
1907 lines
112 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-11-04 13:28:42 +00:00
[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now /data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/
[00:00:00]: Starting Up
[00:00:00]: Version: 579121
[00:00:00]: Current time: Wed Nov 1 06:12:22 2023
[00:00:00]: System Name: Linux
[00:00:00]: Host Name: bc2b1d017c90
[00:00:00]: Release(Kernel) Version: 6.1.0-10-amd64
[00:00:00]: Kernel Build Timestamp: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.38-2 (2023-07-27)
[00:00:00]: Machine Arch: x86_64
[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 579121 LINUX
[00:00:00]: Build Date: 9139
[00:00:00]: Mode: 32-bit
[00:00:00]: Parsing command line
[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -skip_update_server_mods -persistent_storage_root /data -ugc_directory /data/ugc -cluster Cluster_1 -shard Caves
[00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:4.17
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/klump.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/shaders.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/fonts.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (4138216256)
[00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/anim_dynamic.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/bigportraits.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/images.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/scripts.zip successful.
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(11000, 12347)
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success
[00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:00:00]: Platform: 1
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: /data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/blocklist.txt (Success)
[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: /data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/adminlist.txt (Success)
[00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: /data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/whitelist.txt (Success)
[00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: /data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/cluster_token.txt
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (4082088768)
[00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: /data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/cluster_token.txt
[00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:00]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x32
[00:00:00]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:00]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食
[00:00:02]: Running main.lua
[00:00:02]: loaded modindex
[00:00:02]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
[00:00:02]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:00:02]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1530801499
[00:00:02]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1271089343
[00:00:02]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-362175979
[00:00:02]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-661253977
[00:00:02]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-378160973
[00:00:02]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-2287303119
[00:00:02]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1595631294
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1271089343
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1595631294
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-362175979
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-1530801499
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977_CLIENT
[00:00:02]: Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Version:11:15 2020-08-10
[00:00:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1271089343_CLIENT
[00:00:02]: Loading mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Version:
[00:00:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1595631294_CLIENT
[00:00:02]: Loading mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Version:1.1.5
[00:00:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-362175979_CLIENT
[00:00:02]: Loading mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Version:1.4.5
[00:00:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1530801499_CLIENT
[00:00:02]: Loading mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Version:1.07
[00:00:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973_CLIENT
[00:00:02]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:00:02]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2287303119_CLIENT
[00:00:02]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.59.6
[00:00:02]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1530801499
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option Ownership with value false
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option SanityCost with value 1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option HungerCost with value 1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option ArrowsignEnable with value false
[00:00:02]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1271089343
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option null_option with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option bekkitt_skeleton_pen with value 0
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option skeleton_player with value true
[00:00:02]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-362175979
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-362175979's option Draw over FoW with value disabled
[00:00:02]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-661253977
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option nillots with value 0
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option baodiao with value 1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option amudiao with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option zbdiao with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option kong with value 0
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option rendiao with value 2
[00:00:02]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-378160973
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option FIREOPTIONS with value 2
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWFIREICONS with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERICONS with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option OVERRIDEMODE with value false
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS with value 2
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option ENABLEPINGS with value true
[00:00:02]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-2287303119
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option with value 0
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_uses with value -1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option T_crop with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestR with value -1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_style with value 0
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option display_hp with value 1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_food_units with value -1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option item_info_mod with value 0
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option lang with value Auto
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_buddle_item with value 1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestB with value -1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_order with value 0
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestG with value -1
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_estimation with value -1
[00:00:02]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1595631294
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option SaltBox with value false
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option BundleItems with value false
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option Digornot with value false
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option ChangeSkin with value true
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option Icebox with value false
[00:00:02]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option DragonflyChest with value false
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:02]: ShowMe version: 0.59.6
[00:00:02]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[00:00:02]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[00:00:02]: Detected language for ShowMe: Auto
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1271089343
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1595631294
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-362175979
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-1530801499
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:02]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:02]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[00:00:03]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-378160973"
[00:00:03]: Registering Server mod namespace "fasttravel"
[00:00:03]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[00:00:03]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[00:00:03]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:03]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:00:03]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:00:03]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:00:03]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:03]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:03]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:03]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:03]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering prefab file: prefabs/travelable_classified
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) travelable_classified
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/globalposition_classified
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) globalposition_classified
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/smoketrail
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) smoketrail
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/worldmapexplorer
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) worldmapexplorer
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/pings
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_generic
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_omw
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_danger
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_explore
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_gohere
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Registering prefabs
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:04]: Load FE
[00:00:05]: Load FE: done
[00:00:05]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:05]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:05]: Available disk space for save files: 38941 MB
[00:00:05]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:05]: Reset() returning
[00:00:05]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (4029164352)
[00:00:05]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (23079 files)...
[00:00:06]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:00:06]: Cached userid (null) saved to /data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/save/cached_userid
[00:00:06]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[00:00:06]: Starting Dedicated Server Game
[00:00:06]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:06]: About to start a server with the following settings:
[00:00:06]: Dedicated: true
[00:00:06]: Online: true
[00:00:06]: Passworded: true
[00:00:06]: ServerPort: 11000
[00:00:06]: SteamAuthPort: 8767
[00:00:06]: SteamMasterServerPort: 12347
[00:00:06]: ClanID: false
[00:00:06]: ClanOnly: false
[00:00:06]: ClanAdmin: false
[00:00:06]: LanOnly: false
[00:00:06]: FriendsOnly: false
[00:00:06]: EnableAutosaver: true
[00:00:06]: EncodeUserPath: true
[00:00:06]: PVP: false
[00:00:06]: MaxPlayers: 6
[00:00:06]: GameMode: survival
[00:00:06]: OverridenDNS:
[00:00:06]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
[00:00:06]: IdleTimeout: 1800s
[00:00:06]: VoteEnabled: true
[00:00:06]: InternetBroadcasting: true
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2287303119
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-362175979
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1530801499
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:00:06]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1595631294
[00:00:06]: Online Server Started on port: 11000
[00:00:06]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:00:06]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[00:00:06]: K: background_node_range V: table: 0x10a37b00
[00:00:06]: K: 1 V: 0
[00:00:06]: K: 2 V: 1
[00:00:06]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:06]: K: hideminimap V: false
[00:00:06]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:06]: K: location V: cave
[00:00:06]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[00:00:06]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[00:00:06]: K: name V: 洞穴
[00:00:06]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[00:00:06]: K: override_level_string V: false
[00:00:06]: K: overrides V: table: 0x10a362c0
[00:00:06]: K: atriumgate V: default
[00:00:06]: K: banana V: default
[00:00:06]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: none
[00:00:06]: K: bats V: default
[00:00:06]: K: bats_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: beefaloheat V: default
[00:00:06]: K: berrybush V: default
[00:00:06]: K: boons V: default
[00:00:06]: K: branching V: default
[00:00:06]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:06]: K: bunnymen V: default
[00:00:06]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: cave_ponds V: default
[00:00:06]: K: cave_spiders V: default
[00:00:06]: K: cavelight V: default
[00:00:06]: K: chess V: default
[00:00:06]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[00:00:06]: K: darkness V: default
[00:00:06]: K: day V: default
[00:00:06]: K: daywalker V: default
[00:00:06]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[00:00:06]: K: dustmoths V: default
[00:00:06]: K: earthquakes V: default
[00:00:06]: K: extrastartingitems V: default
[00:00:06]: K: fern V: default
[00:00:06]: K: fissure V: default
[00:00:06]: K: flint V: default
[00:00:06]: K: flower_cave V: default
[00:00:06]: K: flower_cave_regrowth V: default
[00:00:06]: K: fruitfly V: default
[00:00:06]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[00:00:06]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[00:00:06]: K: grass V: default
[00:00:06]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[00:00:06]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[00:00:06]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[00:00:06]: K: hunger V: default
[00:00:06]: K: krampus V: default
[00:00:06]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[00:00:06]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[00:00:06]: K: lichen V: default
[00:00:06]: K: liefs V: default
[00:00:06]: K: lightflier_flower_regrowth V: default
[00:00:06]: K: lightfliers V: default
[00:00:06]: K: loop V: default
[00:00:06]: K: marshbush V: default
[00:00:06]: K: merms V: default
[00:00:06]: K: molebats V: default
[00:00:06]: K: moles_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: monkey V: default
[00:00:06]: K: monkey_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: mushgnome V: default
[00:00:06]: K: mushroom V: default
[00:00:06]: K: mushtree V: default
[00:00:06]: K: mushtree_moon_regrowth V: default
[00:00:06]: K: mushtree_regrowth V: default
[00:00:06]: K: nightmarecreatures V: default
[00:00:06]: K: pigs_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: portalresurection V: none
[00:00:06]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[00:00:06]: K: reeds V: default
[00:00:06]: K: regrowth V: default
[00:00:06]: K: resettime V: default
[00:00:06]: K: rifts_enabled_cave V: default
[00:00:06]: K: rifts_frequency_cave V: default
[00:00:06]: K: roads V: never
[00:00:06]: K: rock V: default
[00:00:06]: K: rocky V: default
[00:00:06]: K: rocky_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: sapling V: default
[00:00:06]: K: season_start V: default
[00:00:06]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[00:00:06]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[00:00:06]: K: slurper V: default
[00:00:06]: K: slurtles V: default
[00:00:06]: K: slurtles_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: snurtles V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[00:00:06]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[00:00:06]: K: specialevent V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spider_dropper V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spider_hider V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spider_spitter V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spiders V: default
[00:00:06]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[00:00:06]: K: start_location V: default
[00:00:06]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[00:00:06]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[00:00:06]: K: tentacles V: default
[00:00:06]: K: toadstool V: default
[00:00:06]: K: touchstone V: default
[00:00:06]: K: trees V: default
[00:00:06]: K: weather V: default
[00:00:06]: K: winters_feast V: default
[00:00:06]: K: world_size V: default
[00:00:06]: K: wormattacks V: default
[00:00:06]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[00:00:06]: K: wormlights V: default
[00:00:06]: K: worms V: default
[00:00:06]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[00:00:06]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[00:00:06]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[00:00:06]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[00:00:06]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[00:00:06]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[00:00:06]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[00:00:06]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0x10a53a10
[00:00:06]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[00:00:06]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:06]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:06]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[00:00:06]: K: substitutes V: table: 0x10a5b2d0
[00:00:06]: K: version V: 4
[00:00:06]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[00:00:06]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:06]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
[00:00:06]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:00:06]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[00:00:06]: Found a worldgen override file with these contents:
[00:00:06]: K: override_enabled V: true
[00:00:06]: K: overrides V: table: 0x10f26ab0
[00:00:06]: K: start_location V: default
[00:00:06]: K: settings_preset V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:06]: K: worldgen_preset V: DST_CAVE
[00:00:06]: sanity-checking worldgenoverride.lua...
[00:00:06]: Loaded and applied world gen overrides from ../worldgenoverride.lua
[00:00:06]: contained worldgen preset DST_CAVE, loading...
[00:00:06]: contained settings preset DST_CAVE, loading...
[00:00:06]: Overwriting savedata with override file.
[00:00:06]: Collecting garbage...
[00:00:06]: lua_gc took 0.12 seconds
[00:00:06]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:00:06]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:00:06]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:00:06]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:00:06]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:00:06]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:00:06]: FilesExistAsyncThread aborted.
[00:00:06]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete
[00:00:06]: lua_close took 0.10 seconds
[00:00:06]: ReleaseAll
[00:00:06]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:00:06]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:06]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x32
[00:00:06]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:06]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:06]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:06]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po
[00:00:08]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版
[00:00:08]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典
[00:00:08]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下
[00:00:08]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉
[00:00:08]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食
[00:00:08]: Running main.lua
[00:00:08]: loaded modindex
[00:00:08]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
[00:00:08]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:00:08]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1530801499
[00:00:08]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1271089343
[00:00:08]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-362175979
[00:00:08]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-661253977
[00:00:08]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-378160973
[00:00:08]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-2287303119
[00:00:08]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1595631294
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1271089343
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1595631294
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-362175979
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-1530801499
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:08]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[00:00:08]: Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Version:11:15 2020-08-10
[00:00:08]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1271089343
[00:00:08]: Loading mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Version:
[00:00:08]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1595631294
[00:00:08]: Loading mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Version:1.1.5
[00:00:08]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-362175979
[00:00:08]: Loading mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Version:1.4.5
[00:00:08]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1530801499
[00:00:08]: Loading mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Version:1.07
[00:00:08]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[00:00:08]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[00:00:08]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2287303119
[00:00:08]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.59.6
[00:00:08]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1530801499
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option Ownership with value false
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option SanityCost with value 1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option HungerCost with value 1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option ArrowsignEnable with value false
[00:00:08]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1271089343
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option null_option with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option bekkitt_skeleton_pen with value 0
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option skeleton_player with value true
[00:00:08]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-362175979
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-362175979's option Draw over FoW with value disabled
[00:00:08]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-661253977
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option nillots with value 0
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option baodiao with value 1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option amudiao with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option zbdiao with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option kong with value 0
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option rendiao with value 2
[00:00:08]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-378160973
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option FIREOPTIONS with value 2
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWFIREICONS with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERICONS with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option OVERRIDEMODE with value false
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS with value 2
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option ENABLEPINGS with value true
[00:00:08]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-2287303119
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option with value 0
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_uses with value -1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option T_crop with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestR with value -1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_style with value 0
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option display_hp with value 1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_food_units with value -1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option item_info_mod with value 0
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option lang with value Auto
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_buddle_item with value 1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestB with value -1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_order with value 0
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestG with value -1
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_estimation with value -1
[00:00:08]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1595631294
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option SaltBox with value false
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option BundleItems with value false
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option Digornot with value false
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option ChangeSkin with value true
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option Icebox with value false
[00:00:08]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option DragonflyChest with value false
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:08]: ShowMe version: 0.59.6
[00:00:08]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[00:00:08]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[00:00:08]: Detected language for ShowMe: Auto
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1271089343
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1595631294
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-362175979
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-1530801499
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[00:00:08]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:08]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:08]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[00:00:08]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-378160973"
[00:00:08]: Registering Server mod namespace "fasttravel"
[00:00:08]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[00:00:08]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[00:00:08]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:08]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:00:08]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:00:08]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:00:08]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:08]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:08]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:08]: Loading world: session/72D2D221FCCCF328/0000000017
[00:00:09]: Save file is at version 5.142
[00:00:09]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:09]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:09]: Unload FE
[00:00:09]: Unload FE done
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering prefabs
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering prefab file: prefabs/travelable_classified
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) travelable_classified
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering prefabs
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Registering prefabs
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Registering prefabs
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering prefabs
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefabs
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/globalposition_classified
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) globalposition_classified
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/smoketrail
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) smoketrail
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) globalmapicon_noproxy
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/worldmapexplorer
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) worldmapexplorer
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/pings
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_generic
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_omw
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_danger
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_explore
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_gohere
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Registering prefabs
[00:00:10]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:10]: LOAD BE
[00:00:18]: LOAD BE: done
[00:00:19]: Begin Session: 72D2D221FCCCF328
[00:00:19]: saving to server_temp/server_save
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_1.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_2.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_3.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_4.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_5.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_6.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_7.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_8.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_9.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_10.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_11.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_12.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_13.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_14.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_15.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_16.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_17.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_18.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_19.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_20.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_21.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_22.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/campfire.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_generic.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_gohere.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_explore.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_danger.xml )
[00:00:19]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_omw.xml )
[00:00:19]: Loading 19 new character(s)
[00:00:19]: Total 19 character(s) loaded
[00:00:22]: Loading Nav Grid
[00:00:22]: World generated on build 579121 with save version: 5.142, using seed: 1642129452
[00:00:22]: setting summerlength 15
[00:00:22]: setting cavemoonphase half
[00:00:22]: setting iscavefullmoon false
[00:00:22]: setting isnightmaredawn false
[00:00:22]: setting elapseddaysinseason 14
[00:00:22]: setting isfullmoon false
[00:00:22]: setting moisture 2001.7885742188
[00:00:22]: setting springlength 20
[00:00:22]: setting islunarhailing false
[00:00:22]: setting isnightmarewild false
[00:00:22]: setting nightmaretimeinphase 0.24804636378734
[00:00:22]: setting precipitationrate 0
[00:00:22]: setting iswet false
[00:00:22]: setting isnewmoon false
[00:00:22]: setting israining false
[00:00:22]: setting iswinter false
[00:00:22]: setting isnightmarewarn true
[00:00:22]: setting precipitation none
[00:00:22]: setting iscavewaxingmoon false
[00:00:22]: setting isacidraining false
[00:00:22]: setting moonphase new
[00:00:22]: setting remainingdaysinseason 6
[00:00:22]: setting temperature 10.475457290007
[00:00:22]: setting wetness 0
[00:00:22]: setting cycles 14
[00:00:22]: setting moistureceil 6883.96484375
[00:00:22]: setting isday false
[00:00:22]: setting winterlength 15
[00:00:22]: setting season autumn
[00:00:22]: setting iswaxingmoon true
[00:00:22]: setting isalterawake false
[00:00:22]: setting isnightmarecalm false
[00:00:22]: setting isnight true
[00:00:22]: setting isdusk false
[00:00:22]: setting isspring false
[00:00:22]: setting isautumn true
[00:00:22]: setting iscaveday true
[00:00:22]: setting lunarhaillevel 0
[00:00:22]: setting pop 0.26741097397985
[00:00:22]: setting snowlevel 0
[00:00:22]: setting issnowcovered false
[00:00:22]: setting autumnlength 20
[00:00:22]: setting phase night
[00:00:22]: setting nightmaretime 382.32417274086
[00:00:22]: setting issnowing false
[00:00:22]: setting iscavedusk false
[00:00:22]: setting nightmarephase warn
[00:00:22]: setting timeinphase 0.53980992635091
[00:00:22]: setting seasonprogress 0.85
[00:00:22]: setting iscavenight false
[00:00:22]: setting iscavenewmoon false
[00:00:22]: setting issummer false
[00:00:22]: setting cavephase day
[00:00:22]: setting time 0.23616684277852
[00:00:22]: [Shard] Secondary shard is waiting for LUA...
[00:00:25]: SWITCHING false
[00:00:25]: Reconstructing topology
[00:00:25]: ...Sorting points
[00:00:25]: ...Sorting edges
[00:00:25]: ...Connecting nodes
[00:00:25]: ...Validating connections
[00:00:25]: ...Housekeeping
[00:00:25]: ...Done!
[00:00:25]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
[00:00:25]: About to start a shard with these settings:
[00:00:25]: ShardName: Caves
[00:00:25]: ShardID: 3764335919
[00:00:25]: ShardRole: SECONDARY
[00:00:25]: MasterHost:
[00:00:25]: MasterBind: (null)
[00:00:25]: MasterPort: 10998
[00:00:25]: [Shard] Connecting to master...
[00:00:25]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 72D2D221FCCCF328
[00:00:25]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:25]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:25]: Available disk space for save files: 38940 MB
[00:00:25]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:25]: Reset() returning
[00:00:25]: [Shard] Connection to master failed. Waiting to reconnect...
[00:00:25]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (inactive)
[00:00:25]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (inactive)
[00:00:25]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (inactive)
[00:00:25]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (inactive)
[00:00:26]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (inactive)
[00:00:26]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (inactive)
[00:00:26]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (inactive)
[00:00:26]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (inactive)
[00:00:26]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (inactive)
[00:00:26]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (inactive)
[00:00:30]: About to start a shard with these settings:
[00:00:30]: ShardName: Caves
[00:00:30]: ShardID: 3764335919
[00:00:30]: ShardRole: SECONDARY
[00:00:30]: MasterHost:
[00:00:30]: MasterBind: (null)
[00:00:30]: MasterPort: 10998
[00:00:30]: [Shard] Connecting to master...
[00:00:30]: [Shard] Sending secondary shard information to master...
[00:00:30]: Received MasterInfoPacket row ad9dc94e0979c10121b152487b078d34 region ap-east-1
[00:00:30]: Obtaining secondary shard IP from ap-east-1 lobby
[00:00:31]: [Shard] secondary shard is now ready!
[00:00:31]: World 1 is now connected
[00:00:31]: [SyncWorldSettings] Sending ResyncWorldSettings.
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (active)
[00:00:31]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (active)
[00:00:32]: [Shard] secondary shard LUA is now ready!
[00:00:32]: Sim paused
[00:30:06]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:30:06]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:00:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:00:07]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:30:06]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:30:06]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:00:06]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:00:06]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:30:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:30:07]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:00:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:00:07]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:30:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:30:07]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:00:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:00:07]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:30:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:30:07]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:00:08]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:00:08]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:30:08]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:30:08]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:31:54]: Sim unpaused
[05:36:45]: Start world reset countdown... 120 seconds...
[05:38:01]: Available disk space for save files: 39085 MB
[05:38:02]: Serializing world: session/72D2D221FCCCF328/0000000018
[05:38:02]: Truncating to snapshot #18...
[05:38:02]: - session/72D2D221FCCCF328/0000000012
[05:38:02]: 1 file(s) removed
[05:38:46]: World 1 is now disconnected
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (inactive)
[05:38:46]: Sim paused
[05:38:46]: Received world reset request
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000014.meta]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000013.meta]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000018.meta]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000018]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000015]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000016]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000016.meta]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000015.meta]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000017]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000013]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000017.meta]
[05:38:46]: ... Directory [A7GVIJ7RLTG4]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000014]
[05:38:46]: ... File [0000000003]
[05:38:46]: DelDirectory [/data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/save/session/72D2D221FCCCF328/A7GVIJ7RLTG4] 0: ok.
[05:38:46]: DelDirectory [/data//DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Caves/save/session/72D2D221FCCCF328] 0: ok.
[05:38:46]: Sim unpaused
[05:38:46]: Collecting garbage...
[05:38:46]: lua_gc took 0.21 seconds
[05:38:46]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[05:38:46]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[05:38:46]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[05:38:46]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[05:38:46]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[05:38:46]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[05:38:47]: lua_close took 0.32 seconds
[05:38:47]: ReleaseAll
[05:38:47]: ReleaseAll Finished
[05:38:47]: cGame::StartPlaying
[05:38:47]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x32
[05:38:47]: LOADING LUA
[05:38:47]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[05:38:47]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[05:38:47]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食
[05:38:49]: Running main.lua
[05:38:49]: loaded modindex
[05:38:49]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
[05:38:49]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[05:38:49]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1530801499
[05:38:49]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1271089343
[05:38:49]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-362175979
[05:38:49]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-661253977
[05:38:49]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-378160973
[05:38:49]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-2287303119
[05:38:49]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1595631294
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1271089343
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1595631294
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-362175979
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-1530801499
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[05:38:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-661253977
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Version:11:15 2020-08-10
[05:38:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1271089343
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Version:
[05:38:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1595631294
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Version:1.1.5
[05:38:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-362175979
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Version:1.4.5
[05:38:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1530801499
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Version:1.07
[05:38:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-378160973
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[05:38:49]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2287303119
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.59.6
[05:38:49]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1530801499
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option Ownership with value false
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option SanityCost with value 1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option HungerCost with value 1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1530801499's option ArrowsignEnable with value false
[05:38:49]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1271089343
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option null_option with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option bekkitt_skeleton_pen with value 0
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1271089343's option skeleton_player with value true
[05:38:49]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-362175979
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-362175979's option Draw over FoW with value disabled
[05:38:49]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-661253977
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option nillots with value 0
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option baodiao with value 1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option amudiao with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option zbdiao with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option kong with value 0
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-661253977's option rendiao with value 2
[05:38:49]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-378160973
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option FIREOPTIONS with value 2
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWFIREICONS with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERICONS with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option OVERRIDEMODE with value false
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS with value 2
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-378160973's option ENABLEPINGS with value true
[05:38:49]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-2287303119
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option with value 0
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_uses with value -1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option T_crop with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestR with value -1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_style with value 0
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option display_hp with value 1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_food_units with value -1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option item_info_mod with value 0
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option lang with value Auto
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option show_buddle_item with value 1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestB with value -1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_order with value 0
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option chestG with value -1
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-2287303119's option food_estimation with value -1
[05:38:49]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1595631294
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option SaltBox with value false
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option BundleItems with value false
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option Digornot with value false
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option ChangeSkin with value true
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option Icebox with value false
[05:38:49]: Overriding mod workshop-1595631294's option DragonflyChest with value false
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Loading modmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modmain.lua
[05:38:49]: ShowMe version: 0.59.6
[05:38:49]: show_food_units -1 -1 -1
[05:38:49]: show_uses -1 -1 -1
[05:38:49]: Detected language for ShowMe: Auto
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Loading modmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading modmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modmain.lua
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-661253977
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1271089343
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1595631294
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-362175979
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-1530801499
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-378160973
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-2287303119
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Loading modmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[05:38:49]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-378160973"
[05:38:49]: Registering Server mod namespace "fasttravel"
[05:38:49]: Registering Server mod namespace "showmeshint"
[05:38:49]: Registering Server mod namespace "showme"
[05:38:49]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[05:38:49]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[05:38:49]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[05:38:49]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[05:38:49]: bloom_enabled true
[05:38:49]: OnFilesLoaded()
[05:38:49]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[05:38:49]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[05:38:49]: Found a level data override file with these contents:
[05:38:49]: K: background_node_range V: table: 0x1bd4d430
[05:38:49]: K: 1 V: 0
[05:38:49]: K: 2 V: 1
[05:38:49]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[05:38:49]: K: hideminimap V: false
[05:38:49]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: K: location V: cave
[05:38:49]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[05:38:49]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[05:38:49]: K: name V: 洞穴
[05:38:49]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[05:38:49]: K: override_level_string V: false
[05:38:49]: K: overrides V: table: 0x1bd4e490
[05:38:49]: K: atriumgate V: default
[05:38:49]: K: banana V: default
[05:38:49]: K: basicresource_regrowth V: none
[05:38:49]: K: bats V: default
[05:38:49]: K: bats_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: beefaloheat V: default
[05:38:49]: K: berrybush V: default
[05:38:49]: K: boons V: default
[05:38:49]: K: branching V: default
[05:38:49]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default
[05:38:49]: K: bunnymen V: default
[05:38:49]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: cave_ponds V: default
[05:38:49]: K: cave_spiders V: default
[05:38:49]: K: cavelight V: default
[05:38:49]: K: chess V: default
[05:38:49]: K: crow_carnival V: default
[05:38:49]: K: darkness V: default
[05:38:49]: K: day V: default
[05:38:49]: K: daywalker V: default
[05:38:49]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default
[05:38:49]: K: dustmoths V: default
[05:38:49]: K: earthquakes V: default
[05:38:49]: K: extrastartingitems V: default
[05:38:49]: K: fern V: default
[05:38:49]: K: fissure V: default
[05:38:49]: K: flint V: default
[05:38:49]: K: flower_cave V: default
[05:38:49]: K: flower_cave_regrowth V: default
[05:38:49]: K: fruitfly V: default
[05:38:49]: K: ghostenabled V: always
[05:38:49]: K: ghostsanitydrain V: always
[05:38:49]: K: grass V: default
[05:38:49]: K: grassgekkos V: default
[05:38:49]: K: hallowed_nights V: default
[05:38:49]: K: healthpenalty V: always
[05:38:49]: K: hunger V: default
[05:38:49]: K: krampus V: default
[05:38:49]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[05:38:49]: K: lessdamagetaken V: none
[05:38:49]: K: lichen V: default
[05:38:49]: K: liefs V: default
[05:38:49]: K: lightflier_flower_regrowth V: default
[05:38:49]: K: lightfliers V: default
[05:38:49]: K: loop V: default
[05:38:49]: K: marshbush V: default
[05:38:49]: K: merms V: default
[05:38:49]: K: molebats V: default
[05:38:49]: K: moles_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: monkey V: default
[05:38:49]: K: monkey_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: mushgnome V: default
[05:38:49]: K: mushroom V: default
[05:38:49]: K: mushtree V: default
[05:38:49]: K: mushtree_moon_regrowth V: default
[05:38:49]: K: mushtree_regrowth V: default
[05:38:49]: K: nightmarecreatures V: default
[05:38:49]: K: pigs_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: portalresurection V: none
[05:38:49]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
[05:38:49]: K: reeds V: default
[05:38:49]: K: regrowth V: default
[05:38:49]: K: resettime V: default
[05:38:49]: K: rifts_enabled_cave V: default
[05:38:49]: K: rifts_frequency_cave V: default
[05:38:49]: K: roads V: never
[05:38:49]: K: rock V: default
[05:38:49]: K: rocky V: default
[05:38:49]: K: rocky_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: sapling V: default
[05:38:49]: K: season_start V: default
[05:38:49]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default
[05:38:49]: K: shadowcreatures V: default
[05:38:49]: K: slurper V: default
[05:38:49]: K: slurtles V: default
[05:38:49]: K: slurtles_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: snurtles V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spawnmode V: fixed
[05:38:49]: K: spawnprotection V: default
[05:38:49]: K: specialevent V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spider_dropper V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spider_hider V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spider_spitter V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spider_warriors V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spiderqueen V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spiders V: default
[05:38:49]: K: spiders_setting V: default
[05:38:49]: K: start_location V: default
[05:38:49]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[05:38:49]: K: temperaturedamage V: default
[05:38:49]: K: tentacles V: default
[05:38:49]: K: toadstool V: default
[05:38:49]: K: touchstone V: default
[05:38:49]: K: trees V: default
[05:38:49]: K: weather V: default
[05:38:49]: K: winters_feast V: default
[05:38:49]: K: world_size V: default
[05:38:49]: K: wormattacks V: default
[05:38:49]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[05:38:49]: K: wormlights V: default
[05:38:49]: K: worms V: default
[05:38:49]: K: year_of_the_beefalo V: default
[05:38:49]: K: year_of_the_bunnyman V: default
[05:38:49]: K: year_of_the_carrat V: default
[05:38:49]: K: year_of_the_catcoon V: default
[05:38:49]: K: year_of_the_gobbler V: default
[05:38:49]: K: year_of_the_pig V: default
[05:38:49]: K: year_of_the_varg V: default
[05:38:49]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0x1fbe5ee0
[05:38:49]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[05:38:49]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[05:38:49]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[05:38:49]: K: substitutes V: table: 0x1fbe5f10
[05:38:49]: K: version V: 4
[05:38:49]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[05:38:49]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
[05:38:49]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua
[05:38:49]: Overwriting savedata with level data file.
[05:38:49]: Found a worldgen override file with these contents:
[05:38:49]: K: override_enabled V: true
[05:38:49]: K: overrides V: table: 0x23ec6290
[05:38:49]: K: start_location V: default
[05:38:49]: K: settings_preset V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: K: worldgen_preset V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: sanity-checking worldgenoverride.lua...
[05:38:49]: Loaded and applied world gen overrides from ../worldgenoverride.lua
[05:38:49]: contained worldgen preset DST_CAVE, loading...
[05:38:49]: contained settings preset DST_CAVE, loading...
[05:38:49]: Overwriting savedata with override file.
[05:38:49]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
[05:38:49]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
[05:38:49]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
[05:38:49]: Engine Seed: (1698839471 + 3812455735) & 0x7FFFFFFF = 1216327910
[05:38:49]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
[05:38:49]: Check for write access: TRUE
[05:38:49]: Check for read access: TRUE
[05:38:49]: Available disk space for save files: 39124 MB
[05:38:49]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[05:38:49]: Reset() returning
[05:38:49]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (3885693760)
[05:38:49]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
[05:38:49]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[05:38:49]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
[05:38:49]: DLC enabled : false
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[05:38:49]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1530801499
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1271089343
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-362175979
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-2287303119
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-661253977
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-1595631294
[05:38:49]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting modname, workshop-378160973
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Version:1.07
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Version:
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Version:1.4.5
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Version:0.59.6
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Version:11:15 2020-08-10
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Version:1.1.5
[05:38:49]: Loading mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Version:1.7.4
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[05:38:49]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[05:38:49]: running worldgen_main.lua
[05:38:49]: SEED = 1216327910
[05:38:49]: Generating world with these parameters:
[05:38:49]: level_type SURVIVAL
[05:38:49]: level_data:
[05:38:49]: K: background_node_range V: table: 0xe505ea10
[05:38:49]: K: 1 V: 0
[05:38:49]: K: 2 V: 1
[05:38:49]: K: desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[05:38:49]: K: hideminimap V: false
[05:38:49]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: K: location V: cave
[05:38:49]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
[05:38:49]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
[05:38:49]: K: name V: 洞穴
[05:38:49]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
[05:38:49]: K: override_level_string V: false
[05:38:49]: K: overrides V: table: 0xe508a0a0
[05:38:49]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
[05:38:49]: K: roads V: never
[05:38:49]: K: season_start V: default
[05:38:49]: K: start_location V: default
[05:38:49]: K: task_set V: cave_default
[05:38:49]: K: world_size V: default
[05:38:49]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
[05:38:49]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0xe505fda0
[05:38:49]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
[05:38:49]: K: settings_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[05:38:49]: K: settings_id V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: K: settings_name V: 洞穴
[05:38:49]: K: substitutes V: table: 0xe505eb50
[05:38:49]: K: version V: 4
[05:38:49]: K: worldgen_desc V: 探查洞穴…… 一起!
[05:38:49]: K: worldgen_id V: DST_CAVE
[05:38:49]: K: worldgen_name V: 洞穴
# Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level
[05:38:49]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular grass
[05:38:49]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular twigs
[05:38:49]: Prefab Swap Selection: juicy berries
[05:38:50]: New size: 425 default
[05:38:50]: Creating story...
[05:38:50]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MudWorld'
[05:38:50]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey
[05:38:50]: Finding valid start task...
[05:38:50]: ...picked CaveExitTask6
[05:38:50]: Has start node Clearing
[05:38:50]: Adding Background Nodes
[05:38:50]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[05:38:50]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[05:38:50]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[05:38:50]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[05:38:52]: ...Done.
[05:38:52]: ... story created
[05:38:52]: Baking map... 425
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[05:38:52]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[05:38:52]: [SeparateIslands]
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[05:38:52]: Map Baked!
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[05:38:52]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[05:38:52]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 11
[05:38:52]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[05:38:52]: Encoding...
[05:38:52]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap]
[05:38:52]: Encoding... DONE
[05:38:52]: Checking Tags
[05:38:52]: Couldn't generate any points for maze. Aborting.
[05:38:52]: Populating voronoi...
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:4:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:4:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:4:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:4:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for GrassySinkhole in node PleasantSinkhole:3:GrasslandSinkhole
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node UndergroundForest:0:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:52]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node UndergroundForest:0:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:52]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[05:38:52]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 42 tiles.
[05:38:52]: disconnected tiles... 767
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:BG_78:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:5:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:4:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:BG_76:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:2:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:BG_79:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:BG_77:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:3:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:1:Labyrinth Cant process points
[05:38:53]: TheLabyrinth:0:RuinedGuarden Cant process points
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE 48.7025 276.7325 -655.19, 0, 256.93
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 272.75 391.5 241, 0, 716
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 272.5 391.5 240, 0, 716
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 272 391.5 238, 0, 716
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 270.5 388 232, 0, 702
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 270.5 388.5 232, 0, 704
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 270.5 388.75 232, 0, 705
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE minotaur_spawner 274.5 387.5 248, 0, 700
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_double 277.71 388.0975 260.84, 0, 702.39
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_double 277.1125 384.6125 258.45, 0, 688.45
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 272.6225 383.9125 240.49, 0, 685.65
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 272.3325 385.01 239.33, 0, 690.04
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 271.7725 388.16 237.09, 0, 702.64
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 271.705 390.93 236.82, 0, 713.72
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 272.3275 386.075 239.31, 0, 694.3
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 274.32 383.805 247.28, 0, 685.22
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 270.93 387.7925 233.72, 0, 701.17
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 270.985 390.2825 233.94, 0, 711.13
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 287.5 396.5 300, 0, 736
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 277.5 398.5 260, 0, 744
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 291.5 406.5 316, 0, 776
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 291.5 410.5 316, 0, 792
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 283.5 410.5 284, 0, 792
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 265.5 410.5 212, 0, 792
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 271.4825 390.515 235.93, 0, 712.06
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 271.4825 384.515 235.93, 0, 688.06
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 277.5 384.515 260, 0, 688.06
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 277.4825 390.515 259.93, 0, 712.06
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 327.265 286.5 459.06, 0, 296
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 270.5 389.25 232, 0, 707
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 271.75 391.5 237, 0, 716
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 271 391.5 234, 0, 716
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 270.5 390 232, 0, 710
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 270.5 390.75 232, 0, 713
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 270.5 391 232, 0, 714
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 270.5 391.25 232, 0, 715
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 248.5 342.265 144, 0, 519.06
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_triple 273.7375 385.085 244.95, 0, 690.34
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave 273.51 385.7125 244.04, 0, 692.85
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave 272.91 390.02 241.64, 0, 710.08
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE sanityrock 377.5 234 660, 0, 86
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE sanityrock 378 234.25 662, 0, 87
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_stone_2 50.375 250.625 -648.5, 0, 152.5
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE cave_fern 273.665 387.25 244.66, 0, 699
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE cave_fern 277.28 387.4125 259.12, 0, 699.65
[05:38:53]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE cave_fern 273.4625 384.29 243.85, 0, 687.16
[05:38:53]: Checking Required Prefab atrium_gate has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:53]: Checking Required Prefab archive_orchestrina_main has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:53]: Checking Required Prefab multiplayer_portal has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:53]: Checking Required Prefab sacred_chest has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:53]: Checking Required Prefab minotaur_spawner has at least 1 instances (0 found).
[05:38:53]: PANIC: missing required prefab [minotaur_spawner]! Expected 1, got 0
[05:38:53]: An error occured during world gen we will retry! [was 1 of 5 ]
[05:38:53]: New size: 425 default
[05:38:53]: Creating story...
[05:38:53]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MudWorld'
[05:38:53]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey
[05:38:53]: Finding valid start task...
[05:38:53]: ...picked CaveExitTask4
[05:38:53]: Has start node Clearing
[05:38:53]: Adding Background Nodes
[05:38:53]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[05:38:53]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[05:38:53]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[05:38:53]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[05:38:55]: ...Done.
[05:38:55]: ... story created
[05:38:55]: Baking map... 425
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[05:38:55]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[05:38:55]: [SeparateIslands]
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[05:38:55]: Map Baked!
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[05:38:55]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[05:38:55]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 14
[05:38:55]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[05:38:55]: Encoding...
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap]
[05:38:55]: Encoding... DONE
[05:38:55]: Checking Tags
[05:38:55]: Couldn't generate any points for maze. Aborting.
[05:38:55]: Couldn't generate any points for maze. Aborting.
[05:38:55]: Populating voronoi...
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask9:1:GreenMushSinkhole
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:4:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:4:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for GrassySinkhole in node PleasantSinkhole:4:GrasslandSinkhole
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for GrassySinkhole in node PleasantSinkhole:3:GrasslandSinkhole
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for TentaclePillar in node MudCave:0:MudWithRabbit
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for RabbitHermit in node MudCave:0:MudWithRabbit
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node UndergroundForest:0:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:55]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node UndergroundForest:0:SinkholeCopses
[05:38:55]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[05:38:55]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 40 tiles.
[05:38:55]: disconnected tiles... 706
[05:38:55]: TheLabyrinth:0:RuinedGuarden Cant process points
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE 165.295 365.265 -210.82, 0, 589.06
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 401.25 96.5 733, 0, -486
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 401.5 96.5 734, 0, -486
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 402 96.5 736, 0, -486
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 403.5 100 742, 0, -472
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 403.5 99.5 742, 0, -474
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE brokenwall_ruins 403.5 99.25 742, 0, -475
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE minotaur_spawner 399.5 100.5 726, 0, -470
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_double 401.095 98.94 732.38, 0, -476.24
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_double 403.2325 98.1525 740.93, 0, -479.39
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_double 398.78 97.745 723.12, 0, -481.02
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 397.5 141.5 718, 0, -306
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 402.515 97.4825 738.06, 0, -482.07
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 402.515 103.4825 738.06, 0, -458.07
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 396.5 103.4825 714, 0, -458.07
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pillar_ruins 396.515 97.4825 714.06, 0, -482.07
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 403.5 98.75 742, 0, -477
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 402.25 96.5 737, 0, -486
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 403 96.5 740, 0, -486
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 403.5 98 742, 0, -480
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 403.5 97.25 742, 0, -483
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 403.5 97 742, 0, -484
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_ruins 403.5 96.75 742, 0, -485
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_triple 398.5425 103.8375 722.17, 0, -456.65
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_triple 400.895 99.34 731.58, 0, -474.64
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave_triple 400.37 97.19 729.48, 0, -483.24
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave 402.7475 97.4525 738.99, 0, -482.19
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave 397.6125 102.035 718.45, 0, -463.86
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE flower_cave 400.0675 100.335 728.27, 0, -470.66
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 403.245 103.7925 740.98, 0, -456.83
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 398.595 99.225 722.38, 0, -475.1
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 396.505 102.28 714.02, 0, -462.88
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE lichen 399.415 103.27 725.66, 0, -458.92
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE cave_fern 399.2875 98.3 725.15, 0, -478.8
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE cave_fern 396.23 101.97 712.92, 0, -464.12
[05:38:55]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE cave_fern 397.5175 100.6125 718.07, 0, -469.55
[05:38:55]: Checking Required Prefab atrium_gate has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:55]: Checking Required Prefab archive_orchestrina_main has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:55]: Checking Required Prefab multiplayer_portal has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:55]: Checking Required Prefab sacred_chest has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:38:55]: Checking Required Prefab minotaur_spawner has at least 1 instances (0 found).
[05:38:55]: PANIC: missing required prefab [minotaur_spawner]! Expected 1, got 0
[05:38:55]: An error occured during world gen we will retry! [was 2 of 5 ]
[05:38:55]: New size: 425 default
[05:38:55]: Creating story...
[05:38:55]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MudWorld'
[05:38:55]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey
[05:38:55]: Finding valid start task...
[05:38:55]: ...picked CaveExitTask1
[05:38:55]: Has start node Clearing
[05:38:55]: Adding Background Nodes
[05:38:55]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints]
[05:38:55]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass]
[05:38:55]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
[05:39:10]: ...Done.
[05:39:10]: ... story created
[05:39:10]: Baking map... 425
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success.
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
[05:39:10]: [ConvertToTileMap]
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
[05:39:10]: [SeparateIslands]
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
[05:39:10]: Map Baked!
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
[05:39:10]: [GenerateLandmasses]
[05:39:10]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 14
[05:39:10]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
[05:39:10]: Encoding...
[05:39:10]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap]
[05:39:10]: Encoding... DONE
[05:39:10]: Checking Tags
[05:39:10]: Populating voronoi...
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for GrassySinkhole in node PleasantSinkhole:4:GrasslandSinkhole
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for GrassySinkhole in node PleasantSinkhole:3:GrasslandSinkhole
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node UndergroundForest:0:SinkholeCopses
[05:39:10]: Warning! Could not find a spot for TentaclePillar in node SpiderLand:0:SpiderIncursion
[05:39:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[05:39:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 57 tiles.
[05:39:10]: disconnected tiles... 937
[05:39:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE 28.7025 266.7325 -735.19, 0, 216.93
[05:39:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 303.5 319.5 364, 0, 428
[05:39:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE pandoraschest 329.5 367.5 468, 0, 620
[05:39:10]: Removing entity on IMPASSABLE wall_stone_2 26.125 248.6875 -745.5, 0, 144.75
[05:39:10]: Checking Required Prefab atrium_gate has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:39:10]: Checking Required Prefab archive_orchestrina_main has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:39:10]: Checking Required Prefab multiplayer_portal has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:39:10]: Checking Required Prefab sacred_chest has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:39:10]: Checking Required Prefab minotaur_spawner has at least 1 instances (1 found).
[05:39:10]: Checking Required Prefab archive_lockbox_dispencer has at least 3 instances (4 found).
[05:39:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating...
[05:39:10]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 0 tiles.
[05:39:10]: Done cave map gen!
[05:39:10]: Checking map...
[05:39:10]: Generation complete, injecting world entities.
[05:39:10]: Injected world entities.
[05:39:11]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
[05:39:11]: Serializing world: session/08E500A9E48100DA/0000000002
[05:39:11]: Klump load on boot started.
[05:39:11]: Klump files loaded: 0
[05:39:11]: Unload characters
[05:39:11]: BE assets already loaded
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering prefabs
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering prefab file: prefabs/travelable_classified
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) travelable_classified
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1530801499 (Fast Travel (GUI)) Registering default mod prefab
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering prefabs
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-2287303119 (Show Me (中文)) Registering default mod prefab
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Registering prefabs
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1271089343 (Your skeleton respawn) Registering default mod prefab
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Registering prefabs
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-362175979 (Wormhole Marks) Registering default mod prefab
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering prefabs
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-661253977 ( Don't Drop Everything) Registering default mod prefab
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefabs
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/globalposition_classified
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) globalposition_classified
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/smoketrail
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) smoketrail
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/globalmapicon_noproxy
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) globalmapicon_noproxy
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/worldmapexplorer
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) worldmapexplorer
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering prefab file: prefabs/pings
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_generic
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_omw
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_danger
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_explore
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) ping_gohere
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-378160973 (Global Positions) Registering default mod prefab
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Registering prefabs
[05:39:11]: Mod: workshop-1595631294 (Smart Minisign) Registering default mod prefab
[05:39:11]: Begin Session: 08E500A9E48100DA
[05:39:11]: Stomping previously assigned session identifier, two loads issued.
[05:39:11]: saving to server_temp/server_save
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_1.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_2.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_3.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_4.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_5.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_6.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_7.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_8.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_9.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_10.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_11.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_12.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_13.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_14.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_15.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_16.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_17.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_18.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_19.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_20.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_21.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-362175979/images/mark_22.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/campfire.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_generic.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_gohere.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_explore.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_danger.xml )
[05:39:11]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( ../mods/workshop-378160973/minimap/ping_omw.xml )
[05:39:11]: Loading 19 new character(s)
[05:39:12]: Total 19 character(s) loaded
[05:39:14]: Loading Nav Grid
[05:39:14]: World generated on build 579121 with save version: 5.142, using seed: 1216327910
[05:39:15]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[05:39:15]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[05:39:15]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[05:39:15]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[05:39:15]: Can't find prefab archive_sound_area
[05:39:15]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, archive_sound_area] FAILED
[05:39:17]: SWITCHING false
[05:39:17]: Reconstructing topology
[05:39:17]: ...Sorting points
[05:39:17]: ...Sorting edges
[05:39:17]: ...Connecting nodes
[05:39:17]: ...Validating connections
[05:39:17]: ...Housekeeping
[05:39:17]: ...Done!
[05:39:17]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
[05:39:17]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 08E500A9E48100DA
[05:39:17]: World 1 is now connected
[05:39:17]: [SyncWorldSettings] Sending ResyncWorldSettings.
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[1] <-> 1[1] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[2] <-> 1[2] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[3] <-> 1[3] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[4] <-> 1[4] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[5] <-> 1[5] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[6] <-> 1[6] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[7] <-> 1[7] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[8] <-> 1[8] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[9] <-> 1[9] (active)
[05:39:18]: Validating portal[10] <-> 1[10] (active)
[05:39:19]: Sim paused
[06:00:08]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:00:08]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[06:30:08]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:30:08]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:00:08]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[07:00:08]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:30:08]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[07:30:08]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[08:00:09]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[08:00:09]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[08:30:09]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[08:30:09]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[09:00:09]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[09:00:09]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[09:30:09]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[09:30:09]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[10:00:09]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[10:00:09]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[10:30:10]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[10:30:10]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[11:00:10]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[11:00:10]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[11:30:10]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[11:30:10]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[12:00:10]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[12:00:10]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[12:30:10]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[12:30:10]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[13:00:11]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[13:00:11]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[13:30:11]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[13:30:11]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[14:00:11]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[14:00:11]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[14:30:11]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[14:30:11]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[15:00:11]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[15:00:11]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[15:30:11]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[15:30:11]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[16:00:12]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[16:00:12]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[16:30:12]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[16:30:12]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[17:00:12]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[17:00:12]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[17:30:12]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[17:30:12]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[18:00:12]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[18:00:12]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[18:30:13]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[18:30:13]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[19:00:13]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[19:00:13]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[19:30:13]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[19:30:13]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[20:00:13]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[20:00:13]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[20:30:13]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[20:30:13]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[21:00:14]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[21:00:14]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[21:30:14]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[21:30:14]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[22:00:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[22:00:15]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[22:30:14]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[22:30:14]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[23:00:14]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[23:00:14]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[23:30:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[23:30:15]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[00:00:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:00:15]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[00:30:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:30:15]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:00:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:00:15]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:30:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:30:15]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:00:15]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:00:15]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:30:16]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:30:16]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:00:16]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:00:16]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:30:16]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:30:16]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:00:16]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:00:16]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:30:16]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:30:16]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:00:17]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:00:17]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:30:17]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:30:17]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[06:00:17]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:00:17]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[06:30:17]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:30:17]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:00:17]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[07:00:17]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:30:18]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[07:30:18]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[08:00:18]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[08:00:18]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[08:30:18]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[08:30:18]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[09:00:18]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[09:00:18]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[09:30:18]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[09:30:18]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[10:00:18]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[10:00:18]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[10:30:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[10:30:19]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[11:00:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[11:00:19]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[11:30:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[11:30:19]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[12:00:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[12:00:19]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[12:30:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[12:30:19]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[13:00:20]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[13:00:20]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[13:30:20]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[13:30:20]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[14:00:20]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[14:00:20]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[14:30:20]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[14:30:20]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[15:00:20]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[15:00:20]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[15:30:21]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[15:30:21]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[16:00:21]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[16:00:21]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[16:30:21]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[16:30:21]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[17:00:21]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[17:00:21]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[17:30:21]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[17:30:21]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[18:00:22]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[18:00:22]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[18:30:22]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[18:30:22]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[19:00:22]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[19:00:22]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[19:30:22]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[19:30:22]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[20:00:22]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[20:00:22]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[20:30:23]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[20:30:23]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[21:00:23]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[21:00:23]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[21:30:23]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[21:30:23]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[22:00:23]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[22:00:23]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[22:30:23]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[22:30:23]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[23:00:23]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[23:00:23]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[23:30:24]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[23:30:24]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[00:00:24]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:00:24]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[00:30:24]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:30:24]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:00:24]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:00:24]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:30:24]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:30:24]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:00:25]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:00:25]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:30:25]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:30:25]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:00:25]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:00:25]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:30:25]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:30:25]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:00:25]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:00:25]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:30:26]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:30:26]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:00:26]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:00:26]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:30:26]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:30:26]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[06:00:26]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:00:26]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[06:30:26]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:30:26]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:00:27]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[07:00:27]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:30:27]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[07:30:27]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[08:00:27]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[08:00:27]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[08:30:27]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[08:30:27]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[09:00:27]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[09:00:27]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[09:30:27]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[09:30:27]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[10:00:28]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[10:00:28]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[10:30:28]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[10:30:28]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[11:00:28]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[11:00:28]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[11:30:28]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[11:30:28]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[12:00:28]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[12:00:28]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[12:30:29]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[12:30:29]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[13:00:29]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[13:00:29]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[13:30:29]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[13:30:29]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[14:00:29]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[14:00:29]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[14:30:29]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[14:30:29]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[15:00:30]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[15:00:30]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[15:30:30]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[15:30:30]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[16:00:30]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[16:00:30]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[16:30:30]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[16:30:30]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[17:00:30]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[17:00:30]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[17:30:31]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[17:30:31]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[18:00:31]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[18:00:31]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[18:30:31]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[18:30:31]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[19:00:31]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[19:00:31]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[19:30:31]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[19:30:31]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[20:00:31]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[20:00:31]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[20:30:32]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[20:30:32]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[21:00:32]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[21:00:32]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[21:30:32]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[21:30:32]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[22:00:32]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[22:00:32]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[22:30:32]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[22:30:32]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[23:00:33]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[23:00:33]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[23:30:33]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[23:30:33]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[00:00:33]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:00:33]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[00:30:33]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:30:33]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:00:33]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:00:33]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[01:30:34]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:30:34]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:00:34]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:00:34]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[02:30:34]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[02:30:34]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:00:34]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:00:34]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[03:30:34]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[03:30:34]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:00:35]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:00:35]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[04:30:35]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[04:30:35]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:00:35]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:00:35]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[05:30:35]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[05:30:35]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[06:00:35]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:00:35]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[06:30:35]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[06:30:35]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:00:36]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[07:00:36]: Received (KU_7vJFklO4) from TokenPurpose
[07:06:33]: Available disk space for save files: 40928 MB
[07:06:33]: Serializing world: session/08E500A9E48100DA/0000000003
[07:06:33]: [Shard] Stopping shard mode
[07:06:33]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for ''
[07:06:33]: Collecting garbage...
[07:06:34]: lua_gc took 0.19 seconds
[07:06:34]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[07:06:34]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[07:06:34]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[07:06:34]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[07:06:34]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[07:06:34]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[07:06:34]: lua_close took 0.31 seconds
[07:06:34]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete
[07:06:34]: HttpClient2 discarded 0 callbacks.
[07:06:34]: Shutting down