name = 'Your skeleton respawn' description = "Resurrection from your skeleton! Allows you to resurrect yourself on your skeleton. ----------UPDATED---------- + Added the ability to configure health penalty --------------------------------" author = 'BEKKITT' version = '' dont_starve_compatible = true dst_compatible = true reign_of_giants_compatible = true client_only_mod = false all_clients_require_mod = false forumthread = '' api_version = 10 server_filter_tags = {'bekkitt', 'resurrection', 'skeleton',} icon_atlas = 'modicon.xml' icon = 'modicon.tex' configuration_options = { { name = 'skeleton_player', label = '', default = true, options = { {description = '', data = true}, }, }, { name = 'bekkitt_skeleton_pen', label = 'Blood sacrifice', default = 0, options = { {description = '0%',data = 0, hover = "No health pentalty"}, {description = '5%', data = 0.05, hover = "5% health pentalty"}, {description = '10%', data = 0.1, hover = "10% health pentalty"}, {description = '25%', data = 0.25, hover = "Default in DST 25% health pentalty"}, {description = '30%', data = 0.3, hover = "30% health pentalty"}, {description = '40%', data = 0.4, hover = "40% health pentalty"}, {description = '50%', data = 0.5, hover = "50% health pentalty"}, {description = '60%', data = 0.6, hover = "60% health pentalty"}, {description = '70%', data = 0.7, hover = "70% health pentalty"}, {description = '75%', data = 0.75, hover = "75% Max in DST health pentalty"}, }, }, { name = 'null_option', label = '', default = true, options = { {description = '', data = true}, }, }, }