735 lines
34 KiB

# The RWKV Language Model - https://github.com/BlinkDL/RWKV-LM
import types, gc, os, time, re
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/612879065
def LoadPreCompileLibrary(file):
import importlib
import os
import torch
# load the custom_op_library and register the custom ops
lib_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if os.name == "nt":
# Register the main torchvision library location on the default DLL path
import ctypes
import sys
kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL("kernel32.dll", use_last_error=True)
with_load_library_flags = hasattr(kernel32, "AddDllDirectory")
prev_error_mode = kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x0001)
if with_load_library_flags:
kernel32.AddDllDirectory.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
elif with_load_library_flags:
res = kernel32.AddDllDirectory(lib_dir)
if res is None:
err = ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
err.strerror += f' Error adding "{lib_dir}" to the DLL directories.'
raise ValueError(err)
loader_details = (
extfinder = importlib.machinery.FileFinder(lib_dir, loader_details)
ext_specs = extfinder.find_spec(file)
if ext_specs is None:
return False
except OSError as exc:
return False
return True
if os.environ.get('RWKV_JIT_ON') != '0':
os.environ["RWKV_JIT_ON"] = '1'
MyModule = torch.jit.ScriptModule
MyFunction = torch.jit.script_method
MyStatic = torch.jit.script
MyModule = torch.nn.Module
def __nop(ob):
return ob
MyFunction = __nop
MyStatic = __nop
if os.environ.get('RWKV_CUDA_ON') == '1':
if LoadPreCompileLibrary('wkv_cuda') is False:
from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load
sources=[f"{current_path}/cuda/wrapper.cpp", f"{current_path}/cuda/operators.cu"],
extra_cuda_cflags=["-t 4", "-std=c++17", "--use_fast_math", "-O3", "--extra-device-vectorization"],
def cuda_wkv(T: int, C: int, w, u, k, v, aa, bb, pp):
assert 1 * C % min(C, 32) == 0
assert k.dtype == v.dtype == torch.float16 or k.dtype == v.dtype == torch.float32
assert w.dtype == u.dtype == aa.dtype == bb.dtype == pp.dtype == torch.float32
w = w.contiguous()
u = u.contiguous()
k = k.contiguous()
v = v.contiguous()
y = torch.empty((T, C), device=w.device, memory_format=torch.contiguous_format, dtype=k.dtype)
torch.ops.rwkv.wkv_forward(1, T, C, w, u, k, v, y, aa, bb, pp)
return y, aa, bb, pp
def cuda_mm8_seq(B: int, N: int, M: int, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
assert x.dtype == mx.dtype == rx.dtype == my.dtype == ry.dtype
assert x.dtype == torch.float32 or x.dtype == torch.float16
assert w.dtype == torch.uint8
assert x.shape == [B, N]
assert w.shape == [N, M]
assert rx.shape == mx.shape == [M]
assert ry.shape == my.shape == [N, 1]
y = torch.empty((B, M), device=w.device, dtype=x.dtype)
torch.ops.rwkv.mm8_seq(B, N, M, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry, y)
return y
def cuda_mm8_one(N: int, M: int, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
assert x.dtype == mx.dtype == rx.dtype == my.dtype == ry.dtype
assert x.dtype == torch.float32 or x.dtype == torch.float16
assert w.dtype == torch.uint8
assert x.shape == [N]
assert w.shape == [N, M]
assert rx.shape == mx.shape == [M]
assert ry.shape == my.shape == [N, 1]
y = torch.zeros((M,), device=w.device, dtype=torch.float32)
torch.ops.rwkv.mm8_one(N, M, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry, y)
return y.to(dtype=x.dtype)
os.environ["RWKV_CUDA_ON"] = '0'
class RWKV(MyModule):
def __init__(self, model, strategy, verbose = True, convert_and_save_and_exit = None):
if verbose:
prxxx = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, **kwargs)
prxxx = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
STRATEGY_REGEX = r"^(?:(?:^|->) *(?:cuda(?::[\d]+)?|cpu|mps) (?:fp(?:16|32)|bf16)(?:i8|i4|i3)?(?: \*[\d]+\+?)? *)+$"
if not re.match(STRATEGY_REGEX, strategy):
raise ValueError("Invalid strategy. Please read https://pypi.org/project/rwkv/")
strategy = ('->'.join([x.strip() for x in strategy.split('->')])).replace('->', ' -> ')
self.args = types.SimpleNamespace()
args = self.args
args.MODEL_NAME = model
args.strategy_string = strategy
# Rescale for fp16 mode: set x = x/2 every X layer (to avoid fp16 overflow)
self.RESCALE_LAYER = 6 if 'fp16' in strategy else 0
prxxx(f'RWKV_JIT_ON {os.environ["RWKV_JIT_ON"]} RWKV_CUDA_ON {os.environ["RWKV_CUDA_ON"]} RESCALE_LAYER {self.RESCALE_LAYER}\n')
args.MODEL_NAME = args.MODEL_NAME.strip()
if not args.MODEL_NAME.endswith('.pth'):
args.MODEL_NAME += '.pth'
prxxx(f'Loading {args.MODEL_NAME} ...')
with torch.no_grad():
self.w = torch.load(args.MODEL_NAME, map_location='cpu') # load model to CPU first
w = self.w
if '_strategy' in w:
assert convert_and_save_and_exit == None # you should only convert a raw model
prxxx(f"Converted model: strategy {w['_strategy']}, version {w['_version']}\n")
assert w['_strategy'] == args.strategy_string # if you are using a new strategy, re-convert the model
assert float(w['_version']) >= 0.7 # sometimes you should re-convert using latest convert_model.py
assert w['_rescale_layer'] == self.RESCALE_LAYER
del w['_strategy']
del w['_version']
del w['_rescale_layer']
args.n_embd = w['emb.weight'].shape[1]
args.n_layer = 0
keys = list(w.keys())
for x in keys:
layer_id = int(x.split('.')[1]) if ('blocks.' in x) else 0
args.n_layer = max(args.n_layer, layer_id+1)
####################### Compute strategy
s = [x.strip().split(' ') for x in strategy.split('->')]
plan = [0] * len(s)
stream_i = -1
stream_count = 0
to_allocate = args.n_layer + 1
allocated = 0
free_slots = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
si = s[i]
si1 = si[1]
if si1.startswith('fp32'): si[1] = [torch.float]
elif si1.startswith('fp16'): si[1] = [torch.float16]
elif si1.startswith('bf16'): si[1] = [torch.bfloat16]
if si1.endswith('i8'): si[1] += [torch.uint8]
else: si[1] += [si[1][0]]
if len(si) > 2:
ss = si[2]
assert ss.startswith('*')
if ss.endswith('+'):
plan[i] = int(ss[1:-1])
stream_i = i
plan[i] = int(ss[1:])
allocated += plan[i]
if allocated >= to_allocate:
plan[i] += to_allocate - allocated
free_slots += 1
if stream_i < 0:
if free_slots > 0 and to_allocate > allocated:
for i in range(len(s)):
if plan[i] == 0:
plan[i] = (to_allocate - allocated) // free_slots
allocated += plan[i]
free_slots -= 1
if to_allocate > allocated:
plan[len(s)-1] += to_allocate - allocated
if to_allocate > allocated:
stream_count = to_allocate - allocated
plan[stream_i] += stream_count
prxxx(f'Strategy: (total {args.n_layer}+1={args.n_layer+1} layers)')
for i in range(len(s)):
ss = s[i]
if i != stream_i:
prxxx(f'* {ss[0]} {str(ss[1]).replace("torch.","")}, store {plan[i]} layers')
prxxx(f'* {ss[0]} {str(ss[1]).replace("torch.","")}, store {plan[i]-stream_count} layers, stream {stream_count} layers')
plan[i] += (0 if i == 0 else plan[i-1])
self.strategy = [None] * (args.n_layer + 1)
strategy = self.strategy
for n in range(args.n_layer + 1):
for i in range(len(s)):
if n < plan[i]:
strategy[n] = types.SimpleNamespace()
strategy[n].device = s[i][0]
strategy[n].atype = s[i][1][0]
strategy[n].wtype = s[i][1][1]
strategy[n].stream = False
if i == stream_i and n >= (plan[i] - stream_count):
strategy[n].stream = True
prxxx(f"{n}-{strategy[n].device}-{str(strategy[n].atype).replace('torch.','')}-{str(strategy[n].wtype).replace('torch.','')}{'-stream' if strategy[n].stream else ''}",end=' ')
####################### Load weights to self.w
try: # precompute embedding
w['emb.weight'] = F.layer_norm(w['emb.weight'], (args.n_embd,), weight=w['blocks.0.ln0.weight'], bias=w['blocks.0.ln0.bias'])
w['emb.weight'] = F.layer_norm(w['emb.weight'].float(), (args.n_embd,), weight=w['blocks.0.ln0.weight'].float(), bias=w['blocks.0.ln0.bias'].float())
del w['blocks.0.ln0.weight']
del w['blocks.0.ln0.bias']
print_need_newline = False
keys = list(w.keys())
for x in keys:
w[x].requires_grad = False
layer_id = int(x.split('.')[1]) if ('blocks.' in x) else 0
if ('ln_out.' in x) or ('head.' in x):
layer_id = args.n_layer
dd = strategy[layer_id]
DEVICE = dd.device
ATYPE = dd.atype
WTYPE = dd.wtype
if self.RESCALE_LAYER > 0:
if 'att.output.weight' in x:
w[x] = w[x] / (2 ** int(layer_id // self.RESCALE_LAYER))
if 'ffn.value.weight' in x:
w[x] = w[x] / (2 ** int(layer_id // self.RESCALE_LAYER))
if '.time_' in x:
w[x] = w[x].squeeze()
if 'key.weight' in x or 'value.weight' in x or 'receptance.weight' in x or 'output.weight' in x or 'head.weight' in x:
w[x] = w[x].t()
if '.time_decay' in x: # need fp32 for this
w[x] = -torch.exp(w[x].float())
elif '.time_first' in x: # need fp32 for this
w[x] = w[x].float()
if (len(w[x].shape) == 2) and ('emb' not in x):
if WTYPE != torch.uint8:
w[x] = w[x].to(dtype=WTYPE)
w[x] = w[x].float()
if w[x].shape[0] > w[x].shape[1]:
w[x+'_my'] = torch.amin(w[x], dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
w[x] = w[x] - w[x+'_my']
w[x+'_mx'] = torch.amin(w[x], dim=0)
w[x] = w[x] - w[x+'_mx']
w[x+'_rx'] = torch.amax(w[x], dim=0)
w[x] = w[x] / w[x+'_rx']
w[x+'_ry'] = torch.amax(w[x], dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
w[x] = w[x] / w[x+'_ry']
w[x+'_mx'] = torch.amin(w[x], dim=0)
w[x] = w[x] - w[x+'_mx']
w[x+'_my'] = torch.amin(w[x], dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
w[x] = w[x] - w[x+'_my']
w[x+'_rx'] = torch.amax(w[x], dim=0)
w[x] = w[x] / w[x+'_rx']
w[x+'_ry'] = torch.amax(w[x], dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
w[x] = w[x] / w[x+'_ry']
w[x] = torch.clip(torch.floor(w[x] * 256), min=0, max=255).to(dtype=torch.uint8)
w[x+'_mx'] = w[x+'_mx'].to(dtype=ATYPE).contiguous()
w[x+'_rx'] = (w[x+'_rx'] / 16).to(dtype=ATYPE).contiguous()
w[x+'_my'] = w[x+'_my'].to(dtype=ATYPE).contiguous()
w[x+'_ry'] = (w[x+'_ry'] / 16).to(dtype=ATYPE).contiguous()
w[x] = w[x].to(dtype=ATYPE)
if convert_and_save_and_exit == None:
if 'emb.' in x:
w[x] = w[x].contiguous()
elif (dd.stream) and (x.endswith('key.weight') or x.endswith('value.weight') or x.endswith('receptance.weight') or x.endswith('output.weight')):
w[x] = w[x].contiguous().pin_memory() # if you see "CUDA error: out of memory" here, that's out of CPU RAM, not VRAM. Get more RAM :)
print('Note: You are running out of RAM. Get more CPU RAM. Now this will run much slower.')
elif DEVICE != 'cpu':
w[x] = w[x].to(device=DEVICE).contiguous()
if (dd.stream) or (DEVICE != 'cpu'):
w[x+'_mx'] = w[x+'_mx'].to(device=DEVICE).contiguous()
w[x+'_rx'] = w[x+'_rx'].to(device=DEVICE).contiguous()
w[x+'_my'] = w[x+'_my'].to(device=DEVICE).contiguous()
w[x+'_ry'] = w[x+'_ry'].to(device=DEVICE).contiguous()
if 'ffn.value.weight' in x:
if 'cuda' in args.strategy_string:
shape = [i for i in w[x].shape if i != 1]
if len(shape) > 1:
shape = f" {str(shape[0]).rjust(5)} {str(shape[1]).rjust(5)}"
shape = f" {str(shape[0]).rjust(5)} "
if layer_id == 0 or layer_id >= args.n_layer-1:
if print_need_newline:
prxxx('\n', end = '')
print_need_newline = False
dt = str(w[x].dtype).replace('torch.', '')
dt = dt.replace('float32', 'f32').replace('bfloat16', 'bf16').replace('float16', 'f16').replace('uint8', 'i8')
prxxx(x.ljust(32), dt.rjust(4), str(w[x].device).rjust(8), shape, ' (pinned)' if w[x].is_pinned() else '')
print_need_newline = True
prxxx('.', end = '', flush = True)
if convert_and_save_and_exit:
w['_strategy'] = args.strategy_string
w['_rescale_layer'] = self.RESCALE_LAYER
w['_version'] = '0.7'
if not convert_and_save_and_exit.endswith('.pth'):
convert_and_save_and_exit += '.pth'
prxxx(f'Saving to {convert_and_save_and_exit}...')
torch.save(w, convert_and_save_and_exit)
prxxx(f'Converted and saved. Now this will exit.')
if 'cuda' in args.strategy_string:
def torch_mm8_seq(self, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
return x @ ((w.to(dtype=x.dtype) + 0.5) * ry * rx + my + mx)
def torch_mm8_one(self, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
return x @ ((w.to(dtype=x.dtype) + 0.5) * ry * rx + my + mx)
if os.environ.get('RWKV_CUDA_ON') == '1':
def mm8_seq(self, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
if w.device.type == 'cuda' and x.dtype == torch.float16:
B, N, M = x.shape[0], w.shape[0], w.shape[1]
return cuda_mm8_seq(B, N, M, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry)
return self.torch_mm8_seq(x, w, mx, rx, my, ry)
def mm8_one(self, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
if w.device.type == 'cuda':
N, M = w.shape[0], w.shape[1]
return cuda_mm8_one(N, M, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry)
return self.torch_mm8_one(x, w, mx, rx, my, ry)
def mm8_seq(self, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
return self.torch_mm8_seq(x, w, mx, rx, my, ry)
def mm8_one(self, x, w, mx, rx, my, ry):
return self.torch_mm8_one(x, w, mx, rx, my, ry)
def ffn_one(self, x, sx, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, r_mix, kw, vw, rw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(rx @ rw)
vx = torch.square(torch.relu(kx @ kw))
out = r * (vx @ vw)
return x + out, xx
def ffn_one_i8(self, x, sx, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, r_mix, kw, vw, rw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(self.mm8_one(rx, rw, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry))
vx = torch.square(torch.relu(self.mm8_one(kx, kw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry)))
out = r * (self.mm8_one(vx, vw, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry))
return x + out, xx
def ffn_seq(self, x, sx, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, r_mix, kw, vw, rw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
sx = torch.cat((sx.unsqueeze(0), xx[:-1,:]))
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(rx @ rw)
vx = torch.square(torch.relu(kx @ kw))
out = r * (vx @ vw)
return x + out, xx[-1,:]
def ffn_seq_i8(self, x, sx, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, r_mix, kw, vw, rw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
sx = torch.cat((sx.unsqueeze(0), xx[:-1,:]))
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(self.mm8_seq(rx, rw, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry))
vx = torch.square(torch.relu(self.mm8_seq(kx, kw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry)))
out = r * (self.mm8_seq(vx, vw, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry))
return x + out, xx[-1,:]
def att_one(self, x, sx, aa, bb, pp, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, v_mix, r_mix, t_decay, t_first, kw, vw, rw, ow, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry, omx, orx, omy, ory):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(rx @ rw)
k = (kx @ kw).float()
v = (vx @ vw).float()
ww = t_first + k
p = torch.maximum(pp, ww)
e1 = torch.exp(pp - p)
e2 = torch.exp(ww - p)
wkv = ((e1 * aa + e2 * v) / (e1 * bb + e2)).to(dtype=x.dtype)
ww = t_decay + pp
p = torch.maximum(ww, k)
e1 = torch.exp(ww - p)
e2 = torch.exp(k - p)
out = (r * wkv) @ ow
return x + out, xx, e1 * aa + e2 * v, e1 * bb + e2, p
def att_one_i8(self, x, sx, aa, bb, pp, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, v_mix, r_mix, t_decay, t_first, kw, vw, rw, ow, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry, omx, orx, omy, ory):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(self.mm8_one(rx, rw, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry))
k = (self.mm8_one(kx, kw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry)).float()
v = (self.mm8_one(vx, vw, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry)).float()
ww = t_first + k
p = torch.maximum(pp, ww)
e1 = torch.exp(pp - p)
e2 = torch.exp(ww - p)
wkv = ((e1 * aa + e2 * v) / (e1 * bb + e2)).to(dtype=x.dtype)
ww = t_decay + pp
p = torch.maximum(ww, k)
e1 = torch.exp(ww - p)
e2 = torch.exp(k - p)
out = self.mm8_one(r * wkv, ow, omx, orx, omy, ory)
return x + out, xx, e1 * aa + e2 * v, e1 * bb + e2, p
def att_seq(self, x, sx, aa, bb, pp, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, v_mix, r_mix, t_decay, t_first, kw, vw, rw, ow, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry, omx, orx, omy, ory):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
sx = torch.cat((sx.unsqueeze(0), xx[:-1,:]))
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(rx @ rw)
k = (kx @ kw).float()
v = (vx @ vw).float()
T = x.shape[0]
for t in range(T):
kk = k[t]
vv = v[t]
ww = t_first + kk
p = torch.maximum(pp, ww)
e1 = torch.exp(pp - p)
e2 = torch.exp(ww - p)
sx[t] = ((e1 * aa + e2 * vv) / (e1 * bb + e2)).to(dtype=x.dtype)
ww = t_decay + pp
p = torch.maximum(ww, kk)
e1 = torch.exp(ww - p)
e2 = torch.exp(kk - p)
aa = e1 * aa + e2 * vv
bb = e1 * bb + e2
pp = p
out = (r * sx) @ ow
return x + out, xx[-1,:], aa, bb, pp
def att_seq_i8(self, x, sx, aa, bb, pp, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, v_mix, r_mix, t_decay, t_first, kw, vw, rw, ow, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry, omx, orx, omy, ory):
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (x.shape[-1],), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
sx = torch.cat((sx.unsqueeze(0), xx[:-1,:]))
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(self.mm8_seq(rx, rw, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry))
k = self.mm8_seq(kx, kw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry).float()
v = self.mm8_seq(vx, vw, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry).float()
T = x.shape[0]
for t in range(T):
kk = k[t]
vv = v[t]
ww = t_first + kk
p = torch.maximum(pp, ww)
e1 = torch.exp(pp - p)
e2 = torch.exp(ww - p)
sx[t] = ((e1 * aa + e2 * vv) / (e1 * bb + e2)).to(dtype=x.dtype)
ww = t_decay + pp
p = torch.maximum(ww, kk)
e1 = torch.exp(ww - p)
e2 = torch.exp(kk - p)
aa = e1 * aa + e2 * vv
bb = e1 * bb + e2
pp = p
out = self.mm8_seq(r * sx, ow, omx, orx, omy, ory)
return x + out, xx[-1,:], aa, bb, pp
if os.environ["RWKV_CUDA_ON"] == '1':
def cuda_att_seq(self, x, sx, aa, bb, pp, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, v_mix, r_mix, t_decay, t_first, kw, vw, rw, ow, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry, omx, orx, omy, ory):
T, C = x.size()
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (C,), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
sx = torch.cat((sx.unsqueeze(0), xx[:-1,:]))
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(rx @ rw)
k = kx @ kw
v = vx @ vw
y, aa, bb, pp = cuda_wkv(T, C, t_decay, t_first, k, v, aa, bb, pp)
out = (r * y) @ ow
return x + out, xx[-1,:], aa, bb, pp
def cuda_att_seq_i8(self, x, sx, aa, bb, pp, ln_w, ln_b, k_mix, v_mix, r_mix, t_decay, t_first, kw, vw, rw, ow, kmx, krx, kmy, kry, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry, omx, orx, omy, ory):
T, C = x.size()
xx = F.layer_norm(x, (C,), weight=ln_w, bias=ln_b)
sx = torch.cat((sx.unsqueeze(0), xx[:-1,:]))
kx = xx * k_mix + sx * (1 - k_mix)
vx = xx * v_mix + sx * (1 - v_mix)
rx = xx * r_mix + sx * (1 - r_mix)
r = torch.sigmoid(self.mm8_seq(rx, rw, rmx, rrx, rmy, rry))
k = self.mm8_seq(kx, kw, kmx, krx, kmy, kry)
v = self.mm8_seq(vx, vw, vmx, vrx, vmy, vry)
y, aa, bb, pp = cuda_wkv(T, C, t_decay, t_first, k, v, aa, bb, pp)
out = self.mm8_seq(r * y, ow, omx, orx, omy, ory)
return x + out, xx[-1,:], aa, bb, pp
def forward(self, tokens, state, full_output=False):
with torch.no_grad():
w = self.w
args = self.args
if state == None:
state = [None] * args.n_layer * 5
for i in range(args.n_layer): # state: 0=att_xx 1=att_aa 2=att_bb 3=att_pp 4=ffn_xx
dd = self.strategy[i]
dev = dd.device
atype = dd.atype
state[i*5+0] = torch.zeros(args.n_embd, dtype=atype, requires_grad=False, device=dev).contiguous()
state[i*5+1] = torch.zeros(args.n_embd, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False, device=dev).contiguous()
state[i*5+2] = torch.zeros(args.n_embd, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False, device=dev).contiguous()
state[i*5+3] = torch.zeros(args.n_embd, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False, device=dev).contiguous() - 1e30
state[i*5+4] = torch.zeros(args.n_embd, dtype=atype, requires_grad=False, device=dev).contiguous()
seq_mode = len(tokens) > 1
x = w['emb.weight'][tokens if seq_mode else tokens[0]]
for i in range(args.n_layer):
bbb = f'blocks.{i}.'
att = f'blocks.{i}.att.'
ffn = f'blocks.{i}.ffn.'
dd = self.strategy[i]
dev = dd.device
atype = dd.atype
wtype = dd.wtype
if seq_mode:
if 'cuda' in str(dev) and os.environ["RWKV_CUDA_ON"] == '1':
ATT = self.cuda_att_seq if wtype != torch.uint8 else self.cuda_att_seq_i8
ATT = self.att_seq if wtype != torch.uint8 else self.att_seq_i8
FFN = self.ffn_seq if wtype != torch.uint8 else self.ffn_seq_i8
ATT = self.att_one if wtype != torch.uint8 else self.att_one_i8
FFN = self.ffn_one if wtype != torch.uint8 else self.ffn_one_i8
x = x.to(dtype=atype, device=dev)
kw = w[f'{att}key.weight']
vw = w[f'{att}value.weight']
rw = w[f'{att}receptance.weight']
ow = w[f'{att}output.weight']
if dd.stream:
kw = kw.to(device=dev, non_blocking=True)
vw = vw.to(device=dev, non_blocking=True)
rw = rw.to(device=dev, non_blocking=True)
ow = ow.to(device=dev, non_blocking=True)
kmx = w[f'{att}key.weight_mx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
krx = w[f'{att}key.weight_rx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
kmy = w[f'{att}key.weight_my'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
kry = w[f'{att}key.weight_ry'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vmx = w[f'{att}value.weight_mx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vrx = w[f'{att}value.weight_rx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vmy = w[f'{att}value.weight_my'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vry = w[f'{att}value.weight_ry'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rmx = w[f'{att}receptance.weight_mx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rrx = w[f'{att}receptance.weight_rx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rmy = w[f'{att}receptance.weight_my'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rry = w[f'{att}receptance.weight_ry'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
omx = w[f'{att}output.weight_mx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
orx = w[f'{att}output.weight_rx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
omy = w[f'{att}output.weight_my'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
ory = w[f'{att}output.weight_ry'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
x, state[i*5+0], state[i*5+1], state[i*5+2], state[i*5+3] = ATT(
x, state[i*5+0], state[i*5+1], state[i*5+2], state[i*5+3],
w[f'{bbb}ln1.weight'], w[f'{bbb}ln1.bias'],
w[f'{att}time_mix_k'], w[f'{att}time_mix_v'], w[f'{att}time_mix_r'],
w[f'{att}time_decay'], w[f'{att}time_first'],
kw, vw, rw, ow,
kmx, krx, kmy, kry,
vmx, vrx, vmy, vry,
rmx, rrx, rmy, rry,
omx, orx, omy, ory,
if dd.stream:
del kw, vw, rw, ow
kw = w[f'{ffn}key.weight']
vw = w[f'{ffn}value.weight']
rw = w[f'{ffn}receptance.weight']
if dd.stream:
kw = kw.to(device=dev, non_blocking=True)
vw = vw.to(device=dev, non_blocking=True)
rw = rw.to(device=dev, non_blocking=True)
kmx = w[f'{ffn}key.weight_mx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
krx = w[f'{ffn}key.weight_rx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
kmy = w[f'{ffn}key.weight_my'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
kry = w[f'{ffn}key.weight_ry'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vmx = w[f'{ffn}value.weight_mx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vrx = w[f'{ffn}value.weight_rx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vmy = w[f'{ffn}value.weight_my'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
vry = w[f'{ffn}value.weight_ry'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rmx = w[f'{ffn}receptance.weight_mx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rrx = w[f'{ffn}receptance.weight_rx'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rmy = w[f'{ffn}receptance.weight_my'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
rry = w[f'{ffn}receptance.weight_ry'] if wtype == torch.uint8 else x
x, state[i*5+4] = FFN(
x, state[i*5+4],
w[f'{bbb}ln2.weight'], w[f'{bbb}ln2.bias'],
w[f'{ffn}time_mix_k'], w[f'{ffn}time_mix_r'],
kw, vw, rw,
kmx, krx, kmy, kry,
vmx, vrx, vmy, vry,
rmx, rrx, rmy, rry,
if dd.stream:
del kw, vw, rw
if self.RESCALE_LAYER > 0:
if (i+1) % self.RESCALE_LAYER == 0:
x = x / 2
dd = self.strategy[args.n_layer]
x = x[-1,:] if (seq_mode and (not full_output)) else x
x = x.to(dtype=dd.atype, device=dd.device)
x = F.layer_norm(x, (args.n_embd,), weight=w['ln_out.weight'], bias=w['ln_out.bias'])
if w['head.weight'].dtype != torch.uint8:
x = x @ w['head.weight']
if seq_mode and full_output:
x = self.mm8_seq(x, w['head.weight'], w['head.weight_mx'], w['head.weight_rx'], w['head.weight_my'], w['head.weight_ry'])
x = self.mm8_one(x, w['head.weight'], w['head.weight_mx'], w['head.weight_rx'], w['head.weight_my'], w['head.weight_ry'])
return x.float(), state