name = "Wormhole Marks" description = "" author = "_Q_" version = "1.4.5" forumthread = "" api_version = 10 configuration_options = { { name = "Draw over FoW", options = { {description = "Disabled", data = "disabled"}, {description = "Enabled", data = "enabled"}, }, default = "disabled", }, } --This lets the clients know that they need to download the mod before they can join a server that is using it. all_clients_require_mod = true --This let's the game know that this mod doesn't need to be listed in the server's mod listing client_only_mod = false --Let the mod system know that this mod is functional with Don't Starve Together dst_compatible = true --These tags allow the server running this mod to be found with filters from the server listing screen server_filter_tags = {"wormhole marks"} icon_atlas = "modicon.xml" icon = "wormhole_marks.tex"