
216 lines
5.7 KiB

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from utils.log import quick_log
from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException, Request, Response, status
from pydantic import BaseModel
import gc
import copy
import global_var
router = APIRouter()
trie = None
dtrie: Dict = {}
max_trie_len = 300
loop_start_id = 1 # to prevent preloaded prompts from being deleted
loop_del_trie_id = loop_start_id
def init():
global trie
import cyac
# import mmap
# import os
# if os.path.exists("state_cache.trie"):
# with open("state_cache.trie", "r") as bf:
# buff_object = mmap.mmap(bf.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
# trie = cyac.Trie.from_buff(buff_object, copy=False)
# else:
trie = cyac.Trie()
except ModuleNotFoundError:
print("cyac not found")"/disable-state-cache", tags=["State Cache"])
def disable_state_cache():
global trie, dtrie
if global_var.get(global_var.Deploy_Mode) is True:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
trie = None
dtrie = {}
return "success""/enable-state-cache", tags=["State Cache"])
def enable_state_cache():
global trie, dtrie
if global_var.get(global_var.Deploy_Mode) is True:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
import cyac
trie = cyac.Trie()
dtrie = {}
return "success"
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "cyac not found")
class AddStateBody(BaseModel):
prompt: str
tokens: List[Union[str, int]]
state: Any
logits: Any"/add-state", tags=["State Cache"])
def add_state(body: AddStateBody):
global trie, dtrie, loop_del_trie_id
if global_var.get(global_var.Deploy_Mode) is True:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
if trie is None:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "trie not loaded")
import torch
id: int = trie.insert(body.prompt)
device: torch.device = body.state[0].device
dtrie[id] = {
"tokens": copy.deepcopy(body.tokens),
"state": [tensor.cpu() for tensor in body.state]
if device != torch.device("cpu")
else copy.deepcopy(body.state),
"logits": copy.deepcopy(body.logits),
"device": device,
if len(trie) >= max_trie_len:
del_prompt = trie[loop_del_trie_id]
dtrie[loop_del_trie_id] = None
loop_del_trie_id = loop_del_trie_id + 1
if loop_del_trie_id >= max_trie_len:
loop_del_trie_id = loop_start_id
f"New Trie Id: {id}\nTrie Len: {len(trie)}\nTrie Buff Size: {trie.buff_size()}\nDtrie Buff Size Of Id: {__get_a_dtrie_buff_size(dtrie[id])}",
return "success"
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(
status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, f"insert failed, bad prompt.\n{e}"
)"/reset-state", tags=["State Cache"])
def reset_state():
global trie, dtrie
if global_var.get(global_var.Deploy_Mode) is True:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
if trie is None:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "trie not loaded")
import cyac
trie = cyac.Trie()
dtrie = {}
return "success"
class LongestPrefixStateBody(BaseModel):
prompt: str
def __get_a_dtrie_buff_size(dtrie_v):
# print(sys.getsizeof(dtrie_v["tokens"][0])) # str
# print(sys.getsizeof(dtrie_v["tokens"][0]) * len(dtrie_v["tokens"]))
# print(dtrie_v["state"][0][0].element_size())
# print(dtrie_v["state"][0].nelement())
# print(len(dtrie_v["state"]))
# print(
# len(dtrie_v["state"])
# * dtrie_v["state"][0].nelement()
# * dtrie_v["state"][0][0].element_size()
# )
# print(dtrie_v["logits"][0].element_size())
# print(dtrie_v["logits"].nelement())
# print(dtrie_v["logits"][0].element_size() * dtrie_v["logits"].nelement())
return 54 * len(dtrie_v["tokens"]) + 491520 + 262144 + 28 # TODO"/longest-prefix-state", tags=["State Cache"])
def longest_prefix_state(body: LongestPrefixStateBody, request: Request):
global trie
if global_var.get(global_var.Deploy_Mode) is True:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
if trie is None:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "trie not loaded")
import torch
id = -1
for id, len in trie.prefix(body.prompt):
if id != -1:
v = dtrie[id]
device: torch.device = v["device"]
prompt: str = trie[id]
quick_log(request, body, "Hit:\n" + prompt)
return {
"prompt": prompt,
"tokens": v["tokens"],
"state": [ for tensor in v["state"]]
if device != torch.device("cpu")
else v["state"],
"logits": v["logits"],
"device": device.type,
return {
"prompt": "",
"tokens": [],
"state": None,
"logits": None,
"device": None,
}"/save-state", tags=["State Cache"])
def save_state():
global trie
if global_var.get(global_var.Deploy_Mode) is True:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
if trie is None:
raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "trie not loaded")
return "not implemented"