27.3-7.3 9.6 5.5 12.8 17.8 7.3 27.3l-10 17.3 51.3 29.6c9.8 5.7 20.6 8.4 31.2 8.4 21.7 0 42.7-11.2 54.3-31.3l6.6-11.5c8.5-14.5 10.7-31.4 6.4-47.5z",
fill: "#515151",
"p-id": "2530"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_3$g = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", {
d: "M644.2 338.8l10-17.3-77.2-44.6-10 17.3c-5.5 9.6-17.8 12.8-27.3 7.3l111.8 64.6c-9.6-5.5-12.9-17.8-7.3-27.3zM539.6 301.5zM651.5 366.1z",
fill: "#515151",
"p-id": "2531"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_4$d = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", {
d: "M624.1 195.2c12.3-21.3 39.6-28.6 60.9-16.3 10.3 6 17.7 15.6 20.8 27.1s1.5 23.5-4.5 33.8l-47.2 81.7 34.6 20 47.2-81.7c11.3-19.6 14.3-42.4 8.5-64.2-5.8-21.8-19.8-40.1-39.4-51.4-40.4-23.3-92.2-9.4-115.5 31l-47.2 81.7 34.6 20 47.2-81.7z",
fill: "#515151",
"p-id": "2532"
}, null, -1);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$c = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
d: "M644.2 338.8c-5.5 9.6-2.2 21.8 7.3 27.3 3.1 1.8 6.6 2.7 10 2.7 6.9 0 13.6-3.6 17.3-10l10-17.3-34.6-20-10 17.3zM539.6 301.5c9.6 5.5 21.8 2.2 27.3-7.3l10-17.3-34.6-20-10 17.3c-5.5 9.6-2.2 21.8 7.3 27.3z",
fill: "#515151",
"p-id": "2533"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_6$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", {
d: "M395.4 769.6c-2.6 4.4-6.5 7.6-11 9-2.3 0.7-6.9 1.5-11.3-1-9.6-5.5-21.8-2.2-27.3 7.3l-23.1 40c-1.7 2.9-4.2 5-7.1 5.8-1.7 0.5-4.1 0.8-6.5-0.5-2.4-1.4-3.3-3.7-3.7-5.4-0.7-2.9-0.1-6.2 1.5-9l22.9-39.7c5.6-9.7 2.3-22.2-7.4-27.8-7.3-4.2-9.2-14.7-4.2-23.3l189.5-328.2-34.6-20L283.6 705c-12.4 21.4-10.1 47.2 3.7 64.8l-15 26c-6.7 11.6-8.8 25.1-5.9 37.9 3 13.4 11.1 24.4 22.7 31.1 7.3 4.2 15.4 6.4 23.7 6.4 4.9 0 9.8-0.7 14.6-2.2 12.6-3.9 23.2-12.4 29.9-24.1l15-26c7.8 1.1 15.9 0.4 23.8-2 14.2-4.4 26.2-14.1 33.8-27.3l189.5-328.2-34.6-20-189.4 328.2z",
fill: "#515151",
"p-id": "2534"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_7$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", {
d: "M622.2 416.8c-9.6-5.5-21.8-2.2-27.3 7.3l-10 17.3 34.6 20 10-17.3c5.6-9.6 2.3-21.8-7.3-27.3zM517.7 379.5c5.5-9.6 2.2-21.8-7.3-27.3-9.6-5.5-21.8-2.2-27.3 7.3l-10 17.3 34.6 20 10-17.3z",
fill: "#515151",
"p-id": "2535"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_8$6 = [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1$l, _hoisted_8$6);
var EyeDropper = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$u, [["render", _sfc_render]]);
const _hoisted_1$k = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon layui-colorpicker-trigger-i layui-icon-down" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_2$i = [
const _hoisted_3$f = { class: "layui-color-picker" };
const _hoisted_4$c = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "saturation-value-2" }, null, -1);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$b = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "saturation-value-3" }, null, -1);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$8 = { class: "layui-color-picker-middle" };
const _hoisted_7$8 = { style: { "flex": "auto" } };
const _hoisted_8$5 = { class: "color-diamond" };
const _hoisted_9$4 = { class: "color-value" };
const _hoisted_10$4 = { class: "hex" };
const _hoisted_11$4 = ["value"];
const _hoisted_12$3 = { class: "rgba-r" };
const _hoisted_13$3 = ["value"];
const _hoisted_14$2 = { class: "rgba-g" };
const _hoisted_15$1 = ["value"];
const _hoisted_16$1 = { class: "rgba-b" };
const _hoisted_17$1 = ["value"];
const _hoisted_18 = { class: "rgba-a" };
const _hoisted_19 = ["value"];
const _hoisted_20 = { class: "preset" };
const _hoisted_21 = ["onClick"];
const __default__$s = {
name: "LayColorPicker"
const _sfc_main$t = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: { default: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1 } },
preset: { default: ["#009688", "#1e9fff", "#ffb800", "#ff5722", "#5fb878"] },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
eyeDropper: { type: Boolean },
contentClass: null,
contentStyle: null
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const saturationValue = ref(null);
const hueSlider = ref(null);
const alphaSlider = ref(null);
const { isSupported, open: open2, sRGBHex } = useEyeDropper();
let pointStyle = ref("top: 25%;left: 80%;");
let hueSliderStyle = ref("left: 0;");
let alphaSliderStyle = ref("left: calc(100% - 6px);");
let hue = ref(0);
let saturation = ref(1);
let value = ref(1);
let red = ref(255);
let green = ref(0);
let blue = ref(0);
let alpha = ref(1);
const openEyeDropper = function() {
if (isSupported) {
} else {
console.warn("LayColorPicker: Eye dropper not supported by your browser!");
onMounted(() => {
let { r, g, b, a } = parseColor(props.modelValue);
red.value = r;
green.value = g;
blue.value = b;
alpha.value = a;
watch(sRGBHex, (sRGBHex2) => {
let { r, g, b, a } = hex2rgba(sRGBHex2);
red.value = r;
green.value = g;
blue.value = b;
alpha.value = a;
watch([red, green, blue], (newValue) => {
emit("update:modelValue", rgba2hex(red.value, green.value, blue.value, alpha.value));
let { h: h2, s, v } = rgb2hsv(red.value, green.value, blue.value);
hue.value = h2;
saturation.value = s;
value.value = v;
pointStyle.value = `top: ${100 - v * 100}%;left: ${s * 100}%;`;
hueSliderStyle.value = `left: ${hue.value / 360 * 100}%;`;
watch(alpha, () => {
emit("update:modelValue", rgba2hex(red.value, green.value, blue.value, alpha.value));
alphaSliderStyle.value = `left: ${alpha.value >= 1 ? "calc(100% - 6px)" : alpha.value * 100 + "%"};`;
let colorObj = computed$1(() => {
let r = red.value;
let g = green.value;
let b = blue.value;
let a = alpha.value;
let h2 = hue.value;
let s = saturation.value;
let v = value.value;
return {
rgb: `rgba(${r},${g},${b})`,
rgba: `rgba(${r},${g},${b},${a})`,
hex6: rgba2hex(r, g, b),
hex8: rgba2hex(r, g, b, a),
hsv: `hsv(${h2},${s},${v})`,
hsl: ``
function hexChange(e) {
let v =;
if (/^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{6}|[0-9a-fA-F]{8})$/.test(v)) {
let { r, g, b, a } = hex2rgba(v);
red.value = r;
green.value = g;
blue.value = b;
alpha.value = a;
function redChange(e) {
let v =;
if (v !== "") {
v > 255 && (red.value = 255);
v < 0 && (red.value = 0);
v >= 0 && v <= 255 && (red.value = parseInt(v));
function greenChange(e) {
let v =;
if (v !== "") {
v > 255 && (green.value = 255);
v < 0 && (green.value = 0);
v >= 0 && v <= 255 && (green.value = parseInt(v));
function blueChange(e) {
let v =;
if (v !== "") {
v > 255 && (blue.value = 255);
v < 0 && (blue.value = 0);
v >= 0 && v <= 255 && (blue.value = parseInt(v));
function alphaChange(e) {
let v =;
if (v !== "") {
v = parseFloat(v);
alpha.value = v;
v > 1 && (alpha.value = 1);
v < 0 && (alpha.value = 0);
v >= 0 && v <= 1 && (alpha.value = v);
function presetChange(item) {
if (/^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{6}|[0-9a-fA-F]{8})$/.test(item)) {
let { r, g, b, a } = hex2rgba(item);
red.value = r;
green.value = g;
blue.value = b;
alpha.value = a;
function handleChangeSV(e) {
let w = saturationValue.value.clientWidth;
let h2 = saturationValue.value.clientHeight;
let x = e.pageX - saturationValue.value.getBoundingClientRect().left;
let y = e.pageY - saturationValue.value.getBoundingClientRect().top;
x = x < w && x > 0 ? x : x > w ? w : 0;
y = y < h2 && y > 0 ? y : y > h2 ? h2 : 0;
saturation.value = Math.floor(x / w * 100 + 0.5) / 100;
value.value = Math.floor((1 - y / h2) * 100 + 0.5) / 100;
let { r, g, b } = hsv2rgb(hue.value, saturation.value, value.value);
red.value = r;
green.value = g;
blue.value = b;
pointStyle.value = `top: ${y}px;left: ${x}px;`;
function mousedownSV(e) {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleChangeSV);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupSV);
function mouseupSV(e) {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleChangeSV);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupSV);
function handleChangeHue(e) {
let w = hueSlider.value.clientWidth;
let x = e.pageX - saturationValue.value.getBoundingClientRect().left;
x = x < w && x > 0 ? x : x > w ? w : 0;
hue.value = Math.floor(x / w * 360 + 0.5);
let { r, g, b } = hsv2rgb(hue.value, saturation.value, value.value);
red.value = r;
green.value = g;
blue.value = b;
hueSliderStyle.value = `left: ${x >= w - 6 ? w - 6 : x}px;`;
function mousedownHue(e) {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleChangeHue);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupHue);
function mouseupHue(e) {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleChangeHue);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupHue);
function handleChangeAlpha(e) {
let w = alphaSlider.value.clientWidth;
let x = e.pageX - saturationValue.value.getBoundingClientRect().left;
x = x < w && x > 0 ? x : x > w ? w : 0;
alpha.value = Math.floor(x / w * 100 + 0.5) / 100;
alphaSliderStyle.value = `left: ${x >= w - 6 ? w - 6 : x}px;`;
function mousedownAlpha(e) {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleChangeAlpha);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupAlpha);
function mouseupAlpha(e) {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleChangeAlpha);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupAlpha);
function parseColor(color) {
if (color) {
let r, g, b, a;
if (typeof color === "string") {
if (/^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{6}|[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|[0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{4})$/.test(color)) {
return hex2rgba(color);
} else {
r = color.r > 255 ? 255 : color.r < 0 ? 0 : color.r;
g = color.g > 255 ? 255 : color.g < 0 ? 0 : color.g;
b = color.b > 255 ? 255 : color.b < 0 ? 0 : color.b;
a = color.a > 1 ? 1 : color.a < 0 ? 0 : color.a;
return { r, g, b, a };
} else {
return null;
function hsv2rgb(h2, s, v) {
h2 === 360 && (h2 = 0);
let i = Math.floor(h2 / 60) % 6;
let f = h2 / 60 - i;
let p = v * (1 - s);
let q = v * (1 - s * f);
let t = v * (1 - s * (1 - f));
let r, g, b;
if (i === 0) {
r = v;
g = t;
b = p;
} else if (i === 1) {
r = q;
g = v;
b = p;
} else if (i === 2) {
r = p;
g = v;
b = t;
} else if (i === 3) {
r = p;
g = q;
b = v;
} else if (i === 4) {
r = t;
g = p;
b = v;
} else if (i === 5) {
r = v;
g = p;
b = q;
r = Math.floor(r * 255 + 0.5);
g = Math.floor(g * 255 + 0.5);
b = Math.floor(b * 255 + 0.5);
return { r, g, b };
function rgb2hsv(r, g, b) {
let r1 = r / 255;
let g1 = g / 255;
let b1 = b / 255;
let cmax = Math.max(r1, g1, b1);
let cmin = Math.min(r1, g1, b1);
let d = cmax - cmin;
let h2, s, v;
if (d === 0) {
h2 = 0;
} else if (cmax === r1) {
h2 = (60 * (g1 - b1) / d + 360) % 360;
} else if (cmax === g1) {
h2 = 60 * ((b1 - r1) / d + 2);
} else if (cmax === b1) {
h2 = 60 * ((r1 - g1) / d + 4);
if (cmax === 0) {
s = 0;
} else {
s = d / cmax;
v = cmax;
h2 = Math.floor(h2 + 0.5);
s = Math.floor(s * 100 + 0.5) / 100;
v = Math.floor(v * 100 + 0.5) / 100;
return { h: h2, s, v };
function rgba2hex(r, g, b, a = 1) {
r = parseInt(r);
let r1 = r.toString(16).length !== 2 ? "0" + r.toString(16) : r.toString(16);
g = parseInt(g);
let g1 = g.toString(16).length !== 2 ? "0" + g.toString(16) : g.toString(16);
b = parseInt(b);
let b1 = b.toString(16).length !== 2 ? "0" + b.toString(16) : b.toString(16);
a = parseFloat(a);
let a1 = "";
if (a !== 1) {
let temp = Math.floor(256 * a);
a1 = temp.toString(16).length !== 2 ? "0" + temp.toString(16) : temp.toString(16);
return `#${r1}${g1}${b1}${a1}`.toUpperCase();
function hex2rgba(s) {
if (/^#?[0-9a-fA-F]{3}$/.test(s)) {
let b = s.substring(s.length - 1, s.length);
let g = s.substring(s.length - 2, s.length - 1);
let r = s.substring(s.length - 3, s.length - 2);
return hex2rgba(`${r + r}${g + g}${b + b}`);
if (/^#?[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$/.test(s)) {
let a = s.substring(s.length - 1, s.length);
let b = s.substring(s.length - 2, s.length - 1);
let g = s.substring(s.length - 3, s.length - 2);
let r = s.substring(s.length - 4, s.length - 3);
return hex2rgba(`${r + r}${g + g}${b + b}${a + a}`);
if (/^#?[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/.test(s)) {
let b = parseInt("0x" + s.substring(s.length - 2, s.length));
let g = parseInt("0x" + s.substring(s.length - 4, s.length - 2));
let r = parseInt("0x" + s.substring(s.length - 6, s.length - 4));
return { r, g, b, a: 1 };
if (/^#?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}$/.test(s)) {
let a = parseInt("0x" + s.substring(s.length - 2, s.length));
a = a / 255;
let b = parseInt("0x" + s.substring(s.length - 4, s.length - 2));
let g = parseInt("0x" + s.substring(s.length - 6, s.length - 4));
let r = parseInt("0x" + s.substring(s.length - 8, s.length - 6));
return { r, g, b, a };
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1y, {
disabled: __props.disabled,
contentClass: __props.contentClass,
contentStyle: __props.contentStyle,
updateAtScroll: ""
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$f, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "saturation-value",
ref_key: "saturationValue",
ref: saturationValue,
onMousedown: mousedownSV
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle(`background-color: hsl(${unref(hue)}, 100%, 50%);`)
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "point",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(pointStyle))
}, null, 4)
], 4),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
], 544),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$8, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$8, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "hue-slider",
ref_key: "hueSlider",
ref: hueSlider,
onMousedown: mousedownHue
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "slider",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(hueSliderStyle))
}, null, 4)
], 544),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "alpha-slider",
ref_key: "alphaSlider",
ref: alphaSlider,
onMousedown: mousedownAlpha
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "slider",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(alphaSliderStyle))
}, null, 4),
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle(`background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,0), ${unref(colorObj).rgb});width: 100%;height: 100%`)
}, null, 4)
], 544)
__props.eyeDropper ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
onClick: openEyeDropper,
style: { "margin-left": "5px" }
}, [
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$5, [
createElementVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle(`background-color: ${unref(colorObj).rgba};width: 100%;height: 100%;box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15), inset 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);`)
}, null, 4)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9$4, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$4, [
createElementVNode("label", null, [
createElementVNode("input", {
value: unref(colorObj).hex8,
onInput: hexChange,
spellcheck: "false"
}, null, 40, _hoisted_11$4)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_12$3, [
createElementVNode("label", null, [
createElementVNode("input", {
value: unref(red),
onInput: redChange
}, null, 40, _hoisted_13$3)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_14$2, [
createElementVNode("label", null, [
createElementVNode("input", {
value: unref(green),
onInput: greenChange
}, null, 40, _hoisted_15$1)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_16$1, [
createElementVNode("label", null, [
createElementVNode("input", {
value: unref(blue),
onInput: blueChange
}, null, 40, _hoisted_17$1)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_18, [
createElementVNode("label", null, [
createElementVNode("input", {
value: unref(alpha),
onInput: alphaChange
}, null, 40, _hoisted_19)
createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_20, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.preset, (item) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: item,
style: normalizeStyle(`background-color: ${item}`),
onClick: ($event) => presetChange(item)
}, null, 12, _hoisted_21);
}), 128))
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-unselect layui-colorpicker", [{ "layui-colorpicker-disabled": __props.disabled }]])
}, [
createElementVNode("span", null, [
createElementVNode("span", {
class: "layui-colorpicker-trigger-span",
"lay-type": "",
style: normalizeStyle(`background-color: ${unref(colorObj).rgba}`)
}, _hoisted_2$i, 4)
], 2)
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled", "contentClass", "contentStyle"]);
const component$o = withInstall(_sfc_main$t);
const component$n = withInstall(_sfc_main$11);
var index$e = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--button-primary-text-color: #fff;--button-primary-background-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-primary-border-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-normal-text-color: #fff;--button-normal-background-color: var(--global-normal-color);--button-normal-border-color: var(--global-normal-color);--button-warm-text-color: #fff;--button-warm-background-color: var(--global-warm-color);--button-warm-border-color: var(--global-warm-color);--button-danger-text-color: #fff;--button-danger-background-color: var(--global-danger-color);--button-danger-border-color: var(--global-danger-color);--button-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--button-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-6);--button-background-color: 0 0;--button-text-color: #666}.layui-btn{height:38px;line-height:36px;padding:0 18px;font-size:14px;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;color:var(--button-text-color);background:var(--button-background-color);border-radius:var(--button-border-radius);border-color:var(--button-border-color);border-width:1px;border-style:solid;cursor:pointer}.layui-btn-primary{color:var(--button-primary-text-color);background-color:var(--button-primary-background-color);border-color:var(--button-primary-border-color)}.layui-btn-normal{color:var(--button-normal-text-color);background-color:var(--button-normal-background-color);border-color:var(--button-normal-border-color)}.layui-btn-warm{color:var(--button-warm-text-color);background-color:var(--button-warm-background-color);border-color:var(--button-warm-border-color)}.layui-btn-danger{color:var(--button-danger-text-color);background-color:var(--button-danger-background-color);border-color:var(--button-danger-border-color)}.layui-btn:hover{opacity:.8;filter:alpha(opacity=80)}.layui-btn:active{opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100)}.layui-btn-lg{height:44px;line-height:44px;padding:0 25px;font-size:16px}.layui-btn-sm{height:30px;line-height:30px;padding:0 10px;font-size:12px}.layui-btn-xs{height:22px;line-height:22px;padding:0 5px;font-size:12px}.layui-btn-xs i{font-size:12px!important}.layui-btn-fluid{width:100%}.layui-btn-radius{border-radius:100px}.layui-btn-disabled,.layui-btn-disabled:active,.layui-btn-disabled:hover{border-color:#eee!important;background-color:#fbfbfb!important;color:#d2d2d2!important;cursor:not-allowed!important;opacity:1}.layui-btn+.layui-btn{margin-left:10px}.layui-btn .layui-icon{padding:0 2px;vertical-align:middle\\ ;vertical-align:bottom}:root{--input-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--input-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-input{width:100%;height:38px;line-height:38px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--input-border-color);border-radius:var(--input-border-radius);display:inline-flex}.layui-input input{height:38px;line-height:38px;background-color:#fff;color:#000000d9;padding-left:10px;display:inline-block;border:none;height:100%;width:100%}.layui-input-append{background-color:#fafafa;border-left:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-prepend{background-color:#fafafa;border-right:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-wrapper{width:100%;display:inline-flex;border:none}.layui-input:hover,.layui-input:focus-within{border-color:#d2d2d2}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix,.layui-input-password{background-color:#fff}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix{display:flex;flex:none;align-items:center;padding:0 10px}.layui-input-has-prefix input{padding:0}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password{color:#00000073}.layui-input-clear:hover{opacity:.6}.layui-input input::-webkit-input-placeholder{line-height:1.3}.layui-input input::-ms-reveal{display:none}.layui-input-disabled{border-color:var(--input-border-color)!important}.layui-input-disabled{opacity:.6}.layui-input-disabled,.layui-input-disabled *{cursor:not-allowed!important}.layui-input[size=lg]{height:44px}.layui-input
function add(arg1, arg2) {
var r1, r2, m, c;
try {
r1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length;
} catch (e) {
r1 = 0;
try {
r2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length;
} catch (e) {
r2 = 0;
c = Math.abs(r1 - r2);
m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(r1, r2));
if (c > 0) {
var cm = Math.pow(10, c);
if (r1 > r2) {
arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", ""));
arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm;
} else {
arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm;
arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", ""));
} else {
arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", ""));
arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", ""));
return (arg1 + arg2) / m;
function sub(arg1, arg2) {
var r1, r2, m, c;
try {
r1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length;
} catch (e) {
r1 = 0;
try {
r2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length;
} catch (e) {
r2 = 0;
c = Math.abs(r1 - r2);
m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(r1, r2));
if (c > 0) {
var cm = Math.pow(10, c);
if (r1 > r2) {
arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", ""));
arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm;
} else {
arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm;
arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", ""));
} else {
arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", ""));
arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", ""));
return (arg1 - arg2) / m;
const _hoisted_1$j = ["position", "size"];
const _hoisted_2$h = { class: "layui-input-number-input" };
const __default__$r = {
name: "LayInputNumber"
const _sfc_main$s = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: { default: 0 },
name: null,
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
disabledInput: { type: Boolean, default: false },
size: { default: "md" },
step: { default: 1 },
position: null,
min: { default: -Infinity },
max: { default: Infinity }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
let num = ref(props.modelValue);
watch(num, (val) => {
if (props.max !== Infinity && val > props.max) {
num.value = props.max;
if (props.min !== -Infinity && val < props.min) {
num.value = props.min;
if (isNumber2(num.value)) {
tempValue.value = Number(num.value);
emit("update:modelValue", tempValue.value);
emit("change", tempValue.value);
watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => {
if (val !== num.value) {
num.value = props.modelValue;
let timer = 0;
const tempValue = ref(0);
const minControl = computed$1(() => {
if (props.disabled) {
return true;
if (props.min !== -Infinity) {
return Number(props.min) >= num.value;
const maxControl = computed$1(() => {
if (props.disabled) {
return true;
if (props.max !== Infinity) {
return Number(props.max) <= num.value;
const addition = function() {
num.value = add(num.value, props.step);
const subtraction = function() {
num.value = sub(num.value, props.step);
const longDown = function(fn) {
if (props.disabled) {
timer = setInterval(() =>, 150);;
const cancelLongDown = function() {
const inputChange = function() {
if (isNumber2(num.value)) {
tempValue.value = Number(num.value);
num.value = tempValue.value;
const isNumber2 = function(num2) {
return !isNaN(num2);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "layui-input-number",
position: __props.position,
size: __props.size
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1C, {
size: "lg",
onMouseup: cancelLongDown,
onMousedown: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => longDown(subtraction)),
onBlur: cancelLongDown,
disabled: unref(minControl),
class: "layui-control-btn layui-subtraction-btn"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: __props.position === "right" ? "layui-icon-down" : "layui-icon-subtraction"
}, null, 8, ["type"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"]),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$h, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1v, {
max: __props.max,
min: __props.min,
modelValue: unref(num),
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => isRef(num) ? num.value = $event : num = $event),
readonly: __props.disabledInput || __props.disabled,
disabled: __props.disabledInput || __props.disabled,
onInput: inputChange,
type: "number"
}, null, 8, ["max", "min", "name", "modelValue", "readonly", "disabled"])
createVNode(_sfc_main$1C, {
size: "lg",
onMouseup: cancelLongDown,
onMousedown: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => longDown(addition)),
onBlur: cancelLongDown,
disabled: unref(maxControl),
class: "layui-control-btn layui-addition-btn"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
type: __props.position === "right" ? "layui-icon-up" : "layui-icon-addition"
}, null, 8, ["type"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"])
], 8, _hoisted_1$j);
const component$m = withInstall(_sfc_main$s);
var index$d = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".lay-skeleton .lay-skeleton-item,.lay-skeleton .lay-skeleton-type--p{height:16px;border-radius:5px;margin-bottom:16px;background:#eeeeee}.lay-skeleton .lay-skeleton-type--image{width:240px;height:240px;background:#eeeeee;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center}.lay-skeleton .lay-skeleton-type--image i{font-size:40px}.lay-skeleton-animated .lay-skeleton-type--image{width:240px;height:240px!important;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center}.lay-skeleton-animated .lay-skeleton-type--image i{font-size:40px}.lay-skeleton-animated .lay-skeleton-item{height:16px;border-radius:5px;margin-bottom:16px;background:#eeeeee;background:linear-gradient(90deg,#f2f2f2 25%,#ececec 37%,#f2f2f2 63%);background-size:400% 100%;animation:lay-skeleton-loading 1.2s ease infinite}.lay-skeleton-first{width:30%}.lay-skeleton-last{width:62.8%}@keyframes lay-skeleton-loading{0%{background-position:100% 50%}to{background-position:0 50%}}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$i = { key: 0 };
const __default__$q = {
name: "LaySkeletonItem"
const _sfc_main$r = defineComponent({
props: {
type: { default: "p" }
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({
class: ["lay-skeleton-item", `lay-skeleton-type--${__props.type}`]
}, _ctx.$attrs), [
__props.type === "image" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$i, [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), { type: "layui-icon-picture" })
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 16);
const __default__$p = {
name: "LaySkeleton"
const _sfc_main$q = defineComponent({
props: {
rows: { default: 4 },
loading: { type: Boolean, default: false },
animated: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({
class: ["lay-skeleton", __props.animated ? "lay-skeleton-animated" : ""]
}, _ctx.$attrs), [
__props.loading ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "skeleton", { key: 0 }, () => [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.rows, (item) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$r, {
key: item,
class: normalizeClass([
item === 1 ? "lay-skeleton-first" : "",
item === __props.rows ? "lay-skeleton-last" : ""
type: "p"
}, null, 8, ["class"]);
}), 128))
]) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 1 })
], 16);
const component$l = withInstall(_sfc_main$q);
const component$k = withInstall(_sfc_main$r);
var index$c = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.lay-step{display:flex;flex-wrap:nowrap}.lay-step .lay-step-item{flex-grow:1;position:relative}.lay-step .is-item-center{text-align:center}.lay-step .lay-step-item-last{flex-grow:0!important}.lay-step .lay-step-item-pace{position:relative;z-index:10;cursor:pointer;width:24px;height:24px;border:1px #8d8d8d solid;border-radius:50%;text-align:center;line-height:24px;background:#ffffff}.lay-step .is-center{margin:0 auto}.lay-step .lay-step-item-active{border:1px #5fb878 solid;color:#5fb878}.lay-step .lay-step-item-wait{border:1px #000000 solid;color:#000}.lay-step .lay-step-item--success{border:1px #5fb878 solid;color:#fff;background:#5fb878}.lay-step .lay-step-item--fail{border:1px #ff5722 solid;color:#fff;background:#ff5722}.lay-step .lay-step-item--warning{border:1px #ffb800 solid;color:#fff;background:#ffb800}.lay-step .lay-step-item--primary{border:1px #1e9fff solid;color:#fff;background:#1e9fff}.lay-step .lay-step-item-success{border:1px #5fb878 solid;color:#fff;background:#5fb878}.lay-step .lay-step-item-fail{border:1px #ff5722 solid;color:#fff;background:#ff5722}.lay-step .lay-step-item-warning{border:1px #ffb800 solid;color:#fff;background:#ffb800}.lay-step .lay-step-item-primary{border:1px #1e9fff solid;color:#fff;background:#1e9fff}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content{color:#8d8d8d;cursor:pointer}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content .lay-step-item-content-title{font-weight:700;font-size:16px}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-row{color:#8d8d8d;position:absolute;top:5px;left:24px;width:calc(100% - 26px)}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-row .lay-step-item-content-title{word-wrap:break-word;max-width:calc(100% - 8px);font-weight:700;display:inline-block;margin-left:2px;background:#ffffff;padding:0 8px;font-size:16px}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-active,.lay-step .lay-step-item-content--success{color:#5fb878}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content--fail{color:#ff5722}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content--warning{color:#ffb800}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content--primary{color:#1e9fff}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-wait{color:#000}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-success{color:#5fb878}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-fail{color:#ff5722}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-warning{color:#ffb800}.lay-step .lay-step-item-content-primary{color:#1e9fff}.lay-step .lay-step-item-line{position:relative}.lay-step .lay-step-item-line:before{content:"";position:absolute;top:50%;display:block;height:1px;width:100%;background:#c9c5c5}.lay-step .is-line-center:before{left:50%}.lay-step .lay-step-item-line-active:before{transition:background .15s;background:#5fb878!important}.lay-step .lay-step-item-line-fail:before{transition:background .15s;background:#ff5722!important}.lay-step .lay-step-item-line-warning:before{transition:background .15s;background:#ffb800!important}.lay-step .lay-step-item-line-primary:before{transition:background .15s;background:#1e9fff!important}.lay-step .lay-step-simple{height:30px;padding:0 8px;line-height:30px;color:#fff;background-color:#cecece;cursor:pointer}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple{padding:0 18px}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple:after{content:"";position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:auto;bottom:auto;border:15px solid;border-color:transparent transparent transparent #cecece;background-color:transparent;border-radius:0;display:block;height:auto;width:auto}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple:before{content:"";position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:auto;bottom:auto;border:15px solid;border-color:transparent transparent transparent #cecece;background-color:transparent;border-radius:0;display:block;height:auto;width:auto}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple-border:before{left:1px;border-color:transparent transparent transparent #ffffff}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple-active{background-color:#9fd4ae}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple-success{background-color:#5fb878}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple-fail{background-color:#ff5722}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple-warning{background-color:#ffb800}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple-primary{background-color:#1e9fff}.lay-step .lay-step-item-simple-active-border:aft
const __default__$o = {
name: "LayStep"
const _sfc_main$p = defineComponent({
props: {
active: { default: 0 },
center: { type: Boolean, default: false },
direction: { default: "horizontal" },
space: { default: "auto" },
currentStatus: { default: "success" },
composition: { default: "default" },
simple: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ["onChange"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const steps = ref([]);
const change3 = (index2) => {
emits("onChange", index2 - 1);
watch(steps, () => {
steps.value.forEach((instance, index2) => {
provide("LayStep", {
change: change3
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["lay-step", __props.direction !== "vertical" ? "" : "lay-step-column"])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
const component$j = withInstall(_sfc_main$p);
const _hoisted_1$h = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_2$g = { class: "lay-step-item-content-title" };
const __default__$n = {
name: "LayStepItem"
const _sfc_main$o = defineComponent({
props: {
title: { default: "" },
content: { default: "" },
icon: { default: "" },
status: { default: "" }
setup(__props) {
const index2 = ref(-1);
const parents = inject("LayStep");
const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance();
const setIndex = (val) => {
index2.value = val;
const onChange = (index22) => {
const stepsCount = computed$1(() => {
return parents.steps.value.length;
const currentStatus = computed$1(() => {
return parents.props.currentStatus;
const simple = computed$1(() => {
return parents.props.simple;
const composition = computed$1(() => {
return parents.props.composition;
const isCurrent = computed$1(() => {
const isCurrentBorder = computed$1(() => {
return + 1;
const space = computed$1(() => {
const isVertical = computed$1(() => {
return parents.props.direction === "vertical";
const isCenter = computed$1(() => {
const isLineActive = computed$1(() => {
return index2.value <= - 1;
const isWait = computed$1(() => {
return index2.value === + 1;
const isSimpleActive = computed$1(() => {
return index2.value - 1 <=;
const isActive = computed$1(() => {
return index2.value <=;
const isLast = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = parents.steps.value[stepsCount.value - 1]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.itemId) === currentInstance.uid;
const isStart = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = parents.steps.value[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.itemId) === currentInstance.uid;
const stepItemState = reactive({
itemId: computed$1(() => currentInstance == null ? void 0 : currentInstance.uid),
parents.steps.value = [...parents.steps.value, stepItemState];
onMounted(() => {
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
parents.steps.value = parents.steps.value.filter((instance) => instance.itemId !== currentInstance.uid);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return !unref(simple) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
class: normalizeClass([
unref(isLast) && !unref(isCenter) && unref(composition) !== "row" ? "lay-step-item-last" : "",
unref(isCenter) ? "is-item-center" : "",
unref(isVertical) ? "is-vertical" : ""
style: normalizeStyle({ flexBasis: unref(space), flexGrow: unref(space) === "auto" ? 1 : 0 })
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass([
!unref(isLast) ? unref(isLineActive) ? `lay-step-item-line lay-step-item-line-${__props.status || "active"}` : "lay-step-item-line" : "",
unref(isCenter) ? "is-line-center" : ""
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass([
unref(isActive) ? `lay-step-item-active` : "",
unref(isCurrent) === index2.value ? `lay-step-item--${unref(currentStatus)}` : "",
__props.status ? `lay-step-item-${__props.status}` : "",
unref(isWait) ? "lay-step-item-wait" : "",
unref(isCenter) ? "is-center" : ""
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => onChange(index2.value + 1))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "pace", {}, () => [
__props.icon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 0,
type: __props.icon
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
!unref(isActive) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$h, toDisplayString$1(index2.value + 1), 1)) : (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 1,
type: __props.status === "fail" ? "layui-icon-close" : "layui-icon-ok"
}, null, 8, ["type"]))
], 64))
], 2)
], 2),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass([
unref(composition) === "row" ? "lay-step-item-content-row" : "",
unref(isActive) ? `lay-step-item-content-active` : "",
unref(isCurrent) === index2.value ? `lay-step-item-content--${unref(currentStatus)}` : "",
__props.status ? `lay-step-item-content-${__props.status}` : "",
unref(isWait) ? "lay-step-item-content-wait" : ""
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => onChange(index2.value + 1))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$g, toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1),
createElementVNode("p", null, toDisplayString$1(__props.content), 1)
], 2)
], 6)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 1,
class: normalizeClass([
!unref(isStart) ? "lay-step-item-simple" : "",
unref(isActive) ? "lay-step-item-simple-active" : "",
unref(isCurrent) === index2.value ? `lay-step-item-simple-${unref(currentStatus)}` : "",
unref(isCurrentBorder) === index2.value ? `lay-step-item-simple-${unref(currentStatus)}-border` : "",
unref(isSimpleActive) ? "lay-step-item-simple-active-border" : ""
onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => onChange(index2.value + 1))
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(index2.value + 1) + "." + toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1)
], 2));
const component$i = withInstall(_sfc_main$o);
const _hoisted_1$g = { class: "layui-nav-item" };
const _hoisted_2$f = {
href: "javascript:void(0)",
style: { "justify-content": "space-between" }
const _hoisted_3$e = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-sub-menu-icon"
const _hoisted_4$b = { key: 1 };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$a = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 0,
class: "layui-nav-more"
const __default__$m = {
name: "SubMenuPopup"
const _sfc_main$n = defineComponent({
props: {
id: null,
title: null
setup(__props) {
const { level } = useLevel();
const isTree = inject("isTree");
const theme = inject("menuTheme");
const computedTheme = computed$1(() => {
return theme.value === "light" ? "-light" : "";
const computedExpandIcon = computed$1(() => {
if (isTree.value)
return "layui-icon-right";
return level.value === 2 ? "layui-icon-down" : "layui-icon-right";
const computedPlacement = computed$1(() => {
return !isTree.value && level.value === 2 ? "bottom" : "right-start";
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1y, {
trigger: "hover",
class: "layui-sub-menu-popup",
placement: unref(computedPlacement),
autoFitMinWidth: false,
updateAtScroll: true,
contentOffset: 3
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass([
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2)
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("li", _hoisted_1$g, [
createElementVNode("a", _hoisted_2$f, [
createElementVNode("div", null, [
_ctx.$slots.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_3$e, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
_ctx.$slots.title ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_4$b, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
_ctx.$slots.expandIcon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_5$a, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "expandIcon", {}, () => [
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$2E), { type: unref(computedExpandIcon) }, null, 8, ["type"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 3
}, 8, ["placement"]);
const _hoisted_1$f = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-nav-item"
const _hoisted_2$e = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-sub-menu-icon"
const _hoisted_3$d = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-nav-more"
const _hoisted_4$a = { key: 0 };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$9 = { class: "layui-nav-child" };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const __default__$l = {
name: "LaySubMenu"
const _sfc_main$m = defineComponent({
props: {
id: null,
title: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const slots = useSlots();
const { level } = useLevel();
const isTree = inject("isTree");
const openKeys = inject("openKeys");
const indent = inject("indent");
const isCollapse = inject("isCollapse");
const isCollapseTransition = inject("isCollapseTransition");
const isOpen = computed$1(() => {
return openKeys.value.includes(;
const nextLevel = computed$1(() => level.value + 1);
const needPopup = ref(false);
watchEffect(() => {
if (isTree.value) {
const _isCollapse = isCollapse.value === true || isCollapse.value === "true";
if (_isCollapse && level.value === 1) {
setTimeout(() => {
needPopup.value = isTree.value && _isCollapse;
}, 200);
} else {
needPopup.value = isTree.value && _isCollapse;
} else if (slots.default && slots.default().length > 0) {
needPopup.value = true;
const openHandle = function() {
if (!isCollapse.value) {
let newOpenKeys = [...openKeys.value];
if (openKeys.value.includes( {
newOpenKeys.splice(newOpenKeys.indexOf(, 1);
} else {
openKeys.value = newOpenKeys;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return !needPopup.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", _hoisted_1$f, [
createElementVNode("a", {
href: "javascript:void(0)",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => openHandle()),
style: normalizeStyle(unref(indentHandle)({ indent: unref(indent), level: unref(level), basePadding: 23, isTree: unref(isTree) }))
}, [
unref(slots).icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_2$e, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("span", null, [
unref(slots).title ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", { key: 0 }) : createCommentVNode("", true)
unref(slots).expandIcon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_3$d, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "expandIcon", { isExpand: unref(isOpen) })
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", {
key: 2,
class: normalizeClass([
unref(isOpen) ? "layui-nav-mored" : "",
"layui-icon layui-icon-down",
}, null, 2))
], 4),
unref(isTree) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$17, {
key: 0,
enable: unref(isCollapseTransition)
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(isOpen) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$a, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("dl", _hoisted_5$9, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 3
}, 8, ["enable"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$n, {
key: 1,
}, createSlots({
expandIcon: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "expandIcon")
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_: 2
}, [
unref(slots).icon ? {
name: "icon",
fn: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon")
key: "0"
} : void 0,
unref(slots).title ? {
name: "title",
fn: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title")
key: "1"
} : void 0
]), 1032, ["id"]));
const component$h = withInstall(_sfc_main$m);
var index$b = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.lay-split-panel{height:100%;display:flex;position:relative}.lay-split-panel .lay-split-panel-item{height:100%;border:1px #eeeeee solid}.lay-split-panel .lay-split-panel-item-move{user-select:none;pointer-events:none;cursor:col-resize}.lay-split-panel .lay-split-panel-line{height:100%;width:3px;border:1px #eeeeee solid;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-1);border-left:none;border-right:none;cursor:col-resize;display:flex;align-items:center}.lay-split-panel .lay-split-panel-line:before{content:"";height:6px;width:100%;border:2px solid #dcdee2;border-left:0;border-right:0}.lay-split-panel-vertical{flex-direction:column;position:relative}.lay-split-panel-vertical .lay-split-panel-item-move{user-select:none;pointer-events:none;cursor:row-resize}.lay-split-panel-vertical .lay-split-panel-line{display:flex;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:3px;cursor:row-resize;border:1px #eeeeee solid;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-1);border-top:none;border-bottom:none}.lay-split-panel-vertical .lay-split-panel-line:before{content:"";height:100%;width:6px;border:2px solid #dcdee2;border-top:none;border-bottom:none}\n')();
const __default__$k = {
name: "LaySplitPanel"
const _sfc_main$l = defineComponent({
props: {
vertical: { type: Boolean, default: false },
minSize: { default: 50 }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const target = ref();
const { pressed } = useMousePressed({ target });
let domEvent = ref();
let domStatus = ref(pressed);
let parentVertical = ref();
onMounted(() => {
const boxWidth = target.value.offsetWidth;
const boxHeight = target.value.offsetHeight;
target.value.addEventListener("mousemove", (event) => {
if (domStatus.value && domEvent.value) {
const prevDom =;
const nextDom =;
if (!props.vertical) {
const prevDomLeft =;
const prevDomWidth =;
const nextDomWidth =;
const otherWidth = boxWidth - (prevDomWidth + nextDomWidth + 5);
const otherWidthPercentage = (prevDomWidth + nextDomWidth + 5) / boxWidth * 100;
if (event.layerX - prevDomLeft < props.minSize || boxWidth - (event.layerX - prevDomLeft) - otherWidth < props.minSize) {
return false;
} = (event.layerX - prevDomLeft) / (prevDomWidth + nextDomWidth + 5) * otherWidthPercentage + "%"; = (boxWidth - (event.layerX - prevDomLeft) - otherWidth) / (prevDomWidth + nextDomWidth + 5) * otherWidthPercentage + "%";
} else {
const prevDomTop =;
const prevDomHeight =;
const nextDomHeight =;
const otherHeight = boxHeight - (prevDomHeight + nextDomHeight + 5);
const otherHeightPercentage = (prevDomHeight + nextDomHeight + 5) / boxHeight * 100;
if (event.layerY - prevDomTop < props.minSize || boxHeight - (event.layerY - prevDomTop) - otherHeight < props.minSize) {
return false;
} = (event.layerY - prevDomTop) / (prevDomHeight + nextDomHeight + 5) * otherHeightPercentage + "%"; = (boxHeight - (event.layerY - prevDomTop) - otherHeight) / (prevDomHeight + nextDomHeight + 5) * otherHeightPercentage + "%";
const moveChange = (event, status, isVertical) => {
domEvent.value = event;
domStatus.value = status;
parentVertical.value = isVertical;
const mouseup = () => {
domStatus.value = false;
domEvent.value = null;
parentVertical.value = false;
const steps = ref([]);
watch(steps, () => {
steps.value.forEach((instance, index2) => {
provide("laySplitPanel", {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({
ref_key: "target",
ref: target,
class: ["lay-split-panel", __props.vertical ? "lay-split-panel-vertical" : ""],
style: {
cursor: unref(domStatus) ? !__props.vertical ? "col-resize" : "row-resize" : ""
}, toHandlers({ mouseup }, true)), [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 16);
const component$g = withInstall(_sfc_main$l);
const __default__$j = {
name: "LaySplitPanelItem"
const _sfc_main$k = defineComponent({
props: {
space: { default: 0 }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const index2 = ref(-1);
const parents = inject("laySplitPanel");
const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance();
const moveStatus = ref(false);
const setIndex = (val) => {
index2.value = val;
const mouseup = (event) => {
moveStatus.value = false;
const stepsCount = computed$1(() => {
return parents.steps.value.length;
const initSpace = (parentSpace, key) => {
const childList = Array.from(parentElement.value.children);
childList.forEach((item, index22) => {
if (index22 === 0 || index22 % 2 === 0) { = item[key] / parentSpace * 100 + "%"; = 0;
const mousedown = (event) => {
let parentSpace = 0;
if (!isVertical.value) {
parentSpace = parentElement.value.offsetWidth;
initSpace(parentSpace, "offsetWidth");
} else {
parentSpace = parentElement.value.offsetHeight;
initSpace(parentSpace, "offsetHeight");
moveStatus.value = true;
parents.moveChange(event, true, isVertical.value);
const parentElement = computed$1(() => {
const isVertical = computed$1(() => {
return parents.props.vertical;
computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = parents.steps.value[stepsCount.value - 1]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.itemId) === currentInstance.uid;
const isStart = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = parents.steps.value[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.itemId) === currentInstance.uid;
const stepItemState = reactive({
itemId: computed$1(() => currentInstance == null ? void 0 : currentInstance.uid),
parents.steps.value = [...parents.steps.value, stepItemState];
onMounted(() => {
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
parents.steps.value = parents.steps.value.filter((instance) => instance.itemId !== currentInstance.uid);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [
!unref(isStart) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({
key: 0,
class: [!unref(isStart) ? "lay-split-panel-line" : ""],
ref: "el"
}, toHandlers({ mousedown, mouseup }, true)), null, 16)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
unref(isVertical) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 1,
ref: "laySplitPanelItem",
class: normalizeClass(["lay-split-panel-item"]),
style: normalizeStyle({ flexBasis: `${}px`, flexGrow: ? 0 : 1 })
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 4)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 2,
class: normalizeClass(["lay-split-panel-item"]),
style: normalizeStyle({ flexBasis: `${}px`, flexGrow: ? 0 : 1 })
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 4))
], 64);
const component$f = withInstall(_sfc_main$k);
var index$a = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-exception .layui-exception-image{width:50%;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top}.layui-exception .layui-exception-image>div{height:200px;background-size:100% 100%;background-repeat:no-repeat}.layui-exception .layui-exception-image .error-401{background-image:url(
const _hoisted_1$e = { class: "layui-exception" };
const _hoisted_2$d = { class: "layui-exception-image" };
const _hoisted_3$c = {
key: 0,
class: "error-401"
const _hoisted_4$9 = {
key: 1,
class: "error-403"
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$8 = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 2,
class: "error-404"
const _hoisted_6$7 = {
key: 3,
class: "error-500"
const _hoisted_7$7 = { class: "layui-exception-details" };
const _hoisted_8$4 = { class: "layui-exception-details-content" };
const _hoisted_9$3 = { class: "layui-exception-details-title" };
const _hoisted_10$3 = { class: "layui-exception-details-describe" };
const _hoisted_11$3 = { class: "layui-exception-details-extra" };
const __default__$i = {
name: "LayException"
const _sfc_main$j = defineComponent({
props: {
title: { default: "exception" },
status: null,
describe: { default: "describe" }
setup(__props) {
const slots = useSlots();
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$e, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$d, [
unref(slots).default ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "image", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
__props.status == "401" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$c)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.status == "403" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$9)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.status == "404" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$8)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
__props.status == "500" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6$7)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64))
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$7, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$4, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9$3, toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$3, toDisplayString$1(__props.describe), 1),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11$3, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "extra")
const component$e = withInstall(_sfc_main$j);
var index$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".result{text-align:center}.result .success svg{color:#32c682;text-align:center;margin-top:40px}.result .failure svg{color:#f56c6c;text-align:center;margin-top:40px}.result .title{margin-top:25px}.result .desc{margin-top:25px;width:60%;margin-left:20%;color:#00000073}.result .content{margin-top:20px;width:80%;border-radius:10px;background-color:#fff;margin-left:10%}.result .extra{padding-top:10px;border-top:1px whitesmoke solid;margin-top:25px}\n")();
const _hoisted_1$d = { class: "result" };
const _hoisted_2$c = {
key: 0,
viewBox: "64 64 896 896",
"data-icon": "close-circle",
width: "80px",
height: "80px",
fill: "currentColor",
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: ""
const _hoisted_3$b = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", { d: "M685.4 354.8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8l-66 .3L512 465.6l-99.3-118.4-66.1-.3c-4.4 0-8 3.5-8 8 0 1.9.7 3.7 1.9 5.2l130.1 155L340.5 670a8.32 8.32 0 0 0-1.9 5.2c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8l66.1-.3L512 564.4l99.3 118.4 66 .3c4.4 0 8-3.5 8-8 0-1.9-.7-3.7-1.9-5.2L553.5 515l130.1-155c1.2-1.4 1.8-3.3 1.8-5.2z" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_4$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", { d: "M512 65C264.6 65 64 265.6 64 513s200.6 448 448 448 448-200.6 448-448S759.4 65 512 65zm0 820c-205.4 0-372-166.6-372-372s166.6-372 372-372 372 166.6 372 372-166.6 372-372 372z" }, null, -1);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$7 = [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$6 = {
key: 1,
viewBox: "64 64 896 896",
"data-icon": "check-circle",
width: "80px",
height: "80px",
fill: "currentColor",
"aria-hidden": "true",
focusable: "false",
class: ""
const _hoisted_7$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", { d: "M699 353h-46.9c-10.2 0-19.9 4.9-25.9 13.3L469 584.3l-71.2-98.8c-6-8.3-15.6-13.3-25.9-13.3H325c-6.5 0-10.3 7.4-6.5 12.7l124.6 172.8a31.8 31.8 0 0 0 51.7 0l210.6-292c3.9-5.3.1-12.7-6.4-12.7z" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_8$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("path", { d: "M512 64C264.6 64 64 264.6 64 512s200.6 448 448 448 448-200.6 448-448S759.4 64 512 64zm0 820c-205.4 0-372-166.6-372-372s166.6-372 372-372 372 166.6 372 372-166.6 372-372 372z" }, null, -1);
const _hoisted_9$2 = [
const _hoisted_10$2 = { class: "title" };
const _hoisted_11$2 = { class: "desc" };
const _hoisted_12$2 = { class: "content" };
const _hoisted_13$2 = { class: "extra" };
const __default__$h = {
name: "LayResult"
const _sfc_main$i = defineComponent({
props: {
title: { default: "\u63D0\u4EA4\u4FE1\u606F" },
status: { default: "success" },
describe: { default: "\u8BF7\u6838\u5BF9\u5E76\u4FEE\u6539\u4EE5\u4E0B\u4FE1\u606F\u540E\uFF0C\u518D\u91CD\u65B0\u63D0\u4EA4\u3002" }
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$d, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass([__props.status])
}, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
__props.status === "failure" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_2$c, _hoisted_5$7)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_6$6, _hoisted_9$2))
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
], 2),
createElementVNode("h2", _hoisted_10$2, toDisplayString$1(__props.title), 1),
createElementVNode("p", _hoisted_11$2, toDisplayString$1(__props.describe), 1),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_12$2, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_13$2, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "extra")
const component$d = withInstall(_sfc_main$i);
var index$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-fullscreen{top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;position:fixed;overflow:auto;z-index:10}\n")();
const __default__$g = {
name: "LayFullscreen"
const _sfc_main$h = defineComponent({
props: {
target: null,
immersive: { type: Boolean, default: true },
position: null,
zIndex: null
emits: ["fullscreenchange"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const methodMap = [
const defaultElement = document.documentElement;
let targetEl = ref( || defaultElement);
const isFullscreen = ref(false);
let isSupported = false;
const unprefixedMethods = methodMap[0];
const fullscreenAPI = {};
for (const methodList of methodMap) {
if (methodList[1] in document) {
for (const [index2, method4] of methodList.entries()) {
fullscreenAPI[unprefixedMethods[index2]] = method4;
isSupported = true;
async function enter(targetEl2) {
if (!isSupported)
if (!targetEl2)
targetEl2 = activeEl.value || defaultElement;
let fullscreenEnter = null;
if (props.immersive) {
fullscreenEnter = Promise.resolve(targetEl2[fullscreenAPI.requestFullscreen]());
} else {
styleLayFullscreen(targetEl2, false);
fullscreenEnter = Promise.resolve(targetEl2 == null ? void 0 : targetEl2.classList.add("layui-fullscreen"));
return await (fullscreenEnter == null ? void 0 : fullscreenEnter.then(() => {
isFullscreen.value = true;
emit("fullscreenchange", isFullscreen.value);
return !!document.fullscreenElement;
async function exit(targetEl2) {
if (!isSupported)
if (!targetEl2)
targetEl2 = activeEl.value || document;
let fullscreenExit = null;
if (props.immersive) {
fullscreenExit = Promise.resolve(document[fullscreenAPI.exitFullscreen]());
} else {
if (targetEl2 instanceof Document)
styleLayFullscreen(targetEl2, true);
fullscreenExit = Promise.resolve(targetEl2 == null ? void 0 : targetEl2.classList.remove("layui-fullscreen"));
return await (fullscreenExit == null ? void 0 : fullscreenExit.then(() => {
isFullscreen.value = false;
emit("fullscreenchange", isFullscreen.value);
return !!document.fullscreenElement;
async function toggle() {
if (isFullscreen.value) {
await exit(activeEl.value);
} else {
await enter(activeEl.value);
const styleLayFullscreen = function(el, isRemove = false) { = isRemove ? "" : props.position || ""; = isRemove ? "" : props.zIndex || "";
const activeEl = computed$1(() => targetEl.value =;
const onFullscreenchange = function(event) {
if (isFullscreen.value && !document.fullscreenElement) {
if (props.immersive) {
isFullscreen.value = false;
emit("fullscreenchange", isFullscreen.value);
} else if (event.key === "Escape") {
const onKeydownF11 = function(event) {
let isRootNodeFullscreen = props.immersive && (!activeEl.value || activeEl.value === defaultElement);
if (event.key === "F11" && isRootNodeFullscreen) {
onMounted(() => {
document.addEventListener(fullscreenAPI.fullscreenchange, onFullscreenchange);
document.addEventListener("keydown", onFullscreenchange);
document.addEventListener("keydown", onKeydownF11);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
document.removeEventListener(fullscreenAPI.fullscreenchange, onFullscreenchange);
document.removeEventListener("keydown", onFullscreenchange);
document.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeydownF11);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {
isFullscreen: isFullscreen.value,
const component$c = withInstall(_sfc_main$h);
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
var index$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-dropdown{position:relative;display:inline-block}.layui-dropdown-content{position:absolute;z-index:99999;background-color:#fff;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #e4e7ed;border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 2px 12px #0000001a}.layui-dropdown-content>.layui-dropdown-menu{border-radius:var(--global-border-radius);margin:5px 0}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu{position:relative;background-color:#fff}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li,.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title a{padding:5px 15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li{position:relative;display:flex;margin:1px 0;line-height:26px;color:#000c;font-size:14px;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li:hover{background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-2)}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu-body-title{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.layui-dropdown-menu-prefix{margin-right:8px}.layui-dropdown-menu-suffix{margin-left:15px}.layui-dropdown-content .layui-menu li.layui-disabled:hover{background-color:inherit}:root{--input-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--input-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-input{width:100%;height:38px;line-height:38px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--input-border-color);border-radius:var(--input-border-radius);display:inline-flex}.layui-input input{height:38px;line-height:38px;background-color:#fff;color:#000000d9;padding-left:10px;display:inline-block;border:none;height:100%;width:100%}.layui-input-append{background-color:#fafafa;border-left:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-prepend{background-color:#fafafa;border-right:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-wrapper{width:100%;display:inline-flex;border:none}.layui-input:hover,.layui-input:focus-within{border-color:#d2d2d2}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix,.layui-input-password{background-color:#fff}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix{display:flex;flex:none;align-items:center;padding:0 10px}.layui-input-has-prefix input{padding:0}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password{color:#00000073}.layui-input-clear:hover{opacity:.6}.layui-input input::-webkit-input-placeholder{line-height:1.3}.layui-input input::-ms-reveal{display:none}.layui-input-disabled{border-color:var(--input-border-color)!important}.layui-input-disabled{opacity:.6}.layui-input-disabled,.layui-input-disabled *{cursor:not-allowed!important}.layui-input[size=lg]{height:44px}.layui-input[size=lg] .layui-input{height:44px;line-height:44px}.layui-input[size=md]{height:38px}.layui-input[size=md] .layui-input{height:38px;line-height:38px}.layui-input[size=sm]{height:32px}.layui-input[size=sm] .layui-input{height:32px;line-height:32px}.layui-input[size=xs]{height:26px}.layui-input[size=xs] .layui-input{height:26px;line-height:26px}.layui-date-picker[size=lg]{width:260px;height:44px}.layui-date-picker[size=lg] .layui-input{height:44px;line-height:44px}.layui-date-picker[size=md]{width:220px;height:38px}.layui-date-picker[size=md] .layui-input{height:38px;line-height:38px}.layui-date-picker[size=sm]{width:180px;height:32px}.layui-date-picker[size=sm] .layui-input{height:32px;line-height:32px}.layui-date-picker[size=xs]{width:140px;height:26px}.layui-date-picker[size=xs] .layui-input{height:26px;line-height:26px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=lg]{width:520px;height:44px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=lg] .layui-input{height:44px;line-height:44px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=md]{width:440px;height:38px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=md] .layui-input{height:38px;line-height:38px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=sm]{width:360px;height:32px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=sm] .layui-input{height:32px;line-height:32px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=xs]{width:280px;height:26px}.layui-date-range-picker[size=xs] .layui-input{height:26px;line-height:26px}@font-face{font-family:laydate-icon;src:url(data
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
var dayjs_min = { exports: {} };
(function(module, exports) {
!function(t, e) {
module.exports = e();
}(commonjsGlobal, function() {
var t = 1e3, e = 6e4, n = 36e5, r = "millisecond", i = "second", s = "minute", u = "hour", a = "day", o = "week", f = "month", h2 = "quarter", c = "year", d = "date", $ = "Invalid Date", l = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, M = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_") }, m = function(t2, e2, n2) {
var r2 = String(t2);
return !r2 || r2.length >= e2 ? t2 : "" + Array(e2 + 1 - r2.length).join(n2) + t2;
}, g = { s: m, z: function(t2) {
var e2 = -t2.utcOffset(), n2 = Math.abs(e2), r2 = Math.floor(n2 / 60), i2 = n2 % 60;
return (e2 <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(r2, 2, "0") + ":" + m(i2, 2, "0");
}, m: function t2(e2, n2) {
if ( <
return -t2(n2, e2);
var r2 = 12 * (n2.year() - e2.year()) + (n2.month() - e2.month()), i2 = e2.clone().add(r2, f), s2 = n2 - i2 < 0, u2 = e2.clone().add(r2 + (s2 ? -1 : 1), f);
return +(-(r2 + (n2 - i2) / (s2 ? i2 - u2 : u2 - i2)) || 0);
}, a: function(t2) {
return t2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(t2) || 0 : Math.floor(t2);
}, p: function(t2) {
return { M: f, y: c, w: o, d: a, D: d, h: u, m: s, s: i, ms: r, Q: h2 }[t2] || String(t2 || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
}, u: function(t2) {
return void 0 === t2;
} }, v = "en", D = {};
D[v] = M;
var p = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof _;
}, S = function t2(e2, n2, r2) {
var i2;
if (!e2)
return v;
if ("string" == typeof e2) {
var s2 = e2.toLowerCase();
D[s2] && (i2 = s2), n2 && (D[s2] = n2, i2 = s2);
var u2 = e2.split("-");
if (!i2 && u2.length > 1)
return t2(u2[0]);
} else {
var a2 =;
D[a2] = e2, i2 = a2;
return !r2 && i2 && (v = i2), i2 || !r2 && v;
}, w = function(t2, e2) {
if (p(t2))
return t2.clone();
var n2 = "object" == typeof e2 ? e2 : {};
return = t2, n2.args = arguments, new _(n2);
}, O = g;
O.l = S, O.i = p, O.w = function(t2, e2) {
return w(t2, { locale: e2.$L, utc: e2.$u, x: e2.$x, $offset: e2.$offset });
var _ = function() {
function M2(t2) {
this.$L = S(t2.locale, null, true), this.parse(t2);
var m2 = M2.prototype;
return m2.parse = function(t2) {
this.$d = function(t3) {
var e2 =, n2 = t3.utc;
if (null === e2)
return new Date(NaN);
if (O.u(e2))
return new Date();
if (e2 instanceof Date)
return new Date(e2);
if ("string" == typeof e2 && !/Z$/i.test(e2)) {
var r2 = e2.match(l);
if (r2) {
var i2 = r2[2] - 1 || 0, s2 = (r2[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return n2 ? new Date(Date.UTC(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2)) : new Date(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2);
return new Date(e2);
}(t2), this.$x = t2.x || {}, this.init();
}, m2.init = function() {
var t2 = this.$d;
this.$y = t2.getFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getMonth(), this.$D = t2.getDate(), this.$W = t2.getDay(), this.$H = t2.getHours(), this.$m = t2.getMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getMilliseconds();
}, m2.$utils = function() {
return O;
}, m2.isValid = function() {
return !(this.$d.toString() === $);
}, m2.isSame = function(t2, e2) {
var n2 = w(t2);
return this.startOf(e2) <= n2 && n2 <= this.endOf(e2);
}, m2.isAfter = function(t2, e2) {
return w(t2) < this.startOf(e2);
}, m2.isBefore = function(t2, e2) {
return this.endOf(e2) < w(t2);
}, m2.$g = function(t2, e2, n2) {
return O.u(t2) ? this[e2] : this.set(n2, t2);
}, m2.unix = function() {
return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
}, m2.valueOf = function() {
return this.$d.getTime();
}, m2.startOf = function(t2, e2) {
var n2 = this, r2 = !!O.u(e2) || e2, h3 = O.p(t2), $2 = function(t3, e3) {
var i2 = O.w(n2.$u ? Date.UTC(n2.$y, e3, t3) : new Date(n2.$y, e3, t3), n2);
return r2 ? i2 : i2.endOf(a);
}, l2 = function(t3, e3) {
return O.w(n2.toDate()[t3].apply(n2.toDate("s"), (r2 ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e3)), n2);
}, y2 = this.$W, M3 = this.$M, m3 = this.$D, g2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (h3) {
case c:
return r2 ? $2(1, 0) : $2(31, 11);
case f:
return r2 ? $2(1, M3) : $2(0, M3 + 1);
case o:
var v2 = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, D2 = (y2 < v2 ? y2 + 7 : y2) - v2;
return $2(r2 ? m3 - D2 : m3 + (6 - D2), M3);
case a:
case d:
return l2(g2 + "Hours", 0);
case u:
return l2(g2 + "Minutes", 1);
case s:
return l2(g2 + "Seconds", 2);
case i:
return l2(g2 + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, m2.endOf = function(t2) {
return this.startOf(t2, false);
}, m2.$set = function(t2, e2) {
var n2, o2 = O.p(t2), h3 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), $2 = (n2 = {}, n2[a] = h3 + "Date", n2[d] = h3 + "Date", n2[f] = h3 + "Month", n2[c] = h3 + "FullYear", n2[u] = h3 + "Hours", n2[s] = h3 + "Minutes", n2[i] = h3 + "Seconds", n2[r] = h3 + "Milliseconds", n2)[o2], l2 = o2 === a ? this.$D + (e2 - this.$W) : e2;
if (o2 === f || o2 === c) {
var y2 = this.clone().set(d, 1);
y2.$d[$2](l2), y2.init(), this.$d = y2.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, y2.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else
$2 && this.$d[$2](l2);
return this.init(), this;
}, m2.set = function(t2, e2) {
return this.clone().$set(t2, e2);
}, m2.get = function(t2) {
return this[O.p(t2)]();
}, m2.add = function(r2, h3) {
var d2, $2 = this;
r2 = Number(r2);
var l2 = O.p(h3), y2 = function(t2) {
var e2 = w($2);
return O.w( + Math.round(t2 * r2)), $2);
if (l2 === f)
return this.set(f, this.$M + r2);
if (l2 === c)
return this.set(c, this.$y + r2);
if (l2 === a)
return y2(1);
if (l2 === o)
return y2(7);
var M3 = (d2 = {}, d2[s] = e, d2[u] = n, d2[i] = t, d2)[l2] || 1, m3 = this.$d.getTime() + r2 * M3;
return O.w(m3, this);
}, m2.subtract = function(t2, e2) {
return this.add(-1 * t2, e2);
}, m2.format = function(t2) {
var e2 = this, n2 = this.$locale();
if (!this.isValid())
return n2.invalidDate || $;
var r2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", i2 = O.z(this), s2 = this.$H, u2 = this.$m, a2 = this.$M, o2 = n2.weekdays, f2 = n2.months, h3 = function(t3, n3, i3, s3) {
return t3 && (t3[n3] || t3(e2, r2)) || i3[n3].substr(0, s3);
}, c2 = function(t3) {
return O.s(s2 % 12 || 12, t3, "0");
}, d2 = n2.meridiem || function(t3, e3, n3) {
var r3 = t3 < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return n3 ? r3.toLowerCase() : r3;
}, l2 = { YY: String(this.$y).slice(-2), YYYY: this.$y, M: a2 + 1, MM: O.s(a2 + 1, 2, "0"), MMM: h3(n2.monthsShort, a2, f2, 3), MMMM: h3(f2, a2), D: this.$D, DD: O.s(this.$D, 2, "0"), d: String(this.$W), dd: h3(n2.weekdaysMin, this.$W, o2, 2), ddd: h3(n2.weekdaysShort, this.$W, o2, 3), dddd: o2[this.$W], H: String(s2), HH: O.s(s2, 2, "0"), h: c2(1), hh: c2(2), a: d2(s2, u2, true), A: d2(s2, u2, false), m: String(u2), mm: O.s(u2, 2, "0"), s: String(this.$s), ss: O.s(this.$s, 2, "0"), SSS: O.s(this.$ms, 3, "0"), Z: i2 };
return r2.replace(y, function(t3, e3) {
return e3 || l2[t3] || i2.replace(":", "");
}, m2.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, m2.diff = function(r2, d2, $2) {
var l2, y2 = O.p(d2), M3 = w(r2), m3 = (M3.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * e, g2 = this - M3, v2 = O.m(this, M3);
return v2 = (l2 = {}, l2[c] = v2 / 12, l2[f] = v2, l2[h2] = v2 / 3, l2[o] = (g2 - m3) / 6048e5, l2[a] = (g2 - m3) / 864e5, l2[u] = g2 / n, l2[s] = g2 / e, l2[i] = g2 / t, l2)[y2] || g2, $2 ? v2 : O.a(v2);
}, m2.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(f).$D;
}, m2.$locale = function() {
return D[this.$L];
}, m2.locale = function(t2, e2) {
if (!t2)
return this.$L;
var n2 = this.clone(), r2 = S(t2, e2, true);
return r2 && (n2.$L = r2), n2;
}, m2.clone = function() {
return O.w(this.$d, this);
}, m2.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.valueOf());
}, m2.toJSON = function() {
return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
}, m2.toISOString = function() {
return this.$d.toISOString();
}, m2.toString = function() {
return this.$d.toUTCString();
}, M2;
}(), b = _.prototype;
return w.prototype = b, [["$ms", r], ["$s", i], ["$m", s], ["$H", u], ["$W", a], ["$M", f], ["$y", c], ["$D", d]].forEach(function(t2) {
b[t2[1]] = function(e2) {
return this.$g(e2, t2[0], t2[1]);
}), w.extend = function(t2, e2) {
return t2.$i || (t2(e2, _, w), t2.$i = true), w;
}, w.locale = S, w.isDayjs = p, w.unix = function(t2) {
return w(1e3 * t2);
}, w.en = D[v], w.Ls = D, w.p = {}, w;
var dayjs = dayjs_min.exports;
const getYears = () => {
let years = [];
for (let i = 1970; i < getYear() + 100; i++) {
return years;
const getDate = (val = "") => {
if (val) {
return new Date(val);
} else {
return new Date();
const getYear = (val = "") => {
return getDate(val).getFullYear();
const getMonth = (val = "") => {
return getDate(val).getMonth();
const getDay = (val = "") => {
if (val) {
return new Date(getDate(val).toDateString()).getTime();
} else {
return -1;
const getDayLength = (year, month) => {
return new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
const setDateList = (year, month) => {
const curDays = getDayLength(year, month);
const prevDays = getDayLength(year, month - 1);
const curFirstDayWeek = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
const list = [];
for (let i = prevDays - curFirstDayWeek + 1; i <= prevDays; i++) {
day: i,
value: +new Date(year, month - 1, i),
isRange: false,
isSelected: false,
type: "prev"
for (let i = 1; i <= curDays; i++) {
day: i,
value: +new Date(year, month, i),
isRange: false,
isSelected: false,
type: "current"
const nextDays = 7 - list.length % 7;
if (nextDays !== 7) {
for (let i = 1; i <= nextDays; i++) {
day: i,
value: +new Date(year, month + 1, i),
isRange: false,
isSelected: false,
type: "next"
return list;
const _hoisted_1$c = { class: "layui-laydate-footer" };
const _hoisted_2$b = { class: "laydate-footer-btns" };
const __default__$f = {
name: "PanelFoot"
const _sfc_main$g = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
emits: ["ok", "clear", "now"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const { t } = useI18n();
const handelOk = () => {
const handelNow = () => {
const handelClear = () => {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$c, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default"),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$b, [
createElementVNode("span", {
"lay-type": "clear",
class: "laydate-btns-clear",
onClick: handelClear
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.clear")), 1),
createElementVNode("span", {
"lay-type": "now",
class: "laydate-btns-now",
onClick: handelNow
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("")), 1),
createElementVNode("span", {
"lay-type": "confirm",
class: "laydate-btns-confirm",
onClick: handelOk
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.confirm")), 1)
const _hoisted_1$b = { class: "layui-laydate-content" };
const _hoisted_2$a = { style: { "width": "100%" } };
const _hoisted_3$a = ["data-unix", "onClick", "onMouseenter"];
const __default__$e = {
name: "DateContent"
const _sfc_main$f = defineComponent({
props: {
dateList: { default: [] },
modelValue: { default: -1 },
startDate: { default: -1 },
endDate: { default: -1 },
hoverDate: { default: -1 }
emits: [
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const { t } = useI18n();
const WEEK_NAME = computed$1(() => [
const datePicker = inject("datePicker");
const handleDayClick = (item) => {
if (datePicker.range) {
if (item.type !== "current") {
if (props.startDate === -1 && props.endDate === -1) {
emits("update:startDate", item.value);
} else if (props.startDate !== -1 && props.endDate !== -1) {
emits("update:hoverDate", item.value);
emits("update:startDate", item.value);
emits("update:endDate", -1);
} else if (props.startDate !== -1 && props.endDate === -1) {
emits("update:endDate", item.value);
if (item.value < props.startDate) {
const first = props.startDate;
const last = item.value;
emits("update:startDate", last);
emits("update:endDate", first);
} else {
emits("update:modelValue", item.value);
if (item.type !== "current") {
datePicker.currentMonth.value = item.type === "prev" ? datePicker.currentMonth.value - 1 : datePicker.currentMonth.value + 1;
if (datePicker.simple) {
const dayItemMouseEnter = (event, item) => {
if (!datePicker.range) {
if (props.startDate === -1) {
if (item.type !== "current") {
if (props.startDate !== -1 && props.endDate !== -1) {
emits("update:hoverDate", -1);
emits("update:hoverDate", parseInt(;
const ifHasRangeHoverClass = computed$1(() => {
return function(item) {
if (!datePicker.range) {
return false;
if (props.startDate === -1) {
return false;
if (item.type !== "current") {
return false;
if (props.hoverDate === -1 && props.endDate === -1) {
return false;
let hover = props.endDate !== -1 ? props.endDate : props.hoverDate;
let max = props.startDate > hover ? props.startDate : hover;
let min = props.startDate < hover ? props.startDate : hover;
if (item.value >= min && item.value <= max) {
return true;
return false;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$b, [
createElementVNode("table", _hoisted_2$a, [
createElementVNode("thead", null, [
createElementVNode("tr", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(WEEK_NAME), (item) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("th", { key: item }, toDisplayString$1(item), 1);
}), 128))
createElementVNode("tbody", null, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.dateList.length % 7 == 0 ? __props.dateList.length / 7 : Math.floor(__props.dateList.length / 7) + 1, (o, i) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("tr", { key: i }, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.dateList.slice(i * 7, i * 7 + 7), (item, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {
key: index2,
"data-unix": item.value,
class: normalizeClass({
"laydate-day-prev": item.type !== "current",
"layui-this": item.value === __props.modelValue || unref(datePicker).range && item.type === "current" && (item.value == __props.startDate || item.value == __props.endDate),
"laydate-range-hover": unref(ifHasRangeHoverClass)(item),
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
"layui-disabled": item.type !== "current" && unref(datePicker).range,
"layui-laydate-current": __props.modelValue === -1 && item.value === unref(dayjs)().startOf("day").valueOf()
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onClick: ($event) => handleDayClick(item),
onMouseenter: ($event) => dayItemMouseEnter($event, item)
}, toDisplayString$1(, 43, _hoisted_3$a);
}), 128))
}), 128))
const _hoisted_1$a = { class: "layui-laydate" };
const _hoisted_2$9 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0" };
const _hoisted_3$9 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
const _hoisted_4$7 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
const __default__$d = {
name: "DatePanel"
const _sfc_main$e = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "ok"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const { t } = useI18n();
const Day = ref(props.modelValue);
const datePicker = inject("datePicker");
const dateList = ref([]);
const MONTH_NAME = computed$1(() => [
watch([datePicker.currentYear, datePicker.currentMonth], () => {
dateList.value = setDateList(datePicker.currentYear.value, datePicker.currentMonth.value);
}, { immediate: true });
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
Day.value = props.modelValue;
const changeYearOrMonth = (type4, num) => {
if (type4 === "year") {
datePicker.currentYear.value += num;
} else {
let month = datePicker.currentMonth.value + num;
if (month > 11) {
month = 0;
} else if (month < 0) {
month = 11;
datePicker.currentMonth.value = month;
const footOnOk = () => {
emits("update:modelValue", Day.value);
const footOnNow = () => {
datePicker.currentYear.value = dayjs().year();
datePicker.currentMonth.value = dayjs().month();
Day.value = new Date(new Date().toDateString()).getTime();
const footOnClear = () => {
Day.value = -1;
const ChildUpdateModelValue = () => {
emits("update:modelValue", Day.value);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$a, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$9, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$9, [
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-y",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("year", -1))
}, "\uE65A"),
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-m",
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("month", -1))
}, "\uE603"),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$7, [
createElementVNode("span", {
onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => unref(datePicker).showPanel.value = "year")
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(datePicker).currentYear.value) + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.year")), 1),
createElementVNode("span", {
onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => unref(datePicker).showPanel.value = "month")
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(MONTH_NAME)[unref(datePicker).currentMonth.value]), 1)
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-m",
onClick: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("month", 1))
}, "\uE602"),
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-y",
onClick: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("year", 1))
}, "\uE65B")
createVNode(_sfc_main$f, {
"date-list": dateList.value,
modelValue: Day.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": [
_cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => Day.value = $event),
onSimple: footOnOk
}, null, 8, ["date-list", "modelValue"]),
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
onOk: footOnOk,
onNow: footOnNow,
onClear: footOnClear
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(datePicker).type === "datetime" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
onClick: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => unref(datePicker).showPanel.value = "time"),
class: "laydate-btns-time"
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.selectTime")), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$9 = { class: "layui-laydate" };
const _hoisted_2$8 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0 laydate-time-show" };
const _hoisted_3$8 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
const _hoisted_4$6 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$6 = { class: "laydate-time-text" };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$5 = {
class: "layui-laydate-content",
style: { "height": "210px" }
const _hoisted_7$5 = ["data-type"];
const _hoisted_8$2 = ["id", "data-value", "data-type"];
const __default__$c = {
name: "TimePanel"
const _sfc_main$d = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "ok"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const datePicker = inject("datePicker");
const { t } = useI18n();
const els = [
{ count: 24, type: "hh" },
{ count: 60, type: "mm" },
{ count: 60, type: "ss" }
const hms = ref({
hh: props.modelValue.hh,
const chooseTime = (e) => {
if ( == "LI") {
let { value, type: type4 } =;
hms.value[type4] = parseInt(value);
const timePanelRef = ref();
onMounted(() => {
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
hms.value = {
hh: props.modelValue.hh,
}, { deep: true });
const scrollTo = () => {
nextTick(() => {
timePanelRef.value.childNodes.forEach((element) => {
if (element.nodeName === "LI") {
let scrollTop = 0;
let parentDom = element.firstElementChild;
let childList = parentDom.childNodes;
for (let index2 = 0; index2 < childList.length; index2++) {
const child = childList[index2];
if (child.nodeName !== "LI") {
if (child.classList && child.classList.contains("layui-this")) {
scrollTop = child.offsetTop - (parentDom.offsetHeight - child.offsetHeight) / 2;
parentDom.scrollTo(0, scrollTop);
const footOnOk = () => {
emits("update:modelValue", hms.value);
if (datePicker.range) {
} else {
if (datePicker.type === "datetime") {
datePicker.showPanel.value = "date";
const footOnNow = () => {
hms.value.hh = dayjs().hour(); = dayjs().minute(); = dayjs().second();
const footOnClear = () => {
hms.value.hh = 0; = 0; = 0;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$9, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$8, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$8, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$6, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_5$6, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.selectTime")), 1)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$5, [
createElementVNode("ul", {
class: "layui-laydate-list laydate-time-list",
ref_key: "timePanelRef",
ref: timePanelRef
}, [
(openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(els, (item) => {
return createElementVNode("li", {
class: "num-list",
key: item.type,
"data-type": item.type
}, [
createElementVNode("ol", {
class: "scroll",
onClick: chooseTime
}, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(item.count, (it, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
id: item.type + index2.toString(),
"data-value": index2.toString().padStart(2, "0"),
"data-type": item.type,
key: it,
class: normalizeClass(["num", index2 == hms.value[item.type] ? "layui-this" : ""])
}, toDisplayString$1(index2.toString().padStart(2, "0")), 11, _hoisted_8$2);
}), 128))
], 8, _hoisted_7$5);
}), 64))
], 512)
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
onOk: footOnOk,
onNow: footOnNow,
onClear: footOnClear
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(datePicker).type === "datetime" && !unref(datePicker).range ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unref(datePicker).showPanel.value = "datetime"),
class: "laydate-btns-time"
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.selectDate")), 1)) : !isNaN(hms.value.hh) && !isNaN( && !isNaN( ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)().hour(hms.value.hh).minute("HH:mm:ss")), 1)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$8 = { class: "layui-laydate" };
const _hoisted_2$7 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0 laydate-ym-show" };
const _hoisted_3$7 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
const _hoisted_4$5 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$5 = { class: "laydate-time-text" };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$4 = { class: "layui-laydate-list laydate-year-list" };
const _hoisted_7$4 = ["onClick"];
const __default__$b = {
name: "YearPanel"
const _sfc_main$c = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: null,
max: { default: dayjs().year() + 100 }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "ok"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const datePicker = inject("datePicker");
const yearList = ref(getYears());
const unWatch = ref(false);
const Year = ref(props.modelValue);
const { t } = useI18n();
const handleYearClick = (item) => {
unWatch.value = true;
Year.value = item;
if (!datePicker.range) {
if (datePicker.type === "year") {
datePicker.currentDay.value = dayjs().year(item).valueOf();
} else if (datePicker.type === "yearmonth") {
datePicker.currentDay.value = dayjs().year(item).valueOf();
datePicker.showPanel.value = "month";
emits("update:modelValue", Year.value);
} else {
emits("update:modelValue", Year.value);
datePicker.showPanel.value = datePicker.type;
setTimeout(() => {
unWatch.value = false;
}, 0);
if (datePicker.simple) {
const ScrollRef = ref();
onMounted(() => {
watch(() => Year, () => {
Year.value = props.modelValue;
const scrollTo = () => {
nextTick(() => {
let scrollTop = 0;
for (const child of ScrollRef.value.firstElementChild.childNodes) {
if (child.classList && child.classList.contains("layui-this")) {
scrollTop = child.offsetTop - (ScrollRef.value.offsetHeight - child.offsetHeight) / 2;
ScrollRef.value.scrollTo(0, scrollTop);
const footOnOk = () => {
emits("update:modelValue", Year.value ? Year.value : -1);
if (datePicker.range) {
} else {
if (datePicker.type === "datetime" || datePicker.type === "date") {
datePicker.showPanel.value = datePicker.type;
} else {
const footOnNow = () => {
Year.value = dayjs().year();
if (datePicker.type === "yearmonth") {
datePicker.currentMonth.value = dayjs().month();
const footOnClear = () => {
Year.value = "";
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$8, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$7, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$7, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$5, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_5$5, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.selectYear")), 1)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-laydate-content",
style: { "height": "220px", "overflow-y": "auto" },
ref_key: "ScrollRef",
ref: ScrollRef
}, [
createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_6$4, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(yearList.value, (item) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: item,
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
class: normalizeClass({
"layui-this": Year.value === item,
"layui-laydate-current": !Year.value && item === unref(dayjs)().year()
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onClick: ($event) => handleYearClick(item)
}, toDisplayString$1(item), 11, _hoisted_7$4);
}), 128))
], 512),
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
onOk: footOnOk,
onNow: footOnNow,
onClear: footOnClear
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(datePicker).type === "yearmonth" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unref(datePicker).showPanel.value = "month"),
class: "laydate-btns-time"
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.selectMonth")), 1)) : Year.value > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(Year.value), 1)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$7 = { class: "layui-laydate" };
const _hoisted_2$6 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0 laydate-ym-show" };
const _hoisted_3$6 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
const _hoisted_4$4 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$4 = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
class: "layui-laydate-content",
style: { "height": "220px" }
const _hoisted_6$3 = { class: "layui-laydate-list laydate-month-list" };
const _hoisted_7$3 = ["onClick"];
const __default__$a = {
name: "TimePanel"
const _sfc_main$b = defineComponent({
props: {
modelValue: null,
max: { default: dayjs().year() + 100 }
emits: ["update:modelValue", "ok"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const datePicker = inject("datePicker");
const Month = ref(props.modelValue);
const { t } = useI18n();
const MONTH_NAME = computed$1(() => [
const handleMonthClick = (item) => {
Month.value = MONTH_NAME.value.indexOf(item);
if (!datePicker.range) {
if (datePicker.type === "yearmonth") {
datePicker.currentDay.value = dayjs(datePicker.currentDay.value).month(MONTH_NAME.value.indexOf(item)).valueOf();
if (datePicker.type === "date" || datePicker.type === "datetime") {
emits("update:modelValue", MONTH_NAME.value.indexOf(item));
datePicker.showPanel.value = datePicker.type;
if (datePicker.simple) {
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
Month.value = props.modelValue;
const footOnOk = () => {
emits("update:modelValue", Month.value ? Month.value : -1);
if (datePicker.range) {
} else {
if (datePicker.type === "datetime" || datePicker.type === "date") {
datePicker.showPanel.value = datePicker.type;
} else {
const footOnNow = () => {
Month.value = dayjs().month();
const footOnClear = () => {
Month.value = "";
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$7, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$6, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$6, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$4, [
createElementVNode("span", {
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unref(datePicker).showPanel.value = "month")
}, toDisplayString$1(typeof Month.value !== "string" ? unref(MONTH_NAME)[Month.value] : unref(t)("datePicker.selectMonth")), 1)
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$4, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_6$3, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(MONTH_NAME), (item) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: item,
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
class: normalizeClass({
"layui-this": unref(MONTH_NAME).indexOf(item) === Month.value,
"layui-laydate-current": Month.value === "" && parseInt(item) - 1 === unref(dayjs)().month()
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onClick: ($event) => handleMonthClick(item)
}, toDisplayString$1(item.slice(0, 3)), 11, _hoisted_7$3);
}), 128))
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
onOk: footOnOk,
onNow: footOnNow,
onClear: footOnClear
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
unref(datePicker).type === "yearmonth" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
key: 0,
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => unref(datePicker).showPanel.value = "year"),
class: "laydate-btns-time"
}, toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.selectYear")), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$6 = { style: { "display": "flex" } };
const _hoisted_2$5 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0" };
const _hoisted_3$5 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
const _hoisted_4$3 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$3 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$2 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
const _hoisted_7$2 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
const _hoisted_8$1 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0" };
const _hoisted_9$1 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
const _hoisted_10$1 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
const _hoisted_11$1 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
const _hoisted_12$1 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
const _hoisted_13$1 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
const _hoisted_14$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-laydate-preview"
const __default__$9 = {
name: "DateRange"
const _sfc_main$a = defineComponent({
props: {
startTime: null,
endTime: null
emits: [
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const datePicker = inject("datePicker");
const { t } = useI18n();
const MONTH_NAME = computed$1(() => [
const prevDateList = ref([]);
const nextDateList = ref([]);
const startTime = reactive({
year: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).year() : dayjs().year(),
month: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).month() : dayjs().month(),
day: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).startOf("day").valueOf() : -1,
hms: {
hh: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).hour() : 0,
mm: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).minute() : 0,
ss: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).second() : 0
const endTime = reactive({
year: props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).year() : dayjs().year(),
month: props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).month() : dayjs().month(),
day: props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).startOf("day").valueOf() : -1,
hms: {
hh: props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).hour() : 0,
mm: props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).minute() : 0,
ss: props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).second() : 0
const hoverDate = ref(-1);
const changeYearOrMonth = (type4, num) => {
if (type4 === "year") {
startTime.year += num;
} else {
let month = startTime.month + num;
if (month > 11) {
month = 0;
} else if (month < 0) {
month = 11;
startTime.month = month;
watch(() => [startTime.year, startTime.month], () => {
prevDateList.value = setDateList(startTime.year, startTime.month);
nextDateList.value = setDateList(startTime.year, startTime.month + 1);
}, { immediate: true });
const dropdownTimePanelRefLeft = ref();
const dropdownTimePanelRefRight = ref();
const dropdownYearPanelRefLeft = ref();
const dropdownYearPanelRefRight = ref();
const dropdownMonthPanelRefLeft = ref();
const dropdownMonthPanelRefRight = ref();
const closeTimePanel = () => {
if (dropdownTimePanelRefLeft.value)
if (dropdownTimePanelRefRight.value)
if (dropdownYearPanelRefLeft.value)
if (dropdownMonthPanelRefLeft.value)
const closeRightYearPanel = () => {
if (dropdownYearPanelRefRight.value)
startTime.year = endTime.year;
const closeRightMonthPanel = () => {
let month = endTime.month - 1;
if (month > 11) {
month = 0;
} else if (month < 0) {
month = 11;
startTime.month = month;
const footOnOk = () => {
let format2 = datePicker.type === "datetime" ? "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" : "YYYY-MM-DD";
let startTimeVal = !== -1 && !== -1 ? dayjs( : "";
let endTimeVal = !== -1 && !== -1 ? dayjs( : "";
emits("update:startTime", startTimeVal);
emits("update:endTime", endTimeVal);
const footOnNow = () => {
startTime.year = dayjs().year();
startTime.month = dayjs().month(); = new Date(new Date().toDateString()).getTime();
startTime.hms.hh = dayjs().hour(); = dayjs().minute(); = dayjs().second(); = -1;
const footOnClear = () => { = -1; = -1;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-laydate layui-laydate-range", "layui-laydate-range-" + unref(datePicker).showPanel.value])
}, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$6, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$5, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$5, [
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-y",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("year", -1))
}, "\uE65A"),
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-m",
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("month", -1))
}, "\uE603"),
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$3, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownYearPanelRefLeft",
ref: dropdownYearPanelRefLeft
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$c, {
class: "time-panel",
modelValue: startTime.year,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => startTime.year = $event),
onOk: closeTimePanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_5$3, toDisplayString$1(startTime.year || "--") + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.year")), 1)
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
_: 1
}, 512),
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownMonthPanelRefLeft",
ref: dropdownMonthPanelRefLeft
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$b, {
class: "time-panel",
modelValue: startTime.month,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => startTime.month = $event),
onOk: closeTimePanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_6$2, toDisplayString$1(unref(MONTH_NAME)[startTime.month]), 1)
_: 1
}, 512),
unref(datePicker).type === "datetime" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1y, {
key: 0,
ref_key: "dropdownTimePanelRefLeft",
ref: dropdownTimePanelRefLeft
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$d, {
modelValue: startTime.hms,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => startTime.hms = $event),
class: "time-panel",
onOk: closeTimePanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_7$2, toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)().hour(startTime.hms.hh).minute("HH:mm:ss")), 1)
_: 1
}, 512)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
createVNode(_sfc_main$f, {
"date-list": prevDateList.value,
hoverDate: hoverDate.value,
"onUpdate:hoverDate": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => hoverDate.value = $event),
"onUpdate:startDate": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => = $event),
"onUpdate:endDate": _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => = $event)
}, null, 8, ["date-list", "hoverDate", "startDate", "endDate"])
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$1, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9$1, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$1, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownYearPanelRefRight",
ref: dropdownYearPanelRefRight
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$c, {
class: "time-panel",
modelValue: endTime.year,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = ($event) => endTime.year = $event),
onOk: closeRightYearPanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_11$1, toDisplayString$1(startTime.month + 1 > 11 ? startTime.year + 1 : startTime.year) + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.year")), 1)
_: 1
}, 512),
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownMonthPanelRefRight",
ref: dropdownMonthPanelRefRight
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$b, {
class: "time-panel",
modelValue: endTime.month,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = ($event) => endTime.month = $event),
onOk: closeRightMonthPanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_12$1, toDisplayString$1(unref(MONTH_NAME)[startTime.month + 1 > 11 ? startTime.month + 1 - 12 : startTime.month + 1]), 1)
_: 1
}, 512),
unref(datePicker).type === "datetime" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1y, {
key: 0,
ref_key: "dropdownTimePanelRefRight",
ref: dropdownTimePanelRefRight
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$d, {
modelValue: endTime.hms,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = ($event) => endTime.hms = $event),
class: "time-panel",
onOk: closeTimePanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_13$1, toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)().hour(endTime.hms.hh).minute("HH:mm:ss")), 1)
_: 1
}, 512)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-m",
onClick: _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("month", 1))
}, "\uE602"),
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-y",
onClick: _cache[12] || (_cache[12] = ($event) => changeYearOrMonth("year", 1))
}, "\uE65B")
createVNode(_sfc_main$f, {
"date-list": nextDateList.value,
hoverDate: hoverDate.value,
"onUpdate:hoverDate": _cache[13] || (_cache[13] = ($event) => hoverDate.value = $event),
"onUpdate:startDate": _cache[14] || (_cache[14] = ($event) => = $event),
"onUpdate:endDate": _cache[15] || (_cache[15] = ($event) => = $event)
}, null, 8, ["date-list", "hoverDate", "startDate", "endDate"])
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
onOk: footOnOk,
onNow: footOnNow,
onClear: footOnClear
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [ !== -1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_14$1, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)("YYYY-MM-DD")) + " ", 1),
unref(datePicker).type === "datetime" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)().hour(startTime.hms.hh).minute("HH:mm:ss")), 1)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString$1(unref(datePicker).rangeSeparator) + " ", 1), !== -1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)("YYYY-MM-DD")) + " ", 1),
unref(datePicker).type === "datetime" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)().hour(endTime.hms.hh).minute("HH:mm:ss")), 1)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 2 }, [
createTextVNode(" -- ")
], 64))
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
], 2);
const _hoisted_1$5 = { class: "layui-laydate layui-laydate-range" };
const _hoisted_2$4 = { style: { "display": "flex" } };
const _hoisted_3$4 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0" };
const _hoisted_4$2 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$2 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6$1 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
const _hoisted_7$1 = {
class: "layui-laydate-content",
style: { "height": "220px" }
const _hoisted_8 = { class: "layui-laydate-list laydate-month-list" };
const _hoisted_9 = ["data-unix", "onClick", "onMouseenter"];
const _hoisted_10 = { class: "layui-laydate-main laydate-main-list-0" };
const _hoisted_11 = { class: "layui-laydate-header" };
const _hoisted_12 = { class: "laydate-set-ym" };
const _hoisted_13 = { class: "laydate-range-time" };
const _hoisted_14 = {
class: "layui-laydate-content",
style: { "height": "220px" }
const _hoisted_15 = { class: "layui-laydate-list laydate-month-list" };
const _hoisted_16 = ["data-unix", "onClick", "onMouseenter"];
const _hoisted_17 = {
key: 0,
class: "layui-laydate-preview"
const __default__$8 = {
name: "MonthRange"
const _sfc_main$9 = defineComponent({
props: {
startTime: null,
endTime: null
emits: [
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const props = __props;
const { t } = useI18n();
const datePicker = inject("datePicker");
const startTime = reactive({
year: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).year() : dayjs().year(),
unix: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).hour(0).minute(0).second(0).valueOf() : -1
const endTime = reactive({
year: props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).year() : dayjs().year() + 1,
unix: props.startTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).hour(0).minute(0).second(0).valueOf() : -1
let hoverMonth = ref(-1);
const MONTH_NAME = computed$1(() => [
const changeYear = (num) => {
startTime.year += num;
const handleMonthClick = (item) => {
if (startTime.unix === -1 && endTime.unix === -1) {
startTime.unix = item;
} else if (startTime.unix !== -1 && endTime.unix !== -1) {
hoverMonth.value = -1;
startTime.unix = item;
endTime.unix = -1;
} else if (startTime.unix !== -1 && endTime.unix === -1) {
endTime.unix = item;
if (item < startTime.unix) {
const first = startTime.unix;
const last = item;
startTime.unix = last;
endTime.unix = first;
watch(() => [props.startTime, props.endTime], () => {
startTime.year = props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).year() : dayjs().year();
startTime.unix = props.startTime ? dayjs(props.startTime).hour(0).minute(0).second(0).valueOf() : -1;
endTime.year = props.endTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).year() : dayjs().year();
endTime.unix = props.startTime ? dayjs(props.endTime).hour(0).minute(0).second(0).valueOf() : -1;
const dropdownYearPanelRefLeft = ref();
const dropdownYearPanelRefRight = ref();
const closeLeftYearPanel = () => {
if (dropdownYearPanelRefLeft.value)
const closeRightYearPanel = () => {
if (dropdownYearPanelRefRight.value)
startTime.year = endTime.year;
const footOnOk = () => {
let format2 = "YYYY-MM";
let startTimeVal = startTime.unix !== -1 && endTime.unix !== -1 ? dayjs(startTime.unix).format(format2) : "";
let endTimeVal = endTime.unix !== -1 && endTime.unix !== -1 ? dayjs(endTime.unix).format(format2) : "";
emits("update:startTime", startTimeVal);
emits("update:endTime", endTimeVal);
const footOnNow = () => {
startTime.year = dayjs().year();
startTime.unix = dayjs(startTime.year + "-" + (dayjs().month() + 1)).valueOf();
endTime.unix = -1;
hoverMonth.value = -1;
const footOnClear = () => {
startTime.unix = -1;
endTime.unix = -1;
hoverMonth.value = -1;
const monthItemMouseEnter = (event, item) => {
if (!datePicker.range) {
if (startTime.unix === -1) {
if (hoverMonth.value !== -1 && endTime.unix !== -1) {
hoverMonth.value = -1;
hoverMonth.value = parseInt(;
const ifHasRangeHoverClass = computed$1(() => {
return function(item) {
if (!datePicker.range) {
return false;
if (startTime.unix === -1) {
return false;
if (hoverMonth.value === -1 && endTime.unix === -1) {
return false;
let hover = endTime.unix !== -1 ? endTime.unix : hoverMonth.value;
let max = startTime.unix > hover ? startTime.unix : hover;
let min = startTime.unix < hover ? startTime.unix : hover;
if (item >= min && item <= max) {
return true;
return false;
const getUnix = computed$1(() => {
return function(item, position) {
let month = MONTH_NAME.value.indexOf(item);
let year = position === "left" ? startTime.year : startTime.year + 1;
return dayjs(year + "-" + (month + 1)).valueOf();
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$5, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$4, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$4, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$2, [
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-prev-y",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => changeYear(-1))
}, "\uE65A"),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$2, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownYearPanelRefLeft",
ref: dropdownYearPanelRefLeft
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$c, {
class: "time-panel",
modelValue: startTime.year,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => startTime.year = $event),
onOk: closeLeftYearPanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_6$1, toDisplayString$1(startTime.year || "--") + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.year")), 1)
_: 1
}, 512)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$1, [
createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_8, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(MONTH_NAME), (item) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: item,
"data-unix": unref(getUnix)(item, "left"),
class: normalizeClass({
"layui-this": unref(getUnix)(item, "left") === startTime.unix || unref(getUnix)(item, "left") === endTime.unix,
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
"laydate-range-hover": unref(ifHasRangeHoverClass)(unref(getUnix)(item, "left")),
"layui-laydate-current": (startTime.unix === -1 || endTime.unix === -1) && unref(getUnix)(item, "left") === unref(dayjs)().startOf("month").valueOf()
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onClick: ($event) => handleMonthClick(unref(getUnix)(item, "left")),
onMouseenter: ($event) => monthItemMouseEnter($event)
}, toDisplayString$1(item.slice(0, 3)), 43, _hoisted_9);
}), 128))
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11, [
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_12, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownYearPanelRefRight",
ref: dropdownYearPanelRefRight
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(_sfc_main$c, {
class: "time-panel",
modelValue: endTime.year,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => endTime.year = $event),
onOk: closeRightYearPanel
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_13, toDisplayString$1(startTime.year + 1) + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(t)("datePicker.year")), 1)
_: 1
}, 512)
createElementVNode("i", {
class: "layui-icon laydate-icon laydate-next-y",
onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => changeYear(1))
}, "\uE65B")
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_14, [
createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_15, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(MONTH_NAME), (item) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
key: item,
"data-unix": unref(getUnix)(item, "right"),
class: normalizeClass({
"layui-this": unref(getUnix)(item, "right") === startTime.unix || unref(getUnix)(item, "right") === endTime.unix,
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
"laydate-range-hover": unref(ifHasRangeHoverClass)(unref(getUnix)(item, "right")),
"layui-laydate-current": (startTime.unix === -1 || endTime.unix === -1) && unref(getUnix)(item, "right") === unref(dayjs)().startOf("month").valueOf()
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
onClick: ($event) => handleMonthClick(unref(getUnix)(item, "right")),
onMouseenter: ($event) => monthItemMouseEnter($event)
}, toDisplayString$1(item.slice(0, 3)), 43, _hoisted_16);
}), 128))
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
onOk: footOnOk,
onNow: footOnNow,
onClear: footOnClear
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
startTime.unix !== -1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_17, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)(startTime.unix).format("YYYY-MM-DD")) + " " + toDisplayString$1(unref(datePicker).rangeSeparator) + " ", 1),
endTime.unix !== -1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(dayjs)(endTime.unix).format("YYYY-MM-DD")), 1)
], 64)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(" -- ")
], 64))
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$4 = ["size"];
const _hoisted_2$3 = {
key: 1,
class: "laydate-range-inputs"
const _hoisted_3$3 = { class: "range-separator" };
const __default__$7 = {
name: "LayDatePicker"
const _sfc_main$8 = defineComponent({
props: {
type: { default: "date" },
placeholder: null,
modelValue: { default: "" },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
simple: { type: Boolean, default: false },
name: null,
max: null,
min: null,
range: { type: Boolean, default: false },
rangeSeparator: { default: "\u81F3" },
readonly: { type: Boolean, default: false },
allowClear: { type: Boolean, default: false },
size: { default: "md" },
prefixIcon: { default: "layui-icon-date" },
suffixIcon: { default: "" },
timestamp: { type: Boolean, default: false },
contentClass: null,
contentStyle: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change", "blur", "focus"],
setup(__props, { emit: $emits }) {
const props = __props;
const startPlaceholder = computed(() => {
if (Array.isArray(props.placeholder)) {
return props.placeholder[0];
return props.placeholder;
const endPlaceholder = computed(() => {
if (Array.isArray(props.placeholder)) {
return props.placeholder[1];
return props.placeholder;
const dropdownRef = ref(null);
const hms = ref({
hh: 0,
mm: 0,
ss: 0
const currentYear = ref(0);
const currentMonth = ref(0);
const currentDay = ref(0);
const showPanel = ref("date");
const rangeValue = reactive({ first: "", last: "" });
let unWatch = false;
const dateValue = props.range ? ref(["", ""]) : ref("");
const getDateValue = () => {
unWatch = true;
let dayjsVal;
switch (props.type) {
case "date":
dayjsVal = currentDay.value !== -1 ? dayjs(currentDay.value).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "";
case "datetime":
dayjsVal = currentDay.value !== -1 ? dayjs(currentDay.value).hour(hms.value.hh).minute("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") : "";
case "year":
dayjsVal = currentYear.value !== -1 ? dayjs().year(currentYear.value).format("YYYY") : "";
case "month":
dayjsVal = currentMonth.value !== -1 ? (currentMonth.value + 1).toString() : "";
case "time":
dayjsVal = dayjs().hour(hms.value.hh).minute("HH:mm:ss");
case "yearmonth":
dayjsVal = currentYear.value !== -1 && currentMonth.value !== -1 ? dayjs().year(currentYear.value).month(currentMonth.value).format("YYYY-MM") : "";
dayjsVal = currentDay.value !== -1 ? dayjs(currentDay.value).hour(hms.value.hh).minute( : "";
dateValue.value = dayjsVal !== "Invalid Date" ? dayjsVal : "";
if (dayjsVal === "Invalid Date") {
unWatch = false;
$emits("update:modelValue", "");
if (props.timestamp) {
$emits("update:modelValue", dayjs(dayjsVal).unix() * 1e3);
$emits("change", dayjs(dayjsVal).unix() * 1e3);
} else {
$emits("update:modelValue", dayjsVal);
$emits("change", dayjsVal);
setTimeout(() => {
unWatch = false;
}, 0);
const getDateValueByRange = () => {
unWatch = true;
if (rangeValue.first === "" || rangeValue.last === "") {
dateValue.value = ["", ""];
$emits("update:modelValue", dateValue.value);
$emits("change", dateValue.value);
let format2 = "YYYY-MM-DD";
switch (props.type) {
case "date":
format2 = "YYYY-MM-DD";
case "datetime":
format2 = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";
case "yearmonth":
format2 = "YYYY-MM";
dateValue.value = [
$emits("update:modelValue", dateValue.value);
$emits("change", dateValue.value);
setTimeout(() => {
unWatch = false;
}, 0);
const ok = () => {
if (!props.range) {
} else {
if (dropdownRef.value)
showPanel.value = props.type;
watch(() => props.type, () => {
showPanel.value = props.type;
if (props.type === "yearmonth" && !props.range) {
showPanel.value = "year";
}, { immediate: true });
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
if (unWatch) {
let initModelValue = props.range && props.modelValue ? props.modelValue[0] || "" : props.modelValue;
if (props.type === "month" || props.type === "year") {
initModelValue += "";
hms.value.hh = isNaN(dayjs(initModelValue).hour()) ? 0 : dayjs(initModelValue).hour(); = isNaN(dayjs(initModelValue).minute()) ? 0 : dayjs(initModelValue).minute(); = isNaN(dayjs(initModelValue).second()) ? 0 : dayjs(initModelValue).second();
if (initModelValue.length === 8 && props.type === "time") {
let modelValue = initModelValue;
modelValue = "1970-01-01 " + modelValue;
hms.value.hh = dayjs(modelValue).hour(); = dayjs(modelValue).minute(); = dayjs(modelValue).second();
currentYear.value = initModelValue ? getYear(initModelValue) : -1;
currentMonth.value = initModelValue ? getMonth(initModelValue) : -1;
currentDay.value = initModelValue ? getDay(initModelValue) : -1;
if (props.type === "date" || props.type === "datetime") {
if (currentYear.value === -1)
currentYear.value = dayjs().year();
if (currentMonth.value === -1)
currentMonth.value = dayjs().month();
if (props.timestamp) {
currentDay.value = initModelValue ? dayjs(parseInt(initModelValue)).startOf("date").unix() * 1e3 : -1;
rangeValue.first = initModelValue;
rangeValue.last = props.range && props.modelValue ? props.modelValue[1] || "" : "";
if (!props.range) {
} else {
}, { immediate: true });
const onChange = () => {
if (dropdownRef.value)
$emits("update:modelValue", dateValue.value);
provide("datePicker", {
type: props.type,
ok: () => ok(),
getDateValue: () => getDateValue,
range: props.range,
rangeSeparator: props.rangeSeparator,
simple: props.simple,
timestamp: props.timestamp
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-date-picker", { "layui-date-range-picker": __props.range }]),
size: __props.size
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownRef",
ref: dropdownRef,
disabled: __props.disabled,
autoFitMinWidth: false,
contentClass: __props.contentClass,
contentStyle: __props.contentStyle,
updateAtScroll: ""
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
!__props.range && (showPanel.value === "date" || showPanel.value === "datetime") ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$e, {
key: 0,
modelValue: currentDay.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = ($event) => currentDay.value = $event)
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
!__props.range && showPanel.value === "time" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$d, {
key: 1,
modelValue: hms.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[12] || (_cache[12] = ($event) => hms.value = $event)
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
!__props.range && (showPanel.value === "year" || showPanel.value === "yearmonth") ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$c, {
key: 2,
modelValue: currentYear.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[13] || (_cache[13] = ($event) => currentYear.value = $event)
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
!__props.range && showPanel.value === "month" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$b, {
key: 3,
modelValue: currentMonth.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[14] || (_cache[14] = ($event) => currentMonth.value = $event)
}, null, 8, ["modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.range && (showPanel.value === "date" || showPanel.value === "datetime") ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$a, {
key: 4,
startTime: rangeValue.first,
"onUpdate:startTime": _cache[15] || (_cache[15] = ($event) => rangeValue.first = $event),
endTime: rangeValue.last,
"onUpdate:endTime": _cache[16] || (_cache[16] = ($event) => rangeValue.last = $event)
}, null, 8, ["startTime", "endTime"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
__props.range && showPanel.value === "yearmonth" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$9, {
key: 5,
startTime: rangeValue.first,
"onUpdate:startTime": _cache[17] || (_cache[17] = ($event) => rangeValue.first = $event),
endTime: rangeValue.last,
"onUpdate:endTime": _cache[18] || (_cache[18] = ($event) => rangeValue.last = $event)
}, null, 8, ["startTime", "endTime"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
default: withCtx(() => [
!__props.range ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1v, {
key: 0,
readonly: __props.readonly,
placeholder: unref(startPlaceholder),
"prefix-icon": __props.prefixIcon,
"suffix-icon": __props.suffixIcon,
disabled: __props.disabled,
modelValue: unref(dateValue),
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isRef(dateValue) ? dateValue.value = $event : null),
onBlur: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("blur")),
onFocus: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("focus")),
"allow-clear": !__props.disabled && __props.allowClear,
size: __props.size,
onClear: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => {
dateValue.value = "";
}, null, 8, ["name", "readonly", "placeholder", "prefix-icon", "suffix-icon", "disabled", "modelValue", "allow-clear", "size"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$3, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1v, {
readonly: __props.readonly,
modelValue: unref(dateValue)[0],
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => unref(dateValue)[0] = $event),
placeholder: unref(startPlaceholder),
disabled: __props.disabled,
onBlur: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("blur")),
onFocus: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("focus")),
class: "start-input",
size: __props.size
}, null, 8, ["readonly", "name", "modelValue", "placeholder", "disabled", "size"]),
createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_3$3, toDisplayString$1(__props.rangeSeparator), 1),
createVNode(_sfc_main$1v, {
readonly: __props.readonly,
"allow-clear": __props.disabled && __props.allowClear,
placeholder: unref(endPlaceholder),
modelValue: unref(dateValue)[1],
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => unref(dateValue)[1] = $event),
disabled: __props.disabled,
onBlur: _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("blur")),
onFocus: _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("focus")),
class: "end-input",
size: __props.size,
onClear: _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = ($event) => {
dateValue.value = [];
}, null, 8, ["readonly", "name", "allow-clear", "placeholder", "modelValue", "disabled", "size"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled", "contentClass", "contentStyle"])
], 10, _hoisted_1$4);
const component$b = withInstall(_sfc_main$8);
const component$a = withInstall(_sfc_main$17);
var index$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '/*!\n * Cropper.js v1.5.12\n *\n *\n * Copyright 2015-present Chen Fengyuan\n * Released under the MIT license\n *\n * Date: 2021-06-12T08:00:11.623Z\n */.cropper-container{direction:ltr;font-size:0;line-height:0;position:relative;-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}.cropper-container img{image-orientation:0deg;display:block;height:100%;max-height:none!important;max-width:none!important;min-height:0!important;min-width:0!important;width:100%}.cropper-canvas,.cropper-crop-box,.cropper-drag-box,.cropper-modal,.cropper-wrap-box{bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.cropper-canvas,.cropper-wrap-box{overflow:hidden}.cropper-drag-box{background-color:#fff;opacity:0}.cropper-modal{background-color:#000;opacity:.5}.cropper-view-box{display:block;height:100%;outline:1px solid #39f;outline-color:#3399ffbf;overflow:hidden;width:100%}.cropper-dashed{border:0 dashed #eee;display:block;opacity:.5;position:absolute}.cropper-dashed.dashed-h{border-bottom-width:1px;border-top-width:1px;height:33.33333%;left:0;top:33.33333%;width:100%}.cropper-dashed.dashed-v{border-left-width:1px;border-right-width:1px;height:100%;left:33.33333%;top:0;width:33.33333%}.cropper-center{display:block;height:0;left:50%;opacity:.75;position:absolute;top:50%;width:0}.cropper-center:after,.cropper-center:before{background-color:#eee;content:" ";display:block;position:absolute}.cropper-center:before{height:1px;left:-3px;top:0;width:7px}.cropper-center:after{height:7px;left:0;top:-3px;width:1px}.cropper-face,.cropper-line,.cropper-point{display:block;height:100%;opacity:.1;position:absolute;width:100%}.cropper-face{background-color:#fff;left:0;top:0}.cropper-line{background-color:#39f}.cropper-line.line-e{cursor:ew-resize;right:-3px;top:0;width:5px}.cropper-line.line-n{cursor:ns-resize;height:5px;left:0;top:-3px}.cropper-line.line-w{cursor:ew-resize;left:-3px;top:0;width:5px}.cropper-line.line-s{bottom:-3px;cursor:ns-resize;height:5px;left:0}.cropper-point{background-color:#39f;height:5px;opacity:.75;width:5px}.cropper-point.point-e{cursor:ew-resize;margin-top:-3px;right:-3px;top:50%}.cropper-point.point-n{cursor:ns-resize;left:50%;margin-left:-3px;top:-3px}.cropper-point.point-w{cursor:ew-resize;left:-3px;margin-top:-3px;top:50%}.cropper-point.point-s{bottom:-3px;cursor:s-resize;left:50%;margin-left:-3px}.cropper-point.point-ne{cursor:nesw-resize;right:-3px;top:-3px}.cropper-point.point-nw{cursor:nwse-resize;left:-3px;top:-3px}.cropper-point.point-sw{bottom:-3px;cursor:nesw-resize;left:-3px}.cropper-point.point-se{bottom:-3px;cursor:nwse-resize;height:20px;opacity:1;right:-3px;width:20px}@media (min-width:768px){.cropper-point.point-se{height:15px;width:15px}}@media (min-width:992px){.cropper-point.point-se{height:10px;width:10px}}@media (min-width:1200px){.cropper-point.point-se{height:5px;opacity:.75;width:5px}}.cropper-point.point-se:before{background-color:#39f;bottom:-50%;content:" ";display:block;height:200%;opacity:0;position:absolute;right:-50%;width:200%}.cropper-invisible{opacity:0}.cropper-bg{background-image:url()}.cropper-hide{display:block;height:0;position:absolute;width:0}.cropper-hidden{display:none!important}.cropper-move{cursor:move}.cropper-crop{cursor:crosshair}.cropper-disabled .cropper-drag-box,.cropper-disabled .cropper-face,.cropper-disabled .cropper-line,.cropper-disabled .cropper-point{cursor:not-allowed}:root{--button-primary-text-color: #fff;--button-primary-background-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-primary-border-color: var(--global-primary-color);--button-normal-text-color: #fff;--button-normal-background-color: var(--global-normal-color);--button-normal-border-color: var(--global-normal-color);--butto
* Cropper.js v1.5.12
* Copyright 2015-present Chen Fengyuan
* Released under the MIT license
* Date: 2021-06-12T08:00:17.411Z
function ownKeys(object4, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object4);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object4);
if (enumerableOnly) {
symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object4, sym).enumerable;
keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread2(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};
if (i % 2) {
ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function(key) {
_defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
} else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) {
Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source));
} else {
ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
return target;
function _typeof(obj) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
_typeof = function(obj2) {
return typeof obj2;
} else {
_typeof = function(obj2) {
return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2;
return _typeof(obj);
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function _defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var descriptor = props[i];
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
descriptor.configurable = true;
if ("value" in descriptor)
descriptor.writable = true;
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps)
_defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
if (staticProps)
_defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
return Constructor;
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr))
return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);
function _iterableToArray(iter) {
if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null)
return Array.from(iter);
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
if (!o)
if (typeof o === "string")
return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
var n =, -1);
if (n === "Object" && o.constructor)
n =;
if (n === "Map" || n === "Set")
return Array.from(o);
if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n))
return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
if (len == null || len > arr.length)
len = arr.length;
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++)
arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
var IS_BROWSER = typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.document !== "undefined";
var WINDOW = IS_BROWSER ? window : {};
var IS_TOUCH_DEVICE = IS_BROWSER && WINDOW.document.documentElement ? "ontouchstart" in WINDOW.document.documentElement : false;
var HAS_POINTER_EVENT = IS_BROWSER ? "PointerEvent" in WINDOW : false;
var NAMESPACE = "cropper";
var ACTION_ALL = "all";
var ACTION_CROP = "crop";
var ACTION_MOVE = "move";
var ACTION_ZOOM = "zoom";
var ACTION_EAST = "e";
var ACTION_WEST = "w";
var ACTION_SOUTH = "s";
var ACTION_NORTH = "n";
var CLASS_CROP = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-crop");
var CLASS_DISABLED = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-disabled");
var CLASS_HIDDEN = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-hidden");
var CLASS_HIDE = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-hide");
var CLASS_INVISIBLE = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-invisible");
var CLASS_MODAL = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-modal");
var CLASS_MOVE = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-move");
var DATA_ACTION = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "Action");
var DATA_PREVIEW = "".concat(NAMESPACE, "Preview");
var DRAG_MODE_CROP = "crop";
var DRAG_MODE_MOVE = "move";
var DRAG_MODE_NONE = "none";
var EVENT_CROP = "crop";
var EVENT_CROP_END = "cropend";
var EVENT_CROP_MOVE = "cropmove";
var EVENT_CROP_START = "cropstart";
var EVENT_DBLCLICK = "dblclick";
var EVENT_TOUCH_START = IS_TOUCH_DEVICE ? "touchstart" : "mousedown";
var EVENT_TOUCH_MOVE = IS_TOUCH_DEVICE ? "touchmove" : "mousemove";
var EVENT_TOUCH_END = IS_TOUCH_DEVICE ? "touchend touchcancel" : "mouseup";
var EVENT_POINTER_UP = HAS_POINTER_EVENT ? "pointerup pointercancel" : EVENT_TOUCH_END;
var EVENT_READY = "ready";
var EVENT_RESIZE = "resize";
var EVENT_WHEEL = "wheel";
var EVENT_ZOOM = "zoom";
var MIME_TYPE_JPEG = "image/jpeg";
var REGEXP_ACTIONS = /^e|w|s|n|se|sw|ne|nw|all|crop|move|zoom$/;
var REGEXP_DATA_URL = /^data:/;
var REGEXP_DATA_URL_JPEG = /^data:image\/jpeg;base64,/;
var REGEXP_TAG_NAME = /^img|canvas$/i;
var DEFAULTS = {
viewMode: 0,
initialAspectRatio: NaN,
aspectRatio: NaN,
data: null,
preview: "",
responsive: true,
restore: true,
checkCrossOrigin: true,
checkOrientation: true,
modal: true,
guides: true,
center: true,
highlight: true,
background: true,
autoCrop: true,
autoCropArea: 0.8,
movable: true,
rotatable: true,
scalable: true,
zoomable: true,
zoomOnTouch: true,
zoomOnWheel: true,
wheelZoomRatio: 0.1,
cropBoxMovable: true,
cropBoxResizable: true,
toggleDragModeOnDblclick: true,
minCanvasWidth: 0,
minCanvasHeight: 0,
minCropBoxWidth: 0,
minCropBoxHeight: 0,
minContainerWidth: MIN_CONTAINER_WIDTH,
minContainerHeight: MIN_CONTAINER_HEIGHT,
ready: null,
cropstart: null,
cropmove: null,
cropend: null,
crop: null,
zoom: null
var TEMPLATE = '<div class="cropper-container" touch-action="none"><div class="cropper-wrap-box"><div class="cropper-canvas"></div></div><div class="cropper-drag-box"></div><div class="cropper-crop-box"><span class="cropper-view-box"></span><span class="cropper-dashed dashed-h"></span><span class="cropper-dashed dashed-v"></span><span class="cropper-center"></span><span class="cropper-face"></span><span class="cropper-line line-e" data-cropper-action="e"></span><span class="cropper-line line-n" data-cropper-action="n"></span><span class="cropper-line line-w" data-cropper-action="w"></span><span class="cropper-line line-s" data-cropper-action="s"></span><span class="cropper-point point-e" data-cropper-action="e"></span><span class="cropper-point point-n" data-cropper-action="n"></span><span class="cropper-point point-w" data-cropper-action="w"></span><span class="cropper-point point-s" data-cropper-action="s"></span><span class="cropper-point point-ne" data-cropper-action="ne"></span><span class="cropper-point point-nw" data-cropper-action="nw"></span><span class="cropper-point point-sw" data-cropper-action="sw"></span><span class="cropper-point point-se" data-cropper-action="se"></span></div></div>';
var isNaN$1 = Number.isNaN || WINDOW.isNaN;
function isNumber(value) {
return typeof value === "number" && !isNaN$1(value);
var isPositiveNumber = function isPositiveNumber2(value) {
return value > 0 && value < Infinity;
function isUndefined(value) {
return typeof value === "undefined";
function isObject(value) {
return _typeof(value) === "object" && value !== null;
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function isPlainObject(value) {
if (!isObject(value)) {
return false;
try {
var _constructor = value.constructor;
var prototype = _constructor.prototype;
return _constructor && prototype &&, "isPrototypeOf");
} catch (error) {
return false;
function isFunction(value) {
return typeof value === "function";
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
function toArray(value) {
return Array.from ? Array.from(value) :;
function forEach(data, callback) {
if (data && isFunction(callback)) {
if (Array.isArray(data) || isNumber(data.length)) {
toArray(data).forEach(function(value, key) {, value, key, data);
} else if (isObject(data)) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {, data[key], key, data);
return data;
var assign = Object.assign || function assign2(target) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
if (isObject(target) && args.length > 0) {
args.forEach(function(arg) {
if (isObject(arg)) {
Object.keys(arg).forEach(function(key) {
target[key] = arg[key];
return target;
var REGEXP_DECIMALS = /\.\d*(?:0|9){12}\d*$/;
function normalizeDecimalNumber(value) {
var times = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 1e11;
return REGEXP_DECIMALS.test(value) ? Math.round(value * times) / times : value;
var REGEXP_SUFFIX = /^width|height|left|top|marginLeft|marginTop$/;
function setStyle(element, styles) {
var style =;
forEach(styles, function(value, property) {
if (REGEXP_SUFFIX.test(property) && isNumber(value)) {
value = "".concat(value, "px");
style[property] = value;
function hasClass(element, value) {
return element.classList ? element.classList.contains(value) : element.className.indexOf(value) > -1;
function addClass(element, value) {
if (!value) {
if (isNumber(element.length)) {
forEach(element, function(elem) {
addClass(elem, value);
if (element.classList) {
var className = element.className.trim();
if (!className) {
element.className = value;
} else if (className.indexOf(value) < 0) {
element.className = "".concat(className, " ").concat(value);
function removeClass(element, value) {
if (!value) {
if (isNumber(element.length)) {
forEach(element, function(elem) {
removeClass(elem, value);
if (element.classList) {
if (element.className.indexOf(value) >= 0) {
element.className = element.className.replace(value, "");
function toggleClass(element, value, added) {
if (!value) {
if (isNumber(element.length)) {
forEach(element, function(elem) {
toggleClass(elem, value, added);
if (added) {
addClass(element, value);
} else {
removeClass(element, value);
var REGEXP_CAMEL_CASE = /([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g;
function toParamCase(value) {
return value.replace(REGEXP_CAMEL_CASE, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
function getData(element, name) {
if (isObject(element[name])) {
return element[name];
if (element.dataset) {
return element.dataset[name];
return element.getAttribute("data-".concat(toParamCase(name)));
function setData(element, name, data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
element[name] = data;
} else if (element.dataset) {
element.dataset[name] = data;
} else {
element.setAttribute("data-".concat(toParamCase(name)), data);
function removeData(element, name) {
if (isObject(element[name])) {
try {
delete element[name];
} catch (error) {
element[name] = void 0;
} else if (element.dataset) {
try {
delete element.dataset[name];
} catch (error) {
element.dataset[name] = void 0;
} else {
var REGEXP_SPACES = /\s\s*/;
var onceSupported = function() {
var supported = false;
var once = false;
var listener = function listener2() {
var options = Object.defineProperty({}, "once", {
get: function get() {
supported = true;
return once;
set: function set(value) {
once = value;
WINDOW.addEventListener("test", listener, options);
WINDOW.removeEventListener("test", listener, options);
return supported;
function removeListener(element, type4, listener) {
var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
var handler = listener;
type4.trim().split(REGEXP_SPACES).forEach(function(event) {
if (!onceSupported) {
var listeners = element.listeners;
if (listeners && listeners[event] && listeners[event][listener]) {
handler = listeners[event][listener];
delete listeners[event][listener];
if (Object.keys(listeners[event]).length === 0) {
delete listeners[event];
if (Object.keys(listeners).length === 0) {
delete element.listeners;
element.removeEventListener(event, handler, options);
function addListener(element, type4, listener) {
var options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
var _handler = listener;
type4.trim().split(REGEXP_SPACES).forEach(function(event) {
if (options.once && !onceSupported) {
var _element$listeners = element.listeners, listeners = _element$listeners === void 0 ? {} : _element$listeners;
_handler = function handler() {
delete listeners[event][listener];
element.removeEventListener(event, _handler, options);
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
listener.apply(element, args);
if (!listeners[event]) {
listeners[event] = {};
if (listeners[event][listener]) {
element.removeEventListener(event, listeners[event][listener], options);
listeners[event][listener] = _handler;
element.listeners = listeners;
element.addEventListener(event, _handler, options);
function dispatchEvent(element, type4, data) {
var event;
if (isFunction(Event) && isFunction(CustomEvent)) {
event = new CustomEvent(type4, {
detail: data,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
} else {
event = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
event.initCustomEvent(type4, true, true, data);
return element.dispatchEvent(event);
function getOffset(element) {
var box = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
left: box.left + (window.pageXOffset - document.documentElement.clientLeft),
top: + (window.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.clientTop)
var location$1 = WINDOW.location;
var REGEXP_ORIGINS = /^(\w+:)\/\/([^:/?#]*):?(\d*)/i;
function isCrossOriginURL(url2) {
var parts = url2.match(REGEXP_ORIGINS);
return parts !== null && (parts[1] !== location$1.protocol || parts[2] !== location$1.hostname || parts[3] !== location$1.port);
function addTimestamp(url2) {
var timestamp = "timestamp=".concat(new Date().getTime());
return url2 + (url2.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + timestamp;
function getTransforms(_ref) {
var rotate2 = _ref.rotate, scaleX2 = _ref.scaleX, scaleY2 = _ref.scaleY, translateX = _ref.translateX, translateY = _ref.translateY;
var values = [];
if (isNumber(translateX) && translateX !== 0) {
values.push("translateX(".concat(translateX, "px)"));
if (isNumber(translateY) && translateY !== 0) {
values.push("translateY(".concat(translateY, "px)"));
if (isNumber(rotate2) && rotate2 !== 0) {
values.push("rotate(".concat(rotate2, "deg)"));
if (isNumber(scaleX2) && scaleX2 !== 1) {
values.push("scaleX(".concat(scaleX2, ")"));
if (isNumber(scaleY2) && scaleY2 !== 1) {
values.push("scaleY(".concat(scaleY2, ")"));
var transform2 = values.length ? values.join(" ") : "none";
return {
WebkitTransform: transform2,
msTransform: transform2,
transform: transform2
function getMaxZoomRatio(pointers) {
var pointers2 = _objectSpread2({}, pointers);
var maxRatio = 0;
forEach(pointers, function(pointer, pointerId) {
delete pointers2[pointerId];
forEach(pointers2, function(pointer2) {
var x1 = Math.abs(pointer.startX - pointer2.startX);
var y1 = Math.abs(pointer.startY - pointer2.startY);
var x2 = Math.abs(pointer.endX - pointer2.endX);
var y2 = Math.abs(pointer.endY - pointer2.endY);
var z1 = Math.sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);
var z2 = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
var ratio = (z2 - z1) / z1;
if (Math.abs(ratio) > Math.abs(maxRatio)) {
maxRatio = ratio;
return maxRatio;
function getPointer(_ref2, endOnly) {
var pageX = _ref2.pageX, pageY = _ref2.pageY;
var end = {
endX: pageX,
endY: pageY
return endOnly ? end : _objectSpread2({
startX: pageX,
startY: pageY
}, end);
function getPointersCenter(pointers) {
var pageX = 0;
var pageY = 0;
var count = 0;
forEach(pointers, function(_ref3) {
var startX = _ref3.startX, startY = _ref3.startY;
pageX += startX;
pageY += startY;
count += 1;
pageX /= count;
pageY /= count;
return {
function getAdjustedSizes(_ref4) {
var aspectRatio = _ref4.aspectRatio, height = _ref4.height, width = _ref4.width;
var type4 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "contain";
var isValidWidth = isPositiveNumber(width);
var isValidHeight = isPositiveNumber(height);
if (isValidWidth && isValidHeight) {
var adjustedWidth = height * aspectRatio;
if (type4 === "contain" && adjustedWidth > width || type4 === "cover" && adjustedWidth < width) {
height = width / aspectRatio;
} else {
width = height * aspectRatio;
} else if (isValidWidth) {
height = width / aspectRatio;
} else if (isValidHeight) {
width = height * aspectRatio;
return {
function getRotatedSizes(_ref5) {
var width = _ref5.width, height = _ref5.height, degree =;
degree = Math.abs(degree) % 180;
if (degree === 90) {
return {
width: height,
height: width
var arc = degree % 90 * Math.PI / 180;
var sinArc = Math.sin(arc);
var cosArc = Math.cos(arc);
var newWidth = width * cosArc + height * sinArc;
var newHeight = width * sinArc + height * cosArc;
return degree > 90 ? {
width: newHeight,
height: newWidth
} : {
width: newWidth,
height: newHeight
function getSourceCanvas(image, _ref6, _ref7, _ref8) {
var imageAspectRatio = _ref6.aspectRatio, imageNaturalWidth = _ref6.naturalWidth, imageNaturalHeight = _ref6.naturalHeight, _ref6$rotate = _ref6.rotate, rotate2 = _ref6$rotate === void 0 ? 0 : _ref6$rotate, _ref6$scaleX = _ref6.scaleX, scaleX2 = _ref6$scaleX === void 0 ? 1 : _ref6$scaleX, _ref6$scaleY = _ref6.scaleY, scaleY2 = _ref6$scaleY === void 0 ? 1 : _ref6$scaleY;
var aspectRatio = _ref7.aspectRatio, naturalWidth = _ref7.naturalWidth, naturalHeight = _ref7.naturalHeight;
var _ref8$fillColor = _ref8.fillColor, fillColor = _ref8$fillColor === void 0 ? "transparent" : _ref8$fillColor, _ref8$imageSmoothingE = _ref8.imageSmoothingEnabled, imageSmoothingEnabled = _ref8$imageSmoothingE === void 0 ? true : _ref8$imageSmoothingE, _ref8$imageSmoothingQ = _ref8.imageSmoothingQuality, imageSmoothingQuality = _ref8$imageSmoothingQ === void 0 ? "low" : _ref8$imageSmoothingQ, _ref8$maxWidth = _ref8.maxWidth, maxWidth = _ref8$maxWidth === void 0 ? Infinity : _ref8$maxWidth, _ref8$maxHeight = _ref8.maxHeight, maxHeight = _ref8$maxHeight === void 0 ? Infinity : _ref8$maxHeight, _ref8$minWidth = _ref8.minWidth, minWidth = _ref8$minWidth === void 0 ? 0 : _ref8$minWidth, _ref8$minHeight = _ref8.minHeight, minHeight = _ref8$minHeight === void 0 ? 0 : _ref8$minHeight;
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var maxSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
width: maxWidth,
height: maxHeight
var minSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
width: minWidth,
height: minHeight
}, "cover");
var width = Math.min(maxSizes.width, Math.max(minSizes.width, naturalWidth));
var height = Math.min(maxSizes.height, Math.max(minSizes.height, naturalHeight));
var destMaxSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
aspectRatio: imageAspectRatio,
width: maxWidth,
height: maxHeight
var destMinSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
aspectRatio: imageAspectRatio,
width: minWidth,
height: minHeight
}, "cover");
var destWidth = Math.min(destMaxSizes.width, Math.max(destMinSizes.width, imageNaturalWidth));
var destHeight = Math.min(destMaxSizes.height, Math.max(destMinSizes.height, imageNaturalHeight));
var params = [-destWidth / 2, -destHeight / 2, destWidth, destHeight];
canvas.width = normalizeDecimalNumber(width);
canvas.height = normalizeDecimalNumber(height);
context.fillStyle = fillColor;
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);;
context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
context.rotate(rotate2 * Math.PI / 180);
context.scale(scaleX2, scaleY2);
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = imageSmoothingEnabled;
context.imageSmoothingQuality = imageSmoothingQuality;
context.drawImage.apply(context, [image].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
return Math.floor(normalizeDecimalNumber(param));
return canvas;
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
function getStringFromCharCode(dataView, start, length) {
var str = "";
length += start;
for (var i = start; i < length; i += 1) {
str += fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(i));
return str;
var REGEXP_DATA_URL_HEAD = /^data:.*,/;
function dataURLToArrayBuffer(dataURL) {
var base64 = dataURL.replace(REGEXP_DATA_URL_HEAD, "");
var binary = atob(base64);
var arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(binary.length);
var uint8 = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
forEach(uint8, function(value, i) {
uint8[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i);
return arrayBuffer;
function arrayBufferToDataURL(arrayBuffer, mimeType) {
var chunks = [];
var chunkSize = 8192;
var uint8 = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
while (uint8.length > 0) {
chunks.push(fromCharCode.apply(null, toArray(uint8.subarray(0, chunkSize))));
uint8 = uint8.subarray(chunkSize);
return "data:".concat(mimeType, ";base64,").concat(btoa(chunks.join("")));
function resetAndGetOrientation(arrayBuffer) {
var dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
var orientation;
try {
var littleEndian;
var app1Start;
var ifdStart;
if (dataView.getUint8(0) === 255 && dataView.getUint8(1) === 216) {
var length = dataView.byteLength;
var offset = 2;
while (offset + 1 < length) {
if (dataView.getUint8(offset) === 255 && dataView.getUint8(offset + 1) === 225) {
app1Start = offset;
offset += 1;
if (app1Start) {
var exifIDCode = app1Start + 4;
var tiffOffset = app1Start + 10;
if (getStringFromCharCode(dataView, exifIDCode, 4) === "Exif") {
var endianness = dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset);
littleEndian = endianness === 18761;
if (littleEndian || endianness === 19789) {
if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset + 2, littleEndian) === 42) {
var firstIFDOffset = dataView.getUint32(tiffOffset + 4, littleEndian);
if (firstIFDOffset >= 8) {
ifdStart = tiffOffset + firstIFDOffset;
if (ifdStart) {
var _length = dataView.getUint16(ifdStart, littleEndian);
var _offset;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < _length; i += 1) {
_offset = ifdStart + i * 12 + 2;
if (dataView.getUint16(_offset, littleEndian) === 274) {
_offset += 8;
orientation = dataView.getUint16(_offset, littleEndian);
dataView.setUint16(_offset, 1, littleEndian);
} catch (error) {
orientation = 1;
return orientation;
function parseOrientation(orientation) {
var rotate2 = 0;
var scaleX2 = 1;
var scaleY2 = 1;
switch (orientation) {
case 2:
scaleX2 = -1;
case 3:
rotate2 = -180;
case 4:
scaleY2 = -1;
case 5:
rotate2 = 90;
scaleY2 = -1;
case 6:
rotate2 = 90;
case 7:
rotate2 = 90;
scaleX2 = -1;
case 8:
rotate2 = -90;
return {
rotate: rotate2,
scaleX: scaleX2,
scaleY: scaleY2
var render = {
render: function render2() {
if (this.cropped) {
initContainer: function initContainer() {
var element = this.element, options = this.options, container = this.container, cropper = this.cropper;
var minWidth = Number(options.minContainerWidth);
var minHeight = Number(options.minContainerHeight);
addClass(cropper, CLASS_HIDDEN);
removeClass(element, CLASS_HIDDEN);
var containerData = {
width: Math.max(container.offsetWidth, minWidth >= 0 ? minWidth : MIN_CONTAINER_WIDTH),
height: Math.max(container.offsetHeight, minHeight >= 0 ? minHeight : MIN_CONTAINER_HEIGHT)
this.containerData = containerData;
setStyle(cropper, {
width: containerData.width,
height: containerData.height
addClass(element, CLASS_HIDDEN);
removeClass(cropper, CLASS_HIDDEN);
initCanvas: function initCanvas() {
var containerData = this.containerData, imageData = this.imageData;
var viewMode = this.options.viewMode;
var rotated = Math.abs(imageData.rotate) % 180 === 90;
var naturalWidth = rotated ? imageData.naturalHeight : imageData.naturalWidth;
var naturalHeight = rotated ? imageData.naturalWidth : imageData.naturalHeight;
var aspectRatio = naturalWidth / naturalHeight;
var canvasWidth = containerData.width;
var canvasHeight = containerData.height;
if (containerData.height * aspectRatio > containerData.width) {
if (viewMode === 3) {
canvasWidth = containerData.height * aspectRatio;
} else {
canvasHeight = containerData.width / aspectRatio;
} else if (viewMode === 3) {
canvasHeight = containerData.width / aspectRatio;
} else {
canvasWidth = containerData.height * aspectRatio;
var canvasData = {
width: canvasWidth,
height: canvasHeight
this.canvasData = canvasData; = viewMode === 1 || viewMode === 2;
this.limitCanvas(true, true);
canvasData.width = Math.min(Math.max(canvasData.width, canvasData.minWidth), canvasData.maxWidth);
canvasData.height = Math.min(Math.max(canvasData.height, canvasData.minHeight), canvasData.maxHeight);
canvasData.left = (containerData.width - canvasData.width) / 2; = (containerData.height - canvasData.height) / 2;
canvasData.oldLeft = canvasData.left;
canvasData.oldTop =;
this.initialCanvasData = assign({}, canvasData);
limitCanvas: function limitCanvas(sizeLimited, positionLimited) {
var options = this.options, containerData = this.containerData, canvasData = this.canvasData, cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData;
var viewMode = options.viewMode;
var aspectRatio = canvasData.aspectRatio;
var cropped = this.cropped && cropBoxData;
if (sizeLimited) {
var minCanvasWidth = Number(options.minCanvasWidth) || 0;
var minCanvasHeight = Number(options.minCanvasHeight) || 0;
if (viewMode > 1) {
minCanvasWidth = Math.max(minCanvasWidth, containerData.width);
minCanvasHeight = Math.max(minCanvasHeight, containerData.height);
if (viewMode === 3) {
if (minCanvasHeight * aspectRatio > minCanvasWidth) {
minCanvasWidth = minCanvasHeight * aspectRatio;
} else {
minCanvasHeight = minCanvasWidth / aspectRatio;
} else if (viewMode > 0) {
if (minCanvasWidth) {
minCanvasWidth = Math.max(minCanvasWidth, cropped ? cropBoxData.width : 0);
} else if (minCanvasHeight) {
minCanvasHeight = Math.max(minCanvasHeight, cropped ? cropBoxData.height : 0);
} else if (cropped) {
minCanvasWidth = cropBoxData.width;
minCanvasHeight = cropBoxData.height;
if (minCanvasHeight * aspectRatio > minCanvasWidth) {
minCanvasWidth = minCanvasHeight * aspectRatio;
} else {
minCanvasHeight = minCanvasWidth / aspectRatio;
var _getAdjustedSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
width: minCanvasWidth,
height: minCanvasHeight
minCanvasWidth = _getAdjustedSizes.width;
minCanvasHeight = _getAdjustedSizes.height;
canvasData.minWidth = minCanvasWidth;
canvasData.minHeight = minCanvasHeight;
canvasData.maxWidth = Infinity;
canvasData.maxHeight = Infinity;
if (positionLimited) {
if (viewMode > (cropped ? 0 : 1)) {
var newCanvasLeft = containerData.width - canvasData.width;
var newCanvasTop = containerData.height - canvasData.height;
canvasData.minLeft = Math.min(0, newCanvasLeft);
canvasData.minTop = Math.min(0, newCanvasTop);
canvasData.maxLeft = Math.max(0, newCanvasLeft);
canvasData.maxTop = Math.max(0, newCanvasTop);
if (cropped && {
canvasData.minLeft = Math.min(cropBoxData.left, cropBoxData.left + (cropBoxData.width - canvasData.width));
canvasData.minTop = Math.min(, + (cropBoxData.height - canvasData.height));
canvasData.maxLeft = cropBoxData.left;
canvasData.maxTop =;
if (viewMode === 2) {
if (canvasData.width >= containerData.width) {
canvasData.minLeft = Math.min(0, newCanvasLeft);
canvasData.maxLeft = Math.max(0, newCanvasLeft);
if (canvasData.height >= containerData.height) {
canvasData.minTop = Math.min(0, newCanvasTop);
canvasData.maxTop = Math.max(0, newCanvasTop);
} else {
canvasData.minLeft = -canvasData.width;
canvasData.minTop = -canvasData.height;
canvasData.maxLeft = containerData.width;
canvasData.maxTop = containerData.height;
renderCanvas: function renderCanvas(changed, transformed) {
var canvasData = this.canvasData, imageData = this.imageData;
if (transformed) {
var _getRotatedSizes = getRotatedSizes({
width: imageData.naturalWidth * Math.abs(imageData.scaleX || 1),
height: imageData.naturalHeight * Math.abs(imageData.scaleY || 1),
degree: imageData.rotate || 0
}), naturalWidth = _getRotatedSizes.width, naturalHeight = _getRotatedSizes.height;
var width = canvasData.width * (naturalWidth / canvasData.naturalWidth);
var height = canvasData.height * (naturalHeight / canvasData.naturalHeight);
canvasData.left -= (width - canvasData.width) / 2; -= (height - canvasData.height) / 2;
canvasData.width = width;
canvasData.height = height;
canvasData.aspectRatio = naturalWidth / naturalHeight;
canvasData.naturalWidth = naturalWidth;
canvasData.naturalHeight = naturalHeight;
this.limitCanvas(true, false);
if (canvasData.width > canvasData.maxWidth || canvasData.width < canvasData.minWidth) {
canvasData.left = canvasData.oldLeft;
if (canvasData.height > canvasData.maxHeight || canvasData.height < canvasData.minHeight) { = canvasData.oldTop;
canvasData.width = Math.min(Math.max(canvasData.width, canvasData.minWidth), canvasData.maxWidth);
canvasData.height = Math.min(Math.max(canvasData.height, canvasData.minHeight), canvasData.maxHeight);
this.limitCanvas(false, true);
canvasData.left = Math.min(Math.max(canvasData.left, canvasData.minLeft), canvasData.maxLeft); = Math.min(Math.max(, canvasData.minTop), canvasData.maxTop);
canvasData.oldLeft = canvasData.left;
canvasData.oldTop =;
setStyle(this.canvas, assign({
width: canvasData.width,
height: canvasData.height
}, getTransforms({
translateX: canvasData.left,
if (this.cropped && {
this.limitCropBox(true, true);
renderImage: function renderImage(changed) {
var canvasData = this.canvasData, imageData = this.imageData;
var width = imageData.naturalWidth * (canvasData.width / canvasData.naturalWidth);
var height = imageData.naturalHeight * (canvasData.height / canvasData.naturalHeight);
assign(imageData, {
left: (canvasData.width - width) / 2,
top: (canvasData.height - height) / 2
setStyle(this.image, assign({
width: imageData.width,
height: imageData.height
}, getTransforms(assign({
translateX: imageData.left,
}, imageData))));
if (changed) {
initCropBox: function initCropBox() {
var options = this.options, canvasData = this.canvasData;
var aspectRatio = options.aspectRatio || options.initialAspectRatio;
var autoCropArea = Number(options.autoCropArea) || 0.8;
var cropBoxData = {
width: canvasData.width,
height: canvasData.height
if (aspectRatio) {
if (canvasData.height * aspectRatio > canvasData.width) {
cropBoxData.height = cropBoxData.width / aspectRatio;
} else {
cropBoxData.width = cropBoxData.height * aspectRatio;
this.cropBoxData = cropBoxData;
this.limitCropBox(true, true);
cropBoxData.width = Math.min(Math.max(cropBoxData.width, cropBoxData.minWidth), cropBoxData.maxWidth);
cropBoxData.height = Math.min(Math.max(cropBoxData.height, cropBoxData.minHeight), cropBoxData.maxHeight);
cropBoxData.width = Math.max(cropBoxData.minWidth, cropBoxData.width * autoCropArea);
cropBoxData.height = Math.max(cropBoxData.minHeight, cropBoxData.height * autoCropArea);
cropBoxData.left = canvasData.left + (canvasData.width - cropBoxData.width) / 2; = + (canvasData.height - cropBoxData.height) / 2;
cropBoxData.oldLeft = cropBoxData.left;
cropBoxData.oldTop =;
this.initialCropBoxData = assign({}, cropBoxData);
limitCropBox: function limitCropBox(sizeLimited, positionLimited) {
var options = this.options, containerData = this.containerData, canvasData = this.canvasData, cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData, limited =;
var aspectRatio = options.aspectRatio;
if (sizeLimited) {
var minCropBoxWidth = Number(options.minCropBoxWidth) || 0;
var minCropBoxHeight = Number(options.minCropBoxHeight) || 0;
var maxCropBoxWidth = limited ? Math.min(containerData.width, canvasData.width, canvasData.width + canvasData.left, containerData.width - canvasData.left) : containerData.width;
var maxCropBoxHeight = limited ? Math.min(containerData.height, canvasData.height, canvasData.height +, containerData.height - : containerData.height;
minCropBoxWidth = Math.min(minCropBoxWidth, containerData.width);
minCropBoxHeight = Math.min(minCropBoxHeight, containerData.height);
if (aspectRatio) {
if (minCropBoxWidth && minCropBoxHeight) {
if (minCropBoxHeight * aspectRatio > minCropBoxWidth) {
minCropBoxHeight = minCropBoxWidth / aspectRatio;
} else {
minCropBoxWidth = minCropBoxHeight * aspectRatio;
} else if (minCropBoxWidth) {
minCropBoxHeight = minCropBoxWidth / aspectRatio;
} else if (minCropBoxHeight) {
minCropBoxWidth = minCropBoxHeight * aspectRatio;
if (maxCropBoxHeight * aspectRatio > maxCropBoxWidth) {
maxCropBoxHeight = maxCropBoxWidth / aspectRatio;
} else {
maxCropBoxWidth = maxCropBoxHeight * aspectRatio;
cropBoxData.minWidth = Math.min(minCropBoxWidth, maxCropBoxWidth);
cropBoxData.minHeight = Math.min(minCropBoxHeight, maxCropBoxHeight);
cropBoxData.maxWidth = maxCropBoxWidth;
cropBoxData.maxHeight = maxCropBoxHeight;
if (positionLimited) {
if (limited) {
cropBoxData.minLeft = Math.max(0, canvasData.left);
cropBoxData.minTop = Math.max(0,;
cropBoxData.maxLeft = Math.min(containerData.width, canvasData.left + canvasData.width) - cropBoxData.width;
cropBoxData.maxTop = Math.min(containerData.height, + canvasData.height) - cropBoxData.height;
} else {
cropBoxData.minLeft = 0;
cropBoxData.minTop = 0;
cropBoxData.maxLeft = containerData.width - cropBoxData.width;
cropBoxData.maxTop = containerData.height - cropBoxData.height;
renderCropBox: function renderCropBox() {
var options = this.options, containerData = this.containerData, cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData;
if (cropBoxData.width > cropBoxData.maxWidth || cropBoxData.width < cropBoxData.minWidth) {
cropBoxData.left = cropBoxData.oldLeft;
if (cropBoxData.height > cropBoxData.maxHeight || cropBoxData.height < cropBoxData.minHeight) { = cropBoxData.oldTop;
cropBoxData.width = Math.min(Math.max(cropBoxData.width, cropBoxData.minWidth), cropBoxData.maxWidth);
cropBoxData.height = Math.min(Math.max(cropBoxData.height, cropBoxData.minHeight), cropBoxData.maxHeight);
this.limitCropBox(false, true);
cropBoxData.left = Math.min(Math.max(cropBoxData.left, cropBoxData.minLeft), cropBoxData.maxLeft); = Math.min(Math.max(, cropBoxData.minTop), cropBoxData.maxTop);
cropBoxData.oldLeft = cropBoxData.left;
cropBoxData.oldTop =;
if (options.movable && options.cropBoxMovable) {
setData(this.face, DATA_ACTION, cropBoxData.width >= containerData.width && cropBoxData.height >= containerData.height ? ACTION_MOVE : ACTION_ALL);
setStyle(this.cropBox, assign({
width: cropBoxData.width,
height: cropBoxData.height
}, getTransforms({
translateX: cropBoxData.left,
if (this.cropped && {
this.limitCanvas(true, true);
if (!this.disabled) {
output: function output() {
dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_CROP, this.getData());
var preview = {
initPreview: function initPreview() {
var element = this.element, crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin;
var preview3 = this.options.preview;
var url2 = crossOrigin ? this.crossOriginUrl : this.url;
var alt = element.alt || "The image to preview";
var image = document.createElement("img");
if (crossOrigin) {
image.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
image.src = url2;
image.alt = alt;
this.viewBoxImage = image;
if (!preview3) {
var previews = preview3;
if (typeof preview3 === "string") {
previews = element.ownerDocument.querySelectorAll(preview3);
} else if (preview3.querySelector) {
previews = [preview3];
this.previews = previews;
forEach(previews, function(el) {
var img = document.createElement("img");
setData(el, DATA_PREVIEW, {
width: el.offsetWidth,
height: el.offsetHeight,
html: el.innerHTML
if (crossOrigin) {
img.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
img.src = url2;
img.alt = alt; = 'display:block;width:100%;height:auto;min-width:0!important;min-height:0!important;max-width:none!important;max-height:none!important;image-orientation:0deg!important;"';
el.innerHTML = "";
resetPreview: function resetPreview() {
forEach(this.previews, function(element) {
var data = getData(element, DATA_PREVIEW);
setStyle(element, {
width: data.width,
height: data.height
element.innerHTML = data.html;
removeData(element, DATA_PREVIEW);
preview: function preview2() {
var imageData = this.imageData, canvasData = this.canvasData, cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData;
var cropBoxWidth = cropBoxData.width, cropBoxHeight = cropBoxData.height;
var width = imageData.width, height = imageData.height;
var left = cropBoxData.left - canvasData.left - imageData.left;
var top = - -;
if (!this.cropped || this.disabled) {
setStyle(this.viewBoxImage, assign({
}, getTransforms(assign({
translateX: -left,
translateY: -top
}, imageData))));
forEach(this.previews, function(element) {
var data = getData(element, DATA_PREVIEW);
var originalWidth = data.width;
var originalHeight = data.height;
var newWidth = originalWidth;
var newHeight = originalHeight;
var ratio = 1;
if (cropBoxWidth) {
ratio = originalWidth / cropBoxWidth;
newHeight = cropBoxHeight * ratio;
if (cropBoxHeight && newHeight > originalHeight) {
ratio = originalHeight / cropBoxHeight;
newWidth = cropBoxWidth * ratio;
newHeight = originalHeight;
setStyle(element, {
width: newWidth,
height: newHeight
setStyle(element.getElementsByTagName("img")[0], assign({
width: width * ratio,
height: height * ratio
}, getTransforms(assign({
translateX: -left * ratio,
translateY: -top * ratio
}, imageData))));
var events = {
bind: function bind() {
var element = this.element, options = this.options, cropper = this.cropper;
if (isFunction(options.cropstart)) {
addListener(element, EVENT_CROP_START, options.cropstart);
if (isFunction(options.cropmove)) {
addListener(element, EVENT_CROP_MOVE, options.cropmove);
if (isFunction(options.cropend)) {
addListener(element, EVENT_CROP_END, options.cropend);
if (isFunction(options.crop)) {
addListener(element, EVENT_CROP, options.crop);
if (isFunction(options.zoom)) {
addListener(element, EVENT_ZOOM, options.zoom);
addListener(cropper, EVENT_POINTER_DOWN, this.onCropStart = this.cropStart.bind(this));
if (options.zoomable && options.zoomOnWheel) {
addListener(cropper, EVENT_WHEEL, this.onWheel = this.wheel.bind(this), {
passive: false,
capture: true
if (options.toggleDragModeOnDblclick) {
addListener(cropper, EVENT_DBLCLICK, this.onDblclick = this.dblclick.bind(this));
addListener(element.ownerDocument, EVENT_POINTER_MOVE, this.onCropMove = this.cropMove.bind(this));
addListener(element.ownerDocument, EVENT_POINTER_UP, this.onCropEnd = this.cropEnd.bind(this));
if (options.responsive) {
addListener(window, EVENT_RESIZE, this.onResize = this.resize.bind(this));
unbind: function unbind() {
var element = this.element, options = this.options, cropper = this.cropper;
if (isFunction(options.cropstart)) {
removeListener(element, EVENT_CROP_START, options.cropstart);
if (isFunction(options.cropmove)) {
removeListener(element, EVENT_CROP_MOVE, options.cropmove);
if (isFunction(options.cropend)) {
removeListener(element, EVENT_CROP_END, options.cropend);
if (isFunction(options.crop)) {
removeListener(element, EVENT_CROP, options.crop);
if (isFunction(options.zoom)) {
removeListener(element, EVENT_ZOOM, options.zoom);
removeListener(cropper, EVENT_POINTER_DOWN, this.onCropStart);
if (options.zoomable && options.zoomOnWheel) {
removeListener(cropper, EVENT_WHEEL, this.onWheel, {
passive: false,
capture: true
if (options.toggleDragModeOnDblclick) {
removeListener(cropper, EVENT_DBLCLICK, this.onDblclick);
removeListener(element.ownerDocument, EVENT_POINTER_MOVE, this.onCropMove);
removeListener(element.ownerDocument, EVENT_POINTER_UP, this.onCropEnd);
if (options.responsive) {
removeListener(window, EVENT_RESIZE, this.onResize);
var handlers = {
resize: function resize() {
if (this.disabled) {
var options = this.options, container = this.container, containerData = this.containerData;
var ratioX = container.offsetWidth / containerData.width;
var ratioY = container.offsetHeight / containerData.height;
var ratio = Math.abs(ratioX - 1) > Math.abs(ratioY - 1) ? ratioX : ratioY;
if (ratio !== 1) {
var canvasData;
var cropBoxData;
if (options.restore) {
canvasData = this.getCanvasData();
cropBoxData = this.getCropBoxData();
if (options.restore) {
this.setCanvasData(forEach(canvasData, function(n, i) {
canvasData[i] = n * ratio;
this.setCropBoxData(forEach(cropBoxData, function(n, i) {
cropBoxData[i] = n * ratio;
dblclick: function dblclick() {
if (this.disabled || this.options.dragMode === DRAG_MODE_NONE) {
this.setDragMode(hasClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_CROP) ? DRAG_MODE_MOVE : DRAG_MODE_CROP);
wheel: function wheel(event) {
var _this = this;
var ratio = Number(this.options.wheelZoomRatio) || 0.1;
var delta = 1;
if (this.disabled) {
if (this.wheeling) {
this.wheeling = true;
setTimeout(function() {
_this.wheeling = false;
}, 50);
if (event.deltaY) {
delta = event.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1;
} else if (event.wheelDelta) {
delta = -event.wheelDelta / 120;
} else if (event.detail) {
delta = event.detail > 0 ? 1 : -1;
this.zoom(-delta * ratio, event);
cropStart: function cropStart(event) {
var buttons = event.buttons, button = event.button;
if (this.disabled || (event.type === "mousedown" || event.type === "pointerdown" && event.pointerType === "mouse") && (isNumber(buttons) && buttons !== 1 || isNumber(button) && button !== 0 || event.ctrlKey)) {
var options = this.options, pointers = this.pointers;
var action;
if (event.changedTouches) {
forEach(event.changedTouches, function(touch) {
pointers[touch.identifier] = getPointer(touch);
} else {
pointers[event.pointerId || 0] = getPointer(event);
if (Object.keys(pointers).length > 1 && options.zoomable && options.zoomOnTouch) {
action = ACTION_ZOOM;
} else {
action = getData(, DATA_ACTION);
if (!REGEXP_ACTIONS.test(action)) {
if (dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_CROP_START, {
originalEvent: event,
}) === false) {
this.action = action;
this.cropping = false;
if (action === ACTION_CROP) {
this.cropping = true;
addClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_MODAL);
cropMove: function cropMove(event) {
var action = this.action;
if (this.disabled || !action) {
var pointers = this.pointers;
if (dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_CROP_MOVE, {
originalEvent: event,
}) === false) {
if (event.changedTouches) {
forEach(event.changedTouches, function(touch) {
assign(pointers[touch.identifier] || {}, getPointer(touch, true));
} else {
assign(pointers[event.pointerId || 0] || {}, getPointer(event, true));
cropEnd: function cropEnd(event) {
if (this.disabled) {
var action = this.action, pointers = this.pointers;
if (event.changedTouches) {
forEach(event.changedTouches, function(touch) {
delete pointers[touch.identifier];
} else {
delete pointers[event.pointerId || 0];
if (!action) {
if (!Object.keys(pointers).length) {
this.action = "";
if (this.cropping) {
this.cropping = false;
toggleClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_MODAL, this.cropped && this.options.modal);
dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_CROP_END, {
originalEvent: event,
var change = {
change: function change2(event) {
var options = this.options, canvasData = this.canvasData, containerData = this.containerData, cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData, pointers = this.pointers;
var action = this.action;
var aspectRatio = options.aspectRatio;
var left = cropBoxData.left, top =, width = cropBoxData.width, height = cropBoxData.height;
var right = left + width;
var bottom = top + height;
var minLeft = 0;
var minTop = 0;
var maxWidth = containerData.width;
var maxHeight = containerData.height;
var renderable = true;
var offset;
if (!aspectRatio && event.shiftKey) {
aspectRatio = width && height ? width / height : 1;
if ( {
minLeft = cropBoxData.minLeft;
minTop = cropBoxData.minTop;
maxWidth = minLeft + Math.min(containerData.width, canvasData.width, canvasData.left + canvasData.width);
maxHeight = minTop + Math.min(containerData.height, canvasData.height, + canvasData.height);
var pointer = pointers[Object.keys(pointers)[0]];
var range3 = {
x: pointer.endX - pointer.startX,
y: pointer.endY - pointer.startY
var check = function check2(side) {
switch (side) {
if (right + range3.x > maxWidth) {
range3.x = maxWidth - right;
if (left + range3.x < minLeft) {
range3.x = minLeft - left;
if (top + range3.y < minTop) {
range3.y = minTop - top;
if (bottom + range3.y > maxHeight) {
range3.y = maxHeight - bottom;
switch (action) {
left += range3.x;
top += range3.y;
if (range3.x >= 0 && (right >= maxWidth || aspectRatio && (top <= minTop || bottom >= maxHeight))) {
renderable = false;
width += range3.x;
if (width < 0) {
action = ACTION_WEST;
width = -width;
left -= width;
if (aspectRatio) {
height = width / aspectRatio;
top += (cropBoxData.height - height) / 2;
if (range3.y <= 0 && (top <= minTop || aspectRatio && (left <= minLeft || right >= maxWidth))) {
renderable = false;
height -= range3.y;
top += range3.y;
if (height < 0) {
action = ACTION_SOUTH;
height = -height;
top -= height;
if (aspectRatio) {
width = height * aspectRatio;
left += (cropBoxData.width - width) / 2;
if (range3.x <= 0 && (left <= minLeft || aspectRatio && (top <= minTop || bottom >= maxHeight))) {
renderable = false;
width -= range3.x;
left += range3.x;
if (width < 0) {
action = ACTION_EAST;
width = -width;
left -= width;
if (aspectRatio) {
height = width / aspectRatio;
top += (cropBoxData.height - height) / 2;
if (range3.y >= 0 && (bottom >= maxHeight || aspectRatio && (left <= minLeft || right >= maxWidth))) {
renderable = false;
height += range3.y;
if (height < 0) {
action = ACTION_NORTH;
height = -height;
top -= height;
if (aspectRatio) {
width = height * aspectRatio;
left += (cropBoxData.width - width) / 2;
if (aspectRatio) {
if (range3.y <= 0 && (top <= minTop || right >= maxWidth)) {
renderable = false;
height -= range3.y;
top += range3.y;
width = height * aspectRatio;
} else {
if (range3.x >= 0) {
if (right < maxWidth) {
width += range3.x;
} else if (range3.y <= 0 && top <= minTop) {
renderable = false;
} else {
width += range3.x;
if (range3.y <= 0) {
if (top > minTop) {
height -= range3.y;
top += range3.y;
} else {
height -= range3.y;
top += range3.y;
if (width < 0 && height < 0) {
height = -height;
width = -width;
top -= height;
left -= width;
} else if (width < 0) {
width = -width;
left -= width;
} else if (height < 0) {
height = -height;
top -= height;
if (aspectRatio) {
if (range3.y <= 0 && (top <= minTop || left <= minLeft)) {
renderable = false;
height -= range3.y;
top += range3.y;
width = height * aspectRatio;
left += cropBoxData.width - width;
} else {
if (range3.x <= 0) {
if (left > minLeft) {
width -= range3.x;
left += range3.x;
} else if (range3.y <= 0 && top <= minTop) {
renderable = false;
} else {
width -= range3.x;
left += range3.x;
if (range3.y <= 0) {
if (top > minTop) {
height -= range3.y;
top += range3.y;
} else {
height -= range3.y;
top += range3.y;
if (width < 0 && height < 0) {
height = -height;
width = -width;
top -= height;
left -= width;
} else if (width < 0) {
width = -width;
left -= width;
} else if (height < 0) {
height = -height;
top -= height;
if (aspectRatio) {
if (range3.x <= 0 && (left <= minLeft || bottom >= maxHeight)) {
renderable = false;
width -= range3.x;
left += range3.x;
height = width / aspectRatio;
} else {
if (range3.x <= 0) {
if (left > minLeft) {
width -= range3.x;
left += range3.x;
} else if (range3.y >= 0 && bottom >= maxHeight) {
renderable = false;
} else {
width -= range3.x;
left += range3.x;
if (range3.y >= 0) {
if (bottom < maxHeight) {
height += range3.y;
} else {
height += range3.y;
if (width < 0 && height < 0) {
height = -height;
width = -width;
top -= height;
left -= width;
} else if (width < 0) {
width = -width;
left -= width;
} else if (height < 0) {
height = -height;
top -= height;
if (aspectRatio) {
if (range3.x >= 0 && (right >= maxWidth || bottom >= maxHeight)) {
renderable = false;
width += range3.x;
height = width / aspectRatio;
} else {
if (range3.x >= 0) {
if (right < maxWidth) {
width += range3.x;
} else if (range3.y >= 0 && bottom >= maxHeight) {
renderable = false;
} else {
width += range3.x;
if (range3.y >= 0) {
if (bottom < maxHeight) {
height += range3.y;
} else {
height += range3.y;
if (width < 0 && height < 0) {
height = -height;
width = -width;
top -= height;
left -= width;
} else if (width < 0) {
width = -width;
left -= width;
} else if (height < 0) {
height = -height;
top -= height;
this.move(range3.x, range3.y);
renderable = false;
this.zoom(getMaxZoomRatio(pointers), event);
renderable = false;
if (!range3.x || !range3.y) {
renderable = false;
offset = getOffset(this.cropper);
left = pointer.startX - offset.left;
top = pointer.startY -;
width = cropBoxData.minWidth;
height = cropBoxData.minHeight;
if (range3.x > 0) {
action = range3.y > 0 ? ACTION_SOUTH_EAST : ACTION_NORTH_EAST;
} else if (range3.x < 0) {
left -= width;
action = range3.y > 0 ? ACTION_SOUTH_WEST : ACTION_NORTH_WEST;
if (range3.y < 0) {
top -= height;
if (!this.cropped) {
removeClass(this.cropBox, CLASS_HIDDEN);
this.cropped = true;
if ( {
this.limitCropBox(true, true);
if (renderable) {
cropBoxData.width = width;
cropBoxData.height = height;
cropBoxData.left = left; = top;
this.action = action;
forEach(pointers, function(p) {
p.startX = p.endX;
p.startY = p.endY;
var methods = {
crop: function crop() {
if (this.ready && !this.cropped && !this.disabled) {
this.cropped = true;
this.limitCropBox(true, true);
if (this.options.modal) {
addClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_MODAL);
removeClass(this.cropBox, CLASS_HIDDEN);
return this;
reset: function reset2() {
if (this.ready && !this.disabled) {
this.imageData = assign({}, this.initialImageData);
this.canvasData = assign({}, this.initialCanvasData);
this.cropBoxData = assign({}, this.initialCropBoxData);
if (this.cropped) {
return this;
clear: function clear() {
if (this.cropped && !this.disabled) {
assign(this.cropBoxData, {
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
this.cropped = false;
this.limitCanvas(true, true);
removeClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_MODAL);
addClass(this.cropBox, CLASS_HIDDEN);
return this;
replace: function replace(url2) {
var hasSameSize = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : false;
if (!this.disabled && url2) {
if (this.isImg) {
this.element.src = url2;
if (hasSameSize) {
this.url = url2;
this.image.src = url2;
if (this.ready) {
this.viewBoxImage.src = url2;
forEach(this.previews, function(element) {
element.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src = url2;
} else {
if (this.isImg) {
this.replaced = true;
} = null;
return this;
enable: function enable() {
if (this.ready && this.disabled) {
this.disabled = false;
removeClass(this.cropper, CLASS_DISABLED);
return this;
disable: function disable() {
if (this.ready && !this.disabled) {
this.disabled = true;
addClass(this.cropper, CLASS_DISABLED);
return this;
destroy: function destroy() {
var element = this.element;
if (!element[NAMESPACE]) {
return this;
element[NAMESPACE] = void 0;
if (this.isImg && this.replaced) {
element.src = this.originalUrl;
return this;
move: function move(offsetX) {
var offsetY = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : offsetX;
var _this$canvasData = this.canvasData, left = _this$canvasData.left, top = _this$;
return this.moveTo(isUndefined(offsetX) ? offsetX : left + Number(offsetX), isUndefined(offsetY) ? offsetY : top + Number(offsetY));
moveTo: function moveTo(x) {
var y = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : x;
var canvasData = this.canvasData;
var changed = false;
x = Number(x);
y = Number(y);
if (this.ready && !this.disabled && this.options.movable) {
if (isNumber(x)) {
canvasData.left = x;
changed = true;
if (isNumber(y)) { = y;
changed = true;
if (changed) {
return this;
zoom: function zoom(ratio, _originalEvent) {
var canvasData = this.canvasData;
ratio = Number(ratio);
if (ratio < 0) {
ratio = 1 / (1 - ratio);
} else {
ratio = 1 + ratio;
return this.zoomTo(canvasData.width * ratio / canvasData.naturalWidth, null, _originalEvent);
zoomTo: function zoomTo(ratio, pivot, _originalEvent) {
var options = this.options, canvasData = this.canvasData;
var width = canvasData.width, height = canvasData.height, naturalWidth = canvasData.naturalWidth, naturalHeight = canvasData.naturalHeight;
ratio = Number(ratio);
if (ratio >= 0 && this.ready && !this.disabled && options.zoomable) {
var newWidth = naturalWidth * ratio;
var newHeight = naturalHeight * ratio;
if (dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_ZOOM, {
oldRatio: width / naturalWidth,
originalEvent: _originalEvent
}) === false) {
return this;
if (_originalEvent) {
var pointers = this.pointers;
var offset = getOffset(this.cropper);
var center = pointers && Object.keys(pointers).length ? getPointersCenter(pointers) : {
pageX: _originalEvent.pageX,
pageY: _originalEvent.pageY
canvasData.left -= (newWidth - width) * ((center.pageX - offset.left - canvasData.left) / width); -= (newHeight - height) * ((center.pageY - - / height);
} else if (isPlainObject(pivot) && isNumber(pivot.x) && isNumber(pivot.y)) {
canvasData.left -= (newWidth - width) * ((pivot.x - canvasData.left) / width); -= (newHeight - height) * ((pivot.y - / height);
} else {
canvasData.left -= (newWidth - width) / 2; -= (newHeight - height) / 2;
canvasData.width = newWidth;
canvasData.height = newHeight;
return this;
rotate: function rotate(degree) {
return this.rotateTo((this.imageData.rotate || 0) + Number(degree));
rotateTo: function rotateTo(degree) {
degree = Number(degree);
if (isNumber(degree) && this.ready && !this.disabled && this.options.rotatable) {
this.imageData.rotate = degree % 360;
this.renderCanvas(true, true);
return this;
scaleX: function scaleX(_scaleX) {
var scaleY2 = this.imageData.scaleY;
return this.scale(_scaleX, isNumber(scaleY2) ? scaleY2 : 1);
scaleY: function scaleY(_scaleY) {
var scaleX2 = this.imageData.scaleX;
return this.scale(isNumber(scaleX2) ? scaleX2 : 1, _scaleY);
scale: function scale(scaleX2) {
var scaleY2 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : scaleX2;
var imageData = this.imageData;
var transformed = false;
scaleX2 = Number(scaleX2);
scaleY2 = Number(scaleY2);
if (this.ready && !this.disabled && this.options.scalable) {
if (isNumber(scaleX2)) {
imageData.scaleX = scaleX2;
transformed = true;
if (isNumber(scaleY2)) {
imageData.scaleY = scaleY2;
transformed = true;
if (transformed) {
this.renderCanvas(true, true);
return this;
getData: function getData2() {
var rounded = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : false;
var options = this.options, imageData = this.imageData, canvasData = this.canvasData, cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData;
var data;
if (this.ready && this.cropped) {
data = {
x: cropBoxData.left - canvasData.left,
y: -,
width: cropBoxData.width,
height: cropBoxData.height
var ratio = imageData.width / imageData.naturalWidth;
forEach(data, function(n, i) {
data[i] = n / ratio;
if (rounded) {
var bottom = Math.round(data.y + data.height);
var right = Math.round(data.x + data.width);
data.x = Math.round(data.x);
data.y = Math.round(data.y);
data.width = right - data.x;
data.height = bottom - data.y;
} else {
data = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
if (options.rotatable) {
data.rotate = imageData.rotate || 0;
if (options.scalable) {
data.scaleX = imageData.scaleX || 1;
data.scaleY = imageData.scaleY || 1;
return data;
setData: function setData2(data) {
var options = this.options, imageData = this.imageData, canvasData = this.canvasData;
var cropBoxData = {};
if (this.ready && !this.disabled && isPlainObject(data)) {
var transformed = false;
if (options.rotatable) {
if (isNumber(data.rotate) && data.rotate !== imageData.rotate) {
imageData.rotate = data.rotate;
transformed = true;
if (options.scalable) {
if (isNumber(data.scaleX) && data.scaleX !== imageData.scaleX) {
imageData.scaleX = data.scaleX;
transformed = true;
if (isNumber(data.scaleY) && data.scaleY !== imageData.scaleY) {
imageData.scaleY = data.scaleY;
transformed = true;
if (transformed) {
this.renderCanvas(true, true);
var ratio = imageData.width / imageData.naturalWidth;
if (isNumber(data.x)) {
cropBoxData.left = data.x * ratio + canvasData.left;
if (isNumber(data.y)) { = data.y * ratio +;
if (isNumber(data.width)) {
cropBoxData.width = data.width * ratio;
if (isNumber(data.height)) {
cropBoxData.height = data.height * ratio;
return this;
getContainerData: function getContainerData() {
return this.ready ? assign({}, this.containerData) : {};
getImageData: function getImageData() {
return this.sized ? assign({}, this.imageData) : {};
getCanvasData: function getCanvasData() {
var canvasData = this.canvasData;
var data = {};
if (this.ready) {
forEach(["left", "top", "width", "height", "naturalWidth", "naturalHeight"], function(n) {
data[n] = canvasData[n];
return data;
setCanvasData: function setCanvasData(data) {
var canvasData = this.canvasData;
var aspectRatio = canvasData.aspectRatio;
if (this.ready && !this.disabled && isPlainObject(data)) {
if (isNumber(data.left)) {
canvasData.left = data.left;
if (isNumber( { =;
if (isNumber(data.width)) {
canvasData.width = data.width;
canvasData.height = data.width / aspectRatio;
} else if (isNumber(data.height)) {
canvasData.height = data.height;
canvasData.width = data.height * aspectRatio;
return this;
getCropBoxData: function getCropBoxData() {
var cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData;
var data;
if (this.ready && this.cropped) {
data = {
left: cropBoxData.left,
width: cropBoxData.width,
height: cropBoxData.height
return data || {};
setCropBoxData: function setCropBoxData(data) {
var cropBoxData = this.cropBoxData;
var aspectRatio = this.options.aspectRatio;
var widthChanged;
var heightChanged;
if (this.ready && this.cropped && !this.disabled && isPlainObject(data)) {
if (isNumber(data.left)) {
cropBoxData.left = data.left;
if (isNumber( { =;
if (isNumber(data.width) && data.width !== cropBoxData.width) {
widthChanged = true;
cropBoxData.width = data.width;
if (isNumber(data.height) && data.height !== cropBoxData.height) {
heightChanged = true;
cropBoxData.height = data.height;
if (aspectRatio) {
if (widthChanged) {
cropBoxData.height = cropBoxData.width / aspectRatio;
} else if (heightChanged) {
cropBoxData.width = cropBoxData.height * aspectRatio;
return this;
getCroppedCanvas: function getCroppedCanvas() {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
if (!this.ready || !window.HTMLCanvasElement) {
return null;
var canvasData = this.canvasData;
var source = getSourceCanvas(this.image, this.imageData, canvasData, options);
if (!this.cropped) {
return source;
var _this$getData = this.getData(), initialX = _this$getData.x, initialY = _this$getData.y, initialWidth = _this$getData.width, initialHeight = _this$getData.height;
var ratio = source.width / Math.floor(canvasData.naturalWidth);
if (ratio !== 1) {
initialX *= ratio;
initialY *= ratio;
initialWidth *= ratio;
initialHeight *= ratio;
var aspectRatio = initialWidth / initialHeight;
var maxSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
width: options.maxWidth || Infinity,
height: options.maxHeight || Infinity
var minSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
width: options.minWidth || 0,
height: options.minHeight || 0
}, "cover");
var _getAdjustedSizes = getAdjustedSizes({
width: options.width || (ratio !== 1 ? source.width : initialWidth),
height: options.height || (ratio !== 1 ? source.height : initialHeight)
}), width = _getAdjustedSizes.width, height = _getAdjustedSizes.height;
width = Math.min(maxSizes.width, Math.max(minSizes.width, width));
height = Math.min(maxSizes.height, Math.max(minSizes.height, height));
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = normalizeDecimalNumber(width);
canvas.height = normalizeDecimalNumber(height);
context.fillStyle = options.fillColor || "transparent";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
var _options$imageSmoothi = options.imageSmoothingEnabled, imageSmoothingEnabled = _options$imageSmoothi === void 0 ? true : _options$imageSmoothi, imageSmoothingQuality = options.imageSmoothingQuality;
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = imageSmoothingEnabled;
if (imageSmoothingQuality) {
context.imageSmoothingQuality = imageSmoothingQuality;
var sourceWidth = source.width;
var sourceHeight = source.height;
var srcX = initialX;
var srcY = initialY;
var srcWidth;
var srcHeight;
var dstX;
var dstY;
var dstWidth;
var dstHeight;
if (srcX <= -initialWidth || srcX > sourceWidth) {
srcX = 0;
srcWidth = 0;
dstX = 0;
dstWidth = 0;
} else if (srcX <= 0) {
dstX = -srcX;
srcX = 0;
srcWidth = Math.min(sourceWidth, initialWidth + srcX);
dstWidth = srcWidth;
} else if (srcX <= sourceWidth) {
dstX = 0;
srcWidth = Math.min(initialWidth, sourceWidth - srcX);
dstWidth = srcWidth;
if (srcWidth <= 0 || srcY <= -initialHeight || srcY > sourceHeight) {
srcY = 0;
srcHeight = 0;
dstY = 0;
dstHeight = 0;
} else if (srcY <= 0) {
dstY = -srcY;
srcY = 0;
srcHeight = Math.min(sourceHeight, initialHeight + srcY);
dstHeight = srcHeight;
} else if (srcY <= sourceHeight) {
dstY = 0;
srcHeight = Math.min(initialHeight, sourceHeight - srcY);
dstHeight = srcHeight;
var params = [srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight];
if (dstWidth > 0 && dstHeight > 0) {
var scale2 = width / initialWidth;
params.push(dstX * scale2, dstY * scale2, dstWidth * scale2, dstHeight * scale2);
context.drawImage.apply(context, [source].concat(_toConsumableArray( {
return Math.floor(normalizeDecimalNumber(param));
return canvas;
setAspectRatio: function setAspectRatio(aspectRatio) {
var options = this.options;
if (!this.disabled && !isUndefined(aspectRatio)) {
options.aspectRatio = Math.max(0, aspectRatio) || NaN;
if (this.ready) {
if (this.cropped) {
return this;
setDragMode: function setDragMode(mode) {
var options = this.options, dragBox = this.dragBox, face = this.face;
if (this.ready && !this.disabled) {
var croppable = mode === DRAG_MODE_CROP;
var movable = options.movable && mode === DRAG_MODE_MOVE;
mode = croppable || movable ? mode : DRAG_MODE_NONE;
options.dragMode = mode;
setData(dragBox, DATA_ACTION, mode);
toggleClass(dragBox, CLASS_CROP, croppable);
toggleClass(dragBox, CLASS_MOVE, movable);
if (!options.cropBoxMovable) {
setData(face, DATA_ACTION, mode);
toggleClass(face, CLASS_CROP, croppable);
toggleClass(face, CLASS_MOVE, movable);
return this;
var AnotherCropper = WINDOW.Cropper;
var Cropper = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function Cropper2(element) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
_classCallCheck(this, Cropper2);
if (!element || !REGEXP_TAG_NAME.test(element.tagName)) {
throw new Error("The first argument is required and must be an <img> or <canvas> element.");
this.element = element;
this.options = assign({}, DEFAULTS, isPlainObject(options) && options);
this.cropped = false;
this.disabled = false;
this.pointers = {};
this.ready = false;
this.reloading = false;
this.replaced = false;
this.sized = false;
this.sizing = false;
_createClass(Cropper2, [{
key: "init",
value: function init() {
var element = this.element;
var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
var url2;
if (element[NAMESPACE]) {
element[NAMESPACE] = this;
if (tagName === "img") {
this.isImg = true;
url2 = element.getAttribute("src") || "";
this.originalUrl = url2;
if (!url2) {
url2 = element.src;
} else if (tagName === "canvas" && window.HTMLCanvasElement) {
url2 = element.toDataURL();
}, {
key: "load",
value: function load2(url2) {
var _this = this;
if (!url2) {
this.url = url2;
this.imageData = {};
var element = this.element, options = this.options;
if (!options.rotatable && !options.scalable) {
options.checkOrientation = false;
if (!options.checkOrientation || !window.ArrayBuffer) {
if (REGEXP_DATA_URL.test(url2)) {
if (REGEXP_DATA_URL_JPEG.test(url2)) {;
} else {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var clone = this.clone.bind(this);
this.reloading = true;
this.xhr = xhr;
xhr.onabort = clone;
xhr.onerror = clone;
xhr.ontimeout = clone;
xhr.onprogress = function() {
if (xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") !== MIME_TYPE_JPEG) {
xhr.onload = function() {;
xhr.onloadend = function() {
_this.reloading = false;
_this.xhr = null;
if (options.checkCrossOrigin && isCrossOriginURL(url2) && element.crossOrigin) {
url2 = addTimestamp(url2);
}"GET", url2, true);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.withCredentials = element.crossOrigin === "use-credentials";
}, {
key: "read",
value: function read(arrayBuffer) {
var options = this.options, imageData = this.imageData;
var orientation = resetAndGetOrientation(arrayBuffer);
var rotate2 = 0;
var scaleX2 = 1;
var scaleY2 = 1;
if (orientation > 1) {
this.url = arrayBufferToDataURL(arrayBuffer, MIME_TYPE_JPEG);
var _parseOrientation = parseOrientation(orientation);
rotate2 = _parseOrientation.rotate;
scaleX2 = _parseOrientation.scaleX;
scaleY2 = _parseOrientation.scaleY;
if (options.rotatable) {
imageData.rotate = rotate2;
if (options.scalable) {
imageData.scaleX = scaleX2;
imageData.scaleY = scaleY2;
}, {
key: "clone",
value: function clone() {
var element = this.element, url2 = this.url;
var crossOrigin = element.crossOrigin;
var crossOriginUrl = url2;
if (this.options.checkCrossOrigin && isCrossOriginURL(url2)) {
if (!crossOrigin) {
crossOrigin = "anonymous";
crossOriginUrl = addTimestamp(url2);
this.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
this.crossOriginUrl = crossOriginUrl;
var image = document.createElement("img");
if (crossOrigin) {
image.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
image.src = crossOriginUrl || url2;
image.alt = element.alt || "The image to crop";
this.image = image;
image.onload = this.start.bind(this);
image.onerror = this.stop.bind(this);
addClass(image, CLASS_HIDE);
element.parentNode.insertBefore(image, element.nextSibling);
}, {
key: "start",
value: function start() {
var _this2 = this;
var image = this.image;
image.onload = null;
image.onerror = null;
this.sizing = true;
var isIOSWebKit = WINDOW.navigator && /(?:iPad|iPhone|iPod).*?AppleWebKit/i.test(WINDOW.navigator.userAgent);
var done = function done2(naturalWidth, naturalHeight) {
assign(_this2.imageData, {
aspectRatio: naturalWidth / naturalHeight
_this2.initialImageData = assign({}, _this2.imageData);
_this2.sizing = false;
_this2.sized = true;;
if (image.naturalWidth && !isIOSWebKit) {
done(image.naturalWidth, image.naturalHeight);
var sizingImage = document.createElement("img");
var body = document.body || document.documentElement;
this.sizingImage = sizingImage;
sizingImage.onload = function() {
done(sizingImage.width, sizingImage.height);
if (!isIOSWebKit) {
sizingImage.src = image.src;
if (!isIOSWebKit) { = "left:0;max-height:none!important;max-width:none!important;min-height:0!important;min-width:0!important;opacity:0;position:absolute;top:0;z-index:-1;";
}, {
key: "stop",
value: function stop() {
var image = this.image;
image.onload = null;
image.onerror = null;
this.image = null;
}, {
key: "build",
value: function build() {
if (!this.sized || this.ready) {
var element = this.element, options = this.options, image = this.image;
var container = element.parentNode;
var template = document.createElement("div");
template.innerHTML = TEMPLATE;
var cropper = template.querySelector(".".concat(NAMESPACE, "-container"));
var canvas = cropper.querySelector(".".concat(NAMESPACE, "-canvas"));
var dragBox = cropper.querySelector(".".concat(NAMESPACE, "-drag-box"));
var cropBox = cropper.querySelector(".".concat(NAMESPACE, "-crop-box"));
var face = cropBox.querySelector(".".concat(NAMESPACE, "-face"));
this.container = container;
this.cropper = cropper;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.dragBox = dragBox;
this.cropBox = cropBox;
this.viewBox = cropper.querySelector(".".concat(NAMESPACE, "-view-box"));
this.face = face;
addClass(element, CLASS_HIDDEN);
container.insertBefore(cropper, element.nextSibling);
if (!this.isImg) {
removeClass(image, CLASS_HIDE);
options.initialAspectRatio = Math.max(0, options.initialAspectRatio) || NaN;
options.aspectRatio = Math.max(0, options.aspectRatio) || NaN;
options.viewMode = Math.max(0, Math.min(3, Math.round(options.viewMode))) || 0;
addClass(cropBox, CLASS_HIDDEN);
if (!options.guides) {
addClass(cropBox.getElementsByClassName("".concat(NAMESPACE, "-dashed")), CLASS_HIDDEN);
if (! {
addClass(cropBox.getElementsByClassName("".concat(NAMESPACE, "-center")), CLASS_HIDDEN);
if (options.background) {
addClass(cropper, "".concat(NAMESPACE, "-bg"));
if (!options.highlight) {
addClass(face, CLASS_INVISIBLE);
if (options.cropBoxMovable) {
addClass(face, CLASS_MOVE);
if (!options.cropBoxResizable) {
addClass(cropBox.getElementsByClassName("".concat(NAMESPACE, "-line")), CLASS_HIDDEN);
addClass(cropBox.getElementsByClassName("".concat(NAMESPACE, "-point")), CLASS_HIDDEN);
this.ready = true;
if (options.autoCrop) {
if (isFunction(options.ready)) {
addListener(element, EVENT_READY, options.ready, {
once: true
dispatchEvent(element, EVENT_READY);
}, {
key: "unbuild",
value: function unbuild() {
if (!this.ready) {
this.ready = false;
removeClass(this.element, CLASS_HIDDEN);
}, {
key: "uncreate",
value: function uncreate() {
if (this.ready) {
this.ready = false;
this.cropped = false;
} else if (this.sizing) {
this.sizingImage.onload = null;
this.sizing = false;
this.sized = false;
} else if (this.reloading) {
this.xhr.onabort = null;
} else if (this.image) {
}], [{
key: "noConflict",
value: function noConflict() {
window.Cropper = AnotherCropper;
return Cropper2;
}, {
key: "setDefaults",
value: function setDefaults(options) {
assign(DEFAULTS, isPlainObject(options) && options);
return Cropper2;
assign(Cropper.prototype, render, preview, events, handlers, change, methods);
const _hoisted_1$3 = ["name", "field", "multiple", "accept", "disabled"];
const _hoisted_2$2 = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_3$2 = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_4$1 = ["onClick"];
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_5$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("i", { class: "layui-icon" }, "\uE67C", -1);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const _hoisted_6 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-hide",
id: "uploadDemoView"
}, [
/* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("hr"),
/* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("img", {
src: "",
alt: "\u4E0A\u4F20\u6210\u529F\u540E\u6E32\u67D3",
style: { "max-width": "196px" }
], -1);
const _hoisted_7 = ["src", "id"];
const __default__$6 = {
name: "LayUpload"
const _sfc_main$7 = defineComponent({
props: {
url: null,
data: null,
headers: null,
acceptMime: { default: "MIME_type" },
field: { default: "file" },
size: { default: 0 },
multiple: { type: Boolean, default: false },
number: { default: 0 },
drag: { type: Boolean, default: false },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
disabledPreview: { type: Boolean, default: false },
cut: { type: Boolean, default: false },
cutOptions: { default: void 0 },
text: null,
dragText: null,
modelValue: { default: null },
auto: { type: Boolean, default: true }
emits: [
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const getCutDownResult = () => {
if (_cropper) {
const canvas = _cropper.getCroppedCanvas();
let imgData = canvas.toDataURL('"image/png"');
let currentTimeStamp = new Date().valueOf();
let orgInfo = activeUploadFiles.value[0];
emit("cutdone", Object.assign({ currentTimeStamp, cutResult: imgData, orginal: orgInfo }));
let newFile = dataURLtoFile(imgData);
if (! {
emit("update:modelValue", [newFile]);
nextTick(() => clearAllCutEffect());
} else {
const closeCutDownModal = () => {
let currentTimeStamp = new Date().valueOf();
emit("cutcancel", Object.assign({ currentTimeStamp }));
nextTick(() => clearAllCutEffect());
const clearAllCutEffect = () => {
activeUploadFiles.value = [];
activeUploadFilesImgs.value = [];
innerCutVisible.value = false;
orgFileInput.value.value = "";
_cropper = null;
const clearLightCutEffect = () => {
activeUploadFiles.value = [];
activeUploadFilesImgs.value = [];
innerCutVisible.value = false;
_cropper = null;
const { t } = useI18n();
const text = computed$1(() => {
return props.text ? props.text : t("upload.text");
const dragText = computed$1(() => {
return props.dragText ? props.dragText : t("upload.dragText");
const defaultErrorMsg = computed$1(() => t("upload.defaultErrorMsg"));
const urlErrorMsg = computed$1(() => t("upload.urlErrorMsg"));
const numberErrorMsg = computed$1(() => t("upload.numberErrorMsg"));
const occurFileSizeErrorMsg = computed$1(() => t("upload.occurFileSizeErrorMsg"));
const cutInitErrorMsg = computed$1(() => t("upload.cutInitErrorMsg"));
const uploadSuccess = computed$1(() => t("upload.uploadSuccess"));
const startUploadMsg = computed$1(() => t("upload.startUploadMsg"));
const cannotSupportCutMsg = computed$1(() => t("upload.cannotSupportCutMsg"));
const title = computed$1(() => t("upload.title"));
const confirmBtn = computed$1(() => t("upload.confirmBtn"));
const cancelBtn = computed$1(() => t("upload.cancelBtn"));
let defaultCutLayerOption = computed$1(() => {
return {
type: "component",
title: title.value,
shade: true,
shadeClose: true,
area: ["640px", "640px"],
btn: [
{ text: confirmBtn.value, callback: getCutDownResult },
{ text: cancelBtn.value, callback: closeCutDownModal }
const slot = useSlots();
slot.default && slot.default();
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
if (!props.modelValue) {
const isDragEnter = ref(false);
const activeUploadFiles = ref([]);
const activeUploadFilesImgs = ref([]);
const orgFileInput = templateRef("orgFileInput");
let _cropper = null;
let computedCutLayerOption;
if (props.cutOptions && props.cutOptions.layerOption) {
computedCutLayerOption = computed$1(() => Object.assign(defaultCutLayerOption, props.cutOptions.layerOption));
} else {
computedCutLayerOption = computed$1(() => defaultCutLayerOption.value);
const innerCutVisible = ref(false);
const localUploadTransaction = (option) => {
const { url: url2, files } = option;
let formData = new FormData();
if (url2.length <= 5) {
if (Array.isArray(files) && files.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
let _file = files[i];
formData.append(props.field + "[" + i + "]", _file);
if ( && instanceof Object) {
let _requestDate =;
for (const key in _requestDate) {
formData.append(key, _requestDate[key]);
let utimer = window.setTimeout(() => {
localUpload({ url: url2, formData }, function() {
}, 200);
const dataURLtoFile = (dataurl) => {
let arr = dataurl.split(",");
let mime = "";
if (arr.length > 0) {
mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1];
let bstr = atob(arr[1]);
let n = bstr.length;
let u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
while (n--) {
u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
return new Blob([u8arr], { type: mime });
const errorF = (errorText) => {
let currentTimeStamp = new Date().valueOf();
let errorMsg = errorText ? errorText : defaultErrorMsg;
errorMsg = `layui-vue:${errorMsg}`;
layer.msg(errorMsg, { icon: 2, time: 1e3 }, function(res) {
emit("error", Object.assign({ currentTimeStamp, msg: errorMsg }));
const localUpload = (option, callback) => {
2022-12-09 08:41:41 +00:00
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
let url2 = option.url;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
let formData = option.formData;
const cb = callback;
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
let currentTimeStamp2 = new Date().valueOf();
if (xhr.readyState === 1) {
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 300 || xhr.status === 304 || xhr.status == 0) {
let successText = startUploadMsg.value;
emit("before", Object.assign({ currentTimeStamp: currentTimeStamp2, msg: successText, ...option }));
} else if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
let successText = xhr.responseText ? xhr.responseText : uploadSuccess;
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 300 || xhr.status === 304 || xhr.status == 0) {
let data = xhr.responseText;
emit("done", { currentTimeStamp: currentTimeStamp2, msg: successText, data });
};"post", url2, true);
if (props.headers) {
for (let key in props.headers) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(key, props.headers[key]);
} else {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript");
let currentTimeStamp = new Date().valueOf();
emit("before", Object.assign(option, currentTimeStamp));
if (cb && typeof cb == "function") {
const filetoDataURL = (file, fn) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
const uploadChange = (e) => {
const _files = [ || e.dataTransfer.files];
if (props.multiple && props.number != 0 && props.number < _files.length) {
if (props.size && props.size != 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < _files.length; i++) {
let _file = _files[i];
let _size = _file.size;
if (_size > props.size * 1024) {
for (let item of _files) {
filetoDataURL(item, function(res) {
let arm1 = props.cut && props.acceptMime.indexOf("image") != -1 && props.multiple == false;
let arm2 = props.cut && props.acceptMime.indexOf("image") != -1 && props.multiple == true;
if (arm1) {
innerCutVisible.value = true;
setTimeout(() => {
let _imgs = document.getElementsByClassName("_lay_upload_img");
if (_imgs && _imgs.length > 0) {
let _img = _imgs[0];
_cropper = new Cropper(_img, {
aspectRatio: 16 / 9
} else {
}, 200);
} else {
if (arm2) {
if (! {
emit("update:modelValue", _files);
const commonUploadTransaction = (_files) => {
let currentTimeStamp = new Date().valueOf();
let successText = uploadSuccess;
if (props.url) {
url: props.url,
files: _files
} else {
emit("done", { currentTimeStamp, msg: successText, data: _files });
const chooseFile = () => {
let _target = orgFileInput.value;
if (_target) {;
const clickOrgInput = () => {
let currentTimeStamp = new Date().valueOf();
emit("choose", currentTimeStamp);
const dragRef = ref();
function dragEnter(e) {
function dragOver(e) {
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
if (dragRef.value) {
dragRef.value.addEventListener("dragenter", dragEnter, false);
dragRef.value.addEventListener("dragover", dragOver, false);
dragRef.value.addEventListener("drop", uploadChange, false);
onUnmounted(() => {
if (dragRef.value) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-upload layui-upload-wrap", __props.disabledPreview ? "layui-upload-file-disabled" : ""])
}, [
createElementVNode("input", {
type: "file",
class: "layui-upload-file",
ref_key: "orgFileInput",
ref: orgFileInput,
name: __props.field,
field: __props.field,
multiple: __props.multiple,
accept: __props.acceptMime,
disabled: __props.disabled,
onClick: clickOrgInput,
onChange: uploadChange
}, null, 40, _hoisted_1$3),
!__props.drag ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$2, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-upload-btn-box",
onClick: withModifiers(chooseFile, ["stop"])
}, [
unref(slot).default ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {
key: 0,
disabled: __props.disabled
}) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1C, {
key: 1,
type: "primary",
disabled: __props.disabled
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(text)), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"]))
], 8, _hoisted_3$2)
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 1,
ref_key: "dragRef",
ref: dragRef,
class: normalizeClass([
__props.disabled ? "layui-upload-drag-disable" : isDragEnter.value ? "layui-upload-drag-draging" : ""
onClick: withModifiers(chooseFile, ["stop"])
}, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("p", null, toDisplayString$1(unref(dragText)), 1),
], 10, _hoisted_4$1)),
createVNode(unref(_sfc_main$1I), {
modelValue: innerCutVisible.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => innerCutVisible.value = $event),
title: unref(computedCutLayerOption).title,
move: unref(computedCutLayerOption).move,
resize: unref(computedCutLayerOption).resize,
shade: unref(computedCutLayerOption).shade,
shadeClose: unref(computedCutLayerOption).shadeClose,
shadeOpacity: unref(computedCutLayerOption).shadeOpacity,
zIndex: unref(computedCutLayerOption).zIndex,
btnAlign: unref(computedCutLayerOption).btnAlign,
area: unref(computedCutLayerOption).area,
anim: unref(computedCutLayerOption).anim,
isOutAnim: unref(computedCutLayerOption).isOutAnim,
btn: unref(computedCutLayerOption).btn,
onClose: clearAllCutEffect
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(activeUploadFilesImgs.value, (base64str, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "copper-container",
key: `file${index2}`
}, [
createElementVNode("img", {
src: base64str,
id: `_lay_upload_img${index2}`,
class: "_lay_upload_img"
}, null, 8, _hoisted_7)
}), 128))
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue", "title", "move", "resize", "shade", "shadeClose", "shadeOpacity", "zIndex", "btnAlign", "area", "anim", "isOutAnim", "btn"]),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-upload-list", __props.disabledPreview ? "layui-upload-list-disabled" : ""])
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "preview")
], 2)
], 2);
const component$9 = withInstall(_sfc_main$7);
var index$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-water-ripples-container{position:relative;display:inline-block}.layui-water-ripples-container .layui-slot-container{position:relative;z-index:2}.layui-water-ripples-container .layui-out-ripples{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;height:100%;opacity:1;z-index:1;pointer-events:none}.layui-water-ripples-container .layui-animate-once--out{animation:ripple-effect 1s forwards}.layui-water-ripples-container .layui-animate-always--out{animation:ripple-effect 1s infinite}@keyframes ripple-effect{0%{box-shadow:0 0 0 0 var(--layui-ripple-color);opacity:.4}to{box-shadow:0 0 0 var(--layui-spread-width) var(--layui-ripple-color);opacity:0}}.layui-water-ripples-container .layui-inset-ripples{position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);opacity:1;width:0px;height:0px;background:var(--layui-ripple-color);pointer-events:none}@keyframes size-effect{0%{width:0px;height:0px;opacity:.8}to{width:var(--layui-spread-size);height:var(--layui-spread-size);opacity:0}}.layui-water-ripples-container .layui-animate-once--inset{animation:size-effect 1s forwards}.layui-water-ripples-container .layui-animate-always--inset{animation:size-effect 1s infinite}\n")();
const __default__$5 = {
name: "LayRipple"
const _sfc_main$6 = defineComponent({
props: {
type: { default: "inset" },
color: { default: "currentColor" },
borderRadius: { default: "0" },
spreadWidth: { default: "6px" },
spreadSize: null,
trigger: { default: "click" },
center: { type: Boolean, default: false }
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const isActiveRef = ref(false);
const spreadSizeRef = ref("0px");
const ripplesRefEl = ref(null);
const waterRipplesContainerRefEl = ref(null);
const isOut = computed$1(() => {
return props.type === "out";
const rippleX = ref(void 0);
const rippleY = ref(void 0);
const onActive = function(event) {
isActiveRef.value = true;
if (props.type === "inset" && !props.spreadSize && ! {
const el = event.currentTarget;
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const rippleOffsetLeft = event.clientX - rect.left;
const rippleOffsetTop = event.clientY -;
const sizeX = Math.max(rippleOffsetLeft, rect.width - rippleOffsetLeft);
const sizeY = Math.max(rippleOffsetTop, rect.height - rippleOffsetTop);
rippleX.value = rippleOffsetLeft + "px";
rippleY.value = rippleOffsetTop + "px";
spreadSizeRef.value = Math.sqrt(sizeX ** 2 + sizeY ** 2) * 2 + "px";
const initWidth = function() {
let container = waterRipplesContainerRefEl.value;
let ripples = ripplesRefEl.value;
if (!container || !ripples)
if (props.type == "out") { = container.clientWidth + "px";
} else { = "hidden";
if (!props.spreadSize || {
spreadSizeRef.value = container.clientWidth * 1.1 + "px";
} else {
spreadSizeRef.value = props.spreadSize;
ripples.addEventListener("animationend", () => {
isActiveRef.value = false;
}, false);
onMounted(() => {
watch(() => props.trigger, (val) => isActiveRef.value = val === "always", { immediate: true });
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({
class: "layui-water-ripples-container",
ref_key: "waterRipplesContainerRefEl",
ref: waterRipplesContainerRefEl
}, { [toHandlerKey(__props.trigger)]: onActive }), [
createElementVNode("div", {
ref_key: "ripplesRefEl",
ref: ripplesRefEl,
class: normalizeClass({
"layui-out-ripples": unref(isOut),
"layui-inset-ripples": __props.type == "inset",
"layui-animate-always--out": isActiveRef.value && __props.trigger == "always" && __props.type == "out",
"layui-animate-once--out": isActiveRef.value && (__props.trigger == "mouseenter" || __props.trigger == "click") && __props.type == "out",
"layui-animate-always--inset": isActiveRef.value && __props.trigger == "always" && __props.type == "inset",
"layui-animate-once--inset": isActiveRef.value && (__props.trigger == "mouseenter" || __props.trigger == "click") && __props.type == "inset"
style: normalizeStyle({
borderRadius: unref(isOut) ? __props.borderRadius : "50%",
left: rippleX.value,
top: rippleY.value,
"--layui-ripple-color": __props.color,
"--layui-spread-width": __props.spreadWidth,
"--layui-spread-size": spreadSizeRef.value
}, null, 6),
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 16);
const component$8 = withInstall(_sfc_main$6);
var index_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_lang = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.layui-carousel{position:relative;left:0;top:0;background-color:#f8f8f8}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]{position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]:before{position:absolute;content:"\\e63d";left:50%;top:50%;width:100px;line-height:20px;margin:-10px 0 0 -50px;text-align:center;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8);font-family:layui-icon!important;font-size:30px;font-style:normal;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>*{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#f8f8f8;transition-duration:.3s;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden}.layui-carousel-updown>*{-webkit-transition:.3s ease-in-out up;transition:.3s ease-in-out up}.layui-carousel-arrow{display:none\\ ;opacity:0;position:absolute;left:10px;top:50%;margin-top:-18px;width:36px;height:36px;line-height:36px;text-align:center;font-size:20px;border:0;border-radius:50%;background-color:#0003;color:#fff;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;transition-duration:.3s;cursor:pointer}.layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add]{left:auto!important;right:10px}.layui-carousel:hover .layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add],.layui-carousel[lay-arrow=always] .layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add]{right:20px}.layui-carousel[lay-arrow=always] .layui-carousel-arrow{opacity:1;left:20px}.layui-carousel[lay-arrow=none] .layui-carousel-arrow{display:none}.layui-carousel-arrow:hover,.layui-carousel-ind ul:hover{background-color:#00000059}.layui-carousel:hover .layui-carousel-arrow{display:block\\ ;opacity:1;left:20px}.layui-carousel-ind{position:relative;top:-35px;width:100%;line-height:0!important;text-align:center;font-size:0}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=outside]{margin-bottom:30px}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=outside] .layui-carousel-ind{top:10px}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=outside] .layui-carousel-ind ul{background-color:#00000080}.layui-carousel[lay-indicator=none] .layui-carousel-ind{display:none}.layui-carousel-ind ul{display:inline-block;padding:5px;background-color:#0003;border-radius:10px;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;transition-duration:.3s}.layui-carousel-ind li{display:inline-block;width:10px;height:10px;margin:0 3px;font-size:14px;background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-3);background-color:#ffffff80;border-radius:50%;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition-duration:.3s;transition-duration:.3s}.layui-carousel-ind li:hover{background-color:#ffffffb3}.layui-carousel-ind li.layui-this{background-color:#fff}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next,.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev,.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this{display:block}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this{left:0}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev{left:-100%}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next{left:100%}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next.layui-carousel-left,.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev.layui-carousel-right{left:0}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this.layui-carousel-left{left:-100%}.layui-carousel>[carousel-item]>.layui-this.layui-carousel-right{left:100%}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-arrow{left:50%!important;top:20px;margin:0 0 0 -18px}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>*,.layui-carousel[lay-anim=fade]>[carousel-item]>*{left:0!important}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-arrow[lay-type=add]{top:auto!important;bottom:20px}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-ind{position:absolute;top:50%;right:20px;width:auto;height:auto;transform:translateY(-50%)}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-ind ul{padding:3px 5px}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown] .layui-carousel-ind li{display:block;margin:6px 0}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>.layui-this{top:0}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-prev{top:-100%}.layui-carousel[lay-anim=updown]>[carousel-item]>.layui-carousel-next{top:100%}.layui-caro
const _hoisted_1$2 = {
key: 1,
class: "layui-notice-bar-warp-slot"
const __default__$4 = {
name: "LayNoticeBar"
const _sfc_main$5 = defineComponent({
props: {
mode: null,
text: { default: "" },
textlist: { default: () => [] },
color: { default: () => "var(--color-warning)" },
background: { default: () => "var(--color-warning-light-9)" },
size: { default: 14 },
height: { default: 40 },
delay: { default: 1 },
speed: { default: 100 },
scrollable: { type: Boolean, default: false },
leftIcon: null,
rightIcon: null
emits: ["close", "link"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
var _a2;
const props = __props;
const noticeBarWarpRef = ref();
const noticeBarTextRef = ref();
const active = ref((_a2 = props.textlist[0]) == null ? void 0 :;
const state = reactive({
order: 1,
oneTime: 0,
twoTime: 0,
warpOWidth: 0,
textOWidth: 0,
isMode: false,
height: 40
var timer;
const initAnimation = () => {
nextTick(() => {
state.warpOWidth = noticeBarWarpRef.value.offsetWidth;
state.textOWidth = noticeBarTextRef.value.offsetWidth;
timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, props.delay * 1e3);
onUnmounted(() => {
timer = null;
const computeAnimationTime = () => {
state.oneTime = state.textOWidth / props.speed;
state.twoTime = (state.textOWidth + state.warpOWidth) / props.speed;
const changeAnimation = () => {
if (state.order === 1) { = `animation: around1 ${state.oneTime}s linear; opactity: 1;`;
state.order = 2;
} else { = `animation: around2 ${state.twoTime}s linear ; opactity: 1;`;
state.order = 1;
const listenerAnimationend = () => {
noticeBarTextRef.value.addEventListener("animationend", () => {
}, false);
const onRightIconClick = () => {
if (!props.mode)
return false;
if (props.mode === "closeable") {
state.isMode = true;
} else if (props.mode === "link") {
onMounted(() => {
if (props.scrollable)
return false;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "layui-notice-bar",
style: normalizeStyle({ background: __props.background, height: `${__props.height}px` })
}, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-notice-bar-warp",
style: normalizeStyle({ color: __props.color, "font-size": `${__props.size}px` })
}, [
__props.leftIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 0,
class: "layui-notice-bar-warp-left-icon",
type: __props.leftIcon
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "layui-notice-bar-warp-text-box",
ref_key: "noticeBarWarpRef",
ref: noticeBarWarpRef,
style: normalizeStyle("--textWidth--:" + __props.text.length + "em")
}, [
!__props.scrollable ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
class: "layui-notice-bar-warp-text",
ref_key: "noticeBarTextRef",
ref: noticeBarTextRef
}, toDisplayString$1(__props.text), 513)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$2, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$v, {
modelValue: active.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => active.value = $event),
indicator: "none",
anim: "updown",
arrow: "none",
style: { height: `40px` }
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.textlist, (item) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$w, {
class: "layui-anim layui-anim-up"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(item.text), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["id"]);
}), 128))
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue"])
], 4),
__props.rightIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(_sfc_main$2E), {
key: 1,
type: __props.rightIcon,
class: "layui-notice-bar-warp-right-icon",
onClick: onRightIconClick
}, null, 8, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 4)
], 4)), [
[vShow, !state.isMode]
const component$7 = withInstall(_sfc_main$5);
var index$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => '.lay-page-header{display:flex;line-height:24px}.lay-page-header__left{display:flex;cursor:pointer;margin-right:40px;position:relative;color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.lay-page-header__left:after{content:"";position:absolute;width:1px;height:16px;right:-20px;top:50%;transform:translateY(-50%);background-color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.lay-page-header__left:hover .layui-icon-return,.lay-page-header__left:hover .lay-page-header__title{color:var(--global-checked-color)!important}.lay-page-header__left .layui-icon-return{font-size:14px;margin-right:6px;align-self:center}.lay-page-header__title{font-size:14px}.lay-page-header__content{font-size:18px;color:#393d49}\n')();
const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "lay-page-header" };
const _hoisted_2$1 = { class: "lay-page-header__title" };
const _hoisted_3$1 = { class: "lay-page-header__content" };
const __default__$3 = {
name: "LayPageHeader"
const _sfc_main$4 = defineComponent({
props: {
content: { default: "" },
backText: { default: "\u8FD4\u56DE" },
backIcon: { default: "layui-icon-return" }
emits: ["back"],
setup(__props, { emit: emits }) {
const slots = useSlots();
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
const backIconSlotName = convertSlotName(instance, "backIcon");
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [
createElementVNode("div", {
class: "lay-page-header__left",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => emits("back"))
}, [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, unref(backIconSlotName), {}, () => [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
createElementVNode("i", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-icon", [__props.backIcon]])
}, null, 2)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$1, toDisplayString$1(__props.backText), 1)
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$1, [
unref(slots).default ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(__props.content), 1)
], 64))
const component$6 = withInstall(_sfc_main$4);
var index$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ":root{--input-border-radius: var(--global-border-radius);--input-border-color: var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-input{width:100%;height:38px;line-height:38px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--input-border-color);border-radius:var(--input-border-radius);display:inline-flex}.layui-input input{height:38px;line-height:38px;background-color:#fff;color:#000000d9;padding-left:10px;display:inline-block;border:none;height:100%;width:100%}.layui-input-append{background-color:#fafafa;border-left:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-prepend{background-color:#fafafa;border-right:1px solid var(--input-border-color);display:flex;padding:0 15px;flex:none;align-items:center}.layui-input-wrapper{width:100%;display:inline-flex;border:none}.layui-input:hover,.layui-input:focus-within{border-color:#d2d2d2}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix,.layui-input-password{background-color:#fff}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password,.layui-input-prefix,.layui-input-suffix{display:flex;flex:none;align-items:center;padding:0 10px}.layui-input-has-prefix input{padding:0}.layui-input-clear,.layui-input-password{color:#00000073}.layui-input-clear:hover{opacity:.6}.layui-input input::-webkit-input-placeholder{line-height:1.3}.layui-input input::-ms-reveal{display:none}.layui-input-disabled{border-color:var(--input-border-color)!important}.layui-input-disabled{opacity:.6}.layui-input-disabled,.layui-input-disabled *{cursor:not-allowed!important}.layui-input[size=lg]{height:44px}.layui-input[size=lg] .layui-input{height:44px;line-height:44px}.layui-input[size=md]{height:38px}.layui-input[size=md] .layui-input{height:38px;line-height:38px}.layui-input[size=sm]{height:32px}.layui-input[size=sm] .layui-input{height:32px;line-height:32px}.layui-input[size=xs]{height:26px}.layui-input[size=xs] .layui-input{height:26px;line-height:26px}.layui-cascader{display:inline-block}.layui-cascader[size=lg]{height:44px;width:260px}.layui-cascader[size=lg] .layui-input{height:44px;line-height:44px}.layui-cascader[size=md]{height:38px;width:220px}.layui-cascader[size=md] .layui-input{height:38px;line-height:38px}.layui-cascader[size=sm]{height:32px;width:180px}.layui-cascader[size=sm] .layui-input{height:32px;line-height:32px}.layui-cascader[size=xs]{height:26px;width:140px}.layui-cascader[size=xs] .layui-input{height:26px;line-height:26px}.layui-cascader .layui-input-suffix{padding-right:10px}.layui-cascader .layui-icon-triangle-d{transition:all .3s ease-in-out;transform:rotate(0);color:var(--global-neutral-color-8)}.layui-cascader-opend .layui-icon-triangle-d{transform:rotate(180deg)}.layui-cascader .layui-cascader-panel{box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:2px;line-height:26px;color:#000c;font-size:14px;white-space:nowrap;display:inline-flex}.layui-cascader-menu{display:inline-block;border-right:1px solid var(--global-neutral-color-3)}.layui-cascader-menu:last-child{border-right:none}.layui-cascader-menu-item{min-width:130px;padding:5px 9px 5px 15px;box-sizing:border-box;transition:all .1s ease-in-out;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center;min-height:35px}.layui-cascader-menu-item:hover,.layui-cascader-selected{background-color:var(--global-checked-color);color:#fff}.layui-cascader-menu-item .layui-icon-right{margin-left:10px}.layui-cascader-disabled,.layui-cascader-disabled *{cursor:not-allowed!important}\n")();
const _hoisted_1 = ["size"];
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const _hoisted_2 = {
key: 1,
class: "slot-area"
const _hoisted_3 = { class: "layui-cascader-panel" };
const _hoisted_4 = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_5 = {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
key: 2,
class: "layui-icon layui-icon-right"
const __default__$2 = {
name: "LayCascader"
const _sfc_main$3 = defineComponent({
props: {
options: { default: null },
modelValue: { default: "" },
decollator: { default: "/" },
placeholder: { default: "" },
onlyLastLevel: { type: Boolean, default: false },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
replaceFields: { default: () => {
return {
label: "label",
value: "value",
children: "children"
} },
allowClear: { type: Boolean, default: false },
size: { default: "md" },
trigger: { default: "click" },
contentClass: null,
contentStyle: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "change", "clear"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
onMounted(() => {
watch(() => props.options, () => {
watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
if (watchModelValue.value) {
if (props.modelValue === null || props.modelValue === "") {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
watchModelValue.value = true;
}, 0);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
const watchModelValue = ref(true);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
const treeData = ref([]);
const initTreeData = () => {
let treeLvNum = getMaxFloor(props.options);
for (let index2 = 0; index2 < treeLvNum; index2++) {
if (index2 == 0) {
treeData.value[0] = {
selectIndex: null,
data: findData(props.options, 1)
} else {
treeData.value[index2] = {
selectIndex: null,
data: []
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
function updateDisplayByModelValue() {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
if (props.modelValue) {
try {
let valueData = props.modelValue.split(props.decollator);
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
for (let index2 = 0; index2 < valueData.length; index2++) {
const element = valueData[index2];
let selectIndex = treeData.value[index2].data.findIndex((e) => e.value === element);
if (selectIndex == -1) {
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
selectBar(treeData.value[index2].data[selectIndex], selectIndex, index2);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
} catch (error) {
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
function getMaxFloor(treeData2) {
let max = 0;
function each(data, floor) {
data.forEach((e) => {
if (floor > max) {
max = floor;
if (e[props.replaceFields.children] && e[props.replaceFields.children].length > 0) {
each(e[props.replaceFields.children], floor + 1);
each(treeData2, 1);
return max;
function findData(orginData, level) {
var _a2;
let data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < orginData.length; i++) {
const element = orginData[i];
if (level === 1) {
value: element[props.replaceFields.value],
label: element[props.replaceFields.label],
slot: element.slot || false,
children: (_a2 = element[props.replaceFields.children]) != null ? _a2 : false,
orginData: element
if (level !== 1 && element[props.replaceFields.children] && element[props.replaceFields.children].length > 0) {
findData(element[props.replaceFields.children], level - 1);
return data;
const selectBar = (item, selectIndex, parentIndex) => {
treeData.value[parentIndex].selectIndex = selectIndex;
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
treeData.value[parentIndex + 1].selectIndex = null;
treeData.value[parentIndex + 1].data = findData(item.children, 1);
let nextIndex = parentIndex + 2;
for (let index2 = nextIndex; index2 < treeData.value.length; index2++) {
treeData.value[index2].selectIndex = null;
treeData.value[index2].data = [];
if (!item.children || item.children.length === 0) {
let extractData = function(orginData, dataContainer2, index2) {
const element = orginData[index2].data;
const selectIndex2 = orginData[index2].selectIndex;
const selectData = element[selectIndex2];
if (selectData.children && selectData.children.length > 0) {
extractData(orginData, dataContainer2, index2 + 1);
let data = [];
extractData(treeData.value, data, 0);
let fullLable = => {
return e.label;
}).join(` ${props.decollator} `);
if (!props.onlyLastLevel) {
displayValue.value = fullLable;
} else {
let _data = => {
return e.label;
displayValue.value = _data[_data.length - 1];
let value = => {
return e.value;
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
watchModelValue.value = false;
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
emit("update:modelValue", value);
let evt = {
display: displayValue.value,
label: fullLable,
currentClick: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item.orginData))
emit("change", evt);
if (dropdownRef.value)
const displayValue = ref("");
const slots = useSlots();
const dropdownRef = ref();
const onClear = () => {
displayValue.value = "";
let arr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(treeData.value));
for (let index2 = 0; index2 < arr.length; index2++) {
arr[index2].selectIndex = null;
if (index2 === 0) {
arr[index2].data = [];
treeData.value = arr;
emit("update:modelValue", null);
const openState = ref(false);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
size: __props.size,
class: normalizeClass([
"layui-cascader-opend": openState.value,
"layui-cascader-disabled": __props.disabled
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$1y, {
ref_key: "dropdownRef",
ref: dropdownRef,
trigger: __props.trigger,
autoFitMinWidth: false,
updateAtScroll: true,
disabled: __props.disabled,
contentClass: __props.contentClass,
contentStyle: __props.contentStyle,
onShow: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => openState.value = true),
onHide: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => openState.value = false)
}, {
content: withCtx(() => [
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3, [
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(treeData.value, (itemCol, index2) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [ ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1u, {
height: "180px",
class: "layui-cascader-menu",
key: "cascader-menu" + index2
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(, (item, i) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["layui-cascader-menu-item", [
"layui-cascader-selected": itemCol.selectIndex === i
key: index2 + i,
onClick: ($event) => selectBar(item, i, index2)
}, [
item.slot && unref(slots)[item.slot] ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, item.slot, { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(item.label), 1)
], 64)),
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
item.children && item.children.length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", _hoisted_5)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 10, _hoisted_4);
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
}), 128))
_: 2
}, 1024)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 64);
}), 256))
default: withCtx(() => [
!unref(slots).default ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1v, {
key: 0,
modelValue: displayValue.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => displayValue.value = $event),
"suffix-icon": "layui-icon-triangle-d",
placeholder: __props.placeholder,
"allow-clear": __props.allowClear,
disabled: __props.disabled,
readonly: true,
size: __props.size,
2022-12-30 08:13:19 +00:00
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder", "allow-clear", "disabled", "size"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
2022-11-15 01:16:55 +00:00
_: 3
}, 8, ["trigger", "disabled", "contentClass", "contentStyle"])
], 10, _hoisted_1);
const component$5 = withInstall(_sfc_main$3);
var index$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-affix{display:block;z-index:999;transition:all .3s ease-in-out}\n")();
const __default__$1 = {
name: "LayAffix"
const _sfc_main$2 = defineComponent({
props: {
offset: { default: 0 },
target: { default: () => {
return document.body;
} },
position: { default: "top" }
emits: ["scroll"],
setup(__props, { emit }) {
const props = __props;
const outWindow = ref(false);
const dom = ref();
let changeScrollTop = 0;
let orginOffsetLeft = 0;
let marginLeft = 0;
let marginTop = 0;
let marginBottom = 0;
let fixedOffset = 0;
const getStyle = computed$1(() => {
if (outWindow.value && dom.value) {
let style = {
position: "fixed !important",
top: "unset",
bottom: "unset",
left: orginOffsetLeft - marginLeft + "px"
if (props.position === "top") { = fixedOffset - marginTop + "px";
} else {
style.bottom = fixedOffset - marginBottom + "px";
return style;
const checkInWindow = () => {
var _a2;
if (dom.value) {
let offsetTop = dom.value.offsetTop;
let scrollTop = (_a2 = == null ? void 0 : _a2.scrollTop;
if (props.position === "top") {
let result = offsetTop - scrollTop +;
if (result < fixedOffset) {
if (outWindow.value) {
if (scrollTop <= changeScrollTop) {
outWindow.value = false;
} else {
changeScrollTop = scrollTop;
outWindow.value = true;
} else {
let viewHeight = > window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight :;
let result = viewHeight + scrollTop - offsetTop - dom.value.offsetHeight;
if (outWindow.value) {
if (scrollTop >= changeScrollTop) {
outWindow.value = false;
} else {
if (result < fixedOffset) {
changeScrollTop = scrollTop - result + props.offset;
outWindow.value = true;
emit("scroll", {
targetScroll: scrollTop,
affixed: outWindow.value,
offset: !outWindow.value ? 0 : Math.abs(scrollTop - changeScrollTop)
const getDomStyle = (dom2, attr) => {
if (dom2.currentStyle) {
return dom2.currentStyle[attr];
} else {
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(dom2, null)[attr];
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
dom.value.offsetTop -;
orginOffsetLeft = dom.value.getBoundingClientRect().left;
marginLeft = parseFloat(getDomStyle(dom.value, "marginLeft"));
marginTop = parseFloat(getDomStyle(dom.value, "marginTop"));
marginBottom = parseFloat(getDomStyle(dom.value, "marginBottom"));
fixedOffset = props.offset +;
if (props.position === "bottom") {
fixedOffset = props.offset;
}"scroll", checkInWindow, true);
onUnmounted(() => {"scroll", checkInWindow);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "layui-affix",
style: normalizeStyle(unref(getStyle)),
ref_key: "dom",
ref: dom
}, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 4);
const component$4 = withInstall(_sfc_main$2);
var index$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ".layui-space{display:inline-flex}.layui-space-horizontal .layui-space-item{display:flex;align-items:center}.layui-space-vertical{flex-direction:column}.layui-space-wrap{flex-wrap:wrap}.layui-space-fill{display:flex}.layui-space-align-start{align-items:flex-start}.layui-space-align-center{align-items:center}.layui-space-align-end{align-items:flex-end}.layui-space-align-baseline{align-items:baseline}.layui-space-item{width:inherit}\n")();
const _sfc_main$1 = defineComponent({
name: "LaySpace",
props: {
align: {
type: String
direction: {
type: String,
default: "horizontal"
fill: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
size: {
type: [Number, String, Array],
default: "sm"
wrap: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
setup(props, { slots }) {
const computAlign = computed$1(() => {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = props.align) != null ? _a2 : props.direction === "horizontal" ? "center" : "";
const spaceClass = computed$1(() => [
[`layui-space-align-${computAlign.value}`]: computAlign.value,
[`layui-space-${props.direction}`]: props.direction,
[`layui-space-wrap`]: props.wrap,
[`layui-space-fill`]: props.fill
const spaceStyle = computed$1(() => {
const sizeMap = { xs: "4px", sm: "8px", md: "16px", lg: "24px" };
let gap = "";
if (Array.isArray(props.size)) {
gap = => {
if (typeof size === "number") {
return `${size}px`;
if (typeof size === "string") {
return sizeMap[size] || size;
return size;
}).join(" ");
} else if (typeof props.size === "string") {
gap = sizeMap[props.size] || props.size;
} else if (typeof props.size === "number") {
gap = `${props.size}px`;
return {
const itemStyle = computed$1(() => [
props.fill ? { flexGrow: 1, minWidth: "100%" } : {}
const extractChildren = () => {
const result = [];
const children = renderSlot(slots, "default").children;
const elementData = Array.isArray(children) ? [...children] : [];
while (elementData.length) {
const vnode = elementData.shift();
if (vnode === null)
if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {
if (!isVNode(vnode) || vnode.type === Comment)
if (vnode.type === Fragment && Array.isArray(vnode.children)) {
} else if (typeof vnode === "string" || typeof vnode === "number") {
} else {
return result;
return () => {
const children = extractChildren();
return h("div", {
class: spaceClass.value,
style: spaceStyle.value
},, index2) => {
var _a2;
return h("div", {
key: (_a2 = child.key) != null ? _a2 : `item-${index2}`,
class: "layui-space-item",
style: itemStyle.value
}, h(child));
const component$3 = withInstall(_sfc_main$1);
const component$2 = withInstall(_sfc_main$V);
const component$1 = withInstall(_sfc_main$U);
var darkreader = { exports: {} };
(function(module, exports) {
(function(global2, factory) {
})(commonjsGlobal, function(exports2) {
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
***************************************************************************** */
var __assign = function() {
__assign = Object.assign || function __assign2(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s)
if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) {
return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) {
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function rejected(value) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function step(result) {
result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
function __generator(thisArg, body) {
var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() {
if (t[0] & 1)
throw t[1];
return t[1];
}, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), g;
function verb(n) {
return function(v) {
return step([n, v]);
function step(op) {
if (f)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
while (_)
try {
if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done)
return t;
if (y = 0, t)
op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
switch (op[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
t = op;
case 4:
return { value: op[1], done: false };
case 5:
y = op[1];
op = [0];
case 7:
op = _.ops.pop();
if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {
_ = 0;
if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) {
_.label = op[1];
if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {
_.label = t[1];
t = op;
if (t && _.label < t[2]) {
_.label = t[2];
if (t[2])
op =, _);
} catch (e) {
op = [6, e];
y = 0;
} finally {
f = t = 0;
if (op[0] & 5)
throw op[1];
return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
function __values(o) {
var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
if (m)
if (o && typeof o.length === "number")
return {
next: function() {
if (o && i >= o.length)
o = void 0;
return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
function __read(o, n) {
var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
if (!m)
return o;
var i =, r, ar = [], e;
try {
while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r =
} catch (error) {
e = { error };
} finally {
try {
if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
} finally {
if (e)
throw e.error;
return ar;
function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
if (ar || !(i in from)) {
if (!ar)
ar =, 0, i);
ar[i] = from[i];
return to.concat(ar ||;
var MessageType = {
UI_GET_DATA: "ui-get-data",
UI_GET_ACTIVE_TAB_INFO: "ui-get-active-tab-info",
UI_SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANGES: "ui-subscribe-to-changes",
UI_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_CHANGES: "ui-unsubscribe-from-changes",
UI_CHANGE_SETTINGS: "ui-change-settings",
UI_SET_THEME: "ui-set-theme",
UI_SET_SHORTCUT: "ui-set-shortcut",
UI_TOGGLE_URL: "ui-toggle-url",
UI_MARK_NEWS_AS_READ: "ui-mark-news-as-read",
UI_LOAD_CONFIG: "ui-load-config",
UI_APPLY_DEV_DYNAMIC_THEME_FIXES: "ui-apply-dev-dynamic-theme-fixes",
UI_RESET_DEV_DYNAMIC_THEME_FIXES: "ui-reset-dev-dynamic-theme-fixes",
UI_APPLY_DEV_INVERSION_FIXES: "ui-apply-dev-inversion-fixes",
UI_RESET_DEV_INVERSION_FIXES: "ui-reset-dev-inversion-fixes",
UI_APPLY_DEV_STATIC_THEMES: "ui-apply-dev-static-themes",
UI_RESET_DEV_STATIC_THEMES: "ui-reset-dev-static-themes",
UI_SAVE_FILE: "ui-save-file",
UI_REQUEST_EXPORT_CSS: "ui-request-export-css",
BG_CHANGES: "bg-changes",
BG_ADD_CSS_FILTER: "bg-add-css-filter",
BG_ADD_STATIC_THEME: "bg-add-static-theme",
BG_ADD_SVG_FILTER: "bg-add-svg-filter",
BG_ADD_DYNAMIC_THEME: "bg-add-dynamic-theme",
BG_EXPORT_CSS: "bg-export-css",
BG_UNSUPPORTED_SENDER: "bg-unsupported-sender",
BG_CLEAN_UP: "bg-clean-up",
BG_RELOAD: "bg-reload",
BG_FETCH_RESPONSE: "bg-fetch-response",
BG_UI_UPDATE: "bg-ui-update",
BG_CSS_UPDATE: "bg-css-update",
CS_COLOR_SCHEME_CHANGE: "cs-color-scheme-change",
CS_FRAME_CONNECT: "cs-frame-connect",
CS_FRAME_FORGET: "cs-frame-forget",
CS_FRAME_FREEZE: "cs-frame-freeze",
CS_FRAME_RESUME: "cs-frame-resume",
CS_EXPORT_CSS_RESPONSE: "cs-export-css-response",
CS_FETCH: "cs-fetch"
var userAgent = typeof navigator === "undefined" ? "some useragent" : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var platform = typeof navigator === "undefined" ? "some platform" : navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
var isChromium = userAgent.includes("chrome") || userAgent.includes("chromium");
var isThunderbird = userAgent.includes("thunderbird");
var isFirefox = userAgent.includes("firefox") || userAgent.includes("librewolf") || isThunderbird;
userAgent.includes("opr") || userAgent.includes("opera");
var isSafari = userAgent.includes("safari") && !isChromium;
var isWindows = platform.startsWith("win");
var isMacOS = platform.startsWith("mac");
var isShadowDomSupported = typeof ShadowRoot === "function";
var isMatchMediaChangeEventListenerSupported = typeof MediaQueryList === "function" && typeof MediaQueryList.prototype.addEventListener === "function";
(function() {
var m = userAgent.match(/chrom[e|ium]\/([^ ]+)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
return m[1];
return "";
var isDefinedSelectorSupported = function() {
try {
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
typeof globalThis !== "undefined" && && && && === 3;
function getOKResponse(url2, mimeType, origin) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var response;
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
return [4, fetch(url2, {
cache: "force-cache",
credentials: "omit",
referrer: origin
case 1:
response = _a2.sent();
if (isFirefox && mimeType === "text/css" && url2.startsWith("moz-extension://") && url2.endsWith(".css")) {
return [2, response];
if (mimeType && !response.headers.get("Content-Type").startsWith(mimeType)) {
throw new Error("Mime type mismatch when loading " + url2);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Unable to load " + url2 + " " + response.status + " " + response.statusText);
return [2, response];
function loadAsDataURL(url2, mimeType) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var response;
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
return [4, getOKResponse(url2, mimeType)];
case 1:
response = _a2.sent();
return [4, readResponseAsDataURL(response)];
case 2:
return [2, _a2.sent()];
function readResponseAsDataURL(response) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var blob, dataURL;
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
return [4, response.blob()];
case 1:
blob = _a2.sent();
return [4, new Promise(function(resolve) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
return resolve(reader.result);
case 2:
dataURL = _a2.sent();
return [2, dataURL];
var throwCORSError = function(url2) {
return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
return [2, Promise.reject(new Error([
"Embedded Dark Reader cannot access a cross-origin resource",
"Overview your URLs and CORS policies or use",
"`DarkReader.setFetchMethod(fetch: (url) => Promise<Response>))`.",
"See if using `DarkReader.setFetchMethod(window.fetch)`",
"before `DarkReader.enable()` works."
].join(" ")))];
var fetcher = throwCORSError;
function setFetchMethod$1(fetch2) {
if (fetch2) {
fetcher = fetch2;
} else {
fetcher = throwCORSError;
function callFetchMethod(url2) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
return [4, fetcher(url2)];
case 1:
return [2, _a2.sent()];
function initChrome() {
if (typeof chrome === "undefined")
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && ! { = {};
if (typeof chrome !== "undefined" && !chrome.runtime) {
chrome.runtime = {};
var messageListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function sendMessage() {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var id_1, _a2, url2, responseType, response, text_1, error_1;
return __generator(this, function(_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
if (!(args[0] && args[0].type === MessageType.CS_FETCH))
return [3, 8];
id_1 = args[0].id;
_b.label = 1;
case 1:
_b.trys.push([1, 7, , 8]);
_a2 = args[0].data, url2 = _a2.url, responseType = _a2.responseType;
return [4, callFetchMethod(url2)];
case 2:
response = _b.sent();
if (!(responseType === "data-url"))
return [3, 4];
return [4, readResponseAsDataURL(response)];
case 3:
text_1 = _b.sent();
return [3, 6];
case 4:
return [4, response.text()];
case 5:
text_1 = _b.sent();
_b.label = 6;
case 6:
messageListeners.forEach(function(cb) {
return cb({ type: MessageType.BG_FETCH_RESPONSE, data: text_1, error: null, id: id_1 });
return [3, 8];
case 7:
error_1 = _b.sent();
messageListeners.forEach(function(cb) {
return cb({ type: MessageType.BG_FETCH_RESPONSE, data: null, error: error_1, id: id_1 });
return [3, 8];
case 8:
return [2];
function addMessageListener(callback) {
if (typeof chrome.runtime.sendMessage === "function") {
var nativeSendMessage_1 = chrome.runtime.sendMessage;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage = function() {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
sendMessage.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(args), false));
nativeSendMessage_1.apply(chrome.runtime, args);
} else {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage = sendMessage;
if (!chrome.runtime.onMessage) {
chrome.runtime.onMessage = {};
if (typeof chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener === "function") {
var nativeAddListener_1 = chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener;
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener = function() {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
nativeAddListener_1.apply(chrome.runtime.onMessage, args);
} else {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener = function() {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
return addMessageListener(args[0]);
var ThemeEngines = {
cssFilter: "cssFilter",
svgFilter: "svgFilter",
staticTheme: "staticTheme",
dynamicTheme: "dynamicTheme"
darkScheme: {
background: "#181a1b",
text: "#e8e6e3"
lightScheme: {
background: "#dcdad7",
text: "#181a1b"
mode: 1,
brightness: 100,
contrast: 100,
grayscale: 0,
sepia: 0,
useFont: false,
fontFamily: isMacOS ? "Helvetica Neue" : isWindows ? "Segoe UI" : "Open Sans",
textStroke: 0,
engine: ThemeEngines.dynamicTheme,
stylesheet: "",
darkSchemeBackgroundColor: DEFAULT_COLORS.darkScheme.background,
darkSchemeTextColor: DEFAULT_COLORS.darkScheme.text,
lightSchemeBackgroundColor: DEFAULT_COLORS.lightScheme.background,
lightSchemeTextColor: DEFAULT_COLORS.lightScheme.text,
scrollbarColor: isMacOS ? "" : "auto",
selectionColor: "auto",
styleSystemControls: true,
lightColorScheme: "Default",
darkColorScheme: "Default"
function isArrayLike(items) {
return items.length != null;
function forEach2(items, iterator) {
var e_1, _a2;
if (isArrayLike(items)) {
for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
} else {
try {
for (var items_1 = __values(items), items_1_1 =; !items_1_1.done; items_1_1 = {
var item = items_1_1.value;
} catch (e_1_1) {
e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
} finally {
try {
if (items_1_1 && !items_1_1.done && (_a2 = items_1.return));
} finally {
if (e_1)
throw e_1.error;
function push(array4, addition) {
forEach2(addition, function(a) {
return array4.push(a);
function toArray2(items) {
var results = [];
for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
return results;
function logInfo() {
function logWarn() {
function throttle2(callback) {
var pending = false;
var frameId = null;
var lastArgs;
var throttled = function() {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
lastArgs = args;
if (frameId) {
pending = true;
} else {
callback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(lastArgs), false));
frameId = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
frameId = null;
if (pending) {
callback.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([], __read(lastArgs), false));
pending = false;
var cancel = function() {
pending = false;
frameId = null;
return Object.assign(throttled, { cancel });
function createAsyncTasksQueue() {
var tasks = [];
var frameId = null;
function runTasks() {
var task;
while (task = tasks.shift()) {
frameId = null;
function add2(task) {
if (!frameId) {
frameId = requestAnimationFrame(runTasks);
function cancel() {
frameId = null;
return { add: add2, cancel };
function getDuration(time) {
var duration = 0;
if (time.seconds) {
duration += time.seconds * 1e3;
if (time.minutes) {
duration += time.minutes * 60 * 1e3;
if (time.hours) {
duration += time.hours * 60 * 60 * 1e3;
if (time.days) {
duration += time.days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3;
return duration;
function removeNode(node) {
node && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
function watchForNodePosition(node, mode, onRestore) {
if (onRestore === void 0) {
onRestore = Function.prototype;
var RETRY_TIMEOUT = getDuration({ seconds: 2 });
var ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL = getDuration({ seconds: 10 });
var prevSibling = node.previousSibling;
var parent = node.parentNode;
if (!parent) {
throw new Error("Unable to watch for node position: parent element not found");
if (mode === "prev-sibling" && !prevSibling) {
throw new Error("Unable to watch for node position: there is no previous sibling");
var attempts = 0;
var start = null;
var timeoutId = null;
var restore = throttle2(function() {
if (timeoutId) {
var now =;
if (start == null) {
start = now;
} else if (attempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS_COUNT) {
if (now - start < ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
start = null;
attempts = 0;
timeoutId = null;
start = now;
attempts = 1;
if (mode === "parent") {
if (prevSibling && prevSibling.parentNode !== parent) {
if (mode === "prev-sibling") {
if (prevSibling.parentNode == null) {
if (prevSibling.parentNode !== parent) {
parent.insertBefore(node, prevSibling ? prevSibling.nextSibling : parent.firstChild);
onRestore && onRestore();
var observer2 = new MutationObserver(function() {
if (mode === "parent" && node.parentNode !== parent || mode === "prev-sibling" && node.previousSibling !== prevSibling) {
var run = function() {
observer2.observe(parent, { childList: true });
var stop = function() {
var skip = function() {
var updateParent = function(parentNode) {
parent = parentNode;
return { run, stop, skip };
function iterateShadowHosts(root, iterator) {
if (root == null) {
var walker = document.createTreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
acceptNode: function(node2) {
return node2.shadowRoot == null ? NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
for (var node = root.shadowRoot ? walker.currentNode : walker.nextNode(); node != null; node = walker.nextNode()) {
iterateShadowHosts(node.shadowRoot, iterator);
function isDOMReady() {
if (typeof document === "undefined")
return false;
return document.readyState === "complete" || document.readyState === "interactive";
var readyStateListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function addDOMReadyListener(listener) {
function removeDOMReadyListener(listener) {
function isReadyStateComplete() {
return document.readyState === "complete";
var readyStateCompleteListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function addReadyStateCompleteListener(listener) {
function cleanReadyStateCompleteListeners() {
if (!isDOMReady()) {
var onReadyStateChange_1 = function() {
if (isDOMReady()) {
readyStateListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
return listener();
if (isReadyStateComplete()) {
document.removeEventListener("readystatechange", onReadyStateChange_1);
readyStateCompleteListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
return listener();
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", onReadyStateChange_1);
function isHugeMutation(mutations) {
if (mutations.length > HUGE_MUTATIONS_COUNT) {
return true;
var addedNodesCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
addedNodesCount += mutations[i].addedNodes.length;
if (addedNodesCount > HUGE_MUTATIONS_COUNT) {
return true;
return false;
function getElementsTreeOperations(mutations) {
var additions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var deletions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var moves = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
mutations.forEach(function(m) {
forEach2(m.addedNodes, function(n) {
if (n instanceof Element && n.isConnected) {
forEach2(m.removedNodes, function(n) {
if (n instanceof Element) {
if (n.isConnected) {
} else {
var duplicateAdditions = [];
var duplicateDeletions = [];
additions.forEach(function(node) {
if (additions.has(node.parentElement)) {
deletions.forEach(function(node) {
if (deletions.has(node.parentElement)) {
duplicateAdditions.forEach(function(node) {
return additions.delete(node);
duplicateDeletions.forEach(function(node) {
return deletions.delete(node);
return { additions, moves, deletions };
var optimizedTreeObservers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var optimizedTreeCallbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function createOptimizedTreeObserver(root, callbacks) {
var observer2;
var observerCallbacks;
var domReadyListener;
if (optimizedTreeObservers.has(root)) {
observer2 = optimizedTreeObservers.get(root);
observerCallbacks = optimizedTreeCallbacks.get(observer2);
} else {
var hadHugeMutationsBefore_1 = false;
var subscribedForReadyState_1 = false;
observer2 = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
if (isHugeMutation(mutations)) {
if (!hadHugeMutationsBefore_1 || isDOMReady()) {
observerCallbacks.forEach(function(_a2) {
var onHugeMutations = _a2.onHugeMutations;
return onHugeMutations(root);
} else if (!subscribedForReadyState_1) {
domReadyListener = function() {
return observerCallbacks.forEach(function(_a2) {
var onHugeMutations = _a2.onHugeMutations;
return onHugeMutations(root);
subscribedForReadyState_1 = true;
hadHugeMutationsBefore_1 = true;
} else {
var elementsOperations_1 = getElementsTreeOperations(mutations);
observerCallbacks.forEach(function(_a2) {
var onMinorMutations = _a2.onMinorMutations;
return onMinorMutations(elementsOperations_1);
observer2.observe(root, { childList: true, subtree: true });
optimizedTreeObservers.set(root, observer2);
observerCallbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
optimizedTreeCallbacks.set(observer2, observerCallbacks);
return {
disconnect: function() {
if (domReadyListener) {
if (observerCallbacks.size === 0) {
var anchor;
var parsedURLCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function fixBaseURL($url) {
if (!anchor) {
anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.href = $url;
return anchor.href;
function parseURL($url, $base) {
if ($base === void 0) {
$base = null;
var key = "" + $url + ($base ? ";" + $base : "");
if (parsedURLCache.has(key)) {
return parsedURLCache.get(key);
if ($base) {
var parsedURL_1 = new URL($url, fixBaseURL($base));
parsedURLCache.set(key, parsedURL_1);
return parsedURL_1;
var parsedURL = new URL(fixBaseURL($url));
parsedURLCache.set($url, parsedURL);
return parsedURL;
function getAbsoluteURL($base, $relative) {
if ($relative.match(/^data\\?\:/)) {
return $relative;
if (/^\/\//.test($relative)) {
return "" + location.protocol + $relative;
var b = parseURL($base);
var a = parseURL($relative, b.href);
return a.href;
function isRelativeHrefOnAbsolutePath(href) {
if (href.startsWith("data:")) {
return true;
var url2 = parseURL(href);
if (url2.protocol !== location.protocol) {
return false;
if (url2.hostname !== location.hostname) {
return false;
if (url2.port !== location.port) {
return false;
return url2.pathname === location.pathname;
function iterateCSSRules(rules2, iterate, onMediaRuleError) {
forEach2(rules2, function(rule) {
if (rule.selectorText) {
} else if (rule.href) {
try {
iterateCSSRules(rule.styleSheet.cssRules, iterate, onMediaRuleError);
} catch (err) {
logInfo("Found a non-loaded link.");
onMediaRuleError && onMediaRuleError();
} else if ( {
var media = Array.from(;
var isScreenOrAllOrQuery = media.some(function(m) {
return m.startsWith("screen") || m.startsWith("all") || m.startsWith("(");
var isPrintOrSpeech = media.some(function(m) {
return m.startsWith("print") || m.startsWith("speech");
if (isScreenOrAllOrQuery || !isPrintOrSpeech) {
iterateCSSRules(rule.cssRules, iterate, onMediaRuleError);
} else if (rule.conditionText) {
if (CSS.supports(rule.conditionText)) {
iterateCSSRules(rule.cssRules, iterate, onMediaRuleError);
} else {
logWarn("CSSRule type not supported", rule);
var shorthandVarDependantProperties = [
var shorthandVarDepPropRegexps = isSafari ? {
var regexp4 = new RegExp(prop + ":\\s*(.*?)\\s*;");
return [prop, regexp4];
}) : null;
function iterateCSSDeclarations(style, iterate) {
forEach2(style, function(property) {
var value = style.getPropertyValue(property).trim();
if (!value) {
iterate(property, value);
var cssText = style.cssText;
if (cssText.includes("var(")) {
if (isSafari) {
shorthandVarDepPropRegexps.forEach(function(_a2) {
var _b = __read(_a2, 2), prop = _b[0], regexp4 = _b[1];
var match = cssText.match(regexp4);
if (match && match[1]) {
var val = match[1].trim();
iterate(prop, val);
} else {
shorthandVarDependantProperties.forEach(function(prop) {
var val = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
if (val && val.includes("var(")) {
iterate(prop, val);
var cssURLRegex = /url\((('.+?')|(".+?")|([^\)]*?))\)/g;
var cssImportRegex = /@import\s*(url\()?(('.+?')|(".+?")|([^\)]*?))\)? ?(screen)?;?/g;
function getCSSURLValue(cssURL) {
return cssURL.replace(/^url\((.*)\)$/, "$1").trim().replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1").replace(/^'(.*)'$/, "$1");
function getCSSBaseBath(url2) {
var cssURL = parseURL(url2);
return "" + cssURL.origin + cssURL.pathname.replace(/\?.*$/, "").replace(/(\/)([^\/]+)$/i, "$1");
function replaceCSSRelativeURLsWithAbsolute($css, cssBasePath) {
return $css.replace(cssURLRegex, function(match) {
var pathValue = getCSSURLValue(match);
try {
return 'url("' + getAbsoluteURL(cssBasePath, pathValue) + '")';
} catch (err) {
return match;
var cssCommentsRegex = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g;
function removeCSSComments($css) {
return $css.replace(cssCommentsRegex, "");
var fontFaceRegex = /@font-face\s*{[^}]*}/g;
function replaceCSSFontFace($css) {
return $css.replace(fontFaceRegex, "");
function hslToRGB(_a2) {
var h2 = _a2.h, s = _a2.s, l = _a2.l, _b = _a2.a, a = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b;
if (s === 0) {
var _c = __read([l, l, l].map(function(x2) {
return Math.round(x2 * 255);
}), 3), r_1 = _c[0], b_1 = _c[1], g_1 = _c[2];
return { r: r_1, g: g_1, b: b_1, a };
var c = (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1)) * s;
var x = c * (1 - Math.abs(h2 / 60 % 2 - 1));
var m = l - c / 2;
var _d = __read((h2 < 60 ? [c, x, 0] : h2 < 120 ? [x, c, 0] : h2 < 180 ? [0, c, x] : h2 < 240 ? [0, x, c] : h2 < 300 ? [x, 0, c] : [c, 0, x]).map(function(n) {
return Math.round((n + m) * 255);
}), 3), r = _d[0], g = _d[1], b = _d[2];
return { r, g, b, a };
function rgbToHSL(_a2) {
var r255 = _a2.r, g255 = _a2.g, b255 = _a2.b, _b = _a2.a, a = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b;
var r = r255 / 255;
var g = g255 / 255;
var b = b255 / 255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var c = max - min;
var l = (max + min) / 2;
if (c === 0) {
return { h: 0, s: 0, l, a };
var h2 = (max === r ? (g - b) / c % 6 : max === g ? (b - r) / c + 2 : (r - g) / c + 4) * 60;
if (h2 < 0) {
h2 += 360;
var s = c / (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1));
return { h: h2, s, l, a };
function toFixed(n, digits) {
if (digits === void 0) {
digits = 0;
var fixed = n.toFixed(digits);
if (digits === 0) {
return fixed;
var dot = fixed.indexOf(".");
if (dot >= 0) {
var zerosMatch = fixed.match(/0+$/);
if (zerosMatch) {
if (zerosMatch.index === dot + 1) {
return fixed.substring(0, dot);
return fixed.substring(0, zerosMatch.index);
return fixed;
function rgbToString(rgb) {
var r = rgb.r, g = rgb.g, b = rgb.b, a = rgb.a;
if (a != null && a < 1) {
return "rgba(" + toFixed(r) + ", " + toFixed(g) + ", " + toFixed(b) + ", " + toFixed(a, 2) + ")";
return "rgb(" + toFixed(r) + ", " + toFixed(g) + ", " + toFixed(b) + ")";
function rgbToHexString(_a2) {
var r = _a2.r, g = _a2.g, b = _a2.b, a = _a2.a;
return "#" + (a != null && a < 1 ? [r, g, b, Math.round(a * 255)] : [r, g, b]).map(function(x) {
return (x < 16 ? "0" : "") + x.toString(16);
function hslToString(hsl) {
var h2 = hsl.h, s = hsl.s, l = hsl.l, a = hsl.a;
if (a != null && a < 1) {
return "hsla(" + toFixed(h2) + ", " + toFixed(s * 100) + "%, " + toFixed(l * 100) + "%, " + toFixed(a, 2) + ")";
return "hsl(" + toFixed(h2) + ", " + toFixed(s * 100) + "%, " + toFixed(l * 100) + "%)";
var rgbMatch = /^rgba?\([^\(\)]+\)$/;
var hslMatch = /^hsla?\([^\(\)]+\)$/;
var hexMatch = /^#[0-9a-f]+$/i;
function parse2($color) {
var c = $color.trim().toLowerCase();
if (c.match(rgbMatch)) {
return parseRGB(c);
if (c.match(hslMatch)) {
return parseHSL(c);
if (c.match(hexMatch)) {
return parseHex(c);
if (knownColors.has(c)) {
return getColorByName(c);
if (systemColors.has(c)) {
return getSystemColor(c);
if ($color === "transparent") {
return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 };
throw new Error("Unable to parse " + $color);
function getNumbers($color) {
var numbers = [];
var prevPos = 0;
var isMining = false;
var startIndex = $color.indexOf("(");
$color = $color.substring(startIndex + 1, $color.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < $color.length; i++) {
var c = $color[i];
if (c >= "0" && c <= "9" || c === "." || c === "+" || c === "-") {
isMining = true;
} else if (isMining && (c === " " || c === ",")) {
numbers.push($color.substring(prevPos, i));
isMining = false;
prevPos = i + 1;
} else if (!isMining) {
prevPos = i + 1;
if (isMining) {
numbers.push($color.substring(prevPos, $color.length));
return numbers;
function getNumbersFromString(str, range3, units) {
var raw = getNumbers(str);
var unitsList = Object.entries(units);
var numbers = {
return r.trim();
}).map(function(r, i) {
var n;
var unit = unitsList.find(function(_a2) {
var _b = __read(_a2, 1), u = _b[0];
return r.endsWith(u);
if (unit) {
n = parseFloat(r.substring(0, r.length - unit[0].length)) / unit[1] * range3[i];
} else {
n = parseFloat(r);
if (range3[i] > 1) {
return Math.round(n);
return n;
return numbers;
var rgbRange = [255, 255, 255, 1];
var rgbUnits = { "%": 100 };
function parseRGB($rgb) {
var _a2 = __read(getNumbersFromString($rgb, rgbRange, rgbUnits), 4), r = _a2[0], g = _a2[1], b = _a2[2], _b = _a2[3], a = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b;
return { r, g, b, a };
var hslRange = [360, 1, 1, 1];
var hslUnits = { "%": 100, "deg": 360, "rad": 2 * Math.PI, "turn": 1 };
function parseHSL($hsl) {
var _a2 = __read(getNumbersFromString($hsl, hslRange, hslUnits), 4), h2 = _a2[0], s = _a2[1], l = _a2[2], _b = _a2[3], a = _b === void 0 ? 1 : _b;
return hslToRGB({ h: h2, s, l, a });
function parseHex($hex) {
var h2 = $hex.substring(1);
switch (h2.length) {
case 3:
case 4: {
var _a2 = __read([0, 1, 2].map(function(i) {
return parseInt("" + h2[i] + h2[i], 16);
}), 3), r = _a2[0], g = _a2[1], b = _a2[2];
var a = h2.length === 3 ? 1 : parseInt("" + h2[3] + h2[3], 16) / 255;
return { r, g, b, a };
case 6:
case 8: {
var _b = __read([0, 2, 4].map(function(i) {
return parseInt(h2.substring(i, i + 2), 16);
}), 3), r = _b[0], g = _b[1], b = _b[2];
var a = h2.length === 6 ? 1 : parseInt(h2.substring(6, 8), 16) / 255;
return { r, g, b, a };
throw new Error("Unable to parse " + $hex);
function getColorByName($color) {
var n = knownColors.get($color);
return {
r: n >> 16 & 255,
g: n >> 8 & 255,
b: n >> 0 & 255,
a: 1
function getSystemColor($color) {
var n = systemColors.get($color);
return {
r: n >> 16 & 255,
g: n >> 8 & 255,
b: n >> 0 & 255,
a: 1
var isCharDigit = function(char) {
return char >= "0" && char <= "9";
var getAmountOfDigits = function(number4) {
return Math.floor(Math.log10(number4)) + 1;
function lowerCalcExpression(color) {
var searchIndex = 0;
var replaceBetweenIndices = function(start, end, replacement2) {
color = color.substring(0, start) + replacement2 + color.substring(end);
var getNumber = function() {
var resultNumber = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
var char = color[searchIndex + i];
if (char === " ") {
if (isCharDigit(char)) {
resultNumber *= 10;
resultNumber += Number(char);
} else {
var lenDigits = getAmountOfDigits(resultNumber);
searchIndex += lenDigits;
var possibleType = color[searchIndex + 1];
if (possibleType !== "%") {
return resultNumber;
while ((searchIndex = color.indexOf("calc(")) !== 0) {
var startIndex = searchIndex;
searchIndex += 4;
var firstNumber = getNumber();
if (!firstNumber) {
if (color[searchIndex + 1] !== " ") {
var operation = color[searchIndex + 1];
if (operation !== "+" && operation !== "-") {
if (color[searchIndex + 1] !== " ") {
var secondNumber = getNumber();
if (!secondNumber) {
var replacement = void 0;
if (operation === "+") {
replacement = firstNumber + secondNumber + "%";
} else {
replacement = firstNumber - secondNumber + "%";
replaceBetweenIndices(startIndex, searchIndex + 2, replacement);
return color;
var knownColors = new Map(Object.entries({
aliceblue: 15792383,
antiquewhite: 16444375,
aqua: 65535,
aquamarine: 8388564,
azure: 15794175,
beige: 16119260,
bisque: 16770244,
black: 0,
blanchedalmond: 16772045,
blue: 255,
blueviolet: 9055202,
brown: 10824234,
burlywood: 14596231,
cadetblue: 6266528,
chartreuse: 8388352,
chocolate: 13789470,
coral: 16744272,
cornflowerblue: 6591981,
cornsilk: 16775388,
crimson: 14423100,
cyan: 65535,
darkblue: 139,
darkcyan: 35723,
darkgoldenrod: 12092939,
darkgray: 11119017,
darkgrey: 11119017,
darkgreen: 25600,
darkkhaki: 12433259,
darkmagenta: 9109643,
darkolivegreen: 5597999,
darkorange: 16747520,
darkorchid: 10040012,
darkred: 9109504,
darksalmon: 15308410,
darkseagreen: 9419919,
darkslateblue: 4734347,
darkslategray: 3100495,
darkslategrey: 3100495,
darkturquoise: 52945,
darkviolet: 9699539,
deeppink: 16716947,
deepskyblue: 49151,
dimgray: 6908265,
dimgrey: 6908265,
dodgerblue: 2003199,
firebrick: 11674146,
floralwhite: 16775920,
forestgreen: 2263842,
fuchsia: 16711935,
gainsboro: 14474460,
ghostwhite: 16316671,
gold: 16766720,
goldenrod: 14329120,
gray: 8421504,
grey: 8421504,
green: 32768,
greenyellow: 11403055,
honeydew: 15794160,
hotpink: 16738740,
indianred: 13458524,
indigo: 4915330,
ivory: 16777200,
khaki: 15787660,
lavender: 15132410,
lavenderblush: 16773365,
lawngreen: 8190976,
lemonchiffon: 16775885,
lightblue: 11393254,
lightcoral: 15761536,
lightcyan: 14745599,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,
lightgray: 13882323,
lightgrey: 13882323,
lightgreen: 9498256,
lightpink: 16758465,
lightsalmon: 16752762,
lightseagreen: 2142890,
lightskyblue: 8900346,
lightslategray: 7833753,
lightslategrey: 7833753,
lightsteelblue: 11584734,
lightyellow: 16777184,
lime: 65280,
limegreen: 3329330,
linen: 16445670,
magenta: 16711935,
maroon: 8388608,
mediumaquamarine: 6737322,
mediumblue: 205,
mediumorchid: 12211667,
mediumpurple: 9662683,
mediumseagreen: 3978097,
mediumslateblue: 8087790,
mediumspringgreen: 64154,
mediumturquoise: 4772300,
mediumvioletred: 13047173,
midnightblue: 1644912,
mintcream: 16121850,
mistyrose: 16770273,
moccasin: 16770229,
navajowhite: 16768685,
navy: 128,
oldlace: 16643558,
olive: 8421376,
olivedrab: 7048739,
orange: 16753920,
orangered: 16729344,
orchid: 14315734,
palegoldenrod: 15657130,
palegreen: 10025880,
paleturquoise: 11529966,
palevioletred: 14381203,
papayawhip: 16773077,
peachpuff: 16767673,
peru: 13468991,
pink: 16761035,
plum: 14524637,
powderblue: 11591910,
purple: 8388736,
rebeccapurple: 6697881,
red: 16711680,
rosybrown: 12357519,
royalblue: 4286945,
saddlebrown: 9127187,
salmon: 16416882,
sandybrown: 16032864,
seagreen: 3050327,
seashell: 16774638,
sienna: 10506797,
silver: 12632256,
skyblue: 8900331,
slateblue: 6970061,
slategray: 7372944,
slategrey: 7372944,
snow: 16775930,
springgreen: 65407,
steelblue: 4620980,
tan: 13808780,
teal: 32896,
thistle: 14204888,
tomato: 16737095,
turquoise: 4251856,
violet: 15631086,
wheat: 16113331,
white: 16777215,
whitesmoke: 16119285,
yellow: 16776960,
yellowgreen: 10145074
var systemColors = new Map(Object.entries({
ActiveBorder: 3906044,
ActiveCaption: 0,
AppWorkspace: 11184810,
Background: 6513614,
ButtonFace: 16777215,
ButtonHighlight: 15329769,
ButtonShadow: 10461343,
ButtonText: 0,
CaptionText: 0,
GrayText: 8355711,
Highlight: 11720703,
HighlightText: 0,
InactiveBorder: 16777215,
InactiveCaption: 16777215,
InactiveCaptionText: 0,
InfoBackground: 16514245,
InfoText: 0,
Menu: 16185078,
MenuText: 16777215,
Scrollbar: 11184810,
ThreeDDarkShadow: 0,
ThreeDFace: 12632256,
ThreeDHighlight: 16777215,
ThreeDLightShadow: 16777215,
ThreeDShadow: 0,
Window: 15527148,
WindowFrame: 11184810,
WindowText: 0,
"-webkit-focus-ring-color": 15046400
}).map(function(_a2) {
var _b = __read(_a2, 2), key = _b[0], value = _b[1];
return [key.toLowerCase(), value];
function scale2(x, inLow, inHigh, outLow, outHigh) {
return (x - inLow) * (outHigh - outLow) / (inHigh - inLow) + outLow;
function clamp2(x, min, max) {
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, x));
function multiplyMatrices(m1, m2) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0, len = m1.length; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = [];
for (var j = 0, len2 = m2[0].length; j < len2; j++) {
var sum = 0;
for (var k = 0, len3 = m1[0].length; k < len3; k++) {
sum += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j];
result[i][j] = sum;
return result;
function getMatches(regex, input, group) {
if (group === void 0) {
group = 0;
var matches = [];
var m;
while (m = regex.exec(input)) {
return matches;
function formatCSS(text) {
function trimLeft(text2) {
return text2.replace(/^\s+/, "");
function getIndent(depth2) {
if (depth2 === 0) {
return "";
return " ".repeat(4 * depth2);
if (text.length < 5e4) {
var emptyRuleRegexp = /[^{}]+{\s*}/;
while (emptyRuleRegexp.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(emptyRuleRegexp, "");
var css = text.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ").replace(/\{/g, "{\n").replace(/\}/g, "\n}\n").replace(/\;(?![^\(|\"]*(\)|\"))/g, ";\n").replace(/\,(?![^\(|\"]*(\)|\"))/g, ",\n").replace(/\n\s*\n/g, "\n").split("\n");
var depth = 0;
var formatted = [];
for (var x = 0, len = css.length; x < len; x++) {
var line = css[x] + "\n";
if (line.includes("{")) {
formatted.push(getIndent(depth++) + trimLeft(line));
} else if (line.includes("}")) {
formatted.push(getIndent(--depth) + trimLeft(line));
} else {
formatted.push(getIndent(depth) + trimLeft(line));
return formatted.join("").trim();
function getParenthesesRange(input, searchStartIndex) {
if (searchStartIndex === void 0) {
searchStartIndex = 0;
var length = input.length;
var depth = 0;
var firstOpenIndex = -1;
for (var i = searchStartIndex; i < length; i++) {
if (depth === 0) {
var openIndex = input.indexOf("(", i);
if (openIndex < 0) {
firstOpenIndex = openIndex;
i = openIndex;
} else {
var closingIndex = input.indexOf(")", i);
if (closingIndex < 0) {
var openIndex = input.indexOf("(", i);
if (openIndex < 0 || closingIndex < openIndex) {
if (depth === 0) {
return { start: firstOpenIndex, end: closingIndex + 1 };
i = closingIndex;
} else {
i = openIndex;
return null;
function createFilterMatrix(config) {
var m = Matrix.identity();
if (config.sepia !== 0) {
m = multiplyMatrices(m, Matrix.sepia(config.sepia / 100));
if (config.grayscale !== 0) {
m = multiplyMatrices(m, Matrix.grayscale(config.grayscale / 100));
if (config.contrast !== 100) {
m = multiplyMatrices(m, Matrix.contrast(config.contrast / 100));
if (config.brightness !== 100) {
m = multiplyMatrices(m, Matrix.brightness(config.brightness / 100));
if (config.mode === 1) {
m = multiplyMatrices(m, Matrix.invertNHue());
return m;
function applyColorMatrix(_a2, matrix) {
var _b = __read(_a2, 3), r = _b[0], g = _b[1], b = _b[2];
var rgb = [[r / 255], [g / 255], [b / 255], [1], [1]];
var result = multiplyMatrices(matrix, rgb);
return [0, 1, 2].map(function(i) {
return clamp2(Math.round(result[i][0] * 255), 0, 255);
var Matrix = {
identity: function() {
return [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
invertNHue: function() {
return [
[0.333, -0.667, -0.667, 0, 1],
[-0.667, 0.333, -0.667, 0, 1],
[-0.667, -0.667, 0.333, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
brightness: function(v) {
return [
[v, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, v, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, v, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
contrast: function(v) {
var t = (1 - v) / 2;
return [
[v, 0, 0, 0, t],
[0, v, 0, 0, t],
[0, 0, v, 0, t],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
sepia: function(v) {
return [
[0.393 + 0.607 * (1 - v), 0.769 - 0.769 * (1 - v), 0.189 - 0.189 * (1 - v), 0, 0],
[0.349 - 0.349 * (1 - v), 0.686 + 0.314 * (1 - v), 0.168 - 0.168 * (1 - v), 0, 0],
[0.272 - 0.272 * (1 - v), 0.534 - 0.534 * (1 - v), 0.131 + 0.869 * (1 - v), 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
grayscale: function(v) {
return [
[0.2126 + 0.7874 * (1 - v), 0.7152 - 0.7152 * (1 - v), 0.0722 - 0.0722 * (1 - v), 0, 0],
[0.2126 - 0.2126 * (1 - v), 0.7152 + 0.2848 * (1 - v), 0.0722 - 0.0722 * (1 - v), 0, 0],
[0.2126 - 0.2126 * (1 - v), 0.7152 - 0.7152 * (1 - v), 0.0722 + 0.9278 * (1 - v), 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
function getBgPole(theme) {
var isDarkScheme = theme.mode === 1;
var prop = isDarkScheme ? "darkSchemeBackgroundColor" : "lightSchemeBackgroundColor";
return theme[prop];
function getFgPole(theme) {
var isDarkScheme = theme.mode === 1;
var prop = isDarkScheme ? "darkSchemeTextColor" : "lightSchemeTextColor";
return theme[prop];
var colorModificationCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var colorParseCache$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function parseToHSLWithCache(color) {
if (colorParseCache$1.has(color)) {
return colorParseCache$1.get(color);
var rgb = parse2(color);
var hsl = rgbToHSL(rgb);
colorParseCache$1.set(color, hsl);
return hsl;
function clearColorModificationCache() {
var rgbCacheKeys = ["r", "g", "b", "a"];
var themeCacheKeys$1 = ["mode", "brightness", "contrast", "grayscale", "sepia", "darkSchemeBackgroundColor", "darkSchemeTextColor", "lightSchemeBackgroundColor", "lightSchemeTextColor"];
function getCacheId(rgb, theme) {
var resultId = "";
rgbCacheKeys.forEach(function(key) {
resultId += rgb[key] + ";";
themeCacheKeys$1.forEach(function(key) {
resultId += theme[key] + ";";
return resultId;
function modifyColorWithCache(rgb, theme, modifyHSL, poleColor, anotherPoleColor) {
var fnCache;
if (colorModificationCache.has(modifyHSL)) {
fnCache = colorModificationCache.get(modifyHSL);
} else {
fnCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
colorModificationCache.set(modifyHSL, fnCache);
var id = getCacheId(rgb, theme);
if (fnCache.has(id)) {
return fnCache.get(id);
var hsl = rgbToHSL(rgb);
var pole = poleColor == null ? null : parseToHSLWithCache(poleColor);
var anotherPole = anotherPoleColor == null ? null : parseToHSLWithCache(anotherPoleColor);
var modified = modifyHSL(hsl, pole, anotherPole);
var _a2 = hslToRGB(modified), r = _a2.r, g = _a2.g, b = _a2.b, a = _a2.a;
var matrix = createFilterMatrix(theme);
var _b = __read(applyColorMatrix([r, g, b], matrix), 3), rf = _b[0], gf = _b[1], bf = _b[2];
var color = a === 1 ? rgbToHexString({ r: rf, g: gf, b: bf }) : rgbToString({ r: rf, g: gf, b: bf, a });
fnCache.set(id, color);
return color;
function noopHSL(hsl) {
return hsl;
function modifyColor(rgb, theme) {
return modifyColorWithCache(rgb, theme, noopHSL);
function modifyLightSchemeColor(rgb, theme) {
var poleBg = getBgPole(theme);
var poleFg = getFgPole(theme);
return modifyColorWithCache(rgb, theme, modifyLightModeHSL, poleFg, poleBg);
function modifyLightModeHSL(_a2, poleFg, poleBg) {
var h2 = _a2.h, s = _a2.s, l = _a2.l, a = _a2.a;
var isDark = l < 0.5;
var isNeutral;
if (isDark) {
isNeutral = l < 0.2 || s < 0.12;
} else {
var isBlue = h2 > 200 && h2 < 280;
isNeutral = s < 0.24 || l > 0.8 && isBlue;
var hx = h2;
var sx = l;
if (isNeutral) {
if (isDark) {
hx = poleFg.h;
sx = poleFg.s;
} else {
hx = poleBg.h;
sx = poleBg.s;
var lx = scale2(l, 0, 1, poleFg.l, poleBg.l);
return { h: hx, s: sx, l: lx, a };
function modifyBgHSL(_a2, pole) {
var h2 = _a2.h, s = _a2.s, l = _a2.l, a = _a2.a;
var isDark = l < 0.5;
var isBlue = h2 > 200 && h2 < 280;
var isNeutral = s < 0.12 || l > 0.8 && isBlue;
if (isDark) {
var lx_1 = scale2(l, 0, 0.5, 0, MAX_BG_LIGHTNESS);
if (isNeutral) {
var hx_1 = pole.h;
var sx = pole.s;
return { h: hx_1, s: sx, l: lx_1, a };
return { h: h2, s, l: lx_1, a };
var lx = scale2(l, 0.5, 1, MAX_BG_LIGHTNESS, pole.l);
if (isNeutral) {
var hx_2 = pole.h;
var sx = pole.s;
return { h: hx_2, s: sx, l: lx, a };
var hx = h2;
var isYellow = h2 > 60 && h2 < 180;
if (isYellow) {
var isCloserToGreen = h2 > 120;
if (isCloserToGreen) {
hx = scale2(h2, 120, 180, 135, 180);
} else {
hx = scale2(h2, 60, 120, 60, 105);
return { h: hx, s, l: lx, a };
function modifyBackgroundColor(rgb, theme) {
if (theme.mode === 0) {
return modifyLightSchemeColor(rgb, theme);
var pole = getBgPole(theme);
return modifyColorWithCache(rgb, __assign(__assign({}, theme), { mode: 0 }), modifyBgHSL, pole);
var MIN_FG_LIGHTNESS = 0.55;
function modifyBlueFgHue(hue) {
return scale2(hue, 205, 245, 205, 220);
function modifyFgHSL(_a2, pole) {
var h2 = _a2.h, s = _a2.s, l = _a2.l, a = _a2.a;
var isLight = l > 0.5;
var isNeutral = l < 0.2 || s < 0.24;
var isBlue = !isNeutral && h2 > 205 && h2 < 245;
if (isLight) {
var lx_2 = scale2(l, 0.5, 1, MIN_FG_LIGHTNESS, pole.l);
if (isNeutral) {
var hx_3 = pole.h;
var sx = pole.s;
return { h: hx_3, s: sx, l: lx_2, a };
var hx_4 = h2;
if (isBlue) {
hx_4 = modifyBlueFgHue(h2);
return { h: hx_4, s, l: lx_2, a };
if (isNeutral) {
var hx_5 = pole.h;
var sx = pole.s;
var lx_3 = scale2(l, 0, 0.5, pole.l, MIN_FG_LIGHTNESS);
return { h: hx_5, s: sx, l: lx_3, a };
var hx = h2;
var lx;
if (isBlue) {
hx = modifyBlueFgHue(h2);
lx = scale2(l, 0, 0.5, pole.l, Math.min(1, MIN_FG_LIGHTNESS + 0.05));
} else {
lx = scale2(l, 0, 0.5, pole.l, MIN_FG_LIGHTNESS);
return { h: hx, s, l: lx, a };
function modifyForegroundColor(rgb, theme) {
if (theme.mode === 0) {
return modifyLightSchemeColor(rgb, theme);
var pole = getFgPole(theme);
return modifyColorWithCache(rgb, __assign(__assign({}, theme), { mode: 0 }), modifyFgHSL, pole);
function modifyBorderHSL(_a2, poleFg, poleBg) {
var h2 = _a2.h, s = _a2.s, l = _a2.l, a = _a2.a;
var isDark = l < 0.5;
var isNeutral = l < 0.2 || s < 0.24;
var hx = h2;
var sx = s;
if (isNeutral) {
if (isDark) {
hx = poleFg.h;
sx = poleFg.s;
} else {
hx = poleBg.h;
sx = poleBg.s;
var lx = scale2(l, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.2);
return { h: hx, s: sx, l: lx, a };
function modifyBorderColor(rgb, theme) {
if (theme.mode === 0) {
return modifyLightSchemeColor(rgb, theme);
var poleFg = getFgPole(theme);
var poleBg = getBgPole(theme);
return modifyColorWithCache(rgb, __assign(__assign({}, theme), { mode: 0 }), modifyBorderHSL, poleFg, poleBg);
function modifyShadowColor(rgb, filter2) {
return modifyBackgroundColor(rgb, filter2);
function modifyGradientColor(rgb, filter2) {
return modifyBackgroundColor(rgb, filter2);
function createTextStyle(config) {
var lines = [];
lines.push('*:not(pre, pre *, code, .far, .fa, .glyphicon, [class*="vjs-"], .fab, .fa-github, .fas, .material-icons, .icofont, .typcn, mu, [class*="mu-"], .glyphicon, .icon) {');
if (config.useFont && config.fontFamily) {
lines.push(" font-family: " + config.fontFamily + " !important;");
if (config.textStroke > 0) {
lines.push(" -webkit-text-stroke: " + config.textStroke + "px !important;");
lines.push(" text-stroke: " + config.textStroke + "px !important;");
return lines.join("\n");
var FilterMode;
(function(FilterMode2) {
FilterMode2[FilterMode2["light"] = 0] = "light";
FilterMode2[FilterMode2["dark"] = 1] = "dark";
})(FilterMode || (FilterMode = {}));
function getCSSFilterValue(config) {
var filters = [];
if (config.mode === FilterMode.dark) {
filters.push("invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg)");
if (config.brightness !== 100) {
filters.push("brightness(" + config.brightness + "%)");
if (config.contrast !== 100) {
filters.push("contrast(" + config.contrast + "%)");
if (config.grayscale !== 0) {
filters.push("grayscale(" + config.grayscale + "%)");
if (config.sepia !== 0) {
filters.push("sepia(" + config.sepia + "%)");
if (filters.length === 0) {
return null;
return filters.join(" ");
function toSVGMatrix(matrix) {
return matrix.slice(0, 4).map(function(m) {
return {
return m2.toFixed(3);
}).join(" ");
}).join(" ");
function getSVGFilterMatrixValue(config) {
return toSVGMatrix(createFilterMatrix(config));
var counter = 0;
var resolvers$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var rejectors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function bgFetch(request) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
return [2, new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var id = ++counter;
resolvers$1.set(id, resolve);
rejectors.set(id, reject);
if (typeof chrome !== "undefined") {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: MessageType.CS_FETCH, data: request, id });
if (typeof chrome !== "undefined") {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(_a2) {
var type4 = _a2.type, data =, error = _a2.error, id =;
if (type4 === MessageType.BG_FETCH_RESPONSE) {
var resolve = resolvers$1.get(id);
var reject = rejectors.get(id);
if (error) {
reject && reject(error);
} else {
resolve && resolve(data);
var AsyncQueue = function() {
function AsyncQueue2() {
this.queue = [];
this.timerId = null;
this.frameDuration = 1e3 / 60;
AsyncQueue2.prototype.addToQueue = function(entry) {
AsyncQueue2.prototype.stopQueue = function() {
if (this.timerId !== null) {
this.timerId = null;
this.queue = [];
AsyncQueue2.prototype.startQueue = function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.timerId) {
this.timerId = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
_this.timerId = null;
var start =;
var cb;
while (cb = _this.queue.shift()) {
if ( - start >= _this.frameDuration) {
return AsyncQueue2;
var imageManager = new AsyncQueue();
function getImageDetails(url2) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var _this = this;
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
return [2, new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var dataURL, error_1, image_1, error_2;
return __generator(this, function(_a3) {
switch (_a3.label) {
case 0:
if (!url2.startsWith("data:"))
return [3, 1];
dataURL = url2;
return [3, 4];
case 1:
_a3.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
return [4, getImageDataURL(url2)];
case 2:
dataURL = _a3.sent();
return [3, 4];
case 3:
error_1 = _a3.sent();
return [2];
case 4:
_a3.trys.push([4, 6, , 7]);
return [4, urlToImage(dataURL)];
case 5:
image_1 = _a3.sent();
imageManager.addToQueue(function() {
resolve(__assign({ src: url2, dataURL, width: image_1.naturalWidth, height: image_1.naturalHeight }, analyzeImage(image_1)));
return [3, 7];
case 6:
error_2 = _a3.sent();
return [3, 7];
case 7:
return [2];
function getImageDataURL(url2) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var parsedURL;
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
parsedURL = new URL(url2);
if (!(parsedURL.origin === location.origin))
return [3, 2];
return [4, loadAsDataURL(url2)];
case 1:
return [2, _a2.sent()];
case 2:
return [4, bgFetch({ url: url2, responseType: "data-url" })];
case 3:
return [2, _a2.sent()];
function urlToImage(url2) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
return [2, new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
return resolve(image);
image.onerror = function() {
return reject("Unable to load image " + url2);
image.src = url2;
var canvas;
var context;
function createCanvas() {
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = maxWidth;
canvas.height = maxHeight;
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
function removeCanvas() {
canvas = null;
context = null;
var MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
function analyzeImage(image) {
if (!canvas) {
var naturalWidth = image.naturalWidth, naturalHeight = image.naturalHeight;
if (naturalHeight === 0 || naturalWidth === 0) {
logWarn("logWarn(Image is empty " + image.currentSrc + ")");
return null;
var size = naturalWidth * naturalHeight * 4;
if (size > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) {
return {
isDark: false,
isLight: false,
isTransparent: false,
isLarge: false,
isTooLarge: true
var naturalPixelsCount = naturalWidth * naturalHeight;
var k = Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(MAX_ANALIZE_PIXELS_COUNT / naturalPixelsCount));
var width = Math.ceil(naturalWidth * k);
var height = Math.ceil(naturalHeight * k);
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, naturalWidth, naturalHeight, 0, 0, width, height);
var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
var d =;
var transparentPixelsCount = 0;
var darkPixelsCount = 0;
var lightPixelsCount = 0;
var i, x, y;
var r, g, b, a;
var l;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
i = 4 * (y * width + x);
r = d[i + 0] / 255;
g = d[i + 1] / 255;
b = d[i + 2] / 255;
a = d[i + 3] / 255;
} else {
l = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b;
var totalPixelsCount = width * height;
var opaquePixelsCount = totalPixelsCount - transparentPixelsCount;
return {
isDark: darkPixelsCount / opaquePixelsCount >= DARK_IMAGE_THRESHOLD,
isLight: lightPixelsCount / opaquePixelsCount >= LIGHT_IMAGE_THRESHOLD,
isTransparent: transparentPixelsCount / totalPixelsCount >= TRANSPARENT_IMAGE_THRESHOLD,
isLarge: naturalPixelsCount >= LARGE_IMAGE_PIXELS_COUNT,
isTooLarge: false
function getFilteredImageDataURL(_a2, theme) {
var dataURL = _a2.dataURL, width = _a2.width, height = _a2.height;
var matrix = getSVGFilterMatrixValue(theme);
var svg = [
'<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '">',
'<filter id="darkreader-image-filter">',
'<feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="' + matrix + '" />',
'<image width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" filter="url(#darkreader-image-filter)" xlink:href="' + dataURL + '" />',
return "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svg);
function cleanImageProcessingCache() {
imageManager && imageManager.stopQueue();
function getPriority(ruleStyle, property) {
return Boolean(ruleStyle && ruleStyle.getPropertyPriority(property));
function getModifiableCSSDeclaration(property, value, rule, variablesStore2, ignoreImageSelectors, isCancelled) {
if (property.startsWith("--")) {
var modifier = getVariableModifier(variablesStore2, property, value, rule, ignoreImageSelectors, isCancelled);
if (modifier) {
return { property, value: modifier, important: getPriority(, property), sourceValue: value };
} else if (value.includes("var(")) {
var modifier = getVariableDependantModifier(variablesStore2, property, value);
if (modifier) {
return { property, value: modifier, important: getPriority(, property), sourceValue: value };
} else if (property.includes("color") && property !== "-webkit-print-color-adjust" || property === "fill" || property === "stroke" || property === "stop-color") {
var modifier = getColorModifier(property, value);
if (modifier) {
return { property, value: modifier, important: getPriority(, property), sourceValue: value };
} else if (property === "background-image" || property === "list-style-image") {
var modifier = getBgImageModifier(value, rule, ignoreImageSelectors, isCancelled);
if (modifier) {
return { property, value: modifier, important: getPriority(, property), sourceValue: value };
} else if (property.includes("shadow")) {
var modifier = getShadowModifier(value);
if (modifier) {
return { property, value: modifier, important: getPriority(, property), sourceValue: value };
return null;
function getModifiedUserAgentStyle(theme, isIFrame2, styleSystemControls) {
var lines = [];
if (!isIFrame2) {
lines.push("html {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, theme) + " !important;");
lines.push((isIFrame2 ? "" : "html, body, ") + (styleSystemControls ? "input, textarea, select, button" : "") + " {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, theme) + ";");
lines.push("html, body, " + (styleSystemControls ? "input, textarea, select, button" : "") + " {");
lines.push(" border-color: " + modifyBorderColor({ r: 76, g: 76, b: 76 }, theme) + ";");
lines.push(" color: " + modifyForegroundColor({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, theme) + ";");
lines.push("a {");
lines.push(" color: " + modifyForegroundColor({ r: 0, g: 64, b: 255 }, theme) + ";");
lines.push("table {");
lines.push(" border-color: " + modifyBorderColor({ r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, theme) + ";");
lines.push("::placeholder {");
lines.push(" color: " + modifyForegroundColor({ r: 169, g: 169, b: 169 }, theme) + ";");
lines.push("select:-webkit-autofill {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 250, g: 255, b: 189 }, theme) + " !important;");
lines.push(" color: " + modifyForegroundColor({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, theme) + " !important;");
if (theme.scrollbarColor) {
if (theme.selectionColor) {
return lines.join("\n");
function getSelectionColor(theme) {
var backgroundColorSelection;
var foregroundColorSelection;
if (theme.selectionColor === "auto") {
backgroundColorSelection = modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 0, g: 96, b: 212 }, __assign(__assign({}, theme), { grayscale: 0 }));
foregroundColorSelection = modifyForegroundColor({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, __assign(__assign({}, theme), { grayscale: 0 }));
} else {
var rgb = parse2(theme.selectionColor);
var hsl = rgbToHSL(rgb);
backgroundColorSelection = theme.selectionColor;
if (hsl.l < 0.5) {
foregroundColorSelection = "#FFF";
} else {
foregroundColorSelection = "#000";
return { backgroundColorSelection, foregroundColorSelection };
function getModifiedSelectionStyle(theme) {
var lines = [];
var modifiedSelectionColor = getSelectionColor(theme);
var backgroundColorSelection = modifiedSelectionColor.backgroundColorSelection;
var foregroundColorSelection = modifiedSelectionColor.foregroundColorSelection;
["::selection", "::-moz-selection"].forEach(function(selection) {
lines.push(selection + " {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + backgroundColorSelection + " !important;");
lines.push(" color: " + foregroundColorSelection + " !important;");
return lines.join("\n");
function getModifiedScrollbarStyle(theme) {
var lines = [];
var colorTrack;
var colorIcons;
var colorThumb;
var colorThumbHover;
var colorThumbActive;
var colorCorner;
if (theme.scrollbarColor === "auto") {
colorTrack = modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 241, g: 241, b: 241 }, theme);
colorIcons = modifyForegroundColor({ r: 96, g: 96, b: 96 }, theme);
colorThumb = modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 176, g: 176, b: 176 }, theme);
colorThumbHover = modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 144, g: 144, b: 144 }, theme);
colorThumbActive = modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 96, g: 96, b: 96 }, theme);
colorCorner = modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, theme);
} else {
var rgb = parse2(theme.scrollbarColor);
var hsl_1 = rgbToHSL(rgb);
var isLight = hsl_1.l > 0.5;
var lighten = function(lighter) {
return __assign(__assign({}, hsl_1), { l: clamp2(hsl_1.l + lighter, 0, 1) });
var darken = function(darker) {
return __assign(__assign({}, hsl_1), { l: clamp2(hsl_1.l - darker, 0, 1) });
colorTrack = hslToString(darken(0.4));
colorIcons = hslToString(isLight ? darken(0.4) : lighten(0.4));
colorThumb = hslToString(hsl_1);
colorThumbHover = hslToString(lighten(0.1));
colorThumbActive = hslToString(lighten(0.2));
lines.push("::-webkit-scrollbar {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + colorTrack + ";");
lines.push(" color: " + colorIcons + ";");
lines.push("::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + colorThumb + ";");
lines.push("::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + colorThumbHover + ";");
lines.push("::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:active {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + colorThumbActive + ";");
lines.push("::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + colorCorner + ";");
if (isFirefox) {
lines.push("* {");
lines.push(" scrollbar-color: " + colorThumb + " " + colorTrack + ";");
return lines.join("\n");
function getModifiedFallbackStyle(filter2, _a2) {
var strict = _a2.strict;
var lines = [];
var isMicrosoft = location.hostname.endsWith("");
lines.push("html, body, " + (strict ? "body :not(iframe)" + (isMicrosoft ? ':not(div[style^="position:absolute;top:0;left:-"]' : "") : "body > :not(iframe)") + " {");
lines.push(" background-color: " + modifyBackgroundColor({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, filter2) + " !important;");
lines.push(" border-color: " + modifyBorderColor({ r: 64, g: 64, b: 64 }, filter2) + " !important;");
lines.push(" color: " + modifyForegroundColor({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, filter2) + " !important;");
return lines.join("\n");
var unparsableColors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
var colorParseCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function parseColorWithCache($color) {
$color = $color.trim();
if (colorParseCache.has($color)) {
return colorParseCache.get($color);
if ($color.includes("calc(")) {
$color = lowerCalcExpression($color);
var color = parse2($color);
colorParseCache.set($color, color);
return color;
function tryParseColor($color) {
try {
return parseColorWithCache($color);
} catch (err) {
return null;
function getColorModifier(prop, value) {
if (unparsableColors.has(value.toLowerCase())) {
return value;
try {
var rgb_1 = parseColorWithCache(value);
if (prop.includes("background")) {
return function(filter2) {
return modifyBackgroundColor(rgb_1, filter2);
if (prop.includes("border") || prop.includes("outline")) {
return function(filter2) {
return modifyBorderColor(rgb_1, filter2);
return function(filter2) {
return modifyForegroundColor(rgb_1, filter2);
} catch (err) {
return null;
var gradientRegex = /[\-a-z]+gradient\(([^\(\)]*(\(([^\(\)]*(\(.*?\)))*[^\(\)]*\))){0,15}[^\(\)]*\)/g;
var imageDetailsCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var awaitingForImageLoading = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function shouldIgnoreImage(selectorText, selectors) {
if (!selectorText || selectors.length === 0) {
return false;
if (selectors.some(function(s) {
return s === "*";
})) {
return true;
var ruleSelectors = selectorText.split(/,\s*/g);
var _loop_1 = function(i2) {
var ignoredSelector = selectors[i2];
if (ruleSelectors.some(function(s) {
return s === ignoredSelector;
})) {
return { value: true };
for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
var state_1 = _loop_1(i);
if (typeof state_1 === "object")
return state_1.value;
return false;
function getBgImageModifier(value, rule, ignoreImageSelectors, isCancelled) {
var _this = this;
try {
var gradients = getMatches(gradientRegex, value);
var urls = getMatches(cssURLRegex, value);
if (urls.length === 0 && gradients.length === 0) {
return value;
var getIndices = function(matches) {
var index2 = 0;
return {
var valueIndex = value.indexOf(match, index2);
index2 = valueIndex + match.length;
return { match, index: valueIndex };
var matches_1 = getIndices(urls).map(function(i) {
return __assign({ type: "url" }, i);
}).concat(getIndices(gradients).map(function(i) {
return __assign({ type: "gradient" }, i);
})).sort(function(a, b) {
return a.index - b.index;
var getGradientModifier_1 = function(gradient) {
var match = gradient.match(/^(.*-gradient)\((.*)\)$/);
var type4 = match[1];
var content = match[2];
var partsRegex = /([^\(\),]+(\([^\(\)]*(\([^\(\)]*\)*[^\(\)]*)?\))?[^\(\),]*),?/g;
var colorStopRegex = /^(from|color-stop|to)\(([^\(\)]*?,\s*)?(.*?)\)$/;
var parts = getMatches(partsRegex, content, 1).map(function(part) {
part = part.trim();
var rgb = tryParseColor(part);
if (rgb) {
return function(filter2) {
return modifyGradientColor(rgb, filter2);
var space = part.lastIndexOf(" ");
rgb = tryParseColor(part.substring(0, space));
if (rgb) {
return function(filter2) {
return modifyGradientColor(rgb, filter2) + " " + part.substring(space + 1);
var colorStopMatch = part.match(colorStopRegex);
if (colorStopMatch) {
rgb = tryParseColor(colorStopMatch[3]);
if (rgb) {
return function(filter2) {
return colorStopMatch[1] + "(" + (colorStopMatch[2] ? colorStopMatch[2] + ", " : "") + modifyGradientColor(rgb, filter2) + ")";
return function() {
return part;
return function(filter2) {
return type4 + "(" + {
return modify(filter2);
}).join(", ") + ")";
var getURLModifier_1 = function(urlValue) {
var _a2;
if (shouldIgnoreImage(rule.selectorText, ignoreImageSelectors)) {
return null;
var url2 = getCSSURLValue(urlValue);
var parentStyleSheet = rule.parentStyleSheet;
var baseURL = parentStyleSheet && parentStyleSheet.href ? getCSSBaseBath(parentStyleSheet.href) : ((_a2 = parentStyleSheet.ownerNode) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.baseURI) || location.origin;
url2 = getAbsoluteURL(baseURL, url2);
var absoluteValue = 'url("' + url2 + '")';
return function(filter2) {
return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var imageDetails, awaiters_1, err_1, bgImageValue;
return __generator(this, function(_a3) {
switch (_a3.label) {
case 0:
if (!imageDetailsCache.has(url2))
return [3, 1];
imageDetails = imageDetailsCache.get(url2);
return [3, 7];
case 1:
_a3.trys.push([1, 6, , 7]);
if (!awaitingForImageLoading.has(url2))
return [3, 3];
awaiters_1 = awaitingForImageLoading.get(url2);
return [4, new Promise(function(resolve) {
return awaiters_1.push(resolve);
case 2:
imageDetails = _a3.sent();
if (!imageDetails) {
return [2, null];
return [3, 5];
case 3:
awaitingForImageLoading.set(url2, []);
return [4, getImageDetails(url2)];
case 4:
imageDetails = _a3.sent();
imageDetailsCache.set(url2, imageDetails);
awaitingForImageLoading.get(url2).forEach(function(resolve) {
return resolve(imageDetails);
_a3.label = 5;
case 5:
if (isCancelled()) {
return [2, null];
return [3, 7];
case 6:
err_1 = _a3.sent();
if (awaitingForImageLoading.has(url2)) {
awaitingForImageLoading.get(url2).forEach(function(resolve) {
return resolve(null);
return [2, absoluteValue];
case 7:
bgImageValue = getBgImageValue_1(imageDetails, filter2) || absoluteValue;
return [2, bgImageValue];
var getBgImageValue_1 = function(imageDetails, filter2) {
var isDark = imageDetails.isDark, isLight = imageDetails.isLight, isTransparent = imageDetails.isTransparent, isLarge = imageDetails.isLarge, isTooLarge = imageDetails.isTooLarge, width = imageDetails.width;
var result;
if (isTooLarge) {
result = 'url("' + imageDetails.src + '")';
} else if (isDark && isTransparent && filter2.mode === 1 && !isLarge && width > 2) {
logInfo("Inverting dark image " + imageDetails.src);
var inverted = getFilteredImageDataURL(imageDetails, __assign(__assign({}, filter2), { sepia: clamp2(filter2.sepia + 10, 0, 100) }));
result = 'url("' + inverted + '")';
} else if (isLight && !isTransparent && filter2.mode === 1) {
if (isLarge) {
result = "none";
} else {
logInfo("Dimming light image " + imageDetails.src);
var dimmed = getFilteredImageDataURL(imageDetails, filter2);
result = 'url("' + dimmed + '")';
} else if (filter2.mode === 0 && isLight && !isLarge) {
logInfo("Applying filter to image " + imageDetails.src);
var filtered = getFilteredImageDataURL(imageDetails, __assign(__assign({}, filter2), { brightness: clamp2(filter2.brightness - 10, 5, 200), sepia: clamp2(filter2.sepia + 10, 0, 100) }));
result = 'url("' + filtered + '")';
} else {
result = null;
return result;
var modifiers_1 = [];
var index_1 = 0;
matches_1.forEach(function(_a2, i) {
var match = _a2.match, type4 = _a2.type, matchStart = _a2.index;
var prefixStart = index_1;
var matchEnd = matchStart + match.length;
index_1 = matchEnd;
modifiers_1.push(function() {
return value.substring(prefixStart, matchStart);
modifiers_1.push(type4 === "url" ? getURLModifier_1(match) : getGradientModifier_1(match));
if (i === matches_1.length - 1) {
modifiers_1.push(function() {
return value.substring(matchEnd);
return function(filter2) {
var results = modifiers_1.filter(Boolean).map(function(modify) {
return modify(filter2);
if (results.some(function(r) {
return r instanceof Promise;
})) {
return Promise.all(results).then(function(asyncResults) {
return asyncResults.join("");
return results.join("");
} catch (err) {
return null;
function getShadowModifierWithInfo(value) {
try {
var index_2 = 0;
var colorMatches_1 = getMatches(/(^|\s)(?!calc)([a-z]+\(.+?\)|#[0-9a-f]+|[a-z]+)(.*?(inset|outset)?($|,))/ig, value, 2);
var notParsed_1 = 0;
var modifiers_2 =, i) {
var prefixIndex = index_2;
var matchIndex = value.indexOf(match, index_2);
var matchEnd = matchIndex + match.length;
index_2 = matchEnd;
var rgb = tryParseColor(match);
if (!rgb) {
return function() {
return value.substring(prefixIndex, matchEnd);
return function(filter2) {
return "" + value.substring(prefixIndex, matchIndex) + modifyShadowColor(rgb, filter2) + (i === colorMatches_1.length - 1 ? value.substring(matchEnd) : "");
return function(filter2) {
var modified = {
return modify(filter2);
return {
matchesLength: colorMatches_1.length,
unparseableMatchesLength: notParsed_1,
result: modified
} catch (err) {
return null;
function getShadowModifier(value) {
var shadowModifier = getShadowModifierWithInfo(value);
if (!shadowModifier) {
return null;
return function(theme) {
return shadowModifier(theme).result;
function getVariableModifier(variablesStore2, prop, value, rule, ignoredImgSelectors, isCancelled) {
return variablesStore2.getModifierForVariable({
varName: prop,
sourceValue: value,
function getVariableDependantModifier(variablesStore2, prop, value) {
return variablesStore2.getModifierForVarDependant(prop, value);
function cleanModificationCache() {
var VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR = 1 << 0;
var VAR_TYPE_TEXTCOLOR = 1 << 1;
var VAR_TYPE_BGIMG = 1 << 3;
var VariablesStore = function() {
function VariablesStore2() {
this.varTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.rulesQueue = [];
this.definedVars = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.varRefs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.unknownColorVars = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.unknownBgVars = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.undefinedVars = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.initialVarTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.changedTypeVars = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.typeChangeSubscriptions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.unstableVarValues = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
VariablesStore2.prototype.clear = function() {
VariablesStore2.prototype.isVarType = function(varName, typeNum) {
return this.varTypes.has(varName) && (this.varTypes.get(varName) & typeNum) > 0;
VariablesStore2.prototype.addRulesForMatching = function(rules2) {
VariablesStore2.prototype.matchVariablesAndDependants = function() {
var _this = this;
this.initialVarTypes = new Map(this.varTypes);
this.varRefs.forEach(function(refs, v) {
refs.forEach(function(r) {
if (_this.varTypes.has(v)) {
_this.resolveVariableType(r, _this.varTypes.get(v));
this.unknownColorVars.forEach(function(v) {
if (_this.unknownBgVars.has(v)) {
_this.resolveVariableType(v, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR);
} else {
this.unknownBgVars.forEach(function(v) {
var hasColor = _this.findVarRef(v, function(ref2) {
return _this.unknownColorVars.has(ref2) || _this.isVarType(ref2, VAR_TYPE_TEXTCOLOR | VAR_TYPE_BORDERCOLOR);
}) != null;
if (hasColor) {
_this.itarateVarRefs(v, function(ref2) {
_this.resolveVariableType(ref2, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR);
} else if (_this.isVarType(v, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR | VAR_TYPE_BGIMG)) {
} else {
this.changedTypeVars.forEach(function(varName) {
if (_this.typeChangeSubscriptions.has(varName)) {
_this.typeChangeSubscriptions.get(varName).forEach(function(callback) {
VariablesStore2.prototype.getModifierForVariable = function(options) {
var _this = this;
return function(theme) {
var varName = options.varName, sourceValue = options.sourceValue, rule = options.rule, ignoredImgSelectors = options.ignoredImgSelectors, isCancelled = options.isCancelled;
var getDeclarations = function() {
var declarations = [];
var addModifiedValue = function(typeNum, varNameWrapper, colorModifier) {
if (!_this.isVarType(varName, typeNum)) {
var property2 = varNameWrapper(varName);
var modifiedValue2;
if (isVarDependant(sourceValue)) {
if (isConstructedColorVar(sourceValue)) {
var value = insertVarValues(sourceValue, _this.unstableVarValues);
if (!value) {
value = typeNum === VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR ? "#ffffff" : "#000000";
modifiedValue2 = colorModifier(value, theme);
} else {
modifiedValue2 = replaceCSSVariablesNames(sourceValue, function(v) {
return varNameWrapper(v);
}, function(fallback) {
return colorModifier(fallback, theme);
} else {
modifiedValue2 = colorModifier(sourceValue, theme);
property: property2,
value: modifiedValue2
addModifiedValue(VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR, wrapBgColorVariableName, tryModifyBgColor);
addModifiedValue(VAR_TYPE_TEXTCOLOR, wrapTextColorVariableName, tryModifyTextColor);
addModifiedValue(VAR_TYPE_BORDERCOLOR, wrapBorderColorVariableName, tryModifyBorderColor);
if (_this.isVarType(varName, VAR_TYPE_BGIMG)) {
var property = wrapBgImgVariableName(varName);
var modifiedValue = sourceValue;
if (isVarDependant(sourceValue)) {
modifiedValue = replaceCSSVariablesNames(sourceValue, function(v) {
return wrapBgColorVariableName(v);
}, function(fallback) {
return tryModifyBgColor(fallback, theme);
var bgModifier = getBgImageModifier(modifiedValue, rule, ignoredImgSelectors, isCancelled);
modifiedValue = typeof bgModifier === "function" ? bgModifier(theme) : bgModifier;
value: modifiedValue
return declarations;
var callbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var addListener2 = function(onTypeChange) {
var callback = function() {
var decs = getDeclarations();
_this.subscribeForVarTypeChange(varName, callback);
var removeListeners = function() {
callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
_this.unsubscribeFromVariableTypeChanges(varName, callback);
return {
declarations: getDeclarations(),
onTypeChange: { addListener: addListener2, removeListeners }
VariablesStore2.prototype.getModifierForVarDependant = function(property, sourceValue) {
var _this = this;
if (sourceValue.match(/^\s*(rgb|hsl)a?\(/)) {
var isBg_1 = property.startsWith("background");
var isText_1 = property === "color" || property === "caret-color";
return function(theme) {
var value = insertVarValues(sourceValue, _this.unstableVarValues);
if (!value) {
value = isBg_1 ? "#ffffff" : "#000000";
var modifier = isBg_1 ? tryModifyBgColor : isText_1 ? tryModifyTextColor : tryModifyBorderColor;
return modifier(value, theme);
if (property === "background-color") {
return function(theme) {
return replaceCSSVariablesNames(sourceValue, function(v) {
return wrapBgColorVariableName(v);
}, function(fallback) {
return tryModifyBgColor(fallback, theme);
if (property === "color" || property === "caret-color") {
return function(theme) {
return replaceCSSVariablesNames(sourceValue, function(v) {
return wrapTextColorVariableName(v);
}, function(fallback) {
return tryModifyTextColor(fallback, theme);
if (property === "background" || property === "background-image" || property === "box-shadow") {
return function(theme) {
var unknownVars = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var modify = function() {
var variableReplaced = replaceCSSVariablesNames(sourceValue, function(v) {
if (_this.isVarType(v, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR)) {
return wrapBgColorVariableName(v);
if (_this.isVarType(v, VAR_TYPE_BGIMG)) {
return wrapBgImgVariableName(v);
return v;
}, function(fallback) {
return tryModifyBgColor(fallback, theme);
if (property === "box-shadow") {
var shadowModifier = getShadowModifierWithInfo(variableReplaced);
var modifiedShadow = shadowModifier(theme);
if (modifiedShadow.unparseableMatchesLength !== modifiedShadow.matchesLength) {
return modifiedShadow.result;
return variableReplaced;
var modified = modify();
if (unknownVars.size > 0) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var firstUnknownVar = unknownVars.values().next().value;
var callback = function() {
_this.unsubscribeFromVariableTypeChanges(firstUnknownVar, callback);
var newValue = modify();
_this.subscribeForVarTypeChange(firstUnknownVar, callback);
return modified;
if (property.startsWith("border") || property.startsWith("outline")) {
return function(theme) {
return replaceCSSVariablesNames(sourceValue, function(v) {
return wrapBorderColorVariableName(v);
}, function(fallback) {
return tryModifyBorderColor(fallback, theme);
return null;
VariablesStore2.prototype.subscribeForVarTypeChange = function(varName, callback) {
if (!this.typeChangeSubscriptions.has(varName)) {
this.typeChangeSubscriptions.set(varName, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
var rootStore = this.typeChangeSubscriptions.get(varName);
if (!rootStore.has(callback)) {
VariablesStore2.prototype.unsubscribeFromVariableTypeChanges = function(varName, callback) {
if (this.typeChangeSubscriptions.has(varName)) {
VariablesStore2.prototype.collectVariablesAndVarDep = function(ruleList) {
var _this = this;
ruleList.forEach(function(rules2) {
iterateCSSRules(rules2, function(rule) { && iterateCSSDeclarations(, function(property, value) {
if (isVariable(property)) {
_this.inspectVariable(property, value);
if (isVarDependant(value)) {
_this.inspectVarDependant(property, value);
VariablesStore2.prototype.collectRootVariables = function() {
var _this = this;
iterateCSSDeclarations(, function(property, value) {
if (isVariable(property)) {
_this.inspectVariable(property, value);
VariablesStore2.prototype.inspectVariable = function(varName, value) {
this.unstableVarValues.set(varName, value);
if (isVarDependant(value) && isConstructedColorVar(value)) {
if (this.definedVars.has(varName)) {
var color = tryParseColor(value);
if (color) {
} else if (value.includes("url(") || value.includes("linear-gradient(") || value.includes("radial-gradient(")) {
this.resolveVariableType(varName, VAR_TYPE_BGIMG);
VariablesStore2.prototype.resolveVariableType = function(varName, typeNum) {
var initialType = this.initialVarTypes.get(varName) || 0;
var currentType = this.varTypes.get(varName) || 0;
var newType = currentType | typeNum;
this.varTypes.set(varName, newType);
if (newType !== initialType || this.undefinedVars.has(varName)) {
VariablesStore2.prototype.collectRootVarDependants = function() {
var _this = this;
iterateCSSDeclarations(, function(property, value) {
if (isVarDependant(value)) {
_this.inspectVarDependant(property, value);
VariablesStore2.prototype.inspectVarDependant = function(property, value) {
var _this = this;
if (isVariable(property)) {
this.iterateVarDeps(value, function(ref2) {
if (!_this.varRefs.has(property)) {
_this.varRefs.set(property, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
} else if (property === "background-color" || property === "box-shadow") {
this.iterateVarDeps(value, function(v) {
return _this.resolveVariableType(v, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR);
} else if (property === "color" || property === "caret-color") {
this.iterateVarDeps(value, function(v) {
return _this.resolveVariableType(v, VAR_TYPE_TEXTCOLOR);
} else if (property.startsWith("border") || property.startsWith("outline")) {
this.iterateVarDeps(value, function(v) {
return _this.resolveVariableType(v, VAR_TYPE_BORDERCOLOR);
} else if (property === "background" || property === "background-image") {
this.iterateVarDeps(value, function(v) {
if (_this.isVarType(v, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR | VAR_TYPE_BGIMG)) {
var isBgColor = _this.findVarRef(v, function(ref2) {
return _this.unknownColorVars.has(ref2) || _this.isVarType(ref2, VAR_TYPE_TEXTCOLOR | VAR_TYPE_BORDERCOLOR);
}) != null;
_this.itarateVarRefs(v, function(ref2) {
if (isBgColor) {
_this.resolveVariableType(ref2, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR);
} else {
VariablesStore2.prototype.iterateVarDeps = function(value, iterator) {
var varDeps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
iterateVarDependencies(value, function(v) {
return varDeps.add(v);
varDeps.forEach(function(v) {
return iterator(v);
VariablesStore2.prototype.findVarRef = function(varName, iterator, stack) {
var e_1, _a2;
if (stack === void 0) {
stack = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
if (stack.has(varName)) {
return null;
var result = iterator(varName);
if (result) {
return varName;
var refs = this.varRefs.get(varName);
if (!refs || refs.size === 0) {
return null;
try {
for (var refs_1 = __values(refs), refs_1_1 =; !refs_1_1.done; refs_1_1 = {
var ref2 = refs_1_1.value;
var found = this.findVarRef(ref2, iterator, stack);
if (found) {
return found;
} catch (e_1_1) {
e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
} finally {
try {
if (refs_1_1 && !refs_1_1.done && (_a2 = refs_1.return));
} finally {
if (e_1)
throw e_1.error;
return null;
VariablesStore2.prototype.itarateVarRefs = function(varName, iterator) {
this.findVarRef(varName, function(ref2) {
return false;
VariablesStore2.prototype.setOnRootVariableChange = function(callback) {
this.onRootVariableDefined = callback;
VariablesStore2.prototype.putRootVars = function(styleElement, theme) {
var e_2, _a2;
var _this = this;
var sheet = styleElement.sheet;
if (sheet.cssRules.length > 0) {
var declarations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
iterateCSSDeclarations(, function(property2, value2) {
if (isVariable(property2)) {
if (_this.isVarType(property2, VAR_TYPE_BGCOLOR)) {
declarations.set(wrapBgColorVariableName(property2), tryModifyBgColor(value2, theme));
if (_this.isVarType(property2, VAR_TYPE_TEXTCOLOR)) {
declarations.set(wrapTextColorVariableName(property2), tryModifyTextColor(value2, theme));
if (_this.isVarType(property2, VAR_TYPE_BORDERCOLOR)) {
declarations.set(wrapBorderColorVariableName(property2), tryModifyBorderColor(value2, theme));
_this.subscribeForVarTypeChange(property2, _this.onRootVariableDefined);
var cssLines = [];
cssLines.push(":root {");
try {
for (var declarations_1 = __values(declarations), declarations_1_1 =; !declarations_1_1.done; declarations_1_1 = {
var _b = __read(declarations_1_1.value, 2), property = _b[0], value = _b[1];
cssLines.push(" " + property + ": " + value + ";");
} catch (e_2_1) {
e_2 = { error: e_2_1 };
} finally {
try {
if (declarations_1_1 && !declarations_1_1.done && (_a2 = declarations_1.return));
} finally {
if (e_2)
throw e_2.error;
var cssText = cssLines.join("\n");
return VariablesStore2;
var variablesStore = new VariablesStore();
function getVariableRange(input, searchStart) {
if (searchStart === void 0) {
searchStart = 0;
var start = input.indexOf("var(", searchStart);
if (start >= 0) {
var range3 = getParenthesesRange(input, start + 3);
if (range3) {
return { start, end: range3.end };
return null;
function getVariablesMatches(input) {
var ranges = [];
var i = 0;
var range3;
while (range3 = getVariableRange(input, i)) {
var start = range3.start, end = range3.end;
ranges.push({ start, end, value: input.substring(start, end) });
i = range3.end + 1;
return ranges;
function replaceVariablesMatches(input, replacer) {
var matches = getVariablesMatches(input);
var matchesCount = matches.length;
if (matchesCount === 0) {
return input;
var inputLength = input.length;
var replacements = {
return replacer(m.value);
var parts = [];
parts.push(input.substring(0, matches[0].start));
for (var i = 0; i < matchesCount; i++) {
var start = matches[i].end;
var end = i < matchesCount - 1 ? matches[i + 1].start : inputLength;
parts.push(input.substring(start, end));
return parts.join("");
function getVariableNameAndFallback(match) {
var commaIndex = match.indexOf(",");
var name;
var fallback;
if (commaIndex >= 0) {
name = match.substring(4, commaIndex).trim();
fallback = match.substring(commaIndex + 1, match.length - 1).trim();
} else {
name = match.substring(4, match.length - 1).trim();
fallback = "";
return { name, fallback };
function replaceCSSVariablesNames(value, nameReplacer, fallbackReplacer) {
var matchReplacer = function(match) {
var _a2 = getVariableNameAndFallback(match), name =, fallback = _a2.fallback;
var newName = nameReplacer(name);
if (!fallback) {
return "var(" + newName + ")";
var newFallback;
if (isVarDependant(fallback)) {
newFallback = replaceCSSVariablesNames(fallback, nameReplacer, fallbackReplacer);
} else if (fallbackReplacer) {
newFallback = fallbackReplacer(fallback);
} else {
newFallback = fallback;
return "var(" + newName + ", " + newFallback + ")";
return replaceVariablesMatches(value, matchReplacer);
function iterateVarDependencies(value, iterator) {
replaceCSSVariablesNames(value, function(varName) {
return varName;
function wrapBgColorVariableName(name) {
return "--darkreader-bg" + name;
function wrapTextColorVariableName(name) {
return "--darkreader-text" + name;
function wrapBorderColorVariableName(name) {
return "--darkreader-border" + name;
function wrapBgImgVariableName(name) {
return "--darkreader-bgimg" + name;
function isVariable(property) {
return property.startsWith("--");
function isVarDependant(value) {
return value.includes("var(");
function isConstructedColorVar(value) {
return value.match(/^\s*(rgb|hsl)a?\(/);
var rawValueRegex = /^\d{1,3}, ?\d{1,3}, ?\d{1,3}$/;
function parseRawValue(color) {
if (rawValueRegex.test(color)) {
var splitted = color.split(",");
var resultInRGB_1 = "rgb(";
splitted.forEach(function(number4) {
resultInRGB_1 += number4.trim() + ", ";
resultInRGB_1 = resultInRGB_1.substr(0, resultInRGB_1.length - 2);
resultInRGB_1 += ")";
return { isRaw: true, color: resultInRGB_1 };
return { isRaw: false, color };
function handleRawValue(color, theme, modifyFunction) {
var _a2 = parseRawValue(color), isRaw = _a2.isRaw, newColor = _a2.color;
var rgb = tryParseColor(newColor);
if (rgb) {
var outputColor = modifyFunction(rgb, theme);
if (isRaw) {
var outputInRGB = tryParseColor(outputColor);
return outputInRGB ? outputInRGB.r + ", " + outputInRGB.g + ", " + outputInRGB.b : outputColor;
return outputColor;
return newColor;
function tryModifyBgColor(color, theme) {
return handleRawValue(color, theme, modifyBackgroundColor);
function tryModifyTextColor(color, theme) {
return handleRawValue(color, theme, modifyForegroundColor);
function tryModifyBorderColor(color, theme) {
return handleRawValue(color, theme, modifyBorderColor);
function insertVarValues(source, varValues, stack) {
if (stack === void 0) {
stack = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var containsUnresolvedVar = false;
var matchReplacer = function(match) {
var _a2 = getVariableNameAndFallback(match), name =, fallback = _a2.fallback;
if (stack.has(name)) {
containsUnresolvedVar = true;
return null;
var varValue = varValues.get(name) || fallback;
var inserted = null;
if (varValue) {
if (isVarDependant(varValue)) {
inserted = insertVarValues(varValue, varValues, stack);
} else {
inserted = varValue;
if (!inserted) {
containsUnresolvedVar = true;
return null;
return inserted;
var replaced = replaceVariablesMatches(source, matchReplacer);
if (containsUnresolvedVar) {
return null;
return replaced;
var overrides = {
"background-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-bgcolor",
cssProp: "background-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-bgcolor"
"background-image": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-bgimage",
cssProp: "background-image",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-bgimage"
"border-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-border",
cssProp: "border-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-border"
"border-bottom-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-border-bottom",
cssProp: "border-bottom-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-border-bottom"
"border-left-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-border-left",
cssProp: "border-left-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-border-left"
"border-right-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-border-right",
cssProp: "border-right-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-border-right"
"border-top-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-border-top",
cssProp: "border-top-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-border-top"
"box-shadow": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-boxshadow",
cssProp: "box-shadow",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-boxshadow"
"color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-color",
cssProp: "color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-color"
"fill": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-fill",
cssProp: "fill",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-fill"
"stroke": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-stroke",
cssProp: "stroke",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-stroke"
"outline-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-outline",
cssProp: "outline-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-outline"
"stop-color": {
customProp: "--darkreader-inline-stopcolor",
cssProp: "stop-color",
dataAttr: "data-darkreader-inline-stopcolor"
var overridesList = Object.values(overrides);
var normalizedPropList = {};
overridesList.forEach(function(_a2) {
var cssProp = _a2.cssProp, customProp = _a2.customProp;
return normalizedPropList[customProp] = cssProp;
var INLINE_STYLE_ATTRS = ["style", "fill", "stop-color", "stroke", "bgcolor", "color"];
return "[" + attr + "]";
}).join(", ");
function getInlineOverrideStyle() {
return {
var dataAttr = _a2.dataAttr, customProp = _a2.customProp, cssProp = _a2.cssProp;
return [
"[" + dataAttr + "] {",
" " + cssProp + ": var(" + customProp + ") !important;",
function getInlineStyleElements(root) {
var results = [];
if (root instanceof Element && root.matches(INLINE_STYLE_SELECTOR)) {
if (root instanceof Element || isShadowDomSupported && root instanceof ShadowRoot || root instanceof Document) {
push(results, root.querySelectorAll(INLINE_STYLE_SELECTOR));
return results;
var treeObservers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var attrObservers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function watchForInlineStyles(elementStyleDidChange, shadowRootDiscovered) {
deepWatchForInlineStyles(document, elementStyleDidChange, shadowRootDiscovered);
iterateShadowHosts(document.documentElement, function(host) {
deepWatchForInlineStyles(host.shadowRoot, elementStyleDidChange, shadowRootDiscovered);
function deepWatchForInlineStyles(root, elementStyleDidChange, shadowRootDiscovered) {
if (treeObservers.has(root)) {
var discoveredNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
function discoverNodes(node) {
getInlineStyleElements(node).forEach(function(el) {
if (discoveredNodes.has(el)) {
iterateShadowHosts(node, function(n) {
if (discoveredNodes.has(node)) {
deepWatchForInlineStyles(n.shadowRoot, elementStyleDidChange, shadowRootDiscovered);
var treeObserver = createOptimizedTreeObserver(root, {
onMinorMutations: function(_a2) {
var additions = _a2.additions;
additions.forEach(function(added) {
return discoverNodes(added);
onHugeMutations: function() {
treeObservers.set(root, treeObserver);
var attemptCount = 0;
var start = null;
var ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL = getDuration({ seconds: 10 });
var RETRY_TIMEOUT = getDuration({ seconds: 2 });
var cache2 = [];
var timeoutId = null;
var handleAttributeMutations = throttle2(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(m) {
if (INLINE_STYLE_ATTRS.includes(m.attributeName)) {
var attrObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
if (timeoutId) {
cache2.push.apply(cache2, __spreadArray([], __read(mutations), false));
var now =;
if (start == null) {
start = now;
} else if (attemptCount >= MAX_ATTEMPTS_COUNT) {
if (now - start < ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
start = null;
attemptCount = 0;
timeoutId = null;
var attributeCache = cache2;
cache2 = [];
cache2.push.apply(cache2, __spreadArray([], __read(mutations), false));
start = now;
attemptCount = 1;
attrObserver.observe(root, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: INLINE_STYLE_ATTRS.concat( {
var dataAttr = _a2.dataAttr;
return dataAttr;
subtree: true
attrObservers.set(root, attrObserver);
function stopWatchingForInlineStyles() {
treeObservers.forEach(function(o) {
return o.disconnect();
attrObservers.forEach(function(o) {
return o.disconnect();
var inlineStyleCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var filterProps = ["brightness", "contrast", "grayscale", "sepia", "mode"];
function getInlineStyleCacheKey(el, theme) {
return {
return attr + '="' + el.getAttribute(attr) + '"';
}).concat( {
return prop + '="' + theme[prop] + '"';
})).join(" ");
function shouldIgnoreInlineStyle(element, selectors) {
for (var i = 0, len = selectors.length; i < len; i++) {
var ingnoredSelector = selectors[i];
if (element.matches(ingnoredSelector)) {
return true;
return false;
function overrideInlineStyle(element, theme, ignoreInlineSelectors, ignoreImageSelectors) {
var cacheKey = getInlineStyleCacheKey(element, theme);
if (cacheKey === inlineStyleCache.get(element)) {
var unsetProps = new Set(Object.keys(overrides));
function setCustomProp(targetCSSProp, modifierCSSProp, cssVal) {
var _a2 = overrides[targetCSSProp], customProp = _a2.customProp, dataAttr = _a2.dataAttr;
var mod = getModifiableCSSDeclaration(modifierCSSProp, cssVal, {}, variablesStore, ignoreImageSelectors, null);
if (!mod) {
var value2 = mod.value;
if (typeof value2 === "function") {
value2 = value2(theme);
}, value2);
if (!element.hasAttribute(dataAttr)) {
element.setAttribute(dataAttr, "");
if (ignoreInlineSelectors.length > 0) {
if (shouldIgnoreInlineStyle(element, ignoreInlineSelectors)) {
unsetProps.forEach(function(cssProp) {
if (element.hasAttribute("bgcolor")) {
var value = element.getAttribute("bgcolor");
if (value.match(/^[0-9a-f]{3}$/i) || value.match(/^[0-9a-f]{6}$/i)) {
value = "#" + value;
setCustomProp("background-color", "background-color", value);
if (element.hasAttribute("color") && element.rel !== "mask-icon") {
var value = element.getAttribute("color");
if (value.match(/^[0-9a-f]{3}$/i) || value.match(/^[0-9a-f]{6}$/i)) {
value = "#" + value;
setCustomProp("color", "color", value);
if (element instanceof SVGElement) {
if (element.hasAttribute("fill")) {
var SMALL_SVG_LIMIT_1 = 32;
var value_1 = element.getAttribute("fill");
if (value_1 !== "none") {
if (!(element instanceof SVGTextElement)) {
var handleSVGElement = function() {
var _a2 = element.getBoundingClientRect(), width = _a2.width, height = _a2.height;
var isBg = width > SMALL_SVG_LIMIT_1 || height > SMALL_SVG_LIMIT_1;
setCustomProp("fill", isBg ? "background-color" : "color", value_1);
if (isReadyStateComplete()) {
} else {
} else {
setCustomProp("fill", "color", value_1);
if (element.hasAttribute("stop-color")) {
setCustomProp("stop-color", "background-color", element.getAttribute("stop-color"));
if (element.hasAttribute("stroke")) {
var value = element.getAttribute("stroke");
setCustomProp("stroke", element instanceof SVGLineElement || element instanceof SVGTextElement ? "border-color" : "color", value);
} && iterateCSSDeclarations(, function(property, value2) {
if (property === "background-image" && value2.includes("url")) {
if (overrides.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
setCustomProp(property, property, value2);
} else {
var overridenProp = normalizedPropList[property];
if (overridenProp && (! && !element.hasAttribute(overridenProp))) {
if (overridenProp === "background-color" && element.hasAttribute("bgcolor")) {
}, "");
if ( && element instanceof SVGTextElement && {
setCustomProp("fill", "color","fill"));
forEach2(unsetProps, function(cssProp) {
inlineStyleCache.set(element, getInlineStyleCacheKey(element, theme));
var metaThemeColorName = "theme-color";
var metaThemeColorSelector = 'meta[name="' + metaThemeColorName + '"]';
var srcMetaThemeColor = null;
var observer = null;
function changeMetaThemeColor(meta, theme) {
srcMetaThemeColor = srcMetaThemeColor || meta.content;
try {
var color = parse2(srcMetaThemeColor);
meta.content = modifyBackgroundColor(color, theme);
} catch (err) {
function changeMetaThemeColorWhenAvailable(theme) {
var meta = document.querySelector(metaThemeColorSelector);
if (meta) {
changeMetaThemeColor(meta, theme);
} else {
if (observer) {
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
var addedNodes = mutations[i].addedNodes;
for (var j = 0; j < addedNodes.length; j++) {
var node = addedNodes[j];
if (node instanceof HTMLMetaElement && === metaThemeColorName) {
observer = null;
changeMetaThemeColor(node, theme);
break loop;
observer.observe(document.head, { childList: true });
function restoreMetaThemeColor() {
if (observer) {
observer = null;
var meta = document.querySelector(metaThemeColorSelector);
if (meta && srcMetaThemeColor) {
meta.content = srcMetaThemeColor;
var themeCacheKeys = [
function getThemeKey(theme) {
return {
return p + ":" + theme[p];
var asyncQueue = createAsyncTasksQueue();
function createStyleSheetModifier() {
var renderId = 0;
var rulesTextCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var rulesModCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var varTypeChangeCleaners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var prevFilterKey = null;
var hasNonLoadedLink = false;
var wasRebuilt = false;
function shouldRebuildStyle() {
return hasNonLoadedLink && !wasRebuilt;
function modifySheet(options) {
var rules2 = options.sourceCSSRules;
var theme = options.theme, ignoreImageAnalysis = options.ignoreImageAnalysis, force = options.force, prepareSheet = options.prepareSheet, isAsyncCancelled = options.isAsyncCancelled;
var rulesChanged = rulesModCache.size === 0;
var notFoundCacheKeys = new Set(rulesModCache.keys());
var themeKey = getThemeKey(theme);
var themeChanged = themeKey !== prevFilterKey;
if (hasNonLoadedLink) {
wasRebuilt = true;
var modRules = [];
iterateCSSRules(rules2, function(rule) {
var cssText = rule.cssText;
var textDiffersFromPrev = false;
if (rule.parentRule instanceof CSSMediaRule) {
cssText += ";" +;
if (!rulesTextCache.has(cssText)) {
textDiffersFromPrev = true;
if (textDiffersFromPrev) {
rulesChanged = true;
} else {
var modDecs = []; && iterateCSSDeclarations(, function(property, value) {
var mod = getModifiableCSSDeclaration(property, value, rule, variablesStore, ignoreImageAnalysis, isAsyncCancelled);
if (mod) {
var modRule = null;
if (modDecs.length > 0) {
var parentRule = rule.parentRule;
modRule = { selector: rule.selectorText, declarations: modDecs, parentRule };
rulesModCache.set(cssText, modRule);
}, function() {
hasNonLoadedLink = true;
notFoundCacheKeys.forEach(function(key) {
prevFilterKey = themeKey;
if (!force && !rulesChanged && !themeChanged) {
function setRule(target, index2, rule) {
var selector = rule.selector, declarations = rule.declarations;
var getDeclarationText = function(dec) {
var property =, value = dec.value, important = dec.important, sourceValue = dec.sourceValue;
return property + ": " + (value == null ? sourceValue : value) + (important ? " !important" : "") + ";";
var cssRulesText = "";
declarations.forEach(function(declarations2) {
cssRulesText += getDeclarationText(declarations2) + " ";
var ruleText = selector + " { " + cssRulesText + " }";
target.insertRule(ruleText, index2);
var asyncDeclarations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var varDeclarations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var asyncDeclarationCounter = 0;
var varDeclarationCounter = 0;
var rootReadyGroup = { rule: null, rules: [], isGroup: true };
var groupRefs = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function getGroup(rule) {
if (rule == null) {
return rootReadyGroup;
if (groupRefs.has(rule)) {
return groupRefs.get(rule);
var group = { rule, rules: [], isGroup: true };
groupRefs.set(rule, group);
var parentGroup = getGroup(rule.parentRule);
return group;
varTypeChangeCleaners.forEach(function(clear2) {
return clear2();
modRules.filter(function(r) {
return r;
}).forEach(function(_a2) {
var selector = _a2.selector, declarations = _a2.declarations, parentRule = _a2.parentRule;
var group = getGroup(parentRule);
var readyStyleRule = { selector, declarations: [], isGroup: false };
var readyDeclarations = readyStyleRule.declarations;
function handleAsyncDeclaration(property, modified, important, sourceValue) {
var asyncKey = ++asyncDeclarationCounter;
var asyncDeclaration = { property, value: null, important, asyncKey, sourceValue };
var currentRenderId = renderId;
modified.then(function(asyncValue) {
if (!asyncValue || isAsyncCancelled() || currentRenderId !== renderId) {
asyncDeclaration.value = asyncValue;
asyncQueue.add(function() {
if (isAsyncCancelled() || currentRenderId !== renderId) {
function handleVarDeclarations(property, modified, important, sourceValue) {
var _a3 = modified, varDecs = _a3.declarations, onTypeChange = _a3.onTypeChange;
var varKey = ++varDeclarationCounter;
var currentRenderId = renderId;
var initialIndex = readyDeclarations.length;
var oldDecs = [];
if (varDecs.length === 0) {
var tempDec = { property, value: sourceValue, important, sourceValue, varKey };
oldDecs = [tempDec];
varDecs.forEach(function(mod) {
if (mod.value instanceof Promise) {
handleAsyncDeclaration(, mod.value, important, sourceValue);
} else {
var readyDec = { property:, value: mod.value, important, sourceValue, varKey };
onTypeChange.addListener(function(newDecs) {
if (isAsyncCancelled() || currentRenderId !== renderId) {
var readyVarDecs = {
return { property:, value: mod.value, important, sourceValue, varKey };
var index2 = readyDeclarations.indexOf(oldDecs[0], initialIndex);
readyDeclarations.splice.apply(readyDeclarations, __spreadArray([index2, oldDecs.length], __read(readyVarDecs), false));
oldDecs = readyVarDecs;
varTypeChangeCleaners.add(function() {
return onTypeChange.removeListeners();
declarations.forEach(function(_a3) {
var property =, value = _a3.value, important = _a3.important, sourceValue = _a3.sourceValue;
if (typeof value === "function") {
var modified = value(theme);
if (modified instanceof Promise) {
handleAsyncDeclaration(property, modified, important, sourceValue);
} else if (property.startsWith("--")) {
handleVarDeclarations(property, modified, important, sourceValue);
} else {
readyDeclarations.push({ property, value: modified, important, sourceValue });
} else {
readyDeclarations.push({ property, value, important, sourceValue });
var sheet = prepareSheet();
function buildStyleSheet() {
function createTarget(group, parent) {
var rule = group.rule;
if (rule instanceof CSSMediaRule) {
var media =;
var index2 = parent.cssRules.length;
parent.insertRule("@media " + media.mediaText + " {}", index2);
return parent.cssRules[index2];
return parent;
function iterateReadyRules(group, target, styleIterator) {
group.rules.forEach(function(r) {
if (r.isGroup) {
var t = createTarget(r, target);
iterateReadyRules(r, t, styleIterator);
} else {
styleIterator(r, target);
iterateReadyRules(rootReadyGroup, sheet, function(rule, target) {
var index2 = target.cssRules.length;
rule.declarations.forEach(function(_a2) {
var asyncKey = _a2.asyncKey, varKey = _a2.varKey;
if (asyncKey != null) {
asyncDeclarations.set(asyncKey, { rule, target, index: index2 });
if (varKey != null) {
varDeclarations.set(varKey, { rule, target, index: index2 });
setRule(target, index2, rule);
function rebuildAsyncRule(key) {
var _a2 = asyncDeclarations.get(key), rule = _a2.rule, target =, index2 = _a2.index;
setRule(target, index2, rule);
function rebuildVarRule(key) {
var _a2 = varDeclarations.get(key), rule = _a2.rule, target =, index2 = _a2.index;
setRule(target, index2, rule);
return { modifySheet, shouldRebuildStyle };
var STYLE_SELECTOR = 'style, link[rel*="stylesheet" i]:not([disabled])';
function shouldManageStyle(element) {
return (element instanceof HTMLStyleElement || element instanceof SVGStyleElement || element instanceof HTMLLinkElement && element.rel && element.rel.toLowerCase().includes("stylesheet") && !element.disabled && (isFirefox ? !element.href.startsWith("moz-extension://") : true)) && !element.classList.contains("darkreader") && !== "print" && !element.classList.contains("stylus");
function getManageableStyles(node, results, deep) {
if (results === void 0) {
results = [];
if (deep === void 0) {
deep = true;
if (shouldManageStyle(node)) {
} else if (node instanceof Element || isShadowDomSupported && node instanceof ShadowRoot || node === document) {
forEach2(node.querySelectorAll(STYLE_SELECTOR), function(style) {
return getManageableStyles(style, results, false);
if (deep) {
iterateShadowHosts(node, function(host) {
return getManageableStyles(host.shadowRoot, results, false);
return results;
var syncStyleSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
var corsStyleSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
var canOptimizeUsingProxy$1 = false;
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
document.addEventListener("__darkreader__inlineScriptsAllowed", function() {
canOptimizeUsingProxy$1 = true;
var loadingLinkCounter = 0;
var rejectorsForLoadingLinks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function cleanLoadingLinks() {
function manageStyle(element, _a2) {
var update = _a2.update, loadingStart = _a2.loadingStart, loadingEnd = _a2.loadingEnd;
var prevStyles = [];
var next = element;
while ((next = next.nextElementSibling) && next.matches(".darkreader")) {
var corsCopy = prevStyles.find(function(el) {
return el.matches(".darkreader--cors") && !corsStyleSet.has(el);
}) || null;
var syncStyle = prevStyles.find(function(el) {
return el.matches(".darkreader--sync") && !syncStyleSet.has(el);
}) || null;
var corsCopyPositionWatcher = null;
var syncStylePositionWatcher = null;
var cancelAsyncOperations = false;
var isOverrideEmpty = true;
var sheetModifier = createStyleSheetModifier();
var observer2 = new MutationObserver(function() {
var observerOptions = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true };
function containsCSSImport() {
return element instanceof HTMLStyleElement && element.textContent.trim().match(cssImportRegex);
function hasImports(cssRules, checkCrossOrigin) {
var result = false;
if (cssRules) {
var rule = void 0;
for (var i = 0, len = cssRules.length; i < len; i++) {
rule = cssRules[i];
if (rule.href) {
if (checkCrossOrigin) {
if (rule.href.startsWith("http") && !rule.href.startsWith(location.origin)) {
result = true;
break cssRulesLoop;
} else {
result = true;
break cssRulesLoop;
return result;
function getRulesSync() {
if (corsCopy) {
return corsCopy.sheet.cssRules;
if (containsCSSImport()) {
return null;
var cssRules = safeGetSheetRules();
if (element instanceof HTMLLinkElement && !isRelativeHrefOnAbsolutePath(element.href) && hasImports(cssRules, false)) {
return null;
if (hasImports(cssRules, true)) {
return null;
return cssRules;
function insertStyle() {
if (corsCopy) {
if (element.nextSibling !== corsCopy) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(corsCopy, element.nextSibling);
if (corsCopy.nextSibling !== syncStyle) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(syncStyle, corsCopy.nextSibling);
} else if (element.nextSibling !== syncStyle) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(syncStyle, element.nextSibling);
function createSyncStyle() {
syncStyle = element instanceof SVGStyleElement ? document.createElementNS("", "style") : document.createElement("style");
syncStyle.classList.add("darkreader--sync"); = "screen";
if (!isChromium && element.title) {
syncStyle.title = element.title;
var isLoadingRules = false;
var wasLoadingError = false;
var loadingLinkId = ++loadingLinkCounter;
function getRulesAsync() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var cssText, cssBasePath, _a3, cssRules, accessError, fullCSSText;
var _b;
return __generator(this, function(_c) {
switch (_c.label) {
case 0:
if (!(element instanceof HTMLLinkElement))
return [3, 7];
_a3 = __read(getRulesOrError(), 2), cssRules = _a3[0], accessError = _a3[1];
if (!(!cssRules && !accessError && !isSafari || isSafari && !element.sheet || isStillLoadingError(accessError)))
return [3, 5];
_c.label = 1;
case 1:
_c.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
return [4, linkLoading(element, loadingLinkId)];
case 2:
return [3, 4];
case 3:
wasLoadingError = true;
return [3, 4];
case 4:
if (cancelAsyncOperations) {
return [2, null];
_b = __read(getRulesOrError(), 2), cssRules = _b[0], accessError = _b[1];
_c.label = 5;
case 5:
if (cssRules) {
if (!hasImports(cssRules, false)) {
return [2, cssRules];
return [4, loadText(element.href)];
case 6:
cssText = _c.sent();
cssBasePath = getCSSBaseBath(element.href);
if (cancelAsyncOperations) {
return [2, null];
return [3, 8];
case 7:
if (containsCSSImport()) {
cssText = element.textContent.trim();
cssBasePath = getCSSBaseBath(location.href);
} else {
return [2, null];
_c.label = 8;
case 8:
if (!cssText)
return [3, 13];
_c.label = 9;
case 9:
_c.trys.push([9, 11, , 12]);
return [4, replaceCSSImports(cssText, cssBasePath)];
case 10:
fullCSSText = _c.sent();
corsCopy = createCORSCopy(element, fullCSSText);
return [3, 12];
case 11:
return [3, 12];
case 12:
if (corsCopy) {
corsCopyPositionWatcher = watchForNodePosition(corsCopy, "prev-sibling");
return [2, corsCopy.sheet.cssRules];
_c.label = 13;
case 13:
return [2, null];
function details(options) {
var rules2 = getRulesSync();
if (!rules2) {
if (options.secondRound) {
return null;
if (isLoadingRules || wasLoadingError) {
return null;
isLoadingRules = true;
getRulesAsync().then(function(results) {
isLoadingRules = false;
if (results) {
}).catch(function(err) {
isLoadingRules = false;
return null;
return { rules: rules2 };
var forceRenderStyle = false;
function render3(theme, ignoreImageAnalysis) {
var rules2 = getRulesSync();
if (!rules2) {
cancelAsyncOperations = false;
function removeCSSRulesFromSheet(sheet) {
try {
if (sheet.replaceSync) {
} catch (err) {
for (var i = sheet.cssRules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
function prepareOverridesSheet() {
if (!syncStyle) {
syncStylePositionWatcher && syncStylePositionWatcher.stop();
if (syncStyle.sheet == null) {
syncStyle.textContent = "";
var sheet = syncStyle.sheet;
if (syncStylePositionWatcher) {;
} else {
syncStylePositionWatcher = watchForNodePosition(syncStyle, "prev-sibling", function() {
forceRenderStyle = true;
return syncStyle.sheet;
function buildOverrides() {
var force = forceRenderStyle;
forceRenderStyle = false;
prepareSheet: prepareOverridesSheet,
sourceCSSRules: rules2,
isAsyncCancelled: function() {
return cancelAsyncOperations;
isOverrideEmpty = syncStyle.sheet.cssRules.length === 0;
if (sheetModifier.shouldRebuildStyle()) {
addReadyStateCompleteListener(function() {
return update();
function getRulesOrError() {
try {
if (element.sheet == null) {
return [null, null];
return [element.sheet.cssRules, null];
} catch (err) {
return [null, err];
function isStillLoadingError(error) {
return error && error.message && error.message.includes("loading");
function safeGetSheetRules() {
var _a3 = __read(getRulesOrError(), 2), cssRules = _a3[0], err = _a3[1];
if (err) {
return null;
return cssRules;
function watchForSheetChanges() {
if (!isThunderbird && !(canOptimizeUsingProxy$1 && element.sheet)) {
var rulesChangeKey = null;
var rulesCheckFrameId = null;
function getRulesChangeKey() {
var rules2 = safeGetSheetRules();
return rules2 ? rules2.length : null;
function didRulesKeyChange() {
return getRulesChangeKey() !== rulesChangeKey;
function watchForSheetChangesUsingRAF() {
rulesChangeKey = getRulesChangeKey();
var checkForUpdate = function() {
if (didRulesKeyChange()) {
rulesChangeKey = getRulesChangeKey();
if (canOptimizeUsingProxy$1 && element.sheet) {
rulesCheckFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(checkForUpdate);
function stopWatchingForSheetChangesUsingRAF() {
var areSheetChangesPending = false;
function onSheetChange() {
canOptimizeUsingProxy$1 = true;
if (areSheetChangesPending) {
function handleSheetChanges() {
areSheetChangesPending = false;
if (cancelAsyncOperations) {
areSheetChangesPending = true;
if (typeof queueMicrotask === "function") {
} else {
function watchForSheetChangesUsingProxy() {
element.addEventListener("__darkreader__updateSheet", onSheetChange);
function stopWatchingForSheetChangesUsingProxy() {
element.removeEventListener("__darkreader__updateSheet", onSheetChange);
function stopWatchingForSheetChanges() {
function pause() {
cancelAsyncOperations = true;
corsCopyPositionWatcher && corsCopyPositionWatcher.stop();
syncStylePositionWatcher && syncStylePositionWatcher.stop();
function destroy2() {
if (rejectorsForLoadingLinks.has(loadingLinkId)) {
var reject = rejectorsForLoadingLinks.get(loadingLinkId);
reject && reject();
function watch2() {
observer2.observe(element, observerOptions);
if (element instanceof HTMLStyleElement) {
var maxMoveCount = 10;
var moveCount = 0;
function restore() {
if (!syncStyle) {
if (moveCount > maxMoveCount) {
corsCopyPositionWatcher && corsCopyPositionWatcher.skip();
syncStylePositionWatcher && syncStylePositionWatcher.skip();
if (!isOverrideEmpty) {
forceRenderStyle = true;
return {
render: render3,
destroy: destroy2,
watch: watch2,
function linkLoading(link, loadingId) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
return [2, new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var cleanUp = function() {
link.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
link.removeEventListener("error", onError);
var onLoad = function() {
var onError = function() {
reject("Linkelement " + loadingId + " couldn't be loaded. " + link.href);
rejectorsForLoadingLinks.set(loadingId, function() {
link.addEventListener("load", onLoad);
link.addEventListener("error", onError);
if (!link.href) {
function getCSSImportURL(importDeclaration) {
return getCSSURLValue(importDeclaration.substring(7).trim().replace(/;$/, "").replace(/screen$/, ""));
function loadText(url2) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
if (!url2.startsWith("data:"))
return [3, 3];
return [4, fetch(url2)];
case 1:
return [4, _a2.sent().text()];
case 2:
return [2, _a2.sent()];
case 3:
return [4, bgFetch({ url: url2, responseType: "text", mimeType: "text/css", origin: window.location.origin })];
case 4:
return [2, _a2.sent()];
function replaceCSSImports(cssText, basePath, cache2) {
if (cache2 === void 0) {
cache2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var importMatches, importMatches_1, importMatches_1_1, match, importURL, absoluteURL, importedCSS, e_1_1;
var e_1, _a2;
return __generator(this, function(_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
cssText = removeCSSComments(cssText);
cssText = replaceCSSFontFace(cssText);
cssText = replaceCSSRelativeURLsWithAbsolute(cssText, basePath);
importMatches = getMatches(cssImportRegex, cssText);
_b.label = 1;
case 1:
_b.trys.push([1, 10, 11, 12]);
importMatches_1 = __values(importMatches), importMatches_1_1 =;
_b.label = 2;
case 2:
if (!!importMatches_1_1.done)
return [3, 9];
match = importMatches_1_1.value;
importURL = getCSSImportURL(match);
absoluteURL = getAbsoluteURL(basePath, importURL);
importedCSS = void 0;
if (!cache2.has(absoluteURL))
return [3, 3];
importedCSS = cache2.get(absoluteURL);
return [3, 7];
case 3:
_b.trys.push([3, 6, , 7]);
return [4, loadText(absoluteURL)];
case 4:
importedCSS = _b.sent();
cache2.set(absoluteURL, importedCSS);
return [4, replaceCSSImports(importedCSS, getCSSBaseBath(absoluteURL), cache2)];
case 5:
importedCSS = _b.sent();
return [3, 7];
case 6:
importedCSS = "";
return [3, 7];
case 7:
cssText = cssText.split(match).join(importedCSS);
_b.label = 8;
case 8:
importMatches_1_1 =;
return [3, 2];
case 9:
return [3, 12];
case 10:
e_1_1 = _b.sent();
e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
return [3, 12];
case 11:
try {
if (importMatches_1_1 && !importMatches_1_1.done && (_a2 = importMatches_1.return));
} finally {
if (e_1)
throw e_1.error;
return [7];
case 12:
cssText = cssText.trim();
return [2, cssText];
function createCORSCopy(srcElement, cssText) {
if (!cssText) {
return null;
var cors = document.createElement("style");
cors.classList.add("darkreader--cors"); = "screen";
cors.textContent = cssText;
srcElement.parentNode.insertBefore(cors, srcElement.nextSibling);
cors.sheet.disabled = true;
return cors;
var observers = [];
var observedRoots;
var undefinedGroups = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var elementsDefinitionCallback;
function collectUndefinedElements(root) {
if (!isDefinedSelectorSupported) {
forEach2(root.querySelectorAll(":not(:defined)"), function(el) {
var tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (!tag.includes("-")) {
var extendedTag = el.getAttribute("is");
if (extendedTag) {
tag = extendedTag;
} else {
if (!undefinedGroups.has(tag)) {
undefinedGroups.set(tag, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
customElementsWhenDefined(tag).then(function() {
if (elementsDefinitionCallback) {
var elements = undefinedGroups.get(tag);
var canOptimizeUsingProxy = false;
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
document.addEventListener("__darkreader__inlineScriptsAllowed", function() {
canOptimizeUsingProxy = true;
var resolvers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function handleIsDefined(e) {
canOptimizeUsingProxy = true;
if (resolvers.has(e.detail.tag)) {
var resolve = resolvers.get(e.detail.tag);
function customElementsWhenDefined(tag) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
return [2, new Promise(function(resolve) {
if (window.customElements && typeof customElements.whenDefined === "function") {
customElements.whenDefined(tag).then(function() {
return resolve();
} else if (canOptimizeUsingProxy) {
resolvers.set(tag, resolve);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("__darkreader__addUndefinedResolver", { detail: { tag } }));
} else {
var checkIfDefined_1 = function() {
var elements = undefinedGroups.get(tag);
if (elements && elements.size > 0) {
if (elements.values().next().value.matches(":defined")) {
} else {
function watchWhenCustomElementsDefined(callback) {
elementsDefinitionCallback = callback;
function unsubscribeFromDefineCustomElements() {
elementsDefinitionCallback = null;
document.removeEventListener("__darkreader__isDefined", handleIsDefined);
function watchForStyleChanges(currentStyles, update, shadowRootDiscovered) {
var prevStyles = new Set(currentStyles);
var prevStyleSiblings = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var nextStyleSiblings = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function saveStylePosition(style) {
prevStyleSiblings.set(style, style.previousElementSibling);
nextStyleSiblings.set(style, style.nextElementSibling);
function forgetStylePosition(style) {
function didStylePositionChange(style) {
return style.previousElementSibling !== prevStyleSiblings.get(style) || style.nextElementSibling !== nextStyleSiblings.get(style);
function handleStyleOperations(operations) {
var createdStyles = operations.createdStyles, removedStyles = operations.removedStyles, movedStyles = operations.movedStyles;
createdStyles.forEach(function(s) {
return saveStylePosition(s);
movedStyles.forEach(function(s) {
return saveStylePosition(s);
removedStyles.forEach(function(s) {
return forgetStylePosition(s);
createdStyles.forEach(function(s) {
return prevStyles.add(s);
removedStyles.forEach(function(s) {
return prevStyles.delete(s);
if (createdStyles.size + removedStyles.size + movedStyles.size > 0) {
created: Array.from(createdStyles),
removed: Array.from(removedStyles),
moved: Array.from(movedStyles),
updated: []
function handleMinorTreeMutations(_a2) {
var additions = _a2.additions, moves = _a2.moves, deletions = _a2.deletions;
var createdStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var removedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var movedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
additions.forEach(function(node) {
return getManageableStyles(node).forEach(function(style) {
return createdStyles.add(style);
deletions.forEach(function(node) {
return getManageableStyles(node).forEach(function(style) {
return removedStyles.add(style);
moves.forEach(function(node) {
return getManageableStyles(node).forEach(function(style) {
return movedStyles.add(style);
handleStyleOperations({ createdStyles, removedStyles, movedStyles });
additions.forEach(function(n) {
iterateShadowHosts(n, subscribeForShadowRootChanges);
function handleHugeTreeMutations(root) {
var styles = new Set(getManageableStyles(root));
var createdStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var removedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var movedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
styles.forEach(function(s) {
if (!prevStyles.has(s)) {
prevStyles.forEach(function(s) {
if (!styles.has(s)) {
styles.forEach(function(s) {
if (!createdStyles.has(s) && !removedStyles.has(s) && didStylePositionChange(s)) {
handleStyleOperations({ createdStyles, removedStyles, movedStyles });
iterateShadowHosts(root, subscribeForShadowRootChanges);
function handleAttributeMutations(mutations) {
var updatedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
var removedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
mutations.forEach(function(m) {
var target =;
if (target.isConnected) {
if (shouldManageStyle(target)) {
} else if (target instanceof HTMLLinkElement && target.disabled) {
if (updatedStyles.size + removedStyles.size > 0) {
updated: Array.from(updatedStyles),
created: [],
removed: Array.from(removedStyles),
moved: []
function observe(root) {
var treeObserver = createOptimizedTreeObserver(root, {
onMinorMutations: handleMinorTreeMutations,
onHugeMutations: handleHugeTreeMutations
var attrObserver = new MutationObserver(handleAttributeMutations);
attrObserver.observe(root, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["rel", "disabled", "media"], subtree: true });
observers.push(treeObserver, attrObserver);
function subscribeForShadowRootChanges(node) {
var shadowRoot = node.shadowRoot;
if (shadowRoot == null || observedRoots.has(shadowRoot)) {
iterateShadowHosts(document.documentElement, subscribeForShadowRootChanges);
watchWhenCustomElementsDefined(function(hosts) {
var newStyles = [];
hosts.forEach(function(host) {
return push(newStyles, getManageableStyles(host.shadowRoot));
update({ created: newStyles, updated: [], removed: [], moved: [] });
hosts.forEach(function(host) {
var shadowRoot = host.shadowRoot;
if (shadowRoot == null) {
iterateShadowHosts(shadowRoot, subscribeForShadowRootChanges);
document.addEventListener("__darkreader__isDefined", handleIsDefined);
function resetObservers() {
observers.forEach(function(o) {
return o.disconnect();
observers.splice(0, observers.length);
observedRoots = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
function stopWatchingForStyleChanges() {
function hexify(number4) {
return (number4 < 16 ? "0" : "") + number4.toString(16);
function generateUID() {
if (typeof crypto === "undefined")
return "xxx-xxxx";
if ("randomUUID" in crypto) {
var uuid = crypto.randomUUID();
return uuid.substring(0, 8) + uuid.substring(9, 13) + uuid.substring(14, 18) + uuid.substring(19, 23) + uuid.substring(24);
return Array.from(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16))).map(function(x) {
return hexify(x);
var adoptedStyleOverrides = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var overrideList = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
function createAdoptedStyleSheetOverride(node) {
var cancelAsyncOperations = false;
function injectSheet(sheet, override) {
var newSheets = __spreadArray([], __read(node.adoptedStyleSheets), false);
var sheetIndex = newSheets.indexOf(sheet);
var existingIndex = newSheets.indexOf(override);
if (sheetIndex === existingIndex - 1) {
if (existingIndex >= 0) {
newSheets.splice(existingIndex, 1);
newSheets.splice(sheetIndex + 1, 0, override);
node.adoptedStyleSheets = newSheets;
function destroy2() {
cancelAsyncOperations = true;
var newSheets = __spreadArray([], __read(node.adoptedStyleSheets), false);
node.adoptedStyleSheets.forEach(function(adoptedStyleSheet) {
if (overrideList.has(adoptedStyleSheet)) {
var existingIndex = newSheets.indexOf(adoptedStyleSheet);
if (existingIndex >= 0) {
newSheets.splice(existingIndex, 1);
node.adoptedStyleSheets = newSheets;
function render3(theme, ignoreImageAnalysis) {
node.adoptedStyleSheets.forEach(function(sheet) {
if (overrideList.has(sheet)) {
var rules2 = sheet.rules;
var override = new CSSStyleSheet();
function prepareOverridesSheet() {
for (var i = override.cssRules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
injectSheet(sheet, override);
adoptedStyleOverrides.set(sheet, override);
return override;
var sheetModifier = createStyleSheetModifier();
prepareSheet: prepareOverridesSheet,
sourceCSSRules: rules2,
force: false,
isAsyncCancelled: function() {
return cancelAsyncOperations;
return {
render: render3,
destroy: destroy2
function injectProxy(enableStyleSheetsProxy) {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("__darkreader__inlineScriptsAllowed"));
var addRuleDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "addRule");
var insertRuleDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "insertRule");
var deleteRuleDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "deleteRule");
var removeRuleDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "removeRule");
var documentStyleSheetsDescriptor = enableStyleSheetsProxy ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, "styleSheets") : null;
var shouldWrapHTMLElement = location.hostname.endsWith("");
var getElementsByTagNameDescriptor = shouldWrapHTMLElement ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "getElementsByTagName") : null;
var cleanUp = function() {
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "addRule", addRuleDescriptor);
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "insertRule", insertRuleDescriptor);
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "deleteRule", deleteRuleDescriptor);
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "removeRule", removeRuleDescriptor);
document.removeEventListener("__darkreader__cleanUp", cleanUp);
document.removeEventListener("__darkreader__addUndefinedResolver", addUndefinedResolver);
if (enableStyleSheetsProxy) {
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "styleSheets", documentStyleSheetsDescriptor);
if (shouldWrapHTMLElement) {
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "getElementsByTagName", getElementsByTagNameDescriptor);
var addUndefinedResolver = function(e) {
customElements.whenDefined(e.detail.tag).then(function() {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("__darkreader__isDefined", { detail: { tag: e.detail.tag } }));
document.addEventListener("__darkreader__cleanUp", cleanUp);
document.addEventListener("__darkreader__addUndefinedResolver", addUndefinedResolver);
var updateSheetEvent = new Event("__darkreader__updateSheet");
function proxyAddRule(selector, style, index2) {, selector, style, index2);
if (this.ownerNode && !this.ownerNode.classList.contains("darkreader")) {
return -1;
function proxyInsertRule(rule, index2) {
var returnValue =, rule, index2);
if (this.ownerNode && !this.ownerNode.classList.contains("darkreader")) {
return returnValue;
function proxyDeleteRule(index2) {, index2);
if (this.ownerNode && !this.ownerNode.classList.contains("darkreader")) {
function proxyRemoveRule(index2) {, index2);
if (this.ownerNode && !this.ownerNode.classList.contains("darkreader")) {
function proxyDocumentStyleSheets() {
var docSheets =;
var filtered = __spreadArray([], __read(docSheets), false).filter(function(styleSheet) {
return !styleSheet.ownerNode.classList.contains("darkreader");
return Object.setPrototypeOf(filtered, StyleSheetList.prototype);
function proxyGetElementsByTagName(tagName) {
var _this = this;
if (tagName !== "style") {
return, tagName);
var getCurrentElementValue = function() {
var elements2 =, tagName);
return Object.setPrototypeOf(__spreadArray([], __read(elements2), false).filter(function(element) {
return !element.classList.contains("darkreader");
}), NodeList.prototype);
var elements = getCurrentElementValue();
var NodeListBehavior = {
get: function(_, property) {
return getCurrentElementValue()[Number(property)];
elements = new Proxy(elements, NodeListBehavior);
return elements;
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "addRule", Object.assign({}, addRuleDescriptor, { value: proxyAddRule }));
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "insertRule", Object.assign({}, insertRuleDescriptor, { value: proxyInsertRule }));
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "deleteRule", Object.assign({}, deleteRuleDescriptor, { value: proxyDeleteRule }));
Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleSheet.prototype, "removeRule", Object.assign({}, removeRuleDescriptor, { value: proxyRemoveRule }));
if (enableStyleSheetsProxy) {
Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, "styleSheets", Object.assign({}, documentStyleSheetsDescriptor, { get: proxyDocumentStyleSheets }));
if (shouldWrapHTMLElement) {
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "getElementsByTagName", Object.assign({}, getElementsByTagNameDescriptor, { value: proxyGetElementsByTagName }));
var INSTANCE_ID = generateUID();
var styleManagers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var adoptedStyleManagers = [];
var filter = null;
var fixes = null;
var isIFrame$1 = null;
var ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors = null;
var ignoredInlineSelectors = null;
function createOrUpdateStyle(className, root) {
if (root === void 0) {
root = document.head || document;
var element = root.querySelector("." + className);
if (!element) {
element = document.createElement("style");
element.classList.add(className); = "screen";
element.textContent = "";
return element;
function createOrUpdateScript(className, root) {
if (root === void 0) {
root = document.head || document;
var element = root.querySelector("." + className);
if (!element) {
element = document.createElement("script");
return element;
var nodePositionWatchers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function setupNodePositionWatcher(node, alias) {
nodePositionWatchers.has(alias) && nodePositionWatchers.get(alias).stop();
nodePositionWatchers.set(alias, watchForNodePosition(node, "parent"));
function stopStylePositionWatchers() {
forEach2(nodePositionWatchers.values(), function(watcher) {
return watcher.stop();
function createStaticStyleOverrides() {
var fallbackStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--fallback", document);
fallbackStyle.textContent = getModifiedFallbackStyle(filter, { strict: true });
document.head.insertBefore(fallbackStyle, document.head.firstChild);
setupNodePositionWatcher(fallbackStyle, "fallback");
var userAgentStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--user-agent");
userAgentStyle.textContent = getModifiedUserAgentStyle(filter, isIFrame$1, filter.styleSystemControls);
document.head.insertBefore(userAgentStyle, fallbackStyle.nextSibling);
setupNodePositionWatcher(userAgentStyle, "user-agent");
var textStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--text");
if (filter.useFont || filter.textStroke > 0) {
textStyle.textContent = createTextStyle(filter);
} else {
textStyle.textContent = "";
document.head.insertBefore(textStyle, fallbackStyle.nextSibling);
setupNodePositionWatcher(textStyle, "text");
var invertStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--invert");
if (fixes && Array.isArray(fixes.invert) && fixes.invert.length > 0) {
invertStyle.textContent = [
fixes.invert.join(", ") + " {",
" filter: " + getCSSFilterValue(__assign(__assign({}, filter), { contrast: filter.mode === 0 ? filter.contrast : clamp2(filter.contrast - 10, 0, 100) })) + " !important;",
} else {
invertStyle.textContent = "";
document.head.insertBefore(invertStyle, textStyle.nextSibling);
setupNodePositionWatcher(invertStyle, "invert");
var inlineStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--inline");
inlineStyle.textContent = getInlineOverrideStyle();
document.head.insertBefore(inlineStyle, invertStyle.nextSibling);
setupNodePositionWatcher(inlineStyle, "inline");
var overrideStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--override");
overrideStyle.textContent = fixes && fixes.css ? replaceCSSTemplates(fixes.css) : "";
setupNodePositionWatcher(overrideStyle, "override");
var variableStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--variables");
var selectionColors = getSelectionColor(filter);
var darkSchemeBackgroundColor = filter.darkSchemeBackgroundColor, darkSchemeTextColor = filter.darkSchemeTextColor, lightSchemeBackgroundColor = filter.lightSchemeBackgroundColor, lightSchemeTextColor = filter.lightSchemeTextColor, mode = filter.mode;
var schemeBackgroundColor = mode === 0 ? lightSchemeBackgroundColor : darkSchemeBackgroundColor;
var schemeTextColor = mode === 0 ? lightSchemeTextColor : darkSchemeTextColor;
schemeBackgroundColor = modifyBackgroundColor(parse2(schemeBackgroundColor), filter);
schemeTextColor = modifyForegroundColor(parse2(schemeTextColor), filter);
variableStyle.textContent = [
":root {",
" --darkreader-neutral-background: " + schemeBackgroundColor + ";",
" --darkreader-neutral-text: " + schemeTextColor + ";",
" --darkreader-selection-background: " + selectionColors.backgroundColorSelection + ";",
" --darkreader-selection-text: " + selectionColors.foregroundColorSelection + ";",
document.head.insertBefore(variableStyle, inlineStyle.nextSibling);
setupNodePositionWatcher(variableStyle, "variables");
var rootVarsStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--root-vars");
document.head.insertBefore(rootVarsStyle, variableStyle.nextSibling);
var proxyScript = createOrUpdateScript("darkreader--proxy");
proxyScript.append("(" + injectProxy + ")(!" + (fixes && fixes.disableStyleSheetsProxy) + ")");
document.head.insertBefore(proxyScript, rootVarsStyle.nextSibling);
var shadowRootsWithOverrides = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function createShadowStaticStyleOverrides(root) {
var inlineStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--inline", root);
inlineStyle.textContent = getInlineOverrideStyle();
root.insertBefore(inlineStyle, root.firstChild);
var overrideStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--override", root);
overrideStyle.textContent = fixes && fixes.css ? replaceCSSTemplates(fixes.css) : "";
root.insertBefore(overrideStyle, inlineStyle.nextSibling);
var invertStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--invert", root);
if (fixes && Array.isArray(fixes.invert) && fixes.invert.length > 0) {
invertStyle.textContent = [
fixes.invert.join(", ") + " {",
" filter: " + getCSSFilterValue(__assign(__assign({}, filter), { contrast: filter.mode === 0 ? filter.contrast : clamp2(filter.contrast - 10, 0, 100) })) + " !important;",
} else {
invertStyle.textContent = "";
root.insertBefore(invertStyle, overrideStyle.nextSibling);
function replaceCSSTemplates($cssText) {
return $cssText.replace(/\${(.+?)}/g, function(_, $color) {
var color = tryParseColor($color);
if (color) {
return modifyColor(color, filter);
return $color;
function cleanFallbackStyle() {
var fallback = document.querySelector(".darkreader--fallback");
if (fallback) {
fallback.textContent = "";
function createDynamicStyleOverrides() {
var allStyles = getManageableStyles(document);
var newManagers = allStyles.filter(function(style) {
return !styleManagers.has(style);
}).map(function(style) {
return createManager(style);
}); {
return manager.details({ secondRound: false });
}).filter(function(detail) {
return detail && detail.rules.length > 0;
}).forEach(function(detail) {
variablesStore.setOnRootVariableChange(function() {
variablesStore.putRootVars(document.head.querySelector(".darkreader--root-vars"), filter);
variablesStore.putRootVars(document.head.querySelector(".darkreader--root-vars"), filter);
styleManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
return manager.render(filter, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
if (loadingStyles.size === 0) {
newManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
var inlineStyleElements = toArray2(document.querySelectorAll(INLINE_STYLE_SELECTOR));
iterateShadowHosts(document.documentElement, function(host) {
var elements = host.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(INLINE_STYLE_SELECTOR);
if (elements.length > 0) {
push(inlineStyleElements, elements);
inlineStyleElements.forEach(function(el) {
return overrideInlineStyle(el, filter, ignoredInlineSelectors, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
var loadingStylesCounter = 0;
var loadingStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function createManager(element) {
var loadingStyleId = ++loadingStylesCounter;
function loadingStart() {
if (!isDOMReady() || !didDocumentShowUp) {
logInfo("Current amount of styles loading: " + loadingStyles.size);
var fallbackStyle = document.querySelector(".darkreader--fallback");
if (!fallbackStyle.textContent) {
fallbackStyle.textContent = getModifiedFallbackStyle(filter, { strict: false });
function loadingEnd() {
logInfo("Removed loadingStyle " + loadingStyleId + ", now awaiting: " + loadingStyles.size);
if (loadingStyles.size === 0 && isDOMReady()) {
function update() {
var details = manager.details({ secondRound: true });
if (!details) {
manager.render(filter, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
var manager = manageStyle(element, { update, loadingStart, loadingEnd });
styleManagers.set(element, manager);
return manager;
function removeManager(element) {
var manager = styleManagers.get(element);
if (manager) {
var throttledRenderAllStyles = throttle2(function(callback) {
styleManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
return manager.render(filter, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
adoptedStyleManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
return manager.render(filter, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
callback && callback();
var cancelRendering = function() {
function onDOMReady() {
if (loadingStyles.size === 0) {
var documentVisibilityListener = null;
var didDocumentShowUp = typeof document !== "undefined" && !document.hidden;
function watchForDocumentVisibility(callback) {
var alreadyWatching = Boolean(documentVisibilityListener);
documentVisibilityListener = function() {
if (!document.hidden) {
didDocumentShowUp = true;
if (!alreadyWatching) {
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", documentVisibilityListener);
function stopWatchingForDocumentVisibility() {
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", documentVisibilityListener);
documentVisibilityListener = null;
function createThemeAndWatchForUpdates() {
function runDynamicStyle() {
if (document.hidden) {
} else {
function handleAdoptedStyleSheets(node) {
if (Array.isArray(node.adoptedStyleSheets)) {
if (node.adoptedStyleSheets.length > 0) {
var newManger = createAdoptedStyleSheetOverride(node);
newManger.render(filter, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
function watchForUpdates() {
var managedStyles = Array.from(styleManagers.keys());
watchForStyleChanges(managedStyles, function(_a2) {
var created = _a2.created, updated = _a2.updated, removed = _a2.removed, moved = _a2.moved;
var stylesToRemove = removed;
var stylesToManage = created.concat(updated).concat(moved).filter(function(style) {
return !styleManagers.has(style);
var stylesToRestore = moved.filter(function(style) {
return styleManagers.has(style);
stylesToRemove.forEach(function(style) {
return removeManager(style);
var newManagers = {
return createManager(style);
}); {
return manager.details({ secondRound: false });
}).filter(function(detail) {
return detail && detail.rules.length > 0;
}).forEach(function(detail) {
newManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
return manager.render(filter, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
newManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
stylesToRestore.forEach(function(style) {
return styleManagers.get(style).restore();
}, function(shadowRoot) {
watchForInlineStyles(function(element) {
overrideInlineStyle(element, filter, ignoredInlineSelectors, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
if (element === document.documentElement) {
var styleAttr = element.getAttribute("style");
if (styleAttr.includes("--")) {
variablesStore.putRootVars(document.head.querySelector(".darkreader--root-vars"), filter);
}, function(root) {
var inlineStyleElements = root.querySelectorAll(INLINE_STYLE_SELECTOR);
if (inlineStyleElements.length > 0) {
forEach2(inlineStyleElements, function(el) {
return overrideInlineStyle(el, filter, ignoredInlineSelectors, ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors);
function stopWatchingForUpdates() {
styleManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
return manager.pause();
function createDarkReaderInstanceMarker() {
var metaElement = document.createElement("meta"); = "darkreader";
metaElement.content = INSTANCE_ID;
function isAnotherDarkReaderInstanceActive() {
var meta = document.querySelector('meta[name="darkreader"]');
if (meta) {
if (meta.content !== INSTANCE_ID) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
function createOrUpdateDynamicTheme(filterConfig, dynamicThemeFixes, iframe) {
filter = filterConfig;
fixes = dynamicThemeFixes;
if (fixes) {
ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors = Array.isArray(fixes.ignoreImageAnalysis) ? fixes.ignoreImageAnalysis : [];
ignoredInlineSelectors = Array.isArray(fixes.ignoreInlineStyle) ? fixes.ignoreInlineStyle : [];
} else {
ignoredImageAnalysisSelectors = [];
ignoredInlineSelectors = [];
isIFrame$1 = iframe;
if (document.head) {
if (isAnotherDarkReaderInstanceActive()) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-darkreader-mode", "dynamic");
document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-darkreader-scheme", filter.mode ? "dark" : "dimmed");
} else {
if (!isFirefox) {
var fallbackStyle = createOrUpdateStyle("darkreader--fallback");
fallbackStyle.textContent = getModifiedFallbackStyle(filter, { strict: true });
var headObserver_1 = new MutationObserver(function() {
if (document.head) {
if (isAnotherDarkReaderInstanceActive()) {
headObserver_1.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
function removeProxy() {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("__darkreader__cleanUp"));
function removeDynamicTheme() {
if (document.head) {
shadowRootsWithOverrides.forEach(function(root) {
forEach2(styleManagers.keys(), function(el) {
return removeManager(el);
forEach2(document.querySelectorAll(".darkreader"), removeNode);
adoptedStyleManagers.forEach(function(manager) {
function cleanDynamicThemeCache() {
var blobRegex = /url\(\"(blob\:.*?)\"\)/g;
function replaceBlobs(text) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var promises, data;
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
promises = [];
getMatches(blobRegex, text, 1).forEach(function(url2) {
var promise = loadAsDataURL(url2);
return [4, Promise.all(promises)];
case 1:
data = _a2.sent();
return [2, text.replace(blobRegex, function() {
return 'url("' + data.shift() + '")';
var banner = '/*\n _______\n / \\\n .==. .==.\n (( ))==(( ))\n / "==" "=="\\\n /____|| || ||___\\\n ________ ____ ________ ___ ___\n | ___ \\ / \\ | ___ \\ | | / /\n | | \\ \\ / /\\ \\ | | \\ \\| |_/ /\n | | ) / /__\\ \\ | |__/ /| ___ \\\n | |__/ / ______ \\| ____ \\| | \\ \\\n_______|_______/__/ ____ \\__\\__|___\\__\\__|___\\__\\____\n| ___ \\ | ____/ / \\ | ___ \\ | ____| ___ \\\n| | \\ \\| |___ / /\\ \\ | | \\ \\| |___| | \\ \\\n| |__/ /| ____/ /__\\ \\ | | ) | ____| |__/ /\n| ____ \\| |__/ ______ \\| |__/ /| |___| ____ \\\n|__| \\__\\____/__/ \\__\\_______/ |______|__| \\__\\\n\n*/\n\n/*! Dark reader generated CSS | Licensed under MIT */\n';
function collectCSS() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
function addStaticCSS(selector, comment) {
var staticStyle = document.querySelector(selector);
if (staticStyle && staticStyle.textContent) {
css.push("/* " + comment + " */");
var css, modifiedCSS, formattedCSS, _a2, _b;
return __generator(this, function(_c) {
switch (_c.label) {
case 0:
css = [banner];
addStaticCSS(".darkreader--fallback", "Fallback Style");
addStaticCSS(".darkreader--user-agent", "User-Agent Style");
addStaticCSS(".darkreader--text", "Text Style");
addStaticCSS(".darkreader--invert", "Invert Style");
addStaticCSS(".darkreader--variables", "Variables Style");
modifiedCSS = [];
document.querySelectorAll(".darkreader--sync").forEach(function(element) {
forEach2(element.sheet.cssRules, function(rule) {
rule && rule.cssText && modifiedCSS.push(rule.cssText);
if (!modifiedCSS.length)
return [3, 2];
formattedCSS = formatCSS(modifiedCSS.join("\n"));
css.push("/* Modified CSS */");
_b = (_a2 = css).push;
return [4, replaceBlobs(formattedCSS)];
case 1:
_b.apply(_a2, [_c.sent()]);
_c.label = 2;
case 2:
addStaticCSS(".darkreader--override", "Override Style");
return [2, css.join("\n")];
var isDarkReaderEnabled = false;
var isIFrame = function() {
if (typeof window === "undefined")
return false;
try {
return window.self !==;
} catch (err) {
return true;
function enable2(themeOptions, fixes2) {
if (themeOptions === void 0) {
themeOptions = {};
if (fixes2 === void 0) {
fixes2 = null;
var theme = __assign(__assign({}, DEFAULT_THEME), themeOptions);
if (theme.engine !== ThemeEngines.dynamicTheme) {
throw new Error("Theme engine is not supported.");
createOrUpdateDynamicTheme(theme, fixes2, isIFrame);
isDarkReaderEnabled = true;
function isEnabled() {
return isDarkReaderEnabled;
function disable2() {
isDarkReaderEnabled = false;
var store = {
themeOptions: null,
fixes: null
function handleColorScheme() {
var darkScheme = matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
if (darkScheme.matches) {
enable2(store.themeOptions, store.fixes);
} else {
function auto(themeOptions, fixes2) {
if (themeOptions === void 0) {
themeOptions = {};
if (fixes2 === void 0) {
fixes2 = null;
var darkScheme = matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
if (themeOptions) {
store = { themeOptions, fixes: fixes2 };
if (isMatchMediaChangeEventListenerSupported) {
darkScheme.addEventListener("change", handleColorScheme);
} else {
} else {
if (isMatchMediaChangeEventListenerSupported) {
darkScheme.removeEventListener("change", handleColorScheme);
} else {
function exportGeneratedCSS() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
return __generator(this, function(_a2) {
switch (_a2.label) {
case 0:
return [4, collectCSS()];
case 1:
return [2, _a2.sent()];
var setFetchMethod = setFetchMethod$1; = auto;
exports2.disable = disable2;
exports2.enable = enable2;
exports2.exportGeneratedCSS = exportGeneratedCSS;
exports2.isEnabled = isEnabled;
exports2.setFetchMethod = setFetchMethod;
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
})(darkreader, darkreader.exports);
const __default__ = {
name: "lay-config-provider"
const _sfc_main = defineComponent({
props: {
locale: { default: "zh_CN" },
locales: null,
theme: { default: "light" },
themeVariable: null,
darkPartial: null
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const { locale, setLocaleMessage, mergeLocaleMessage } = useI18n();
const ignoreInlineStyle = [
"div.layui-color-picker *"
const fixCss = `
.lay-progress-circle svg {
filter: invert(98%) hue-rotate(180deg) contrast(80%) !important;
const changeLocale = (lang) => {
locale.value = lang;
const changeLocales = (lang, locales, merge) => {
if (merge) {
mergeLocaleMessage(lang, locales);
} else {
setLocaleMessage(lang, locales);
const changeTheme = (theme) => {
const defaultPartial = {
mode: 1,
brightness: 100,
contrast: 90,
sepia: 0,
grayscale: 0
const defaultFixes = {
css: fixCss,
invert: [".lay-progress-circle svg"],
ignoreImageAnalysis: [],
disableStyleSheetsProxy: false,
Object.assign(defaultPartial, props.darkPartial);
if (theme === "dark") {
if (window) {
darkreader.exports.enable(defaultPartial, defaultFixes);
} else if (theme === "light") {
} else if (theme === "auto") {, defaultFixes);
const changeThemeVariable = (vars) => {
if (vars != null) {
const keys = Object.keys(vars);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
const value = vars[key];, value);
watch(() => props.locale, (lang) => {
}, { immediate: true });
watch(() => props.locales, (locals) => {
locals == null ? void 0 : locals.forEach((item) => {
changeLocales(, item.locale, item.merge);
}, { immediate: true, deep: true });
watch(() => props.theme, (theme) => {
}, { immediate: true });
watch(() => props.themeVariable, (vars) => {
}, { immediate: true, deep: true });
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default");
const component = withInstall(_sfc_main);
const components = {
LaySplitPanel: component$g,
LaySplitPanelItem: component$f,
LayRadio: component$1i,
LayRadioGroup: component$1h,
LayButton: component$1g,
LayIcon: component$1d,
LayBacktop: component$1l,
LayLayout: component$1a,
LaySide: component$19,
LayHeader: component$17,
LayBody: component$18,
LayFooter: component$16,
LayLogo: component$15,
LayPanel: component$14,
LayCard: component$1b,
LayProgress: component$13,
LayButtonGroup: component$1e,
LayButtonContainer: component$1f,
LayRow: component$11,
LayCol: component$12,
LayInput: component$10,
LayBadge: component$$,
LayQuote: component$_,
LayLine: component$Z,
LayTimeline: component$Y,
LayTimelineItem: component$X,
LayTextarea: component$W,
LaySwitch: component$V,
LayCollapse: component$U,
LayCollapseItem: component$T,
LayContainer: component$S,
LayMenu: component$Q,
LayMenuItem: component$P,
LayCheckbox: component$O,
LayForm: component$M,
LayBreadcrumb: component$L,
LayBreadcrumbItem: component$K,
LayAvatar: component$1k,
LayAvatarList: component$1j,
LayField: component$J,
LaySelect: component$I,
LayScroll: component$G,
LaySelectOption: component$H,
LayEmpty: component$F,
LayFormItem: component$E,
LayRate: component$D,
LayDropdown: component$C,
LayDropdownMenu: component$B,
LayDropdownMenuItem: component$A,
LayDropdownSubMenu: component$z,
LayTab: component$y,
LayTabItem: component$x,
LayIconPicker: component$1c,
LayTree: component$w,
LayTable: component$u,
LayPage: component$t,
LayTransfer: component$s,
LayCheckboxGroup: component$N,
LaySlider: component$r,
LayCarousel: component$q,
LayCarouselItem: component$p,
LayColorPicker: component$o,
LayTooltip: component$n,
LayInputNumber: component$m,
LaySkeleton: component$l,
LaySkeletonItem: component$k,
LayCountUp: component$R,
LayStep: component$j,
LayStepItem: component$i,
LaySubMenu: component$h,
LayException: component$e,
LayResult: component$d,
LayFullscreen: component$c,
LayConfigProvider: component,
LayDatePicker: component$b,
LayTransition: component$a,
LayUpload: component$9,
LayRipple: component$8,
LayNoticeBar: component$7,
LayPageHeader: component$6,
LayCascader: component$5,
LayAffix: component$4,
LaySpace: component$3,
LayTag: component$2,
LayTagInput: component$1,
LayTreeSelect: component$v
const install = (app, options) => {
for (const key of Object.keys(components)) {
app.use(components[key], options);
var index = { install };
export { component$4 as LayAffix, component$1k as LayAvatar, component$1j as LayAvatarList, component$1l as LayBacktop, component$$ as LayBadge, component$18 as LayBody, component$L as LayBreadcrumb, component$K as LayBreadcrumbItem, component$1g as LayButton, component$1f as LayButtonContainer, component$1e as LayButtonGroup, component$1b as LayCard, component$q as LayCarousel, component$p as LayCarouselItem, component$5 as LayCascader, component$O as LayCheckbox, component$N as LayCheckboxGroup, component$12 as LayCol, component$U as LayCollapse, component$T as LayCollapseItem, component$o as LayColorPicker, component as LayConfigProvider, component$S as LayContainer, component$R as LayCountUp, component$b as LayDatePicker, component$C as LayDropdown, component$B as LayDropdownMenu, component$A as LayDropdownMenuItem, component$z as LayDropdownSubMenu, component$F as LayEmpty, component$e as LayException, component$J as LayField, component$16 as LayFooter, component$M as LayForm, component$E as LayFormItem, component$c as LayFullscreen, component$17 as LayHeader, component$1d as LayIcon, component$1c as LayIconPicker, component$10 as LayInput, component$m as LayInputNumber, component$1a as LayLayout, component$Z as LayLine, component$15 as LayLogo, component$Q as LayMenu, component$P as LayMenuItem, component$7 as LayNoticeBar, component$t as LayPage, component$6 as LayPageHeader, component$14 as LayPanel, component$13 as LayProgress, component$_ as LayQuote, component$1i as LayRadio, component$1h as LayRadioGroup, component$D as LayRate, component$d as LayResult, component$8 as LayRipple, component$11 as LayRow, component$G as LayScroll, component$I as LaySelect, component$H as LaySelectOption, component$19 as LaySide, component$l as LaySkeleton, component$k as LaySkeletonItem, component$r as LaySlider, component$3 as LaySpace, component$g as LaySplitPanel, component$f as LaySplitPanelItem, component$j as LayStep, component$i as LayStepItem, component$h as LaySubMenu, component$V as LaySwitch, component$y as LayTab, component$x as LayTabItem, component$u as LayTable, component$2 as LayTag, component$1 as LayTagInput, component$W as LayTextarea, component$Y as LayTimeline, component$X as LayTimelineItem, component$n as LayTooltip, component$s as LayTransfer, component$a as LayTransition, component$w as LayTree, component$v as LayTreeSelect, component$9 as LayUpload, index as default, install, layer, useI18n };