name = " Don't Drop Everything" author = "Shang" old_ver = "170403.21:59" version = "11:15 2020-08-10" description = "Current version:"..version.."\nThe previous version:"..old_ver.. "\n·Install this mod, Player deaths will not drop all items.".. "\n\n!!!我为什么是英文? ↓ ↓ ↓\n请自行搜索并订阅安装 Chinese Plus 模组。" forumthread = "" dont_starve_compatible = false reign_of_giants_compatible = false shipwrecked_compatible = false api_version = 10 dst_compatible = true client_only_mod = false all_clients_require_mod = false icon_atlas = "DropEverything.xml" icon = "DropEverything.tex" configuration_options = { {name="kong",label="Type\n\n",options={{description ="Number",data = 0,}},default=0,}, { name = "rendiao", label = "Body biggest drop", hover = "The maximum number of drop character of body.", options = { {description = "None", data = 0, hover = ""}, {description = "1", data = 1, hover = ""}, {description = "2", data = 2, hover = ""}, {description = "3", data = 3, hover = ""}, {description = "4", data = 4, hover = ""}, {description = "5", data = 5, hover = ""}, {description = "6", data = 6, hover = ""}, {description = "7", data = 7, hover = ""}, {description = "8", data = 8, hover = ""}, {description = "9", data = 9, hover = ""} }, default = 2, }, { name = "baodiao", label = "Backpack biggest drop", hover = "The maximum number of drop character of backpack.", options = { {description = "None", data = 0, hover = ""}, {description = "1", data = 1, hover = ""}, {description = "2", data = 2, hover = ""}, {description = "3", data = 3, hover = ""}, {description = "4", data = 4, hover = ""}, {description = "5", data = 5, hover = ""}, {description = "6", data = 6, hover = ""}, {description = "7", data = 7, hover = ""}, {description = "8", data = 8, hover = ""}, {description = "9", data = 9, hover = ""} }, default = 1, }, { name = "zbdiao", label = "Equipment drops", hover = "Death is inevitable drop equipment. \n Prevent soul state equipment durability.", options = { {description = "On", data = true, hover = ""}, {description = "Off", data = false, hover = ""} }, default = true, }, { name = "amudiao", label = "Life Amulet of filter", hover = "Death is inevitable drop a Life Amulet.", options = { {description = "On", data = true, hover = ""}, {description = "Off", data = false, hover = ""} }, default = true, }, { name = "nillots", label = "Leave a item lots empty", hover = "Death is Leave a item lots empty", options = { {description = "On", data = 0, hover = ""}, {description = "Off", data = 1, hover = ""} }, default = 0, } }