; Here is all the server configs you will ever want to change [NETWORK] ; DO change the name and description please! cluster_name = a1162963624ηš„δΈ–η•Œ cluster_description = 123123 cluster_password = 134679852 offline_cluster = false lan_only_cluster = false whitelist_slots = 1 cluster_intention = social cluster_language = zh cluster_cloud_id = 2DAC4FC10500400C ;tick_rate = 30 [GAMEPLAY] game_mode = survival max_players = 6 pvp = false pause_when_empty = true vote_kick_enabled = false [STEAM] steam_group_only = false steam_group_id = 0 steam_group_admins = false [MISC] console_enabled = true ; ==================================================================== ; STOP! Don't change configs below unless you know what you are doing. ; ==================================================================== [SHARD] shard_enabled = true bind_ip = master_ip = master_port = 10998 cluster_key = defaultPass