import zh from "./zh" import en from "./en" import { getset } from '@/api'; import { geti18n } from '@/utils/i18n'; getset().then((res: any)=>{ zh.shichangtishi = `最短${res.timeLowerLimit}min, 最长${res.timeCeiling}min` en.shichangtishi = `The shortest is ${res.timeLowerLimit}min and the longest is ${res.timeCeiling}min` zh.renshutishi = `最少${res.lowerLimit}人, 最多${res.numberCeiling}人` en.renshutishi = `At least ${res.lowerLimit}, at most ${res.numberCeiling}` en.shichangtishi = `Minimum ${res.lowerLimit} person, maximum ${res.numberCeiling} people` zh.tixianzhu = `注:每笔提现收取${res.sxf}服务费,最低${ res.symbol + res.minmoney }` en.tixianzhu = `Note: ${res.sxf} service fee will be charged for each withdrawal, with a minimum of ${ res.symbol + res.minmoney }` // const i18n = geti18n(); // const loc = i18n.locale.value; // i18n.locale.value = ''; // i18n.locale.value = loc; console.log('i18n') }) export default { locale: "zh", //默认语言 messages: { zh: zh, en: en } }