AVS to BluRay SUP/PGS and BDN XML ================================= This program can be used to transform AviSynth scripts, which produce RGBA output, to BDN XML+PNG format. This in turn can be transformed into a SUP file, which can be used to master a BluRay disc with subtitles. Usage instructions ------------------ 0. If you want to build it: On Ubuntu: ``` sudo apt-get install mingw32 mingw32-binutils make ``` 1. Prepare subtitles. You can either produce subtitles in a normal format like SRT or ASS/SSA, or produce an RGBA video beforehand. 2. Create an AviSynth script. If you made a regular subtitle file, you can use something like this: ``` video=AviSource("video.avi") # This requires at least VSFilter 2.39 MaskSub("subtitles.ext",video.width,video.height, video.framerate,video.framecount) ``` If you created an RGBA video, do something like this instead: ``` AviSource("subtitles_RGBA.avi") FlipVertical() ``` 3. Run the program: ``` avs2bdnxml -t Undefined -l und -v 1080p -f 23.976 -a1 -p1 -b0 -m3 -u0 -e0 -n0 -z0 -o output.xml input.avs ``` 4. You get a BDN XML file in the following format: ``` 000000.png ``` 5. To convert output directly to BD .sup format, simply change extension for output file in programm call to .sup. **Don't use BDSupEdit or BDSup2Sub if you enabled -b for splitting images in multiple parts!** Detail informations on [doom9](http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=146493) > http://ps-auxw.de/avs2bdnxml/