zj #101

asd merged 2 commits from zj into master 2020-10-30 09:03:43 +00:00
4 changed files with 296 additions and 299 deletions

View File

@ -1,295 +1,293 @@
export default { export default {
zhiboguanli: "直播管理", zhiboguanli: "Live broadcast management",
shipinguanli: "视频管理", shipinguanli: "Video management",
dingyuezheguanli: "订阅者管理", dingyuezheguanli: "Subscriber management",
gerenzhongxin: "个人中心", gerenzhongxin: "Personal Center",
rili: "日历", rili: "calendar",
quanbuzhibo: "全部直播", quanbuzhibo: "All live",
weikaishi: "未开始", weikaishi: "Not started",
yijieshu: "已结束", yijieshu: "Finished",
zhibosousuo: "请输入想要搜索的直播标题", zhibosousuo: "Please enter the live title you want to search",
haiweikaishi: "还未开始", haiweikaishi: "Not yet",
yijueshi: "已结束", jinruzhibo: "Enter live",
jinruzhibo: "进入直播", chakanhuifang: "View playback",
chakanhuifang:"查看回放", quanbushipin: "All videos",
quanbushipin: "全部视频", shenhezhong: "Under review",
shenhezhong: "审核中", weitongguo: "Failed",
weitongguo: "未通过", yifabu: "Published",
yifabu: "已发布", shipinsousuo: "Please enter the live title you want to search",
shipinsousuo: "请输入想要搜索的直播标题", wodedingyuezhe: "My subscribers",
wodedingyuezhe: "我的订阅者", xingming: "name",
xingming: "姓名", suozaiguojia: "Country of residence",
suozaiguojia: "所在国家", nianling: "Age",
nianling: "年龄", xueshengmuyu: "Students' mother tongue",
xueshengmuyu: "学生母语", xingqudian: "Points of interest",
xingqudian: "兴趣点", yuyandengji: "Language level",
yuyandengji: "语言等级", canyupingtaishichang: "Total duration of live broadcast on the platform",
canyupingtaishichang: "参与平台直播总时长", sousuoxuesheng: "Please enter the name of the student you want to search",
sousuoxuesheng: "请输入想要搜索的学生姓名", huanying: "Hello, welcome",
beelink: "Beelink", beelink: "Beelink",
meiyouzhanghao:"还没有账号?", meiyouzhanghao: "Don't have an account yet?",
yiyouzhanghao:"已有账号?", yiyouzhanghao: "Existing account number",
qudenglu:"去登录", qudenglu: "Go to login",
chengweilaoshi:"成为一名Beelink老师", chengweilaoshi: "Become a Beelink teacher",
shoujidenglu:"手机号登录", shoujidenglu: "Mobile phone number login",
mimadenglu:"账号密码登录", mimadenglu: "Account password login",
shoujihao:"手机号", shoujihao: "cell-phone number",
yanzhengma:"验证码", yanzhengma: "Verification Code",
dianjihuoquyzm:"点击获取验证码", dianjihuoquyzm: "Click to get the verification code",
lijidenglu:"立即登录", lijidenglu: "Log in now",
shurushouji:"请输入您的手机号", shurushouji: "Please enter your mobile phone number",
shuruyzm:"请输入您的验证码", shuruyzm: "Please enter your verification code",
banquan:"Beelink公司版权所有 2019—2022", banquan: "Copyright Beelink Inc. All rights reserved 2019-2022",
zhanghao:"帐号", zhanghao: "accounts",
shuruzhanghao:"请输入您的邮箱或者手机号", shuruzhanghao: "Please enter your email or mobile phone number",
mima:"密码", mima: "password",
shurumima:"请输入您的密码", shurumima: "Please enter your password",
wangjimima:"忘记密码?", wangjimima: "Forget the password?",
yiwanxinlai:"亿万人的信赖和见证", yiwanxinlai: "Trust and witness of hundreds of millions of people",
kaiqishenghuo:"Beelink 开启您的美好学习生活", kaiqishenghuo: "Beelink Open your wonderful learning life",
guanyubeelink:"关于 Beelink", guanyubeelink: "about Beelink",
guanyuneirong:" Beelink平台拥有数千名优秀老师丰富的教育经验和有趣的课堂环境一对一辅导平台的教务管理、线上课堂、线下课堂、助学互动课程回放等多项教学功能让您利用碎片时间轻轻松松学会各种语言。", guanyuneirong: "Beelink platform has thousands of excellent teachers, rich education experience and interesting classroom environment. The one-to-one tutoring platform has many teaching functions, such as educational administration management, online classroom, offline classroom, student interaction, course playback and so on, so that you can learn various languages easily with fragmented time.",
liaojiegengduo:"了解更多", liaojiegengduo: "Learn more",
xiayibu:"下一步", xiayibu: "next step",
tongyixieyi:"勾选表示同意 《用户注册协议和隐私政策》", tongyixieyi: "Check to indicate agreement to user registration agreement and privacy policy",
shezhimima:"设置密码", shezhimima: "Set password",
shurumimatwo:"请再次输入您的密码", shurumimatwo: "Please enter your password again",
shuruxingming:"请输入您的姓名", shuruxingming: "Please enter your name",
youxiang:"邮箱", youxiang: "mailbox",
shuruyouxiang:"请输入您的邮箱", shuruyouxiang: "Please enter your email",
muyu:"母语", muyu: "mother tongue",
shurumuyu:"请输入您的母语", shurumuyu: "Please enter your native language",
jiaoshou:"教授", jiaoshou: "teach",
xuanzejiaoshou:"请选择您的教授", xuanzejiaoshou: "Please choose your professor",//翻译很奇怪
lijizhuce:"立刻注册", lijizhuce: "Register now",
wanchengzhuce:"您已完成注册", wanchengzhuce: "You have completed the registration",
qudangan:"恭喜您注册成功,点击跳转到我的档案页面", qudangan: "Congratulations on your successful registration. Click to jump to my profile page",
yanzhengshouji:"验证手机号", yanzhengshouji: "Verify mobile phone number",
tianxiexinxi:"填写帐号信息", tianxiexinxi: "Fill in account information",
fanhuishangyibu:"返回上一步", fanhuishangyibu: "Back to the previous step",
zhucewancheng:"帐号注册完成", zhucewancheng: "Account registration completed",
mimachongzhi:"密码重置", xiangqimima: "Remember the password?",
xiangqimima:"想起密码?", zhanghuming: "Account name",
zhanghuming:"账户名", chongzhimima: "reset password",
chongzhimima:"重置密码", chongzhishurumima: "Please enter the password you want to set",
chongzhishurumima:"请输入您要设置的密码", querenmima: "Confirm password",
querenmima:"确认密码", querenchongzhi: "Confirm reset",
querenchongzhi:"确认重置", wanchengchongzhi: "You have completed password reset",
wanchengchongzhi:"您已完成密码重置", chongzhichenggong: "Congratulations on your successful password reset. Click to jump to the login page",
chongzhichenggong:"恭喜您重置密码成功,点击跳转到登录页面", shibiezhanghao: "Identify account number",
shibiezhanghao:"识别账号", yanzhengxinxi: "Verify account information and reset password",
yanzhengxinxi:"验证账号信息,重置密码", chongzhiwancheng: "Password reset complete",
chongzhiwancheng:"密码重置完成", xiugaitouxiang: "Modify the Avatar",
xiugaitouxiang:"修改头像", xiugai: "modify",
xiugai:"修改", shuruxinnicheng: "Please enter a new nickname",
shuruxinnicheng:"请输入新的昵称", jibenxinxi: "Basic information",
jibenxinxi:"基本信息", laiziguojia: "From the country",
laiziguojia:"来自国家", juzhudi: "Place of residence",
juzhudi:"居住地", shurujuzhudi: "Enter residence",
shurujuzhudi:"输入居住地", wohaihuishuo: "I would also say",
wohaihuishuo:"我还会说", shuliandu: "Proficiency",
shuliandu:"熟练度", jixutianjia: "Continue adding",
jixutianjia:"继续添加", xindemuyu: "Please enter your new mother tongue",
xindemuyu:"请输入新的母语", duanshipin: "Short video",
duanshipin:"短视频", shipinyaoqiu: "Video requirements:",
shipinyaoqiu:"视频要求:", shipinyaoqiu1: "The time required for uploading video is within 30s",
shipinyaoqiu1:"上传视频时间要求为30s之内", shipinyaoqiu2: "Support file size 100m",
shipinyaoqiu2:"支持文件大小100M", shipinyaoqiu3: "File extension: FIV, MP4",
shipinyaoqiu3:"文件扩展名fiv、mp4…", ziwojieshao: "self-introduction",
ziwojieshao:"自我介绍", lianxifangshi: "contact information",
lianxifangshi:"联系方式", genghuanshoujihao: "Change mobile phone number",
genghuanshoujihao:"更换手机号", xitongshezhi: "System settings",
xitongshezhi:"系统设置", shiqu: "time zone",
shiqu:"时区", huobi: "currency",
huobi:"货币", yuyan: "language",
yuyan:"语言", wanchengrenzheng: "Please complete the following certification",
wanchengrenzheng:"请完成以下认证", shuru: "Please enter",
shuru:"请输入", shoudaodeyzm: "Received verification SMS code",
shoudaodeyzm:"收到的验证短信码", shoujiyanzhengma: "Mobile phone verification code",
shoujiyanzhengma:"手机验证码", huoquyanzhengma: "Get captcha",
huoquyanzhengma:"获取验证码", bangdingxinhaoma: "Complete the following operations to bind the new number",
bangdingxinhaoma:"完成以下操作,绑定新号码", bangdingshouji: "Binding mobile phone",
bangdingshouji:"绑定手机", xiugaizhanghaomima: "Complete the following operations to modify the account password",
xiugaizhanghaomima:"完成以下操作,修改账号密码", yuanmima: "Original password",
yuanmima:"原密码", xinmima: "New password",
xinmima:"新密码", xinmimatwo: "Confirm new password",
xinmimatwo:"确认新密码", xiugaimima: "Change Password",
xiugaimima:"修改密码", baocun: "Save information",
baocun:"保存信息", gerenjieshao: "Please enter your profile",
gerenjieshao:"请输入个人介绍", shangchuanshipin: "Upload video",
shangchuanshipin:"上传视频", shipinbiaoti: "Video title",
shipinbiaoti:"视频标题", shurushipinbiaoti: "Please enter your video title",
shurushipinbiaoti:"请输入您的视频标题", shipinfengmian: "Video cover",
shipinfengmian:"视频封面", xuanzeshipin: "Choose video",
xuanzeshipin:"选择视频", shipinjianjie: "Video introduction",
shipinjianjie:"视频简介", shurushipinjianjie: "Please enter your video profile",
shurushipinjianjie:"请输入您的视频简介", zhiboxinxi: "Live broadcast information",
zhiboxinxi:"直播信息", zhibobiaoti: "Live title",
zhibobiaoti:"直播标题", shuruzhibobiaoti: "Please enter your live title",
shuruzhibobiaoti:"请输入您的直播标题", zhibofengmian: "Live cover",
zhibofengmian:"直播封面", shipinjieshao: "Video introduction",
shipinjieshao:"视频介绍", kaishishijian: "start time",
kaishishijian:"开始时间", shezhikaishishijian: "Please set your start time",
shezhikaishishijian:"请设置您的开始时间", zhiboshichang: "Live broadcast duration",
zhiboshichang:"直播时长", shuruzhiboshijian: "Please input live time",
shuruzhiboshijian:"请输入直播时间", fenzhong: "minute",
fenzhong:"分钟", zhiborenshu: "Number of live broadcast",
zhiborenshu:"直播人数", shuruzhiborenshu: "Please input the number of live broadcast",
shuruzhiborenshu:"请输入直播人数", zhibojianjie: "Introduction to live broadcast",
zhibojianjie:"直播简介", shuruzhibojianjie: "Please enter your live broadcast profile",
shuruzhibojianjie:"请输入您的直播简介", fabuzhibo: "Release live broadcast",
fabuzhibo:"发布直播", wuzhibozige: "You are not eligible for live broadcast",
wuzhibozige:"您尚未获得直播资格", yijianfankui: "Feedback",
yijianfankui:"意见反馈", fen: "score",
fen:"分", shipinshuju: "Video data",
shipinshuju:"视频数据", shangchuanshijian: "Upload time:",
shangchuanshijian:"上传时间:", bofangliang: "Playback volume",
bofangliang:"播放量", zhuanfaliang: "Forwarding volume",
zhuanfaliang:"转发量", zhuangtai: "state",
zhuangtai:"状态", shenheing: "Under review, please wait patiently",
shenheing:"正在审核中,情耐心等待", shenheweitongguo: "Audit failed",
shenheweitongguo:"审核未通过", yuanyin: "reason",
yuanyin:"原因", yuanyintext: "Your video contains a lot of sensitive words, please modify and upload again. Thank you for your technical support to Beelink",
yuanyintext:"您的视频中含有大量敏感词汇请修改后再次上传感谢您对Beelink的技术支持", xiugaishipin: "Modify the video",
xiugaishipin:"修改该视频", shanchushipin: "Delete the video",
shanchushipin:"删除该视频", querenshanchu: "Are you sure you want to delete this video?",
querenshanchu:"您确认删除该视频吗?", shipinpingjia: "The video Reviews",
shipinpingjia:"该视频评价", fabiaoliuyan: "Leave a message",
fabiaoliuyan:"发表留言", shuruliuyan: "Please input your opinions and opinions",
shuruliuyan:"请输入您的看法和见解", suoyouhuifu: "View all replies",
suoyouhuifu:"查看所有回复", huifu: "reply",
huifu:"回复", shanchu: "delete",
shanchu:"删除", xiabanyayu: "Spanish",
xiabanyayu:"西班牙语", bianjixinxi: "Edit information",
bianjixinxi:"编辑信息", kaishizhibo: "Live broadcast",
kaishizhibo:"开始直播", shangkexuesheng: "Students in class",
shangkexuesheng:"上课学生", chakanxiangqing: "View details",
chakanxiangqing:"查看详情", canjiashichang: "Length of participation",
canjiashichang:"参加时长", quxiaozhibo: "Cancel live broadcast",
quxiaozhibo:"取消直播", yijujue: "Rejected",
yijujue:"已拒绝", jujueyuanyintext: "Please enter the reason why you refused the student to participate in the live broadcast",
jujueyuanyintext:"请输入您拒绝该学生参与直播的原因", juejueyuanyin: "Reasons for rejection",
juejueyuanyin:"拒绝原因", querenjujue: "Confirm rejection",
querenjujue:"确认拒绝", zhiboyemian: "Live page",
zhiboyemian:"直播页面", querenguanbi: "Are you sure you want to close the live broadcast",
querenguanbi:"您确认关闭直播吗", dingyuezhe: "My subscribers",
dingyuezhe:"我的订阅者", sousuodingyue: "Please enter the name of the student you want to search",
sousuodingyue:"请输入想要搜索的学生姓名", wodeqianbao: "My wallet",
wodeqianbao:"我的钱包", lijitixian: "Immediate withdrawal",
lijitixian:"立即提现", tixianjilu: "Withdrawal record",
tixianjilu:"提现记录", bangdingyonghu: "Binding users",
bangdingyonghu:"绑定用户", zhanghuyue: "Account balance",
zhanghuyue:"账户余额", tianjiazhanghu: "Add a new account",
tianjiazhanghu:"添加新的账户", yinhangka: "bank card",
yinhangka:"银行卡", zhifubao: "Alipay",
zhifubao:"支付宝", weixin: "WeChat",
weixin:"微信", zhanghao0: "accounts",
zhanghao0:"帐号", tixianzhanghu: "Withdraw cash to designated account",
tixianzhanghu:"提现到指定账户", yue: "balance",
yue:"余额", xuanzezhanghu: "Select account",
xuanzezhanghu:"选择账户", tixianjine: "Withdrawal amount",
tixianjine:"提现金额", quanbujine: "Total amount",
quanbujine:"全部金额", tixianzhu: "Note: 0.1% service fee will be charged for each withdrawal, with a minimum of ¥ 0.1",
tixianzhu:"注每笔提现收取0.1%服务费最低¥0.1", yueshu: "Your balance is only",
yueshu:"您的余额只有", zuiditixian: "Minimum withdrawal amount ¥ 100",
zuiditixian:"最低提现金额¥100", mingxichaxun: "Details inquiry",
mingxichaxun:"明细查询", kaishiriqi: "Please select the start date",
kaishiriqi:"请选择开始日期", jieshuriqi: "Please select the end date",
jieshuriqi:"请选择结束日期", zhanghu: "account",
zhanghu:"账户", tijiaoriqi: "Date of submission",
tijiaoriqi:"提交日期", jine: "amount of money",
jine:"金额", caozuo: "operation",
caozuo:"操作", jiaoyimingxixiangqing: "Transaction details",
jiaoyimingxixiangqing:"交易明细详情", leixing: "type",
leixing:"类型", zhiboshouru: "Live broadcast income",
zhiboshouru:"直播收入", tixian: "Withdrawal",
tixian:"提现", houtaichongzhi: "Background recharge",
houtaichongzhi:"后台充值", liushuihao: "Serial number",
liushuihao:"流水号", riqi: "date",
riqi:"日期", laiyuan: "source",
laiyuan:"来源", fanhui: "return",
fanhui:"返回", tixianjiluxiangqing: "Withdrawal record details",
tixianjiluxiangqing:"提现记录详情", daozhangjine: "Amount received",
daozhangjine:"到帐金额", shouxufei: "Service Charge",
shouxufei:"手续费", tixianzhuangtai: "Withdrawal status",
tixianzhuangtai:"提现状态", yuanyinmiaoshu: "Cause description",
yuanyinmiaoshu:"原因描述", mingcheng: "name",
mingcheng:"名称", shoukuanzhanghu: "Collection account",
shoukuanzhanghu:"收款账户", quanbu: "whole",
quanbu:"全部", shouru: "income",
shouru:"收入", zhichu: "expenditure",
zhichu:"支出", xinzengzhanghu: "New account",
xinzengzhanghu:"新增账户", shurukahao: "Please input the payee's savings card number",
shurukahao:"请输入收款人储蓄卡号", kahao: "Card number",
kahao:"卡号", kaihuhang: "Bank of deposit",
kaihuhang:"开户行", shurukaihuhang: "Please enter the Bank of deposit",
shurukaihuhang:"请输入开户行", shuruzhifubao: "Please enter Alipay account / password.",
shuruzhifubao:"请输入支付宝账号/密码", saomabangding: "Scan code binding",
saomabangding:"扫码绑定", zhu: "notes",
zhu:"注", weixinbangding: "Open the mobile wechat, scan the left QR code for wechat account binding",
weixinbangding:"打开手机微信扫描左侧二维码 进行微信账户绑定", yinhangzhanghu: "bank account",
yinhangzhanghu:"银行账户", yinhangbic: "Bank BIC code",
yinhangbic:"银行BIC码", tijiao: "Submit",
tijiao:"提交", zhiboliebiao: "Live list",
zhiboliebiao:"直播列表", zhibokecheng: "Live course",
zhibokecheng:"直播课程", canyurenshu: "Number of participants",
canyurenshu:"参与人数", kechengpingfen: "Course grading",
kechengpingfen:"课程评分", shipinliebiao: 'Video list',
shipinliebiao:'视频列表', fabushipin: "Release video",
fabushipin:"发布视频", zongguankanshu: "Total views",
zongguankanshu:"总观看数", pingjundefen: "average score",
pingjundefen:"平均得分", dingyueliebiao: "Subscription list",
dingyueliebiao:"订阅列表", dingyuerenshu: "Number of subscribers",
dingyuerenshu:"订阅人数", fuwutiaokuan: "Terms of service",
fuwutiaokuan:"服务条款", yinsizhengce: "Privacy policy",
yinsizhengce:"隐私政策", shurufankui: "Please enter your feedback",
shurufankui:"请输入您的意见反馈", tijiaofankui: "Submit feedback",
tijiaofankui:"提交反馈", tuichu: "Account exit",
tuichu:"帐号退出", wodedangan: "My files",
wodedangan:"我的档案", liebiaotongji: "List statistics",
liebiaotongji:"列表统计", guanyu: "About Beelink",
guanyu:"关于Beelink", xuanzehuifuxuesheng: "Please select the student to reply first",
xuanzehuifuxuesheng:"请先选择回复的学生", shoujihaoweikong: "Mobile phone number cannot be empty",
shoujihaoweikong:"手机号不能为空", zhanghaoweikong: "Account number cannot be empty",
zhanghaoweikong:"帐号不能为空", mimaweikong: "Password cannot be empty",
mimaweikong:"密码不能为空", shoujihaoyouwu: "Wrong mobile number, please fill in again",
shoujihaoyouwu:"手机号码有误,请重填", yanzhengmaweikong: "Verification code cannot be empty",
yanzhengmaweikong:"验证码不能为空", yonghubucunzai: "user does not exist",
yonghubucunzai:"用户不存在", wanshanxinxi: "Please complete the relevant information first",
wanshanxinxi:"请先完善相关信息", mimabuyizhi: "The two passwords are inconsistent, please re-enter",
mimabuyizhi:"两次密码输入不一致,请重新输入", yanzhengmayouwu: "The verification code is wrong, please re-enter",
yanzhengmayouwu:"验证码有误,请重新输入", xingmingweikong: "Name cannot be empty",
xingmingweikong:"姓名不能为空", youxiangweikong: "The mailbox cannot be empty",
youxiangweikong:"邮箱不能为空", muyuweikong: "Mother tongue cannot be empty",
muyuweikong:"母语不能为空", jiaoshouweikong: "Please select the language to be taught",
jiaoshouweikong:"请选择教授语言", weitongyixieyi: "Please agree to the user agreement",
weitongyixieyi:"请同意用户协议", yuanmimaweikong: "The original password cannot be empty",
yuanmimaweikong:"原密码不能为空", youxiangcuowu: "Email format error",
youxiangcuowu:"邮箱格式有误", kongzhanghaoliebiao: "Your account list is empty, please add it first",
kongzhanghaoliebiao:"您的账户列表为空,请先添加", yuebuzu: "Sorry, your credit is running low",
yuebuzu:"余额不足", wenjiangeshi: "The file must be in video format",
wenjiangeshi:"文件必须是视频格式", biaotiweikong: "Title cannot be empty",
biaotiweikong:"标题不能为空", fengmianweikong: "Cover cannot be empty",
fengmianweikong:"封面不能为空", wenjianweikong: "Video file cannot be empty",
wenjianweikong:"视频文件不能为空", jianjieweikong: "Video profile cannot be empty",
jianjieweikong:"视频简介不能为空", fengmiangeshi: "The upload cover file must be in image format",
fengmiangeshi:"上传封面文件必须是图片格式", zhibobiaotiweikong: "Live broadcast Title cannot be empty",
zhibobiaotiweikong:"直播标题不能为空", zhibofengmianweikong: "Live cover cannot be empty",
zhibofengmianweikong:"直播封面不能为空", shipinjieshaoweikong: "Video introduction cannot be empty",
shipinjieshaoweikong:"视频介绍不能为空", kaishishijianweikong: "Start time cannot be empty",
kaishishijianweikong:"开始时间不能为空", zhiboshichangweikong: "Live broadcast duration cannot be empty",
zhiboshichangweikong:"直播时长不能为空", zhiborenshuweikong: "Live broadcast number cannot be empty",
zhiborenshuweikong:"直播人数不能为空", zhibojianjieweikong: "Live broadcast profile cannot be empty",
zhibojianjieweikong:"直播简介不能为空", wuzhibozigeale: "You are not eligible for live broadcast",
wuzhibozigeale:"您尚未获得直播资格", shipinjieshaoccuowu: "File format error of video introduction",
shipinjieshaoccuowu:"视频介绍的文件格式错误", buzhichitonghua: "Your browser does not support video calls. Please download the new version of Chrome browser",
buzhichitonghua:"您的浏览器不支持视频通话请下载新版chrome浏览器", bendiliushibai: "Local stream publishing failed",
bendiliushibai:"本地流发布失败", bendiliuchenggong: "Local stream published successfully",
bendiliuchenggong:"本地流发布成功", chushihuachenggong: "Initialization of local stream succeeded",
chushihuachenggong:"初始化本地流成功", chushihuashibai: "Failed to initialize local stream",
chushihuashibai:"初始化本地流失败", buzhichifenxiang: "Your browser does not support screen sharing. Please download the new version of chrome",
buzhichifenxiang:"您的浏览器不支持屏幕分享请下载新版chrome", xuanzefenxiangneirong: "Please choose what to share",
xuanzefenxiangneirong:"请选择分享的内容", guanbishibai: "Closing failed"
} }

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ export default {
yijieshu: "已结束", yijieshu: "已结束",
zhibosousuo: "请输入想要搜索的直播标题", zhibosousuo: "请输入想要搜索的直播标题",
haiweikaishi: "还未开始", haiweikaishi: "还未开始",
yijueshi: "已结束",
jinruzhibo: "进入直播", jinruzhibo: "进入直播",
chakanhuifang:"查看回放", chakanhuifang:"查看回放",
quanbushipin: "全部视频", quanbushipin: "全部视频",
@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ export default {
tianxiexinxi:"填写帐号信息", tianxiexinxi:"填写帐号信息",
fanhuishangyibu:"返回上一步", fanhuishangyibu:"返回上一步",
zhucewancheng:"帐号注册完成", zhucewancheng:"帐号注册完成",
xiangqimima:"想起密码?", xiangqimima:"想起密码?",
zhanghuming:"账户名", zhanghuming:"账户名",
chongzhimima:"重置密码", chongzhimima:"重置密码",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<div class="box"> <div class="box">
<div :class="stepnow != 2 ? 'left' : 'left left1'"> <div :class="stepnow != 2 ? 'left' : 'left left1'">
<div class="title"> <div class="title">
<span class="orgname">{{lan.$t('beelink')}}</span>{{lan.$t('mimachongzhi')}} <span class="orgname">{{lan.$t('beelink')}}</span>{{lan.$t('chongzhimima')}}
</div> </div>
<div v-if="stepnow == 1"> <div v-if="stepnow == 1">

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="accountlist" v-if="ifchina && listindex==1"> <div class="accountlist" v-if="lan.$s()=='zh' && listindex==1">
<div class="accountitem" v-for="(i,j) in accountlist" :key="j"> <div class="accountitem" v-for="(i,j) in accountlist" :key="j">
<div class="hostinfo"> <div class="hostinfo">
<div v-if="i.type==4"> <div v-if="i.type==4">
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
<div class="zhanghao">账号6217 **** **** **** 175</div> <div class="zhanghao">账号6217 **** **** **** 175</div>
</div> --> </div> -->
</div> </div>
<div class="accountlist" v-if="!ifchina && listindex==1"> <div class="accountlist" v-if="lan.$s()=='en' && listindex==1">
<!-- <div class="accountitem"> <!-- <div class="accountitem">
<div class="hostinfo"> <div class="hostinfo">
<div> <div>
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
}, },
setup() { setup() {
const lan: any = useI18n(); const lan: any = useI18n();
const ifchina = true; const ifchina = ref(true);
const ifmingxi = false; const ifmingxi = false;
const salelist=ref<any>({}) const salelist=ref<any>({})
const accountlist =ref<Array<any>>([]) const accountlist =ref<Array<any>>([])
@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
} }
salelist.value = await saleinfo(); salelist.value = await saleinfo();
accountlist.value=await getwallect(); accountlist.value=await getwallect();
console.log(store.state.userinfo) console.log(store.state.userinfo)
}); });
const tabindex = ref(0); const tabindex = ref(0);