name = "Smart Minisign" description = [[Can draw by itself 会自己画画的小木牌 v1.14 可以换皮肤(Support Skin) v1.10 兼容盐箱(SaltBox) v1.08 兼容mod物品 提供了一个API 允许其他mod调用]] author = "小班花 mamjun1" version = "1.1.5" forumthread = "" api_version = 10 priority = -99999 dst_compatible = true dont_starve_compatible = false reign_of_giants_compatible = false all_clients_require_mod = true icon_atlas = "modicon.xml" icon = "modicon.tex" configuration_options = { { name = "Icebox", label = "Icebox", hover = "Minisign for icebox/允许冰箱添加小木牌", options = { {description = "No(关闭)", data = false}, {description = "Yes(打开)", data = true}, }, default = false, }, { name = "ChangeSkin", label = "ChangeSkin", hover = "Minisign can change skin/允许小木牌切换皮肤", options = { {description = "Yes(是)", data = true}, {description = "No(否)", data = false}, }, default = true, }, { name = "DragonflyChest", label = "DragonflyChest", hover = "Minisign for DragonflyChest/允许龙鳞箱子添加小木牌", options = { {description = "No(关闭)", data = false}, {description = "Yes(打开)", data = true}, }, default = false, }, { name = "SaltBox", label = "SaltBox", hover = "Minisign for SaltBox/允许盐箱添加小木牌", options = { {description = "No(关闭)", data = false}, {description = "Yes(打开)", data = true}, }, default = false, }, { name = "BundleItems", label = "BundleItems", hover = "Show the item in bundle/显示包裹里面的物品", options = { {description = "No(关闭)", data = false}, {description = "Yes(打开)", data = true}, }, default = false, }, { name = "Digornot", label = "CanbeDug", hover = "Can be Dug/是否可以被挖", options = { {description = "No(关闭)", data = false}, {description = "Yes(打开)", data = true}, }, default = false, }, }