'use strict'; var through = require('through2'); var deap = require('deap'); var PluginError = require('gulp-util/lib/PluginError'); var log = require('fancy-log'); var applySourceMap = require('vinyl-sourcemaps-apply'); var saveLicense = require('uglify-save-license'); var isObject = require('isobject'); var createError = require('./lib/create-error'); var reSourceMapComment = /\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=.+?$/; function trycatch(fn, handle) { try { return fn(); } catch (err) { return handle(err); } } function setup(opts) { if (opts && !isObject(opts)) { log('gulp-uglify expects an object, non-object provided'); opts = {}; } var options = deap({}, opts, { fromString: true, output: {} }); if (options.preserveComments === 'all') { options.output.comments = true; } else if (options.preserveComments === 'some') { // preserve comments with directives or that start with a bang (!) options.output.comments = /^!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i; } else if (options.preserveComments === 'license') { options.output.comments = saveLicense; } else if (typeof options.preserveComments === 'function') { options.output.comments = options.preserveComments; } return options; } module.exports = function (opts, uglify) { function minify(file, encoding, callback) { var options = setup(opts || {}); if (file.isNull()) { return callback(null, file); } if (file.isStream()) { return callback(createError(file, 'Streaming not supported')); } if (file.sourceMap) { options.outSourceMap = file.relative; } var originalContents = String(file.contents); var mangled = trycatch(function () { var m = uglify.minify(String(file.contents), options); m.code = new Buffer(m.code.replace(reSourceMapComment, '')); return m; }, createError.bind(null, file)); if (mangled instanceof PluginError) { return callback(mangled); } file.contents = mangled.code; if (file.sourceMap) { var sourceMap = JSON.parse(mangled.map); sourceMap.sources = [file.relative]; sourceMap.sourcesContent = [originalContents]; applySourceMap(file, sourceMap); } callback(null, file); } return through.obj(minify); };